
International Institute for Social and Economic Studies (IISES)) - Internationales Institut für soziale und wirtschaftliche Studien

National Network

Wipplingerstraße 32/22
1010 Wien

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

Network of international experts in all areas of social and economic policies; elaborating reports and opinions on social and economic issues in Austria and abroad, in particular in emerging democracies; organizing seminars in the same area; funding through donations and contribution of participants; cooperation with likeminded organisations and institutions

Mission and Objectives

The Institute is committed to the principles and values of the Charter of the United Nations, in particular to respect the fundamental rights and dignity of alle human beings and of all nations. Its aim is to contribute to the development of sustainable social systems and fair econmic systems in particular in emerging democracies. The Institute is a non-partisan organisation and supports pluralist democracy.

Main Projects / Activities

Participation in an EU call for proposals on deradicalisation, Study on the impact of globalisation and isolationalism on future developments, aftermath-scenario of Pandemic and Recession;

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Close cooperation with other Network members,

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have been already member of the ALF Network under the name "Institut für soziale Studien und Forschung - Institute for Social Studies and Research". We changed the name, address, email and phone. So we kindly ask you to make the necessary adaptation in your data base and on the website. Kind regards Walter Schwimmer

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Walter Schwimmer
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Walter Schwimmer
Contact (2) Full Name
Haitham Abdelsamad
Job Title (2)

International Music + Media Centre (IMZ)

National Network

Stiftgasse 29
1070 Vienna

+ 43 (0)1 889 03 15
+ 43 (0)1 889 03 15 77
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
The Vienna based IMZ – International Music + Media Centre, founded under the aegis of UNESCO in 1961, is a professional umbrella organisation and networking platform. Over 150 member organizations and more than 1,500 individuals from 26 countries join the IMZ to meet the industry, to get inspired, exchange and network. IMZ members are renowned, major production and distribution companies, public or private broadcasters, opera houses, educational institutions, record labels as well as individuals like producers, directors, scriptwriters, musicians and dancers.
Mission and Objectives

Together with its members, the IMZ wants to strengthen culture and creativity in the audio-visual media. The IMZ is providing customised service and expertise for business – company or individual and is an advantageous network for its members. Furthermore the IMZ offers a forum for discussion, the stage for showcasing productions and exchanging industry-relevant information, a database and a lobbying group aiming to make a real contribution to the businesses of our members.

Main Projects / Activities

The IMZ organizes numerous events like markets, screenings, workshops, festivals and competitions and manages a database compilation of worldwide information on audio-visual music and dance programmes. Main activities are: The yearly Avant Première Music + Media Market Berlin, an international trade fair and expert’s forum for professionals in the cultural film industry. Avant Première brings together around 500 market players providing exclusive networking and business opportunities along with customised matchmaking, co-production and pitching formats. The IMZ Academy, an initiative that brings together professionals in the field of cultural film production, fostering intensive experience exchange, hands-on knowledge transfer and development of industry-specific skills for the next generation. Workshops, seminars and discussions providing in-depth information on current market moves or like-minded working groups collaborating on crucial subject matters to encourage a cross-disciplinary dialogue. Worldwide Music Film Festivals curated by the IMZ, like the yearly open-air Music Film Festival in front of the Vienna City Hall – the biggest and most successful event of its kind. Competitions like dance screen, one of the most important international festivals for dance films, or the Semi-Final Judging for the International Emmy® Awards are organized by the IMZ. Non-commercial film distribution via the initiatives “dance screen on tour” as well as “World music films on tour”, are aiming at bringing these genres to a wider public.

Contact (1) Full Name
Astrid Hafner-Auinger
Head of the organisation
Arild Erikstad (President), Franz Patay (Secretary General)

International Network for Educational Exchange (INEX)

National Network

Stauffergasse 43
A-1140 Vienna


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
INEX is a non-profit CSO with its main seat in Vienna, Austria. The organisational structure is based upon three divisions: At the heart of the organisation stands a team of 11 people from various academic and national backgrounds taking action for implementation of education for sustainable development. The Advisory Board consists of internationally reknowned academics and professionals, who support the strategic planning process, while the Student Ambassador Network transports the INEX mission through various countries in Europe. The yearly budget of around 150.000 Euro, is bundled in financially sustainable projects, while each contributes to the financial longevity of the organisation. INEX is funded through its network of partners in the academic and private sector as well as through participation fees.
Mission and Objectives

