
Servicio Civil Internacional

National Network

C/Ronda de Segovia 55, oficina 2, Madrid

0034 913663259
0034 9136632 03
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Servicio Civil Internacional Madrid (SCI) is a non-profit making and non-governmental organisation (NGO) established in 1987. It is the Spanish branch of Service Civil International, an international voluntary service organisation.
Mission and Objectives

Servicio Civil Internacional (SCI) promotes peace and international understanding, mainly using international workcamps as a tool to reach its aims. SCI uses international workcamps as a fundamental instrument, because it considers that by living together with other cultures and communities people can become aware of conditions and realities existing in the world.
SCI acts in a non-violent way as a catalyst for change within individuals and society,-takes appropriate non-violent international action in situations of tension, war and injustice, supports action which promotes international solidarity, justice, mutual understanding, participation in policy-making at all levels, and respect for individuals as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, promotes and organises voluntary service activities in co-operation with local communities as well as other local, national and international organisations, as a means of fostering greater confidence between people of different social, cultural, political or religious backgrounds by working, learning and living together.

Main Projects / Activities

The main method used by SCI to promote peace and justice are short and long-term international voluntary service projects. Over 320 Spanish volunteers participate in these activities every year, including East-West and North-South exchanges and the EVS program.SCI also organises international seminars and solidarity campaigns, education and training courses and seminars, individual trainee-ships. The activities cover a wide range of fields including: anti-racism, N/S solidarity, anti-fascism, ecology, gender-issues, rights of children, women, elderly and handicapped people, environment protection.

Contact (1) Full Name
Miruna Popa
Head of the organisation
Juan de Miguel Salanova
Contact (2) Full Name
Teresa Seoane Barcenilla


National Network

Calle Villardondiego 26, 3ºD
28032 Madrid Madrid

+34 620853791
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

SIETAR Spain is a non-profit organization that represents in SPAIN the global network of the Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research.
No staff employed and/or partners: all volunteers, with a management board including president, vicepresident, secretary, treasurer and active members.
Budgetary resources available in a year: depending on number of memberships; around 2000-3000 euros per year.
Sources of funding: memberships
Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.): webinars, trainings, congresses.
Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: management board and coordinators, also members from other organizations.

Mission and Objectives

We are an association of professionals working in the intercultural field, including multinational companies, consultants, NGOs, university professors and researchers and anyone interested in intercultural relations and diversity. In addition, it is also a platform for creating opportunities and exchange and a point of reference for professionals working with interculturality. It is also a platform for connection, exchange, inspiration, personal/professional development and creation of synergies for people and companies working with interculturality.
Our mission is to promote intercultural dialogue in society through the profession and to contribute to the development of a more egalitarian society where intercultural competence is a recognized value.

To encourage communication across cultural differences.
To promote education, training and research in the intercultural field.
To share experiences and knowledge for mutual enrichment.
To provide expertise on intercultural issues.

Main Projects / Activities

Webinars for members and non-members https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrtYAR1nesofVUh6JWHt2gw
SIETAR España Film Festival https://sietar.es/tag/sefival/
Members Spotlight https://www.instagram.com/sietarspain/?hl=es
SEU Malta Congress: https://sietareu.org/malta2022/

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Sharing the activities for non-members such as webinars and talks related to the intercultural field

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To make all SIETAR España members part of this community, enrich their networking and participate in the activities and researches.

Contact (1) Full Name
Berta San Martín Moreno
Job Title
Intercultural Traniner & Learning Consultant at NTT DATA
Head of the organisation
Berta San Martín Moreno
Contact (2) Full Name
Ténzul Zamora


National Network

Calle Fray Tomás del Valle 7 5b

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Who are we? Synergy is a youth, nonprofit association whose main purpose is to create a space for dialogue and a multicultural meeting place for young people. Our mission is to create an "international meeting point" where young people of the Campo de Gibraltar can connect with people from other nationalities and cultures. They can speak other languages ​​and can learn and participate in international and European, activities and youth initiatives.
Mission and Objectives

Our main objectives are to:
Promote meetings of languages ​​as a means of cultural exchange.
Promote activities, courses and meetings that promote personal and professional development of young people.
Serve as a point of connection with activities and youth initiatives at an international and European level.
What is our vision?
We believe that learning new languages ​​and intercultural dialogue is essential for the personal development of young people in today's global society. We are also convinced that young people have much to contribute to society and that through commitment can consolidate a society that promotes dialogue, tolerance and integration of all people regardless of their nationality or culture.

