
Finnish Institute of International Affairs

National Network

Arkadiankatu 23B
00100 Helsinki

+358 9 432 7780
+358 9 432 7799
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
The FIIA emphasizes the importance and usefulness of analytical information. The FIIA puts its aim into practice by conducting research, by maintaining networks of researchers at home and abroad, and by organizing lectures, seminars and conferences. The Finnish Institute of International Affairs was founded in 1961 on the initiative of the Paasikivi Society (Paasikivi-Seura). It is a private institute maintained by the Foundation for Foreign Policy Research (Ulkopolitiikan tutkimuksen säätiö), and it has a duty to assist the public administration. The Finnish Institute of International Affairs has 25 employees of whom 13 are researchers and 12 work in administration. The annual budget is around 1 million euros. The main partners are Finnish ministries, the parliament, foreign embassies, other research institutes worldwide and other governments worldwide.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA) is to promote the analytical discussion of international affairs in Finland and thereby to support decision-making in the field of foreign policy. The FIIA produces information that is up to date, suitably adapted and easy to digest. The main research areas are the EU's foreign, security and defense policies, Russia and its relationship to 'the West', transatlantic relations, terrorism, China's societal development and democratization in the Middle East.

Main Projects / Activities

The areas of emphasis in the FIIA's research are: Finnish foreign and security policy, EU foreign and security policy, The enlargement of the EU, Democracy and globalization: dialogue between the EU and Africa, The security of the Nordic-Baltic region, Russia and the EU, The Taiwan question, China’s transforming society. The Middle East project concentrates on Arab reforms and external influence on Middle East.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Mika Aaltola
Head of the organisation

Finnish Multicultural Sport Federation - Suomen Monikulttuurinen Liikuntaliitto ry (FIMU)

National Network

Valimotie 10
00380 Helsinki

+358 50 5511197
Telephone (other)
+358 45 1111 970
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+358 50 5511197
Mobile Phone (other)
+358 45 1111 970
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The Finnish Multicultural Sports Federation FIMU was founded by immigrants and Finns in 1999. The aim of the organization is to promote sports opportunities for immigrants and people of an immigrant background, and to safeguard the interests of all immigrant associations. Fimu comprises 64 sports clubs and multicultural associations throughout Finland, many of these realizing local projects for promoting equality, solidarity and anti-racism.
Sources of funding: Ministry of Education, EU, Foundations
Modalities of action: anti-racism media campaigns, sports events, seminars and projects promoting inclusion in sports
Main partners: Suomen Olympiakomitea, Boards of Sports of the metropolitan cities, Oikeusministeriö (ETNO), SETA, Allianssi, Ihmisoikeusliitto, Vammaisfoorumi, Jalkapallon pelaajayhdistys, PLAN Suomi, Monaliiku ry, Jyväskylän Yliopisto, TUL ry, Opetushallitus

Mission and Objectives

The Finnish Multicultural Sports Federation's aims are:
- To increase general awareness of multicultural sports and exercise in Finland.
- To ensure equal opportunities for sports and exercise for all immigrant people.
- To provide immigrant people with information and with the opportunity to learn from
one another.
- To support the FIMU´s multicultural member associations.
- To use sports as a tool to promote immigrants' integration and inclusion into the
Finnish society

Main Projects / Activities

Projects: Red Card for Racism, Discrimination Free Zone, Mamanet Sports for Immigrant women, Sports for Sustainability, P.L.A.Y! Peer Education, Leadership, Action, Youth - Promoting grassroots sport for educational success and social inclusion

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

FIMU has 64 associations - either founded by immigrants or multicultural associations as members. One of the main goals of the federation is to promote integration and good ethnic relations in the Finnish society through sports. FIMU has long-standing projects, such as Red Card for Racism and Discrimination Free Zone, with which to work towards those goals. With its member assocations, FIMU will be able to contribute to dialogue between cultures and other activities of the Anna Lindh Foundation and bring its experience and knowledge of being a civil society actor in the sports field to the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

FIMU wants to strengthen its networks and its co-operation channels for working on democratic, pluralistic, and multilateral values. FIMU is also interested in Euro-Mediterranean exchanges.

