

National Network

quartier21/MQMuseumsplatz 1/e-1.6
1060 Vienna

+43-1-522 31 27 21
+43-1-522 31 27 30
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Educult understands itself as an idea pool for creative, cultural and artistic education and aims to open up opportunities to all members of our community in the fields of culture, science and education. Educult is an association. Five permanent stuff members are working for EDUCULT. The main sources of funding are Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture and the City of Vienna.

Mission and Objectives

Educult: an idea pool for creative, cultural and artistic education Cultural education *is the major prerequisite for using the arts and science in the creation of a fulfilling personal and professional life. *is decisive for the way we live and work *creates the necessary precondition for active participation in society *is a necessary basis for social diversity The Arts, Culture and Education are Indispensable for the Further Development of a Humane Society. Social changes need orientation. Cultural learning processes develop the full potential of the learner, boosting key competencies such as self-confidence, self-esteem and problem solving ability and thereby mobility, flexibility and social integrity. Educult aims to open up these opportunities – together with its co-operation partners – to all members of our community.

Main Projects / Activities

Educult has the know-how to discover cultural treasures, bring them to light and use them in a creative and productive way by offering public institutions and private companies target-oriented services like * consulting and programming * research and basic enquiry * organisation * moderation and presentation of contributions * monitoring, assessment and evaluation * education and training * distribution of information

Contact (1) Full Name
Aron Weigl
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Michael Wimmer
Contact (2) Full Name
Helena Deiß / Lilian Häge

Embracing Diversity and Inclusion

Embracing Diversity and Inclusion

This project featured a youth exchange involving 42 participants from eight countries. They convened in Vienna to delve into diversity and inclusion issues, sharing insights and perspectives. The program was tailored to accommodate participants' needs, with three main phases: initial preparation, exchange mobility, and follow-up activities. Tangible results included follow-up plans on relevant topics and multimedia resources on concepts like tokenism. However, the project's primary impact was intangible, as participants acquired practical, emotional, and theoretical competences related to diversity.


Embracing Diversity | EMOTiC

EMOTIC Call: (OPEN) Training Course: Young Peacebuilders - Baitz/Berlin, Germany


This call is particularly for the Training Course "Young Peacebuilders – Training for multipliers in communal conflict transformation" that will be implemented in Baitz/Berlin, GERMANY from 25.02.2023 (arrival day) to 05.03 2023 (departure day). This training brings together 28 youths from Austria, Germany, Romania, Italy, Bulgaria, Netherlands, and Greece. The main aim is to understand the complexity of various conflicts and the reasons why the resolution of conflicts and crises both between and within communities entails many types of challenges.

For more information please click here!

EMYS Sustainability toolkit

EMYS - Engaging Marginalised Youth for Sustainability Toolkit

This Sustainability Toolkit includes advocacy and lobbying training activities, facilitation techniques for idea generation and design, non-formal education (NFE) techniques for increasing motivation and engagement, basic project management skills, event management and campaigning skills, fundraising and proposal writing. The toolkit...

European Multidisciplinary Organization for Training and international Consulting

National Network

Balderichgasse 3/25
1170 Vienna

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

The European Multidisciplinary Organization for Training and international Consulting (EMOTiC) is a youth-led organisation with the aim of strengthening the abilities of youth (18-30years) on issues related to the development of their lives, careers and communities. Through capacity building, we empower youth with the necessary competences (skills, knowledge, attitudes) and with innovative, adaptive, and results-based tools to facilitate their engagement in shaping their community and tackling social issues constructively to achieve a positive impact on the grassroots level and build more inclusive, livable and healthy societies.​ Through our various activities, we aim to enhance youth as active members and multipliers of change and transformation through the promotion of inclusion, equality, and diversity values as well as sustainability. These values and goals are reinforced by transnational synergies and partnerships among youth to build more resilient societies based on mutual trust, respect, solidarity, and intercultural understanding.