Main Projects / Activities

Key actions.
1. Synergy Language Exchanges
Synergy has been running for two years, coordinating and organizing weekly meetings in Algeciras where local and international people gather to practice new languages. In our exchanges we mainly speak English but also support the practice of other languages ​​such as French, German or Italian, as demanded by the participants.
2. Info Point.
The main objective of this new project is to create a platform for information, support and mediation for young people of the Campo de Gibraltar to participate in international projects such as cultural exchanges, trainings or courses on topics such as human rights, social entrepreneurship, cultural awareness peace and ecology among others.
Specific objectives include:
Creating an information / direct helpdesk and workshops for young people who are interested, in which we publicise types of programs, courses and initiatives there are and what you can expect from them.
Assisting young people interested in performing applications, organizing travel, course preparation and help translate applications into English.
Endorsing the candidates of local youth projects organized by partner associations.
Enhancing feedback and spreading of skills acquired once they return to the "EXPERIENCE". To do this, downstream projects and activities in which young people can put into practice what they have learnt. The aim is to create a network of young people in the region with international experience interested in spreading and help future participants.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In our community, there is not an association like ours and we believe in a union with yours can both grow and fulfill our vision.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we believe that unity and cooperation is strength. The more connections and cooperation are in the world, we can better achieve dialogue, multiculturalism and equality. We believe that Anna Lindh Foundation is doing a very good job and we believe that you are a network where we can fit.

Contact (1) Full Name
Virginia Vilches Such
Head of the organisation
Virginia Vilches Such

Society of Intercultural Educación Training and Research

National Network

C/Juan de la Salle, 3. Bajo
28036 Madrid Madrid

+34 666 090 580
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+ 34 666 090 580
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

We are a non profit organization created in 2006. The members of the board are 5: President, Vice President, Secretary, Director of Communication and Treasurer. Our budgetary resources come from the fees of the membership of our members which is 50 euros per year. We have approximately 25 members.  

Mission and Objectives

The mission of SIETAR SPAIN is to promote and facilitate intercultural education, training and research through professional interchange. The objectives of SIETAR SPAIN are… To enhance awareness of intercultural issues in all interactions To facilitate communication and respect between and among people of different cultures To improve intercultural relations, both domestic and global To promote the exchange of information, knowledge, and expertise in the intercultural field

Main Projects / Activities

During 2016 we have developed some activities such us: workshops to enhance intercultural issues in all interactions; a series of webinars  focused on Migration and Refugees issues, a course on Mediation, Arbitration and Interculturality.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

1. Supporting the activities of your organization. 2. Collaborating together in new projects that promote intercultural dialogue and intercultural education around the world especially in the Mediterranean Countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For three reasons: 1. Because  Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation works for the dialogue between cultures. 2. It is a network of civil society organisations dedicated to promoting intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean region. 3. I want to belong to a network with huge experience which gives me the opportunity to work for the values I believe in.    

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Alejandra Ramírez Cuenca

SODEPAU - Solidaritat, Desenvolupament i Pau

National Network

Pg. Salvat Papasseït,1 08003 Barcelona ( Spain)
08003 Barcelona

+34 93 301 01 71
+34 93 342 48 90
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Sodepau est une association à but non-lucratif avec 100 membres associés. L’assemblée annuelle est l’organe supérieur de prise de décisions où le budget est approuvé, la stratégie du travail définie et où le comité directeur de l’association est choisi. Les membres associés peuvent être élus comme membres du comité directeur et participer dans les groupes de travail. Au même temps, l’association a une structure technique professionnelle sous la direction du comité directeur composé par 6 membres. Le budget de l’association en 2009 a été de 1.014.008,86€, desquels le 87,79% proviennent de ressources budgétaires publiques au niveau de l’État, régional et local, et le 12,2% de ressources budgétaires privées. Les principaux modalités d’action sont les projets de coopération au développement, tourisme solidaire, production et organisation d’événements culturels, et activités de formation. Les principaux partenaires sont: SODEV, AMDH, AIC, HWC, CFDA, BeirutDC.
Mission and Objectives

