
Hiwar Center for Youth and Women's Empowerment

National Network

Ramallah-Albireh, Orabi Street
الأراضي الفلسطينية

00970 0 02 2413349
00970 2 02 242 3138
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 970 599782879
Mobile Phone (other)
00970 597177077
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Hiwar was established in 2010 and our registration was issued in 2011 , it is made of a group of young activists devoted to social change in Palestine. Our activities are mainly ; training , cultural exchange , dialogue forums , workshops , networking. We support our activities from local sources.
Mission and Objectives

Hiwar is an non governmental organization that works on women's and youth empowerment so that they are able to actively contribute to the decision making and sustainable development through dialogue. Hiwar seeks to empower women and youth so they part take in decision making . Hiwar seeks to open channels of dialogue between Palestinian Youth locally and internationally.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Capacity building 2. Dialogue program 3. Networking and Advocacy

Contact (1) Full Name
Iman Abdel Rahman
Head of the organisation
Iman Abdel Rahman
Contact (2) Full Name
Natasha Khalidi

Holy Land Trust

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Holy Land Trust is lead by a 9 member local board of directors that is elected every two years by a 40 member general assembly. The Executive Directors (Sami Awad) reports to the board and oversees the operations of the departments and administrative staff (total 30 staff members). Funding for HLT depends on outside donations and contribution (grants, gifts, proposals, etc.) and other forms of revenue generating mechanism like the travel and encounter program. HLT engages in trainings, meetings, conferences, curriculum development, media work and travel programs for foreigners. Holy Land Trust works with many local and international partners such as, Nonviolence International, Middle East Fellowship, Musicians without Borders, others are available on the following link http://www.holylandtrust.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1...
Mission and Objectives

Through a commitment to the principles of nonviolence, Holy Land Trust seeks to strengthen and empower the Palestinian community in developing spiritual, pragmatic, and strategic approaches that will allow it to resist all forms of oppression and built a future that makes the Holy Land a global model and pillar of understanding, respect, justice, equality and peaceful coexistence.

Main Projects / Activities

Holy Land Trust is divided into Four major Departments /Projects:
- Nonviolence Program: promoting Nonviolence within the Palestinian community.
- Making the Impossible Possible: Non-linear Leadership training program.
- Travel and Encounter: Alternative tourism program for fact finding trips to Palestine / Israel.
- Palestine News Network: Alternative web, audio and video press agency.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sami Awad
Head of the organisation
Sami Awad
Contact (2) Full Name
Eilda Zaghmout
نموذج ناجح
Good Practice Illustration

Home New Home

Les sociétés de la région euro-méditerranéenne font face à de nombreux défis en raison d'un afflux de personnes fuyant la guerre et la violence du sud vers le nord de la Méditerranée. Cela a, à son tour, suscité des craintes...

نموذج ناجح
Good Practice Illustration

Home New Home

Societies in the Euro-Mediterranean region are experiencing challenges due to an influx of people fleeing war and violence from the South to the North of the Mediterranean. This, in turn, has instigated fears, prejudices and misunderstandings among different groups in...


National Network
00970 22406138
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
over 200 hundred allover Palestine ,depending on fund from individuals-works in partnership of many organisations according to the activity
Mission and Objectives

helping kids
arrange activities for kids
give social aids for families

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
JEHAD NAMOORAجهاد رزق نموره
Head of the organisation
JEHAD NAMOORA جهاد رزق نمورة-
Contact (2) Full Name
ANAS QARYOUTYانس القريوتي

Hope Makers Club for Youth and Sport

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
Hope Makers Club for Youth and Sport is one of active Palestinian clubs in the field of sports, youth and cultural Characterized by a long history and great as it was involved in many of the games and various events and we have a lot of excellence young people, children and girls.
Mission and Objectives

• Culture Exchange and Youth Exchange.
• Support a free and independent sports movement, based on voluntary effort, and
• Give women and men positive experiences of sports as entertainment.
• Strengthen the international competitiveness of sportsmen and sportswomen.
• Are intended to give women and men equal access to participation in sports activities,
• Lead the way in future policy matters;
• Coordinate the sport movement in conducting research and development, and prepare statistics;
• Coordinate the sport movement’s international activities.
• To promote an understanding of international solidarity through sports and culture.
• Send volunteers to participate in international events and workcamps.

