
Gaza Association For Culture And Arts

National Network

الأراضي الفلسطينية

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Gaza Association For Culture And Arts: It is established in Gaza city as nongovernmental and nonprofit organization, registered in the ministry of interior according to the civil assemblies and associations law no. 12000. it's registered under no. 7466 since 13 august 2005. it's also registered in the ministry of culture under no. 100/2006/gh/769 since 25 May 2006. it's member of the general union of cultural centers since 2006. Its field of work is cultural and artistic. The duration of the board are 3 years, it's selected through the election. The activity of the association extends to all the governorates of the country.
Mission and Objectives

The institution vision : The innovation and difference in keeping on the Palestinian cultural identify and heritage. The institution message : The association of Gaza Association For Culture And Arts is nonprofit institution aims to keep on the national identify and enrich the Palestinian artistic and cultural scene which depend on contemporary civilized basis. The general targets : 1- Spreading the different aspects of culture and arts in the Palestinian society and concentrating on their role in achieving civilized message. 2- Developing the civil society and the skills and abilities of the innovators and working on organizing their cultural actions. 3- Rising the society awareness by the human rights through supporting the democracy cultural and international legitimacy through the artistic work. 4- Rising the abilities of the association to play in the society in the fields of culture and arts.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of the achievements of the association : The association implemented some of the cultural projects and activities such as the play "game over", concert of Mahmoud Darwish "Why did you leave the horse alone?" and the exhibitions: "Something must happen" by participating 35 artists, "Object" and "Retouch". It also implemented cinematic shows for narrative and documentary films and concluded cultural meetings and workshops about different literary and intellectual issues such as "prose poem days" and some of poetic evenings. The association celebrated number of the international cultural occasions such as the poetry day, the theatre day, human right day, woman day, child day and heritage day. Add to that it celebrated some the local cultural occasions such as the Palestinian cultural day. Finally it honored some of the writes, and implemented some of the voluntary days.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Help in publishing the ALF publications Participate in the ALF events and activities. that launched to take place in Gaza. Conduct any activities that refers to ALF activities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Tِhe ALF is a world wide foundation that helps us in experiences exchange in the field of Arts and it gives us the opportunity to effectively participate at international organizations. Through ALF relations we gain more experiences in the field of inter dialogues and cultures.

Contact (1) Full Name
ashraf sahwiel
Head of the organisation
ashraf sahwiel

Gaza Association For Culture And Arts

National Network

Gaza - Al Rimal - Al Rasheed Street / Off Al Shuhada Street - West of Haider Abdul Shafi Roundabout / (Al Mina) Al Bitar Building - 1st Floor - General Union of Cultural Centers
الأراضي الفلسطينية

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Gaza Association For Culture And Arts:   It is established in Gaza city as nongovernmental and nonprofit organization, registered in the ministry of interior according to the civil assemblies and associations law no. 12000. it's registered under no. 7466 since 13 august 2005. it's also registered in the ministry of culture under no. 100/2006/gh/769 since 25 May 2006. it's member of the general union of cultural centers since 2006. Its field of work is cultural and artistic. The duration of the board are 3 years, it's selected through the election. The activity of the association extends to all the governorates of the country. The institution message : The association of Gaza Association For Culture And Arts is nonprofit institution aims to keep on the national identify and enrich the Palestinian artistic and cultural scene which depend on contemporary  civilized basis. The general targets : Spreading the different aspects of culture and arts in the Palestinian society and concentrating on their role in achieving civilized message. Developing the civil society and the skills and abilities of the innovators and working on organizing their cultural actions. Rising the society awareness by the human rights through supporting the democracy cultural and international legitimacy through the artistic work. Rising the abilities of the association to play in the society in the fields of culture and arts.  
Mission and Objectives

The innovation and difference in keeping on the Palestinian cultural identify and heritage

Main Projects / Activities

Some of the achievements of the association :
The association implemented some of the cultural projects and activities such as the play "game over", concert of Mahmoud Darwish "Why did you leave the horse alone?" and the exhibitions: "Something must happen" by participating 35 artists, "Object" and "Retouch". It also implemented cinematic shows for narrative and documentary films and concluded cultural meetings and workshops about different literary and intellectual issues such as "prose poem days" and some of poetic evenings. The association celebrated number of the international cultural occasions  such as the poetry  day, the theatre day, human right day, woman day, child day and heritage day. Add to that it celebrated some the local cultural occasions such as the Palestinian cultural day. Finally it honored some of the writes, and implemented some of the voluntary days.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ashraf sahwiel
Head of the organisation
Ashraf sahwiel

