Lithuanian National Commission for UNESCO

National Network

Šv.Jono 11, LT-01123, Vilnius

(+370 5) 210 73 41
Telephone (other)
(+370 5) 210 73 40
(+370 5) 210 73 43
Mobile Phone
+370 698 48413
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
. The Lithuanian National Commission for UNESCO has 25 members with approved period if 4 years (maximum of two terms). Members of the National Commission have no remuneration for their work. The Secretariat of the National Commission is a budgetary institution, assisting to the National Commission. It consists from 6 employees: Secretary-General, 3 Programme managers, administrator and the financial specialist; 2. Budgetary resources for 2006 – appr. 150 thousand EUR; 3. UNESCO financed projects, - appr. 60 thousand USD per year; 4. Concrete projects, seminars, everyday activities in drafting, evaluating and implementing programmes in compliance with the UNESCO mission; 5. State and municipal institutions and agencies, scientific, study, cultural establishments, NGOs, interested in education, science ,culture, human rights, environment protection, development of communication and information, etc.
Mission and Objectives

National Commission:
- ensure active participation of the Republic in UNESCO activities in drafting, evaluating and implementing programmes in compliance with the UNESCO mission;
- promotes the UNESCO mission, associate intelligentsia and scientific research fellows to draft and implement UNESCO programmes;
- drafting, planning and implementing important programmes and projects;
- develop cooperation with National Commissions of foreign states; etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Main areas of activities:
- education;
- science;
- culture;
- social and human sciences;
- information and communication.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Gintarė Tamašauskaitė (Secretary General)
Head of the organisation
Ms. Gintarė Tamašauskaitė (Secretary General)