
UNESCO - Luxembourg Country Profile


Luxembourg Country Profile

The UNESCO Framework for Enabling Intercultural Dialogue is an integrated approach for monitoring the strength of the structures, processes, values, and skills which make intercultural dialogue effective as a tool for advancing peace and inclusion in 160 countries.

Of the nine Framework's domains, Luxembourg, located in the Europe and North America region, scores highest in Social Cohesion & Stability And Non-Violence. Learn more about the factors which enable intercultural dialogue in this country through the data below.



UNESCO - Luxembourg Country Profile

Luxembourg Country Profile The UNESCO Framework for Enabling Intercultural Dialogue is an integrated approach for monitoring the strength of the structures, processes, values, and skills which make intercultural dialogue effective as a tool for advancing peace and inclusion in 160...

Zentrum fir politesch Bildung

National Network

28, route de Diekirch
Bâtiment 1 (3e étage)
7220 Walferdange

(+352) 24 77 52 15
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information

The Centre for Citizenship Education ("Zentrum fir politesch Bildung", ZpB) is a politically independent foundation consisting of 10 full-time staff members and 5 associated project managers. The Foundation's revenues consist of financial contributions from the State, subsidies, as well as income arising from the management of the Foundation's assets and activities. The ZpB develops educational material on political and societal subjects and organises training courses for teachers and educators. The Foundation further promotes the understanding of democratic processes and societal challenges through workshops, debates, conferences, exhibitions, and a specialised library. Finally, it encourages participation by organising contests and projects to encourage young people to take an interest in politics. The ZpB also supports formal, non-formal and other educational establishments in the strengthening of democratic structures promoting the participation of all.

Mission and Objectives

The Centre for Citizenship Education ("Zentrum fir politesch Bildung", ZpB) is a politically independent and neutral foundation promoting active citizenship of all members of the society by offering them opportunities to engage in democratic processes and enhance their understanding of these processes. The participation of young people is a priority for the foundation which cooperates with educational institutions, political bodies such as the National Parliament, political parties, NGOs and CSOs. As a centre of reference on the national level for active citizenship, the foundation supports initiatives in both the formal and informal educational sectors, developing a variety of platforms and participatory concepts while offering training to relevant stakeholders. Finally, the centre also develops national information campaigns on important social issues.

Main Projects / Activities

The ZpB develops educational material on political and societal subjects and organises training courses for teachers and educators. The Foundation further promotes the understanding of democratic processes and societal challenges through workshops, debates, conferences, exhibitions, and a specialised library. Finally, it encourages participation by organising contests and projects to encourage young people to take an interest in politics. The ZpB also supports formal, non-formal and other educational establishments in the strengthening of democratic structures promoting the participation of all.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- active participation in the events organised by the regional network; - promoting the topic of citizenship education within the network and assisting other members in related events; - examining the topic of citizenship education from an intercultural perspective; - helping to raise awareness on topics related to intercultural communication; - suggesting trans-national activities involving all networks of the foundation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The 'Zentrum fir politesch Bilding' (Centre for Citizenship Education) would like to become a member of the ALF; in order to: - exchange best practice and experiences with people from all regions of the Mediterranean; - initiate joint actions and trainings on citizenship and intercultural education with partners from around the Mediterranean; - leverage the potential of local projects by teaming up with cities transnationally.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marc Schoentgen
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nico Meisch, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Michèle Schilt
Job Title (2)
Deputy Director

Zentrum fir politesch Bildung

National Network

28, route de Diekirch
Bâtiment 1 (3e étage)
7220 Walferdange

(+352) 24 77 52 15
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information

The Centre for Citizenship Education ("Zentrum fir politesch Bildung", ZpB) is a politically independent foundation consisting of 10 full-time staff members and 5 associated project managers. The Foundation's revenues consist of financial contributions from the State, subsidies, as well as income arising from the management of the Foundation's assets and activities. The ZpB develops educational material on political and societal subjects and organises training courses for teachers and educators. The Foundation further promotes the understanding of democratic processes and societal challenges through workshops, debates, conferences, exhibitions, and a specialised library. Finally, it encourages participation by organising contests and projects to encourage young people to take an interest in politics.
The ZpB also supports formal, non-formal and other educational establishments in the strengthening of democratic structures promoting the participation of all.