Mission and Objectives

The goal is to build future generations of youth who have advanced professional and personal capacities and competences and are able to develop their local communities. We aim to achieve this goal through non-formal education by equipping youth with the core knowledge and helping them to develop skills and improve their civic attitudes. This is complemented by critical thinking and analyzing capacities; endorsing multidimensional perspectives; fostering the role of youth in democratic participation and dialogue, and promoting a nuanced understanding of international development and social engagement. As such, we support and contribute to achieving various global youth policy recommendations emphasized in the (I) UN Youth Resolutions 2250 (2015), 2419 (2018), 2535 (2020), (II) European Union Youth Strategy for 2019-2027, (III) United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.

Main Projects / Activities

We are active in the areas of Peace Education, Environmental Education, Digital Education, and Civic Education.

We organise training courses, workshops, and youth exchanges. We are also planning to organise conferences soon once the pandemic situation improved and allows.

Currently, we are running 5 projects as the main coordinator and we are a partner in several projects with many other youth NGOs.
Two of our ongoing projects focus on Social Peacebuilding as a tool to enhance youth civic participation and one project focuses on policymaking and structured dialogue to enhance youth democratic participation. In addition, we have a project on environment and climate change and another one on the utilisation of board games as an alternative tool for youth inclusion.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The team of EMOTiC has extensive previous working in the MENA region through the organisation of several activities for youth from the region. Thanks to the previous experiences and our network of youth and youth organisations in the region, we can facilitate cooperation and partnership opportunties and help reach out to groups that are not reached through conventional means.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We align our goals with the objectives from ALF Network and we strongly believe that being part of ALF Network will provide us with a great opportunity to not only connect with other partners that are active in the field but also to learn from each other and support the work of other partners and join forces.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Sakr
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Sakr

European Wilderness Society

National Network

Dechant Franz Fuchs Str, 5 Tamsweg 5580 AUSTRIA
c/o LuminaConsult 6th floor Square de Meeüs 35 1000 Brussels Belgium
5580 Tamsweg

+43 6474 27029
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+43 676 92 71 543
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 38 050 6654943
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Others
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The European Wilderness Society is the only Pan-European, wilderness and environmental advocacy organisation whose mission is to identify, designate, manage and promote European wilderness. We are a diverse team of professional nature conservationists  dedicated to wilderness in Europe. The European Wilderness  Society maintains focal points in Spain, France, Belgium, Austria, Slovakia, Latvia, Germany, Ukraine and Hungary.  However, the organisation’s headquarter is in Tamsweg, Austria with an additional office in Brussels. At EWS we believe in reaching such a harmony through introducing wilderness to people in Europe and  increase the public support for preserving the last great places of true nature. Our team has more then 16 years work expirience with different organisations. Budgetary resources: 220.000 euro Sources of funding; Erasmus+, EU commission,  Ministry of agriculture, forestry, environment and water management of Austria, donations. Projects:  Developed and launched the  European Wilderness Quality Standard and Audit System (EWQA), certified 20 national parks which helps support improvement in the management of wilderness.  Increasing cooperation with educational institutions in order to improve knowledge about Europe’s natural habitats and wildlife with a special focus on large carnivores.  Launched various online communication tools.  Organized two  European Wilderness Academy Days in 2014 and 2015.  Implementing a project called Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices.  Working to protect Europe’s last wild rivers and their watersheds.  Distribution of the European Wilderness Journal.   Development of the wild art program . Its idea is bringing artists into wilderness and having them capture wilderness with their tools. Partners:  Hnuty Duha-Friends of the Earth, Czech Republic  Mountain Wilderness, France  National nature park Zacharovanyy kray, Ukraine  Lesoochranárske zoskupenie VLK, Slovakia  CEEWeb, Hungary  University of Leeds  University of Klagenfurt  Carpatica  Others
Mission and Objectives

 Established the European Wilderness Quality Standard and Audit System (EWQA) as Europe´s premiere wilderness standard and thus far have certified 20 wilderness’.
 Identify and protect wilderness in Europe by employing legislative and financial tools.
 Initiate the Pan-European Green corridor network
Hold an annual large carnivore conference in different parts of Europe.
 Hold annually the Wilderness Academy Days in a different location each year.
 Develop a watershed wilderness criteria system to be implemented across Europe, working jointly with Europe’s leading NGOs.
 Lobby at the European parliament level for a stronger focus on wilderness protection  as a conservation management solution.
 Educate school children on the value of wilderness for Europe.
 Bring together the fine arts and wilderness to promote conservation.
 Develop a communication strategy to support the return of large carnivores across Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

We are following such main EU initiatives, policies as
a) of the 2 nature (Birds and Habitat) directives
b)  of the Water Framework and Floods Directives
c)and improving the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy
REFIT of Natura 2000
Our main project activities are:
1. Auditing of wilderness using EWQA from the Mediterranean to the Arctic circle, from the Atlantic coast to the Ural Mountains.
2. Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices:
a) Knowledge sharing and preparation
b) Preparation of publications
c) Dissamination of education materials
d) Research assesment
e) Studying and innovationg curricula
f) Preparation and implementation of cluster
3. Assist in the protection of Europe’s last wilderness.
4. EWS supports two scholarships for  postgraduate MSc in Management of Protected Areas at theUniversity of Klagenfurt.
5. Publish regular research results, management guidelines, and case studies.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EWS has a comprehensive experience in research, eduction, marketing and goverment activities.  We are prepared to share and exchange our konwledege in the fields of environment protection, sustainable development and tourism, innovative communication tools and networking, education of children and adults, marketing with members of ALF in Austria as well as in Euro-Mediterranean region.

EWS brings all stakeholders of Europe’s wilderness together. It employs a comprehensive approach to meet the complex ecological and social needs of Europe's protected areas. We have experience in  wilderness management training.  Since, the European Parliament adopted its special report on wilderness on February 3, 2009,  the organisation has focused on 3 main topics:
1. To increase the knowledge and understanding of wilderness and its role in protected areas for delivering social and economic benefits.  In addition, the organization has focused on educating adults in order to increase awareness of the public about what protected areas can bring to them personally.
2. Improve management effectiveness of protected areas through providing expertise and a third party management audit to administration.
3. Improve the legal framework for protected areas with special attention on wildlife and wilderness attributes

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since EWS has the same objectives as ALF  (promoting knowledge, mutual respect and exchange between regions, bridge the gaps in perceptions, as well as promote diversity and coexistence, promote intercultural competences amongst Europeans and Asians, empowering the Euro-Med organisations to work on intercultural dialogue through exchanges and collaborations in the region, applying a policy of environmental and social responsibility) and we work in the same fields, such as environment and sustainable development as well as tourism, education, art which can improve and broaden in particular in the Mediterranean. In order to find appropriate partners and support, the organization has decided to join ALF.
We are ready to exchange knowledge and experience in the above mentioned fields with organizations in the Euro-Mediterranean region, establish new partnerships.
An important activity which can be implemented with the support of ALF is facilitation of cooperation with Mediterranean education and civil society organizations and particularly support of conduction of European Wilderness Academy Days in Turkey in 2016.

Contact (1) Full Name
Max A. E. Rossberg
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Max A. E. Rossberg
Contact (2) Full Name
Iryna Shchoka
Job Title (2)
International Fundraising Manager

Eurozine - Gesellschaft zur Vernetzung von Kulturmedien mbH

National Network

Duerergasse 14-16
1020 Vienna

+43 1 334 29 80
+43 1 334 29 80 20
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Religion
  10. Youth and education
General Information
Europe's leading cultural magazines at your fingertips Eurozine is a network of European cultural journals, linking up more than 80 partner journals and just as many associated magazines and institutions from nearly all European countries. Eurozine is also a netmagazine which publishes outstanding articles from its partner journals with additional translations into one of the major European languages. The most important articles on European culture and politics By providing a Europe-wide overview of current themes and discussions, Eurozine offers a rich source of information for an international readership and facilitates communication and exchange between the journals themselves. By presenting the best articles from its partners and their countries, as well as original texts on the most pressing issues of our times, Eurozine opens up a new space for transnational debate. Eurozine is a non-profit institution, with an editorial office based in Vienna. The Editorial Board, composed of the editors of four European cultural journals, and the Advisory Board play an important role in guiding and advising the Eurozine editors.
Mission and Objectives

The main objectives of Eurozine are:
- to contribute to the creation of a common transnational European public sphere, to inform a European readership of current debates of importance and serve as a source of information for professionals such as authors, journalists, literary critics and publishers, as well as an interested general readership.
- to enhance cross-border dissemination of the best works from the European cultural and literary scene and to promote authors and their work outside their immediate language area.
- to represent and promote the "endangered species" of the cultural journal on a European level and to encourage multilingual, intercultural dialogue and exchange in a transnational environment.

