
Contemporary dance and live music encounter "WE" by Caféturc Music & Arts

© Julien Aksoy WE.jpg

Contemporary dance and live music encounter "WE" by Caféturc Music & Arts at 10th Akropoditi DanceFest 2023 with the support of Anna Lindh Foundation

12 Jul 202321:00Evanthia Kairi Theatre, Syros Island, Greece

The non-profit organisation Akropoditi based in Syros island, member of the ALF National Civil Society Networks hosts the Contemporary dance performance with live music “WE”. Thanks to the mobility grant by Anna Lindh Foundation, Bedirhan Dehmen will present his masterpiece "WE" in the International Dance and Performing Arts Festival - Akropoditi DanceFest 2023 that celebrates its 10th year.

“WE” draws inspiration from Anatolian esoterism on one hand, and from contemporary philosophy on the other hand, questioning the concepts of “unity in multitude”, “empathy”, “universal ethics”.
In “we”, three male dancers in the performance space alternately move through a series of trio movement forms in close and constant physical contact, dual action dialogues, and moments of individual outbursts of energy. They dig deep into their memories and bodies striving to explore what binds us together. They tirelessly search for unity in multiplicity while re-enacting and re-staging their experiences of communion and conflict, tenderness and violence, strength and vulnerability, and trauma and healing along the way.
* Open discussion and Q&A with the contributors and the audience will follow.


10th International Dance and Performing Arts Festival in Syros Island

10th Akropoditi DanceFest 2023

above & beyond limits

July, 08-21 2023

Ticket presale for the performances of the Festival can be purchased be the electronic service TicketServices.gr

Cosmos of Culture

National Network

7 G. Seferi
17234 Dafni-Ymittos

+30 2109769271
Telephone (other)
+30 2109934008
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+30 6977570928
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Cosmos of Culture is a non-governmental, non-profit, cultural and educational Organisation ( Reg. No 141680701000/2017) which exists since 2002 but reorganised in its current form in 2017 and located in Dafni-Ymittos, a suburb of Athens- Greece. There are two part-time employees and more than 20 volunteers, active work for the ngo. The budget for a year is around 20.000 euros and our sources of funding are donations, membership fees, fees from seminars, workshops and events. We develop concrete projects according with our vision and mission, cultural exchanges, art and culture workshops, seminars for adults, cultural events to know other countries better through intercultural dialogue.
We are members of Culture Action Europe Network and Gallery Climate Coalition Network.
We involve to our activities other greek ngos and foundations like Caritas Hellas, Greek Forum of Migrants, Growth Hub Greece, Jazzy Nomads, African Network in Greece and many artists and cultural operators.

Mission and Objectives

Its aims in general are cultural, art, educational, environmental, and social.
Further actions are encouraging dialogue of cultures, intercultural dialogue, cultural exchanges, the development of the arts for all, human rights, the protection of the environment and ecosystems and tackling climate change. In addition, carrying out social interventions for equality, inclusion, and tackling poverty for sustainable development and social cohesion.
It seeks the participation of every interested party without discrimination in projects that relate to its vision and goals as mentioned above. This will obviously contribute to better quality of life and sustainability that will result in unity, peace, and harmonious society for all social groups without exceptions.
Furthermore, it emphasizes on children and young people, developing special projects for vulnerable social groups with the tools of arts (such as music, theatre, dance, photography, etc.), educatioν, lifelong learning and cultural exchanges.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities of Cosmos of Culture are: a) the operation of cultural center “CosmoSpace” with activities centered on culture, arts, expressive creation and dialogue, b) cultural, artistic, educational and social interventions to help improve the quality of life, sustainability and promote culture and the protection of the environment and c) special actions for children, young people and vulnerable social groups.
We develop four main ongoing projects:
Cosmo-Dialogue: It employs Art, Rights, and Non-formal Education as tools to highlight Dialogue as a key axis of peaceful coexistence, sustainable development and tackling poverty.
The heART project: It focuses on young people from vulnerable social groups living below the poverty line and the objective is to create a safe meeting place for free lessons and workshops will be held applying music, dance and visual arts.
The African House: It is about the creation of an African educational Museum for art and culture and a digital archive and library for African issues with free access.
Ef-Zin Greece: We link the present to the past as well as to future perspective. We organize cultural exchanges, cultural visits and walks, seminars and workshops as well as events focusing on Greece.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Members of Cosmos of Culture have worked for years issues such intercultural dialogue and the dialogue of cultures, they are from differrent cultural bockground and the involve actively in greek civil society.
We can bring into the network our experience and knowledge, make concrete proposals and contribute to events and calls.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

