
National Network

via Vezia 2
47921 RIMINI

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
EducAid fosters social and teaching innovation supporting research and realising educational projects and training activities, study visits, exchange of good practices between educators, teachers, students of different countries which aim to establish equal opportunities for all, highly valuing individual or group diversity as an enrichment for the community. The assembly of members support the mission of the organisation and operates through the Board (7 members) and the staff employed, which includes general director, executive director, 3 responsible for programmes, accountant, secretary, 2 expatriate staff, 4 local staff. Yearly turnover of activities is about 1.200.000,00 euro. Main sources of funding, which is based on projects, are the European Commission, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italian Local Authorities, UNICEF, private donations. Partners are NGOs, Ministries of Education, Local Authorities both in Italy and partner countries. EducAid is a member of International Disability and Development Consortium and Rete Italiana Disabilità e Sviluppo.
Mission and Objectives

EducAid is committed to help and cooperate in educational and social fields for:
• preventing and reducing the disadvantages and difficulties of persons with special needs and with social and cultural problems through social and educational intervention
• fostering social and teaching innovation by educational training and by supporting research and experimentation.
• Promoting the idea and the practice of “community education/training” in favour of a system based on widespread cultural awareness and active care and collaboration of different subjects present on a territory.
• Promoting the respect of human rights with particular attention to the rights of children, disabled people and disadvantages minorities. While encouraging the knowledge and the application of international conventions on the matter
• promoting politics which aim at intercultural contacts in favour of cultural and ethnic diversity.

Main Projects / Activities

EducAid works
In Europe: for Global Education through the cooperation of associations, schools, Local Authorities, Resource Centres.
In Occupied Palestinian Territories: for the promotion of “education to resilience”, “active learning”, school inclusion of children with disabilities, protection of the street children and working children through a mobile playbus, social inclusion of persons with disabilities.
In Armenia, Serbia, Azerbaijan: in support of the de-institutionalization process of children with disabilities or without parental care, through training of staff of social services, piloting of Case Management methodology, respite activities, alternative care services.
In Salvador, Bosnia Erzegovina, Kosovo: for the inclusion of children with disabilities, through assistance to the Ministry of Education and piloting of inclusive educational activities
In Senegal: for the prevention of AIDS and the promotion of functional literacy and vocational training for young women
In Tunisia: for the educational and social inclusion of people with disabilities and the development of University training courses for special educators.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EducAid intends to collaborate with schools and associations on the topic of the intercultural education, promoting youth exchanges, teachers study visits, piloting of intercultural educational activities, teacher training. EducAid wants to contribute to the ALF Network through its competences in the field of organisation of such activities, through the mobilisation of expertise on intercultural education and inclusive education, through the exchange of good practices on education and social, sharing of networks and partnerships. EducAid may also contribute to researches, through its consolidated partnership with the Faculty of Education of the University of Bologna.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

EducAid shares the idea that, thanks to the promotion of intercultural contacts, it's possible to improve mutual respect between different cultures and tolerance principle. Since its foundation EducAid promotes policies, actions which aim at intercultural contacts in favour of cultural and ethnic diversity; such as study visits for teacher and representatives of different partner countries to exchange good practices and experiences of happening in the field of education, the protection of the minors and social-inclusion.
The Mediterranean is an area of high interest where we developed direct experiences. EducAid is interested in promoting opportunities of intercultural exchange for youth, teachers and educators of the territory of Rimini. Moreover, we are committed to promote global citizenship within schools, with the assumption that a real citizenship should be based on the common belonging to humanity, on the common interest for the planet, on the peaceful coexistence. The ALF Network is an actual mean to promote the participation of civil society to the establishment of an inclusive Euro-Mediterranean area, a Mediterranean for all.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alessandro Latini
Head of the organisation
Ivo Giuseppe Pazzagli
Contact (2) Full Name
Alfredo Camerini