SODEPAU veut être un outil de dynamisation sociale de promotion de la solidarité, la sensibilisation dans notre société et le dialogue interculturel; ainsi qu'un outil d’appui aux démarches de développement locale et communautaire dans le pays du sud de la Méditerranée. Les différentes voies d’expression artistique et culturel (cinéma, expositions, théâtre, etc.) que nous utilisons nous permettent une approximation aux réalités sociales et politiques de ces pays, ainsi que pour promouvoir les valeurs de la paix, l’égalité, la justice et les droits humains. On cherche à contribuer et promouvoir un vrai dialogue en établissant des liens et ponts parmi les mouvements sociaux catalans et ceux de la rive sud méditerranéenne et en offrant un cadre de participation et relations mutuelles avec les collectifs d’émigrés du Maghreb et Mashreq avec qui nous collaborons. On a le but de ne pas rester seulement dans le plan théorique mais d’établir des liens réels entre personnes et pour approfondir dans la connaissance mutuelle.

Main Projects / Activities

Programme de promotion et défense des droits humains, sociaux et culturels entre les lycéens et enseignants au Maroc, entre la population d'origine marocain en Catalogne et la population en générale. Programme Promethée, Ibn Rochd et Université DESC. Programme de promotion de la jeunesse dans la province de Chefchauen. Maroc. Programme d'appuie aux victimes et familles des victimes des Disparitions Forcées dans le basin Méditerranéen. Programme d'appuie au développement communautaire et du tissu associative dans la région de Missour (Maroc). Programme d'appuie aux initiatives de santé en Cisjordanie. Programme « Le cinéma comme outil de participation, sensibilisation et dynamisation sociale » Promotion du tourisme solidaire en Méditerranée, appuie à la consolidation du réseau AREMDT. Promotion de l'économie sociale et solidaire au Maroc, appuie à la REMESS. Marathon Culturel « Marhaba Palestine » en Catalogne.

Contact (1) Full Name
Meritxell Bragulat Vallverdú
Head of the organisation
Montserrat Abad Carrilla
Contact (2) Full Name
José Nieto Rico

Solidaridad Entre Personas Integrando Comunidades- SOEPIC

National Network

Espai Intercultural . C/De los Jardines, num 2.
46003 Valencia Valencia

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Estructura de la organización: todo nuestro personal colabora de manera voluntaria. Se ha realizado alguna contratación puntual por obra y servicio.
Plantilla de SOEPIC:
Anthony Hall (Presidente)
Judith García ( Mediadora Intercultural, Coordinadora del Área de Sensibilización Social)
Maria José Alejo ( Técnico de Animación Sociocultural- TASOC)
Sofía (Tecnica de Integración social).
Narymen ( Administrativa)
Personal Voluntario con participacoión puntual: compuesto por un grupo multdisciplinario y multcultural. Agentes de Mediación
Intercultural (guineana y española), Técnica en Integración socio-cultural (española), Licenciada en Bellas
Artes (afroespañola) y Trabajadora Social (afroespañola).

Recursos disponibles en una año: RRHH indicados anterirormente, sede con oficina con PC y telf , 2 aulas´( con proyector y pantalla) para la realización de talleres y/o charlas, 1 sala de reuniones. Debido a que somos una organizaciópn pequeña y dependemos de subvenciones y cuotas de los/las socios/as, en estos momentos la ONG dispone de unos 250 Euros.

Fuente sde financiación: Subvenciones públicas y privadas, cuotas de socios/as.

Acciones :
Sensibilización Social: colaboración en el diseño e implementación de proyectos con el Equipo de Implementación del Decenio para Personas Afrodescendientes de Naciones Unidas, para la Facultad de Filisofía y Ciencias de la Educación (Universidad de Valencia) , Implementación de charlas para diferentes ONGs (Valencia Acoge, Jarit, Movivmientos por la Paz y el Desarme, Farmamundi, Orriols Convive y Barris Inclusius (Ayuntamiento de Valencia).
Promoción de la Salud Púlbica y Comunitaria: diseño e implemntación de proyecto de Salud Comunitaria. Implementación de talleres de promoción de la salud. Colaboración con el Proyecto MihsSalud ( Consellería de Sanidad y ONG Acoec). Miembro de la Red Sanitaria Solidaria (RSS) y colaboración el el diseño y un audiovisual sobre Derecho a la Salud.
Eduación para el desarrollo: cursos de formación sobre Mejora de la Empleabilidad, Producción MusicaL ,Economía Doméstica y Nutrición Saludable.
Difusión Artística y Musical: participación en festivales y eventos artísticos.

