

National Network

Franz-Josefs Kai 27/1
1010 Vienna

+43 1 533 87 47-36
Telephone (other)
+43 1 533 87 47-0
+43 1 533 87 47-66
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
M-MEDIA is an NGO dealing with the phenomenon of migration in the Austrian media. News in mainstream media is mainly focused on migrants who are victims or perpetrators. Who, summed up, might represent around two percent of the total migrant population. The other 98 percent doesn’t come up in the news. Source of funding depends on Projects: City Council of Vienna, The EU, the Austrian Government. Concrete projects are available here: http://www.m-media.or.at/projekte/
Mission and Objectives

-Motivate Migrants to be Journalists and shape their own Image into Mainstream Media
-Support mainstream Journalists to report on Migrants not only as victims or perpetrators
-Organisation differents Symposium and Mediafair in order to give another immage of People with migrant background
- Encouraging Diversity in our society

Contact (1) Full Name
simon INOU
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Macht und Sprache im Alltag Potentiale diskriminierungskritischer Sprache für die Jugend- und Bildungsarbeit

Demokratie Zentrum Wien

Zeit: 12.05.2023 09:30

Ort: Online

Veranstalter*in: wienXtra

Der Aufruf zur „Political Correctness“ wird seit längerer Zeit mit Vorwürfen der Zensur und Einschränkung der Meinungsfreiheit in Verbindung gebracht. Im Kern geht es bei „Political Correctness“ allerdings um die Reflexion und Bewusstseinsbildung über Machtstrukturen. Als Perspektive für die Bildungs- und Jugendarbeit ergeben sich daher Ansatzpunkte für eine (selbst-)kritischere, inklusivere und solidarischere Praxis.

In diesem Seminar setzen wir uns mit der Macht von Sprache und dem Recht auf Meinungsfreiheit auseinander. Was ist mit diesem Recht gemeint und was nicht? Wann sind Zuschreibungen diskriminierend und warum? Wie können wir aktiv daran arbeiten, unsere Sprache diskriminierungsfrei(er) und damit inklusiver zu gestalten? Wir diskutieren die gesellschaftspolitischen Hintergründe und Implikationen von Meinungsfreiheit sowie ihre Bedeutung für eine demokratische Gesellschaft.


Für mehr Informationen klicken Sie hier!


National Network

Römergasse 21, 1160 Wien

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
the non profit organisaion Makamhane works in Vienna with universities, culture centers and official departments, the budgets are round 20.000 Euro, the funding is through sponsoring, financial helps from departments by projects, which are seminars, concerts, meetings, workshops, exhibitions, journeys, educations; partners are in Vienna: MA17, Ma7, University of Orientalistic, Institut of Music science, Vereinsplattform Ottakring,..
Mission and Objectives

Makamhane- east and west in resonance- establishes art and science relationships and projects between Austria and the middle east

Main Projects / Activities

through many years the teaching and networking round about classical oriental maqam music was the basic, integrationprojects and interreligious projects were also developed, researches in social ethnologic fields, Orientalistic and Music Sciences had been started too, cultural exchanges between eastern and european people are the main ambitions

Contact (1) Full Name
Denis Mete

Marriage without Borders - EHE OHNE GRENZEN

National Network

Zollergasse 15/2
1070 Wien

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
General Information

General Information EHE OHNE GRENZEN (EOG) (Marriage without Borders) is a "Verein" (non-governmental and non-profit association) fighting against regulations which inhibit a joint family life. The initiative considers itself an exchange and information/counseling platform for bi-national families and partnerships; a platform which keeps growing in knowledge, commitment, and experience through its members. Structure/Board The board is working voluntarily and consists of six members (1. chairwoman, 2. chairwoman, secretary, cashier and accountant). Furthermore there are consultants. All of them work voluntary as well. There is one part time employee. The association can be joined in form of a membership. The association funds itself by donations. Partners for exchange and networking are associations and campaigns with similar focus in Austria and Europe (e.g. SOS Mitmensch, Helping Hands, Peregrina, Fibel, Asfamix, Les Amoureux au pan public, Aegteskabudengraenser, Verband-Binationaler, ECB-Plattform etc.) Sources of funding Donations, Membership fees; Budgetary resources 2014 € 1853,63

Mission and Objectives

EHE OHNE GRENZEN (EOG) is the direct response to the Alien Rights Bill ("Fremdenrechtspaket") which has massively infringed upon the quality of life of bi-national couples since its enactment on January 1st, 2006. Marriage no longer warrants the right to residence or the right to a joint family life. Furthermore marriage no longer provides access to the job market. At the same time bi-national couples are confronted with a range of stereotypes and prejudices. The initiative’s main objective is equal rights for bi-national couples - married or living in a joint household. People from all ways of life, with various professional backgrounds and from many different nations via their activities are making visible to the general public that their desire and capability to live in Austria as an integral part of Austrian society is very real.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Projects / Activities • Consulting and Information • Networking and Exchange • Awareness Raising: Equal rights for bi-national couples as a mission; Modalities of Action Consulting Days, Networking and Exchange (ECB-Conference), Crew Training, Awareness Raising Actions, Scholarships, Report on the Situation of binational Couples and Families in Austria and more.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The work of the association reflects and deals with the diversity of families living in Austria. EOG supports families with the wish to settle in Austria by offering orienting information and true-to-life advice in the field of family life, family reunification, the national alien bill, settlement and citizenship. EOG promotes a modern family picture and wants to improve mutual understanding in the society. It therefore supports the people of concern and their role as equal members of society. Through personal experience the members of EOG have become experts in the area of the very complex Alien Bill and are establishing a set of ‘best practice’ strategies in dealing with the discrimination on behalf of authorities. The initiative is very much a 'group in process’ and acts in a dynamic and innovative fashion. Members contribute their skills, strengths, and interests at the regular meetings thereby initiating and developing activities for the general public. With this expertise and its many years of experience EOG can contribute to the Austrian network and the Anna Lindh Foundation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The initiative considers itself an exchange platform for bi-national families and partnerships; a platform which keeps growing in knowledge, commitment, and experience through its members. Right from the start EHE OHNE GRENZEN established alliances and started networking with various NGOs and human rights organizations. EHE OHNE GRENZEN wants to increase its networking and exchange activities in the future to improve its role as an exchange platform, especially in the field of residence and settlement rights. A membership in the ALF Network would support that goal strongly. EHE OHNE GRENZEN shares the values of the foundation and wants to support the task to overcome existing misunderstandings and stereotypes which affect relations between and within societies. The promotion of diversity and peaceful coexistence, the deconstruction of prejudices and the encouragement of mutual understanding within societies are not just overall aims of the association; those are the life attitudes and goals of its members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Julia Bruch, B.A.
Job Title
Project Assistant
Head of the organisation
Mag. Margarete Gibba, Bakk.

Mediterranean Youth Development Empowerment Action Lab – a long-term research initiative


In the dynamic and diverse Mediterranean especially in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), the youth face unique developmental challenges that require innovative and multi-dimensional solutions. This has resulted in a growing demand for programs that not only address these inequities but also harness the potential of young individuals to contribute to their communities. In this regard, the Mediterranean Youth Development Empowerment Action Lab (MYDEAL) was launched as a continuous holistic response to youth challenges in the MENA region. MYDEAL aims to bridge the current youth disparities and challenges through a capacity-building framework to support empowerment, action, and experiential lifelong learning.

More info can be found here.

Menschenrechtskonferenz 2023 in Wien


Wann: Mittwoch, 27. bis Freitag, 29. September 2023

Wo: Wien

Ende September 2023 findet in Wien die internationale Konferenz „UN World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna 1993 – Strengthening Imperatives 30 Years After“ statt. Das Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Grund- und Menschenrechte ist Mitorganisator.

Für mehr Informationen klicken Sie bitte hier!

Muslimische Jugend Österreich

National Network

Eitnergasse 6/5
1230 Vienna

+43 6506304360
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Religion
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The aim of the Muslim Youth Austria is to serve young Muslims with an Austrian-European identity and to break the walls of prejudices against Muslims in Austria, which means to work intensively with people of all faiths and backgrounds. The German-speaking, multi-ethnic youth association is funded by the Austrian Ministry of Youth and local governmental funding agencies. Today, the Muslim Youth Austria acts nationwide and provides a platform for young people giving them the opportunity to develop, rise and participate as active citizens. In the month of Ramadan thousands of youngsters help people in need within our project Fast, Share, Help. “Allah Unser” (Our Allah) is further project in cooperation with the Catholic Youth of Austria. It is designed to bring together young people of both beliefs and to get to know each other’s religion. We thrive for the empowerment of young women and promote gender equality with projects such as Mentoring and Fatima.
Mission and Objectives

The Austrian-Muslim identity is an interreligious identity. Living the Austrian-Muslim identity means to engage with people of all faiths and work for a better society.
The Muslim Youth Austria promotes education of young people, their active participation in society, interfaith mediation, as well as gender equality combined with contemporary comprehension of Islam and a strong connection to Austria. These emphases were not only innovative in the past, but even today they form the cornerstone of pioneer work in the ongoing development of the Austrian society.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Camps
Each summer and winter hundreds of young people come together from all over the country to take part in the winter and summer camps where they find a huge variety of leisure activities. These adventurous days offer sports activities such as snowboarding, tobogganing, rafting, hiking, football, swimming and mountain biking.
Beside a range of leisure activities emphasis is also put on educational, intellectual and spiritual content: numerous workshops and lectures about socio-political, religious or current topics that concern young people are part of the program as well as congregational prayers and a spiritual atmosphere.

Fast, Share, Help: “Ramadan: Sharing without borders!”
It is one of the most successful social projects Austria has ever witnessed at the grassroots level. Approximately 2.000 young people from all over Austria were engaged during Ramadan to help and share with the poor, helpless and estranged people of society like the homeless, the handicapped, and the elderly in retirement homes or asylum seekers. Teenager of different faiths came together with the goal of humanitarian aid for the weakest in society no matter what they believe in or where they come from.

Multi-ethnic Iftars
Iftars in the month of Ramadan are welcoming opportunities to share one’s believes and opinions with fellow citizens by inviting them for a dinner. The MJÖ not only hosts Iftars for the leaders of youth organizations and societal multipliers but also for the common people at the grassroots level. Only last Ramadan we have invited 3000 people to come and to eat with us and to understand the meaning of Ramadan regardless of faith and ethnic background.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a multi ethnical youth organisation with young people from more than 40 different countries and backgrounds. For approximately 20 years we are working in the field of diversity, interfaith and intercultural dialogue . To contribute to the Network we would be happy to share our experiences and experties.
As a group of young people we are innovative and have lot's of ideas we would like to work on within the community of ALF. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to connect with people from different cultures but also within the network of Austria . We would love to share our experiences in the field of youth work and we are keen on bonding with other organisations from various areas. A network like ALF is beneficial for any organisation because of its variety of members. It helps to network within networks and get connected. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Tugba Seker
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Amira Al Khatib Al Tamimi

Oikodrom - the Vienna Institute for Urban Sustainability

National Network

Stutterheimstraße 16-18
1150 Vienna


+43-1-984 23 51
+43-1-984 23 51-2
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Oikodrom is a private research institute founded in 1994 by Heidi Dumreicher. It generates future images and strategies for human settlements in countries all over the world - from Europe to China and to the Mediterranean Islamic countries - under a concept of strong sustainability. The Oikodrom-team creates mental and physical spaces where change can come about. The emerging future scenarios contribute to the creation of systemic knowledge as well as to the participatory implementation of sustainability processes in human settlements. Oikodrom National and International Cooperation Partners and Networks Ader Fez, Agence pour la Medina de Fes, Morocco Ambiente Italia, Milano Ars Electronica Center, Linz Augusto Boal, Rio de Janero Austrian Foundation of Agricultural Studies Austrian Research Center Seibersdorf, Environmental Planning Department Bei Da, Peking University, China Center for Sustainable Cities, Lexington, KY, USA Centre National de Recherche en Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle, OranEl M'Naoue, Algeria Cemagref - Institut de recherche pour l'ingénierie de l'agriculture et de l'environnement) China Agricultural University, CIAD, Beijing, China China Center for Town Reform and Development, State Council - CCTRD, Beijing, China City of Vienna, MD-EU Garabet Film, Luxemburg Hua Yu Design ltd., China IFEAD - Institut Francais d'Etudes Arabes Damasc, Syria International Cooperation Division, Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Center, Ministry of Land and Resources - LCRC, Beijing, China JB Architecture, Beaune, France KLF, Austrian Ministry of Education, Research and Arts Middle Eastern Technical university Ankara, Turkey Mimar for Engineerign Consultancy, Cairo, Egypt Minotaurus Film, Luxembourg Mountain-River-Lake Development Office of Jiangxi Province North Energy Associates Ltd., Great Britain NPO Sustain, Graz, Austria Regionalforum Wien 15, Austria Sans Mimarlik, Turkey Sheffield Hallam University, Resources Research Unit, School of Environment and Development, Great Britain Town House Gallery, Cairo, Egypt Université de Constantine, Laboratoire Villes et Patrimoine, Algeria Universite D. Liabes, Sidi Bel Abbès, Algeria University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Institute of Silviculture, Vienna, Austria University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Institute of Sanitary Engineering and Water Pollution Control, Austria University of Kassel, Department of Landscape and Urban Planning, Germany University of Liverpool, Great Britain University of Vienna Department of East Asian Studies/Chinese Studies University of Vienna, Institute of Risk Research University of Zhengzhou, China University of Shanxi, North China Centre for Cultural Studies Via Maris Inc, Gaza, Palestine Vienna University of Technology, Department of Building Physics, Austria Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy Transport Division, Germany Yunnan Academy of Social Science Yunnan Nationalities University Zhengzhou University, Center for Sustainable Development in Towns and Villages, China
Mission and Objectives

See the link at the homepage!

Main Projects / Activities

International Research Projects:
2009-2011: HAMMAMED - Raising awareness for the Hammam as cultural heritage for the Mediterranean area and beyond 2008-2010: Va2el - Valuing Education and Experience for Local councillors in Europe
2007-2009: Organic - Organic Regional Agriculture saving the Nature in China
2005-2008: HAMMAM - Aspects and Multidisciplinary Methods of Analysis for the Mediterranean Region
2002-2005: SUCCESS - Sustainable Users Concepts for China, Engaging Scientific Scenarios
2000-2005: From Information to Knowledge; Seven theses of Sustainability
National Research Projects:
2008-2010: Mappamundi (Bady Minck), Scientific advisory
2000-2008: In the Beginning was the Eye (Bady Minck), Scientific advisory
2008: Step by Step - Migration, Sustainability und Participation
1994-1999: Westbahnhof City as a Hill; The Sustainable City Implantation: An Urban Sustanability Project together with Richard S. Levine

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Heidi Dumreicher
Head of the organisation
Dr. Heidi Dumreicher

Omega -transcultural Centre for mental and physical health and integration

National Network

Albert Schweitzer Gasse 22
8020 Graz

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
General Information
Omega- transcultural Centre is an association with a Board of Members who have appointed a managing director who is incharge of the ongoing activities. Currently there are 33 staff members,3 consultants and 7 honorary workers. The yearly budget is between 1,2 and 1,5 million Euros. The main sources opf funding are the city council, state government,ministries and the EU. The main activities are counselling  and support for refugees and migrants, therapeutical support, interpreter services, language courses as well as mobile work in refugee shelters. The main partners are stake holders at a local political level, refugee office, Caritas, Diakonie, shelter workers, NGO's working in related fields etc.
Mission and Objectives

Omega - transcultural Centre for mental and physical health and integration was grounded in the year 1995 and began its work in the field of mental and physical health care and integration measures for refugees and other immigrants. Omega Health Care Centre was renamed in 2009 and is now called Omega – transcultural Centre for mental and physical health and integration. Omega is a non governmental, politically independent and non-profit organisation whose main objective is to provide care, assistance and treatment using a family oriented approach for persons who are victims of Violence as well as Human Rights Violations.
Omega is a provider of medical, psychological and social counselling, as well as a treatment centre for refugees and other victims of violence. Community based psychosocial programmes for children, adolescents and women are a vital part of the services that are being offered by Omega.
The main mission of the organization is to bridge the gap between refugees and migrants who are new in the country and the existing mainstream services. Very often such persons do not have sufficient information and support in order to use mainstream services. An important aspect is also to carry out lobbying activities in order to influence public opinion regarding the needs of refugees and migrants.

Main Projects / Activities

Current Projects:
Medical, psychological, psychiatric psychotherapeutic and psychosocial counselling and treatment
Open counselling
Psychiatric-social counselling
Counselling in the mother tongue
Interpreter services
Social Work
Integration assistance
Mobile services
Crisis intervention
Specific projects concerning migration and health, community and integration, improving language skills of migrants in order to enhance chances of employment, training multipliers in the areas of violence prevention and women's health, sport activities for young refugees etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Omega has gathered a considerable amount of experience and know how in the work with refugees and migrants. The activities are broad and very often based on a good cooperation with members of local networks. Omega can contribute to the network in various ways.

providing expertise in the areas of intercultural competency

Exchange of knowledge as well as good practice


providing access to networks

offering seminars and training

participating in information campaigns and public awareness raising activities

participating in surveys and research activities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Ever since we came to know ot the ALF, we have been gathering information about its work and as a human rights organization working with refugees and migrants, we are often confronted with the need to find a broader base on a national level in order to discuss common needs and problems as well as find solutions which are valid for all. The work that Omega is carrying out is important but is mostly active only at a local level. Thus much of the work is not transparent. Further, belonging to a large network at a national level  is of advantage to small organizations like ours. It is possible to develop wider perspectives and be innovative with ideas and solutions. There are many more possiblities to benefit from the expereinces made by others in the network.Experience has shown that being a part of a national network can influence policy making more easily than individual organizations. We think that we can contribute to the network as well as benefit from being a part of it.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. med. Emir Kuljuh
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Edwin Benko
Contact (2) Full Name
Usha Sundaresan M.A
Job Title (2)
Social Manager

Open Call The_Gap

1. Cross-Network Activity
2. Exhibition, Cultural Activity
3. 27 April 2021 - 12 June 2021
4. Intercultural Education, Arts, Women and gender stereotypes, Youth, Media