

National Network

A-1160, Grundsteingasse 48, Vienna, Austria- Austria

+43 1 406 01 08;
Mobile Phone
+43 699 17 33 55 33
Contact (1) Full Name
Eva Maria Bannert M.A.
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Christina Schweifer

kultur.nachhaltig.leben conference

knl Conference

The "kultur.nachhaltig.leben" conference, which took place on the 22.11.2023, focused on the
holistic development of cultural heritage. It addressed the challenges of climate crisis, societal
divisions, and global conflicts, emphasizing innovative societal interactions and the significant impact
of cultural heritage on communities. This event brought together educators, cultural creators, and
decision-makers to discuss the intersection of culture and sustainability. Its themes resonated
strongly with Euro-Mediterranean cultural ideas, highlighting the importance of cultural heritage in
sustainable development, a key aspect of the culturally rich and diverse Euro-Mediterranean region.

More information can be found here.

Kulturverein wegather

National Network

Mühlhäufelweg 1/24
1220 Vienna

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Kulturverein wegather was established in summer 2017. The directors are Petra Nowak and Abdelnaby Snosy. General work for the organization is done on a voluntary basis by the two directors and additional volunteers (7-10 people). Staff is employed on a contract basis for the different projects. For 2018 we are planning with a budget of 70,000 EURO. As the organization is new there is no history of budgetary resources. Two concrete projects are planned for 2018: ZAM Days and WG-Kult. Most project costs will be covered through partnership deals, use of free resources (eg. Museum tickets for youth up to 19 years are free in many Austrian museums), and the income of the projects themselves (eg. Ticket sales). Additionally, we are counting on crowdfunding and sponsoring. Our Partners are working in the fields of arts, culture, education and integration. Modalities of action include musical concerts, seminars and cultural transfer.

Mission and Objectives

Kulturverein wegather is seeking to bring together people from different countries, cultures and backgrounds. We strive to establish mutual understanding, acceptance and peace using arts and culture as tools.

Main Projects / Activities

1. ZAM Days (germ. Zeitgenössische Arabische Musik) Contemporary Arabic Music ZAM days is a music project in which a concert series of contemporary musicians from the MENA region takes place in Vienna, Austria and from there bursts into all directions to many other cities and countries in Europe. Target groups are Europeans interested in new cultures and young migrants who oftentimes face isolation both from their new and old homes. 2. WG-Kult brings together youth groups to self-organize cultural trips. Through the guidance of a peer members, supported by wegather, the groups will visit cultural institutions of all sizes and types, traditional trips into nature and Austrian companies offering insights into their production. An extra line of WG-Kult will offer the same possibility to senior citizens as currently many face isolations. This project aims to bring them back to society, make new experiences and build new social networks.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

During the current decreasing public support for the intercultural agenda in Austria, private initiatives working on those topics are becoming increasingly important. Working under the assumption that every drop counts we have the will, ideas and experience to produce results. Moreover, we already established a wide network to cultural institutions in Austria which has the potential of being of benefit for the ALF network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Anna Lindh Foundation is in line with our beliefs and actions. Therefore, it is the logical next step to join the network in order to profit from intellectual input, getting to know new organizations and their projects, learn about best practices and keep updated with general developments.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mag. Petra Nowak
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Petra Nowak

Kulturverein wegather

National Network

Mühlhäufelweg 1/24
1220 Vienna

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Established in 2017, 3 board members and a varying number of members work mostly voluntarily. Funding sources are mainly member contributions and donations.

Mission and Objectives

Our goal is to bring together people of different cultures, promote dialogue in all its different forms of communication and thereby aid understanding and acceptance among people.

Main Projects / Activities
  • organize events to provide a ground to meet and exchange.
  • introduce music groups on our website and through our social media channels and organize mixed concerts varying in music-style, language and heritage.
  • offer trips to discover the cultural life in Vienna and its vicinity, spanning from museums and theaters to exhibitions and castles.
How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

During the current decreasing public support for the cultural agenda in Austria, private initiatives working on these topics are becoming increasingly important. Working under the assumption that every drop counts we have the will, ideas and experience to produce results. Moreover, we already established a wide network to cultural institutions in Austria which has the potential of being of benefit to the ALF network. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Anna Lindh Foundation is in line with our beliefs and actions. Therefore, it is the logical next step to join the network in order to profit from intellectual input, getting to know new organizations and their projects, learn about best practices and keep updated with general developments. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Petra Nowak
Head of the organisation
Petra Nowak

Kurdish Cultural Institute of Vienna - Kurdisches Kulturinstitut Wien

National Network

Schönbrunner Str. 213, Top 308
1120 Vienna

0043 660 5544 970
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The Kurdish Cultural Institute Vienna (official name in German: Kurdisches Kulturinstitut Wien), also known as "Enstîtuya Çanda Kurdî ya Viyanayê" in Kurdish, is an independent cultural institution founded in May 2017 by a collective of Kurdish artists and academics.