Mission and Objectives

Visión y Misión
Nuestra misión es trabajar para crear condiciones de equidad para las personas que se encuentren en riesgo de exclusión social y para los colectvos más vulnerables. De este modo, poder propiciar el desarrollo de todas sus potencialidades.

Nuestra visión es la consttución de una sociedad más armónica, justa y con igualdad de oportunidades.

Objetvo general
Nuestro trabajo tene como objetvo general contribuir a la mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas, y a la mejora de los procesos de cambio social, tanto económico, como tecnológico, cultural, polítco y educacional, mediante propuestas que promocionen el respeto a los derechos humanos y que favorezcan relaciones Sur-Norte equitatvas, y que promuevan la equidad entre la mujer y el hombre como parte
fundamental del desarrollo.

Main Projects / Activities

Están incluidos en l documento adjunto.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Tenemos unas líneas de actuación muy definidas y está en total Confiamos en que nuestra colaboración sería de utilidad.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Porque creemos que podríamos aportar

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Judith García Ejome
Job Title
Mediadora Intercultural
Head of the organisation
Anthony Magel Hall ( Presidente)
Contact (2) Full Name
Anthony Magel Hall
Job Title (2)
Presidente de SOEPIC


National Network


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Solidaridad Internacional Andalucía is a non-profit Social Cooperation Organization created in 1996 with the aim of working towards the eradication of poverty. From that same year until today, SIA has gone through multiple situations and carried out many different types of actions. A large number of International Cooperation projects have been carried out, together with our local organizations from the countries where we are working, projects that have benefited thousands of men, women, and children from different contexts. In this sense, since our birth, we have been working in different societies in the South since we started, such as El Salvador, Nicaragua, Cuba, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Haiti, Senegal or Mali; as well as two emblematic areas as the Saharawi Refugee Camps and Palestine. In all of them, our priorities have been the fight against injustice, the defense of human rights, the search for gender equality, the defense of the environment and the fight against climate change, all through cooperative work and jointly with our partner organizations in each of the regions mentioned. Apart from our specific projects in International Cooperation, we also participate in rapid emergency response to catastrophes and Humanitarian Action projects, focusing on prevention and post-disaster recovery. The creation of a critical citizenry, capable of mobilizing against the causes that cause poverty, is another of the pillars of our work. For this, Education for Development plays a fundamental role in achieving this goal, becoming an instrument of struggle, with interventions in education regulated as non-regulated, and that along with social mobilization is one of our most recognized signs . Training, as an instrument for social change, has been in all these years the source in which all our activity is reflected. The acquisition of knowledge makes us stronger, more supportive and more combative. In short, Solidaridad Internacional Andalucía is a social organization that works together and in networks with other organizations in the search for and attainment of a fairer and more solidary world.
Mission and Objectives

The fight against all causes that cause poverty, solidarity work with all social and civil organizations that want to participate in this enormous task, the search for equality, respect for human rights and social justice; putting nature and the right to enjoy it for all citizens at the center of our lives and contribute to a more livable world, where the interests of the vast majority deprive the interest of a few.
Being an organization with solid Andalusian foundations and, therefore, with deep multicultural commitments, with a clear desire to be, along with our sister organizations of International Solidarity, a referent at the level of the whole Spanish State for the achievement of equality, respect for nature and be an effective instrument to end all the causes that make this world, an unequal, unjust and deeply unsupportive world.
SIA is a secular and non-partisan organization whose origin is based on and is influenced by the social struggles of the people against all kinds of oppression and inequality.
The formation and the promotion of critical awareness among the citizens remains a fundamental pillar in our work.
Our actions start from the identification of the great inequality and the imbalance between countries, people and sectors, advocating the total elimination of the causes that cause these inequalities.
We conceive of democracy as a permanent and continuous act of participation by the population in all activities that concern it.
We define and apply resilience as the engine of change of local and global realities.
We feel completely committed to the defense of the environment and to the struggles against the causes that are causing climate change.
We define ourselves as an organization with a high level of feminist awareness and we bet on the equal participation of women in all the processes that we carry out.