Gaza Association For Culture And Arts

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
يوجد لدى المركز نظام اداري ومالي ويوجد عدد الوظائف حسب الهيكلية ثماني وظائف رئيسية وايضا تضم الهيكيلية متسع لعمل المتطوعين والموظفين على بنود المشاريع ويحصل مركز غزة للثقافة والفنون على التمويل من عده جهات مانحه منها الصندوق الثقافي الفلسطيني - وزارة الثقافة - انيرا - مصلحة مياه بلديات الساحل - القدس عاصمة الثقافة العربية - مؤسسة انقاذ الطفل - الاتحاد العام للمراكز الثقافية ويعمل المركز على تنفيذ مشاريع ثقافية وفنية من خلال الانتاج المسرحي والفن التشكيلي وتنظيم المعارض والامسيات الموسيقية والامسيات الشعرية والعروض السينمائية والابداع الادبي... ويوجد لدى المركز شركاء عدة من خلال تنفيذ المشاريع مثل الاتحاد العام للمراكز الثقافية و الصندوق الثقافي الفلسطيني . و
Mission and Objectives

رؤية الجمعية:
الإبداع والتميز في الحفاظ على التراث والهوية الثقافية الفلسطينية
رسالة الجمعية:
جمعية مركز غزة للثقافة والفنون مؤسسة غير هادفة للربح تسعى للمحافظة على الهوية الوطنية وإثراء المشهد الثقافي والفني الفلسطيني ذو الأسس الحضارية المعاصرة
الأهداف العامة لجمعية مركز غزة للثقافة والفنون:
1- نشر الثقافة والفنون بكل روافدها المختلفة والنهوض بها في المجتمع الفلسطيني والتركيز على أهمية دورها في تحقيق رسالتها الحضارية.
2- تنمية المجتمع المدني وتطوير قدرات ومهارات المبدعين والمبدعات والعمل على تنظيم فعلهم الثقافي.
3- رفع وعي المجتمع بالحقوق الإنسانية عبر تعزيز ثقافة الديمقراطية والشرعة الدولية من خلال العمل الفني.
4- النهوض بقدرات الجمعية وامكاناتها كي تلعب دورا مؤثرا في المجتمع في المجال الثقافي والفني.
نطاق عمل المركز (ثفافي - فني )

Main Projects / Activities

قام منذ التأسيس بتنفيذ عدد من الأنشطة والمشاريع الثقافية والمتمثلة بإنجاز مهرجان غزة الأول للفن التشكيلي المعاصر والذي تضمن أيضاً مؤتمر الحركة التشكيلية الأول وتنظيم أسبوع السينما الفلسطينية البريطانية للأفلام القصيرة وإنتاج مسرحية بعنوان GEAM OVER ومسرحية بعنوان "ع المكشوف" ومسرحية بعنوان " نقطة نظام "وتلحين قصائد الشاعر الكبير محمود درويش من خلال مشروع موسيقى بعنوان "لماذا تركت الحصان وحيداً" وتنظيم معارض فن تشكيلي منها معرض في شيى لازم يصير بمشاركة 35 فناناً ومعرض كائن ومعرض رتوش ،ومعرض بأي إتجاه ،ومعرض شمس،ومعرض بوستر وثورة وتنفيذ مشروع غزة حصار وأضواء ثقافية كجدارية فنية ضمن فعاليات القدس عاصمة الثقافة العربية بمشاركة 50 فناناً وتنظيم عروض سينمائية لأفلام وثائقية وروائية كما قام المركز بتنفيذ عدد من أيام العمل الخاصة بقصيدة النثروالابداع الأدبي وأيام القصة القصيرة والأمسيات الشعرية والموسيقية وتنظيم لقاءات إبداعية وأدبية نقدية وعدد من ورش العمل الشبابية لتنمية قدرات الشباب وإحياء عدد من المناسبات العالمية كيوم المسرح العالمي ويوم الشعر العالمي واليوم العالمي لحقوق الإنسان ويوم المراة ويوم الطفل ويوم التراث ويوم الثقافة الفلسطينية وتنظيم لقاءات وورش ادبية وإبداعية وتكريم للمبدعين وتنفيذ عدد من الأيام التطوعية...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

المشاركة في الانشطة والفعاليات والعمل تعزيز العمل الثقافي والفني والتبادل الثقافي والفني

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لانها مؤسسة تهتم بالتبادل الثقافي ويوجد تقطاع في البرامج والاهداف مع مركز غزة للثقافة والفنون الذي هو عضو بالاتحاد العام للمراكز الثقافية

Contact (1) Full Name
Ashraf Sahwiel
Head of the organisation
Ashraf Sahwiel

Gaza Centre for Media Freedom

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Gaza Centre for Media Freedom (GCMF), which enjoys autonomy aims to contribute to capacity development of Palestinian journalists, and press- and media institutions in the Palestinian territories, through training and development and the provision of financial, logistical and legal aid. GCMF was founded in the end of 2008 as Gaza Center for Media Freedom and Journalism. In 2009 GCMF became a local branch of Doha Centre for Media Freedom (DCMF) in Qatar, carrying the name DCMF Palestine. In 2012 the GCMF decided to start operating independently from DCMF as Gaza Centre for Media Freedom. This independent status enables GCMF.
Mission and Objectives

