
Women's Health Improvement Association – [WHIA]

National Network

29 El Sheikh Rihan, Abdeen - Egypt

+20 2 27942389
+ 20 2 27962830
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Sawsan Atteya (President)

World Council Press

National Network

PO Box / 122 Sidi Gaber - Alexandria – Egypt

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Introduction: -World Council of Press is an independent, non-profit organization designed to promote freedom of the press and media in the world by defending the rights of journalists in covering the news without fear of threat or restricting the freedom of opinion and expression as the Council to address the violations suffered by members of the press and the media, writers, intellectuals, writers and poets and opinion-free, etc. . -He succeeded the World Council of journalism to work in more than 15 countries have so far also succeeded in attracting the attention of more than 1200 Journalism. -The Council has succeeded in the work of the Council of Advisory each region or continent of the world and within the specialized committees and each committee having an elected president with significant powers and wide in decision-making in collaboration with its -And worked for the Council through the various committees to develop professional skills and cultural and artistic contribution to the development of legislation, press releases and fact monitoring the world press and media journalists, media professionals and involve the defense of democracy and human rights and call for communication between journalists and media professionals around the world -One of the priorities of the Council to defend the freedom of journalists and media professionals through the provision of legal assistance and information and promote networking among parliamentarians, judges and the media is also working to revitalize the diplomatic circles, the media between journalists and governments to support freedom of the press and media before starting any legal action. Application of the provisions contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenant for Civil Rights -World Council of journalism is a project to defend the rights of journalists to take so many of the useful steps in a diplomatic dialogue with governments for the freedom of journalists or detainees who are being threatened, the Council provides many programs for several levels in the Defense of Journalists.
Mission and Objectives

World Council of Press (WCOP) is a non government organization, committed to defending the freedom and security of journalists and Writers and writers and all those involved in the print media and audio-visual and electronic through addressing the violations to which they are exposed and building sustainable professional capacities as well as enabling them to have free access to information, along with developing and changing restrictive media related We also call upon all media organizations in the world to cooperate with us
In realising its aim and objectives, the Federation will strive for:
 Mutual respect and understanding
 Equitability and impartiality
 Participation and transparency
 Partnership and cooperation,
 Sincerity and
 Self-confession (self-criticism, self-evaluation)
 promote a culture of dialogue among peoples

Main Projects / Activities

Our Objectives:
designed to promote freedom of the press and media in the world to defend journalists, writers, journalists and writers, poets, intellectuals and all those involved in the written press and broadcast coverage during the news without fear of intimidation or harassment on the freedom of opinion and expression as the Council to address violations experienced by members of the press and the media, writers, thinkers and writers, poets and opinion-free .... etc.
1/ Strengthening the professionalism and legal assistance to workers press, media, publishers, editors, photographers and cartoonists working in the editors of newspapers and magazines and electronic media and other publications for general distribution, and editorial board members and workers in the radio or television stations. and work on a citizen's right to knowledge and the circulation of information and the development of role of the press and media institutions in the areas of development, civil society and cultural openness and cultural heritage and development of professional standards of editorial and administrative journalists and media professionals, writers, writers and poets.
2/ Defense of freedom of the press and media and expression and press freedom throughout the year.
3/ Promoting a culture of democracy and the principles of dissemination and promotion of a culture of freedom of expression.
4/ Monitoring and control of all that would breach the principles of freedom of expression.
5/ Communicate with other peoples and civilizations.
6/ Adopt and pay attention to issues and problems of media and press World.
7/ Development and support women's right to participation and advocacy to combat discrimination against women and reaffirm all their cultural, political, economic and social.
8/ Contribute to the achievement of social justice advocacy to promote sustainable development and a culture of fraternity, cooperation and partnership.
9/ Promote and disseminate the principles of human rights in the Arab world in particular and the world in general.
10/ Announcement on the World covenant honour Press & Media.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Ahmed
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Ahmed
Contact (2) Full Name
Mahmoud El Gazzar

World Without Borders Foundation

National Network

13 Al-Petrol Buildings, the 10th District - Nasr City - Cairo, Egypt

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Number of Staff: 5 Partners: 2
Mission and Objectives

empowered citizens enjoying better living condition by participating public policy making

Main Projects / Activities

Not Yet

Contact (1) Full Name
Moheb Yanni
Head of the organisation
Moheb Yanni


National Network

20 Ibn Zafer St., from Ibn Maged St.
Hegaz Square, Heliopolis

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Media
  4. Others
General Information
We are a newly registered, wholly owned and financed by two professionals, aiming to provide branding and content creation for cultural institutes in Egypt. Since day one, we are interested in taking part of social development in our country. believing in our potential as a nation, and hoping to include ourselves among currently active entities. In one sentence, we believe that branding and content, even -or rather especially- of consumer products, can play a large role in improving our culture, and thus our everyday life.
Mission and Objectives

To provide suitable branding for cultural endeavours in Egypt.

To help startups by providing the same services, and also sharing our experience of starting up in rough economy times

As our resources expand, we will be able to sponsor or create our own initiatives, aiming to promote a culture of tolerance. Using everyday products and goods as a vehicle for this goal. We believe that culture is built and practiced mainly in every action we do, and not only by highly promoted, one-off cultural projects.