Main Projects / Activities

Cooperation and Aid Action
Education for Development: mainly focusing in intercultural projects
Training and Research about Local Resilience
Local service to inmigrants

Contact (1) Full Name
Luisa López
Job Title
Coordinator Education, Voluntery and Communication areas
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Manuel Martínez Ocón
Job Title (2)


National Network

03004 ALICANTE Alicante

+34 659066689
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+34 659066689
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Youth and education
General Information

WE HAVE ALREADY SUBMIT OUR APPLICATION - We submit once again in order to add two more documents as good examples of our work.

Mission and Objectives

WE HAVE ALREADY SUBMIT OUR APPLICATION - We submit once again in order to add two more documents as good examples of our work. (available in 6 languages)

Main Projects / Activities

WE HAVE ALREADY SUBMIT OUR APPLICATION - We submit once again in order to add two more documents as good examples of our work. (available in 6 languages)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

WE HAVE ALREADY SUBMIT OUR APPLICATION - We submit once again in order to add two more documents as good examples of our work. (available in 6 languages)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

WE HAVE ALREADY SUBMIT OUR APPLICATION - We submit once again in order to add two more documents as good examples of our work. (available in 6 languages)

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Paloma Jiménez Martín
Job Title
Head of the organisation


National Network

03004 ALICANTE Alicante

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Structure: We are a team o five people working from our main office in Alicante (Spain), composed of director, two education projects managers, one international cooperation project manager and communication; but also a head-project working from Senegal, and El Salvador.

We manage almost one million anual budget to face our projects in Spain, but also Guatemala, Senegal and El Salvador, and most of our funds (91%), aimed to this goal. Our main funding sources are public administrations at regional and local levels, but also private organizations (calls for proposals in any case), we also have a social bases that support us individually.

Our main projects are: International Development projects and Education projects, with local communities, authorities, other NGOs and education Network, by working around food sovereignty; gender equality, HH.RR, intercultural learning and social inclusion.

Mission and Objectives

We are a professional NGO with 30 years experience on offering spaces and tools to improve international policies, in order to promote an equal, sustainable and fair World. For that reason all our projects promote the IDGs.

Main Projects / Activities

International Development within local NGOs in Guatemala, El Salvador and Senegal

Regional projects of Education with young people, students and persons of inmigran origins.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organization in the main leader to promote gender equality and intercultural learning at the local level (Alicante), and our intercultural and initiative leaded by a young and creative team could improve the proposed goals of the foundation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are impressed by the connections and common features of tALF and Solidaridad Internacional. While you are an enormous network with capacity to promote international changes and policies, we are quite integrated at the local level. In conclusion, we want to join the ALF in order to connect with other organizations, leaders and initiatives to promote the impact and sustainability of our common goals within and international network.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Paloma Jiménez Martín
Job Title
Head of the organisation