Contact (1) Full Name
Riitta Latvio
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr. Daud Mohamed, chair
Contact (2) Full Name
Hanna Sarkeala
Job Title (2)
Liason Manager

Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI)

National Network

P.O. Box 380

+358 295 331 000
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) operates under the Ministry of Education and Culture. It is responsible for developing education and training, early childhood education and care and lifelong learning, as well as for promoting internationalisation.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

EDUFI promotes internationalisation in education and training, working life, cultural field and among young people through international cooperation and mobility programmes as well as with a range of other activities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EDUFI is actively involved in international, European, national and regional networks as an expert member or an institutional network partner. EDUFI actively participates in the Euro-Med Youth network promoting understanding between cultures and facilitating contact making between organisations, assisting promoters in project planning and financial management, disseminating information and supporting the organisations to implement the projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kati Inkinen
Job Title
Senior Programme Advisor
Head of the organisation
Cover of the Finnish national literacy strategy 2030

Finnish national literacy strategy 2030

The National Literacy Strategy includes concrete objectives and measures for strengthening the diverse literacy skills of people of all ages in Finland. Sufficient tools must be developed for the assessment of literacy skills and literacy work. The aim of the...

Finnish Refugee Council

National Network

Elimäenkatu 15, 3. kerros
00510 Helsinki

+358 9 6962 640
Telephone (other)
+358 9 6962 649
+358 9 6962 6466
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Finnish Refugee Council was established in 1965. Along the decades the Refugee Council has evolved from a small actor dedicated to raising funds for the UN Refugee Agency into an NGO with numerous projects of its own. The FRC is a politically and religiously non-aligned non-governmental organization that cooperates with the UNHCR.
Mission and Objectives

The Finnish Refugee Council is an international specialist in refugee work. Its mission is to improve the basic rights of refugees, immigrants and returnees. The underlying principle is to support activity and participation among refugees. Project beneficiaries are involved in project activities from the planning phase onwards, in order to ensure that they identify with them and feel like their needs are paid attention to. The objective is that refugees improve their capacity to help themselves and their families.

Main Projects / Activities

The underlying principle is to support activity and participation among refugees. Project beneficiaries are involved in project activities from the planning phase onwards, in order to ensure that they identify with them and feel like their needs are paid attention to. FRC’s work abroad concentrates on the realisation of fundamental rights of refugees during refuge and after the repatriation process is over. Activities enhance poverty reduction and empowerment through education. Peace and Building People who have run away from a crisis are in great need of education. Return to war torn areas is difficult and help is needed, not only in basic skills training and the reconstruction of infrastructure but also in restarting peaceful cohabitation amongst communities. Currently FRC focuses primarily on adult education. The syllabus includes topics on health, hygiene, environmental protection and civic rights in addition to reading, writing and arithmetic. The majority of participants are women because their level of education and their status in refugee settlements and returnee communities are inferior to those of men. Currently the FRC works with refugees and returnees in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Uganda and Thailand. In Finland, the Refugee Council's social and educational work with immigrants and refugees started in the late 1990s. At the moment, the Finnish Refugee Council has offices in Finland in Helsinki, Tampere and Turku. Support for organizations, peer support, good living, courses that ease everyday problems, influence and information - this is all part of the work of the Finnish Refugee Council in Finland. The organization incubator is a project that offers information and support to immigrants for founding and running NGOs. The Kotilo-project develops tools for better living and helps solve conflicts between neighbors. Face to Face offers immigrants a possibility to handle personal questions in peer support groups. The VertaisKoto project develops a new model for refugee integration, coupling informative courses and peer support. The Finnish Refugee Council spreads information about refugee- and immigrant -related topics and publishes the magazine Pakolainen(Refugee). The Finnish Refugee Council partakes in discussion and policymaking on refugees and immigration. An essential basis for the work of the Refugee Council is broad cooperation with other NGOs and officials. The Finnish Refugee Council awards each year the title of Refugee Woman of the Year to a woman who has found an active place in Finnish society despite the burden of a refugee existance.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kim Remitz
Head of the organisation
Annu Lehtinen

Finnish UNESCO ASPnet / National Board of Education

National Network

PO BOX 380
00531 Helsinki

+358 2 95331050
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
General information 1. Network of schools (UNESCO-schools), 61 schools in total. 2. National coordination: 30 000 €/year. 3. Finnish national commission of UNESCO. 4. Latest example: The Great Volga River Route -project 5. Member-schools of the network. 6. None.
Mission and Objectives

