

National Network

Gaza city
الأراضي الفلسطينية

Telephone (other)
these is no fax
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
I’m a Palestinian refugee, originally from Jaffa city. Along my life, I have been through many different experiences and was exposed to a wide range of different cultures. I was born in Kuwait to a father of Moroccan origins from his grand-grandfather. My father carried the Jordanian citizenship after being expelled from Jaffa, and my mother has Egyptian origins. I received my Bachelor Degree in Journalism in Algeria. I speak five languages: Arabic (my mother tongue language), English, French, Italian, and Berber language (Kabyle). Currently, I live in  Gaza Strip,  Palestine.
Mission and Objectives

I hope that I could understand the experiences of the other nations well and explain for youth people in my country how we could be in a better situation. We - the palestinians- are  living under the division between West Bank  and Gaza Strip, suffering because of the occupation. We need to understand how European nations rebuilt their countries after many wars like the first world war and the second world war. Thi is my "Big mission"!

Main Projects / Activities

I'm really interested in Democracy and community development, Human rights, International/Cultural relations, Media and Youth and education ‏issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I have many good experiences in international communication, I can speak 5 languages, I participated in many local and regional youth events. And I'm one of the founders of  a cultural blog called "Mediterranya" with another 8 winners of Anna Lindh Award in "Sea of Words" competition. So: I think that I will be a very good contributor in the organization.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- Being a member of Anna Lindh organization will give me the opportunity to represent well my country, and that will be a honor for me.
-  I have many interests in the international cultures and youth issues, so being a member in Anna Lindh will help me in sharing the same interests with many young guys from 43 countries!

Contact (1) Full Name
Sayed Z. S. Ismail
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Individual Member: Ibrahim Sourani

National Network
00 972 2830496
Telephone (other)
00 972 2866619
00 972 2866618
Mobile Phone
00 970 599 70 90 14
Organisation Type
Individual Person
General Information
I have been working with the Civil Society community since 1999 where I have started as Projects and External Relations associate in the Palestinian Center for International Relations, then worked as a freelance with several Gaza based NGOs developing community initiatives. Through out the last five years I worked mainly with the Palestinian Commission for Refugees Rights Protection and the Union of Health Care Committees. My major work was developing activities, creating and maintaining networks with several local, regional and International organizations. I am holding an MA degree on International Relations, SPECIALIZED ON THE EURO-MEDITERRANEAN PARTNERSHIP. Currently, I am working on research, networks building and developing initiatives with the Euro-Med Region.
Mission and Objectives

Working on enhancing and promoting research, networks and cultural as well as development initiatives within the Euro-Med Region

Individual Member: Ibrahim Wishah

National Network
00970 8 2555 316
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00970 599 412 230
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
General Information
* UNRWA Text Books curriculum analysis; * Training and consultancy in Human Rights & Democracy; * Holding regular seminars and conferences about human rights education.
Mission and Objectives

Ibrahim Wishah is the supervisor of the Human Rights Program of UNRWA in Gaza; his main mission is to improve the status of human rights in the country and to broaden and to deepen the understanding of human rights and democratic practices among citizens.
The main objectives are to reinforce the respect of the human rights among Palestinians; to spread the culture of human rights; to improve the human rights and democracy educational strategies; and to enrich the experience of Palestinians in the area of human rights and democracy through exchange.

Main Projects / Activities

* Professional trainer and facilitator in Human Rights & Democracy;
* Carried analysis for the curriculums to ensure the exsistance of Human Rights, Conflict Resolution, and Tolerance Concepts;
* Designing curriculums for the UNRWA to ensure the teaching of these concepts in the formal education;
Carried several researches and surveys in the human rights and democrcacy fields.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ibrahim Wishah

Individual member: Mr Sami Batrawi

National Network
Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1995-present General Director of the Library, Manuscripts & Copyright Department, Palestinian Ministry of Culture, Ramallah Head of team: project for establishing the Palestinian National Digital Library. (Under study) Freelancer Library Consultant and Adviser Freelancer Copyright Consultant and Adviser
Mission and Objectives

Developing and supporting all kinds of Libraries: Public, Children's, Academic, School, Cultural Center's and Libraries serving the disabled.
Developing and supporting the Manuscripts Centers an Cultural
Encouraging the reading habit at the Palestinian society
Raising the awareness of the Copyright issue in Palestine.

