
CulturePolis-Europe of Cultures Forum: Adriatic-Ionian Chapter

National Network

19 Donatou Dimoulitsa str.
49100 Corfu

Telephone (other)
+30 6937 010294
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

CulturePolis - International Cultural Partnership Forum (former “Europe of Cultures Forum: Adriatic-Ionian Chapter”) founded in Corfu in June 2006 with the objective to show and promote the many and different cultural identities of each region or community in the European Union and the neighbouring countries and the collaboration among cultural and social actors. CulturePolis has its offices at no charge at principal partners premises in Corfu and is also hosted at other NGO offices in Athens with overall 3 staff and several volunteers. The organisation is funded mainly through partners’ initial capital, member fees Subsidies may be received by Greek Government, Local Municipalities-Prefectures (organisation of local events), EU (DG EAC, other DGs/programmes). Fundraising campaign 2009 under preparation. CulturePolis has formed a number of close partnerships with various non-governmental (NGOs) and other civil society organisations as well as with universities and businesses, both private and public, from Greece and abroad. With many of the above, since 2006, the Forum has begun a close cooperation in order to organise joint events, studies and planning of research and development project, as well as the submitting of proposals of grants through local, national and international bodies and institutions.

Mission and Objectives

CulturePolis continues and reinforces further the mission of “Europe of Cultures Forum: Adriatic & Ionian Chapter” which is “to protect, promote and ensure the understanding and respect of the cultural diversity - that we consider is the cultural wealth of Europe, to create a cultural collaboration platform which can be utilised by any organisation, citizen, or public institution in order to contribute in a better understanding and in protecting this unique cultural heritage by activating local Cultural Antennas in every region. CulturePolis aims are the following: • To develop mutual contacts and exchanges between different cultural expressions and organisations involved with cultural identity and diversity issues within the context of a common European cultural heritage and accepted values. • To influence the political decision making process in Europe, in order to ensure that issues of cultural diversity and respect for it are taken fully into consideration. • To contribute to the intercultural dialogue at regional, European and global level so as to strengthen mutual understanding, respect and tolerance. • To contribute to the conception, development, implementation, promotion and dissemination of ideas, initiatives, programmes, projects and actions in the region, that are related mainly to cultural issues, in its broadest sense, sustainable development and information and knowledge society. • To provide a basis for discussion, to participate in public political dialogues, to support the research and studies of the interactions of above inititiaves with policies, programmes and actions in all issues that could potentially have repercussions to the cultural expressions and peoples of the broader Europemediterranean area.

Main Projects / Activities

The action plan 2008-2010 is focused in the following priorities: • Establishment of CulturePolis as an international organization that functions in a decentralized manner by coordinating the Network of its Cultural Antennas in all countries and as many as possible more cities of the covered region • Creation of a network and database of all cultural organizations and institutions of Adriatic and Ionian and progressively of the wider region (International Cultural Partnership Forum-CulturePolis.org) and activation of members and friends in Permanent Groups of Activities of thematic content • Undertaking of studies, researches and R&D projects and other activities in collaboration with Greek/International institutions • Organisation of local and regional meetings, with regard to cultural identity and other related subjects such as cultural tourism, cultural heritage, environment and sustainable development in all regions of Adriatic sea and Ionian and wider region • Organisation every two years of an International Conference of Intercultural Dialogue of Adriatic – Ionian and South – Eastern Europe and Mediterranean ( 1st congress of 27 – 28th June , 2008 in Corfu) • Undertaking of awareness raising campaigns and sensitization of citizens with the help of local / regional media, so that is listened the voice of citizens of regions in the above subjects • Publication of monthly electronic Informative Newsletter and other publications for the members and our friends and the cultural organizations and local governments • Organisation of researches of opinion on issues interesting the Forum at national, regional and local level. Major initiatives:  Cultural Antennas Network The presence of the Forum in every region is ensured through the establishment and to a great degree the autonomous activation of local/regional Cultural Antennas or Antennas in various cities of the Adriatic and the Ionian that develop their own plan of action and they co-operate with the central bodies. The Cultural Antennas constitute a network and reflect the cultural identity of each region in a European level. A close cooperation among the various Antennas is maintained in order to bring into fruition the aims and goals of the Forum. Synopsis of CulturePolis recent activities Major activities (2008-9) Οι σημαντικότερες απο τις δράσεις την τελευταία διετία είναι οι εξής:  “ 1st International Conference of Intercultural Dialogue of Adriatic – Ionian”, Corfu 27-28 June 2008, co-organised with European Parliament (Offices for Greece, Italy, Slovenia).  Cultural Organisations Collaboration Network (Get Culturally …Connected), Pilot launch in November 2008  Training Seminars on “New Technologies- Project Management – Cultural Organisations Management- Cultural Collaboration”, for Municipalities and NGOS  Specialised thematic events  Activity “Anthropos-Art-Environment” in Preveza 2008  Fortress Cultural Events –Old Fortress Corfu, 1st Circle 2009  Participation in different projects both national and international funde by EU and regional funds. More information on above major activities (even more on culturepolis.org).

