
EN CHORDAIS – Musical Traditions of the Mediterranean

National Network


+30 2310353285
Telephone (other)
(+30) 6974 760059
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
En Chordais is a non-profit civil society under Greek law. It has a board of directors with 4 members and three permanent staff members. Sources of funding are of two kinds: grants and sponsorships from public and private institutions and foundation and commercialisation of cultural products such as CDs, books, concerts etc. Furthermore, En Chordais operates a school of Byzantine and Traditional music. Actions undertaken involve publication, research, education, performance and creation as well as the coordination and / or participation in cultural networks in Europe and the Mediterranean.
Mission and Objectives

En Chordais’ actions focus on researching, documenting, studying and promoting the musical traditions of Greece and their creative contemporary manifestations. Special emphasis is given to the common musical experiences that are the hallmark of all the traditions of the eastern Mediterranean and on developing cross-cultural collaborations that promote this common heritage.
Focusing on Byzantine ecclesiastical music, Greek traditional music and eastern Mediterranean classical music, the program of the organisation’s activities covers five areas:
1. A School of Music
2. CD Productions
3. Publication of Books
4. The Organisation of Concerts and Cultural Events
5. Music Archive
The Music Ensemble of the same name operates within the framework of En Chordais.

Main Projects / Activities

For the last three and a half years, En Chordais has been the coordinator and project leader of the MediMuses project, a network of institutions from around the Mediterranean that organised 11 International meetings, 7 concerts, 3 symposia, 75 educational exchanges, prepared a major two-volume book on Mediterranean music and 6 corpora of Great Composers for publications, and produced a total of 12 CDs. MediMuses was part of the Euromed Heritage II program, funded by the European Union.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Kyriakos Kalaitzides
Head of the organisation
Mr. Kyriakos Kalaitzides
Contact (2) Full Name
Κaterina Kouzoukidou


National Network

Marni 56 & Karolou
10437 Athens

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information

EKO is a newly founded non-governmental organization based in Athens, Greece. EKO’s team consists of a board of four members, among which the President, who  is the European Ambassador of Female Entrepreneurship, one youth worker and, depending on the period,  one or two volunteers through the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program.  EKO’s financial sources include occasional funds of the Erasmus+ program and donations of members and friends of the organization, which are used to implement intercultural dialogue and KA1 youth mobility projects. Despite being a small organization, EKO has an extended network of partners across the Euromediterranean basin. Our organization is a member of the International Alliance for Peace and Development (IAPD), launched in September 2017 with members in 23 European and MENA countries, as well as a Euromediterranean Network of 11 civil society Youth Organizations (Y-NEMO).

Mission and Objectives

We believe that if one had to chose the top-two most serious challenges faced by the Greek society nowadays, answers would be unanimous: Firstly, youth unemployment  and economic obstacles as a result of the economic crisis and, secondly,  the xenophobic sentiments, cultural intolerance and exclusion created by the refugee-crisis. Our organization’s mission is to contribute to the creation of an inclusive society, free from prejudice and discrimination, which will be in the position develop and grow sustainably. To achieve this mission we focus on the following specific objectives: Empowering youth through non-formal education, training opportunities, life-long learning and fostering youth’s active participation and civic engagement Facilitating intercultural and interreligious awareness and solidarity, especially between Europe and MENA regions as well as within Europe, by providing dialogue platforms, and organizing cultural exchanges and tolerance trainings Strengthening cross-border civil society, by providing support, knowledge transfer and sharing of good practices, as well as by developing collaborative initiatives with our broad network of international partners  

Main Projects / Activities

Erasmus+ Youth Mobility Projects. As of yet, EKO has participated in 7 Youth Mobility projects, designed and coordinated 6 Youth Exchanges, and is currently working with the preparation of 4 more projects (more information in the attached file) Design, planning and organization of educative sessions and trainings for enhancing work-related skills and employability Providing communication platforms and mediation for intercultural dialogue and exchange International NGO networking, Initiation and strengthening of organizations’ networks for the development of collaborative initiatives to achieve shared visions

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EKO is fully committed to support the achievement of ALF’s vision and objectives, as our goals are perfectly aligned. This support may take the form of: Dissemination and publicity of ALF’s activities Promoting its objectives and initiatives for human rights protection and regional development Becoming a local implementation partner of non-formal education initiatives and trainings for youth and intercultural solidarity projects Contribution to development and implementation of common operations/actions in collaboration with HoN Member organizations Knowledge transfer and sharing of good practices Strengthening within-border, as well as cross-border civil society networks

