
Two organisations of the Spanish Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation celebrate iftars in community


Asociació Azahara and Jovesólides, members of the Spanish Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation (ReFAL), celebrated last April intercultural iftars to celebrate coexistence, bringing together a total of approximately 1000 people.

During the month of Ramadan, Associació Azahara has once again promoted the celebrations of the breaking of fasting in community. The fourth edition of the community iftar has been carried out in Salt (Girona) that took place at the Coma Cros Cultural Factory on April 14. This year, in addition, a pre-iftar activity has been added to the program in which five young Muslims of different origins and Islamic sensibilities have been able to dialogue in front of the public about what it is to be Muslim today in Salt and what is their particular and community experience of Ramadan. The other novelty proposed has been to promote for the first time the shared celebration of iftar in the municipality of Cunit (Tarragona) with the collaboration of the City Council of Cunit. The festivity took place on April 18 in the pavilion of the CEIP Pompeu Fabra and was part of the projects for the improvement of coexistence and civility of Cunit that the Associació Azahara promotes.

The Iftar de la Concordia, organised by the association Jovesólides, Casa Marruecos and the Islamic Cultural Center of Valencia, has had the participation of representatives of various Christian, Jewish, Buddhist and atheist communities as well as the entities that bring together the social and associative movements of the Valencian Community, such as the Valencian Coordinator of NGDO and the Volunteer Platform. Together they have promulgated the 'Declaration of Valencia for Concord' to vindicate cultural diversity and express the "unequivocal will to solemnly and decisively proclaim the most absolute rejection to Islamophobia in any form.  

In this way, ReFAL's entities fight against Islamophobia while contributing to an intercultural and plural citizenship.

Ula Al-Khateeb - UIB university

National Network

07011 Palma

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
A researcher on education for active citizenship and diversity, intercultural learning, intercultural& inter-religous dialoug, working in designing and implementing non-formal education programs.
Mission and Objectives
Main Projects / Activities

Resarch studies, conferences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ula Al-Khateeb
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Una más una

National Network

Blasco de Garay 1, 6ºA, 28015 Madrid (Spain)

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Una más una” are a couple of professionals in management and cultural production. We have experience in the cultural area, specific knowledge both nationally and internationally, and a group of professionals around us, forming “Una más una” community, including profiles of communication experts, heritage, theater, design, etc.
Mission and Objectives

• Support the development and monitoring of cultural policies, strategic plans, centre plans and museums projects.
• Advice on current regulations and legislation in cultural areas (intellectual property, export of goods, heritage, etc.
• Development of strategies for projects and Institutions on an international and national stage.
• Development of cultural patronage for private companies / Development of cultural sponsorships strategies for private companies.
• Diagnosis and localization of agents and cultural events both nationally and internationally. / Nationally as well internationally
• Strategic planning and operational lines, programs, projects or activities, referring the cultural policies and needs of the Institutions.
• Development of resources / tools, drafting and valuation of proposals and grants, related with cultural areas, new technologies and innovation.
• Development of evaluation and monitoring systems: cultural indicators.
• Design communication plans.
• Definition of financial plans and institutional relationships in the cultural area.
• Comprehensive management of exhibitions, concerts and shows, events such as musical, cinematographic, theatrical and artistic ones, from conceptualization, coordination, production, exhibition and distribution.
• Planning and management of national and international travelling exhibitions, theater and music tours, etc ...
• Coordination and publishing process.
• Development and instruction of educational trainings and workshops related to cultural projects.