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria-Louiza Laopodi
Head of the organisation
Dr. Vasileios LAOPODIS
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms Maria-Louiza LAOPODI


National Network



E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Cyclisis is a new non profit organisation focuses on life long learning activities within an intercultural perspective. Working staff ( permanent) Vasiliki Tsekoura ,President MA in Educational Studies Zacharias Terzakis , Financial Manager Panagiota Tsekoura , Administration budgetary rtesourses : ~ 80.000 euros sourses of funding: eu projects, members actions : seminars for SMEs on developing intercultiral competences of their organisation, research assistance, evaluation reports development Main partners : DAFNI KEK , TEI PATRAS , SCIENTIFIC PARK OF PATRAS
Mission and Objectives

Cyclisis's mission is the development of an inclusive culture through the communities and entreprises,specifically:
- to identify the needs of the localities especially conserning inclusive strategies and integration mechanisms
- to raise awareness of the local communities about the responsiblility in developing the cultural and knowledge capital of their citizens \
- after identifying needs to compose cooperatives through europe in order to contribute in the transferability of good practices in the field of social cohesion, learning strategies , gender empowerment and intercultural feeling for a peaceful coexistance with the Otherness.

Main Projects / Activities

EXPect for results ( under evaluation ) :
View n Act : LLP-Learning partnership)
Femicare (Development of Migrant Women competences in mediation in Health Sector).
(LLP- LdV > Transfer of Innovation )
running :
Subcotractor in NILE - Network on Intercultural Learning in Europe : Dissemination activities, trainin the trainers

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation


National Network

9 Evzonon Street, 11521 Athens, Greece

+30 2107258127
+30 2107249871
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Structure: Single shareholder company, legal representative Olga Abazoglou, staff 4 employees. Budgetary resources: approx. Euros 225.000. Sources of funding and main partners: TV channels such as ARTE, ZDF, Al Jazeera, PBS US, RTBF,etc., European Union programmes, State ministries such as National Cinema Centres, Foreign Affairs, etc. Private companies, NGOs. Film and documentary projects. Main partners:(cf. Sources of funding)
Mission and Objectives

Film production and exploitation company that deals mainly with documentary co-productions worldwide.

Main Projects / Activities

Film and documentary co-productions with the Greek TVs and foreign TV channels.

Contact (1) Full Name
Olga Abazoglou
Head of the organisation
Olga Abazoglou

Debate Society of Thessaloniki (Ρητορικός Όμιλος Θεσσαλονίκης)

National Network


Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Debate Society of Thessaloniki is a non-profit volunteer organization that was founded in 2003 and is one of the oldest debate societies in the Mediterranean region. The Debate Society is the umbrella organization of the Debate Society of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and of the Debate Society of the University of Macedonia. The Society aims at the promotion of university structure debate to students of all ages and regardless of the field of their studies. The Society is run by an Organizing Committee whose members are equal to each other with no hierarchy among them with the only exception being the existence of the role of a representative of the Society who represents the body in organizations as well as takes immediate decisions once it is needed. Our main partner is the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and especially the Office for the Coordination of Volunteer Activities of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is the enforcement of democracy and of a system of values through the exercise and empowerment of critical thinking, endorsement of dialogue, the development of the ability to express yourself fluently and correctly, the socialization of students and the growth of fair play within a safe environment for each one of them. We are educated and then educate others in the rules and principles of debate and the technique of speaking in public with no fear.

Main Projects / Activities

With the start of the winter semester and for the whole academic year we hold 3-hour meetings each Friday in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki which are split in educating the theoretical part of the debate and then practicing it. Every year in April we also organize the Panhellenic Debate Tournament with debaters from all the debate clubs of Greece. Throughout the year we additionally organize debate education seminars and public speaking events. We represent the university in every major debate tournament on a national and international level. Our Society has also taken part in the first tv show in Greece based on debate with its content being the organization of live debate tournament among participants of all the debate clubs in Greece.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our contribution could be multilevel and we have already proven that by being the co-hosts of an exhibition debate according to the model of Young Mediterranean Voices debate last October as part of the meeting of national networks of the Anna Lindh Foundation. Moreover, we have succeeded in the Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange Debate Leader Training which shows are dedication on that. We can expand the knowledge of debate and of public speaking by co organizing major events with students from North Mediterranean region with the support of Anna Lindh Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

A Debate Society in order to run correctly shall seek for major organizations and networks that share same aims with it. This collaboration will not only help us grow as a community, expand our fame as we will co-hosting events with a widely known and accepted organization but most importantly, we will secure the existence of contributors to our very first aims since our creation which are democracy and critical thinking via debate.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Pekridou
Head of the organisation
Anna Pekridou

Delia Arts Foundation

National Network

Thiseos 75, Varkiza
16672 Attiki

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The Delia Arts Foundation is run by the following team:
Program manager Gaza
Online manager
Development coordinator
Executive director

Annual budget for 2020 - $161,000. Currently we are funded by our founder, but we need to access more financial resources through grants and sponsorship in order to expand our programs.

The Delia Arts Foundation is a cultural and educational non-profit organization working in conflict zones. We use art as a vehicle for the improvement of lives, while promoting the values of peace, acceptance, creativity and humanity.
We have three main strands of work:
1) Creating recordings that are released to an international audience.
2) Training programs with a strong cultural exchange component.
3) Building physical infrastructure such as recording studios.

Our strongest partnership is with Jeunesses Musicales International (JMI). We have also developed relationships with organizations such as the Palestine Music Expo, and the Edward Said Conservatory of Music.

Mission and Objectives

The Delia Arts Foundation helps musicians from conflict zones and marginalized communities fulfill their dreams. We do this by creating opportunities for talented musicians to be heard by a broader audience, by providing training opportunities, and building music industry infrastructure on the ground through our physical cultural centers. Our goal is to help create an economy where musicians, regardless of their socio-economic or geo-political background, can make music their full- time career.

The Delia Arts Foundation was started in 2018 by musician, producer, and philanthropist John Keating (Johno). He has worked widely throughout the Middle East, Africa and Europe, and saw a need to help musicians from these regions.

We are giving musicians the knowledge and tools that will move them along the path from “talented amateurs” to “professional musicians”. Arts funders generally focus on providing music education to children and amateur musicians. In areas of the world with a thriving music industry, this model works well, because these talents have plenty of opportunities to move into the professional realm. In regions with little infrastructure, these artists need the support we’re providing to take that next step and reach their full potential.

We recognize that in certain geographic locations where we work, there are greater barriers for artists to be heard. In some cases artists are living in conflict zones, challenging geopolitical situations, or are from a region that is negatively stereotyped by the audience they’re trying to reach. We see music as a creative language that can connect people of diverse backgrounds and change negative perceptions. These barriers are not obstacles, but opportunities for these musicians to promote positive changes for themselves and their communities by sharing their talents and stories.

This is the best point in history to be a creative person. There are endless opportunities through the internet to connect with audiences and attract new listeners. Musicians don’t need a whole lot of money to get started and release their own music. But these opportunities are not accessible everywhere due to barriers such as language and technology skills. Through on-site training, competitions and performances, and social media exposure to an international audience, we will grow the power of these creative voices until everyone has the opportunity to be heard.

Main Projects / Activities

Since starting the Delia Arts Foundation, the focus has been on creating high quality recordings with international appeal, such as the recordings of Blackbird and Over the Rainbow which were translated into Arabic and sung by Palestinian artists. These two videos have already reached half a million viewers. More recently we started our YouTube series named the “Delia Sessions”, also promoting young Palestinian artists to an international audience and again with much success (over 100,000 views so far).
Furthermore, these recordings, among others, have given the young musicians the nurturing environment they needed and the artistic liberty to fulfill their visions. The Delia Arts Foundation has accomplished its intended purpose by giving them the opportunities they lacked and has listened to their needs and is trying to base its future projects upon their requests.
In March 2020, the Delia Arts Center opened the doors to the first Delia Arts Center in Gaza. Musicians in Palestine live with a lack of opportunities. The Palestinian Territories, despite being home to some of the world’s oldest musical traditions, are impoverished and cut off from the world. Palestinian musicians, from classical to rappers, struggle to have their voices heard when they lack space to make their music due to a lack of investment in music industry infrastructure. The Delia Arts Foundation has once again made steps in the right direction, by giving musicians a sustainable solution to their ongoing difficulties and problems.

The goal of the Delia Arts Center is to create a community space for musicians in Gaza. With a target audience of musicians ages 15-35, this is the first publicly available space to develop and perfect their skills, build a local and international career, and create a community where they can actively support and learn from one another. Through this effort we also hope to create a sustainable economy based on the arts and make sure that the young musicians can rely on their musical careers to live and make a living.

The Center has been met with much enthusiasm from the community, with literal tears of joy from some. Musicians are rehearsing and recording there, and we are in the midst of creating the first projects and training programs that will be a regular part of the Center.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Delia Arts Foundation aims to create a bridge between countries in the MENA region and the rest of the world to bring value to cultural diversity and highlight the importance of arts and culture in the development and bridging of these societies. In collaborating with other organizations in these regions, we seek to expand the impact of our work and others in the Network, and give more opportunities to young musicians living in the Arab world. As we help to develop the arts and culture space as a viable part of the economy in these communities, we will create sustainable career opportunities that everyone will benefit from.
In addition, by creating cultural exchange, we aim to create more learning opportunities as well as promoting cultural diversity, inclusion and freedom of expression. As another voice promoting these values in Palestine and beyond, we will help to amplify the voice of the Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Delia Arts foundation seeks to become a member of the Anna Lindh Network as we are aware of the mutual goals between both organizations. We identify closely with Anna Lindh Foundation’s three pillars:
1) empowering young voices;
2) influencing policymakers;
3) building a movement for dialogue and exchange in the face of growing mistrust and polarization among societies.

We feel that the Delia Arts Foundation has the ability to contribute to achieving these goals throughout their work in different regions of the world. As we keep building our network, being a part of Anna Lindh's community is very valuable to us. We are aware of its history, credibility, work ethics, goals and outreach, all components that allow the Delia Arts Foundation to grow further into fulfilling its own mission.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Jennifer Kurr
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Jennifer Kurr
Contact (2) Full Name
Joelle Khayat
Job Title (2)
Development Coordinator

department of early childhood education

National Network

department of early childhood education, university of athens, 13a navarinou street, 10680 athens

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
General Information
University of Athens 26 members of teaching staff, 20 members of secretarial staff. Budgetary ressources: 57.000 euros, only for functional expenses. Teaching, research activities. Collaborations with large number of European and American institutions and research centers.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
mary leontsini
Head of the organisation
vassilis tselfes
Contact (2) Full Name
vassilis tselfes