- Provide direct assistance and advanced tools for training and rehabilitation to develop local press institutions and professional skills of journalists.
- Provide equipment for local journalists working piecework and newly arriving journalists such as protective vests, radio recording devices, cameras, and photographs to be used for a limited period for a token fee.
- Defend the rights of journalists and contribute to the promotion of media freedom in the Palestinian Territories in line with Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that "everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

Main Projects / Activities

- The Center has implemented a lot of workshops and training courses and interactive on occupational safety.
- The Center has implemented dozens of training sessions, which lasted for more than 3 days in a variety of subjects, including the written press, radio, television and electronic media and social networking.
- The Center has implemented many events and cultural and community activities, meetings and various conferences.
- Center organized an exhibition of photographs and a competition for the best pictures of media freedom, 2013.
- The implementation of the first conference center to monitor violations of journalists in 2012.
- The Centre has produced two films "the eyes of the truth 1" and the second "the eyes of the truth 2" to focus on the lives of Palestinian journalist and the face of difficulties and challenges, as well as the suffering of the violations, especially during the first Israeli wars end of 2008 and the second ware end of 2012 in Gaza Strip.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are going to be independent

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are going to be independent

Contact (1) Full Name
Adel Zaanoun
Head of the organisation
Adel Mousa Zaanoun
Contact (2) Full Name
Ali Abu Afash

Gaza Community Mental Health Programme

National Network
00972 8 28225700
Telephone (other)
00972 8 2825710
00972 8 2825720
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
GCMHP has currently 151 employees. The total budget for the year 2009 is USD 2,877,758 GCMHP is currently Financed by an assortment of donors 1. The Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), 2. The Dutch Government, the RCT, 3. SDS Switzerland and 4. CFD Switzerland. Consortium finances approximately 70% of the total budget of the three year project. In addition, there are four other donors 1. Norwegian Government, 2. Acsur Spain, 3. Arab Women Association and 4. Grassroots USA GCMHP has cooperated with several Ministries and Non-Governmental Organizations, namely: 1) Ministry of Health 2) Ministry of Higher Education 3) PRCS – Palestinian Red Crescent Society 4) National Rehabilitation Association The cooperation has taken several forms namely: • Capacity Building of professionals and para-professionals. • Mutual referral of cases. • Services delivery jointly with or under the supervision of GCMHP professionals. • Joint public awareness. meetings • Coordination and networking.
Mission and Objectives

A Palestinian society that respects human rights and in which people live in dignity, free of oppression, and feel that their well-being is promoted
To develop GCMHP as knowledge-based institution to enhance the capacity of the community in dealing with mental health problems based on the principles of justice, humanity, and respect for human rights.
Children: Contribute to creating a non-violent environment where children can (grow) enjoy a healthy psychological development and where their rights to live peacefully are secured.
Human rights: To promote human rights and break the cycle of violence and human rights abuses that lead to mental health problems.
Women Empowerment: To contribute to the reduction of violence against women and to address its consequences in the Gaza Strip
Organizational development (strategic issue): To develop GCMHP to become knowledge based centre inspired by highest institutional professional and academic standards.
General Activities: that support and complement the strategic goals detailed above but that does not fall directly under any of these goals.

Main Projects / Activities

OBJECTIVE 1: CHILDREN (GOAL 1): To reinforce the factors enhancing resiliency in Palestinian Children
Objective 1.1: Contribute to developing the professional (Teachers-School counselor) capacity within schools to counter violence (risk Factor # 1) among children
Objective 1.2: Assist in developing a healthy psychosocial environment for children
Objective 1.3: Establishing a modeling approach in children service delivery in Strategic Partners
Objective 1.4: Influence psycho-social environment for the protection of children's and youth’s rights and the promotion of non-violence culture
Objective 1.5: Influence the social agenda of the Palestinian Society regarding children's and mental health
OBJECTIVE 2: Human Rights: (GOAL 2): To To assist in establishing a Palestinian Civil Society that comprehends and adopts proper human rights and mental health practices
Objective 2.1: Establishing a modeling approach in mental health service delivery for Strategic Partners
Objective 2.2: Assist in building a new turn taking in dialogue and respect among Palestinian civil society
Objective 2.3: Assist in improving the mental health of Palestinian people through the sensitization of Palestinian civil society to uphold human rights principles
Objective 2.4: Combat the human rights violations and the continuous cycle of violence through empowering Palestinian-Israeli Human Rights Organizations’ partnership
Objective 2.5: Enable victims of violence -referred to GCMHP centers by partner organizations- to cope with their traumatic experiences and evaluate the quality and impact of the rehabilitation process towards assuring best practice.
Objective 2.6: Influence the social agenda of the Palestinian Society regarding human right and mental health
OBJECTIVE 3: Women (GOAL 3) : To contribute to the reduction of violence against women and to address its consequences in the Gaza Strip
Objective 3.1: Broader scope of Protecting and empowering women victims of violence and at risk
Objective 3.2: Improve targeted communities awareness and abilities to address gender issues
Objective 3.3: Develop legal and social framework to protect women against domestic violence
OBJECTIVE 4: Institutional Capacity Building (GOAL 3): To transmit GCMHP school of thought as cultural movement to the Palestinian Civil Society
Objective 4.1: Develop new generations of mental health professionals
Objective 4.2: Build institutional capacity of GCMHP and other associated partners
Objective 4.3: Establish psychosocial services in grassroots organizations
Objective 4.4: Polarize Public and professional opinion towards proper community mental health and human right practices
Objective 4.5: Developing the capacity of Human Rights, Rehabilitation and Psychosocial NGOs.
Objective 4.6: Establishing of specialized applied research platform
Objective 4.7: Identifying the most efficient psychotherapeutic/ empowerment techniques used by GCMHP in order to standardize a cultural sensitive Intervention models

