
How to react to racism - ARA City Radio

ara city radio

Time to talk about racism again. On Local Matters today, we see how young people approach the issue, and which experiences they have made. The non-profit organisation Aldic invited young people to learn about all forms of discrimination. A dozen young people spend this week together to understand what discrimination is, and how to react in situations where they or others are discriminated.

If you want to participate in the next training, you can find all the information on aldic.lu.

tags: racismLuxembourgdiscriminationyouthLocal Matters

categories: Local Matters 

>> https://aracityradio.com/features-blog/2024/4/24/how-to-react-to-racism

Institut Pierre WERNER (IPW)

National Network

28, rue Münster, L-2160 LUXEMBOURG
Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Research
General Information
Institut culturel européen fondé en 2003 par les gouvernements allemand, français et luxembourgeois, l’IPW comprend un conseil d’administration et un conseil scientifique dans lesquels les trois pays fondateurs sont représentés par deux délégués. Son équipe opérationnelle comprend 3 permanents plus 3 stagiaires. Il dispose d’un bidget opérationnael annuel de 240 000 € auquel contribuent les trois pays fondateurs. L’IPW organise en moyenne une vingtaine de manifestations de type colloques et seminaries ou évènements culturels. Il fonctionne en partenariat avec des ONG, des organisms publics (ministères, ambasssades, autres institutes culturels etc.). Il fait partie du réseau européen EUNIC.
Mission and Objectives

Sa mission principale est de dépasser les frontières du bilateral et d’oeuvrer comme organisme qui a pour vocation de promouvoir simultanément l’intégration européenne, la diversité culturelle et la culture des trois pays fondateurs. Depuis 2006 sa mission a été élargie à l’ensemble des pays members de l’UE et de la périphérie , y compris la zone Euromed.

Main Projects / Activities

Etudier et faire connaître les ressorts du projet d’intégration européenne/ contribuer à surmonter les préjugés et les ignorances vis-à-vis des nouveaux pays members/ étudier les modalités d’intégration et de cohesion socials par une réflexion sur les bonnes pratiques en Europe/ oeuvrer pour le dialogue intercultural dans un espace multiculturel, multilangue et multiconfessionel.

Contact (1) Full Name
M. Olivier FRANK
Head of the organisation
M. Olivier FRANK

Intangible World Heritage Organization

National Network

6A Avenue des hauts-fourneaux
4362 Esch-sur-Alzette

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
General Information

There is no doubt that industrialization, alongside globalization and standardization have enhanced our quality of life, eased communication, and facilitated exchange. However, there is always two sides of a coin. The industrial revolution kick-started global warming, and globalization, together with colonialism and cultural imperialism, depleted our global cultural diversity and indigenous knowledge of sustainable practices.

At Intangible World Heritage Organization ASBL, we work on balancing this coin. We preserve the diversity of our global cultural legacy and technological heritage of sustainable practices, adapt them to bridge with modernity demands, promote cross-cultural communication, and remove barriers of exchange.

- Structure of the organization
3 board members (president, secretary, & treasurer)

- Budgetary resources available in a year
Project based (variable)

- Sources of funding:
Project based: University of Luxembourg, ESCH22

- Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.)
We work on two main pillars, those are arts and culture, as well as science and technology. We are currently involved in three main projects, those are ANASEA, BELONG, and MusAIc. Please see below for details.

- Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities
National partners: University of Luxembourg, Esch22, CCSA ASBL, AACE ASBL, AEL ASBL
International partners: Egyptian Center for Culture and Arts, Egycom, Stockholm Sangeet, Sharda music Sweden

Mission and Objectives

We preserve the diversity of our global cultural legacy and technological heritage of sustainable practices, adapt them to bridge with modernity demands, promote cross-cultural communication, and remove barriers of exchange.

We aim to enrich accumulative knowledge by:
- Preserving and promoting the endangered intangible heritage
- Strengthening the development of marginalized communities and removing barriers of exchange
- Promoting cultural diversity and environmental protection

Main Projects / Activities

ANASEA: Launched in 2017 in collaboration with espace cultures of the University of Luxembourg, ANASEA project aims at preserving global cultural heritage, while promoting cross-cultural understanding and exchange, by utilizing folkloric arts and creating synergies between multicultural artistic forms. ANASEA engages musicians and artists in a series of masterclasses, bootcamps, and workshops, whereby artists teach one another arts and music from their countries and cultures and work on mixing their styles in a unique artistic creation. For more information: https://www.facebook.com/Anasea.uni.lu

BELONG: Hosted by ANASEA in the framework of ESCH22, BELONG utilizes worldwide traditional music & folkloric arts to create synergies between multinational and multidisciplinary artists towards a unique artistic product.