Main Projects / Activities

• Public use of the internet at Al-Bireh Municipality Library, research, present
• Creating friendship Finnish-Palestinian school project, Coordinator, Finland-Palestine 2011
• Virtual National Library Symposium, Palestine 2010
• Children's creative writing contest
• Establishing 75 children's libraries in Palestine
• Establishing toy sections in the libraries
• Establishing mobile libraries
• Establishing Manuscripts Modern Center
• “Reading for all” program for reprinting missing valuable books
• Media coordinator Swiss-Palestinian documentary film making
• “Al-Ma'mal Foundation for Contemporary Art”, Jerusalem
• Freelancer journalist with the Russian TV, NBC and Media Net
• Representative for the Palestinian Pavilion of the International Trade Fair in Tel-Aviv
• Translator Russian/Arabic, Jerusalem
• Al-Ruwa Theatre “Puppet show”, Jerusalem, Main programmer, media coordinator and storyteller

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to promote peace and cultural exhange between Palestine and the world

Contact (1) Full Name
Sami Batrawi

Individual member: Yousri Alghoul

National Network
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Full name: Yousri A. Y. Alghoul Date, Place of birth: 15/8/1980 Gaza – Palestine Marital status: Married Sex: Male Nationality Palestinian Address: Al-Nasser, Gaza, Palestine Occupation: Director- Ministry of Culture
Mission and Objectives

July 1997- 2001 Leadership Camps
Ministry of Youth and Sport
July 1998 Short Story Writing Skills
Ministry of Culture
August 1998 / 1999 International youth camps
Ministry of Youth and Sport
September 1999 Youth Leadership
May 2000 Youth Exchange
Ministry of Youth and Sport
August 2000 Animators' of Summer Camps
Ministry of Youth and Sport & UNICEF
March 2000 Human Rights & Democracy
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights
July-August 2001 international Leaders' Youth Camp
OBS (Bonn- Germany)
Jan. 2004 Workshop of Teaching Children English
The British council & IUG
May 2005 Class room methodology & Management
British Council
October 2009 Creative Thinking
General Personnel Council
November 2009-2010 Specialized Diplomacy Training Program
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
January 2010 Political Psychology
Gaza Community Mental Health Program
January 2010 International Humanitarian law
February 2010 Human Rights & Democracy
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights
June 2011 The Best Practice of prudent governance in the security sector
House of Wisdom & Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces
Nov. 2009- Feb2010 Specialized Diplomacy Training Program
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Oct. 2011 Social Media and Creativity
Campus party melnio (Granada- Spain)

Main Projects / Activities

Volunteer leader in youth summer camps
Ministry of Youth & Sport 1997- 2001
English language teacher
Ministry of Education October 2002 – January 2008
Director of Creativity Support
Ministry of Culture January 2004 – till now
Writing in the Palestinian, Arab newspapers 2001 - till now
Palestinian Writers' Union member November 2007
Publishing a Short Stories Book named (Singing at Her Death)
Ugarit Center for Translation &Publishing 2007
Publishing a Short Stories Book named (Before Death After Madness)
Ugarit Center for Translation &Publishing 2010
Chief editor of Madarat Magazine 2010
Blogger and unprofessional photographer. 2010

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

by my blog, while thousands of Arab and Palestinians read and follow my blog, moreover, by my work as a director of supporting creation in Ministry of Culture-Palestinewww.yousrighoul.wordpress.comwww.yousrialghoul.com

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I'd like to thank for your effort in improving and developing societies and humans. and this what motivated me to stay on touch with you. I'm as a blogger in Arabic and English language want to develop myself by you and the other International organization, however, this what reinforced me to write you and apply this application