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ΕΚΟ aspires to facilitate social progress through empowerment of youth, protection of vulnerable groups and fostering intercultural understanding and cooperation.  We are highly sensitized with regards to the creation and enforcement of communication channels and cooperation ties across the Euro-Med basin, as the most concerning issues these countries face (economic, refugee and humanitarian crisis) are highly interconnected, and call for collaborative solutions. Our ethic emphasizes the principles of inclusion, active citizenship and unity in diversity. Thus, we firmly believe that our vision, values and territorial scope fully comply with those of Anna Lindh foundation. EKO’s intent to join ALF Network  is based on our wish to: Become part of the, currently, largest-scale effort to bring together people and civil society actors across Euro-Med region, which ALF represents Develop a network of local partners and leverage our international level, to broaden the sphere of our influence and number of beneficiaries Facilitate our efforts to achieve intercultural solidarity, by utilizing ALF as a dialogue and cooperation  platform

Contact (1) Full Name
Kitty Panourgia
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Kyriaki Panourgia
Contact (2) Full Name
Eliana Vasileiou
Job Title (2)
Project Manager


National Network

Ermou 31
54624 Thessaloniki

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

EN.O GREECE is a private nonprofit / nongovernmental body, with an international activity level. Modalities of action focus on the fields of: youth, environment, lifelong learning, new media, human rights, gender equality and culture. Our activities include all the Erasmus+ mobility projects, seminars, courses, information campaigns and conferences. We have successfully established co operations with municipalities, universities and other organisations. Budgetary resources are up to 30.000€ per year which come from Erasmus+ projects, seminars, courses and private sponsorships. Our network includes partners from all over the world, Europe, Asia, America, Africa (we have already an approved project within KA1 of Erasmus+ including EuroMed countries: Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan and many of our partners come from Palestine, Israel, Egypt, Lebanon).

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to promote intercultural dialogue and the spirit of friendship and cooperation between countries through mobility programmes. Furthermore, we are trying to encourage lifelong learning and research through international co operations. We believe in the importance of non-formal education as a powerful tool for breaking stereotypes and for the achievement of social inclusion and mutual understanding among people with different cultural backgrounds. In addition, we promote the exchange of good practices in order to achieve the development of skills and competences at personal and professional level. Moreover, we try to raise the awareness among young generations about several important issues and at the same time to motivate them to think and take action.

Main Projects / Activities

Host Families Projects: We have run for 5 years the "Host familes" exchange programme with Cyprus, Turkey and Georgia. Families in Greece were hosting Youth from the above mentioned countries for a week in order to promote intercultural dialogue and help people break stereotypes and learn the customs and traditions of their hosting countries. In the same way, Greek Youth were hosted from the families of the other contries.  Staff Mobily of the Organisation. EU funding for the EU programme «TAP-SWIPE-PINCH.TABLETS CHANGING THE WAYS TO TEACH AND LEARN», with project’s identification number 2015-1-EL01-KA104-013555 . The project was held in April 2016. Youth Exchange. EU funding for the EU programme «Young Media Makers», with project’s identification number 2017-1-EL02-KA105-003017. The project will be held in October 2017. EVS sending Organisation. EN.O GREECE is accredited as an EVS sending Organisation 2015-1-EL02-KA110-00230. This year we will also apply for being accredited as an EVS hosting Organisation. International Symposium "Schools and Sustainable development". The Symposium was held in Thessaloniki from 17-20 October 2013 and focused on the exchange of good practises about sustainable development and the contribution of schools. Some of the participating countries were: Cyprus, Turkey, Serbia, Great Britain, Malaysia, Finland, Kazakhstan, Israel. Community Funding from the Municipality of Pavlos Melas for the Educational programme “Creative activities for children of the ages between  6-12, during summertime 2014” which was organised and held by EN.O GREECE. Identification/contract number : 1454MV002174013, Title of the project : “Creative activities for children of the ages between  6-12, during summertime 2014”. Courses and seminars that are held in cooperation with various municipalities of Greece (e.g Trikala, Drama) about ICT and the use of new media (tablets, smartphones, iphones) as tools for the fields of Education, Tourism, Accesibility and social inclusion and promotion of local communities Free foreign and Greek language courses for Youth, Elderly and unemployed Social actions like gathering of food and clothes for people in need and orphanages