Main Projects / Activities


Content creation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Brandiing, brainstorming, connecting different talents together & sharing experiences.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Seeking to take part of creating a clear ditinction between culture and hertitage. And focusing on changing the first to cure some of our (Egypt's) worst issues that are setting us backwards as a nation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Wael Helmi
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Wael Helmi

Yalla Nesharek Association for Social Development (YNASD)

National Network

3 Mustafa Kamel Street - tTakseem Elmoalmeen - Hadayek Helwan

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Yalla Nesharek Association believes that participation is a mean to achieve development, and is both goal and inherent right stipulated in and protected by national and international instruments. The Association seeks to promote community participation in public affairs, and enhancing the right to participate, despite its recent establishment in 2010, the association has been implementing numerous activities empowering youth, and supporting the culture of participation and good local governance. It has a staff of 11 employees and 15 volunteers, it's budgetary resources depends on the implemented activities and projects which varies between concrete projects, seminars, workshops, and roundtables. The funding sources include; the National Endowment for Democracy, the Arab Fund for Human Rights, the International Foundation for Electoral Systems, the Foundation for the Future. the Australian Agency for International Development, and DROSOS Foundation. And the main partners include; the Media Diversity Institute and Maat for Peace, Development, and Human Rights.
Mission and Objectives

Mission Yalla Neshark is an Egyptian civil non-profit Association registered in Ministry of Social Solidarity, in accordance with Law No. 84 of 2002. It is an initiative of a group of young people believing in the importance of volunteerism and community-based participation in achieving development in the overall development concept. Yalla Neshark promotes community-based participation in public affairs and ensures respect for the right to participate in all its dimensions. Objectives 1. To Increase the participation of community-based actors in the overall development concept. 2. To Increase the participation of women and youth in public life and to empower their equitable representation in the society institutions. 3. To contribute in achieving sustainable development with its social, economic and environmental dimensions. 4. To Protect and promote the right to participate among citizens. To promote good local governance based on participation, accountability and transparency in addition to empower local units (decentralization).

Main Projects / Activities

"Promoting Youth Participation in Governance" project, funded by the National Endowment for Democracy; "Enhancing Youth Right in Political Participation" project, funded by the Arab Fund for Human Rights ; "Your Participation Makes a Difference 1 & 2" projects, funded by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems "The People's Assembly is my Future" project, funded by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems; Monitoring the Parliamentary and Presidential elections – self-funded; Implementing the activities of "the Citizen's Voice" project, funded by the Foundation for the Future in Helwan governorate and in partnership with other institutions; Implementing the activities of "Empowering Women for Governance in the Egyptian Village" project, funded by the Australian Agency for International Development in Helwan governorate and in partnership with other institutions; And organizing workshops on how to use media in advocacy in cooperation with the Media Diversity Institute and with the support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Yalla Nesharek Association shall work on achieving the Anna Lindh Foundation's mission in terms of promoting dialogue and exchange of cultures; the Association's staff members and volunteers could contribute in implementing the ALF activities; and Yalla Nesharek Association is also planning to build partnerships and joint cooperation with ALF National members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Yalla Nesharek Association seeks to expand its work scope to work with local and regional partners in the Euro Mediterranean countries, it seeks to get involved in the initiatives and cooperate with potential partners in developing regional projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fathi Mahfouz
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Fathi Moustafa

Yem - MeTopia

National Network

Sporting, Alexandria

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
we wish to reshape the track of the personalities and their identities of Egyptians, in order to develop the society in behaviors and capabilities, and to produce a unique generation for their nations have the pure loyalties as we should respect the role of the women, as a bases to be step up on them the future generations as we call all associations in Egypt individually and locally or regionally in order to collaborate altogether to perform this idea of this program as an national program to promote the nations and axes of the people
Mission and Objectives

Reshape the Egyptian behavior and re-assess to the right track and consolidate and develop the manners and behaviors and to prove on the basis of developing the society values in order to prevail the civilization and sciences and manners and human
Consolidation of the loyalty of nation and the love for the nation to be proud of the history and preserving the wealth of it
Preparing the role of the women in Egypt, in the right direction as the Egyptian women is the leader of all ears
Preparing the opportunity of women to develop the skills and behaviors in order to enable them to reshape the cultural of faith that she is the right persons that shall deserve more of her rights based on respect, and that will effect also on the family members
Re designing the society culture based on respect, and the roles of the Egyptian women as she is considered as the half of any society to raise up the good generations in a good manners of conscious that feel through them the promotion of the society in the light of the value known
Acceleration of the young children to build a  good values and respect in which they fell more and more of honors and to accelerate the power of productivity and creativeness in order to achieve the self entity and sustaining them to achieve their goals
Preserving the family member as a unity in order to perform the loyalty manners of the family as one person as they are the sole sources of education
Training the team work in performing the program and re –qualifying  the generation in order to be supervisors as a leaders of society to prevail the culture the program in the limit of the society