Mission & Objectives The UNESCO-school network experiments with new approaches, tests the materials of UNESCO and spreads good practices that deal with global issues and the system of the United Nations; human rights and democracy; cultural heritage and cross-cultural learning and the protection of nature.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Projects/Activities The Great Volga River Route –project: this project was approved as an ICT cross-cutting project during the 32nd UNESCO General Conference and aims to address issues and provide solutions to the UN Millennium Development Goals; serve as a follow-up initiative to the Johannesburg World Summit for Sustainable Development in 2002 and to the final recommendations and documents of the World Heritage Youth Forum; serve as a concrete contribution to the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014); explore further and develop the effective use of ICTS to improve quality education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Counsellor of education Pekka Elo
Head of the organisation

Finnish-Arab Friendship Society (FAFS) / Arabikansojen ystävyysseura (AKYS)

National Network

c/o Ilona Junka, chair
Metsäpurontie 17 A 7
00630 Helsinki

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Finnish-Arab Friendship Society was founded 24.10.1977 (Lic 124 465). Business ID0774016-7 Fundraising licence RA/2018/1232. Auditor Antti Väliaho. Finnish-Arab Friendship Society (FAFS) has 230 members but no office nor any employees. In Tampere and Oulu FAFS has local activity groups. We have 9members in our board and all board members work without any compensation. Our annual income is somewhat over 5000 Euros consisting of membership fees and fundraising campaigns for Bethlehem and Gaza projects. Moreover the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland supports our development project 2019-2020 in Lebanon.

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission is to raise the friendship between Arab people and Finns, to speak about the difficulties people face in Arab countries because of Israel and because of their own dictatorial regimes. We try to speak also for Syria, Iraq and other Arab countries, but our activists are mainly concerned about Palestine and Palestinian refugees.

Main Projects / Activities

With the help of Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland we run a development project in Lebanon "Mental health fir groups with complex needs: A multidisciplinary model combining client centered and community approaches, North Lebanon. This project is based on the sponsorship program of FAFS, running since 1982. These activities we implement in close cooperation with Finnish Psychologists for Social Responsibility (FiPSR).

We publish our FAFS-journal twice a year in spring and in autumn. The autumn journal is made in cooperation with the Finnish Peace Committee. For reports we have Reports-serie ( We have web pages and facebook account We are active in politics, too.

We cooperate with other Finnish NGOs, which work for Palestine. We write petitions and we send letters to policy-makers. FAFS supports in Gaza the medical emergency work of Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS) and in WestBank, Betlehem, a psychosocial project together with Amjaad Community Development.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We deliver our journal and we can inform about our petitions and letters to policy makers.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that organizations which work for peace and are interested in Middle East problems, should cooperate or at least inform each other.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sirkku Kivistö
Job Title
Coordinator of the development project
Head of the organisation
Ilona Junka

Forum for Culture and Religion FOKUS - Kulttuuri- ja uskontofoorumi FOKUS

National Network

Hietalahdenranta 13
00180 Helsinki

+358 40 826 7777
Telephone (other)
+358 40 718 1163
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Religion
General Information
Culture and Religion Forum FOKUS implements and supports dialogue between cultures and religions from a christian background.
Mission and Objectives

FOKUS promotes constructive dialogue between religions and cultures by bringing together artists, scientists and people from faith inspired organizations to address common issues and discuss values. FOKUS builds bridges via discussions, exhibitions, art and publications. In the center of all activity we find values, ethical questions, and an assessment of different cultural phenomena. From its very beginning, FOKUS has striven to be non-denominational and ecumenical.

