Xarxa Internacional de Periodistes amb Visió de Gènere

National Network

Urgell, 104, sobre àtic, 08011 Barcelona

629 283 240
Telephone (other)
625 126 871
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
General Information
More than 200 journalists and communicators from media and associations of women who want to communicate or inform about what women do. The International Network of Women Journalists and Communicators of Catalonia is integrated in the International Network of Journalists with a Gender Vision. We have organized or participated in the annual meetings of International Network of Women Journalists and Communicators, Estatal Network, Mediterrean Network and International Network of Journalists with a Gender Vision. Sources of founding: ICD (Catalan Institut for Women), Office for the Promotion of Peace and Human Rights (Generalitat de Catalunya), IEMed (European Institute of the Mediterranean). Main partners: Anna Lindh Foundation, 39 y más, ACISI, ACSUR Catalunya, Associació Cultural IBN Batuta, Associació Món Comunicació, Ca la dona, Cooperacció, Dones x dones, Entrepobles, Fundación Euroárabe: Un altavoz para el silencio, Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània, Marxa Mundial de les Dones, Ones de dones (a Ràdio Gràcia), UNESCOCAT, Ennaki, Nosotras en el mundo.
Mission and Objectives

To denunce the invisibility of the work made for the women, the feminization of poverty in the world, and the internacional denunce for the right to live in PEACE and without violences against women and against any person.
This objectives are achieved through the work of the journalists and other communicators members of the network.

Main Projects / Activities

I Meeting of Women Journalists of the Mediterranean: Journalists, Mediterranean and the future (Barcelona, december 1995). Edition of the book of this meeting.
Media covering of the Social Forum of the Mediterranean (Barcelona, june 2005)
II Meeting of Women Journalists of the Mediterranean: “Communicate with another sight: a bridge for the peace and the human rights” (Barcelona, october 2007). Presentation of the show “Women of South Mediterranean”
Meeting of women journalists of the Mediterranean 2008 “Having 20 years in the Mediterranean (Barcelona, February 2008)
Meeting of writers and intellectuals for the intercultural dialogue (Barcelona, may 2008). Elaboration of recommendations for the Euro-mediterranean Ministerial Conference of Culture celebrated in Athens may 2008.
Round table “Loudspeaker against gender violence” (Barcelona, may 2008)
Women, journalist and conflict in the Mediterranean in the IEMed (Barcelona, September 2008). Agenda and recommendations to give a gender vision in the information about countries in conflict in the Mediterranean
II Meeting of Women Journalists and Communicators of the Mediterranean (Marrakesh, october 2008).
Starting of the Newsletter “Women, journalists and conflict at the Mediterranean (November 2009)

Contact (1) Full Name
Marta Ayora
Head of the organisation
Montserrat Minobis
Contact (2) Full Name
Marga Pont