MusAIc: In collaboration with AI & Art pavilion of the University of Luxembourg, Project MusAIc aims to utilize AI to generate folkloric themed music based on the input of traditional tunes from all around the world. In addition to AI generating folk compositions native to a certain culture, MusAIc aims at generating a fusion style of traditional tunes from all around the globe.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are interested in establishing partnerships and collaborations with a broad sector of industries. Being a member of Anna Lindh Foundation in Luxembourg will expand our network, facilitate communication and exchange. We are eager to provide all the support we can to members of the community.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Expand our network for partnerships and collaborations

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Adham Al-Sayyad
Job Title
Board chair | PhD candidate
Head of the organisation
Adham Al-Sayyad

Intercultural living-together at municipality level

Intercultural living-together at municipality level Intercultural living-together is a participatory, dynamic and continuous process that enables everyone living or working in Luxembourg to live, work and make decisions together. It is based on mutual respect, tolerance, solidarity, social cohesion and...

Interculturality for Impact


Interculturality for Impact
Ideas, resources, methods & activities for intercultural learning

Intended for professionals working in the fields of interculturality, inclusion and non-discrimination, this toolkit offers theoretical content as well as educational and practical activities promoting inclusion and active citizenship, while enhancing the value of cultural diversity in Luxembourg society.

This toolkit was born of an observation made in 2022, during the inventory of intercultural training and initiatives in Luxembourg carried out by IMS in collaboration with the Ministry of Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Migration (MFSVA). In particular, the report highlighted the fact that many players in the community, professional and state spheres are committed to a more inclusive society on a daily basis. However, despite it becoming apparent that their initiatives are often isolated, there is a real desire for exchange and collaboration, with a view to creating synergies around common objectives for better living together with our differences.

This toolkit follows on from the inventory. It has been produced within the framework of an agreement between IMS Luxembourg and the MFSVA, and at the latter’s request. Here, IMS has brought together a network of local players to work and reflect collectively on the question of interculturality, a fundamental issue in living together in a de facto multicultural society.

The approach of this toolkit is to accompany the reader from the theory to the practice of intercultural learning. The kit is divided into 4 thematic modules, which are interdependent but equally relevant as stand-alone modules.

Each module includes:

  • A short introduction by an inspiring expert, who also took part in a workshop, to provide food for thought for the collective intelligence work;
  • A definitional and classification section, with fundamental questions related to each theme;
  • Followed by a series of educational and methodological activity plans, developed by the contributors. Each activity plan sets out the intercultural learning objectives and skills we have identified. The teaching activities and skills are presented in a skills grid at the end of the kit and below.

EN: https://imslux.lu/assets/publication/156/Interculturality_for_Impact_EN_online.pdf 

FR: https://imslux.lu/assets/publication/156/Interculturality_for_Impact_online.pdf

ims 2023

Interculturality for Impact

Intended for professionals working in the fields of interculturality, inclusion and non-discrimination, this toolkit offers theoretical content as well as educational and practical activities promoting inclusion and active citizenship, while enhancing the value of cultural diversity in Luxembourg society.



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Jeunes Francophones en Action ( JFA)

National Network

Maison 7, L-6836

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Notre organisation se compose entre autres d'un comité de 9 jeunes francophones à travers le monde et regroupe tous les anciens jeunes de parlements francophones de jeunesse soit 300 jeunes environ à travers la francophonie. NOus organisons des formations par des jeunes pour des jeunes, des séminaires sur les thèmes des droits de l'homme, vie citoyenne, diversité culturelle et développement durable sachant que nous proposons régulièrement nos projets aux instances européennes chargées de soutenir les organismes de jeunesse. Nous travaillons surtout avec le Parlement francohone des jeunes et les Parlements nationaux de jeunes. Enfin on essaie de créer une vraie cohésion entre notre organisation et les Parlements nationaux de jeunes et le Parlement francophone des jeunes.
Mission and Objectives

La mission de l’Association est de promouvoir la démocratie, la citoyenneté, les droits de l’homme, la diversité culturelle et le développement durable et d’encrer ces valeurs chez les jeunes. Il s’agit d’un réseau d’échange entre les jeunes de ce monde avec priorité aux jeunes francophones ayant participé au Parlement francophone des jeunes ou étant membres des Parlements nationaux des jeunes ou équivalent. Par les moyens d’éducation formelle et informelle, l’Association vise au meilleur épanouissement des jeunes et à la sensibilisation de leurs entourages sur les thèmes les préoccupant.

Main Projects / Activities

Nous avons 3 axes principaux:
- L’inter culturalité et l’esprit de groupe : Ce domaine a pour but de valoriser « l’esprit de groupe ». Trop souvent la cohésion du groupe, la compréhension à travers différentes cultures et modes de vies ne sont pas pris en compte dans le déroulé d’un projet mais la réussite de celui-ci tient bien à l’entente qu’il peut y avoir entre les participants. Notre but est donc de créer une atmosphère de partage.
- La vie démocratique et citoyenne : Un vaste sujet essentiel pour nos participants. Au programme : simulation, rédaction de résolutions, partage d’expériences personnelles. En d’autres termes, vivre et comprendre la démocratie.
- Le développement durable et écologique : Ce thème est fondamental pour notre génération. Le but est de partager sur le sujet et de sensibiliser chacun. Chaque jeune francophone a la possibilité, face à ce défi, d’être un acteur majeur pour changer la donne et promouvoir un avenir vert.

Contact (1) Full Name
Melle Anne SOISSON
Head of the organisation
Melle Anne SOISSON
Contact (2) Full Name
Melle Manon LOISON

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