Main Projects / Activities

MInistry of Education, Culture and Sports. Spain
Norway Embassy
Association of Historic Theatres in Europe (Iberia Route)
Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo
Spanish Cultural Centre in Guatemala
Universidad de Salamanca
International Forum “Cultural Industries”, Casablanca, Morocco
Madrid Design Festival
Miradas de Mujeres Festival 2012 (Madrid)
Institute for advanced architecture of Catalonia
Exhibition “B sides of the history of video arte in Spain” (Korea, Thailand, Australia, Czech Republic)
Corretger5 Space (Barcelona)
Modernito Books.  Editorial
campo adentro_residencia de artistas (inland_ artists residences)

Contact (1) Full Name
Irene Aláez
Head of the organisation
Irene Aláez
Contact (2) Full Name
Belén Gil

Unescocat - Centre Unesco de Catalogne(Unescocat - Unesco Centre of Catalunia)

National Network

Mallorca, 285

+ 34 934 589 595
+ 34 934 575 851
Mobile Phone
+ 34-677 418 585
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Unescocat is an association of 10 active Catalan NGOs in the fields of UNESCO competences . The executive council , integrated by a representative of each association member , nominate the director of Unescocat, that ensure the daily operation of a team of 20 specialists of the educational, scientific , cultural and communication sector and 5 persons of the technical services. The annual budget of 1,5 millions euros , is provided from local public administration, Catalan, Spanish international, and private financings . The modalities of action are projects , seminars, international conferences , scholarships, publications .etc..
Mission and Objectives

The objectives of Unescocat - UNESCO centre of Catalonia are to telecast for the perfection, the documents and the activities of the UNESCO in the educational , the heritage , the knowledge access , the development and the environmental fields , and to encourage the peace culture , the education of the values and the human rights , the cultural and linguistic diversity , and the inter-religious dialogue .
These fields are ;
. Human rights .
. Education.
. Linguistic diversity
. Prevention and conflict resolution .
. Sustainable development
. Cultural diversity

Main Projects / Activities

The Center organizes in Catalonia several international high level meetings and has promoted initiatives in his own contexts :
Human rights and conflict prevention , environment defense , inter-religiosity and cultural diversity , as well as the promotion of the linguistic plurality , which enabled it to ensure several initiatives .
Nowadays ,Unescocat assumes the coordination between the associated schools to UNESCO in Catalonia , and the international coordination of the Mediterranean Occidental (PMO) of the Network of the associated schools to UNESCO which was entrusted to it by Paris UNESCO .

Contact (1) Full Name
Agustí Colomines (directeur)
Head of the organisation
Enric Masllorens
Contact (2) Full Name
Onno Sero (coordinateur projets)

United Nations Students Association Andalucía (UNSA Andalucía)

National Network

C/ Imaginero Fernández, nº 19, 1º-D
41008 Seville

0034 633020929
Telephone (other)
0034 660440694
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
0034 633020929
Mobile Phone (other)
0034 660440694
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
UNSA Andalucia is a regional federation with various locations spread throughout the Andalusian community in Spain, its main location being Seville. As a federation, it counts on three local delegations in the cities of Seville, Malaga and Granada. The Federation leadership relies on a Regional Executive Board of Directors, staffed as follows:   President Vice-President Regional Training Director Institutional Relations Director Financial and Legal Director Organization and Quality Director Secretary Each UNSA local delegation has a unique legal personality (as well as the federation itself), and it’s staffed as follows:   President Vice-President (Optional) Regional Training Responsible Institutional Relations Responsible Secretary The number of regional charges may vary depending on the needs of the delegations, and their dependence on the federation of UNSA Andalusia. The Delegations of UNSA Andalucía are tied to the federation legally. UNSA Andalucía acts as a catalyser for major events and activities considered to be better developed at a regional level, coordinating resources of every UNSA delegation. It develops its annual planning in conjunction with every UNSA delegation in the three major cities mentioned above, being one of its priorities to help every delegation achieve their own goals in terms of activities putting resources at their disposition. Each UNSA delegation contributes with a number of affiliates, which numbers are ever-growing, given that the federation encounters itself in a period of expansion. The numbers are distributed as follows: Seville: 7 Granada: 11 Málaga: 15   Budgetary resources available in a year The fiscal year of 2015 counted on a budgetary estimate of 15.000 euros.   Sources of funding At a regional and state  level, public grants from the Andalusian Youth Institute (AYI) of the Andalusian Department for Equality and Social Well Being, INJUVE. At an European level, grants from the European Commission on youth, active citizenship and democracy promotion events are on the works for the coming fiscal year (k1, k3..) UNSA Andalucia also sustains itself financially through the charging of fees to its members, and the delivering of academic programs and courses throughout the year. Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) Concrete projects - mainly directed to promote activities in consonance with the ODG UN development goals -. Ex: Peace Day Concerts partnering with the Three Cultures Foundation, solidarity breakfasts in conjunction with a number of NGO’s.. Seminars and conferences on topics related to common global issues (inmigration, economy, health, democracy promotion, youth issues..) Continued education (on debate, communication and international relations matters for the youth). Structured Dialogues (South European International Model of United Nations) Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities UNSA Andalucia enjoys framework agreements on inter-agency collaborations with: The Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Andalusian Government (regionally, locally), The Three Cultures Foundation of the Mediterranean, the Real Instituto Elcano, the EuroArab Foundation, UNICEF, etc..
Mission and Objectives

