The Anna Lindh Foundation Egyptian Intercultural Programme – June activities

EICP June 23

Within the ALF Egyptian Intercultural Programme which aims to support local cultural initiatives and events as well as foster synergies with institutions, mobilising the civil society, and networking on a local level, the ALF Secretariat organised several event at its premises in Alexandria during the month of June 2023.

On 1st June, on the occasion of the World Education Day, the ALF hosted at its headquarters in Alexandria a Symposium on Financing Education organised by the Social Association for Media. The symposium was attended by a group of local educational leaders, including directors of schools, directors of education departments, teachers, and Alexandrian personalities interested in education by civil society.

On 4 June, a live performance of a Cross-Cultural Quintet was hosted by the Austrian Cultural Forum and the Anna Lindh Foundation. The concert featured a cross-cultural quintet led by the talented Austrian violinist Marianne Brandstettner.

If your organisation is interested in organising its activities/initiatives at the Anna Lindh Foundation Secretariat in Alexandria (von Gerber house), please contact us at