Main Projects / Activities

* Youth Exchange Programs
* Youth in Action
* Voluntary Programs
* Sport championships
* ART Events

Contact (1) Full Name
Maher Alhassany
Head of the organisation
Maher Alhassany

Human Rights and Democracy Media Center "Shams"

National Network
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The organizational structure is based on a Board of Directors with 7 members and 8 other full-time members of staff, an advisory committee, as well as a network of grassroots volunteers. Our budget is project-based, and thus represents grants received only. As an indication, our total funding between 2008 and 2010 stands at $1,089,247 USD, about 2/3 of which came from the Danish Representative Office, $50000 (NDC), $62950 (Naseej/Save the Children), $43640 (USAID), $8800 (DCAF), and $5000 (British Consulate). Our projects focus on capacity building of local civil society organizations, promotion of human rights, training and awareness-building of democratic participation, and promoting tolerance between Palestinians and their European counterparts. This is done through training courses, workshops, youth exchanges, and media reports. Our main partners include Transparency International, DCAF (Geneva Center for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces), Palestinian Youth Network, Najah University Law Faculty, and the Central Elections Committee.
Mission and Objectives

1. Dissemination of information about human rights and democracy through the utilization of the media.
2. Strengthening the role of women within their communities.
3. Strengthening the role of youth and more generally promoting volunteerism, democratic participation, and values of tolerance in Palestine.
4. Capacity building and strengthening the relationship and cooperation between local, regional and international institutions.
5. Compilation and publication of research and studies.
6. Empower target groups to be able to demand and defend their needs and rights.
Our Mission:
The Shams Human Rights and Democracy Media Center seeks to enhance the role of youth within Palestinian society, in addition to consolidating a culture of human rights, values of tolerance and democratic reform. From this perspective, Shams conducts activities targeting children, youth, and women, in order to empower and build their capacities, and work on satisfying their basic needs and priorities.

Main Projects / Activities

Our projects fall into three main strategic areas. The first is the promotion of democratic participation. Our last two major projects directly reached over 12,000 young people and women throughout the West Bank through a series of workshops, training courses, and summer camps.
Our second strategic area is in the promotion of human rights. This is done through legal aid with individuals and organizations, and training courses (such as one project which targeted female preachers).
Our final area is the promotion of cross-cultural understanding. On this line, we have hosted a delegation of Danish youth, held training courses for a total of 9,524 Palestinian youth on the importance of religious tolerance and cultural dialogue. We are also currently planning to host a group of law students from Norway in a similar effort.
Each of these areas are complemented by our media unit which regularly broadcasts radio, press and television reports.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammed Hamayel
Head of the organisation
Omar Rahal

Human Supporters Association (HSA)

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
- Full-time employees: 1 Director, 1 project coordinator, 1 development officer, 1 Activity coordinator, 2 Psychologists, 1 theatre teacher, 1 accountant, 2 teachers and 1 Logistic Assistant Part-time: 5 teachers and 50 committed volunteers - Income(NIS): 288771, Expenses(NIS): 277894 - Sources of Funding: European Union/ Cooperazione Internazionale Sud-Sud, Italy/ Salam i ragazzi dell'Olivo Milano, Italy/ Association avec Naplouse, France/ Planet Action, France/ Collectif Palestine, France/ Battle for Education, France/ Amics De Palanques, Spain/ Euro Mediterranean Human Right Fund, Denmark/ Medico International, Germany/ Self Financing projects (selling embroideries, cook-book, etc.) - PROJECTS: Voice of Kids/ "Promoting children, youth, and women education and psychological wellbeing in Nablus old city" Project/ Human Right Theatre Project/ Summer Camp “Living together”/ Puppets project ; EXCHANGES: Nanterre Municipality, France ; SEMINARS: in cooperation with CEMEA, "Training of Facilitator", Nantes, France
Mission and Objectives

Human Supporters Association’s mission is to empower, mobilize, and serve the local community with a special focus on children, youth and women; to ensure their psycho-educational wellbeing and teach them how to become proactive in their own society in a positive, productive manner; to pave the way for future leaders with a self-critical approach and to prevent Nablus’ traumatized children and youth from developing without required help and provide them with the needed psychological support.
Our objectives are therefore to aid the affected people and reintegrate them back into society whilst giving them equal opportunities to have an impact on their society; to build a tolerable society and eradicate discrimination against social classes, and gender and religious inequality; to encourage the provision of equal opportunities for cultural and recreational activities for children, youth, and women and to increase financial independency and develop networks with local and international organizations.