Contact (1) Full Name
Yousri Alghoul

Individual person: Izz Aljabari

National Network

Hebron Ein Sara
الأراضي الفلسطينية

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
A youth leader of the Youth Shadow Government Palestine Human development trainer - Actor and drama trainer Director of the children's section Life Skills for Human Development Center March 2012 – December 2014 (2 years 10 months)Palestine - Hebron - Ein Sara Life Skills Center for Human Development cares about the global children's programs and programs of human self-development work as director of the Department of children's section where he oversaw programs such as Intelligent Mental-Arithmetic and program mathematics and chess and program thinking with annoos also work as a where the train young people for leadership and self-development such as NLP program , multiple Intelligences, And life skills  
Mission and Objectives

1- Consulting and development small project emerging
2-Training and counseling in the marital life and relationships
3-Consulting in Education
4-Leadership and self-development
5-Thinking programs And the development of the mind
6-Working with charitable society
7-Training institutions and centers

Main Projects / Activities

Skills & Endorsements
    Human development...
    Drama in Education...
    Graphics Designer
    Interior Designer
    Analyze Handwriting...
    Fine Art
    Hermann Brain Dominance...
    CoRT Thinking Skills...
    Drama in Education
    Theater games

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I shareholder through topics that trains children and young people also in the field of culture and the arts through the many prayers with civil society organizations

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The reason to join the organization is aware of the importance of effective organization and its work with numerous groups in the community and through you so that I can be brought my and my goals to serve the community and make the world a better place

Contact (1) Full Name
izz al jabari
Job Title
actor and Drama trainer
Head of the organisation
Ammar Zaatari

Inmaa Palestinian Charitable Association

National Network
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
-Board of Directors, 7 members, public body 23 - in the first year our budget was based on members volunteering - activites are mentiond below in activities section
Mission and Objectives

1. Contribute to the dissemination of legal awareness and the respecting of human rights.
2. Promote a culture of patriotism in all available means.
3. Develop the capacity of young people to participate in decision-making and community service in all fields.
4. Promote a culture of dialogue and peace and mutual cooperation between the spectra of the local community and other communities.
5. Development of the concept of citizenship and belonging and promote the concept of Arabism by building bridges of cooperation and dialogue with the surrounding Arab communities.
Vision: a society of justice, democracy and law, participation of young people and women and playing an active role in policy-making, dominated by the values of belonging and citizenship, that is respectful of human rights and fundamental freedoms dominated by a culture of dialogue and non-violence.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Seminar at the Arab American University / Jenin in cooperation with the International Committee of the Red Cross on (the role of the Red Cross in the Palestinian territories).
2. Seminar at the Arab American University on (environmental legislation in Palestine).
3. Workshop at the headquarters of the General Union of Palestinian Women in collaboration with the Palestinian Center for Democracy and Peace entitled (the role of women in the elections).
beside of the association's participation in several sessions to develop the staff.
the association has a future plan for a number of activities we want to do in the context of achieving our objectives and these activities are aiming community, youth and women, social justice, criminal justice and legal awareness in various forms, including promoting the concept of respect for the rights of children and women in particular, rights and public freedoms in general; development of the concept of dialogue and non-violence in resolving conflicts.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we in Inmaa are doing our best to achieve our goals to develop our Palestinian society, and being a member at your network will keep us on track by providing us with wisdom and experience in this field, which will make us able to provide all kind of services that your network would like to see and apply in the area, and that will be fine by us since we feel and see that we in Inmaa and ALF share the same vision and objectives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

as a new association we were watching ALF through its achievments, and it has been an important thing to join such a world wide network, independent , outstanding, and most important because we see in your network a non political network which stands on an equal distance from all. and let us not forget all kinds of services that the network was and still providing in many places , to many people , in many aspects.. which makes the networks in our eyes very simmilar to what we aim to do and to be .. thats why we want to join your network!