One of our main aims is about the dialogue of cultures and intercultural dialogue so it is important for us to participate in internationals networks such as ALF network and collaborate with organisations all over Mediterranean district. We believe this is the true spirit of Dialogue.
It is very improtant for us networking and have contacts with a variety of organisations and get an immediate and trustworthy image of more active stakeholders internationally. It will be also ideal to develop projects and organized events, workshops, cultural exchanges with other organizations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Samsideen Iddrisu
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Andriana Mardaki
Contact (2) Full Name
Andriana Mardaki
Job Title (2)

Counceling and Career Guidance, 1st Lyceum of Nikaia, Ministry of Education (GRASEP)

National Network

Kyprou & Samsountos

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Counseling and Career Guidance Office (GRASEP) of the 1st Lyceum of Nikaia provides counseling and career guidance services for Lyceum students, as well as people in the area with similar needs.We cooperate with institutions in Greece or abroad, experts at the issues mentioned above, parents and teachers associations, municipality authorities, the Pedagogical Institute and the Ministry of Education. The Target Group is mainly students of secondary schools, but in fact our ‘clients’ are young people of all ages in the area, in particular those who face problems related to social exclusion, either because they are immigrants, gypsies etc. or of lower socio-economic background, with limited opportunities whatsoever.
Mission and Objectives

The general aims are twofold: a) providing support to secondary students seeking help in order to plan their academic and future occupational trajectory and b) counseling all those young people who face all kinds of problems- personal, family, social. Besides this direct (person-to person or in groups) process with the students, we try to sensitize their parents, teachers, employers about matters like racism, inclusion, citizenship, social partnership and cohesion.

Main Projects / Activities

The activities, besides counseling sessions and Information supply, include seminars for students/teachers/ parents, Career Days, Visits, Invitations, Research and all kinds of projects that can prepare young people's transition from school to their next phase in life -educational or professional (citizenship, gender issues, decision-making, inclusion, self-awareness, identity issues etc.)

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Vekri
Head of the organisation
Maria Vekri
نموذج ناجح
Good Practice Illustration

Cours d'histoire pour la citoyenneté interculturelle dans la région Euro-Med.

L'apprentissage de l'histoire ne contribue pas suffisamment à l'acquisition de compétences de citoyenneté interculturelle. Au contraire, les stéréotypes sur les différences culturelles, traditionnelles et religieuses ont faussé les perceptions du monde arabe et musulman. Sur la base de ces observations...


Amorgos Film Academy

14th Amorgos International Film Festival     

20th YPERIA Conference for Culture and Tourism

6th Amorgos Film Academy

The Cultural Association of Women of Amorgos, the Municipality of Amorgos, and the South Aegean Region, co-organise the 14th Amorgos International Film Festival, from 12 το 17 of November 2023, where short films and documentaries from all over the world participate and compete.

The Festival is a member of CIFFT, an International Committee of Tourism Festivals based in Vienna.

The 6th Amorgos Film Academy will also take place parallel to Amorgos Film Festival, with participating students from many countries, and very important tutors who will be doing workshops, master classes and speeches regarding the cinema.

The participants are guided to all important parts of the island, such as the traditional capital Chora, to its historic 1200-year-old Byzantine monastery of Chozoviotissa, to the ancient settlements of Amorgos, and to the Hellenistic Tower in Arkesini. They try local products, & local specialties, get introduced to the famous herbs of Amorgos, and enjoy local dances and music!

While coming into contact with the locals, and the places they visit, they often get inspired to make a film or create an artwork in general. This is a holistic approach of the acquaintance of the culture of a place, but also of the people, through art in all forms.

At the same time, the 20th Conference on Culture and Tourism, YPERIA 2023, will be held, with topics on Wοmen, The Environment, Gastronomy, and the Preservation & Protection of our Natural  Cultural Heritage.

Through this event, Amorgos has been established as a meeting point of networking by gathering great participation of artists, journalists, politicians, filmmakers, directors & producers.

The Amorgos International Film Festival has been organised by the Cultural Association of Amorgos Women which has a great history of 30 consecutive years and has been held at the Aegialis Hotel & Spa.

The Amorgos Film Festival is very important for the island, for the Cyclades, but also for the whole country, since it has managed to be a reference point among the International Festivals.

Producers, directors and students are invited to submit their films for competition. Selection of winners will be made by an International Jury team, of very important people in the cinema world.

For more information please visit the website https://amorgosfilmfestival.com/

Cultural and Folklore Association of Soroni Rhodes “The Ampernalli”

National Network

Soroni Rhodes 85106 Greece

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
We have 100 of members and a 7-member Concil. 5 groups of folklore dances. groups of hip-hop dances and ballet (for kids) group of theatre group of photo.
Mission and Objectives

Τhe Cultural and Folklore Association of Soroni Rhodes “The Ampernalli” was founded in 1983 with aims the preservation and promotion of folklore and cultural heritage of Soroni and Rhodes. The name of the association derives from the word “ampernos”, the oak tree. “Ampernalli” has many activities, including but not limited to teaching of traditional dances, participation to cultural events, reviving old customs, organizing dancing nights, concerts, theatrical productions, and music and literature nights. More information at www.ampernalli.gr and www.youtube.com/ampernalli, www.facebook.com/ampernalli

Main Projects / Activities

Folklore Dances
activites for culture with music, poetry, dances, cinematograf, theatre etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bellos Panagiotis Loukas
Head of the organisation
Bellos Panagiotis Loukas
Contact (2) Full Name
Sfouggaristos Anastasios

Cultural Company Cine@Art

National Network

20003 Agii THeodori

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information

The organization's structure includes a three-member Board of Directors, elected for a three-year term by the General Assembly, which appoints the President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
The Board of Directors manages the organization and may authorize the President or a member to represent it before courts and authorities, entrusting them with the power to commit the organization by their signature. The Board's decisions are made by a simple majority vote, with the President's vote counting as double in case of a tie. For specific decisions, a full quorum and a 2/3 majority of all members are required.
The Board may delegate administrative tasks and daily management duties to the President, subject to the Board's approval. The Secretary maintains records, minutes, and correspondence, while the Treasurer manages finances in collaboration with the President. Budgetary preparation and submission for approval at the General Assembly are among the Board's responsibilities.
Board members must be European citizens, adults, free to manage their property, have a clean criminal record, and exercise their political rights. Only regular members of the organization for at least a year can become Board members, except for the members of the first Board.
The Board manages the organization's interests, ensures compliance with the statutes, prepares budgets and financial reports submitted for approval at the General Assembly.
Any Board member absent without justification from five meetings a year is replaced by the General Assembly unless decided otherwise.

Mission and Objectives

The purpose of the Cultural Company Cineart is artistic and cultural, never profit-oriented. Its main objectives include presenting film festivals, music, and theatrical productions based on Greek and global drama and satire texts, as well as improvisational theater, aiming at understanding contemporary issues through artistic effectiveness. Additionally, organizing concerts, seminars, lectures, and other events (such as painting and photography exhibitions) to approach and develop cinematic, musical, and theatrical arts, promoting culture and the arts in general. Providing education in cinema, drama, and music through seminars or establishing a higher school. Also, producing, promoting, advertising, and enjoying cultural goods and works by creating Cinema, Music, and Theater departments. Furthermore, promoting Greek and European culture through cinematic, musical, and theatrical education, particularly focusing on the cultures of Greece and Cyprus. Participation in common cultural programs and European programs. Organizing joint procurement of materials & support services for the departments.

Main Projects / Activities

The Cultural Company Cine@Art is a charitable corporation established in 2018 and since then continues to promote emerging artists, gender equality, humanitarianism, diversity and diaspora in films.
We are the co-organizers of the local festivals:
Bridges International Film Festival - Corinth, Greece
Bridges International Film Festival - Loutraki, Greece
Bridges International Film Festival - Nafplio, Greece
including several activities such as film screenings for schools and general audiences, concerts, workshops, photo and painting exhibitions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a participant from Greece, with our own multi purpose hall of activities in Korinthia, Greece and being supported by the local authorities,, our organization can contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation network through various modalities:

Mobility for Partnership: We can actively engage in seeking international partners for collaborative projects and consortium creation. By participating in joint brainstorming exercises, we can contribute our expertise and ideas to the development of project proposals, fostering meaningful partnerships across the Mediterranean region.

Mobility for Action: Our organization can host and participate in face-to-face intercultural dialogue events such as workshops, debates, and trainings. We are keen on inviting external parties from different organizations around the Mediterranean to enrich these events and promote cross-cultural understanding and cooperation.

Mobility for Creativity: We are open to hosting creative individuals or artists, providing them with the opportunity to explore new horizons and collaborate with peers in Greece. Through this modality, we can facilitate the exchange of creative ideas and promote cultural diversity within our local artistic community.

Mobility for Knowledge: Partnering with academic institutions and peers, we can contribute to the creation of knowledge products related to intercultural dialogue. By co-producing cross-sectoral knowledge in the Euro-Med region, we aim to foster deeper understanding and cooperation among diverse communities.

Overall, our organization is committed to actively participating in the ALF program, leveraging our resources and networks to promote intercultural dialogue and collaboration in Greece and across the Mediterranean region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that our presence in the largest network of civil society organisations such as the ALF Network will empower the promotion of intercultural dialogue and the Greek heritage across the Euro-Mediterranean region and beyond.

Contact (1) Full Name
Julia Logacheva
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Julia Logacheva

Cultural Foundation “The Routes of the Olive Tree”

National Network

Epimelitirio Messinias - Plateia 23 Martiou
24100 – Kalamata

+ 30 27210 62200
Telephone (other)
+ 30 27210 62200
+ 30 27210 62229
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 30 6947424110
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 30 6978246257
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
A Scientific Committee (10 specialists scientists) An Executive Office, headed by the Executive Director, assisted by the Coordinator. A Cross-scientific Network which comprises a committee in each participating country. 50.000 EUR. Public funding, donations, publications. Cultural itineraries and events. Youth exchange. Publications. Under the patronage of the Messinian Chamber of Commerce & Industry. With the support of : the Hellenic Ministries of Culture, Development and Agriculture, the Euro-Mediterranean Federation of Olive Oil Municipalities (FEMO), the International Olive Oil Council, Greek and Mediterranean C.C.I… The “Routes of the Olive Tree” have been recognised as the “2nd Cultural Route worldwide” by UNESCO and as a “Major European Cultural Route” by the Council of Europe.
Mission and Objectives

• To determine and record the common cultural heritage of the olive tree, which unites the Mediterranean people and is in danger of being lost due to technological advance, globalisation, ignorance and oblivion.
• To develop the intercultural dialogue among Mediterranean people and cultures starting from a common issue, the olive tree.
• To encourage thematic tourism, sustainable development by creating synergies between the cultural heritage of the olive tree, tourism and development.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities:
Organisation of cultural itineraries and events around the theme of the olive tree in olive producing Mediterranean countries.
Publications on the cultural heritage of the olive tree and its world.
Exhibitions, fairs and festivals around the theme of the olive tree.
Organisation of olive oil competitions and of olive products and Mediterranean dishes tasting.
Youth exchange and training on the cultural heritage of the olive tree.
Organisation of cultural itineraries in non-olive producing countries, such as China and Japan.
Organisation of the “Sea Routes of the Olive Tree”.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Marinella KATSILIERI
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Penelope TZEN

Cultural Hackathon, Powered By ENVISION


On behalf of CULTUREPOLIS, we would like to invite you to participate in a Hackathon competition and present your creative ideas about cultural entrepreneurship.

The action takes place within the framework of the European project ENVISION (Erasmus+), which is aimed at startuppers and workers in the fields of cultural and creative entrepreneurship to provide appropriate tools to empower them in the digital age.

The competition will take place on February 22nd and 23rd online with participants from 5 European countries: Greece, Italy, Spain, Cyprus, and the Netherlands, and each country will participate with 4 teams of 3-5 people that will be created in the competition. Each group will be asked to present their idea in 5-8 minutes. You don't have to come with your team.

If you have the potential to contribute towards this direction and create new business ideas with the guidance of experienced innovation executives, fill out the following form by 20 February 2023: https://forms.gle/9y1d3gRrX5XYfnHY6

More information HERE.


National Network

11361 ATHENS

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Board of Directors, Advisory Committee on Human Rights, Advisory Committee on Art & Education, Executive & Artistic Director, Communications Section, Research & Development Section, New Events & Volunteers Section. Administration: One full time staff and ten volunteers consultants-collaborators. Sources of funding: In order to finance our activities and self-conducted programmes and maintain an access free policy to all events and services, we strongly rely on funding from European and international cultural and other institutions relevant to our mission as well as from private sponsoring. Modalities of action: Cultural Synergies will endeavor to be an open forum for all those who are concerned about and wish to contribute to a more pluralistic society. Our activities include symposia & conferences, multimedia events, exhibitions, festivals, publications, experiential workshops. Main Partners: Collaboration with European and international Universities and Art Festivals, NGO’S, Art schools and Galleries, Cinematographers and Visual artists.  
Mission and Objectives

Cultural Synergies is an independent, non-profit organization active in the wider area of ​​culture. We address the community, especially young people, through actions in the fields of culture and education, and favor acceptance, respect and harmonious coexistence of diversity.
Our ultimate goal is to raise public awareness through experiential actions of art and discourse, the need to promote and defend social rights. It also encourages synergies between representatives of civil society, governmental bodies and other bodies responsible for cultural, social and political planning.

Main Projects / Activities

In the context of the up-to-date dialogue on multiculturalism and the access of society to inclusive and cultural participation, we propose the organization of a "Festival of Mediterranean Culture" and events with key sources of expression and creation of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue as expressed through a Cinematic tribute, Art Exhibition and Talks. The events with the general title: "Cultures In Between" refer to civilizations in transition and movement in the geographical area and real time, as well as issues of difference and similarity, peculiarities and contradictions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In essence, we are addressing an open call for intercultural dialogue to create a fertile ground for social reflection in order to create a fairer and more sustainable society. Free access to all services and events of the Cultural Collaborations is based on the support of European and international organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Cultural Synergies depends on collaborating with national Networks which brings together civil society organizations from across the region for the promotion of dialogue between cultures, intercultural relations, heritage, religion, research, human rights, democracy and community development, arts, youth and education, gender, environment and sustainable development, and media.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation