

Marathon Virtuel

Activité inter-réseaux - débat

durée : 45min

Thématique - Éducation interculturelle - Démocratie de la culture - Jeunesse

Tags : interculturalité

Messages from the Heads of Networks meeting in Istanbul - 13-15 December 2023

Anna Lindh Meeting Istanbul 2023

Sometimes, as Civil Society Networks, we need to pause for a moment and adapt ourselves and our work to new circumstances. These moments allow us to become stronger and also remind us of the importance of what we do. Our meeting in Istanbul from 13 to 15 December 2023 gave everyone the chance to express themselves and report on how the current conflicts and events are being experienced in our regions and cities. We have gained many insights from each other and are determined to give #InterculturalDialogue a stronger role in #Mediterranean policies and peacebuilding!
#HoNsInAction #AnnaLindhFoundation #EuroMed

>> https://vimeo.com/902705427

Methods and Methodologies for Intercultural Learning and Human Rights Education

FSL Workshop

Image removed. Exciting Opportunity by FSL.

In a partnership with Anna Lindh Network of Luxembourg and the Greater Region, the FSL will implement an online workshop on "Methods and Methodologies for Intercultural Learning and Human Rights Education". The workshop is open for Civil Society Representatives.

Image removed. Date: September 26, 2023

Image removed. Time: 19:00 - 20:30 (Central European Time)

Image removed. Online platform: GoogleMeet

Workshop Highlights:

Image removed. Explore valuable CoE publications like Compass, Compassito, and Mosaic.

Image removed. Engage in discussions and Q&A sessions with field experts.

Image removed. Connect with like-minded individuals in virtual networking sessions.

Mir wëllen iech ons Heemecht weisen

National Network

12, rue du Puits
2355 Luxembourg

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Mir wëllen iech ons Heemecht weisen is a grassroots NGO that was founded in 2015 when a large number of refugees suddenly arrived in Luxembourg. Initially a volunteer-led initiative, a program of intercultural activities quickly emerged to support refugees’ cultural integration and to create opportunities to meet locals. We create activities that foster inter-cultural dialogue between refugees and residents of Luxembourg through the arts. we have 3 employees who work closely to the board of directors, most of our funding comes from the Ministry of Culture but we also have private donors. We do monthly "soties culturels" to local arts performances as well as cooking or dancing ateliers. Some of our partners include many local artists, the Ville de Luxembourg, Ministry of Culture, Croix-Rouge, Caritas, MUDAM; CAPE, Esch Theatre and others.

Mission and Objectives

To promote inter-cultural dialogue, social cohesion and to facilitate the intergration process of the newly arrived by creating spaces of encounters with locals, engaging artists, creators and cultural institutions.

Main Projects / Activities

Visits to the National Public Library, "2x2 dialogues" with MUDAM, Chess sessions, hikes, walking tours, artistic ateliers, sorties culturels...

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Mir wëllen iech ons Heemecht weisen has the particularity of focusing on using the arts as an instrument for social transformation, dialogue and integration. The members of our team form a dynamic and diverse group who, working together with artists and creators produce activities that promote profound dialogue between participants. We believe we can enrich the Network's exchanges by contributing with ideas, perspectives and projects from our social/artistic work.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe we will benefit from being a part of activities where other organizations with the same or similar objectives meet and exchange ideas.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Patricia Abdelnour
Job Title
Cultural programming & project manager
Head of the organisation
Serge Tonnar
Contact (2) Full Name
Sarah Ketema
Job Title (2)
Community development & project management

Movimiento Latino Asbl

National Network

45, rue de Bonnevoie, L-1260 Luxembourg

+352 451452 306
Telephone (other)
+352 621 299 396
+352 29 86 01
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Mission and Objectives

Asbl présente dans le monde associatif régional depuis 2000. Elle organise chaque été le Festival Latino du Luxembourg, collabore étroitement avec le Comité de liaison et d'action des étrangers du Luxembourg dans le cadre du Festival des Migrations, des Cultures et de la Citoyenneté et promeut des actions sociales telles que des cours de langues pour étrangers, des cours de danse, des expositions ainsi que des conférences et rencontres à caractère culturel.

Main Projects / Activities

Festivals, concerts...

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Justino Alarcon
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr. Luis Alcala

National Youth Council of Luxembourg / Conférence Générale de la Jeunesse du Luxembourg asbl

National Network

87, route de Thionville
2611 Luxembourg

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The CGJL is the National Youth Council of Luxembourg and represents nearly 30 national youth organizations (unions, political parties, scout movements, youth clubs, etc.) in and outside of Luxembourg. The volunteers of CGJL's board and members of the professional staff are in charge of implementing the organization's triennial strategic plan/concept. While the volunteers are quite experienced in taking part and organizing international events or exchanges, the professional staff (4 full-time, 3 part-time) completes CGJL's expertise with their qualification and experience as policy officers and project leaders. Altogether, they have been taking part in many projects and activities targeting the quality of formal education and the social valuation of non formal education hence the work of the many volunteers in our society. The CGJL is a youth-led organization and it makes use of a national annual grant coming from the Ministry for Education, Children and Youth, additional to this we implement projects which are funded by the European Erasmus+ programme, where the CGJL is also active as the coordinator of the National Working Group in the context of the EU Youth Dialogue.