Contact (1) Full Name
Zainab Sabaneh
Head of the organisation
Zainab Sabaneh
Contact (2) Full Name
Shady Abu-Arrah

Institut Culturel Franco-Palestinien

National Network

Ramallah, Tireh
الأراضي الفلسطينية

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
L'Institut Culturel Franco-Palestinien a été créé en 2012 pour promouvoir les expressions artistiques culturelles contemporaines palestiniennes sur la scène française. Pour ce faire, plusieurs initiatives sont engagées: organisation d'événements réguliers comme les Interludes poétiques de Palestine, le Festival Palest'In & Out pour les jeunes artistes contemporains palestiniens. De telles initiatives sont mises en oeuvre grâce à l'implication d'acteurs culturels français et palestiniens qui s'investissent dans la diffusion de la création palestinienne et leur développement, en étroite collaboration avec les Ministères de la culture des deux pays.
Mission and Objectives

Structure de l'Institut Culturel Franco-Palestinien:
- Président: Samir Joubran
- Secrétaire: Patrick Lavaud
- Trésorière: Amina Hamshari
Membres : 50
Ressources annuelles: 17.000 Euros (subventions de la Mairie de Paris et du Ministère de la culture et de la communication français, sur la base de documents et rapports de projets récurrents)
Modalité d'action: projets réguliers: Interludes poétiques de Palestine, Palest'In & Out Festival
Principaux partenaires: 
- Ministères de la culture français et palestinien
- Mairie de Paris 
- Fondation Al-Qattan
- Institut du Monde arabe (in-kind)
- Maison de la poésie (in-kind)
- Maison des Cultures du monde (in-kind)
Site internet: www.institut-icfp.org  + Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/culturepalestine 

Main Projects / Activities

Interludes poétiques de Palestine (trois éditions depuis 2013)
Festival Palest'In & Out
Répertoire des acteurs culturels contemporains palestiniens : sous presse (sortie, prévue en novembre 2015)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

L'objectif même de l'Institut Culturel Franco-Palestinien est de promouvoir les échanges et l'ouverture interculturelles. Participer au réseau Anna Lindh permet une respiration dans ce sens. L'Institut mettra au service du réseau en Palestine les réseaux qu'elle a constitués pour la promotion du dialogue interculturel, pour le développement démocratique et de qualité des expressions artistiques contemporaines palestiniennes et pour leur promotion sur les scènes étrangères, notamment françaises.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

L'Institut Culturel Franco-Palestinien fait partie du FICEP, le Forum des Instituts culturels étrangers à Paris. Notre participation au réseau Anna Lindh pour la promotion de la culture palestinienne est essentielle pour l'ouverture qu'elle sous-tend. 
Notre connaissance des acteurs culturels français et des principaux décideurs en matière de promotion de la diversité culturelle non seulement en France et en Palestine est un atout qui pourrait bénéficier à de nombreuses institutions culturelles, au delà de ces deux pays.
Nos principales activités sont fondées sur le partage des savoirs et des réseaux, toujours dans le sens de la recherche artistique et de son développement.   

Contact (1) Full Name
Amina Hamshari
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Amina Hamshari, Director

Institut de Média Moderne (IMM)/ALQUDS Télévision éducatif université (AETV) /ALQUDS

National Network
+ 970 2 2959273 / 4
Telephone (other)
+ 970 2 2964212
+ 970 2 2959275
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 972 546 441021
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 970 599 812975 ( Si le préfix 970 ne foncti
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
The IMM is an institute affiliated to AL QUDS University . The educational T.V is a department of the IMM . The director of the tv is in the same time the vice president of the institute . The number of the permanent staff is :25
Mission and Objectives

The institute ensures the permanent practical training of 130 tv Bachelor students of Al Quds university , and organizes workshops for active professionals in the field of media.
The tv transmits its programs daily from 14.30 to midnight .
The 20-30%'s AETV produces of its diffused programs.
Our priorities are : children , women and citizen rights .

Main Projects / Activities

Training workshops : women and media .
Writing senarios for children , production of Palestinian version of
" Sesame Street" ( 2 seasons have been produced , the 3rd season is under preparation ) .
Under preparation : A diploma study of cinema and TV

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name