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Barbara Celinska-Ismail
Head of the organisation
Dr. Ahmed Abu Tawahina
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Rana Ayad

Gaza- Al Wehda St.

National Network

Alwehda street
Infront of Al Sahaba Bulding
الأراضي الفلسطينية

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Basma Society for Culture and Arts: The Basma Society for Culture and Arts - BSCA, hereafter known as BASMA was established in 1991 and was registered in 2006 at the Ministry of Interior under registration No. 7591 as a local NGO. BASMA is a Palestinian non-profit organization that aims at reinvigorating the Palestinian cultural movement through providing quality interactive arts and cultural, psychosocial support and skills development activities. It works in the field of culture and the arts and specializes in theater, drama and psychosocial support, with the aim of contributing to the development of Palestinian society by providing cultural, educational and recreational activities and psychosocial support activities to different social segments and people with disabilities within the foundation's programs and projects. Its activities are designed to target Palestinian children, youth, and women including persons with disabilities. They are courses and campaigns to defend the rights of marginalized groups and persons with disabilities, psychosocial support programs and DEAL tools, youth empowerment programs, volunteering promotion activities, youth initiatives to serve the community and training programs to build the staff capacities in the technical field of acting, directing and scriptwriting. Vision: BASMA aspires to excellence and leadership in reinforcing the principles of Palestinian civil society through participation, cultural and artistic works, and psychosocial support to reach a conscious and educated society."

