
European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation “AMPHICTYONY”

National Network

29 Vironos Str., 10558

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
“E.G.T.C AMPHICTYONY.” consists of Twinned Self-government Organizations of the 1st and 2nd degree, Associations of a Self Government nature as well as Regions of the countries in the Mediterranean and is organized as a civil company of a non profit nature governed by the provisions of the Articles 741-784 of the Civil Code of the Regulation (EK) 1082/2006 of the European Parliament and the Council of July 5th 2006 (hereinafter “Regulation”) and of this present Charter. EGTC Amphictyony employs two permanent employees and several external employees functions with an annual budget of 136.000 Euros. Main Funding sources come from the municipality members. Modalities of action: 'Social responsibility' within the context of the program 'Year against poverty'. Leonardo Da Vinci program. Supportive Structure of the Covenant of Mayors. Organization of conference 'Cultural policy and local government'. Seminar on 'Management of Maritime Resources'. Action for the Olympic Truce. Main partners: Hellenic company local development and local government (EETAA), Municipality of Saint Barbara, Municipality members.
Mission and Objectives

The main aim of E.G.T.C AMPHICTYONY is for the people of the Mediterranean to live in a continuously peaceful environment and one of constant development, financially effective, socially just andenvironmentally viable with cohesion and security in their areas.
4.2 The duties and operational objectives of E.G.T.C AMPHICTYONY that contribute to the achievement of its goal are the following:
§ The joint action and co-operation amongst its members
§ The respect in all levels of the principles of freedom, democracy, justice, security and protection of the environment.
§ The facilitation and promotion of cross border, interstate and/or interregional co-operation, with a view to reinforcing social and financial cohesion among its members.
§ The realization of programs that are co-funded by the European Union (E.U.) through the European Fund of Regional Development, the European Social Fund and/or the Cohesion Fund
§ The realization of actions of territorial co-operation amongst its members with or without the E.U.’s financial contribution
§ The collaboration with scientific centers and institutions, established in the countries of the Mediterranean, with E.U. institutions and International organizations, Self-government or not.
Exchange of information, experiences, promotion and application of successful practices among its members
Access to information and knowledge by means of utilizing data banks, new technologies and the development of the information society
§ The research, pursuit, preservation, promotion and utilization of the cultural identity of the Peoples of the Mediterranean towards the safeguarding of intercultural dialogue, the development of bonds of friendship, co-operation, respect and acceptance of diversity.
Strengthening the participation of the Citizen and the agencies of the Local Societies within the frame of territorial, financial and social collaboration among its members.

Main Projects / Activities

'Social responsibility' within the context of the program 'Year against poverty'. Leonardo Da Vinci program. Supportive Structure of the Covenant of Mayors. Organization of conference 'Cultural policy and local government'. Seminar on 'Management of Maritime Resources'. Action for the Olympic Truce.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Because of the wide context of our members who focus on local communities, we would be able to promote in a realized way our common goals to a wider social basis.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because of our belief that our aims and goals lie on a common basis with your foundation towards a Mediterranean of peace putting in the center the human.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Vasilis Xenos-Gavrielis
Head of the organisation
Mr. Dimitris Argianas
Contact (2) Full Name
Stavroula Koutsaki

European Institute for Local Development

National Network

5, Lytras Str., 54640

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
EILD has the size, know-how, technology and infrastructures to meet all the challenges providing total quality solutions to private and public establishments. EILD has a variety of well-educated, highly qualified and experienced cooperators and experts capable of delivering exceptional outcomes in demanding R&D projects, EU programmes and contracts. Its members have been involved in all phases of a project implementation cycle including project identification, fact-finding, planning, fundraising, appraisal, coordination, monitoring and evaluation, as an integral part of carrying the project responsibility or as separate tasks with investigative missions.
Mission and Objectives

The creation of a European Network dedicated to Local Development
The operation of the "Good Practices in Regional Development Repository/Observatory" and the organization of the annual "Good Practice for Regional Development Award
The launching of an e-development agency, dedicated in supporting innovative technologies as fundamental tools in local development capacity building
The realization of educational activities aimed at strains of local administration authorities
The realization of studies and researches upon developmental practices
The participation in EU and other initiatives

Main Projects / Activities

EILD has implemented as partner many projects on education and training of various target groups such as children, young people, and vulnerable groups. Due to the fact that one of its main priorities is to promote social cohesion and vocational education and training, initiating new collaborations within the framework of Lifelong Learning is a high priority.
EILD has implemented as subcontractor many studies which focus on the tourism sector. Due to the fact that one of its main priorities is regional and local development and taking into consideration that tourism in Greece is a catalist for local and regional development it has acquired significant experience through the participation in similar projects. Additionally, its staff and experts are highly knowledgeable provide detailed insight in this specific.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Vasileiadi-Dardalis
Head of the organisation
Mr. Nikos Bogonikolos

European Local Leaders - ELL

National Network

Agathonos 12
15344 Gerakas

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Young Europeans Elected in Cities&Regions with over 100 young elected politicians.

Mission and Objectives

Exchange of good practices

Main Projects / Activities

Digital transformation Environment and climate change

Contact (1) Full Name
Nektarios Kalantzis
Head of the organisation
Nektarios Kalantzis


National Network

106 81


+30 2103306221
Telephone (other)
+30 6941404329
+30 210 3306221
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+30 6941404329
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Humanet is an NGO registered in Greece and is member of three other networks amongst them CONCORD platform. It is independent with a Council of Board of Directors and activiates a lot of volunteers. Main sources of funding is the Hellenic Aid fund, Bublic Bodois and Ministries and self funded projects. The anual turnover of the NGo is around 500.000 per year. Humanet supports any activity for social inclusion and strengthening of the European identity of young Europeans. Having as a constitutional principle the enhancement of the common European idea has realized that getting in contact with people coming from different cultural backgrounds brings the acquisition of the knowledge of the European cultural diversity. Main partners include the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Greek Ministry of Employment, thw Albanian Ministry of Employment, the Moldavian Academy of Sciences, other Universities in Cuba, Albania, Ukraine and others.
Mission and Objectives

Humanet was founded in 1998 by specialized scientists and it has offices in Athens, Larisa, Moldavia, Albania, FYROM, Sri Lanka, Kabon, Cuba and it is represented through framework agreements and MOUs with local NGOs and institutions in more than 15 countries. Internationally, it has implemented programs on development cooperation in the fields of creation of infrastructure, health, water and sanitation, energy and new technologies, environment, social inclusion, anti-trafficking and promotion of the idea volunteering amongst young Europeans .

Main Projects / Activities

Some examples of our actions are: the development of a big amount of refugee camps in Kosovo action awarded by the United Nations, the humanitarian aid to the victims of South East Asia right after the tsunami project awarded by government of Sri Lanka and the participation in the national program of the promotion of volunteerism in Moldavia the last 5 years in cooperation with Academy of Scientists of Moldavia, an action awarded by the government and other institutions of Moldavia.
In August 2008, Humanet organized the 1st Green Festival in the springs of the river Acheloos in Aspropotamos with the support of the General Secretariat of Youth and Sports, political parties, social partners, artists and a big amount of volunteers. It is important to mention that all the mentioned activities were implemented under the patronage of UNESCO.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

European Perspective, Development and Education Centre

National Network

14, Ikarias, 14231, Nea Ionia

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
- The structure of EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE consists of: ? The General Assembly ? The Board of Directors ? The Executive Board, /Committee Personnel: ? At Headquarters: 15 ? In developing countries: 45 Annual Turnover for 2005: 4.600.000Euros Fund-raising mechanisms: - Broadening the financial support basis of the organization with the objective to reach a number of 1000 financial supporters till the end of the year 2006; - Realise a targeted fund raising to private sponsors; - Develop and promote specifically targeted products in Greece focusing on the ones produced and marketed by EP’s funded projects in the field; - Targeted campaign for issues, which can mobilise and sensitise the Greek public, such as the need to protect Amazon, the minorities return in specific areas, etc. • partnership and/or affiliation with other organizations • ,networks, structures, etc. working in the field of development;
Mission and Objectives

Development and Education Centre EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE (D.E.C.E.P.) is a Greek non-profit, non- governmental autonomous organization, active in the field of international development cooperation. The headquarters of the organization are in Athens. Its activities are promoted through the function of regional support offices in FYROM, Albania, Kosovo, Ecuador, Belize, and Commonwealth of Dominica.
D.E.C.E.P. plans and implements integrated activities with the objective to promote sustainable development, provide humanitarian assistance and contribute towards the establishment of democratic institutions in the target countries.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities are:
- To implement development projects in developing countries
- To implement actions for the establishment and function of democratic institutions and for the protection of human rights
- To provide emergency aid
- To implement public awareness and development education projects
- To implement capacity building projects
- Rehabilitation and refugees
- To provide education and training
- To transfer know – how, expertise and technical skills

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Eugenia Vathakou
Head of the organisation
Dr. Pantelis Sklias
Contact (2) Full Name
Zacharias Tigkas


National Network

ATHENS 106 71

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The European Translation Centre - Literature and Human Sciences (EKEMEL) aims at effecting a closer contact between Greek and foreign literatures, through numerous and diverse activities. EKEMEL employs 5 people as permanent staff and collaborates with numerous translators in occasional studies and seminars. EKEMEL is subsidized by the National Book Centre of Greece and the Greek Collecting Society for Literary Works. EKEMEL collaborates with the Hellenic American Union, the French Institute of Athens and Thessaloniki, the Cervantes Institute of Athens, the Goethe Institute of Athens and Thessaloniki, the Italian Cultural Institute of Athens, the British Council of Athens, the International College of Philosophy in Paris, the Foundation of Fullbright, the University of Princeton, the University of Mainz, the University of Malaga, the University of Sapienza, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the University of Aegean, the Institute Ramon Llull (Barcelona), the National Institute for Oriental Languages.
Mission and Objectives

EKEMEL is a workshop for literary translation, with the emphasis on improving translation practice; a nursery for translators from which publishers and professionals in the field will be able to recruit the competent translators of tomorrow. A center appropriately equipped for supporting the translator's task (library, data banks). A focal point for all those connected with the translation process (writers, translators, publishers) through a series of events, seminars and lectures and the publication of "Apiliotis", a quarterly of literature and translation.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Organisation of seminars and round tables bringing together writers and professional translators of literature to examine and improve the practices of the latter.
2. Organisation of meetings between writers and translators concentrating on a particular work, with the participation of professionals and a public interested in creative writing, literary translation and further training.
3. Organisation of meetings and international literary events.
4. The education of students in the literary cultures of the European Union and the practice of literary translation.
5. Publications designed to promote the diversity of works of literature.
6. Publication of a professional revue of European translation.
7. Institution of five Translation Awards in collaboration with the European Institutes of Athens.
8. Organisation of round table discussions open to the general public and conducted by writers and their translators.
9. Two residencies for writers and translators on the islands of Paros and Crete.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

European Village

National Network

Pirla 24, 11141

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The organisation's daily work is carried out from 3 permanent and full time social workers and 25 volunteers. The 2010 activities' budget is more than 100.000 euros, contributed from Community programs, local and national authorities and donations. To reach the above mentioned we act in this ways, • Building (or supporting) networks of collaborarion with the scope of implementing projects in the fields of fair trade, local alternative currency systems (time banking), social solidarity, community building, ethical consumption, etc... • Running sensitization campains/events, sharing good practices and implementing projects concerning environmental issues (renewable energy resources,…), biological and small scale agricultural production, • To educate and to create skillls and competencies among youngsters through non-formal education (learning by doing), vocational trainings and other tools within the framework of Life Long Learning. The organization has experience in spreading and promoting youth mobility opportunities at european (principal programmes of reference are youth in action, Leonardo Da Vinci), in coaching, mentoring and training methodologies (human resource management, personal development mainly adressed to volunteers and members), in project and not-profit dynamics management
Mission and Objectives

The main aim that the organization seeks to achieve are
a) to spread the ideas and to support actions concerning economies of solidarity and sustainable development.
b) to empower young people to participate actively in the community
Our main target group is youngsters living in the centre of Athens.

Main Projects / Activities

The organization has experience in spreading and promoting youth mobility opportunities at european (principal programmes of reference are youth in action, Leonardo Da Vinci), in coaching, mentoring and training methodologies (human resource management, personal development mainly addressed to volunteers and members), in project and not-profit dynamics management.

Contact (1) Full Name
Simona Rossi
Head of the organisation
Chrysostomos Galanos


National Network

KYPROU 24 -28, Str.
Larisa, Thessalia
412 22 Larisa

+30 2410 552729
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

EUROPROODOS EDUCATIONAL GROUP SINGLE MEMBER P.C. includes VET Institution,VET Center and a modern Adult education center. EUROPROODOS was founded back in 1994 and today it is one of the largest Vocational Training Institutes and Adult Education Centers in Greece providing post-secondary education and adult education, in various cities in Greece. EUROPROODOS EDUCATIONAL GROUP SINGLE MEMBER P.C. is accredited by the Ministry of Education (in particular, the E.O.P.P.E.P. body-National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications & Vocational Guidance) and it is one of the first private bodies in Greece specialising in Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Adult Education. Among Europroodos’s key competencies are the vast experience across a wide number of professional studies, the systematic engagement with the industry and employers, the design and running of demand-led and industry informed curricula and lastly the designing and implementing modern adult education trainings and courses.
The fields of study in the three branches (Athens, Korinthos, and Larisa) are various IT Professions, WEB Designing, Educational Professions as well as Tourism, Culinary and Beverage Professions.
Especially in Tourism, Culinary and Beverage Sector, with a continuously 26 years of experience and innovation, Europroodos is the one of the best Adult Educational and VET Provider in educational field in Greece. The Curriculum, the training courses and the educational methodology, which is applied in Europroodos, brings into the most distinguished place among Adult and VET providers in Greece.

Mission and Objectives

Europroodos has trained and provided certifications to more than 40.000 individuals, constantly investing in up to date educational and training programmes and enriching the knowledge and skills of the labour force at national level.
Europroodos implements projects which amount to a total average revenue of 3.500.000 € on an annual basis and are summarised in the following actions:
• Implementation of continuous adult and vocational education and lifelong learning training programmes for unemployed, employed, self-employed, as well as individuals who belong to vulnerable groups (such as addicts, migrants/ refugees, low skilled, people with disabilities, etc.);
• Implementation of targeted educational packages for adult educators;
• Participation in operational programmes and community initiatives;
• Researches and studies for adult education;
• Provision of consultancy services to different vulnerable groups;
• Provision of career guidance and counselling services.
EUROPROODOS EDUCATIONAL GROUP SINGLE MEMBER P.C., throughout the course of its activity and experience on Adult Education and Training provision, has collaborated with:
• Public Authorities as a contractor for the implementation of a considerable number of projects co-funded by the EU;
• A broad range of Social Partners/ Bodies in the development and delivery of adult education training programmes focused on tackling unemployment, upskilling and reskilling human resources;
• Large companies in the framework of apprenticeship programmes offered to trainees;
Different organisations and institutions as a reliable partner for the acquisition of EU funded opportunities, both in Greece, as well as internationally.

Main Projects / Activities

EUROPROODOS EDUCATIONAL GROUP SINGLE MEMBER P.C. was created with the main motivation for the promotion of Adult and VET Education and Life-Long learning in youth, adult and seniors learners. Europroodos has experience in youth and adult education through formal and informal learning, adult and vocational education and training.
Over the past 26 years, Europroodos Group of companies has:
• Curricula Development and Implementation for adult education;
• Piloting & Development of Training Material for adult education and vocational training;
• Tailor-made Adult Education Training with the usage of Non-Formal Education methods and Experiential Learnig;
• Needs Analysis: An analytical project management plan is going to be developed for this project and the proper financial management will be assured by the experts of our financial department;
• activities for adults to fill the skills gap in market;
• develop activities for adult and young people with the use of Adult Non-Formal Education methodology;
• organise awareness campaigns, school visits, different cultural events;
• monitored internships, seminars and training courses on a local and international level.
We have extensive experience in the following areas, which are related to this project:
• learning, teaching, training, counselling, guidance, creation of materials and working methods
• for adults, seniors and youth, pedagogical approaches and tools on employability and entrepreneurship of adult and young people;
• collaborating on plans, workshops;
• capacity building and networking activities;
• training, teaching and learning activities with non-formal methods;
• supporting and recognizing the skills and competences acquired through non-formal learning and experiential learning.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Europroodos EDUCATIONAL GROUP SINGLE MEMBER P.C. has branches and target groups around Greece, we will disseminate the goals and the principles of ALF Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our main goal is to join in a Network that is really old, with geneious principles and values and a purpose to promote the collaboration. EUROPROODOS will be a significant partner in the network as we want to cooperate closely with other partners and share our knowledge and our experience.

Contact (1) Full Name
Vaios – Orestis Noulas
Job Title
Legal Representative
Head of the organisation
Vaios – Orestis Noulas
Contact (2) Full Name
Georgia Griva
Job Title (2)
Project & Development Manager


National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Others
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The Greek regional section of Euroscience is a non-governmental, non-profit organization which aims at the promotion of science, technology and innovation in Greece. Our section is an independent section of the paneuropean organization Euroscience. We work closely with the European Commission and we are the National Contact Point for Greece. It is one of the few non-governmental scientific organizations in Greece which is actively participating in projects for the amelioration of scientific and research conditions at national level. Apart its employees, Euroscience have more than 4.000 members, volunteers and supporters all over Greece.
Mission and Objectives

The Greek regional section of Euroscience is a non-governmental, non-profit organization which aims at the promotion of science, technology and innovation in Greece.
Our section is an independent section of the paneuropean organization Euroscience. We work closely with the European Commission and we are the National Contact Point for Greece.
It is one of the few non-governmental scientific organizations in Greece which is actively participating in projects for the amelioration of scientific and research conditions at national level. Apart its employees, Euroscience have more than 4.000 members, volunteers and supporters all over Greece.
Aim of the organization is: a) the science and arts dissemination, b) the humanitarian aid with the use of technology for the fighting of poverty and natural disasters and finally, c) the development of education for youth and for people who face the racism and the discrimination.
It offers free educational programmes for people with fewer opportunities (disabled, ethnic minorities, women, people in less advantageous areas) and has formed 5 workgroups working on major scientific topics, involving people from academia, enterprises and public sector.

Main Projects / Activities

The Greek section of Euroscience has been involved in the following EU’s projects: “Accessibility to Knowledge” (YOUTH 2005 – Project Coordinator), and “Football against Racism in Europe” (FARE 2005, FARE 2006). The Greek regional section of Euroscience is the coordinator of several national projects, indicatively “Knowledge beyond the city” (2004-2005), “Award for excellence in scientific publications” (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007), “Teach your mum, teach your dad” (2004, conferred a Netdays award 2004), “Competition of scientific photography for students” (2004, conferred a Netdays award 2004, 2005, 2006), “Give PC a chance” (2006, 2007). It addition, the Greek regional section has participated in the “Café Scientifique” (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007) project.
Currently, we coordinate two EU-funded projects (with more than 30 partners each) forming and coordinating networks around the world and we are organizing the Euroscience Mediterranean Event 2009 in Athens (www.esme2009.org).

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Evolving Cycles Non For Profit Organisation

National Network

N. Smyrnis 8, Lagonisi, Attica
190 10 Attica

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Youth and education
General Information

The “eco-conscious projects” of Evolving cycles, or else called ecotopias, are eco-cultural educational land-based participatory projects. They are designed with the principles of permaculture embracing regeneration, collective food self-sufficiency and energy autonomy as they care for the land, the people and share their resources fairly. They are governed by dynamic governance (such as sociocracy) and individuals communicate with empathy. They host cultural and artistic events with ecological content, conduct educational programs and act as beacons of collectivity, designing community experiences that embrace the local community. All the projects in Evolving Cycles follow processes of facilitation that give emphasis in the care of the group as an essential element of sustainability.

Evolving Cycles is currently expanding their network of people and projects. It currently has 3 projects: 3 sites (“hubs”) , Calme Garden (Attika), Kompostopia (Peloponesos) (https://kompostopia.gr/) and Community Lab (communitylab.gr) each centered around efforts to integrate, engage and regenerate their local community . The hubs are land-based projects and serve as demonstration and hosting places for the events of Evolving Cycles. The organization serves as the network/base and legal framework of these projects. The three projects collaborate under the vision and mission of the Evolving Cycles while working though and independently from each other. Each project is led by leading permaculturists in Greece: Kostas Keremels in Calme Garden, Tina (Kompostina) in Kompostopia and Christos Karystinos in Community Lab. This makes Evolving Cycles an experienced organization and an example of cooperation in the permaculture field in Greece (Social Permaculture).

The organization consists of 6 departments (Ecology circle, Educational circle, Cultural Circle, Funding Circle, Ecotopias circle, Communication circle) which represent the fields of work and focus of it.

Main people involved in Erasmus+ Projects are:
Christos Karystinos is an educator, facilitator and permaculture designer particularly interested in community living .He has worked as Appropriate Technology Coordinator of the AT department in Sunseed Desert Technology, a 30-years old educational center and community for sustainability. He has graduated from National Technical University of Athens from the department of Electrical Engineering and holds a master in Renewables Energies. He is trained as a Permaculture Teacher and especially in Social Permaculture Training by Alfred Decker. He has lived and visited ecovillages around the world (Los Portales, Tamera, Lakabe, Auroville) and practiced gardening at various permaculture sites around Europe (Ireland, Spain, Greece). He has participated as a participant, as a youth leader and as a trainer in more than 20 Erasmus + projects since 2012. He will be coordinating all programs that involve sustainability and Erasmus +. His personal project is communitylab.gr . He has more than 500 teaching hours in Permaculture Design courses around Europe.

Mission and Objectives

Our vision is: “Collaborative communities of abundance, where ecology meets economy” and our mission is: “Serving eco-conscious projects and a culture which evolves in harmony with nature”.

We support and work towards the transition of the current unsustainable system (financial, social, environmental) to a regenerative one by implementing the solutions we would like to see in the world.

Main Projects / Activities

1/ organizing, coordinating various social projects and delivering formal and non-formal training on topics of permaculture design (design system to cover our needs whilst regenerating people and the earth); compassionate communication (expressing our feelings responsibly); participatory leadership (co-creation); agile learning (flexible participation);sociocracy (collective decision making) and social solidarity economy practices.

2/ creating experimental programs within high schools and the youth in general. Thanks to the appeal of their implementation among the students, we have received requests for further similar programs as well as significant interest from beneficiaries to experience life on a permaculture project.

3/Calme Garden, which is the main hub of Evolving Cycles, is a demonstration site, has served, through educational events and activities such as agroforestry, nutrition, social sciences, art crafts, wellness programs, music and theatrical workshops, more than 500 people including individuals/groups, families, institutions and companies for the last 4 years and has integrated in its processes more than 150 volunteers from more than 35 countries.

In addition to:

Evolving Cycles has hosted young volunteers from around the world through the platform (WOOF) for the past 6 years and has offered permaculture education and hands-on work to at least 100 volunteers until now. Moreover, it is collaborating with high schools of the area for day-school visits. Evolving Cycles hosted ESC volunteers for the first time in 2022. The activities of each hub target mainly young people who are passionate about ecology and about the environment. Through fun, games and participation the young people understand and incorporate in their lives the values of permaculture, compassionate communication and sociocracy.

Since Kompostopia was established in 2016, it has hosted open days, community building events, seminars and activities for over 500 people. Our customers are individuals and families from our local region and the network that was established by Tina in her previous years of teaching permaculture (especially permaculture students). It has also hosted over 500 visitors and international volunteers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through the collaborative web which will enhance our existence as a global community, by sharing our practices and learning from each other.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We got the opportunity to learn about ALF Network through our collaborators from Lebanon to be capable to expand our mission and collaborate further with euro-mediterranean partners and individuals. Having this chance to join your esteemed network will also open doorways to intercultural dialogues with individuals as much as with organizations who are working for the same purposes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Christos Karystinos
Job Title
Fundings circle facilitator
Head of the organisation
Konstantinos Keremeles