
Village of Hope for developpement and rehabilitation for handicaps

National Network

644 Rue Route d'Elhoria, Ganaklise, Alexandarie

002 03 5842715
Telephone (other)
002 03 5842725
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
002 01222449182
Mobile Phone (other)
002 01207739000
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Structure de l'organisation, nombre de membres de l'équipe et/ou des partenaires 1-Directeur de l’Association 1-1-Directeur de l’Académie et le centre de soutien 1-1-1 Professeurs (4) 1-1-2 Relations publiques 1-1-3 Assistante (Services de soutiens) 1-2-Directeur financier 1-2-1 Comptable 1-2-2 Secrétaire au Trésor 1-3- Directeur des projets 1-3-1 Coordinateur 1-3-2 Assistante 1-4 Directeur du village 1-4-1 Entraineur 1-4-2 Qualificateur 1-4-3 Assistante 1-4-4 (2 Chauffeurs) 1-4-5 Commercialiste 1-4-6 Boulanger (5 Ouvrier) 1-4-7 Directeur académique (5 Professeurs) 1-4-8 5 Ouvriers 1-4-9 Ingénieur agricole (1 Ouvriers)  Ressources budgétaires annuelles disponibles oLes frais d’abonnement des enfants handicapés. oLes donations régulières, mensuelles ou annuelles. oLes cotisations des membres de l’Assemblée Générale de l’Association (AGA) oLes revenus des activités (la boulangerie, le tissage, les séminaires et les sessions). Les fonds  Sources de financement o Donations irrégulières et occasionnelles. o Subventions provenant des donateurs à titre d’exemple Sawiris Fondation.  Modalités d'action (projets concrets, échanges, séminaires, bourses, etc.) o Garderie pour les enfants ayant une déficience intellectuelle. Elle leur offre des séances de développement de compétences, de correction comportementale, de l'orthophonie, la physiothérapie, etc. o Formation des enfants handicapés sur certaines professions, comme la fabrication du pain, la tapisserie, l'agriculture et la menuiserie. o Projet de « Préparation et formation de "l’enseignant de soutien" pour les enfants handicapés dans l'éducation de base ». o Des sessions de formation pour les jeunes. o Des séminaires et des congrès dans le domaine de l’handicape. o Faciliter les procédures formelles et gouvernementales pour les enfants handicapés tels que les papiers du service militaire et de la carte d'identité.  Partenaires principaux associés aux projets/activités de l'organisme o La Ministère de l’Education Nationale. o La Ministère de la Solidarité Sociale o La Direction Générale du Recrutement et de la Mobilisation. o La Banque de l’Egypte. o Entreprise de Fath Allah Market. o La Compagnie d'électricité d’Abou Kraire. o L’Ambassade Américaine. o Agence japonaise de coopération internationale (JICA) o Le centre du service des organisations non-gouvernementales. o Agence canadienne pour le développement international. o La banque mondiale. o La chaine de « Alex Market ». o Sawiris Fondation pour le Développement Social. o Karitas Egypte. o Le centre égyptien pour le soutien des ONGs.
Mission and Objectives

La réadaptation des personnes handicapées pour les intégrer dans la communauté ; Fournir un appui technique aux ONGs en les encourageant à travailler sur le problème de l’handicape ; Favoriser la mise en réseau avec d’autres ONGs ; Sensibiliser les familles et la communauté à avoir une attitude positive avec les personnes handicapés et à travailler à réduire l’invalidité ; La coordination avec les institutions exécutives et les décideurs à diffuser la culture du travail volontaire pour assurer les droits des personnes handicapées.

Main Projects / Activities

o Autonomiser les personnes handicapées et leurs familles pour qu’elles jouissent de tous leurs droits.
o La sensibilisation à travers des séminaires, des conférences et des célébrations.
o Offrir des activités sociales, artistiques et sportives.
o La mise en réseau avec d'autres associations travaillant dans le domaine de l’handicape.
o Réhabilitation des handicapés mentaux à travers des ateliers (boulangerie - serres - menuiserie – pâturage - tapisserie)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

o Nous pouvons contribuer par échanger notre expérience avec d’autres on the Network.
o Nous pouvons offrir nos relations et nos savoirs à la Network.
o Nous avons nos médias et notre presse qui peuvent être d'une grande valeur pour le réseau.
o Nous pouvons être un pont entre le réseau et d’autres ONGs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

o Élargir la portée des travaux de l'Association.
o Pour enrichir nos relations avec d’autres organisations internationales.
o Pour acquérir des nouvelles expériences avec d’autres organisations.
o Pour développer notre capacité institutionnelle et échanger d’avantage avec d’autres organisations en d’autres pays.
o Pour développer notre capacité d’échange culturel avec d’autres ONGs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nada Thabet
Head of the organisation
Nada Thabet
Contact (2) Full Name
Basma Ibrahim


National Network

3 ش عبد الجواد – خلف الاستاد الرياضي – مدينة ناصر - سوهاج

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Religion
  10. Research
General Information
System work: Association works vision for the development and training with all citizens, men and women, youth and children, depending on the level of social, educational and cultural them from all communities on the geographic scope includes the province of Sohag. * Based on achieving its objectives on the principles and values ​​are respected citizens and equal rights and non-discrimination, taking into account the balance of gender and promoting images of community participation and the exercise of democracy with the capacity building of individuals, institutions and establish the values ​​of citizenship and belonging under the obligation to humanitarian values ​​and religious which emphasizes the achievement of justice, peace and the protection of human future generations 0 * Assembly and follow a comprehensive and integrated approach to bring about community development based on participation and empowerment strategies of social, economic and educational stemming from the human rights approach to citizens
Mission and Objectives

Mission Statement: Work for a better society through programs and projects, educational, cultural, social, health, environmental and economic numerous help solve the problem of poverty and evaluate the ethics of society and promote social responsibility initiatives for the business sector, through the concerted efforts of development with various civil society organizations and build bridges of trust and partnership with all citizens to achieve development the overall community. الإنجليزيةالعربيةالإسبانيةVision Contribute to the development community with all the contents from the elements and human cadres to become the compromise allows the individual to find out the same talents and abilities Echtbrhauwaytorha to grow growing self-sustained and interact with the community in which he lives and affects the positive impact and cultivate skills to be has the ability to creativity and innovation.

Main Projects / Activities

"Diploma project professional craftsmen" Its side project: Zarhaltjarh of the industry The direct: Syndicate Applied Assiut Objective of the project: training and qualification of professionals and craftsmen in eleven Hrfahovernmnah are (maintenance adjustment - Business Health - the art of decoration and paint - carpentry - Construction - earthworks - the art of paint timber - the art of ceramics - the art of Alhaddadhwallham - Upholstery - electrical work) Target of the project: 7000 (seven thousand trainees) Upper level divided into seven stages 0 What has been accomplished: the first phase of the project were trained 1,000 (one thousand) Trainee certificates were handed their own experience .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To communicate with all civil society organizations across the network locally and globally and identify all the different cultures and sharing across the network members .

Contact (1) Full Name
Hossam El Din Ahmed Khalil
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Hossam El Din Ahmed Khalil

Waraqat - the art of folding paper

National Network

Masaken Sheraton - Heliopolis

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The idea of 'Waraqat' was mainly to spread Origami to more children and create functional products for adults to use in their everyday life. At the end of 2012 (when Waraqat got officially registered), I got only three to four different type of products on my list, and two venues for workshops. Now almost three year are passed by, and the growth is very tangible with the products list and workshops venues and also taking part with different community development projects. Waraqat started as a one-woman-show. However, during the last year, I started hiring assistants on a freelance bases for projects and big events. In 2014, was the first time for Waraqat to go international by attending an art residency in Germany. During the residency Waraqat participated in a group exhibition and conducted workshops at near-by school. Waraqat's main source of income and funding are the workshops and the handmade Origami products.
Mission and Objectives

- Waraqat's mission is always to spread Origami and show the magic of creating a 3D model out of flat surface.
- Impose the idea of creating art from an affordable and easy to find material like PAPER.
- Link and connect Origami to Mathematics.
- Grab the adult's attention to the world of handmade products.