Mission and Objectives

The Centre for Citizenship Education ("Zentrum fir politesch Bildung", ZpB) is a politically independent foundation promoting active citizenship of all members of the society by offering them opportunities to engage in democratic processes and enhance their understanding of these processes. The participation of young people is a priority for the foundation which cooperates with educational institutions, political bodies such as the National Parliament, political parties, NGOs and CSOs. As a centre of reference on the national level for active citizenship, the foundation supports initiatives in both the formal and informal educational sectors, developing a variety of platforms and participatory concepts while offering training to relevant stakeholders. Finally, the centre also develops national information campaigns on important social issues.

Main Projects / Activities

The ZpB develops educational material on political and societal subjects and organises training courses for teachers and educators. The Foundation further promotes the understanding of democratic processes and societal challenges through workshops, debates, conferences, exhibitions, and a specialised library. Finally, it encourages participation by organising contests and projects to encourage young people to take an interest in politics. The ZpB also supports formal, non- formal and other educational establishments in the strengthening of democratic structures promoting the participation of all.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- active participation in the events organised by the regional network;
- promoting the topic of citizenship education within the network and assisting other members in related events;
- examining the topic of citizenship education from an intercultural perspective;
- helping to raise awareness on topics related to intercultural communication;
- suggesting trans-national activities involving all networks of the foundation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The 'Zentrum fir politesch Bilding' (Centre for Citizenship Education) would like to become a member of the ALF; in order to:
- exchange best practice and experiences with people from all regions of the Mediterranean;
- initiate joint actions and trainings on citizenship and intercultural education with partners from around the Mediterranean;
- leverage the potential of local projects by teaming up with cities transnationally.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michèle Schilt
Job Title
Deputy Director
Head of the organisation
Nico Meisch, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Marc Schoentgen
Job Title (2)

« Réenchantons le monde ! » - Zarina Khan

Zarina Khan

On 14 November 2023, the Anna Lindh Foundation Network of Luxembourg and the Greater Region had the chance to attend a conference by Zarina Khan, and to exchange with the philosopher, writer, actress, director and filmmaker during a private dinner. 

Between religion and politics, faith and beliefs, what spaces are there for re-enchanting the world?

Drawing on her own experience as a citizen of the world, Zarina Khan explores secularism and the sacred, what separates us and what unites us, from communitarianism to the universal. Art has become her country, a space for sharing and re-enchantment…



Luxembourg Network

ترحب شبكة آنا ليند في لوكسمبورغ والمنطقة الكبرى حالياً بحوالي 30 منظمة عضو من داخل لوكسمبورغ ومن حولها. يتكوّن الأعضاء بشكل أساسي من الجمعيات ومنظمات المجتمع المدني النشطة في مجالات الحوار بين الثقافات والثقافة والمواطنة النشطة والشباب والإدماج والتعليم غير النظامي. وتشمل الشبكة أيضاً ثانويات ومؤسسات تربوية ومؤسسات أسّستها البلديات.

تجتمع الشبكة كل شهرين تقريباً، وتنظم فعاليات بناء القدرات لدى المجتمع المدني، كما تنظم الحوارات العامة بين الثقافات، ومشاريع التعاون عبر الوطنية، والتبادلات الشبابية، والفعاليات الثقافية. يدعم الأعضاء بعضهم بعضاً في أنشطتهم ويصمّمون مشاريع مشتركة جديدة في مجال الحوار بين الثقافات. ويهدف الأعضاء أيضاً إلى تعزيز التعاون بين جميع شبكات مؤسسة آنا ليند من خلال تصميم وتنفيذ مشاريع تستفيد من التعاون عبر الوطني.