Mission and Objectives

Mission: BASMA seeks to contribute to the empowering of the Palestinian cultural and artistic movement, psychological and social support, and strengthen the role of the theater, as a tool to highlight, discuss and present solutions to community issues, through reaching out to all segments of society. BASMA Objectives: 1. To empower the Palestinian cultural movement and enabling citizens to access cultural and artistic activities. 2. To meet the needs of the local society, highlighting cultural, social and psychological problems. 3. To contribute to the building of a healthy civil society and promoting dialogue and cultural exchange between different segments. 4. To promote intercultural dialogue and tolerance which contributes to building a Palestinian civil society. 5. To protect children's rights and address all forms of violence against children. 6. To empower, develop, and enhance women capabilities and their position in the society. 7. To promote young people and the values of giving, volunteering and community initiatives. 8. To develop the BASMA administrative and technical capabilities which leads to high quality services, and to enhance funding opportunities to ensure the continuity of mission.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Program 1 / The Culture and Arts Program: The program aimed at activating the cultural and artistic movement, discovering and developing talents, introducing the importance role of art in culture, activating and developing the role of professional theater and upgrading public taste, developing concepts, integrating awareness and education with entertainment, encouraging intercultural dialogue and cultural exchange between different countries and cultures, contributing to the building of a Palestinian civil society, and promoting a culture of democracy. 2- Program 2 / The Psychosocial Support Program: This program is aimed at increasing the advocacy initiatives to the marginalized groups in society, giving them skills, socio-cultural and psychological issues and problems, and psychological and social support. 3- Program 3 / The Civil Society Program: This program aims to contribute to reducing the problems of Palestinian society, improving a culture of dialogue and tolerance and promoting sustainable practices based on community accountability to build a Palestinian civil society. 4- Program 4 / The Palestinian Youth Network Program: This program of the Palestinian Youth Network (PYN) consists of a group of teams, initiatives and youth groups active in the Gaza Strip who signed MoU and expressed their willingness to unite youth efforts and coordinate among them for joint cooperation and for sharing experiences and knowledge. These youth groups are full ready to work within the framework of the PYN in order to contribute to the achievement of its objectives, and seeks to activate the role of young people in political and community life and in the interest of the youth and marginalized groups in the Gaza Strip. BASMA areas of work, activities and experiences:  The new developed tool “I-DEAL” for teaching life skills to children.  The new developed tool “Big-DEAL” for teaching life skills to Adolescents.  The new developed tool “Parents-DEAL” for teaching life skills to parents.  Theatre training courses for children and adults.  Youth Empowerment projects for promotion of volunteerism and community participation.  "Mobile Theatre" and "Puppet Theatre for children".  Theater for Adult and thought-provoking.  A global and cultural exchange through the theater.  The Advocacy Program for defending Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) through theater.  Children cinema through video presentation in schools and organizations.  Drama and self-dumping courses for children  Animation production courses.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Meeting new people, making sure you’re dressed appropriately, and trying not to make a fool of yourself… Business networking is terrifying. But it doesn’t have to be. Not all networking takes place in a stuffy conference hall, where business cards are traded and conversation is forced. Often, your friends, classmates, and former colleagues will follow career paths that you find interesting, or have relevant connections to you in their own networks. You never know when someone you’re speaking to might know of an opportunity you’d never find online or be able to connect you with someone else who’ll be in a position to offer you experience – or even a job. If you’re unsure which direction in life to take, keeping in touch with your old connections could inspire you to chase a similar career path. Just don’t forget to pay it forward: One day, you may also be in a position to help someone in your own network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Expanding your knowledge – Most professional organizations have a diverse membership which includes the opportunity to meet and hear about other business, trends, and talk to other sales people or business owners about what is trending. Taking charge of your career path – With so many professionals in one place at one time, you will be expanding your knowledge and guiding your career down a path toward success. You never know who you might meet. Enhancing you Network – Everyone would like more business. Making connections is critical. Although on-line methods to connect and network has come a long way, you cannot substitute a face to face connection. Be a leader – All professional groups have committees and opportunities to take the lead. Joining a networking group allows you to take charge, join a subcommittee or lead in ways you might not have existed previously. Mentoring – This can be a most rewarding part of joining any group. Giving back allows you to have friendships and find other people with similar backgrounds and interests. Make new friends – Once you leave school it becomes more difficult to break out of your shell. Joining a professional networking group is a great way to forge new business and personal relationships. Community – There is a certain pride in giving back to the community. Many networking groups have members that spearhead community efforts for the homeless or other local charities. Staying Inspired – Staying motivated can sometimes be a challenge. Being part of a strong networking group can mean the difference in any company that joins one. You can often be inspired by people in your group who might help you along in your journey of success.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nahid Hannoona
Job Title
Excutive Maneger
Head of the organisation
Nahid Hannoona
Contact (2) Full Name
Hanin El Samak
Job Title (2)
Projects maneger

Gaza- Al Wehda St.

National Network

Alwehda street
Infront of Al Sahaba Bulding
الأراضي الفلسطينية

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Basma Society for Culture and Arts: The Basma Society for Culture and Arts - BSCA, hereafter known as BASMA was established in 1991 and was registered in 2006 at the Ministry of Interior under registration No. 7591 as a local NGO. BASMA is a Palestinian non-profit organization that aims at reinvigorating the Palestinian cultural movement through providing quality interactive arts and cultural, psychosocial support and skills development activities. It works in the field of culture and the arts and specializes in theater, drama and psychosocial support, with the aim of contributing to the development of Palestinian society by providing cultural, educational and recreational activities and psychosocial support activities to different social segments and people with disabilities within the foundation's programs and projects. Its activities are designed to target Palestinian children, youth, and women including persons with disabilities. They are courses and campaigns to defend the rights of marginalized groups and persons with disabilities, psychosocial support programs and DEAL tools, youth empowerment programs, volunteering promotion activities, youth initiatives to serve the community and training programs to build the staff capacities in the technical field of acting, directing and scriptwriting. Vision: BASMA aspires to excellence and leadership in reinforcing the principles of Palestinian civil society through participation, cultural and artistic works, and psychosocial support to reach a conscious and educated society."

