
Research Group for Heritage and Education GH03 University of Girona - Grup d'Investigacio en Patrimoni I Educacio

National Network

Emili Grahit, 77

Telephone (other)
972- 418028
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
General Information
Research group specialised in co-operation projects. Consisting of 8 doctors and 4 PhD students. The group is specialised in subjects related to intercultural education, integration, inclusion, through cultural heritage. The groups main source of funding comes from projects undertaken. They have recently been given recognition as a research group of the Government of Catalonia.
Mission and Objectives

Establish contact with other cultures.
Co-operate in cultural development and in heritage recognition.
Create common projects to improve quality of life (improve knowledge and understanding of the environment, inter-generational respect, culture and genres, etc) and the cultural enrichment provided by fostering heritage

Main Projects / Activities

Seminars. Workshops. Studies. Publications. Actions in families, centres, social cohesion initiatives. Creation of information websites, didactic material adequate for different communities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dra. Roser Juanola
Head of the organisation
Dra. Roser Juanola
Contact (2) Full Name
Diane Dodd

Research on Security and Transnational Governance (RESET)

National Network

c/ Argüeso 20 3-lzq


E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
RESET (Research on Security and Transnational Governance) is a not-for-profit and independent think-tank. Based in Madrid, Spain, its structure is: • Three founding partners: Balder Hageraats, Jesús García-Luengos y Francisco Rodríguez Alonso • A core team of 10 collaborators resident in different cities in Spain • A wide network of partner experts in different countries: India, Kenya, Uganda, Lebanon, Belgium, Senegal, Italy, Cameroon, the United States. Budgetary resources & sources of funding: RESET is financed through the resources generated by its activities, and as an independent organization has not a majority funding partner. RESET´s modalities of action are: • Research and analysis on good governance, security and sustainable human development. • Project development. • Consultancy. Main partners involved in the projects/activities: public and private organizations, NGOs, think tanks, international organizations.
Mission and Objectives

• Research and analysis on good governance, security and sustainable human development, in order to expand our understanding of the challenges that the world faces in the 21st Century.
• Partnerships with both public and private organizations in order to strengthen their institutional and operational capacity and improve the quality and effectiveness of their policies, programs and projects.
• Generating ideas, initiatives and proposals that contribute to progress in international human development and intercultural learning.
RESET is committed to an approach based on strong local and international knowledge and expertise, and always centered on the human being. The current economic and political crisis in the world requires a rigorous focus on regenerating numerous aspects of the international system, as well as the generation of new models and paradigms, to face its new complexities.

Main Projects / Activities

• Research and analysis: writing of Working papers, Reports and articles, both for the internal and external publication (e.g. Report on South Sudan and the challenges of the International cooperation in the country, Report on Tunisian women´s contribution to peacebuiling process in the country)
• Project development in collaboration with both public and private institutions.
• Consultancy, technical assistance and evaluations of international cooperation for development projects for NGO (e.g. Intermón Oxfam, Plan Internacional España, Fundación Entreculturas, Fundación Madreselva)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

RESET is a think tank with many experts in the Mediterranean area. As such, it can contribute to the network with its academic and research background, and its project oriented perspective, developing joint activities with other Spanish or Mediterranean organizations that contribute to increase the understanding of the problems and challenges that this region faces.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

There are two main reasons to join the ALF network:
• Coincidence with the objectives of the Foundation: RESET is committed with the understanding of the new problems and complexities that our world is facing, and in this sense, the promotion of the cultural and intellectual exchange with partner organizations of the whole Mediterranean region is one of our core aims, through project development and research on questions such as democratic transitions, citizenship, youth populations and gender issues.
• Geographical coincidence: one of the most important areas of interest for RESET is the Mediterranean region. We have several researchers specialized in these countries (specifically in Morocco, Algeria or Lebanon) from different fields of research: promotion of the democracy, security issues, or development.
RESET is interested in building a network of partner organizations from other countries of the Mediterranean, in order to develop joint projects within our area of activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ricard Boscar
Contact (2) Full Name
Carmen A. Villaseñor

Résonnance España

National Network

Craywinckel, 25 3º 2ª

0034 93 211 96 71
Telephone (other)
0034 663 90 34 25
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0034 663 90 34 25
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Elizabeth Sombart, pianiste au talent mondialement reconnu, a décidé, il y a plusieurs années, de consacrer bénévolement la plus grande partie de son temps « à porter la musique là où elle ne va pas » c'est-à-dire dans les hôpitaux, maisons de personnes âgées, prisons, etc... Elle a créé pour cela une Fondation appelée Résonnance, dont le siège est à Morges, en Suisse, avec un certain nombre de filiales... Résonnance España est l'une d'elles !
Mission and Objectives

Résonnance-España a pour but :
1.D'apporter la musique dans les lieux où elle n'est pas, les maisons de retraite, les hôpitaux, les prisons.
2.De créer l'école « Résonnance » afin de promouvoir la formation et le perfectionnement du piano. Ses spécificités sont :
•L'enseignement de la « pédagogie Résonnance » : connaissance de la phénoménologie musicale associée à la maîtrise du corps et de la respiration.
•L'absence d'examens et de compétition au sein de l'école.
•L'ouverture à toutes et à tous, sans considération d'âge, de nationalité, de milieu socioprofessionnel ou de niveau technique.
•La gratuité de l'enseignement.

Main Projects / Activities

Créer l'orchestre solidaire Résonnance pour « porter la musique là où elle ne va pas »

Contact (1) Full Name
Pilar Guarné

RESPECT Refugiados

National Network

Carrer Lleida 9, 3-1
Sant Adria de Besos, Barcelona

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
RESPECT Refugiados is governed by a Board who defines the general guidelines of our work and set the priorities. The daily management is left to the Coordinator/Executive Manager who takes care of implementing RESPECT's strategy. We have also a training director which is in charge of our training programme. Our organization works mainly with volunteers and has one person employed. Our budgetary resources available in a year are aprox. 30000 euros. The sources of funding are public (EU, Council of Europe) and own resources (we give online training to development workers and volunteers). RESPECT acts mainly through concrete projects. We collaborate with organizations all over Europe and we have a few partners with whom we have collaborated in several projects (IMIR www.imir.de, CEIPES www.ceipes.org).
Mission and Objectives

RESPECT (Refugee Sponsorship Programme Enhancing Communities Together) Refugiados is an NGO working to raise awareness among international youth about refugees and refugees’ issues, encouraging activism and further empower refugee children and communities through letter and cultural exchange. We work also intensively in capacity building, increasing the skills and knowledge of local NGOs and volunteers in developing countries as well as creating booklets, leaflets and other PR materials that we distribute among schools and organisations all over Europe. We also prepare and give trainings to the humanitarian community through online courses on development cooperation, NGOs and refugee issues.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities are focused mainly on awareness raising, education (online trainings) and letter exchange. As part of our awareness raising campaign activities, our ongoing and concluded projects are: 1.Training on Psycho-Social Needs of Refugees -
The project aims to increase the quality for training activities on psycho-social needs of refugees by sharing knowledge and experiences and producing a website for dissemination among several European organizations. 2.Awareness Raising through Comic Books - The purpose of this project was to promote a multicultural society, tolerance and activism by spreading awareness in a fun way about refugees and refugee issues amongst European children, teenagers and young adults. A comic book dealing with different aspects of a refugee/asylum seeker’s life was prepared. 3.European youth training - In partnership with the Council of Europe and the European Youth Foundation, we have launched a project focused on Youth European organizations aiming to provide high quality training courses on soft skills and management abilities for international projects. 4.European Awareness Raising Campaign on Refugees - This campaign has been taken place under the “All Different-All Equal” project from the Council of Europe, promoting social values and understanding among people and cultures. Together with our partners we have produced a very interesting material which explains children and youth, in general, about the reality of a refugee. Our online training programme consists in courses in NGO management, soft skills, becoming a professional trainer, conflict resolution, refugees and internally displaced persons, repatriation. Its aim is to help improve the knowledge and skills of NGOs staff to work in development cooperation and the humanitarian aid field. Our third main area of activity is the letter exchange programme, which consists in introducing classes of non-refugee students (from Europe) to a class of refugee students (especially from Africa) of similar age and academic level by pen-pal letter exchange.

Contact (1) Full Name
Camelia Cosma
Head of the organisation
Alejandro Gonzalez Garcia


National Network

c/alaba 100
08018 Barcelona Barcelona

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

REVOLVE is a communications agency that fosters cultures of sustainability, through two main activities: On the one hand, REVOLVE publishes a quarterly magazine exploring innovations in the management of natural ecosystems (spring), energy (summer), mobility (fall), and water (winter); on the other, REVOLVE’s diverse and experienced team supports international initiatives, EU-funded projects, events, and campaigns to increase their impact through their expertise in branding, marketing, graphic and web design, curation of photo exhibitions and fora, content development, social media strategy, and media relations. In doing so, REVOLVE is part of a global network of likeminded teams, using creative storytelling to build a low-carbon and environmentally-conscious society together.

Mission and Objectives

REVOLVE Mediterraneo plays a major role integrating and connecting fragmented regions, ideas and projects. In today’s complicated geopolitical climate, partnerships and collaborations are key to addressing the major sustainability challenges. Many of today’s pressing issues are simply too complex to solve alone so we partner with media outlets, environmental associations, development agencies and public and private sector to advance whole-scale change.

Through REVOLVE's membership-based platform, we aim to foster greater strategic collaboration between and amongst the business, government and social actors that will be a critical driver of innovation, growth and social impact.

REVOLVE Mediterraneo aims to implement innovative communication tools and capacity building programs in cooperation with other organisations, installations and events.

Main Projects / Activities

AMWAJ is an initiative that brings together communication and media stakeholders, businesses, researchers and policymakers from both shores of the Mediterranean to ensure reliable and impactful communication about the water challenges we face, inspiring action towards sustainable water management.

We host several physical and online events, training programs, editorial series, video production, field visits with the aim of:
Building communication and leadership capacity with all stakeholder
Deploying educational tools for the next generation and the public to learn more about the value of natural ecosystems
Communicating around gender equality in all forms publicly and privately
Promoting collective investment in water-related ecosystems restoration
Influencing policymaking to provide national and local funding schemes for better involvement of citizens and residents
Promoting the role of incubators to support innovative water and energy entrepreneurship for greater social impact
Creating content about water and energy in the Mediterranean region through field stories, news, articles and innovative storytelling techniques in the commonly spoken languages.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We bring sustainable content development and communication to the forefront
We link media, research and policy in sharing our vision for a water and energy community around the Mediterranean
We design high-impact communication activities to empower young professionals working in sustainability
We respectfully motivate professionals from the media, business, research and policy to create synergies across and beyond the shores of the Mediterranean to drive coaction towards reliable and sustainable water for all.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to stimulate cooperation between the 42 UfM countries.
We aim to gain visibility and exchange good practices for cultural diversity management and dialogue promotion across the EuroMed region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Patricia Carbonell
Job Title
Head of the Barcelona Office
Head of the organisation
Patricia Carbonell Rodriguez
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Ricard Zapata-Barrero

Professor at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Zapata-Barrero's research deal with contemporary issues of liberal democracy in contexts of diversity. He is director of GRITIM-UPF (Interdisciplinary Research Group on Immigration) and the Master on Migration...

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Ricard Zapata-Barrero

Professeur au Département des sciences politiques et sociales, de l’Université Pompeu Fabra de Barcelone. Les recherches de Ricard Zapata-Barrero traitent des problèmes contemporains de la démocratie libérale dans des contextes de diversité. Il est directeur du GRITIM-UPF (Groupe de recherche...


National Network

C/Nou de la Rambla, 48
08001 Barcelona

+34 934424705
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
RUIDO Photo is a not-for-profit civil organisation based in Barcelona, Spain. It is the culmination of the work of a group of photographers, designers and journalists, who in 2005 embarked on their dream of creating a platform from which they could undertake independent photography and audio-visual projects, with strong social content and cultural commitment, and with the clear aim of raising awareness, encouraging reflection and provoking social change, in the defence of Human Rights. 
Mission and Objectives

RUIDO Photo is a not-for-profit civil organisation based in Barcelona, Spain. It is the culmination of the work of a group of photographers, designers and journalists, who in 2005 embarked on their dream of creating a platform from which they could undertake independent photography and audio-visual projects, with strong social content and cultural commitment, and with the clear aim of raising awareness, encouraging reflection and provoking social change, in the defence of Human Rights.

Main Projects / Activities

RUIDO Photo is a not-for-profit civil organisation based in Barcelona, Spain. It is the culmination of the work of a group of photographers, designers and journalists, who in 2005 embarked on their dream of creating a platform from which they could undertake independent photography and audio-visual projects, with strong social content and cultural commitment, and with the clear aim of raising awareness, encouraging reflection and provoking social change, in the defence of Human Rights.

Contact (1) Full Name
Luciana Castelo Branco
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Eduard Ponces

Ruta Mediterránea - Radio broadcast

National Network

c/ Adriano
41001 Seville Sevilla

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

In a time where migration and diversity are a continuous challenge of our society, the radio program Ruta MEditerranea, proposes to delve into our own stories to recognize the other in what we are. Andalusia is the legacy of the passage through our land of many civilizations. And all have left their mark. We try to disseminate and awaken the curiosity to know the different cultures of the Mediterranean, a space to discover the countries and peoples that surround us through our cultures, origins and values. There is a lot in common.
We also work with different educational institutions to propose to work on these contents in that environment and then serve to sensitize other young people through podcasts.

Mission and Objectives

Awareness and new technologies
diversity management
support and advocate for sustainable development goals

Main Projects / Activities

Weekly radio show
Awareness programs at school

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to expand this idea of awareness through radio broadcast and podcast and be able to create a network of programs throughout the Mediterranean with the same philosophy.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I know the network from my previous work with refugees and I think I can contribute new ideas and work to the network

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Program Manager
Head of the organisation


National Network

C/ Apenins 43
08207 Sabadell Barcelona

0034 93 731 77 11
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

SabaCirc is a collective encompassing circus artists, musicians, plastic artists, volunteers and collaborators, and other people interested in their projects. They work for values of coexistence and to improve the life quality of the people and their relationships through circus. The values they work on with circus techniques are: social inclusion, cooperation, coexistence, the limits, equilibrium, improving emotions and habilities through laughter. They work as well for empowering people and the most vulnerable collectives through circus. 

They develop and conduct projects of Social Circus. They promote social integration and cooperation by means of the learning and practice of circus and artistic expression. They enhance values intrinsic to circus: discipline, cohesion, constancy, tenacity, creativity, cooperation, coeducation, mutual trust, hability, patience, inclusion, diversity. 

Mission and Objectives

- Promoting the citizenship's artistic sensibility 

- Enhancing interculturality

- The Circus, encounter, exchange and social cohesion

- Coeducating with gender through circus

- Creating new audiences

- Making culture in the neighbourhoods

Main Projects / Activities

At SabaCirc they design, planify and conduct social circus projects with the collaboration of institutions, entities and professionals.

They organize the Social Circus Festival in Sabadell (Barcelona, Spain).

They have collaborated with the design of the "Plan to Boost Social Circus" of the regional government of Catalonia. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Jose Antonio Porcar Boix
Head of the organisation
Jose Antonio Porcar Boix