The institute is dedicated to promoting Kurdish language and culture, and it aims to offer Austrians and Kurds in the diaspora an opportunity to experience Kurdish art, music, literature, and language firsthand. Through these cultural experiences, the institute endeavors to foster connections and understanding between Austria and the Kurdish community.




Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Kurdish Cultural Institute Vienna is to promote and preserve Kurdish language, art, culture, and heritage in Austria. The institute aims to bridge the gap between Austria and the Kurdish community by fostering cultural understanding, dialogue, and appreciation. Its objectives include promoting Kurdish cultural expression, providing language education, preserving cultural heritage, fostering research and academic engagement, engaging the local community and advocating for recognition.

Main Projects / Activities

Fields of Activity:

  • Education, Language and Literature: Promoting and preserving languages, literature, and linguistic traditions through language courses, literary events, translations, and publications.
  • Cultural Policy and Development: Participating in cultural policy discussions, supporting cultural infrastructure development, and contributing to cultural strategies and initiatives at local, regional, or national levels.
  • Cultural Exchange and Collaboration: Facilitating collaborations and exchanges between local and international artists, cultural institutions, and communities to foster cross-cultural dialogue and understanding.

Main projects/activities:

  1. Kurdish Library
  2. Scherefname Literaturpreis
  3. Kurdish language courses for adults
  4. Kulik Children Summer language Camp
  5. Special language courses for students fo the University of Vienna
  6. Kurdish Book Club of Vienna
  7. Exhibitions showcasing Kurdish art and culture
  8. Concerts featuring Kurdish music
  9. Film screenings of Kurdish movies
  10. Book Presentations & Lectures on Kurdish Literatur
  11. Community Summerfest
  12. Workshops on Kurdish arts
  13. Traditional Kurdish dance performances
  14. Poetry readings and recitals
  15. Conferences on Kurdish history and society
  16. Cultural tours and excursions
  17. Integration projects for Kurds living in Austria
How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Kurdish Cultural Institute Vienna can contribute to the Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation in Austria by leveraging our expertise and experience in intercultural dialogue. We can actively participate in network activities  and events to share our knowledge, insights, and best practices in fostering intercultural understanding and dialogue.

Additionally, we can collaborate with other members of the network on joint projects, initiatives, and exchanges that promote cultural diversity, dialogue, and mutual respect.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As the Kurdish Cultural Institute Vienna, we are eager to join the ALF Network because it provides a valuable platform for connecting with like-minded organizations and individuals who share our passion for promoting intercultural dialogue, understanding, and cooperation. By joining the network, we will have the opportunity to access a diverse range of perspectives, experiences, and resources that will enrich our own initiatives and enable us to broaden our reach and impact.

Contact (1) Full Name
Arian Gargari
Job Title
Public Relations Manager
Head of the organisation
Sulaiman Al Mahmoud


National Network

Mayerweckstrasse 2-8/92/3
1210 WIen

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

As an Austrian Organization ,LATAR DO , we develop through our sport concept relationship between different nations, cultures and countries around the world. Especially we are successful in Mediterranean. We have Representatives in Morocco, Algeria, Libya and expend to another countries of Mediterranean. Actually we have 7 active members. They all work until now voluntarily. As next activity, we plane in Spring a seminar in Morocco!

Mission and Objectives

We see LATAR DO as a big social project, which through sport connected different people, nations, cultures and practice spread the universal human values, like humanity, fairness, helpfulness, tolerance, compassion.

Main Projects / Activities

Through extending our sport concepts we spread the universal human values. We organize different activities like seminars, summer camps, internships etc.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through our LATAR DO activities, like training, seminars, we expend our community and spread it aswell international.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We se our Sport Project as Social Concept tp benefit relationship between different people, nations, cultures and countries!