Mission and Objectives

As a representative of young people, the CGJL has always been a proven partner on the national level, giving young people the opportunity to interact with policy makers and to shape the policies touching the interests of youth in general. The persons taking part in this project are mainly involved in the CGJL’s activities throughout the year.

The CGJL is active in two fields: One is the promotion of youth participation by offering activities, projects and initiatives
to give all young individuals with different backgrounds the opportunity to gather knowledge about citizenship, society
itself and intercultural exchanges as well. Education is one of the pillars our NYC is built on, in this case the non formal
education. As the quality of education in and around school, formal and non formal education, play an important role in
the development of young people and their skills related to their future daily and professional life, we promote
implementation measures to shape an impactful education policy in Luxembourg and Europe.

On the other side, CGJL is promoting the interests of young people and its member organizations, by advocating on the national and international
levels, as a privileged partner of policy makers. The CGJL assumes its role as representative for youth by attending
international exchanges to gather valuable knowledge and best and good practices about youth participation on the
European level. Furthermore the CGJL engages in talks about the ongoing activities and advocacy work for youth of the
European Youth Forum, who gives a voice to millions of youngsters. The exchange platform planned for this project also
gives young people from Luxembourg and Europe the opportunity to get actively involved in the formulation and the
defense of their interests.

CGJL is also in charge of coordinating the EU Youth Dialogue in Luxembourg and its National Working Group, bringing
together youth from the multicultural context of Luxembourg, a country gathering people from more than 170 countries,
who live and work there.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects like the Citizen Rallye, the Youth Convention and the supervision of the National Youth Parliament, the National School Students Council and the United Nations Youth Delegates for Luxembourg programme are main activities implemented throughout the year on a regular basis.

Feel free to consult our activity report for further information > https://www.cgjl.lu/documents/

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By becoming a member, the CGJL could contribute to the network's membership outreach by promoting projects, activities and opportunities for young people in and around Luxembourg and Europe. The network could profit of the CGJL's expertise in the fields of youth engagement, volunteering and non-formal education, and join its projects and activities in order to promote intercultural values and awareness. Additional to this, the network's outreach to the organized and non-organized young people could benefit from the many organizations which gather under the umbrella of the National Youth Council.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As the CGJL is quite active in and also aware of the many opportunities in the field of youth and youth engagement, we also see a need to broaden and enrich our activities, to learn from others in order to increase the outreach and the intercultural approach, especially to young people which are not in the typical focus of most of the activities in the field of youth. Luxembourg is a rich country, by which we mean rich in cultures, in knowledge and experience, often coming from different social and cultural backgrounds, a melting pot of human beings from all over the world.

Social cohesion and its promotion and defense in order to maintain it are key for our society's future developments. We are ready to take this opportunity and to accept the challenge, to learn as an organization, to prevent us from slowing down or even standing still when it comes to intercultural work in an with communities. A membership at FAL would also contribute to our own development, to create synergies with other civil organizations and public actors, in order to broaden the perspectives, especially when it comes to young people, who found their new home in Luxembourg and the youngsters with fewer opportunities. In the end, the field of non-formal education also includes intercultural education and learning, to which we want to learn from and contribute our part.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mathis Godefroid
Job Title
Board Member
Head of the organisation
Chrystelle Brassinne, President
Contact (2) Full Name
Inês Batista
Job Title (2)
Secretariat CGJL

Oguzhan Akbaba (individual associated expert)

National Network

3 rue Christopher
1617 Gasperich

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Software developing

Mission and Objectives

Putting art in the middle of the life.

Main Projects / Activities

Enjoying art and life

Contact (1) Full Name
Oguzhan Akbaba
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Oguzhan Akbaba

Online networking sessions: Albania-Luxembourg-Lebanon-Morocco-Denmark

online session

The online networking sessions between Albania-Luxembourg-Lebanon-Morocco and Denmark brought together about 50 network members from all partner countries to discuss common challenges and generate ideas for cooperation.

The sessions took place on December 18 and 20 and were organised by the Albanian Media Institute (HoN in Albania), in partnership with Our Common Future (HoN Luxembourg), @Agir ensemble (HoN Morocco) and Lebanese National Commission for Unesco (HoN Lebanon).

The purpose of these sessions was to build bridges for cooperation between members of the ALF network from the North and South Mediterranean.

The hearings found that challenges facing members across countries are similar and this is the first step to forming synergies and joint action among them.

The major thematic areas identified from both sessions related to youth engagement and participation, gender equality/gender-based violence, diversity and human rights, polarisation and hateful language, and media education.