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EN.O GREECE has a qualified and experienced personnel in the field of Youth and Adult Education as long as non-formal education activities and has participated in more than 30 previous international and EU activities/seminars/trainings etc. Our own Network counts more than 149 countries which means that dissemination of any created project will be more than huge.  We obtain a group of trainers who are specialised in the fields of: New Media and Media Literacy, Gender Equality, Arts and History, Disability and Social Inclusion, ICT and Technology and Foreign Languages, Human Rights. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To increase to opportunities to contribute in the common effort of all the Organisations which are activated in all the fields mentioned above. To promote the values of our Organisation since they are the same values that ALF promotes. To have the chance to exchange good practices and cooperate with other Organisations and help each other to achieve a better result for the common well. To raise the awareness of crucial issues and situations that we are facing nowadays and motive as many people as possible to take action.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eleni Ivasina
Job Title
Vice-President & Youth Projects' Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Eleni Plevra
Job Title (2)


National Network


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Epi Skopon was created by 4 political science students and now a pair is left to visualize the coming. Along of course with some 40 volunteers and lot's of great partners. Or main and most of the time only sources of funding are self-financed projects on the cultural field or -fewer times- on youth and education. Sometimes cooperation with some coterminous Municipalities and for 2014 projects as part of "Thessaloniki: European Youth Capital 2014".

Mission and Objectives

"Epi Skopon" is a Cultural Organization based in Thessaloniki aiming at the enrichment of the cultural program of the surrounding region with valuable and rare events across the spectrum of culture. Bring young creators forward. Connect the youth with culture. Built structures and networks able to generate and sustain cultural development.

Main Projects / Activities

Here are some of our projects FB pages: https://www.facebook.com/ArtFactoryEdessa https://www.facebook.com/360TaratsaFilmFestival https://www.facebook.com/pages/Naturart-festival/744841488905837?ref=hl https://www.facebook.com/Panic.art.festival https://www.facebook.com/DartMagazinegr Other activities/projects involve the Municipality of Kalamaria for "Para Thin Alos Festival" 2013 and 2014, a constant relation witht the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki: Department of Fine Arts, projects with the Byzantine Museum of Thessaloniki, the visual arts festival "ANAKATA 2013", the 3rd and 4th Thessaloniki International Choir Festival, the Municipal Radio and Television (FM100 & TV100), Vlassis Art Gallery, Center for Balkan Music in Arta and the "Balkan June Festival 2013 and 2014", "Festival Mouson 2013" in Katerini, "GreenWave Festival 2013 and 2014" in Thessaloniki (focus on the enviroment" and "16th and 17th Antiracist Festival of Thessaloniki" (focus on human rights, equality etc). And of course we work with young and talented and not so young and talented artist on all cultural fields. We are also preparing connection between the cultural field in Greece and the neighboring countries. We also have concrete working groups on a variey of cultural fields such as photography, video-art etc: https://www.facebook.com/ExframePhotography

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Know-how on cultural development, projects, events. Expanding the network and..networking it with the networks we already work with. Bringing the civil society of North Greece closer to the counterparts on the rest of the world.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking throughout the Mediterranean is inspiring. Many of ours projects involve people and artist from the Mediterranean. We can foster relations with other Organizations on our field of work and help structure a common ground for the total of our societies.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

ESAI EN ROI Cultural Organisation of Macedonia - Thrace

National Network

4, Eratosthenous Str., Anthokipoi Polichnis, 56429 Thessaloniki, Greece
56429 Thessaloniki

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Esai en Roi Cultural Organization of Macedonia – Thrace is a Cultural Association activated in the Fine Arts era, in Cultural conscience & Cultural issues related to "Quality of Life" and "Sustainable Environment" development. EER is strongly connected to Fine Arts Innovation, Research & Education and supports youth activism via creativity and arts. Through regular artistic activities and festivals EER facilitates Artists’ sociability and Cultural Heritage vigilance. EER cooperates with public authorities and private associations or companies sharing common aims or interests. EER was a non-formal group of artists between 1997-1999. Since 2013 EER festivals have been acknowledged for their importance as to be nominated “under the aegis” of Ministries of Tourism, Infrastructure & Transport, Culture & Sports, Education, Foreign Affairs & Interior (Macedonia -Thrace Region). EER Activities EER collaborates with other institutions and Associations related to Fine Arts, Tradition, Research, Health and Education, Sustainable Environment, Social Solidarity and Quality of Life aiming to the quality EER services development linear to contemporary social needs and ICT standards; EER participates in research & innovation projects relevant to Sports and Fine Arts in education; health; ecosustainability; elite performance; innovation; social solidarity. For more about our Annual Activities, please visit our official website http://esai.gr/eer under the label SERVICES > “Projects”.

Mission and Objectives

MISSION We strongly believe that quality of life could be generated through sharing the opinion that «everybody is as important as to influence community’s social status and cultural development». Youngsters are from their nature the most appropriate age-group as to attract the entropia of a better world. They just need guidance and support to learn how to use their power and how to build their self-protection through setting personal limits according to their needs and desires without annoying or disturbing the common «good». Thus, EER supports Youth Actions and Young Artist Activities claiming their importance in Social Life via Arts & Physical Rehabilitation in Society.

Main Projects / Activities

ACTIVITIES Our volunteers are mainly young people, who are seeking opportunities for personal development or they are interested in gaining professional experiences in the sector of performing and visual arts. Some of our members are also interested in supporting activities of social interest or they have a minority social profile (youth with fewer opportunities, learning difficulties, mild mental disorders, disabled, etc). EER is interested in projects supported from the European Solidarity Corps, KA1, KA2, kA3 erasmus+ and Creative Europe Projects. COLLABORATIVE PROJECTS EER collaborates with other institutions and Associations related to Fine Arts, Tradition, Research, Health and Education, Sustainable Environments and Quality of Life aiming on upgrading the quality of its services linear to contemporary needs and ICT standards. Some of the most important and regular affiliated partners are Institute of Nutritional Research & Education (support in QoL activities), Konstantinion Research Center of Molecular Medicine and Biotechnology (EER implication in Research), Children’s Creativity Center KDAP PLATON, Club of Sign Language Distribution, etc. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES EER is participating in research projects related to Fine Arts and a) education, b) health, c) elite performance, d) innovation and e) disabled.EER SOCIAL MINORITY ACTIVITIESEER is supporting Social and Special Population Minorities to participate in Art-Creation & Sport activities with a manner that promotes the positive rather the negative options and perspectives of their social identity. Disabled communities participate in the annual festival of inclusive culture, where we are one of the four main coordinators. Moreover, disabled youth 15-25 years old are able to participate to activities of talent promotion in the field of arts and all of our activities as active citizens offering their services, promoting our activities or participating in them (https://esai.gr/dhias.html). Our upcoming festival, focusing to creative minds with much of innovation and contemporary fast-track skills and competences upgrades in fine arts is the handiedancefestival www.handiedance.com CAREER ORIENTATION AND TALENT PROMOTION in ART-RELATED OCCUPATIONS EER core has only one department concerning professionalism and career practice of youth. That is the EER Department of Dancetheater. Since 1997 is EER regularly producing dance-theater and dance performances, cooperating with several dance-companies, performers, choreographers, directors, musicians, scenography designers and technical assistants. The productions concern and deal with Greek social social topics or Greek culture and tradition. Moreover, since 2004 EER implements young artists' nights and since 2017 screening tests of young talents in Fine Arts (https://esai.gr/talent.html). ECO-PROJECTS EERcomt is located near to a former military camp, now on, a park without clear legal identity; nowadays it is claimed by many public and private bodies, which are arguing about its final formation. WE are trying to promote the idea of developing the area to one of the largest city-parks and to promote this idea across the citizens where the green is less and the pollution elevated. Our planned activities are sports & artistic events and campaigns about the park and its hidden treasures! Since Autumn 2019 we are trying to include those activities to ESC. We also started on claiming our participation to several local Eco-campaign activities of PavlosMelas Municipality of Thessaloniki Region (in which region we belong). https://karatasoupark.org Exhibitions EERcomt has to show very few regular Outdoor activities and more rarely Exhibitions were our Members have the chance to expose their sport or artistic talent through team work or independently. Publications EERcomt is supporting her own sector of Publishing. The publications are open to public and are related to EERcomt actions or aims. Art-Studio Members of EERcomt are meeting each other in outdoor places rather in a classical indoor dance-room, jamming through arts and creativity. All the activities are open to public. The seminars and studio activities are free of charge and concern the activated EERcomt members. EER CLUBS • Artistic club very Monday with EER artists guiding and supporting for making several creations within the park, interacting with the natural environment, recycling, etc. Also appropriate with disabled population • Sport Club every Wednesday and Friday; fitness by utilizing bike or running routes that EER Volunteers created; cleaning the park; taichi, crossfit, yoga, aerobics, fitness, etc depending the will of the group and the trainer/ supervisor that leads the group • EER mind game clubs: every Sundayavailable to all, several mind games for the public, available to all with the presence of volunteers throughout a non formal learning process (learning by others). • EER touring: within park or to nearby parks and out of the city (with bus) depending the participation. This happens every 2 months (February, April, June, August, October, December) • EER handiedance events: appropriate also for schools (several visits to schools after being invited) and every 2 months a special event within a park (every January, March, May, July, September, November).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EER QUALITY & IMPACT (A) QUALITY ASSURANCE OF ACTIVITIES THAT WE ARE IN CHARGE OF EER has an experience of over 20 years in project management of short term projects. During the last three years, we started on coordinating more complex activities with annual duration. Our activities are under the aegis of Ministry of Interior (Sector of Macedonia - Thrace) & for some cases, with the support or quality accreditation of Ministry of Education & Religion & Ministry of Culture & Sports. EER is: an official member of the International SKILLMAN Network in the educational sector as an Area Coordinator; subscribed in the Portal of Cultural Associations of the Ministry of Culture; accredited with the badget of Socially Responsible Organization 2020 in Sports era; member of the "Youth Work Today" Community of Professionals; ESC & EVS Accredited Organization; member and supported of the Life. Beyond Funding Campaign. EER has been awarded in 2021 with the Best Health and Wellness Award via Arts and Sports (by GHP International) and in 2022 has got official membership in Global Waste Cleaning Network. (B) ENHANCEMENT OF ALF networks VISIBILITY EER based upon a managerial construction that facilitates dissemination of activities and achievements, can be a precious member in ALF partners' group, supporting ALF visibility and empowering with our expertise the common ground priorities mainly in regional and local level.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we strongly believe that the basal principle of fulfilling our basic mission is to ensure strong alliances, be involved in networks of a great significance and work for common purposes as a group rather individually.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eleni Kavazidou
Job Title
Projects' Supervisor; Executive Manager
Head of the organisation
Eleni Kavazidou
Contact (2) Full Name
Yiannis Fragoulis
Job Title (2)
Artistic Director

