Theatre Day productions (TDP), a.k.a. Ayam Al Masrah

National Network
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Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
-Legal: Non Profit Company 'Ayam Al Masrah', English equivalent 'Theatre Day Productions', registered in East-Jerusalem in Nov 1995, changed to registration under Palestinian Authority Gaza in December 2000. Assembly of 10 shareholders, Board of 6 members, Daily management by Executive Committee of 3. Partner organizations: Tamasi network, based in Cairo & PAN (Palestinian Performing Arts Network) based in Ramallah (PA). Main Office in East Jerusalem with 4 staff, Gaza Branch with 16 permanent staff and 20 time specific project staff. -Sources of funding: TDP's Donor Consortium with European Developments agencies (NGOs and Governments); UNRWA. Annual budget around 1 million US Dollars. -Modalities of action: 1) 3-Year curriculum training for acting and drama-teaching; 2) 3-year curriculum training for video-animators; 3) youth theatre productions and (local) touring; 4) Drama and video-animation workshops for children and youth; 5) Annual drama festival in Gaza; 6) Awareness campaigns for promotion of drama in education and cultural community action in general, including drama-conferences; 7) International Exchange with partners in MENA region, The Netherlands, Sweden; recently also in USA. Main partners: -Locally: UNRWA; PAN network (Ramallah based), PA Ministries of Education and Culture -In MENA region: Tamasi network for performing arts in Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, and Lebanon (Cairo based) -In Europe: DICE network of theatre and drama companies in 11 European countries for drama research and promotion (
Mission and Objectives

TDP wants drama, theatre, and creative activities to be a regular part of the lives of young people in Palestine, so that they can find their individual voice, their sense of self, and discover their creative life; in stimulating these activities TDP aims to provide the foundation for a peaceful development of Palestine, one with respect for human (children’s) rights and civil society. TDP tries to realize this by working with the formal education systems and local organizations working with and for children and young people.

Main Projects / Activities

Acting and drama training for young Gaza adults (m/f), 3-year curricula.
Outreach to 35,000 under-privilidged children in marginalized areas
Productions of theatre plays, drama projects, video animation projects, all for children and youth.
Community awareness projects with teachers and parents.
International exchange with Arab and European partners.
Academic research for measuring the effect and impact of drama in Palestine (with European DICE network)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

TDP is the organization at the base of all drama and theatre development in Gaza. TDP contributes a vast outreach program (reaching 35,000 Gaza children and youngsters annually) as well as a community theatre and drama training center to the arts in Palestine. TDP creates youth theatre satellites all over Palestine. Its youngest satellites, created after years of intensive training and drama practice are: Yes Theatre, Hebron, and Pocket Theatre, East Jerusalem, Beit Qandil, Tulkarem. TDP can offer lectures and consultancies for cultural exchange, network building, drama education, community theatre, and theatre (incl artistic) management.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our artistic director, Mr Jan Willems, is the exaequo-winner of the ALF Euromedalex annual award in 2007. We thought we were member since the year 2005 but we cannot find our membership in the partners list.
Theatre Day Productions (TDP) is looking for partnerships with other mediterranean partners in art for joint artistic intervention and exchange. TDP can offer lectures and consultancies for cultural exchange, network building, drama education, community theatre, and theatre (incl artistic) management

Contact (1) Full Name
Jan Willems
Head of the organisation
Jan Willems
Contact (2) Full Name
Jackie Lubeck