"We wish to see a world blessed with sustainble welfare for all."
A world featuring educational systems, that give every single human being in the industrialized world the horizon to understand the gobal impact of her actions, the ethical basis for compassion with her own human companions and the empowerment to implement change towards sustainable lifestyle and decision making for herself and her close surroundings.
“INEX is educating the leaders of tomorrow for sustainable development.”
By preparing future leaders for the world’s major challenges, sustainable environments can be envisioned and the world has a chance face a prosper future and healthy growth. Therefore INEX is spinning a network of educational institutions, corporate partners and other organizations in its quest to contribute to a better tomorrow.
INEX is working towards the attainment of the United Nations Millennium Development goals within the framework of the UNESCO Decade for Education on Sustainable Development.
This said, INEX creates innovative learning opportunities in order to prepare students for the challenges of a globalized world. Various traditional and non-traditional trainings and learning opportunities with top professors and consultants in Europe and Latin America, educational infrastructure as well as humanitarian aid programs are offered.
INEX has become a local competence center for Education on Sustainable Development by facilitating individual initiatives, student projects, research cases, local action agendas etc. With great appreciation the network has grown considerably, with partners all contributing their bits an pieces on the path towards a more sustainable lifestyle.

Main Projects / Activities

* INEX Summer University
* INEX Language and Culture Program
* INEX Young Leaders Program
* Competence center for Education on Sustainable Development
* INEX Café: the Multilogueforum
* Sustainability Challenge: Learning 2.0; interdisciplinary & hands-on
* Events and Conferences on a regional and international scale
* Sustainability Day: interactive training sessions
* Internships and Volunteerships: work experience abroad
* Tailor-made study abroad programs for various target groups
* Dooka laká: giving back to society through carbon offsetting, rainforest
conservation and supporting educational systems in third world countries

Contact (1) Full Name
Mag. Fabienne Babinsky

International Press Institute (Secretariat)

National Network

2 Spiegelgasse 2/29

+43 1 512 90 11
Mobile Phone
+43 676 956 9170
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
IPI is a global network of leading media executives and journalist from all over the world. Our secretariat is located in Vienna Austria carries out activities mandated in the IPI constitution, with input from IPI national committees and members all over the world and under the supervision of our board of directors. The major source of IPI’s funding comes from the dues paid by our members all over the world, approx. 45%, another 30-35%% comes from private foundations and corporations and 25-30% from government sources. IPI conducts conferences, events, and trainings globally on press freedom and journalism. We conduct direct advocacy missions throughout the world to promote press freedom, support the rights of journalist, and to raise awareness of violations. We partner with media professionals and companies, other organizations specializing in media and human rights related issues, and IPI will work with government organizations to address issues of common interest.
Mission and Objectives

The International Press Institute is a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists. We are dedicated to the furtherance and safeguarding of press freedom, the protection of freedom of opinion and expression, the promotion of the free flow of news and information, and the improvement of the practices of journalism.

Main Projects / Activities

IPI provides analysis of press freedom developments, advocates for the rights and safety of journalists. We also support journalists and the profession of journalism, advocate for people’s right to access of information in these ways:
• Monitoring and Awareness:
• Advocacy: IPI conducts advocacy missions each year. IPI delegates meet with high-level officials to push for Press Freedom.
• Research and Publication: IPI analysizes and reports on press freedom violations and related developments around the world publishing them on the IPI website (www.freemedia.at) and distributing them to IPI members and the media. IPI produces publications on topics in journalists and on press freedom issues.
• IPI Events: The IPI Annual World Congress and special event focus on press freedom and media issues and involve influential leaders in the news media industry.
• Journalism Training: IPI offers journalism training to select groups who other would not have access to such training.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mike Waltner
Head of the organisation
Alison Bethel McKenzie

Internationaler Versöhnungsbund - österreichischer Zweig (International Fellowship of Reconciliation Austria)

National Network

Lederergasse 23/3/27
1080 Vienna

+ 43 (0)1 408 53 32
+ 43 (0)1 408 53 32
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
General Information
Internationaler Versöhnungsbund - österreichischer Zweig (International Fellowship of Reconciliation Austria) is a registered NGO (ZVR number: 497260243) with an office in Vienna. We have 500 members, a steering committee consisting of six members, three employees and several volunteers. The yearly budget is around 100.00 Euros, the organization is mainly funded by its members. The Austrian Fellowship of Reconciliation is a branch of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR), an association of around 60 full and associate members worldwide. For the financing of individual programs and projects, we work together with governmental and non-governmental funding bodies, taking into account our mission statement. We are working on four different areas of action promoting peace and nonviolence. To achieve and accomplish in the areas of action, programs, and projects, we cooperate with partner organizations in Austria (e.g. Pax Christi, Diakonie Austria, Amnesty International, IPPNW-OMEGA) and internationally (e.g. FOR Peace Presence in Colombia, Ecumenical Accompaniment Program in Palestine and Israel, the Centre for Nonviolent Action Sarajevo and Belgrade) either in long-term programs or on a project-to-project basis. We are member of the Austrian Peacebuilding Platform, Abolition 2000, the Control Arms Campaign, and the International Campaign for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons (ICAN).
Mission and Objectives