Main Projects / Activities

- Human Rights Theatre Project, a psycho-educational project that aims at teaching children between the ages of 13 and 16 years about human rights and helping them use theater to practice their right of expression through writing and acting plays in the same context
- Voice of Kids Project is a psycho-educational project that targets children between the ages of 12 and 15 years and encourages them to have a positive and proactive approach to demand change in the society and express themselves in a magazine distributed worldwide called "Voice of Kids" magazine
- “Living together” Summer Camp, a project with a socio-cultural approach which promotes tolerance for differences between children with different religions
- "Promoting children, youth, and women education and psychological wellbeing in Nablus old city" Project which offers Literacy classes, School support in Arabic, Mathematics and English and the Child-to-Child support Program as a way to expand education opportunities and promote psychosocial wellbeing, rights, and participation among the abovementioned groups in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The specific experiences and methods of HSA, along with its own networks, would provide an excellent contribution towards the ALF Network in Palestine.HSA’s commitment towards grass root level cooperation would enhance the foothold of ALF in Palestine and the region.
Doing so will provide additional strength to ALF’s core values of promoting intercultural diversity and cooperation. Inclusion within AFL’s network would provide further voice and weight behind ALF’s mission, through their promotion within HSA’s networks and partnerships. As an NGO which is closely tied to the local community through grassroots participation, HSA can promote ALF’s goals and ideals through important local and regional contacts. Additionally by joining the ALF Network, HSA hopes to share its knowledge, gained through its grass roots assistance to the community. This entails particular experiences of operating in a conflict affected environment, with the specific trauma this features. This contrasting experience of operating under a military occupation, alien to most of the network abroad, makes HSA unique from most other members based abroad in the help it can offer the Network in Palestine.HSA’s focus upon a grass roots approach to serving the local community, by empowering and integrating vulnerable groups, especially children, youth and women, has provided a rich source of knowledge which would be valuable to other organizations. HSA would be willing to share its staff’s specific skills in dealing with educational and psychological issues and trauma. This would allow others to benefit from an approach, which has abandoned traditional educational and physiological methods, in favour of an inclusive and participatory based approach. The nontraditional approach adopted by HSA, along with its experience in the unique case of Palestine, offers an alternative source of ideas and inspiration. Along with its own contacts and networks, this provides a great opportunity to enhance the ALF Network in Palestine. By doing so HSA, in partnership with ALF and its Network’s members, can better promote a shared commitment to intercultural understandings and partnerships.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Participating in ALF’s unique and wide ranging Network would be of enormous benefit to HSA. As an NGO targeting vulnerable sections of the community, HSA strives to create additional connections with a variety of regional and international actors. In doing so it aims to further enhance its reputation, to better meet the needs of those it seeks to help. By joining ALF’s network of over 3,000 civil society institutions, HSA hopes to overcome particular stereotypes and misunderstandings associated with the Palestinians and other peoples and cultures. Acting in line with ALF’s core values, a partnership would help to bridge cultural and societal confusions through the promotion of an intercultural strategy. Joining the ALF Network would enhance both HSA and ALF’s shared commitment towards shared essential fundamental values, focused around intercultural respect and tolerance for pluralism and diversity, as well as respect between societies, religions and fundamental freedoms.
ALF’s core principles upon which it has forged networks with other organizations, is an immense attraction. Special focus upon cooperation between member organizations, coordinating institutions and ALF, in addition to special attention towards a consultative approach, provides an excellent potential for the sharing of knowledge and ideas between networks. In addition, a focus upon mobilization and participation of members encourages further cooperation. The assistance provided by ALF in securing and developing these networks provides an invaluable source of expertise.
ALF’s focus around education provides an essential overlap. This would build upon already existing educational methods applied by HSA. Additionally HSA would gain tremendous insight from interactions with organizations across the network, specializing in other key activities, such as media and public opinion as well as culture and creativity.
AFL’s core values, especially its promotion of cross cultural understanding, along with its encouragement of coordination, consultation, mobilization and assistance, has created a series of networks of immense knowledge and strength. In joining HSA would vastly improve upon its existing approaches especially towards education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Wajdi Yaeesh
Head of the organisation
Duha Bezreh