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
General Information
The Development Company of Kefalonia and Ithaki S.A. was founded in 1998 and its activities are: a. implementation of community programs and b. preparation of development studies. Also, the Company has established and applies a quality system according to EN ISO 9001:2001.
Mission and Objectives

The Development Company of Kefalonia & Ithaki S.A. aims at developing, managing, maintaining and protecting natural resources as at developing of the prefecture of Kefalonia and Ithaki in generally.
The composition of the Company as the broad participation of representatives serving interests of the public and private sectors, and authorities of Kefalonia & Ithaki, ensure:
• Achievement of the public purpose of the statute.
• Support for the implementation of development intervention policy.
• Reflect the agreement of all the need to promote a new mode of development of the region

Main Projects / Activities

The company since its foundation has reclaimed various programs and initiatives and produced a series of studies mainly with development content. With the start of the operation of Local Action Group for the implementation of LEADER II was staffed with adequate manpower acquired similar logistics and developed special expertise. Gradually, and with a policy of continuous information and awareness of social actors and the public, reclaim development plans, national and Community, recognized in the minds of both residents, and public bodies, as the scientific body and the main local lever action plans, explore and coordinate the development efforts in the prefecture of Kefalonia and Ithaca. The current business is divided into two areas:Α. Implementation of Community Programs B. Preparation of Development Studies

Contact (1) Full Name
Marianna Kotsovou

Development Foundation of the Metsovion Interdisciplinary Research Center (M.I.R.C.) of the N.T.U.A.

National Network

National Technical University of Athens
Patission 42, 10682


Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The N.T.U.A. M.I.R.C. Development Foundation is a Public Welfare Organisation of Private Right, the establishment and bylaws of which were approved by the Presidential Decree published in Government Gazette issue 559, May 15, 2001.
Mission and Objectives

The Foundation’s aim is the constant, systematic and integrated support of the operation and development of N.T.U.A. M.I.R.C. at the scientific, research, technical/technological, cultural, social and economic levels and creative co-operation with N.T.U.A. M.I.R.C. toward the accomplishment of M.I.R.C.’ s aims, i.e. the protection and development of mountainous environment and local European cultures.
The Foundation’s activities include interdisciplinary research and studies in the fields of development and environment and their multi-dimensional relations, interdependencies and interactions, as well as promotion and support, at all levels, of M.I.R.C.’ s initiatives and co-operations with N.T.U.A., the University of Ioannina, the Region of Epirus, Prefectures and local administration, the Municipality of Metsovo, scientific, social and cultural organisations and other related institutes, aiming at their substantial theoretical and practical contribution to the Integrated and Worth-living Development of mountainous areas in our country.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elya Michailidou
Head of the organisation
Prof. Demetrius Rokos

DHIAfest & DHIAsymp

DHIAfest & DHIAsymp

In the framework of the celebration of the European Week of Sport, the European Heritage Days and the International Day of Sign Languages, cultural educational institutions, public authorities as well as civil society organizations are collaborating for the implementation of the Panhellenic Festival of Inclusive Culture for the Deaf and Hearing in Action.

The actions take place between September 22 and October 2, 2023 and those who register can participate. This year's Interdisciplinary Symposium is thematically dedicated to eduvation on differentiated instruction.

The festival is under the auspices of seven ministries, serving the quality of life, promoting extroversion, enhancing tourist interest per region and highlighting our cultural heritage with experiential activities, sports and artistic.  At the same time, volunteering and green transport without emissions are promoted.

The subtitle of the festival Deaf and Hearing in Action refers more to the historicity and reference to the starting point of this initiative: it is a creation of a partnership between the deaf and the hearing. The festival concerns and refers to all our fellow citizens regardless of age, gender, identity, status and qualifications. It is based on the voluntary offer of the participants and the kind sponsorship of our supporters

Every year more than 100 organizations participate and collaborate and the driving force is voluntary groups of professionals in public and private sector concerning health, education, arts & culture, civil sociery, research and ecology.

Website: www.dhias.org