Communicating the Mediterranean from a Feminist Perspective


Communicating the Mediterranean from a Feminist Perspective

Xarxa Europea de Dones Periodistes

The first issue of Comunicar el Mediterráneo con mirada feminista, a newsletter of the European Network of Women Journalists, has just been published, which was born as a continuation of the meeting of Mediterranean women journalists held in Barcelona at the end of 2021.
The newsletter, which was created with the aim of continuing to weave complicity between women journalists from both shores, focuses on the Mediterranean from a gender perspective and is written by journalists and communicators of different nationalities. The aim of this bulletin is to reflect on the role of women in this geographical area, the defence of human rights, freedom of expression, gender violence, climate change, and many other issues that, ‘as women and journalists, affect us’, as can be read in the presentation.
In this first issue there are 8 articles written from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Lebanon, Italy, France and opens with Palestine. The topics covered include male violence, sexual apartheid in sport in some countries, the lack of women in politics and the story of resilience in the face of a natural catastrophe.

In this first issue there are 8 articles written from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Lebanon, Italy, France and opens with Palestine. The topics covered include male violence, sexual apartheid in sport in some countries, the lack of women in politics and the story of resilience in the face of a natural catastrophe.
Comunicar el Mediterráneo con mirada feminista is published in Catalan, Spanish and English, and the second issue is scheduled for November. The project is supported by the Directorate General for the Promotion and Defence of Human Rights of the Department of Equality and Feminisms of the Government of Catalonia.

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