ethelon AMK

National Network

Apostolou Paulou 10A
15123 Athens

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information

ethelon is a non-profit organization which was established in order to emphasize and promote the notion of volunteering within the Greek society. ethelon is the result of the merger between two non-profit organizations, Glovo and Volunteer4Greece, which were both founded in 2012 and remained active in parallel for four years. In May 2016, the two organizations merged and created a new one, aspiring to become the point of reference for volunteering in Greece.  

Mission and Objectives

We aspire to become the point of reference in terms of volunteering in Greece, thus providing every age and social group with the possibility to have access in volunteering events and activities, creating a suitable cooperation framework between NGOs and companies, so that society at large can benefit from it. Our objective is to establish volunteering as a way of life and a dominant value within the Greek society, making the best out of the skills of its members and creating a social net whose basic components will be its very members.

Main Projects / Activities

Through a wide range of activities, events and initiatives, we find, activate and bring together individuals, independent teams, institutions and companies with non-profit organizations, aiming to help them develop synergies, based on volunteering. Moreover, since 2015 we deside to organise the Career Fair.4all, an initiative to bring the Greek labor market close to people with disabilities. The 1st Career fair for people with disabilities in Europe.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We could organize Intercultural events or social actions that promote and advocate for mutual respect between different cultures, while supporting civil society. A good idea might be social cooking, hygiene kits, social graffiti. Also, we are participating in communities from all over the world, like Points of Light and we are trying to connect and help more than 280 NGO's from Greece and we are organizing or participating in a daily basis social actions, in order to help the society.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We strongly believe that our history represent our willing to collaborate and network, since we implement the 1st merge between two NGO's in Greece. Furthermore, we believe that bringing together citizens across the Mediterranean, so that to build trust and increase mutual understanding, between each other. This express our values and beliefs and we hope we will have the opportunity to join ALF's team!

Contact (1) Full Name
Konstantinos Simaioforidis
Job Title
Chief Operations Manager
Head of the organisation
Kostapanos Miliaresis

Ethnomusicology and Cultural Anthropology Laboratory -Νational and Kapodistrian University of Athens

National Network

University Campus, School of Philosophy, Department of Music Studies, Zografou GR-15784 Athens

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
A public institution structurally linked with the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the largest University of Greece. It is a state funded organisation and additional funds come from its involvement in research projects. Its staff included professors and phds, and phd candidates and is divided into permanent staff (6 persons) and temporary, depending on research and academic activity.
Mission and Objectives

The Ethnomusicology and Cultural Anthropology Laboratory supports the discipline of the Department of Ethnomusicology and Cultural Anthropology and promotes the study, research and dissemination of the relationship between music and culture. The activities of the Laboratory include a wide gamut of the academic, research, teaching, and educational dimensions of the discipline. Among its objectives are: a) the creation of a dynamic and interactive archival system supporting all Laboratory activities b) the support, documentation, production, and promotion of original research in the fields of Ethnomusicology and Cultural Anthropology, as well as the organization of seminars, workshops and other academic activities in accordance with international standards c) the publication of academic research, the production of artistic and educational materials, the organization of lectures, meetings, seminars, symposia, conferences, and other scholarly events, the publication of a peer-reviewed academic journal and the organization of cross-cultural academic and artistic activities.

Main Projects / Activities

The Lab has both academic and research orientation. On the academic level, it is associated with a Master of Arts Programme titled ”Musical culture and communication: Anthropological and communicative approaches to music,” which aims at instituting an interdisciplinary, anthropological and communicational approach to music. On the research level, the Lab has been active in the areas of the arts, documentary film, culture, education, religion, gender and intercultural dialogue. Main projects: (2013-2016) PERFORMIGRATIONS A joint European-Canadian project (2012) Video Life Stories of Immigrants, (2010) Music and Minorities: An Ethnomusicological Approach of Indian Minority in Greece, (2006-2008). CEMMENTI - Canada Exchanges with the Mediterranean: Migration Experiences and their Impact on Nationalism, Trans-Nationalism and Identity, (1998-2004) Music in the Muslim Minority of Thrace, (2002-2003) Music and Ethnographic Film: Study and Creation of an Archive for Ethnic Music through Film Productions, (1995-2000) Documentation, Study and Promotion of Music and Dance Tradition of Thrace.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Lab seeks to develop viable ties with the societies of the circum-Mediterranean area through academic, educational and research exchanges by employing Greek expertise derived from the anthropological field of culture and the arts in an ongoing joint collaboration with other experts and institutions in the region. The Lab’s involvement in European and International projects is a strong asset for the Greek network of ALF in terms of acquaintance with a group of possible partners as well as a specialised scientific and practical knowledge of culture and intercultural dialogue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Lab is working academically and research-wise to bring people together from the circum-Mediterranean area to improve cross- inter- and intra-cultural dialogue along historically particular lines of expression as well as an ecumenical understanding of humanity serving as a basis for an active and creative coexistence of the diverse people of the Region. We consider ALF to be an ideal partner in this regard.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Euro-Mediterranean Network for Youth Trafficking Prevention

National Network

11 Yp.Dragoumi STR

+30 6978 688244
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
EMNYTP is composed of non-governmental organizations, governmental institutions, and individuals from around the world. EMNYTP recognizes that the challenge to provide adequate programs on youth trafficking prevention requires concerted cooperation among non-governmental groups and organizations, national ministries and departments of education, and other governmental institutions. EuroMed Network for Youth Trafficking Prevention (EMNYTP) is the first Euro-Mediterranean partnership dealing with prevention of trafficking of young people. EMNYTP was initiated in the UK in August 2005 and registered as an independent NGO in September 2006 in Greece. EMNYTP is the only initiative in the region that provides a platform for cooperation, exchange of ideas, support for project development and databases with educational resources and experts on youth trafficking prevention.
Mission and Objectives

