
National Network

42, La Canebière
13001 Marseille

+33 4 96 11 04 60
Telephone (other)
+ 33 4 96 11 04 76
+33 4 96 11 04 77
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Space culture Association Law 1901 created in 1976, officially agreed by the Town of Marseilles and subsidized by PACA region and the Bouches du Rhône Department . The building, located in the middle of the city, shelters 22 employees and is opened to the public 6 days out of 7 to fulfill our mission of cultural information to general public and the promotion of the cultural activities suggested in Marseilles and in the region . Annual budget: 1,5 Million euro Principal manifestations : Meetings of Averroès, Biennial of Young Creators of Europe and the Mediterranean, Curtain rise (crossing of public the sport and culture), + of infos on our Internet site
Mission and Objectives

The association has as objectif to participate in the cultural development in the city of Marseilles , particulary for :
- the training actions , information counsil .
- to provide studies and services in the cultural field .
- The coordination , prefiguration and / or the organisation of the cultural manifestations in Marseilles .

Main Projects / Activities

Culture Space:
Publishing a monthly agenda for Marseilles ,reperatory guides by the artistic sectors .
Organizes a direct cycle and culture for the professionals .
Exempt the counsil to the cultural association .
Organizes and products Averroès meetings : round tables for : "
to think the Mediterranean of two rivers"
organizes and produces the Marseilles participation in Biennial Young Creators of Europe and the Mediterranean (Member of BJCEM association): selection of the artists, promotion, accompaniment, diffusion of their work, organization of workshops in amont de la Biennale

Contact (1) Full Name
Jean-Jacques Gilliard, directeur
Head of the organisation
Bernard Jacquier
Contact (2) Full Name
France Irrmann, responsable Pôle Evénements