Our mission
As a part of the international peace movement, the Austrian branch of the Fellowship of Reconciliation is actively and non-violently working for a just and sustainable peace.
Our Vision

The Fellowship of Reconciliation strives for a world in which the life, dignity, freedom, and individuality of every person are at the center of society and politics, and non-violence is realized as the principle of action. In this world, guided by the idea of reconciliation, suppressing, inhuman structures and ideologies are replaced with a culture of peace, stemming from religious and humanitarian traditions.

Main Projects / Activities

In our concrete actions, we connect peace activism with peace policy. In this, we offer all those who would like to engage in peace work the possibility to learn the theoretical and spiritual principles as well as the practical methods of active non-violence. The four areas of action described constitute the framework of our commitment, which is further developed in our programs. Furthermore, all initiatives and activities of our members in line with our statement of purpose are welcome.
Peace Culture
"That since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed" (UNESCO Constitution). In this sense the Fellowship of Reconciliation strives for the advancement of basic attitudes and values, which overcome our present culture of war and violence.
Program: Thinking Peace! Living Peace!'
With workshops, conferences, non-violent actions, and media campaigns we would like to contribute to a change of public discourse, which portrays violence as an essential means to conflict resolution. We would like to make accessible the diverse possibilities of non-violence to as many people as possible. In particular, we focus on the idea that peace can only be established together rather than against each other. We pay special attention to the role of religions in justifying war and violence, but also in achieving peaceful coexistence, the disclosure of discreet reasons for war, and for taking responsibility of people for violence and war on personal, social, and political level.
Peacebuilding and Demilitarization
The Fellowship of Reconciliation advocates for an active, nonviolent peace policy in Austria, the European Union, and beyond. This means a pacifist foreign and domestic policy, which strictly opposes the in participation in wars, which enacts comprehensive disarmament and promotes mediated conflict de-escalation on an international level. It also promotes financing of peace-related research and initiatives for nonviolent conflict resolution domestically and abroad. By actively participating in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, active peace policy contributes to the overcoming the economical and environmental causes of war and violence.
Program: Priority for Civilian Means
With public campaigns and lobbying, we advocate for the introduction of Civil Peace Services in Austria and the EU.
Through our participation in the "Austrian Peacebuilding Platform" and through statements and advocacies with government agencies, we promote the priority of civil conflict resolution and aim to have this approach reflected in Austrian foreign and peace policy and strategy.
International Solidarity and Cooperation
The Fellowship of Reconciliation supports nonviolent initiatives in war and conflict zones through solidarity action, mutual visits, delegations and pilgrimages, etc. We also send peace workers in pilot projects of nonviolent conflict resolution, which serve as a model for the planned introduction for the Civil Peace Services. This can include a variety of measures such as, human rights monitoring, protection accompaniment, advocacy, training, mediation, etc. Any support measure of the Fellowship of Reconciliation is carried out at the request of local nonviolent initiatives in a non-patronizing, cooperative, and culturally sensitive manner.
Peace Presence in Colombia
eacebuilding in the Near and Middle East
econciliation in the Western Balkans
Economy for Peace
We are working on the analysis of the relationship between capitalism, war, and the destruction of the environment. The Fellowship of Reconciliation is primarily concerned with political control and the eventual elimination of the military-industrial complex, as it is a main factor in arms races and war causes. We wish to contribute to the termination of this immense waste of intellectual and material resources for war, and the preparations of war.
Program: Life Without Armaments
As a contribution to the efforts to establish a fair and ethical economy, we pursue the goal of arms control and conversion in Austria.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to provide our long term expertise in nonviolence, nonviolent communication, education and training. Our broad source of nonviolent theory and practical experience can be an added value to the abundant knowledge of how to strengthen democracy, human rights and humanistic values. We can contribute analysis of structures and conflicts and how to promote dialogue and mutual understanding.
We are able to share our long term experience in networking on national, international and intercultural level and how to include diverse prospects and concepts.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