National Network

Tarragona 21 Street, bajo izquierda
28045 Madrid

+34 605298787
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+34 605298787
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
SSF - INSTITUCIONAL INFORMATION SOLIDARIDAD SIN FRONTERAS “SSF” mission is to promote all kinds of courses, seminars, studies/research and public activities/projects on social, political and cultural rights, defending the right to education and academic freedom. Collaborate with the education authorities and international agencies to promote respect for pluralism, tolerance, justice, responsibility and flexibility in all spheres of education, contribute to social welfare and, in particular to those groups composed of at risk of social exclusion and/or in situations of social vulnerability families, children rights, young people who have difficulties in social and labour integration, cooperation for development and welfare of the neediest people of countries in need, engage in social awareness towards the development of the South. SSF is registered in the National Register of Associations of the Kingdom of SPAIN under the number 594364, VAT number: ES G-85887750 SOLIDARIDAD SIN FRONTERAS "SSF" is a development NGO registered with the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), thus complying with the requirements of Law 23/1998, of July 7, International Cooperation for Development. SSF is also registered in the city of Madrid, Government Department of Economics, employment and citizenship with number 2643 in the category of partnerships for development cooperation. Our Organization is registered in the Leganes City as entity of citizen participation. "SSF" has granted legal personality recognized by administrative resolution departmental No. 898/2012 for the governance of Plurinational State of Bolivia. SSF belongs to the REGIONAL FORUM FOR THE IMMIGRATION of the COMUNIDAD DE MADRID region of Spain as permanent head vocal. SSF belongs to the sectorial Forum on immigration and Social Coexistence of the city of Leganes of the Madrid in Spain (partner in plenary and in the permanent Committee head) WORK AREAS  Immigration and integration.  Cooperation and co-development – European Projects (International Projects Department).  Research, training and awareness.  Volunteerism and social responsibility.  Our head office in Madrid City (Tarragona 21 Street)  SSF has other office in partnership with the city of Leganés (Leganes City) CENTRO SOCIAL ROSA LUXEMBURGO, El Charco 23 Street.  SSF has other Office in partnership with the city of Alcorcón (Alcorcón City) CENTRO GREGORIO ORDOÑEZ, Parque Bujaruelo 1,3 Street. In the SSF management team we have professional experts responsible for different areas and the principal professional staff is: D. ÁLVARO WILL IBÁÑEZ TUDELA: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER & LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE Email: alvaro.will@ssf.org.es o Masters Degrees: o MA in Integration, Development and Co-development - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de España (MdE) o MA in International Relations and International Public-Private Laws- Universidad Complutense Madrid (LL.M) o MA in Telecommunications and IT (Information Technologies ) Laws - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Postgraduate programs (PGdip) in: International Co-operation for Human Development - Universidad Oberta de Cataluña (Barcelona); International Sale and Purchase Operations, E-commerce and Private Laws - Universidad Carlos III (Madrid); International Business Laws - Universidad Complutense de Madrid. o Undergraduate Degree in Laws (graduate in Laws - Esquire) UMSA. - Professor and Speaker/reporter in different courses, seminars and congresses in Latin America and Europe, - 10 years’ experience as head of international organizations, foundations, associations and international consultancy. - He has been working several years on projects focused on the social and professional integration of young people, students, adults, immigrants, men and women. He has led projects in these areas for many years. - He coordinated three investigations on the social and political participation of youth people, women and immigrants in Spain. D. SEBASTIÁN SALINAS MALDONADO Member counselor of “SSF” Email: sebastian.salinas@ssf.org.es o Master Degree Integration, Development and Co-development - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de España (MdE) o Undergraduate Degree in Laws (graduate in Laws – Esquire counselor). - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - Expert in immigration laws with 12 years of experience in immigration and aliens. Professor and Speaker/reporter in different courses, seminars and congresses in Latin America and Europe. - He has been working in international social organizations, immigrant associations and in the Public Administration, among others. - He developed three investigations on the social and political participation of youth people, women and immigrants in Spain. Dª. GABRIELA SOSA GARCIA Member of “SSF” Email: gabriela.s.g@ssf.org.es Doctorado (PhD) in Anthropology and Current Society / Communication and Culture Universidad de Salamanca. Master Degree en Research management and Local development at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Expert in Intercultural Social mediation - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. - She has worked in social and Immigration project, cooperation and co-development, integration, interculturality, gender, human rights, communication, specialization in techniques of quantitative and qualitative research, among others. - She has works experience in gender violence with youth people social and labour integration processes. - She developed (part of SSF team) three investigations on the social and political participation of youth people, women and immigrants in Spain. SSF other staff: • Professional Trainers • Lawyers (Master degree in International Public Laws) • Intercultural Mediators • Volunteers (previously trained) • General Coordinator Our projects and activities are financed for: - European Funds - Public subsidies/grants - Contracts - services with private enterprises - Contribution and associates' donations SSF REALIZES A PROCESS OF TECHNICAL AND FINANCIAL AUDIT EVERY YEAR, PROCESS REALIZED BY AN EXPERT SPANISH COMPANY
Mission and Objectives

SSF has extensive background and experience in comprehensive care for children, young people, women victims of gender violence, immigrant population (disadvantaged people), the instruments for the accomplishment of the mission and objectives of the entity are:
The design, planning, development and implementation of projects and programs of development cooperation and Education for Solidarity.
• The implementation of actions to support training and awareness.
• The design, planning, development and implementation of projects and programs that encourage labour integration and participation / citizen as / as in society.
• The development of research and analysis and recommendations for further actions to different government and social actors (professional tools).
Among them we can mention projects in Spain and Bolivia (South America) focused on the young women, migrant population in research and direct social intervention, especially young people, families, and immigrant women in the legal, social and labour integration area, also values education, tolerance, integration, social participation, on the other hand develop cooperation projects focusing on circular migration in Bolivia and south America.
We have developed projects focused on the integration of children, young people, families and women (at risk of social exclusion and/or in situations of social vulnerability, migrants, unemployed people, women victims of gender violence etc.) into the Community of Madrid and others communities of Spain, starting from the first host to personalized and group counselling on legal, social and labour issues.
Within its International Projects Department, since 2014, SSF shows experience of cooperation and implementation European projects as coordinator (LIGHTHOUSE PROJECT – ERASMUS + - KA2 - 2014-1-ES01-KA204-004980)

Main Projects / Activities

SSF has specialized activities in serving disadvantaged populations such as:
o Group workshops around the social and political participation of immigrant women.
o Legal counselling services, workshops and awareness sessions and legal issues specialist care in Aliens, welcome and integration process, combating racism, discrimination, prevention and combat gender violence, inside schools, hosting units, refugee centres, public administration, companies and others.
o Supports lifelong learning and career paths for migrants by tailored counselling and recognition of prior learning to improve skills, employability and mobility.
o Design and implementation of different professional tools for unemployed people, companies and social actors.
• Training of trainers in several areas and for different groups.
• Research in different social, political and industrial areas for population at risk of social exclusion (disadvantaged people).
• Design and implementation of different professional tools. The organization has three professional social researches developed in Spain and America Latin released in many countries.
We are experts in the prior assessment and all the integration process of special situation of our direct beneficiaries, developing custom itineraries and with measurable objectives.
The beneficiaries of these projects:
 Children and young people (students) inside refugees welcome centres and hosting units.
 Women and men (people in risk of social exclusion).
 Immigrant population and their network partner family
 Population at risk of social exclusion inside and outside refugees welcome centres and hosting units.
 Colleges and Institutes of secondary education (Schools) and vocational training
 Hosting Units and refugee centres staff
 Heads of orientation, psychologists, teachers, tutors, directors of the centres, principals, social workers, counsellors, etc.
 Associations of immigrants
 Associations of women victims of gender violence
 Neighbourhoods associations
 Social Services and charity organizations
 Public social care services to women with problems of violence of gender
 European institutions and bodies active in the field of education
 European institutions and bodies active in the field of migration.
 Companies
Within its International Projects Department, since 2014, SSF shows experience of cooperation and implementation European projects as coordinator (LIGHTHOUSE PROJECT – ERASMUS + - KA2 - 2014-1-ES01-KA204-004980) A consortium of seven partners from Spain, Norway, Greece, France, Cyprus and Austria, with relevant know-how and expertise.
Since 2010 develop different professional projects of support and accompaniment of social and labour insertion/integration in Spain to people with social, legal, and professional integration difficulties (people is risk of social exclusion). We have developed this service for the welcome and assistance to a big number of people and with good results (qualitative and quantitative).
Among these:
 INTEGRATION EN RED project (funded by the Ministry of Social Affairs of the community of Madrid, years 2011,2012 and 2013) the objective the shelter, social, legal and labour integration of young immigrants living in peri-urban areas of the community of Madrid and develop an effective intervention which reinforces the women’s equality rights.
 SAEX project (funded by the City Council of the city of Leganés years 2013, 2014 and 2015) target the shelter, social, legal and labour integration of young immigrants and women victims of domestic violence who live in the suburbs (especially young people from Africa and Latin America)
 MADRID SUR EN RED project (funded by the Ministry of Social Affairs of the community of Madrid, year 2014 and 2015) project of shelter, social, legal and labour integration of unemployed and in a situation of legal irregularity (immigrants) of Madrid and develop an effective intervention which reinforces the women’s equality rights.
• INTEGRAL SERVICE TO MINORS AND FAMILAS OF IMMIGRANT ORIGIN project (funded by the City Council of the city of Leganés years 2013, 2014 and 2015) To attend, by means of a professional service, the situations of special vulnerability and social exclusion of the FAMILIES AND MINORS of immigrant origin in the municipality of Leganés (as CEMU Host Unit), by means of actions of integral reception, orientation and legal advice on the subject of status of foreigners and actions of sociolabour orientation.
Our Organization has worked for two years (2010 and 2011) in a project financed with European funds (European Social Fund) of the Ministry of Education and the Immigration Department of the Community of Madrid of Spain developing STUDENTS SUCCESSFUL for the network of schools and colleges of the educational system and whose aim was to:
 Support teachers schools, head of studies departments, guidance departments, social workers, external staff of schools, improving school performance and student learning, the implementation of activities of motivation students for the improvement of learning, prevent early school leaving, prevent conflicts between teachers and students, prevent conflicts between students of different nationalities and social groups (ethnic), prevent of further violent incidences caused by gender violence and between families of the school, and develop an effective intervention which reinforces the women’s equality rights.
• Also we implemented a support service after school outside of lesson time of study (in the afternoons) for students with school performance difficulties.
• Another objective was to support and direct work to the families of the students in the process of learning improvement, family conflicts, effective intervention which reinforces the women’s equality rights, integration and social cohesion support prevention and prevention of early school leaving (worked in network with different organizations and other hosting centers of study including referrals and work network)
The project was implemented on 2010 and 2011
 On the other hand, actually, and from 2012 (part of another project of SSF), we are developing a cross SUPPORT SERVICE TO HOSTING UNITS - schools and families of students the schools on the outskirts of cities in processes of welcome and family mediation and develop an effective intervention which reinforces the women’s equality rights.
We have also worked in the implementation of projects and new tools that accompany and support this prevention and training activities working in the areas - peri-urban cities on the outskirts of big cities and with use of information and communications technologies.
Our work also on board the psychological and emotional part in search of social integrations and coexistent habits, the teaching of individual self-esteem, self-help and motivation groups sessions.
SSF shows experience of cooperation and implementation European projects as coordinator (LIGHTHOUSE PROJECT – ERASMUS + - KA2 - 2014-1-ES01-KA204-004980) A consortium of seven partners from Spain, Norway, Greece, France, Cyprus and Austria, with relevant know-how and expertise