Main Projects / Activities

Publication of around 300 essay-length texts and translations on diverse topics of European relevance in the netmagazine www.eurozine.com and exchange of numerous articles among partner journals; publication of hundreds of tables of contents and other current information on partner journals; dissemination of texts and information
Translation programme
Commissioning and publication of translations into English, German or French of articles from partner journals; exchange of articles via these intermediary translations; accessibility to texts for general audience on www.eurozine.com
Focal Points
Compilation of articles on currently relevant and widely debated topics in www.eurozine.com: in-depth analysis, initiation of debate, information about different perspectives across Europe. "Russia in Global Dialouge", "Ukraine in Global Dialouge" and "Law and Border" are three 2014 newly introduced focal points which will be maintained over the years to come. "Hungary", The EU: broken or just broke?", "The ends of democracy" and "The public sphere in the making" are focal points from previous years that have been kept up to date through the addition of new articles. Topics for the focal points for 2015 and 2016 will reflect the current political, social, cultural and intellectual debate.
Editorial Board meetings
Eurozine Editorial Board (representatives from partner journals: Mika Buljevic, Booksa, HR; Göran Dahlberg, Glänta, SE; Marc-Olivier Padis, Esprit, FR; Elke Rauth, dérive, AT) meets to discuss editorial strategy, topics, authors, Focal Points; plan the annual Network Meeting; select new partner journals; evaluate implementation of work programme
European Meeting of Cultural Journals
At the anual networkmeeting over a hundret editors in chief, intellectuals and authors meet to network, discuss common projects and participate at a conference featuring the main topic of the respective year. The last meeting took place in Conversano from 2 to 6 October 2014 in Conversano, Italy.
The conference etiteled "Law and Border – House Search in Fortress Europe" was hosted by Lettera internationale (IT) and the Fondazione Guiseppe di Vagno. The focal point an the programme can be found at http://www.eurozine.com/comp/focalpoints/lawborder.html
Eurozine Review
Publication of a review of current issues of partner journals in 34 European countries covering 32 language areas; highlighting of topics and authors covered by partner journals; promotion of partner journals, network activities; directly sent to around 20 000 email addresses incl. journalists, multipliers; also published in www.eurozine.com/journals_reviews.html
Eurozine Newsletter
Publication of a monthly newsletter highlighting current projects, publishing foci, articles published; promotion of activities; directly sent to around 20 000 email addresses incl. journalists, multipliers

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Eurozine itself is a Network consisting of 80 journals and associated publications from 34 different countries publishing in 32 different language areas. Therefore we link up cultural journals from all over Europe and we are not nationally organised.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Eurozine contributes a genre of publications devoted to essays and litterary texts on society, culture, politics and democracy to the ALF network. Although we are not a national network, the aims and goals of our two organisations seem to show many paralles so that a membership of Eurozine in the ALF network will me mutually benefical.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paul Stepan
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Paul Stepan

Eurozine article: The end of Tunisia’s spring?

Eurozine article: The end of Tunisia’s spring?

On 20th June Eurozine published the article "The end of Tunisia's spring? Kais Saied's power grab in Tunisia did not take place in a vacuum. A combination of constitutional dysfunction, a self-serving party system and festering social tensions had left the country at breaking point. Now the man many hailed as a saviour threatens the achievements of the democratic revolution of 2011".


Eurozine is network of European cultural journals, linking up more than 100 partner journals and associated magazines and institutions from nearly all European countries.

Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs - Task Force "Dialogue of Cultures"

National Network

Minoritenplatz 8

+43 (0) 50 11 50-3376
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
In order to strengthen intercultural and interreligious dialogue both within and beyond Austria, the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs founded the Task Force “Dialogue of Cultures” in July 2007.”
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mag. Aloisia Wörgetter
Job Title
Head of Task Force "Dialogue of Cultures"
Head of the organisation
Mag. Aloisia Wörgetter