During the UN "International Decade for the Promotion of a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World" (2001-2010) the Fellowship of Reconciliation was one of the leading organizations to promote the aims of the Decade in Austria and we would like to continue the exchange of ideas for the advancement of basic attitudes and values, which overcome our present culture of war and violence.
We would also like to exchange and deepen  the discovery of spiritual and humanitarian roots and patterns of peace and nonviolence in various cultures, ideologies, and religions as well as promoting the spiritual empowerment of non-violence. Thus we hope to strengthen the social fabric and solidarity on a national, international and intercultural level.
Having a long relationship with nonviolent organizations in Israel and Palestine, we would like to broaden and deepen relationships with organizations of the Mediterranean that share the values of a culture of peace and dialogue. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Irmgard Ehrenberger
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation
Heinz Spindler

Interreligious peace conference "Peace starts with me"

Peace starts with me

On September 1st, 2023, the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) Austria, in collaboration with the Kriya Yoga Foundation, organised an interreligious peace conference titled "Peace Starts With Me" to commemorate the 11th anniversary of UPF's Founder Dr. Rev. Sun Myung Moon's ascension. Attended by 140 participants and moderated by Ms. Elisabeth Cook, President of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, Austria, the event emphasised the importance of interfaith dialogue in fostering understanding and respect among religions. Mr. Peter Haider, President of UPF Austria, highlighted the need to tear down religious walls. The panel featured Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, Professor Ismail Yasin, Venerable Ruchun, and Dr. Joshua Sinclair, who shared insights on peace from various religious and philosophical perspectives. The event concluded with the appointment of Paramahamsa Prajnanananda as an Ambassador for Peace, who presented gifts to the speakers and organizers.

Weltfriede / World Peace

Intersectoral Dialogue, Empowerment and Actions for Inclusion of Vulnerable Youth in Europe

Intersectoral Dialogue, Empowerment and Actions for Inclusion of Vulnerable Youth in Europe

The COVID-19 crisis posed numerous challenges for organisations and institutions working to promote the inclusion of disadvantaged youth. Simultaneously, the issue of inclusion for many of these youth groups largely disappeared from the public radar during the pandemic. Measures such as remote learning, closure of public spaces, and the absence of extracurricular activities exacerbated existing exclusionary mechanisms. To adapt to the current situation and continue supporting their target groups, many organisations and educational institutions working with various demographics have developed creative measures.

Despite various barriers, including psychological, practical, and systemic obstacles, building cross-sector networks and sharing best practices is essential. The project's mission is to facilitate the exchange of experiences and best practices and promote cross-sector collaboration among organisations working with vulnerable youth to enhance inclusion efforts in various domains and raise the profile of inclusion in public discourse. It aims to establish cross-sector networks at the national and international levels to develop methodologies based on best practices from various fields, inspiring other youth workers to do the same.

IDEAZ - Intersectoral Dialogue, Empowerment and Actions for Inclusion of Vulnerable Youth in Europe - IZ - Vielfalt, Dialog, Bildung

ipsum - interkultureller Kunstverein

National Network

Thelemangasse 5/10
A-1170 Vienna


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
ipsum is a registered Austrian association (Verein). The staff is project-oriented organized and paid (4-8). The association´s board works mainly voluntarily. Budgetary resources depend on specific projects (2008: 35.000€, 2009: expected to be 50.000€) and are funded by the City of Vienna, the governmental organization ADA (Austrian Development Agency) and other NGOs and local partners. ipsum accomplishes concrete projects in the form of workshops, exhibitions, seminars and activities in public space. The basis of all of these actions is intercultural dialogue through pictures. Main partners are Südwind Agency (Vienna), Sanjan Nagar Institute of Philosophy and Arts (Lahore), Südwind Salzburg and local partners depending on specific projects.
Mission and Objectives

The association of ipsum acts in both cultural and educational domains. All activities implemented are characterized by two aspects: self-expression and interpersonal exchange – beyond cultural, political, linguistic, religious and geographical borders.
All projects implemented since 2003 share one common basis:
A fair and conscious approach towards photography enables the fair trade of photos, while generating an intercultural dialogue around the images.
3 pillars of ipsum:
1. Conscious approach towards images/photography
2. Dialogue in pictures
3. Fair trade/handling with photography
5 targets of ipsum:
1. ipsum encourages people in countries of the South and North to tell their own stories through pictures.
2. ipsum elicits insights into different realities and ways of life
3. ipsum broadens perspectives within global photography reporting
4. ipsum discusses and promotes the fair and conscious handling of pictures
5. ipsum aims at a fair trade with pictures