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Adam Bisaev
Job Title
Building Ingineer
Head of the organisation
Adam Bisaev


National Network

deutsch minihof 52

03325 8852
Telephone (other)
0699 1080 9593
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0699 1080 9593
Mobile Phone (other)
0699 10732215
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
limmitationes is a cultural and networking organisation. we organize concerts, literature, exebitions, we organize workshops, mainly with young people. we do a networking for young rock/blues musicians ( www.myspace.com/freiebuehne ) and anotherone for nearly young professionals (www.myspace.com/swivelnights ); limmitationes is very connected with many organizations in poland, hungary, slovakia, slovenia and italy. our executive board constists of 15 persons, mainly artist. most of the work is done without payment. our budget per year is in the moment 60.000.- euro, supported by the region, the austrian government, some sponsors, by members and by entrancemoney.
Mission and Objectives

our interest is simle: we want to connect creative people, each age, to play music, paint, write literature and discuss about politics and philosophy. the result should be step by step more tolerance, open minds, less borders in our selves and outside;

Main Projects / Activities

limmitations does per year 25 concerts on our main place in eastern austria, several projects like "freie bühne" = open stage for young rockmusicians, "swivel project" with older young people, the largest rockseminar in austria in bildein, we organize tours for musicians every year ( 2009 for : marroccan group with abdeljalil kodssi, for sibirian singer stepanida borisova, for the blues musician debbie davies from the usa etc..... ; during the year we have some literary events, we organize 1-3 exebitions in austria and hungary and we do 2 small festival ( a) "points of intersection of music" and b) "chili jazz" = free improvised music.

Contact (1) Full Name
Udo Preis
Head of the organisation
Udo Preis
Contact (2) Full Name
Barbara Gross

Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights (BIM)

National Network

He?gasse 1
1010 A – 1010 Vienna

+ 43 (0)1 4277-27420
+ 43 (0)1 4277-27429
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
General Information

1. 31 employees plus freelance consultants and experts 2. Budget 2006: approx. 1.500.000 € 3. Sources of funding: • annual basic funding by the Ludwig Boltzmann Association • project funding by the European Commission • annual contract with the Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs • project funding and co-financing by the Austrian Ministry of Economics and Labour and the Austrian Ministry of Interior 4. see below 5. see below

Mission and Objectives

The primary focus of BIM is on research activities in the field of human rights, on the national, European and international level. BIM staff is also engaged extensively in human rights teaching and training. It is BIM’s main objective to offer a link between academic research and legal practice. Therefore, a considerable amount of work is devoted to empirical research and project implementation. Through co-operation with international, European and national institutions – like UN, OSCE, COE, EU, ICTY, Austrian and Foreign ministries – as well as other human rights research institutes and NGOs, BIM strives to provide relevant studies, analysis and data on human rights issues in areas such as international, European and national law, politics, education and the media

Main Projects / Activities

• Projects and studies in relation to the conflict in Bosnia-Herzegovina, in 2002 completion of projects on human rights violations in Kosovo and on temporary protection in Europe. • Collaboration with the Development Co-operation Department and the Human Rights Department of the Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, research projects on human rights and democratization and a major study on integrating human rights into Austrian development co-operation. • The BIM serves as national RAXEN Focal Point, reporting to the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC). • Service Centre for Human Rights Education: established in 1997, followed in November 2001 by another Service Centre for Civic Education. • Legal research projects on the analysis of national and international measures to fight human trafficking. • In fall 2002, the institute was mandated to carry out “Twinning Projects”. The projects support candidate and neighboring countries in implementing the acquis c

Contact (1) Full Name
Univ. Mag. Nicole Lieger,Prof. Dr. Manfred Nowak,Univ. Prof. Dr. Hannes Tretter
Head of the organisation
Univ. Mag. Nicole Lieger,prof.dr.manfred nowak,univ.prof.dr.hannes tretter
Contact (2) Full Name
Univ. Mag. Nicole Lieger,Prof. Dr. Manfred Nowak,Univ. Prof. Dr. Hannes Tretter

Ludwig Salvator – Gesellschaft (Ludwig Salvator – Society)

National Network

Kostlergasse 1
A – 1060 Vienna

+ 43 (0)1 585 45 45
+ 43 (0)1 585 45 45-25
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 43 (0)664 22 53 003
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1. Head/secretary, associated members 2. Depending on sponsorship/subventions 3. Private sponsors, government 4. see below 5. Partners from the fields of economy, science and culture
Mission and Objectives

The LSS is aiming at the care and forward-looking development of the pan-Mediterranean legacy of the Habsburg researcher of the Mediterranean, Ludwig Salvador (1847 – 1915). This concerns numerous islands and coastal areas of the entire Mediterranean whose conditions between 1867 and 1915 were documented comprehensively in more than 70 scientific works.

Main Projects / Activities

• Translation of the scientific works of Ludwig Salvador in the respective national languages.
• Annual awarding of the “Ludwig Salvador Award” for science, arts and protection of environment/species in the Mediterranean region.
• International summer-academy Ludwig Salvador/Mall orca.
• Mediterranean forum for natural sciences and humanities, policy of peace and environmental protection.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Wolfgang Lohnert
Head of the organisation
Dr. Wolfgang Lohnert
Contact (2) Full Name
Susanne Stickler