Ibtikar for Empowerment and Social Entrepreneurship

National Network

Al Karkafa Street
الأراضي الفلسطينية

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Ibtikar was created by a group of Palestinian educators, entrepreneurs, activists, and changemakers. Together, we bring in extensive professional experience in intercultural learning, youth empowerment, social entrepreneurship, non-formal education, democracy & civic engagement, social impact measurement, organizational development, and social innovation, among many more. Working for many years in these fields, we found ourselves often debating what was missing: a program that doesn’t exclude, that doesn’t limit diversity to different societal categories, a program that fully and outspoken offers learning opportunities that empower and generate change.  Who we are: - Ibtikar is a Palestinian NGO that offers innovative youth programs, corporate training, and consulting services to foster social innovation and entrepreneurship in the community.  - Ibtikar promotes education for social innovation. Ibtikar wants to allow Palestinians to use their creativity to respond to social issues and contribute effectively to building a fairer, more caring, and equal society. Also, Ibtikar believes that education for Social Innovation makes well-being amongst young people and helps build a strong nation that is more inclusive, empathetic, and connected. - Ibtikar works to empower and support young people to realize their potential as social innovators, giving them the needed skills to tackle the social issues that they face in their communities.  - Ibtilar believes that Young people must lead the way in making the Sustainable Development Goals a reality. Each of the Ibtikar's projects is a powerful tool to accelerate progress on the Goals. Ibtikar will do its best to ensure decision-makers and influencers hear their voices. 
Mission and Objectives

Ibtikar strategy (2020-2025), which is aligned with U.N. transformative 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Leave No One Behind, articulated the organization vision as “ We work to empower the next generation to address society’s needs,” and its mission as “We offer innovative youth program, corporate training and consulting services to foster social innovation, entrepreneurship and civic engagement in the community.
Besides, Ibtikar connects, inspires, trains, and mentor young change agents and innovators to become global problem solvers guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals”.  Furthermore, the strategy envisioned Ibtikar taking new programmatic roles as a catalyst, enabler, and facilitating change aspiring to maximize impact and create social values. 