Main Projects / Activities

To implement the 5 targets ipsum organizes workshops, seminars and exhibitions.
In the workshops the participants are encouraged to express themselves and tell their stories through photography. The different stories are discussed in a heterogeneous group which enables the participants to get an insight into other realities.
At the end of every workshop an exhibition is planned where each participant can choose whether he/she wants to present his/her pictures.
Subsequent exhibitions in Austria provide the public with an insight into a broad and diverse world of images that has been created by workshop-participants. An active and conscious reflection on pictures is made possible in seminars, through activities in public space (based on posters and interviews) and via the internet.
Following ipsum-workshop and exhibition have been implemented:
Angola 2003
Austria 2004
Pakistan 2004
Austria 2005
Pakistan 2005
Afghanistan 2006
Austria 2008

Contact (1) Full Name
DI Erik Hörtnagl
Head of the organisation
Vera Brandner
Contact (2) Full Name
Katrin Meßner

Islamic Religious Authority of Austria / Islamische Glaubensgemeinschaft in Österreich (IGGiÖ)

National Network

Presidential Offices: Bernardgasse 5, 1070 Vienna/AUSTRIA;
Departments: Neustiftgasse 117, 1070 Vienna/AUSTRIA


+43 523 3645-28
Telephone (other)
+43 523 3645-23
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
The IGGiÖ is a corporation under public law and the official representation of Austrian Muslims. It serves as an umbrella organisation of more than 250 Muslim associations in whole Austria. There are IGGiÖ-branches in 8 of the 9 Austrian provinces. The main responsibility of the IGGiÖ is the state-funded supply of Islamic religious education at Austrian public and private schools. About 60.000 pupils of Islamic confession attend Islamic religious education lessons. Beside the IGGiÖ is providing all services related to Islamic care-taking, f.e. in hospital, military services, marriages, burrials etc. The organisation is running different institutions to train Islamic religious teachers. Also they offer kindergartens and private Islamic schools. The main partner in the organisation's responsibilities is the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture. The President of the organization and its officials are working on a honorary basis. The President is elected according to its Constitution every four years. Since 2011 Dr. Fuat Sanac, he is of Turkish origin, is the acting president. The Muslim communities in Austria are mainly with a Turkish background, followed by Bosnian and Arab associations. The estimated percentage of Muslims living in Austria is 6,2% (EU-Standard is about 3,5%; as of 2013).
Mission and Objectives

According to the Constitution the tasks of the IGGiÖ concern primarily “the keeping and care of religion among the followers of Islam”. Furthermore the IGGiÖ is linking-up between governmental and civil institutions. The dialogue with the Austrian non-Muslim society is a major objective to combat prejudices and stereotypes by offering information on Islam and Austrian Muslims and promote a more active participation of Muslims in Austrian society.

Main Projects / Activities

Beside the official responibilites of the Islamic Religious Authority in Austria, the organisation is very committed in dialogue activities. The IGGiÖ organized with the support of the Austrian Foreign Ministry and other governmental authorities 4 "Imam-Conferences", in 2003, 2006 and 2010 on European level (incl. Shia representation) and in 2005 an Austrian Imam-Conference. Dialogue affirming declarations have been issued on these conferences with special consideration of supporting women in inter-religous dialogue. On national level the IGGiÖ is implementing various initiatives, f.e. training programmes for female spiritual advisers in Muslim communities and so-called dialogue officers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Offer an outreach to the Muslim communitites in Austria for initiatives related to inter-religious dialogue,further education programmes etc. Encourage the participation of Muslim youth and Muslim people living in Austria in the issues of the ALF activities and the foundation's mission. Promote exchange and networking with other NGOs withing the Austrian and the Mediterranean societies relatied to dialogue of cultures.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To add the voice of a religous minority in the network's actions, also with the aim to encourage Austrian Muslims to participate in projects, network-activities and offer the possibility of exchange within the Austrian NGO-society and the international one.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Agnes Tuna - Associated Adviser
Head of the organisation
Dr. Fuat Sanac - President
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Zekirija Sejdini - Head of Shura Council, Press Officer

IZ Salon – Youth Inclusion across Europe

IZ Salon – Youth Inclusion across Europe

Hosting a group of experts from civil society from Europe and its neighborhood (Romania, Spain, Slovakia, Armenia), IZ – Verein zur Förderung von Vielfalt, Dialog und Bildung takes the opportunity to invite everyone interested to exchange know-how and experiences on the impact of Covid-19 on youth inclusion.

The aim of the event is to better understand, in which ways the Covid-19 Pandemic has changed the lives of vulnerable young people to gain more clarity about what kind of support they need now. How can disadvantaged youth be strengthened and their social inclusion fostered in times of Covid or other crises?

When: 30 May 2022 at 6pm
Where: Schraubenfabrik, Lilienbrunngasse 18, 1020 Wien
Topic: Youth Inclusion across Europe – Lessons from the Pandemic

Registration requested by 25 May (noon): office@iz.or.at