UNSA Andalucia’s mission is to increase the interest of the Andalusian youth in politics, international relations, communication and oratory and in the work of international and supranational organizations in general, the United Nations Organization concretely.
As concrete goals, our organization aims:
- To foster the impact of a knowledgeable youth in the development of democracy, representation and civic engagement.

- To help create responsible and ethical leaders of tomorrow. By democratizing access to quality education in the fields of international relations and effective communication.

- To foster the creation of a network of pioneer institutions to develop strategies to improve human development, democracy and the UN ODG goals through networks.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities can be differentiated into three categories:

Structured dialogues for the youth
Our main activity is the South European International Model of United Nations (SEIMUN)
SEIMUN is a United Nations simulation, an international encounter of students from countries the world over, who decide to spend a few days representing a given State at a council of importance in International Relations, assuming the roles of diplomats, ambassadors, and heads of states.
This conference is a fantastic opportunity to see the politicised nature of international politics and bureaucratic operating of the various organisations that try to solve these global problems, including comittees simulating the United Nations Security Council, UNESCO, the World Bank and, for the first time ever, the Union for the Mediterranean (UpM).
The topics adressed throughout the simulation will vary, and tackle multiple issues from developmental aid to Afghanistan after the withdrawal of the ISAF forces to Addressing the root causes of irregular migration and forced displacements in 2015’s edition.
In this year’s edition, we counted +250 delegates, ranging between 18-30 years, coming mainly from the South of Europe and Central Asia.
The first SEIMUN was organised reaching agreements of support with the Union for the Mediterranean (UpM), Tres Culturas Foundation (Tres Culturas del Mediterráneo), ANUE (The Spanish Association for the United Nations, based in Barcelona), Real Instituto Elcano, as well as multiple regional governmental institutions and universities.
The next edition, being the city of Granada the venue, is intended to outgrow Seville’s edition in terms of budgetary resources, participants and support from entities. You can see attached a memory of the event with this application.

Continued Courses

We hold a record of continued courses on communication, oratory, and Model of United Nations framework knowledge, which we intend to continue in the next fiscal year. These courses were held in Seville, being the Three Cultures Foundation the main location, and were distributed from October 2015 to April 2016.

This next year every UNSA delegation will have a tailored planning to implement the courses throughout the three cities.
Main Course
We are in the process of implementing and delivering a whole course on International Relations and the United Nations, developing a tailored course syllabus in conjunction with pioneer experts on the subject, to comply with our aim to democratise the expertise on international matters amongst the youth. This course already counts with full institutional support (regional) and will be supported on public grants and the charge of a symbolic fee by its participants. It is intended to launch on February 2016.

- Peace Day Concert partnering with the Three Cultures Foundation and Institutional stakeholders.
- Conference on Immigration and Asylum, partnering with pioneer academic institutions and experts on the subject, to comply with the aim of generating interest amongst the Andalusian youth on international issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

UNSA Andalucía has a broad though short experience winning public grants awarded on competitive basis (k1, k3 from the European Comission..)

The Assocation also holds experience in dealing with key national and European-level stakeholders to develop multidisciplinary projects, and is keen to partner with Associations and NGO’s from the nationa network to develop projects and activities.

UNSA’s team is used to work under high pressure scenarios and is willing to share its best practices to foster action and the creation of a solid spanish ALF network.

The entity had managed the creation of a number of succesful structured dialogues at a European and International level developing multidisciplinary partnerships to achieve its aims. We will provide full support to any association within the networks which doesn’t have already the knowledge to create wealthy networks to develop its projects.

UNSA Andalucía is an entity managed in its entirety by young people from 19 to 26 years old. We know how to engage the youth in events related to our topics (and those of the network) and can help other entities in doing so.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

UNSA Andalucía believes there is a strong compliance between its goals and those of the Foundation. Together, we want to further our steps (and those of the associated entities) in achieving bigger and better projects and activities.
We are planning on having an active and participative rol within the national and the international network, and help to engage the youth (since we ourselves are young) in the consolidation of the network and in the participation in the projects, and to sum up with our ideas and ways of thinking and working.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jesús Cordero González
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Jesús Cordero González - President
Contact (2) Full Name
María Luque Fernández
Job Title (2)
Institutional Relations Director

Universidad de Granada

National Network

Vice-Rectorate for International Relations
Cuesta del Hospicio s/n
E-18071 Granada (Spain)


Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The University of Granada (UGR) was founded in 1531. As a classical university with around 80,000 students, 3,600 lecturers, 1,900 administrative and support staff, the UGR offers a wide range of courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Every year over 4,800 international graduate and postgraduate students choose the UGR to take full study programmes or via the approximately 800 network and bilateral exchange agreements in which the UGR is involved. The UGR is the leading European university in number of Erasmus students received, and in 2007, received the Erasmus Gold Star Award in recognition of its contribution to the programme. Additionally, the UGR is a full member of numerous international networks and associations such as the Coimbra Group, UNIMED, EPUF, EUA, IAU, EAIE, AUIP, AIEA, ORION or PEACE.
Mission and Objectives

The University of Granada (UGR) is a public higher education institution. The UGR is commited not only to quality and excellency in education, learning and research but also to activities targeting the transfer of scientific, technical and artistic knowledge to society, the betterment of society and a sustainable environment. As a modern university with a long-standing tradition, the UGR strives for improved and increasing outreach and the promotion of strong links with its local and regional context. Respect for the dignity of individuals, freedom of thought and expression, justice, equality, solidarity and eradication of discrimination are among the main values of the UGR. Due to its long-standing tradition, geographical location and high standards, both in teaching and research, the UGR regards internationalization as one of its strategic aims.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities of the University of Granada (UGR) are related to higher education, learning and research in a very broad sense. Its more than 100 departments carry out high quality research and teaching activities at all levels. Furthermore, central services for students, research equipment, continuing education, summer schools, language training, transfer of knowledge, work placements, etc. are available for all the members of its academic community. The UGR is involved in a vast number of national and international projects financed through different programmes such as the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP, Erasmus, Comenius), Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Interreg, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dorothy Kelly
Head of the organisation
Francisco González Lodeiro
Contact (2) Full Name
Artur Schmitt

Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

National Network

1, Juan de Quesada Street
35001 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Las Palmas

+34 616665000
Mobile Phone
+34 616665000
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

The ULPGC, established in 1989, has more than 25,000 students and 1,500 lecturers. It has modern facilities and equipments.  In 2007, the ULPGC won the Quality Award for Public Service and Special Mention for Best Management Practices, both from the Government of the Canary Islands. In 2010, the ULPGC was evaluated by an International Comittee and earned the qualification of Campus of International Excellence, from the Ministry of Education of the Government of Spain.   It also develops an intense work in the field of development cooperation. It is worth noting the achievement of several UNESCO Chairs at the ULPGC.

Mission and Objectives

The geographical location of the Canary Islands enables the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria to share scientific projects, interact with and carry out collaborations with universities and research centres all over the world. The ULPGC has university institutes, research centres and research groups covering all fields of knowledge, made up of nearly 1000 researchers and around 1000 PhD students. It also has a Scientific and Technological Park. The ULPGC's leading research fields include computer, telecommunications and electronic technology; medical science and technology; economics; marine science; development cooperation; renewable energies; environmental conservation and tourism. The office of the Vice-President for Research, Development and Innovation (VIDI, in Spanish) is the body responsible for lending institutional support to research and for defining policies relating to R&D+i.

Main Projects / Activities

The ULPGC carries out a wide range of development cooperation activities. The main activities are to contribute to the improvement  of and participation in of Development Cooperation projects in developing countries organised from the Canary Islands; to promote the relations between the various entities involved in Development Cooperation within the region. Actions carried out within the field of development cooperation are aimed at: - Contributing to the economic, social and cultural development in the Canary Islands, and its neighbouring countries (in both geographical and cultural terms) - Ensuring an effective commitment from the Canary Community and towns where the Development Cooperation activities are carried out, - Promoting the active participation in Development Cooperation of all the university community members and Canary Society in general, - Promoting research activities and participation In Development Cooperation Projects, Ensuring transparency in technical and economic management.  

Contact (1) Full Name
Isolina Díaz Ramos
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dean Dr. Lluis Serra Majem

University of Vigo

National Network

Lagoas-Marcosende s/n
36310 Vigo

+34 986 812 000
Telephone (other)
Mª Asunción Longo González
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+00 34 986 813597
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
The University of Vigo (UVIGO) is a Spanish public institution of higher education and research, with three campuses located in the cities of Vigo, Pontevedra and Ourense, in the region of Galicia. Currently, it has about 20.200 students and employs about 3,000 people. The UVigo has a 160 million euro budget per year. The main funding sources are transfers form the regional government, but the UVigo also obtains revenue from public R&D funding programs and contracts with companies. The research activity of the University of Vigo is organized in different research groups, which carry out projects and contracts in collaboration with research centers and companies, both at national and transnational level. Some of the most important national partners are: Regional Government (Xunta de Galicia), local authorities, other universities, the galician public health care system, and so on. At international level, the Uvigo has worked with many institutions from all over the world.
Mission and Objectives

The UVigo is an autonomous public higher education institution, open to the society and with an international vocation, committed to equality and to the economic progress and social welfare of society. It supports and provides high quality education and research to contribute to the generation and transfer of knowledge, scientific and techological progress, innovation and intelelectual growth, and the comprehensive education of a multicultural and multilingual society.
In a strategic focus the UVigo can be define as follows:
- An university that innovates and progresses in basic and applied research.
- An university that consolidates a specialized and differentiated educational offer.
- An University with teaching-learning processes oriented to the all-round training of professionals.
- A participatory university with motivated and involved students.
- An economically sustainable university that consolidates and completes its offer of services.
- An univesity committed to equality, with a strong organizational culture and flexible and effective management systems.
- An open university, connected to its environment and socially valued.
- An entrepreneurial university that creates, disseminates and transfers knowledge adn R&D&I to the productive fabric, leading strategic alliances through technological centers or platforms.
- An university committed to economic integration and to Euro-regional development.
- A caring and socially committed university.
- An University that consolidates its international projection.

Main Projects / Activities

The University of Vigo has a strong research activity, with around 200 research groups divided in four areas of knowledge: Natural Sciences, Legal and Social Sciences, Humanities and Technology.
In Legal and Social Sciences and Humanities, there are research groups specialized in education, communication, culture (both at regional and transnational level), creativity and diversity and social inclusion.
These groups have participated in transnational projects financed by the European Union, such as:

SPEAK OUT FOR SUPPORT (SOS-VICS): this project, funded by the Criminal Justice Programme, aims to facilitate assistance to gender violence victims and at the same time contribute to raising awareness on the need for hiring professional interpreters during linguistic mediation in such cases.

