
Somni de Mico

National Network

c/.Roser, 10, 2-D

0034 605902177
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
"Sueño de Mono" works with a flexible structure depending on the projects and commissions. Our source of funding is basically the institutions and NGOs which approach us to develop porjects. Also, we work through subventions. Projects which involves photography, documentary, writing, mixed media and multimedia. Our main partner nowadays is the International Catalan Institute for Peace. In the past, there has been partners like Cordaid Holland and Commenius Project EU.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to find new ways to communicate and reflect about themes linked with interculturality, human rights and peace culture.

Main Projects / Activities

Awareness campaings, pedagogical documentaries, photo exhibitions, talks and educational material.

Contact (1) Full Name
Daniel Fernández

SOS Racismo

National Network

Calle Peña y Goñi 13
20002 San Sebastian

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
SOS Racismo is a no governmental association whose organization structure is formed by 10 members, 6 women and 4 men. The organization finances itself through different kind of funds: private entities, public Administrations, its own funds and members (167). SOS Racismo’s action is based on different kinds of projects, conferences and seminars about immigration subjects and the organization or participation in awareness activities. SOS Racismo forms part of Migreurop and of the SOS Racismo Fundation(11 groups). Nowadays the organization is not formulating or realizing projects with other association or entities but it is cooperating with other partners to realize and manage a new project in the European Union framework.
Mission and Objectives

SOS Racismo is an independent, democratic, plural and multiethnic. SOS Racismo’s mission is to fight against all the forms of discrimination and segregation based on religious, national, cultural reasons, produced both on individual form and on collective and institutional form. We struggle for the tolerance, the respect, the equality and the reciprocal comprehension that concrete themselves in the equality of rights and treat for everybody. We consider positively the existence of a plurality of cultures and we defend the right and the respect for the free development of everybody’s culture. SOS Racismo is an organization where everybody has the same rights and obligations.

Main Projects / Activities

SOS Racismo develops the following activities:
1.- Information and denounce office: We offer a legal counseling and accompaniment service to migrant people about legal questions related to migrant law. Moreover we also denounce situation of violation of human rights and of discrimination.
2.- Mugak research center: We realize different researches and reports about migrants population needs and diagnosis. Moreover we have a documentation centre about migration. We have a review, Mugak.
3.- Media Observatory: We realize electronic daily press revue, we have a press information database and we realize press analyses reports.
4.- Working group about underage migrant people: Counseling and accompaniment to young people in the legal, justice, social, psychological field; realization of denouncing reports; professional formation through seminars. We also realize different
5.- Awareness and consciousness activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Peio Aierbe
Head of the organisation
Silvana Luciani
Contact (2) Full Name
Maitane Arnoso



The diversity and variety of profiles of the Spanish Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation (ReFAL) that work, from different disciplines, to improve perceptions, promote mutual understanding and facilitate intercultural dialogue, constitutes in itself one of the great values of the Network. ReFAL is currently composed of more than 157 civil society organisations that strive to work on projects that promote coexistence in diversity and contribute to the creation of plural and democratic societies.

Supporting young people committed to building more inclusive and resilient societies and the key role of intercultural education as a tool for creating a responsible and critical citizenship grounded in respect for cultural diversity, environment and gender equity are the main pillars of most of the Network actions.

A consolidated Mobility Programme creates joint spaces to foster collaboration and synergies among the members of the Network and facilitates the exchange of experiences and good practices among its members, therefore enriching these organisations.

Strait Up

National Network

Mar Tirreno 60
11380 Tarifa Cádiz

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Non profit association focussed on non-formal education and intercultural exchange in the Strait of Gibraltar area. Funding is through Erasmus+ youth exchanges and KA2 projects. Main activites are , mentoring local youth, implementing local workshops on intercultural communication, and opportunities for NEETyouth. Our partners are our international Erasmus partners in many countries, the University of Seville, the city of Tarifa, plus local high schools and associations.

Mission and Objectives

Strait Up is a small non-profit association based in Tarifa, the very southern tip of Europe and
closer to Tangier, Morocco than any city in Spain. We use non-formal education and intercultural learning to connect with youth on both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar and create a
sense of shared neighborhood that bridges continents and cultures. Our specific objectives are.

● Promote healthy lifestyle habits in the Strait of Gibraltar area.
● Stimulate debate around the EU project and the relationship between the EU and its
south med neighborhood.
● Provide opportunities for cultural exchange and cooperation in the Strait of Gibraltar
● Protect and reform cultural patrimony and heritage in the Strait of Gibraltar area.
● Promote gender equality.
● Promote the participation of young people in political, economic, social and cultural life
in the Strait of Gibraltar.

Main Projects / Activities

RIDE : Rollsports for Inclusive Design and Empowerment: Youth exchange with Germany, Spain and Morocco.
SEED: Social Entrepreneurship for Education and Develpment: activites and mentoring for youth starting their own social enterprises.
REMEDY: Intercultural Mediation for youth with the University of Seville.