Main Projects / Activities

- Develop and create new ideas for workshops to keep children engaged and satisfy different needs and tastes.
- Develop my products line. Currently working on Origami handmade accessories like earrings and necklaces.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By offering my Origami workshops in different cities in Egypt.
I did create the first piece of street Origami here in Egypt in May 2015, looking for more chances to educate less priviliged kids and create more street art by the local children.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- To be part of a big organization that's easier to connect and reach more people to achieve my mission.
- Maybe join a community development project initiated by ALF.
- Networking and possibilities for cooperation with other partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nervan Talha
Job Title
Founder, Designer and Educator
Head of the organisation
Nervan Talha

We are all One Foundation (Kolena Wahed)

National Network

21 Gaafar st. – Moharem Bek – Alexandria

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
We are a non-governmental organizations working in the field of rehabilitation and care for the disabled through community awareness rights of the disabled cultural, recreational, artistic and Tourism, in cooperation with many associations operating in the same field in different countries such as Jordan - Lebanon - Tunisia - Libya - Morocco - France. Through the exchange of young people with disabilities and the establishment of camps and conferences and training courses and seminars to raise awareness within these countries for the establishment of the Association or the Federation supports the rights of the disabled in culture and the arts.
Mission and Objectives

Strengthen the cultural exchange, tourism and recreational among peoples for people with disabilities through the exchange of knowledge, information and skills and new cultures and use of leisure time a more positive manner.
Belief in the right of the disabled rights in culture, tourism and the arts.

Main Projects / Activities

Dissemination of love and peace through the establishment of international conferences, which receives many associations and institutions working in the disability field in many different countries and in the presence of officials and decision-makers in the field of Culture, Arts and Tourism to highlight the importance of culture and the arts for people with disabilities
Coordination of specialized training courses in all partner countries to enable staff in the field of Culture, Arts and Tourism.
And formation of the Association of the technical team the previous training
Organizing awareness-raising meetings with partner associations to develop community awareness of the issue of disability during the Enlightenment intellectual, cultural and artistic
Coordination of specialized seminars to advocate the rights of the disabled in culture, recreation and the arts.
Production and various means of media CDs and design of various publications

Contact (1) Full Name
Alfred Goerge Kreles

webinar about Conflict disputes and its Effect on poverty in conflict-affected area

On the sidelines of the 2024 Partnership Forum

Within the framework of its interest in advancing the wheel of sustainable development and on the sidelines of the 2024 Partnership Forum of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, and in the partnership with the UN Major group for Africa.

Maat for Peace inviting you to Join the E-Symposium entitled “Conflict disputes and its Effect on poverty in conflict-affected area: A Closer Look on Africa region and the Role of UN Major Groups” on 30 January 2024 at 8:15 AM (EST) - 3:00 pm Cairo time which held Virtually:

The E-Symposium will focus on illuminating the strong relationship between Goals 1 on ending poverty and Goal 16 on peace. The event will examine how all of this will negatively affect the progress of SDGs in this area on the long term

Topics will cover:

1. Introduction to the United Nations Partnerships Forum, its Role in achieving sustainable development.

2. The correlation between 2030 Agenda goals: especially Goal 1 on ending poverty, and other SDGs Goals.

3-Role of CSOs as a linking point to strengthen international and regional partnerships and accelerating the development in the conflict affected communities

Link zoom :


Meeting ID: 810 8140 8483

Passcode: 725733

#SDGs #Agenda2030 #partnerships


Wekalet Behna

National Network

1, Al Kanesa Al Maronya
Al Mansheyah Al Kubra
Alexandria Governorate

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Re-established in 2019, Wekalet Behna is an inclusive artistic institution with a strong focus on film, contemporary arts, education, and arts research ; organizing public events (film screenings, exhibitions, artists talks), educational programs for artists and writers, fellowship programs and workshops.

The company includes between 5 and 10 full-time employees, but also collaborates with artists and cultural workers, calls for freelancers when needed, and volunteers in its archive. Most of its funding is coming from partners' contracts. We count 8 regular partners, including DROSOS for the fourth year ; AFAC for the third year ; NAS Network (Alternative Arab Screening).

Mission and Objectives

At the core of Wekalet Behna's mission lies a spectrum of programs designed to deconstruct critical discourses prevalent in dominant cultural practices and systems. These initiatives aim to challenge and reassess established cultural concepts and structures, fostering a continuous reexamination and evolution of inherent cultural norms.
By unravelling prevailing images and connotations that shape virtual relationships between practitioners, cultural professionals, artistic institutions, and the public, Wekalet Behna seeks to dismantle rigid definitions : its objective is to foster a dynamic environment that encourages ongoing reconsideration and revision, promoting a more inclusive and diverse cultural landscape.

Main Projects / Activities

In addition to our interaction with the local and regional cultural scene, we seek to offer activities in particular to all practitioners and people interested in culture in Alexandria and its surrounding towns, which sometimes lack central cultural services.
Within Wekalet Behna, three different spaces are used as platforms for their public events, screenings or workshops :
El Wekalah ("Agency") features versatile medium-capacity rooms, suitable for low-attendance events such as artistic workshops and specialised seminars.
El Plateau (“Studio”) is designed as an artist's studio, equipped with all the material needed for the work - it is also suitable for film screenings, literary seminars and extended workshops.
El Makhzan (“Warehouse”) is the latest addition to the public spaces - hosting bigger-scale exhibitions and film screenings.

Wekalet Behna stands as a proactive contributor to the local artistic and cultural scene through a diverse spectrum of projects: dialogues, collaborations, publications, and both artistic and educational programs. The institution is dedicated to fostering critical dialogue and continually reassessing traditional beliefs, striving to challenge and refine contemporary discourses.
The institution's ultimate goal is to create an intellectual safespace that not only encourages critical dialogue but also actively challenges societal beliefs and stereotypes. By providing such an environment - conducive to intellectual development and creative exploration - Wekalet Behna seeks to leave a lasting and significant imprint on the Alexandrian cultural landscape.

Wekalet Behna is also hosting the archival fonds of the Selection Behna Films, one of the most important Egyptian cinematic distribution companies, active from the late 20s to the early 60s.
Notably, they produced Egypt's first Arabic talking and musical film, 'Onshondat Al-Fuad,' in 1932 and the first Egyptian animated film, 'Mish-Mish Effendi,' in 1936. Becoming the primary distributor for Egyptian films, the company expanded its presence across the Arab world, North Africa, and Europe. The Wekalah houses a vast archive consisting of around 50 linear metres of documents and 6000 images, predominantly in French and Arabic. These archives are much more than a mere collection, representing a historical and cultural legacy. There are 287 Egyptian films, 7 foreign films, records of 119 Egyptian cinemas, and 100 cinemas abroad, providing a comprehensive overview of Egypt's cinema evolution from the 1930s to the present.
Wekalet Behna has started restoration efforts, renovating archives, and initiating conservation activities since June 2020, aiming to preserve and protect this invaluable cultural heritage.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our main mission is the development of the local artistic scene.
We also have a wide network with other art institutions in Egypt, and if needed, we have some spaces in Alexandria that we can share with other members.
During the last three years, Wekalet Behna was one of the main places to receive human sciences’ researchers in the country. By keeping a close and trustful relationship with them, we can be a key partner for diverse upcoming research projects - which can help increase the ALF network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We’re currently seeking new partnerships and most importantly new ways to collaborate with other cultural actors in the Mediterranean. We are seeking to develop our network and meet new institutions to work with.
At this moment, our priority is set on trying to find partners to help support our archives’ project. After having an introductory meeting with ALF responsibles for the local network, they encouraged us to join.

Contact (1) Full Name
Omayma Shafy
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Omayma Shafy
Contact (2) Full Name
Tiana Kader
Job Title (2)
Archives' manager

Wel ya Wel Puppet Theater

National Network

six of October city shik zaed hadaek el mohandessen 210/3

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Wel Ya Wel” Productions of Marionette Theatre and video shows aim to mix the education with fun for children. Our imaginative Educational Programme works on: - Developing children's creativity and imagination - Spreading awareness on issues concerning children's health - Using drama as an educational tool - Preserving the environment - Concentrating on the universal language of musical drama (e.g. opera or operettas)
Mission and Objectives

“Wel Ya Wel” Productions of Marionette Theatre and video shows aim to mix the education with fun for children.
Our imaginative Educational Programme works on:
- Developing children's creativity and imagination
- Spreading awareness on issues concerning children's health
- Using drama as an educational tool
- Preserving the environment
- Concentrating on the universal language of musical drama (e.g. opera or operettas)

Main Projects / Activities

Fields of work :
- Producing and performing puppet shows for children.
- Producing and performing children's television programs that include a human cast and puppets.
- Creating a wide range of puppets (marionette, glove, and masks or whole body).
- Working as puppeteers in various plays and television programs.
- Conducting workshops for puppeteer and voice training.
- Participating in festivals and events.
• Individual financial funds
• Private agencies and cultural centers are most welcomed for future offers

Contact (1) Full Name
Walid Badr
Head of the organisation
Walid Badr
Contact (2) Full Name
Asma saed

Welad ElBalad Media

National Network

43 Mogawra ElOula
6 October - apt 2

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Welad ElBalad is a media production company focused on developing the capacity of local and community media in Egypt. Our network comprises apx 120 journalists and has an apx budget of 600,000US$ per year. Our current sources of income are OSF, IMS and revenues from sales, advertising and training activities. 
Mission and Objectives

The production of independent, high quality and proficient hyper local media products and develop the capacity of local journalists. Further, we are working to develop a viable business model for independent local media in Egypt.

Main Projects / Activities

We run nine integrated newsrooms across the country and are the only network of independent local newsrooms servicing their communities. We also publish weekly newspapers in 6 locations, run an platform on Masrawy.com, and are official YouTube partners with 7 active local channels.  We also run the Local Media Factory which extends high quality and affordable specialised media training and media literacy to communities within which we work. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The cross section of interests and activities supported by ALF are of direct relationship to our work -- we believe Welad ElBalad would be able to both contribute to the work of others within the network as well as benefit from the diverse areas if activity and experience reflected within the membership of the network and the activities support by ANL.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fatemah Farag
Job Title
Founder and Director
Head of the organisation
Fatemah Farag
Contact (2) Full Name
Tamer ElMahdi
Job Title (2)
Head of Training Unit

Welad ElBalad Media

National Network

2 Sherif Street, Downtown, apartment 33

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

Welad ElBalad was set up in 2012 as Egypt's first independent local media company and currently runs its flagship platform BabMasr which is dedicated to culture and heritage reporting with an emphasis on local - outside of Cairo - reporting. The organization does not only engage in publishing but also engages directly with local communities through training at regional universities, exhibits outside of Cairo, workshops and panels.
We currently have a staff of 15 members and a network of regional content and are registered with the Ministry of Investment as an LLC. Our Advisory Board consists of Emad Abu Ghazi, Mohamed Abla, Ali Said and Lamia Radi. The content is run by our chief editor and overall operations by the director in addition to the Finance and Admin Director. We are running on an annual budget of apx 50k Euro - this year we are supported by the EED. We partner with local entities such as regional universities, museums such as the Fine Arts Museum in Moharam Bey and others.

Mission and Objectives

To publish high quality and professional journalism content produced by a network of local content providers and targeted at local communities to support awareness, understanding and decision making in favor of heritage and culture protection and conservation.
To enhance the capacity of local content production in the areas of culture and heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

Content production: Bab Masr and its social media pages
Specialized training
Culture events
Campaigning for heritage protection

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a media company we can support and advocate for relevant work being done within the network. We can support network knowledge and access to areas of our expertise.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are looking to create effective partnerships with like-minded actors across the region in support of our mandate and areas of interest and concern.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fatemah Farag
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Fatemah Farag
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Shoeir
Job Title (2)
Chief Editor