NEW SPEAKERS IN A MULTILINGUAL EUROPE: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES: this project, funded by the COST programme, aims to bring multilinguals into the focus of these processes by investigating the challenges and opportunities involved in acquiring, using and being understood as a new speaker of a language in the context of a multilingual Europe.
The strategic objectives mentioned above are set out in a series of operational plans, among which we can highlight some with a strong CSR component. For example, an Equality Plan, an Operational Plan for the interaction with secondary education, Environmental Sustainability Plan, etc.
Each operational plan establishes a series of actions to be carried out and indicators to verify that these actions are effectively implemented. For example, in terms of the Equality Plan, we can point out that The University of Vigo has a strong commitment to the promotion of equality between women and men and the principle of non-discrimination against potentially marginalized groups. For this reason, some actions have been adopted, such as the elaboration of an Equality Plan and reports about the situation of women and men in the university and other possible causes of discrimination that may have a negative impact on the coexistence and conditions of study and work at the university community.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The University of Vigo as a public higher education institution generates knowledge in some areas of interest for ALF, and to transfer this knowledge to society is a strategic objective. In addition, it has an extensive network of national and transnational contacts.
All these assets could help to promote the activity of the network in Spain, in particular in the Northwest of the country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The UVigo is interested in joining the ALF Network for two main reasons:

Because the two bodies have similar goals and fields of work (intercultural dialogue, gender, education, migration, sustainability), and the adhesion can help to University of Vigo to fulfill the strategic objectives.

In order to boost the collaboration with Mediterranean countries and to promote new projects in cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anxo Moreira
Job Title
Head of RDI Tecnical Área
Head of the organisation
Mª Asunción Longo González (Vice-rector of Research and Technology Transfer)
Contact (2) Full Name
Sonia Pascual Amigo
Job Title (2)
Innovation manager for Social Science and Humanities

Usama Zarief

National Network

P.O.Box: 50.371
28080 Madrid

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
11.  KEY QUALIFICATIONS & BUSINESS SKILLS: Over 25 years of professional experience in International Trade to expand European companies and their exportations into EU., Middle East, North Africa and Gulf States (United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Oman and Bahrain).  Accredited Economist by the Madrid College of Economists. Experienced in strategic marketing/ international business (search for international partners / business lobbing/ international negotiations to introduce European business into EU., Middle East, North Africa (MENA) and Gulf States. Outstanding strategic planning and organizational skills in team work demonstrated in project   management and execution, with strong ability to manage concurrent multiple project deadlines and    priorities. Demonstrate methodological critical thinking approaches.  Excellent modelling, analytical and creative problem solving skills striving to stretch assignment    opportunities. Ability to build & maintain strong relationship with key business leaders and team members. Excellent business communication and interpersonal skills.
Mission and Objectives

To particpate in managing and coordination international projects in developing MEDA countries financed by the European Commission.

Main Projects / Activities

     Individual Expert in Economic Development and Financial policies (Private Sector Development, 
     International Investments in South Mediterranean region EU +12 countries).
Member a European team in several economic missions to executive international economic projects in MEDA countries. Financed by the European Commission. 
Member a European team to negotiate “International Free Trade Zone”, between European Union and GCC countries.  Topromote economic relationship between 28 European Union countries and 6 GCC countries (UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain and Qatar).
By prepared several foreign trade events, international investment and economic round tables, conferences, workshops, seminars and training courses for senior staff and high levels at the Ministries of Economy, International Trade and Foreign Affairs.  
Project manger to supervise the implementation of VAT/Tax in some MENA countries.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I have large experience in Euro Arab economic and finance policy.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I have large experiences in managing international Economic projects in developing countries financed by the Europe Aid Agency. 

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Usama Zarief
Job Title
Management Consultant
Head of the organisation
Usama Zarief


National Network

c/ Valencia nº5, 1er
08520, les Franqueses

Les Franqueses

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
we are a small organisation. We work on exchange artistic knowledge in theater and social circus around Europe (France, Italy, Turkey, Lithuania...) and Africa (Morocco, Algeria...). We work mostly in collaboration with Ser'p'art (Fr) and Arciragazzi (It) and local government
Mission and Objectives

The main objective of Vagabundeart is to promote the life shows of all arts, create of meeting spaces for artists, mainly in the public space.
Also to guarantee and gave artistic tools to people with difficulties to aces to them.

Main Projects / Activities

Yearly we tour 2 months around landscape areas in different countries to spread social arts tools, for young people and educators.
We are now creating a local theater and circus school for children that would be itinerant.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bruno Morera Garcia