Main Projects / Activities

1. The Young Social Innovators
With Young Social Innovators, Ibtikar provides Palestinian young people
with the opportunity to use their creativity to respond to social issues
and contribute to building a fairer, more caring, and equal society. To
achieve this , we empower and support young people to realize their
potential as social innovators, giving them the skill s and confidence to
tackle the social issues to face them, their communities, and wider
society. The 12-month initiative i s a cus tomized capacity building
program for school s tudent s in Bethlehem di s trict. Student s work in
teams , explore social i s sues that concern them, and develop and
implement creative responses and solutions to social needs . Learning i s
youth-led and value-based, infused with an under s tanding of human
right s , civic engagement, ethics , and contribution to achieving the
SDGs .Ibtikar works with 200 school s ’ s tudent s (14-16 year s old) yearly.
Student s divided into 20 groups . Each group receives 50 training hour s .
Sixty teacher s are as well targeted through the same program. These
teacher s receive specific guidance to support the young innovator s in
developing new practices that respond to our community needs. This ,
in turn, contributes to improving the quality standards of the
the educational system in Pales tine.
The Sustainable Development Goal s (SDGs ) are a universal call to action
to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy
inclusion, peace, and prosperity.
With SDGiNOVATION, Ibtikar provides Palestinian young people with
the opportunity to use their creativity to respond to social issues and
contribute to the realization of the SDGs . SDGiNNOVATION focuses on
achieving greater awareness and knowledge among students , teachers ,
parents , and decision-maker s on the SDGS (education and development
based goal s ). The given project was developed to learn and teach for a
sus sustainable future in Pales tine through empowering school s and
teacher s across Pales tine to act on the United Nations Sustainable
Development through the use of social innovation tools . The project is
about; (1) teaching and learning through a global jus tice lens , allow
school  students , teachers, parent s and decision-maker s to explore
knowledge, skills , attitude, and values necessary to become global
citizens, (2) Empowering young people to use social innovation to
respond on social issues and act on the SDGs and (3) Facilitates school s
to work for a more just and sustainable world. The given project is
based on the following main pillar s (1) Student training, (2) Teacher s '
training (3) Parent workshops, and (4) School action project s with the
involvement of decision-makers.
3. Designing your life
A high percentage of the Palestinian people believe that they have
made a wrong decision in terms of their academic choices. Some of
them are not satisfied with their jobs. A lot of college graduates do not
work in a field that bears s any resemblance to the subject they majored
in. Ibtikar believes that human beings can reach their designation even
if their current location isn't the one they hoped. Ibtikar thinks that
human beings need to know the direction.
There are four critical areas of our life. We always need to assess before
we embark on our transformative journey: (1) Health: The main pillar s of
thi s areas are phys ical, emotional, and mental s tatus . (2) Work: It i s
about the work the human beings are doing, whether it is paid or a
volunteer. (3) Play: It is about entertainment and the things we do for
the fun of them and (4) Relationships: The relationships that human
beings develop and invest in. With Designing your Life, Ibtikar provides
people with an opportunity to find a balance between these four areas.
In other words, Ibtikar is trying to help people to find the most suitable
situation for their current interest s in such a way that meets their future
expectations. In this program, we suggest innovative ways that help
people to design their life through different interactive and creative
exercises. The main philosophy of the program is summarized in; (1).
Human beings choose better when they have lots of good ideas to
select from. (2). Human beings never want their fir s t solution to any
problem. Designing your life is a 2-month program that targets s 20
participant s maximum. The program is based on the Design Thinking
Process. It is realized through different components:- Dysfunctional
beliefs: they are unfounded constraint s that we put on ourselves,
limiting our options. These belief s make people feel inadequate. Ibtikar
provides people with different exercises to reframe their dysfunctional
belief s .- Personal development: Ibtikar empower s and supports
participant s to realize their potential, giving them the skill s and
confidence to tackle the main challenges facing them in their
communities and society. This part of the program builds wellbeing
amongst participant s to recognize the full potential that leads them to
the future that they want.- Life-long Strategy: In this part, Ibtikar helps
the participant s to design a lifelong strategy in which they can find a
balance between the four life areas mentioned above. Ibtikar will test
this strategy through the next step, which is prototyping.- Prototyping
your new life: Prototyping is an excellent way of testing new ideas,
features, or experiences. The benefit of prototyping is that the
participant s can learn a lot about the experience over a short time with
minimal investments. Ibtikar provides participant s the opportunity to
have prototyping talks with people who are doing the same thing that
the participant s are planning to do in the future.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will cooperate with the Palestinian network to:
Develop social innovators and entrepreneurs. 
enable quality youth-led social innovation in the community.
Provide programs and platforms that actively engage young people in making real and positive change.
Empower educators with facilitative practices, programs, professional development, and recognition.
Share our model and innovative entrepreneurial learning methods with educators (teachers and social workers) who, in turn, facilitate teams of young people.
Work and support with local and international organizations that facilitate youth-led social innovation and entrepreneurial education.
Share our learning and model of social innovation learning at the local and international levels. 
Also, we will support the organizational development and capacity building plans which are developed by the Palestinian network for the benefits of its members. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We share ALF network the same mission:
"We exist to build more inclusive, empathetic and resilient societies, to fight growing mistrust and polarisation"
We face the same challenge: 
We need new narratives that empower exchange to move away from the confrontation that societies are facing nowadays. We need dialogue because the dialogue is tolerant and freedom, it enlarges our perspectives, makes our participation to public life real and it gives hope and courage to citizens.
Last not least, Ibtikar wants to give Palestinians and other people of our world an opportunity to use their creativity to respond to social issues and contribute effectively to building a fairer, more caring and equal society. This objective goes directly with ALF's overall goal: to create a better world through partnerships and action across cultures. 

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammad Issa
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ibtikar for Empowerment and Social Entrepreneurship
Contact (2) Full Name
Sulaima Ramadan
Job Title (2)
General Manager

independence youth union

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
our movement is a youth-led movement which aims to build a better society by education the youth in the democratic socialist values. our source of funding depends on the membership fees of our members. We have our secretariat which consists of 9 and a youth council which consists of 35 members.
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission:
Development of Palestinian youth abilities (males and females) so as to contribute to the building of the Palestinian society, through various constructive activities and programs.
Our Objectives:
To strengthen youth role in Palestinian community and participation in decision making.
To promote and strengthen the role of women in participation in building society on all levels.
To network and cooperate with national, Arab and international organization to gain experience and exchange information.

Main Projects / Activities

Palestinian youth initiative:
we focused in this initiative in increasing the youth participation on the political decision also we focused on the educational part and how to develop this part in the schools and universities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name