- To spur a dialogue with youth and human rights organizations, refugee and migrants’ groups, and women’s and children’s rights groups among Euro-Mediterranean Partnership leading to a renewed commitment to upholding the rights of migrants and asylum seekers and a program of concrete action to achieve that goal.
- To promote collaboration and integration of anti-trafficking activities in the entire Euro-Mediterranean region to improve their long-term effectiveness and sustainability.
- To work as an instrument of coordination to encourage and strengthen co-operation among governmental agencies, local authorities, IYNGOs, local youth NGOs and groups from the countries of Europe and Mediterranean in order to streamline and accelerate existing efforts to combat human trafficking.
o To promote the wide dissemination of information and educational materials of youth trafficking prevention;
o To conduct research on youth trafficking in the Euro-Mediterranean region and facilitate establishment of multidisciplinary teams of experts dedicated to work on youth trafficking prevention.
o To work out and deliver educational programs on human rights education, trafficking prevention and all types of specialized educational resources for youth work with vulnerable communities and groups.
o To working widely on prevention of all types of migration at risk and forced labour.
o To facilitate the communication and exchange of information between its members.
o To coordinate the activities of the member organizations in order to make optimum use of resources in benefit of the communities at risk and the general public.

Main Projects / Activities

By now our Network covers 27 countries, represented by 63 organizations and independent experts, working for youth trafficking prevention via research, human rights educational programs, human rights advocacy and lobbying for youth and immigration policy improvement.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kostas Zikos
Head of the organisation
Eleftherios Sardelis

European Cultural Organization -Social Education (ECOSE)

National Network

105 57 ATHINA

(+30) 2103239666
(+30) 2103236637
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
ECOSE is a legal non-profit making entity. It works at European and international level. It is founded in 1994 and has many networking bonds and close collaboration with other associations, information centers, foundations, agencies, institutions, schools and public/local authorities throughout Europe, North Africa and Latin America. ECOSE promotes issues concerning the intercultural non-discriminative learning, art, culture, informal, non-formal and out-of-school education. It involves and motivates youths, social workers, disadvantaged social groups, (deaf and blind) unemployed persons, to participate in the civic society and to enhance their education.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

It plans, coordinates and realizes exchange projects, training courses, cultural and artistic meetings, seminars for elderly people, libraries for blind people, social programs for street kids, school courses on cross-cultural learning, information campaigns. It develops various educational publications in printing and electronic format as well.
ECOSE participates actively in Community programs (Socrates, Joint Actions, Youth, European Year of Languages 2001, Prince, Culture 2000) by project designing, co-ordination, dissemination, evaluation.
ECOSE has experience in elaborating of teaching models (informal, non-formal; Development of multidisciplinary methodologies and trans-thematic approaches; Development of teaching materials enhancing integrated and cross-cultural learning. Realization of awareness raising activities and dissemination operations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation


National Network

OMIROU 54, PC. 106 72

0030 210 36 43 224
0030 210 36 46 953
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0030 6948804466
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
European Expression is an independent, non-profit NGO, which is not in any way related to political parties. It was founded in Athens-Greece in 1989. European Expression, being an organization of political and social character, aims the following:federalization and civil society, universal moral government, civil society, human rights and individual freedoms, European consciousness, studies, European integration and federalism. This period has 3 employees and has partners in Greece like NGO's, Ministries, Municipalities, Universities etc. In European level is a member of many networks.
Mission and Objectives

It promotes the ideas of federalization and civil society aiming ultimately at a federal form of organization and integration in the European Union through the gradual formation of a European state by civil society.
It brings about public debate, provides information and finally raises awareness and promotes the European citizen’s participation so that European consciousness is cultivated through young people. Finally,it contributes to the spread and consolidation of the principles of: an open and tolerant society, social pluralism, constitutional democracy and the social market democracy.

Main Projects / Activities

Organizor of many conferences, seminars, social activities, national and european campaigns and competitions. Publication of the magazine "European Expression" every three months. Some of our latest activities are:
-National coordinator of the project of European Commission “European Action on Drugs”.
-National coordinator od the European Campaing "The passenger rights at hand".
-International conference "Greece towards in a liberal era"
-Press office of many NSRF projects

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our members will promote the ideas and values that the network support in all fields that are essential for human and social dialogue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to support the action of civil society of the Euro-Mediterranean Region.
Our organization is interested on activities in fields which are essential for human and social dialogue: Education and Youth; Culture and Arts; Peace and Co-existence; Values, Religion and Spirituality; Cities and Migration; Media.
If we join the ALF Network we would give the opportunity to individuals and groups to share values and live together.

Contact (1) Full Name