Family Development Association

National Network
00970 592 724972
Mobile Phone
00970 592 724972
Mobile Phone (other)
00970 592 724972
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Organization structure is chief of board of Family Development organization, and staff number Budgetary resource: NGOs and INGOs. Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) concrete projects: Job creation for women and universities graduates. Exchange: locally with NGOs. Seminars and workshop: Related and partnership with organization. Main CRS, Mercy Corps, Aneara,Palestinian communication groups...ect.
Mission and Objectives

* To enable the Palestinian family to live in a safety environment.
* Vocational and technical training to students who are disabled and orphans.
* Giving lectures in ToT, communication skills.
* Health workshops for women and their children.

Main Projects / Activities

Mostly , the association has many projects including activities which are various in developing family as a whole via making fundraising in the the following :
* Palestinian Community Assistance Program ( PCAP .
* Gaza Emergency and Recovery Project
* Psychsocial Intervention Project for Palestinian Children and Parents - CAFOD.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Many ways to do that , as follows:
* face to face relationships.
* Technological methdos such as Facebook, Twitter, Radio, TV, and YOUTUBE.
holding workshops with peers and discuss activities ALF.
. Launching periodic meetings with members of Anna Lindha foundation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For many reasons as follows:
- To enhance the values of mutual cooperation.
- To promote the efficiency and effectiveness through making capacity of the organization.
to broaden the netting of the relations with Mediterranean see.
- To enrich the culture of dialogue among our organization locally, regionally and internationally.

Contact (1) Full Name
Salah Keshta
Head of the organisation
Nisreen Alzaaneen