Mission and Objectives

Mission: BASMA seeks to contribute to the empowering of the Palestinian cultural and artistic movement, psychological and social support, and strengthen the role of the theater, as a tool to highlight, discuss and present solutions to community issues, through reaching out to all segments of society. BASMA Objectives: 1. To empower the Palestinian cultural movement and enabling citizens to access cultural and artistic activities. 2. To meet the needs of the local society, highlighting cultural, social and psychological problems. 3. To contribute to the building of a healthy civil society and promoting dialogue and cultural exchange between different segments. 4. To promote intercultural dialogue and tolerance which contributes to building a Palestinian civil society. 5. To protect children's rights and address all forms of violence against children. 6. To empower, develop, and enhance women capabilities and their position in the society. 7. To promote young people and the values of giving, volunteering and community initiatives. 8. To develop the BASMA administrative and technical capabilities which leads to high quality services, and to enhance funding opportunities to ensure the continuity of mission.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Program 1 / The Culture and Arts Program: The program aimed at activating the cultural and artistic movement, discovering and developing talents, introducing the importance role of art in culture, activating and developing the role of professional theater and upgrading public taste, developing concepts, integrating awareness and education with entertainment, encouraging intercultural dialogue and cultural exchange between different countries and cultures, contributing to the building of a Palestinian civil society, and promoting a culture of democracy. 2- Program 2 / The Psychosocial Support Program: This program is aimed at increasing the advocacy initiatives to the marginalized groups in society, giving them skills, socio-cultural and psychological issues and problems, and psychological and social support. 3- Program 3 / The Civil Society Program: This program aims to contribute to reducing the problems of Palestinian society, improving a culture of dialogue and tolerance and promoting sustainable practices based on community accountability to build a Palestinian civil society. 4- Program 4 / The Palestinian Youth Network Program: This program of the Palestinian Youth Network (PYN) consists of a group of teams, initiatives and youth groups active in the Gaza Strip who signed MoU and expressed their willingness to unite youth efforts and coordinate among them for joint cooperation and for sharing experiences and knowledge. These youth groups are full ready to work within the framework of the PYN in order to contribute to the achievement of its objectives, and seeks to activate the role of young people in political and community life and in the interest of the youth and marginalized groups in the Gaza Strip. BASMA areas of work, activities and experiences:  The new developed tool “I-DEAL” for teaching life skills to children.  The new developed tool “Big-DEAL” for teaching life skills to Adolescents.  The new developed tool “Parents-DEAL” for teaching life skills to parents.  Theatre training courses for children and adults.  Youth Empowerment projects for promotion of volunteerism and community participation.  "Mobile Theatre" and "Puppet Theatre for children".  Theater for Adult and thought-provoking.  A global and cultural exchange through the theater.  The Advocacy Program for defending Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) through theater.  Children cinema through video presentation in schools and organizations.  Drama and self-dumping courses for children  Animation production courses.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Meeting new people, making sure you’re dressed appropriately, and trying not to make a fool of yourself… Business networking is terrifying. But it doesn’t have to be. Not all networking takes place in a stuffy conference hall, where business cards are traded and conversation is forced. Often, your friends, classmates, and former colleagues will follow career paths that you find interesting, or have relevant connections to you in their own networks. You never know when someone you’re speaking to might know of an opportunity you’d never find online or be able to connect you with someone else who’ll be in a position to offer you experience – or even a job. If you’re unsure which direction in life to take, keeping in touch with your old connections could inspire you to chase a similar career path. Just don’t forget to pay it forward: One day, you may also be in a position to help someone in your own network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Expanding your knowledge – Most professional organizations have a diverse membership which includes the opportunity to meet and hear about other business, trends, and talk to other sales people or business owners about what is trending. Taking charge of your career path – With so many professionals in one place at one time, you will be expanding your knowledge and guiding your career down a path toward success. You never know who you might meet. Enhancing you Network – Everyone would like more business. Making connections is critical. Although on-line methods to connect and network has come a long way, you cannot substitute a face to face connection. Be a leader – All professional groups have committees and opportunities to take the lead. Joining a networking group allows you to take charge, join a subcommittee or lead in ways you might not have existed previously. Mentoring – This can be a most rewarding part of joining any group. Giving back allows you to have friendships and find other people with similar backgrounds and interests. Make new friends – Once you leave school it becomes more difficult to break out of your shell. Joining a professional networking group is a great way to forge new business and personal relationships. Community – There is a certain pride in giving back to the community. Many networking groups have members that spearhead community efforts for the homeless or other local charities. Staying Inspired – Staying motivated can sometimes be a challenge. Being part of a strong networking group can mean the difference in any company that joins one. You can often be inspired by people in your group who might help you along in your journey of success.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nahid Hannoona
Job Title
Excutive Maneger
Head of the organisation
Nahid Hannoona
Contact (2) Full Name
Hanin El Samak
Job Title (2)
Projects maneger

Gaza`s ark (فلك غزة)

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The Palestinian youth group of Gaza's Ark project : Media Committee : 1- Mohammed Mahdi 2- Jehad Rays ( Cameraman ) 3- Rawan Abu Mahady 4- Sawsan Abu Hasaan Goods Committee : 1- Mohammed Mahdi 2- Salem Salem 3- Tamer Jarada Public relations Committee : 1- Ramy shurab 2- yousef Ashqar 3- Ahmed Esaa Gaza's Ark Steering committee: Gaza/Palestine Mahfouz Kabariti Mohamed Mahdi Australia James Godfrey Michael Coleman Canada Ehab Lotayef Irene MacInnes Jase Tanner Nino Pagliccia Sandra Ruch USA Ann Wright Pam Bailey
Mission and Objectives

