
نشاط تعليمي

Videoteca el Ojo cojo

Un proyecto cultural para fortalecer el cine como herramienta de sensibilización. Un instrumento al alcance de tu espacio cultural , educativo, social

Vision Communication

National Network

C/ Alcolea 115 baixo
08014 Barcelona

+34 934902237
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Vision Films is a global communication consultancy that manages international raising awareness campaigns. Vision Films creates innovative content to be disseminated globally, in partnership with International Organisations, Institutions, Think Tanks, NGO's and private sector, addressing specific needs resourcefully.  
Mission and Objectives

Vision Films is strongly convinced that documentaries, interactive knowledge products and social media are tools for social transformation. Behind every project we endorse we believe there is a challenge, an opportunity, an idea that can improve lives. Vision Films works across the globe dealing with complex and evolving scenarios in the field. We cover changes in Arab states, Central American Indigenous communities dialogue, post-conflict realities in Africa and environmental challenges in Asia. Vision Films conveys powerful messages and raises global awareness on crucial issues. We successfully deal with women empowerment, development, gender violence, capacity building, south-south cooperation, human rights, migrations, peace building.

Main Projects / Activities

We are an experienced multidisciplinary team, organized as a network of professionals that combines skills, energies and visions to create top quality products for your needs. Our human resources include: communication specialists, journalists, International Organisations experts,photography and art directors, 3D and video editors, software engineers, knowledge management specialists, elearning experts, graphic designers, specialists in aerial and under water filming, speakers, 2D animation, social media and public campaigns experts, trainers and... more

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By offering our communication expertise to raise awareness and to disseminate the activities that the Network is doing in my country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we are working on the same field. We are developing global awareness communication campaigns at Euro-Mediterranean area, in partnership with the same organizations that ALF deals with. And because we want to support the activities of ALF with our expertise.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ramon Vila
Head of the organisation
Ramon Vila

Xarxa de Convivència

National Network

C/ Gravina, 14
17480 Roses

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Xarxa de Convivència is aimed at young people at risk of social exclusion or who come from dysfunctional families, above all immigrants with integration problems and, in general, anyone who supports the idea of a cohesive society. The association is based in Roses (Girona) and has a delegation in Figueres and Málaga. Directorate of 8 members and more than 200 collaborating volunteers. Projects: Cross-cultural trips, European exchange projects, women's empowerment, promotion of youth leadership, improvement of coexistence.  
Mission and Objectives

- Attention to young people with social inclusion problems,
- Search and create a point of attention for partners where they can find information and any type of support, deriving the problem detected in the corresponding team that forms the network.
- Offer a mediation service to all the partners in order to solve their problems, thanks to a professional and innovative alternative to solve conflicts of all kinds. By favoring and strengthening the coexistence.
- Organization of activities with the aim of bringing the diverse cultures existing in the city closer.
- Simultaneously consolidating coexistence through the organization of meetings, talks of various social topics, and various activities among neighbors.
- Organize trips for learn new values ​​and with the objective of knowing other existing realities.

Main Projects / Activities

- European exchange projects
- International exchange projects
- Empowerment projects for women
- Youth boosting talent projects
- Community mediation
- Improving coexistence

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed El Amrani
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohamed El Amrani

Xarxa Internacional de Periodistes amb Visió de Gènere

National Network

Urgell, 104, sobre àtic, 08011 Barcelona

629 283 240
Telephone (other)
625 126 871
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
General Information
More than 200 journalists and communicators from media and associations of women who want to communicate or inform about what women do. The International Network of Women Journalists and Communicators of Catalonia is integrated in the International Network of Journalists with a Gender Vision. We have organized or participated in the annual meetings of International Network of Women Journalists and Communicators, Estatal Network, Mediterrean Network and International Network of Journalists with a Gender Vision. Sources of founding: ICD (Catalan Institut for Women), Office for the Promotion of Peace and Human Rights (Generalitat de Catalunya), IEMed (European Institute of the Mediterranean). Main partners: Anna Lindh Foundation, 39 y más, ACISI, ACSUR Catalunya, Associació Cultural IBN Batuta, Associació Món Comunicació, Ca la dona, Cooperacció, Dones x dones, Entrepobles, Fundación Euroárabe: Un altavoz para el silencio, Institut Europeu de la Mediterrània, Marxa Mundial de les Dones, Ones de dones (a Ràdio Gràcia), UNESCOCAT, Ennaki, Nosotras en el mundo.
Mission and Objectives

To denunce the invisibility of the work made for the women, the feminization of poverty in the world, and the internacional denunce for the right to live in PEACE and without violences against women and against any person.
This objectives are achieved through the work of the journalists and other communicators members of the network.

Main Projects / Activities

I Meeting of Women Journalists of the Mediterranean: Journalists, Mediterranean and the future (Barcelona, december 1995). Edition of the book of this meeting.
Media covering of the Social Forum of the Mediterranean (Barcelona, june 2005)
II Meeting of Women Journalists of the Mediterranean: “Communicate with another sight: a bridge for the peace and the human rights” (Barcelona, october 2007). Presentation of the show “Women of South Mediterranean”
Meeting of women journalists of the Mediterranean 2008 “Having 20 years in the Mediterranean (Barcelona, February 2008)
Meeting of writers and intellectuals for the intercultural dialogue (Barcelona, may 2008). Elaboration of recommendations for the Euro-mediterranean Ministerial Conference of Culture celebrated in Athens may 2008.
Round table “Loudspeaker against gender violence” (Barcelona, may 2008)
Women, journalist and conflict in the Mediterranean in the IEMed (Barcelona, September 2008). Agenda and recommendations to give a gender vision in the information about countries in conflict in the Mediterranean
II Meeting of Women Journalists and Communicators of the Mediterranean (Marrakesh, october 2008).
Starting of the Newsletter “Women, journalists and conflict at the Mediterranean (November 2009)