Following the sessions, the Head of the Network in Albania launched a call for proposals that participating members can apply and address some of the common challenges identified.

#WeAreALF #Networking #Partnership #InterculturalDialogue 

Fondacioni Anna Lindh - ALF - Rrjeti Shqiptar

Our Common Future Asbl.

National Network

31, am Bounert
6975 Rameldange

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

Our Common Future is a non-profit organisation aiming to strengthen participatory democracy by supporting the creation of new

participation models and platforms. Our Common Future also offers workshops in the field of political

education, comprising media competencies, video journalism, negotiation strategies, public

speaking skills, social media campaigns, team building, management and communication. Our

members currently mostly reside in Europe, but also on other continents. Our current keyactions

include: 'Democracy Mindgame', 'Imagine Europe', 'EU Democracy Rallye', 'Bridge Builders' and 'Global Governance Development'.

Mission and Objectives

Our Common Future aims to enhance democratic participation, in particular of young people, by giving them  the means to express themselves through modern media and communication channels. During our projects, participants are provided with access to communities, networks, and policy makers, that shall allow them to gather in depth information and footage on the issue at hand. Participants can initiate their own topics, and Our Common Future aims to evolve into a worldwide participation platform, designed to strengthen democratic decision-making processes. We put particular focus on documentary film-making and involve professionals in that field to teach participants fundamental and expert elements of this medium, including  journalist skills,  research, interview techniques, camera, sound, and more.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2015, Our Common Future organised 3 documentary film making projects, in Vienna, Luxembourg, and Brussels. Participants focused on such diverse topics as new ways for political participation, Europe's response to migration, homophobia, and happiness in life. More projects are planned in 2016, in Europe as well as in neighbouring countries including Morocco, Turkey, Armenia, and Ukraine among others. The projects planned involve the integration of migrants in Europe through social entrepreneurship, giving professionals and students in the field of integration the opportunity to experience themselves and integration procedure in a new culture, and intercultural communication in borderlands and their role for the preservation of peace.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our Common Future Asbl. can support the head organisation of the ALF Network in Luxembourg, the 'Centre culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster', in the organisation of intercultural communication workshops involving the use of new media, in particular documentary productions. We also closely cooperate with the Representation of the European Commission in Luxembourg, as well as the Information Office of the European Parliament in Luxembourg, and the House of Europe in Luxembourg. Our personal contacts with the educational sector in Luxembourg as well as youth organisations also allow us to effectively implement cooperation programmes with teachers, students, and young people in general.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Becoming a member of the Anna Lindh Foundation network will allow our organisation to increase our outreach accross the Mediterranean and to apply as well as to deepen our experience in the field of intercultural communication. Topics such as migration or economic cooperation are at the core of our activities, and they also lie at the heart of the Euro-Mediterranean Region. in previous projects, we have also dealt with overcoming stereotypes and misunderstandings between different cultures. Our Common Future aims to foster dialogue and trust between different cultures, which is why we believe to share the objectives of the Anna Lindh Foundation network. Treasuring both diversity and cooperation forms a part of our core principles.

Contact (1) Full Name
Philippe Ternes
Job Title
social entrepreneur
Head of the organisation
Philippe Ternes
Contact (2) Full Name
Camille T'Kint
Job Title (2)
Communication Manager

Packers and Movers Bangalore

National Network

btm layout

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Good Household Relocation with Packers and Movers Bangalore Bangalore has always been a new perfect destination to are in whether it's the educational opportunity in the city, closeness in order to Mumbai, IT sector and jobs and the many nice climate of the city. These all things are just enough for a new person to are in the particular city. And if someone in looking for the same things outside metropolis then he relocates. Shifting with goods to fresh destination is thus the very common phenomenon for that persons of Bangalore. Localities of Bangalore now have grounds for safe house relocation and that will be packers and movers within Bangalore. The concept regarding packers and movers in decades old, from the time man started transferring with goods from the spot to another, assistance inside the type of relocation companies emerged. The most common type of shifting will be household relocation. When a person tends to move together with his entire family to the particular new location, he requires old things to ensure that this individual could subside there easily. To ensure he gets everything safe and safe over the following destination and can enjoy his things in the next door selecting packers and movers within Bangalore is the greatest assistance can provide in order to himself. As you may know that home goods are of various complex level from living room decorative to kitchen area fragile and the most unused useful goods in store each and every thing should reach to the particular next destination safely and just the aid of moving companies can make that end with a positive note. So wherever you are relocating from Bangalore whether or not within the localities or perhaps in some other area hire packers and movers Bangalore for the the majority of safest moving and shifting.
Mission and Objectives

Choose Best packers and movers @ http://www.movingsolutions.in/

Main Projects / Activities

packers and movers bangalore,movers and packers bangalore,movers and packers in Bangalore,packers movers bangalore

Contact (1) Full Name
Anjali Singh
Job Title
Packers and Movers Bangalore
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Anjali Singh
Job Title (2)
Packers and Movers Bangalore