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a strong network in Europe, Spain and Latin America´partners. We are experts in the prior assessment and all the integration process of special situation of our direct beneficiaries, developing custom itineraries and with measurable objectives.
The beneficiaries of these projects:
 Children and young people (students) inside refugees welcome centres and hosting units.
 Women and men (people in risk of social exclusion).
 Immigrant population and their network partner family
 Population at risk of social exclusion inside and outside refugees welcome centres and hosting units.
 Colleges and Institutes of secondary education (Schools) and vocational training
 Hosting Units and refugee centres staff
 Heads of orientation, psychologists, teachers, tutors, directors of the centres, principals, social workers, counsellors, etc.
 Associations of immigrants
 Associations of women victims of gender violence
 Neighbourhoods associations
 Social Services and charity organizations
 Public social care services to women with problems of violence of gender
 European institutions and bodies active in the field of education
 European institutions and bodies active in the field of migration.
 Companies
SSF is also an active member of:
Regional and sectorial commissions for the definition of young migrant policies (REGIONAL FORUM FOR THE IMMIGRATION of the COMUNIDAD DE MADRID region of Spain as permanent HEAD vocal.
SECTORIAL FORUM ON IMMIGRATION AND SOCIAL COEXISTENCE of the city of Leganes of the Madrid in Spain, HEAD partner in plenary and in the Committee permanent head).
SSF shows experience of cooperation and implementation European projects as coordinator (LIGHTHOUSE PROJECT – ERASMUS + - KA2 - 2014-1-ES01-KA204-004980) A consortium of seven partners from Spain, Norway, Greece, France, Cyprus and Austria, with relevant know-how and expertise
These strong connections will be an advantage in order to incorporate our NGO in ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our aims are similar of Anna Lindh Foundation about is citizens integration across the Mediterranean to build trust and improve mutual understanding, bring people together from across the Mediterranean to improve mutual respect between cultures and to support civil society (integrations process)
Our work and expertise in Spain and other mediterranian countries (for our EU project and network) can be a tool to improve this important network of ALF.
Many of our EU nearby partners are a part of Anna Lindh Foundation and we want to reach and contribute with our work and knowledge this important network and aims of ALF

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation