

Open Call The_Gap

1. Cross-Network Activity
2. Exhibition, Cultural Activity
3. 27 April 2021 - 12 June 2021
4. Intercultural Education, Arts, Women and gender stereotypes, Youth, Media

Österreichische Institut für Internationale Politik (Austrian Institute for International Affairs)

National Network

Berggasse 7
1090 Vienna

+43 15811106 16
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

The Austrian Institute for International Affairs (oiip) is an independent, non-profit research institute. The oiip was the first Institute in Austria to focus on globalization, European integration, comprehensive security, and the comparative study of international affairs. Established in 1978 by the then Chancellor Bruno Kreisky, the Institute has advised on public policy, conducted primary scientific research, supported the international academic exchange and played a key role in hosting international conferences and as a venue for second track-diplomacy. Members of the Institute publish widely, are consulted by the government, and regularly feature in the national media. The Institute maintains a number of publications, and works closely with other national and international research institutions. The institute has 4 basic areas: 1.Basic Research to questions of Comprehensive Human Security in International Relations and in Comparative Regional Research (Africa, Asia, Mediterrean and Turkey, Middle East, Russia, Central and Eastern Europe, South Eastern Europe, USA, and Western Europe) 2.Applied research and scientific policy advice to government 3.Publications 4.Events  

Mission and Objectives

The oiip represents Austria in a number of international associations, and enjoys bilateral contacts with over three-dozen international research Institutes. •The supervisory board reflects the heritage of the oiip and its important role in providing advice on public policy. Past and present board members include national politicians as well as the leading figures of various ministries, public bodies, and important private institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

The work of the oiip is based on three fields of research. The research area „Global Security Governance“ focuses on the conceptual and epistemological level of international security. The field „Power Transition and Diffusion“ concentrates on the distribution of power and the power diffusion process on various levels. The third research area, „Comparative Foreign & Security Policy Analysis“, analyzes and compares the concrete drafting of policies on a regional, state and sub-state level. The research of the oiip is based on the current debate on International Relations Theories. 1. Global Security Governance: At the beginning of the 21st century, the world is going through a far-reaching transformation process. Events and developments have become increasingly interdependent. As a result, the multi-layered, and often new challenges, cannot be solved unilaterally. This leads to a transformation of the international and regional power structure power as numerous state and non-state actors gain in significance. This contains both a discourse on the theoretical approaches as well as the practical political analysis of topics, such as humanitarian intervention, nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, as well as cyber-security. The scope of topics dealt with in this subject are: •Global Strategy •International Institutions •Humanitarian Intervention/Protection of Civilians/Responsibility to Protect •Disarmament, Nuclear non-proliferation, Arms control •Internet Governance •State Building/Peace Building/Resilience 2. Power Transition and Diffusion: The research area „Power Transition and Diffusion“ focuses on the analysis of process-lead shifts of power structures on various global, state and regional levels. On one side this leads to the development of new global players, as well as a diffusion of power to social movements and non-state actors via political reform and transformation processes. The scope of topics dealt with in this subject are: •The Global Role of the USA •European Security •Emerging Powers •Social Movements and Non-State Actors •Islamism •Political Reform and Transformation Processes •Negotiation Processes in Post-Conflict Situations •Changing Geography of Science, Technology and Innovation (BRICS) •Science, Technology &Innovation and International Relations 3. Comparative Foreign & Security Policy Analysis: On a methodological level, the area of „Comparative Foreign and Security Policy Analysis“ focuses on the implementation of concepts in the realm of policy making. The analyses of the concrete regional, state and sub-state policies are based on and supported by a comparative approach. The scope of topics dealt with in this subject are: •Austrian Foreign, Security Policy Analysis •EU-Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy •Comparative Regional Research •Security Concepts •Comparative Research on the Causes of Wars and Conflicts •Democratization

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Austrian Institute for International Affairs has been acting as Head of the Austrian Network (HoN) from 2011 on

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Cengiz Günay
Job Title
Senior Researcher
Head of the organisation
Dr. Ilse König

Outdoor Education for Wellbeing, Environment, and Inclusion


This is an international project for both the citizens and residents of Austria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, N.Macedonia, Poland, and Romania. It is funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union. This project offers an intercultural learning opportunity for 30 youth workers between 20-35 years. This training course will be held in Vienna from 18 to 25 August 2023. Through an interpersonal interactive mobility experience, this training will equip participants with advanced tools and methods for empowerment and recovery and engagement through outdoor education practices.

For more information and application click here.

Panel discussion: The Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict after Baku’s takeover of Nagorno-Karabakh - what’s next?


This panel discussion of the International Institute for Peace, taking place on the 27th November in Vienna, will delve into the recent escalation of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, a topic that has profound implications for the South Caucasus region and beyond. The panel aims to explore the future of the conflict, the possibility of further military escalation, the roles of external powers like Russia, Turkey, and the EU, and the current situation of Karabakh Armenians. This discussion aligns with the Euro-Mediterranean focus by addressing regional security, geopolitical dynamics, and the impact of the conflict on broader European neighborhood stability. The event targets a Euro-Mediterranean audience, not just an Austrian one, in line with the directive to implement activities at a Euro-Mediterranean level.

More information can be found here.

PIRATEs: Pedagogical approaches, Intercultural learning, and Raising Awareness Tools in Europe


The non-government organization Grenzenlos organises in the first week of June 2024 a meeting for trainers and youth workers in Orvieto, Italy. The aim will be to develop tools and working methods among facilitators and trainers to further promote active youth participation. More specifically, the training aims to exchange knowledge and resources among trainers already involved at local, national and European levels, and to stimulate the exchange of practices, approaches and peer learning. Particularly valuable and constructive will be the contribution of selected trainers and facilitators with diffrent profiles and expertise.

Click here for more information!

Project: In the name of Love – Ehe ohne Grenzen’s daily fight against racism.

Ehe ohne Grenzen - Marriage without borders

EHE OHNE GRENZEN (EOG) (Marriage without Borders) is a non-governmental and non-profit association fighting against regulations which inhibit a joint family life.

Except for one part time employee, everyone in the organisation is working on a voluntary basis. It consists of 6 members and 4 consultants.

The initiative’s main objective is equal rights for bi-national couples: either married or living in a joint household. EOG supports families with the wish to settle in Austria by offering orienting information and true-to-life advice in the field of family life, family reunification, the national alien bill, settlement and citizenship. EOG promotes a modern family picture and wants to improve mutual understanding in the society and supports the people of concern and their role as equal members of society. Through personal experience, the members of EOG have become experts in the area of the very complex Alien Bill and are establishing a set of ‘best practice’ strategies in dealing with the discrimination on behalf of authorities. The ongoing project to offer reliable consulting possibilities for binational couples encountering various amounts of difficulties while attempting to settle down together in Austria is something EOG wishes to pursue, in the hope of fighting racism in the name of love.

You can find more information under the following link: https://ehe-ohne-grenzen.at/

REBELLION IM IRAN | Bruno Kreisky Forum


Gudrun Harrer im Gespräch mit Azadeh Zamirirad

Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2023, 19:00 Uhr

Seit Mitte September gehen Iranerinnen und Iraner gegen das Regime auf die Straße. Was als Empörung über den Tod der 22-jährigen Kurdin Mahsa Amini in den Händen der Sittenpolizei begann, ist längst nicht nur ein Aufstand der Frauen gegen die Kleidungsvorschriften in der Islamischen Republik. Die Proteste haben unterschiedliche Sektoren der Gesellschaft und Teile des Landes erfasst, alle eint sie die Ablehnung nach einer Zwangsordnung unter islamischen Deckmantel. Das Regime reagiert mit Repression und dem Versuch, Demonstrationen in den Randgebieten, vor allem in Kurdistan, als „Separatismus“ darzustellen.


For more information on the event please click here!


RedSapata Kunst-, Kultur- und Tanzinitiative

National Network

Grillparzerstr. 53, A-4020 Linz, Austria

0043 650 4822648
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Found in May 2008 as an initiative for freelance artists especially in the field of contemporary dance we try to improve the local infrastructure for artists and dancers. This does not only involve the implementation of regular workshops and classes but as well as a local, national and international network in order to promote contemporary theatre and dance art.
Mission and Objectives

We try to enable the production of contemporary dance pieces by strong communication with local authorities and fundraising. Due to the fact that the local conditions for contemporary dance and theatre art are not satisfying we try to to establish space for these arts representing all local and national freelance actors and dancers.

Main Projects / Activities

Establishment of a cultural centre for contemporary dance and theatre arts.
International Networks
Local dance projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Emmanuelle Vinh
Head of the organisation
Emmanuelle Vinh
Contact (2) Full Name
Ilona Roth