Main Projects / Activities

FOKUS has organized a CULTURE FORUM every other year. In 2006 Forum focused on Dialogue between cultures and religions, especially islam and christianity. 2008 topic was Identity and 2010 Migration and in 2012 Images of Virgin Mary in christianity and other religions. Forums are a meeting place for new ideas and different interest groups from artists to scientists. IMAM TRAINING -project 2012-2013: a survey conducted in co-operation with Finnish muslim umbrella organizations to find out the present demand for education among imams working in Finland. A follow-up project will search into the dimensions and composition of an educational programme for muslim spiritual workers in Finland – both male and female. UNAOC INTERFAITH HARMONY WEEK (2011-): facilitating and coordinating the planning and communications for the Finnish events. GLOBAL ETHIC -project: exhibition and teachers material 2009-2010. Together with the Global Ethic Foundation from Germany. Exhibition has been touring schools, congregations and ngo's during the past years. Publications: INTERFAITH DIALOGUE - tool kit for educators (published 2010) At the Center of the Sacred. Religions and Cultures – from Confrontation to Genuine Dialog. 2006 Culture Forum's material. (published 2007) EXHIBITIONS: Undocumented migrants in Europe: seminars and exhibition about immigrants coming outside Europe and living without papers in EU (2010 and 2011). Photo Exhibition by Katja Tähjä and Kaisa Viitanen. Architecture and The Sacred. Exhibition about Finnish Church architecture compared to European styles. 2000. Global Ethic. Since 2006 in co-operation with Stiftung Weltehtos.

Contact (1) Full Name
Virpi Paulanto
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Virpi Paulanto

Foundation of the Finnish Institute at Athens

National Network

Kalliolinnantie 4
00140 Helsinki

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

The Foundation of the Finnish Institute at Athens is a non-profit private foundation which maintains and supports the Finnish Institute at Athens (base: Athens, Greece). Its Board consists of 12 members representing the scientific, cultural and business communities. The staff at the Institute: director, assistant director, senior administrator, research assistant, caretaker, secretary, cleaner; the staff of the Foundation: general secretary. Budget per year ca. € 750.000. Sources of funding: governmental funding (state aid, ca. 60-70 %), other foundations, doners (private persons, companies). The modalities of action include archeological (fieldwork) projects, seminars, colloquiums, lectures, courses for students, teachers and other groups, publication, exhibitions, book launches, concerts. Main partners are other academic/archeological schools in Greece, academic institutions on international level (universities etc), ministeries in Finland and Greece as well as other Finnish institutes abroad.

Mission and Objectives

The Institute is an academic institution with a mission to carry out and promote the study of Greek archaeology, history, language and culture from ancient times to the present day. We aim to bridge the gap between the North-Eastern and South-Eastern corners of Europe, which especially now in the mid-2010s is quickly widening.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities include archeological projects (typically 2 to 3 going on every year), student courses, colloquiums, lectures, panel discussions, exhibitions, concerts, film screenings, book launches etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Aa a part of the network we can take part in planning and organzing events (discussions, exhibitions, school and day care projects, research etc.) and thus bring Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean to the genereal discussion on topics of this Network especially in Finland. This is more than needed.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

There is an ever-growing need of public dialogue and action that promotes the understanding of people from different backgrounds, taking into account cultural, linguistic, religious etc. facets. Together can be acheived more visibility, reach more people in wider reagions, than on one's own.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tiina Purola
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mika Kajava, head of the board of the foundation

Foundation of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East

National Network

Kalliolinnantie 4
00170 Helsinki

00358407320 776
Telephone (other)
00358 407756 877
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Non-profit foundation. One full-time, four part time employees. Yearly Budget approx. EUR 370 000 Funding from: The Ministry of Education of Finland, other public agencies, private funding Types of activities: Conferences, seminars, scholarships, student courses, other educational projects, cultural projects and events.

Mission and Objectives

The aim of Foundation of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East is to promote and support the research and teaching of the Middle Eastern languages and cultures. To fulfill its aim, the Foundation supports the Finnish Institute in the Middle East (FIME) and grants research and travel awards to graduate and advanced students as well professionals. The Finnish Institute in the Middle East is an academic institute that focuses on the study of Middle Eastern classic and modern languages, cultures, religions and societies. The Institute supports Finnish research on the Middle East and arranges teaching in the above-mentioned fields in cooperation with universities.

Main Projects / Activities

Regular Finnish Colloquiums of Middle East and North African Studies, visiting fellow programme, publication of the bilingual electronic article series Levant Letters, yearly courses for Finnish university students, concert tours in Lebanon of Finnish musicians.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anu Leinonen
Job Title
Head of Network
Head of the organisation
Ms. Anu Leinonen
Contact (2) Full Name
Ella Kaplas
Job Title (2)