Gaza’s Ark will attempt to break the “other side” of the Israeli blockade, which prevents the Palestinians of Gaza from sailing from their shores to fish or export — both needed to support a productive economy. In contrast, the emphasis of the flotillas was on bringing internationals and emergency aid into Gaza.
• Gaza’s Ark will be built in Gaza by Palestinian hands and expertise (with international assistance when requested), and will carry Palestinian products for buyers who sign contracts in advance. The entire initiative is focused on building hope by showcasing skills within Gaza and bringing visibility to the restrictions that prevent the population from sustaining
a viable economy.
• Gaza’s Ark also will contribute to revitalizing the dwindling shipbuilding industry in Gaza and help ensure the transmission of this disappearing expertise (another effect of the blockade) to younger generations.
• Although the initiative will help in a very limited manner to alleviate Gaza’s unemployment crisis by paying wages to the boat builders, Gaza’s Ark is not an aid project. It is a peaceful action to challenge the blockade, which Israel unilaterally and unreasonably enforces on Gaza.

Main Projects / Activities

Gaza’s Ark is a joint initiative by the Palestinians in Gaza, including the Palestine Sailing Federation and the Fishermen’s Solidarity Campaign, and international solidarity activists and organizations.
In this initiative, a boat will be refurbished by Palestinian shipbuilders in Gaza and stocked with Palestinian goods and products, then sail through international waters with both Palestinians and internationals on board. The goal is to challenge the ongoing, illegal Israeli blockade and focus worldwide attention on the situation in Gaza and the complicity of the governments that support it or look the other way.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

• Gaza’s Ark will be built in Gaza by Palestinian hands and expertise (with international assistance when requested), and will carry Palestinian products for buyers who sign contracts in advance. The entire initiative is focused on building hope by showcasing skills within Gaza and bringing visibility to the restrictions that prevent the population from sustaining a viable economy.
• Gaza’s Ark also will contribute to revitalizing the dwindling shipbuilding industry in Gaza and help ensure the transmission of this disappearing expertise (another effect of the blockade) to younger generations.
• Although the initiative will help in a very limited manner to alleviate Gaza’s unemployment crisis by paying wages to the boat builders, Gaza’s Ark is not an aid project. It is a peaceful action to challenge the blockade, which Israel unilaterally and unreasonably enforces on Gaza

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our initial goal is to raise $40,000 US dollars to purchase and renovate a used boat that can be refurbished to meet the needs of Gaza’s Ark, and then pay for the renovations. The funds will provide materials and parts — which are in short supply due to the blockade. Support of international donors is urgently needed. Once the boat is purchased, we will get it ready to sail and arrange for contracts to purchase products to ship. We estimate that the boat will sail in the Spring of 2013.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammed mahdi
Head of the organisation
Mahfouz Kabariti)Palestinian Prime Sailing Federation)
Contact (2) Full Name
sawsan abu hassan

General Union of Cultural Centers - GUCC

National Network

1st floor, Al-Bitar Building, Near Gaza seaport, Gaza city
الأراضي الفلسطينية

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Increasing cultural, political and civic awareness among the Palestinian Community. Developing Palestinian Cultural Centers and enhancing its performance. Stimulating the Palestinian institutions to participate in generation creation process beside the official sector. Keeping and maintaining the fundamentals of Palestinian national culture. Building cooperative relationships and experience exchange between local and international organizations. Networking with other organizations to form public opinion about common issues. Representing the Palestinian Cultural Centers on local, regional and international levels. Seeking support and resources for the Palestinian Cultural Centers that affiliated to GUCC.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Yousri Darwish
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Yousri Darwish

General Union of Palestinian Peasants and Agricultural Cooperatives

National Network

Shuhada Street
الأراضي الفلسطينية

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

General Union of the Palestinian Peasants and Agric Cooperation "GUPPAC" is one of the non-governmental organizations founded in 1973, it was like "Popular Organizations" before the establishment of the Palestinian National Authority, GUPPAC is a completely neutral, impartial and transparent organization aims to represent and provide services for all farmers regardless their Affiliation. It was and still one of the fundamental pillars of the farmers, it used to defend the rights of Palestinian farmers and the land of Palestine. After the Oslo Agreement and the return back of the Palestinian Authority to the homeland, GUPPAC was re-formed in Palestine to include all Palestinian land in the provinces of North and South governorates to include sixteen branches, eleven branches in Northern Governorates "West Bank" and five in the Gaza governorates. The GUPPAC is a full legal entity representing all branches, agricultural cooperatives and specialized agricultural federations. GUPPAC is a full legal entity (Secretariat), representing all branches and cooperative societies that has agricultural competent and relevant councils institution concerned the affairs of the Palestinian farmers. While it was one of the mainstays of the Palestinian farmers, it was and still engaged in trade & cooperative activities, social & political activities that’s aims to support farmers everywhere, as well as defend the rights of farmers in the Occupied Palestinian territories. Likewise, GUPPAC is supporting farmers to get fair prices for their products throughout interfering to improve the balance of the value chain of their products. GUPPAC used to support farmers & rural communities through the relief and developmental agricultural projects; as well as, to oversee the training courses for farmers, especially rural women and the quest for the development of the Palestinian products through opening new markets, and work to distinguish it to compete in both local and international markets. GUPPAC also seeks to promulgate laws through the competent authorities that protect the farmers from climatic changes and hazards, political and trade fluctuations. GUPPAC is working on linking the agricultural sector with the industrial sector; also, it should be noted that the GUPPAC is working on the implementation of relief and development projects in cooperation with different international donors with coordination with the Palestinian Authority and the Ministry of Agriculture where it could be needed to achieve the results.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Contribute to the integrated and sustainable development of the peasant sector and the agricultural cooperative to help them achieve their goals. General and sub Objectives of GUPPAC: 1. Improve the standard of living and food security for farmers and rural women, which may include: 1.1 Diagnosis of difficulties, problems and constraints facing the Palestinian farmers in the different areas and work to find appropriate solutions. 1.2 Improve the professionalism of Palestinian farmers to understand and applied the new modern agricultural techniques through organizing specialized training courses, conferences and workshops. 1.3 Works to implement more agricultural development projects to serve and support the Palestinian farmers. 1.4 Supports the establishment of a fair marketing process to ensure the principle of fair-trading of agricultural products (Value Chain Concept). 1.5 Help the Palestinian farmers to reduce production costs through using new techniques. 1.6 Continues extended efforts to increase awareness and to codify and rationalize the exploitation of all sources of water. 1.7 Continues approach to enhance the developmental role of Palestinian women. 2. Defending the Palestinian farmers, their land, their right for water, against all threats, dangers and policies, this may include and not limited to the following: The organization of the masses of peasants and make them aware of the historical and national responsibility at home and homeland. 2.1 Participate in the discussion of draft laws and agricultural policies and approval, through the exercise of democratic right to serve the achievement of the institutional interests of the Palestinian farmer. 2.2 The use of all methods of pressure and advocacy within the framework of action. 3. Strengthens and enabling the trade unions and cooperatives sectors of public and social dimensions of the relationship, including the role of agricultural committees of the Union, this may include: 3.1 Enhance the regulatory framework for the movement of peasants within the framework of a regulatory one, including all events and agricultural associations, institutions and individuals. 3.2 Organizing the agricultural committees in all governorates of the country and strengthen its role. 3.3 Promote the principle of coordination and networking among all sectors. 4. Capacity-building and professional management of the Union and its committees to enable it to achieve the vision and strategic plan, this may include: 4.1 Linked to the farmer and its institutions through the establishment of the national branches of the Union at the level of the provinces of the country. 4.2 Representation of the farmers in country as well as outside the homeland both in the Arab and international level .

Main Projects / Activities

GUPPAC's activities: For Examples and not limited to the following: 1. GUPPAC in cooperation with the Ministry of Health managed to provide free of charge of health insurance for the thousands of poor farmers in all provinces of the country. 2. Contribution in alleviation the burden on the affected farmers in the provinces of the country to distribute aid in cash as partial reimbursement for their losses in coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture. 3. Helping the farmers to market their products and signing the international agreements to open markets to Palestinian products, especially olive oil. 4. Working on partnership projects with local organization and financing through international organizations for compensation and rehabilitation of affected land that have been demolished by the occupation forces. 5. Organizing different training courses for farmers to boost their qualifications in cooperation with the Palestinian National Authority- Department of the Palestinian Economic Council for Development "PECDAR". 6. Implementation of different projects for farmers in the governorates of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, mostly implemented in cooperation with international and local organizations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

GUPPAC team and the local committees are able to implement and supervise different projects and activities in a professional manner in the following sectors: 1. All the agricultural and farming projects, 2. Water related projects, both for irrigation or domestic use for rural marginalized areas, 3. Training for both agricultural aspects or water issues, and 4. Distributions and emergency response. 5. GUPPAC has the capacity to coordinate with different stockholders and actors to avoid any double benefits from similar activities in the same duration

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

GUPPAC has a important vision that Palestinian farmers manage their land and contribute actively to the national plan for the Palestinian State.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdul Sattar Ahmidan Rashid Shaat
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Abdul Sattar Ahmidan Shaat
Contact (2) Full Name
Samir Muhammad Ismail Abu Al-Qumbuz
Job Title (2)