Contact (1) Full Name
Marta Ayora
Head of the organisation
Montserrat Minobis
Contact (2) Full Name
Marga Pont


National Network

Carballo Calero 6/8 3ºD
15570 Narón

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Xeración is an Spanish network of youth organizations based in Valencia and Galicia. We count with over 70 volunteers in the whole country and a team of 5 full time workers developing mobility and participation projects. Our target group is youngsters between 18-30 years old. We offer them a wide variety of non formal education activities as: forum cinemas, workshops, theathe, human libraries, cultural routes... implemented at local level. In the international field we count with partners in 5 European countries with who we cooperate in 2 strategical partnerships (about promotion of social entrepreneurship and inclusion) as well as in several youth exchanges per year. We cooperate with local institutions who provide us the funds needed to run our projects. Also we receive great support from Erasmus+ programme.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to promote soft skills development of young people (specially the ones with less opportunities) through mobility and non formal education projects. We focus specially in spreading the attitudes needed to become a participative citizen with critical thinking. Also we work in raising awareness about our ecological footprints and the environmental threaths we, new generations, are facing.

Main Projects / Activities

- Schools of leaders. Serial of local workshops aimed to develop the entrepreneurial competences of youngsters.
- humanlibrary.edu Implementation of several events aimed to break stereotypes in the context of a methaphorical library. Creation of course for organisers
- Precious plastic. Recicling workshops to give a second life to the so consider "waste"
- Social movie nights: Weekly forum cinema tackling current social issues

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Helping to create bridges of intercultural undestanding with partners from the other side of the Mediterranean sea

Contact (1) Full Name
Francisco Xosé Sequeiro Allegue
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Francisco Sequeiro

Youth, Women and Street Art: Drivers of social change

Posters of the three events organized by members of the Spanish network

During the start of 2022, members of the Spanish Network organised different events funded by the Anna Lindh Foundation, all of which sought to achieve greater intercultural dialogue.

On March 2nd 2022, within the framework of International Women’s Day, Azahara held the Azahara Awards in Girona to recognise women with a migrant background who bring together the values of solidarity, commitment, social transformation, sustainability and resilience.

Between March and April, the Euroarab Foundation organised “N@s Llaman Calle”, a project targeting youth in Granada and conceiving the streets as a space of diversity and interculturality. Different initiatives were implemented to bring together three tools of artistic expression linked to the street: street photography, rap and graffiti.

Finally, the Forum “COCO: Conta el Odio Cotidiano” took place the 25 and 26th of March in Madrid, and was coordinated by Cazalla Intercultural, Al Fanar Foundation and Jovesólides. Youth, political representatives, scholars, awareness campaigns experts and of social entities representatives attended the forum and jointly designed a Decalogue of concrete measures for political advocacy to tackle everyday racism.

These activities capture the spirit of the new “Agenda for the Mediterranean” based on the conviction that, through joint work and cooperation, challenges can become opportunities.

Links for further information:

Azahara Awards: https://www.iemed.org/events/azahara-awards/

N@s Llaman Calle: https://www.iemed.org/events/nos-llaman-calle-street-art-as-a-spokesperson-for-young-people/

Forum COCO: https://www.iemed.org/events/coco-against-everyday-racism/



أندرو كلاريت

المدير التنفيذي السابق لمؤسسة آنا ليند الأوروبية - المتوسطية. بصفته صحافياً، كان أندرو كلاريت مدير وكالة الأنباء الإسبانية (EFE) لأفريقيا جنوب الصحراء الكبرى وأمريكا الوسطى وكتالونيا. وكان أيضاً مدير المعهد الأوروبي المتوسطي (IEMed) ومقره في إسبانيا. وكمحلل للشؤون الدولية، تخصّص...



من أبرز القيم التي تتمتّع بها الشبكة الإسبانية لمؤسسة آنا ليند (ReFAL) التنوّع والاختلاف في أعضائها، وتعمل الشبكة من خلال مختلف الاختصاصات على تحسين التصوّرات وتعزيز التفاهم المتبادل وتسهيل الحوار بين الثقافات. تتكوّن الشبكة الإسبانية حالياً من أكثر من 157 منظمة من منظمات المجتمع المدني التي تسعى جاهدة للعمل على مشاريع تعزّز التعايش في إطار التنوّع، وتساهم في إنشاء مجتمعات تعدّدية وديمقراطية.

من الركائز الأساسية في معظم إجراءات الشبكة دعم الشباب الملتزم ببناء مجتمعات أكثر شمولاً ومرونة والدور الرئيسي للتعليم المشترك بين الثقافات كأداة لخلق مواطنة مسؤولة وحاسمة تقوم على احترام التنوّع الثقافي، والبيئة والإنصاف الجندري

يوفّر برنامج مبادرات التنقل الموحّد مساحات مشتركة لتعزيز التعاون والتآزر بين أعضاء الشبكة ويسهّل تبادل الخبرات والممارسات الجيدة بين أعضاء الشبكة، فيُثري هذه المنظمات.


خوان دييز - نيكولاس

مدير كرسي البحوث في العلوم الاجتماعية والأمن في الجامعة الأوروبية في مدريد. لأكثر من 35 عاماً، ترأس دييز- نيكولاس جامعات مثل جامعة مالقة، وجامعة مدريد المستقلة، والجامعة الوطنية للتعليم عن بعد (UNED)، وجامعة كمبلوتنسي في مدريد. هو حالياً نائب رئيس...