Our main activities focus on supporting youth to self-organize and engage in intercultural
learning while preparing for a viable future. The goal is to connect local youth to the EU
programs, resources and information that will empower them to create pathways to a positive
future for themselves and their community.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are prepared to implement projects in the South Med area at the very gate of Europe in Tarifa Spain, only 14 km from our neighbours in Tangier. We have experience in intercultural education with young people. We would like to share and use our experience to grow the community of people working across the Med area. We would like to host more youth and professionals in this location so that we can show our proximity, both physically, ,culturally and especially regarding our environmental closeness.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The network exactly matches our inspiration and objectives: this amazing neighbourhood of diversity and community in the south med area. Our physical location is our source of motivation because every day we see across the Strait of Gibraltar to our neighbours in Morocco. We would like to build strong partnerships with communities in other countries, especially our closest neighbour Morocco and this network is a great way to begin. Access to information, funding calls, learning opportunities are also motivating factors.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Rea Fraser
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rea Fraser
Contact (2) Full Name
Rogelio Jose Santos Marquez
Job Title (2)

Stroll Walking in the City

On the 30th of March the Artemisszió Foundation launched an extraordinary experiment, together with the University of Thessaly, the Complutense University of Madrid and Interkulturális Pszichológiai és Pedagógiai Intézet. Inspired by the recent migration of higher education to the online...

Taller de Estudios Internationales Mediterraneos

National Network

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - Campus de Cantoblanco – 28049; Madrid - Spain

+34 914973978
+34 914973978
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Bernabé López García (Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Miguel H. Larramendi (Researcher)

Taller de Músics (de la Mediterrània)

National Network


34 93 443 43 46
34 93 329 72 11
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Taller de Músics is a private and non profit foundation. Dedicated to the diffusion, promotion and education of the music . The sources of finance come from the same students and government institutions. Organizing seminars, concerts.... At the moment there are no partners .
Mission and Objectives

Promotion and education of the modern and flamenco music

Main Projects / Activities

School, Seminars, cycles, festivals

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Terrachidia NGO

National Network

Monteleón 24
2 izda
28004 Madrid Madrid

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information

Terrachidia is an NGO specialized in both Cultural Heritage Preservation and Cooperation for Development in Southern Mediterranean Countries.
The project aims to contribute to the preservation of the cultural heritage as a result of irreversible physical, socio-economic and cultural changes. The project involves not only its built restoration, study and promotion, but also keeping alive the traditional knowledge which has shaped it, while training people from all over the world in that knowledge.
Our main partners are: Spanish Cooperation for Development Agency (AECID), University of Liverpool, Rotary Club Foundation, Intbau
Our budget comes from diverse sources of funding: development projetc comes from public and private institutions like Spanish Aid, Rotary International, Universities. Training activities are funded with self funds that students pay
Our main activities are:
- Development projets in heritage preservation in Morocco, Mauritania...
- International workshops in Morocco
- Seminars and conferences in Europe

Mission and Objectives

- Raising awareness and working for the preservation of intangible heritage.
- Training and awareness raising in traditional architecture and construction as an effective strategy in the care and preservation of both local heritage and landscape and the environment in general. And moving so towards a local-based and culture-based sustainability.
- Valuing cultural diversity and promoting intercultural dialogue.
- Restoration and promotion of architectural and cultural heritage as local development tool.
- Upgrading basic habitability as a contribution to both the continuity of local culture and the sustainability of local population and local economy.
Terrachidia works in these fields through multiple works. The global context in which the work of Terrachidia is developed is a world where cutural heritage shuould be preverved a a key both of development and also for awareness the value of the local identities.
The singular methodology developed by Terrachidia for most of those works combines in the same formula preservation of intangible heritage, restoration of architectural heritage, contribution to local development, and training local and international students in these fields. It is based on the fact that these aspects can not only be combined, but together multiply the positive results obtained from each of them, and incorporate and moreover converge disparate points that have become the hallmark of Terrachidia’s activity: values and aspects such as technical knowledge exchange and cultural exchange in general, among others.

Main Projects / Activities

Training and Heritage: International Workshops for intercultural dialogue.
The architectural heritage restoration works involve the collaboration of local masters with wide experience in traditional construction; of young local apprentices, who learn their craft from them; and of participants coming from all over the world to learn from them. Local materials and construction techniques are used and promoted. This allows a small budget to be invested in the purchase of building materials and to allocate a larger proportion of the budget to qualified artisanal labour, what not only favours local development, but also contributes to preserving local crafts.
The works to be carried out reinforce and valorize the cultural identity of both the local population and the international participants from multiple aspects, all of them living and working together during their development. Through these workshops participants from different nationalities and the local community coexist, work together, share their knowledge, experiences, views... Collaborating and sharing experiences with people from other backgrounds and cultures is the best scenario to eliminate prejudice and promote a culture of peace and mutual understanding, a precious goal at a time when it is so necessary to create new channels of cooperation and exchange between cultures.
The working model makes local populations sensitive to the relevance of protecting their traditional knowledge, their architectural and landscape heritage and highlights some of the development opportunities the preservation of this richness entails.
15 historic buildings have been restored within the framework of the aforementioned programs, mostly fortified gates of its walled towns and their surrounding spaces, as well as some of their mosques and main public spaces.
• More than 400 people from over 25 different nationalities have, to date, participated in the traditional architecture and construction programs of Terrachidia in M’hamid.
• More than 50 construction masters have been hired as trainers for our workshops, participating in the restoration works carried out. With them, they have had the opportunity to train a similar number of young apprentices in the work itself, also hired for this purpose.
• More than 400 local families have benefited from the project. Much of Terrachidia's resources have been invested in them (around 70%). Of these, over 100 families have increased their income thanks directly to having hired some of their family members for the project.
• Two women's cooperatives dedicated to local crafts have been created in the same Oasis, one of which has opened a shop to sell their products after undergoing a training program with international participants in the context of Terrachidia’s workshops.
Heritage and development projects:
The intervention model is always made with the involvement of local community, including decisions such as the works to be undertaken, the solutions to be implemented and the team to develop them, selecting always the most experienced local masters who participate in both training and restoration works and the young apprentices to be learning and collaborating with them. Before implementing its works, Terrachidia carries out a study of the community where the element to be restored is located, meeting with its representatives and main associations and reaching a previous consensus on the mentioned aspects. In addition, a preliminary work of documentation, survey, analysis and inventory of the existing heritage is always undertaken.
Main projects:
• Project Management of the restoration works in the historic libraries in Chinguetti, Mauritania, listed as World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
• Technical Project of the water supply and sewage network for the Ouled Youssef ksar, Morocco.
• Project Management of the construction of the water supply and sewage network for the Mhamid el Ghizlane ksar, Morocco
• Consultancy for the enhancement of the traditional architectural heritage of the Oasis of Siwa, Egypt.
The dissemination of heritage preservation values is an important point of terrachidia´s work. Many of us we work and collaborate as university teachers and support international courses and participate in many conferences or seminaries.
Several exhibitions have been held on the same in Spain, Morocco and the United Kingdom and a website has been developed to promote its heritage preservation.
Also Terrachidia has published many books
• Ouled Youssef, an old ksar in the m´hamid Oasis. Coedition: Terrachidia - University of Liverpool. 2021
• "Landscape and Cultural Heritage Guide of Chinguetti: Chinguetti, el legado del desierto". Coedition: Terrachidia - AECID (Spanish AID). 2019
• Landscape and Cultural Heritage Guide of Mhamid Oasis. The last oasis of the Draa River. link: http://www.mhamid-oasis.com 2016

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The value of cultural heritage and local identities preservation help both local development but also it´s a key of dialogue between cultures.
Our methology of work which involve research, building works an training local and international students together helps to promote a dicerse and multicultural society through heritage preservation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join you in order to share our experience with others but also learn from others to make this narratives bigger.
We would like to partcipate in your activities, build network that also help us to reach european people (mostly students) of the value of cultural heritage preservation as a common value for all humanity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marta Colmenares Fernández
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Marta Colmenares
Contact (2) Full Name
Carmen Moreno Adán
Job Title (2)
Euromesco paper

The Digital Transition in the EU’s Southern Neighbourhood

This policy study examines the digital transformation in the Southern Neighbourhood (SN) of the European Union (EU) and its potential economic opportunities and improved public service delivery. The findings highlight the need for concerted efforts by governments and donors to...

The Executive Committee of the ALF’s Spanish Network meets in Barcelona


On May 18th, the Spanish Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation (ReFAL) brought together the members of its Executive Committee in Barcelona to define the new stage of ReFAL. The meeting was attended by the Asociación Azahara; Fundación Euroárabe de Altos Estudios; Inclusión, Ciudadanía, Diversidad y Educación – INCIDE; the Fons Mallorqui de Cooperació i Solidaritat and the European Institute of the Mediterranean. The meeting also served to welcome INCIDE and Fons Mallorquí as the newest additions to the committee.

The current stage will allow the establishment of two or three priority themes for the Network, based on which the work of ReFAL will be articulated during this cycle. In addition, efforts will be made to unite activities and design an emblematic initiative that gives visibility to the action plan. The importance of reflecting on why ReFAL is relevant for Spanish society in terms of intercultural dialogue and how the defined thematic priorities can be supported was emphasized. The need to frame these thematic priorities in the national socio-political context was raised, identifying public policies, action plans, institutions and opportunities that support the selected themes and give coherence to the action plan of the Network.

The Executive Committee proposed using the focus group methodology to identify the three priority themes of ReFAL. Each focus group would be led by a member of the Executive Committee and would allow the active participation of members in the discussion of relevant topics. The themes proposed for the focus groups were: 1) Citizenship and participation, 2) New vulnerabilities and 3) Euromed intercultural dialogue.

During the discussion, it was emphasized that the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue should also be a priority for the Network, seeking to strengthen it through Mediterranean activities organized by the IEMed and other Euromed intercultural dialogue initiatives promoted by the UfM, such as the "Mediterranean Youth Academy- MYA".

This meeting laid the foundation for a more robust and coordinated approach in the ReFAL Network, with the aim of addressing relevant challenges.