Main Projects / Activities

Campaigns of awareness in the streets, and mobilizing the youth in all suburbs to join the initiations of the program to be the core of performance of the program in order to convert the Egyptian personalities
Promotion of the program in advertising
Re –qualifying the youth through visiting the schools and colleges  and churches and mosques in the social places to set the program properly in order to achieve the program
Preparing the conveys of trainers in the schools and colleges to re – qualify the adults and children to apply the program

Contact (1) Full Name
Ponsieh Salah
Job Title
TV Presenter & Founder of Yem and MeTopia Project
Head of the organisation
Ponsieh Salah

Yem Orgnization

National Network

Burg ElArab

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
جمعية “ يم للتنميه والثقافه“ هي منظمة مصرية اهليه غير حكومية ، وتهدف إلى خدمة جميع فئات المجتمع المصري المحتاجة دون أي تمييز ديني أو سياسي او عنصري ، وذلك بشكل فعال غير تقليدي وسلس يؤكد دور عمل المجتمع المدني في نمو المجتمعات إقتصادياً وأجتماعياً وثقافيا وفنيا. selffund   our main project is MeTopia المجلس القومي للمراه .. مبادرة شانزليزيه 
Mission and Objectives

تعمل  “ يم " على بناء الافكار الابداعيه وتحويلها الى واقع يطور من حياه افراد المجتمع ويضيف قيما جديده ترفع من مستوى معيشه ووعي الفرد. عن طريق دعم كل مبتكر مبدع بالتاهيل وطرق المعرفه التي تساعده لتنمية افكاره الابداعيه وتطبيقها على ارض الواقع . كما تعمل  “ يم “ علي كل صور الابداع ايا كانت مجالاته علي ان يؤثر تاثيرا ايجابيا في المجتمع سواءا على المدى البعيد او القريب. فنحن نعمل علي ان نخرج بالفئات المجتمعيه المنهاره الي سماء النجاح وقتل البطاله والجهل والفقر لخلق بيئه من الابداع تحقق احلامنا في مجتمع خالي من الفقر والجهل

Main Projects / Activities

 Main Project is Metopia for development behavior


الارتقاء بالسلوك العام عن طريق بناء الفكر الثقافي والفني والابداعي

تمكين المرأة و تعزير دورها المجتمعي وتوفير مساحة من المشاركة المجتمعية الإبداعية للنهوض بالفكر الثقافي للمراه ومن ثم المجتمع من خلال تعليم ونشر الفنون والثقافة والاداب

تنميه الوعي الفني والثقافي والمحافظه علي التراث والتي تنمي الوعي المجتمعي وترتقي بالسلوك العام

رعاية الأطفال بكافة المناطق و خاصة المهمشة و رعاية الأطفال المبدعين و توفير سبل الدعم لهم لإخراج أطفال مبدعين مصريين خلال سنوات قصيرة من بدء عملنا

Contact (1) Full Name
Ponsieh Salah
Job Title
TV Presenter & The Head of Yem
Head of the organisation
Ponsieh Salah
Contact (2) Full Name
Shaimaa Mohamed
Job Title (2)
Assistant CEO

YLE Foundation is Launching Marsa Matrouh Mediterranean Camp


The beaches are calling for help and YLE Camp raises the rescue flag in Marsa Matrouh

In the framework of preserving marine life and the environment, this camp is part of a series of environmental camps conducted by the YLE Foundation in November. The camp aims to conduct 5 cleanup campaigns on 3 beaches in Marsa Matrouh city: Mataro Public Beach, Al Fayrouz Beach and Rommel Beach. 

After three months of summer, these beaches urgently needed assistance in protecting them from pollution. The camp involved several members and 50 volunteers from the Foundation to carry out clean-up campaigns to preserve these precious natural gems and address the impact of climate change.

The first beaches: Al Fayrouz and Mataro Public Beach, in line with the agreements of #Cop23 related to the Mediterranean COP, to be held under the Barcelona Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea.

The Second beach: Rommel, aiming to preserve marine life and prepare for #COP28.

YLE aims to collect over 2 tons of single-use plastic, metal containers, paper, and cardboard covering the beaches, impacting their natural beauty and marine life. The foundation continues working for cleaner and more attractive beaches for our current and future generations. 




YMCA of Minya

National Network

12, Adnan El-Malky St., Ard Soultan

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Young Men's Christian Association  Volunteering and international movement is setting out for all men, women and youth which move across the Christianity rules to the society of justice by love and peace and that for good life for all people. Young Men's Christian associations in Minya: The association started at the southern quarter at Minya City in simple flat at the year of 1928, with a group from young youth, which believed their duties towards their society and country. And due increase in the membership and also different activities, constructed this huge building which is now the association and opened at 1966 Our Vision:  The society of Minya city is cultured and improvement. Our members: Kids section: It included (200) child from the age of 6 to 16 years old.  Youth section: It included (130) youth from the age of 16 to 21 years old.  Family section: It included (180) Families. 
Mission and Objectives

Our Mission:
We work to develop the person i many sides, spirituality, mentality and physically through programs and activities.
Young Men's Christian Association aim to:

Developing all classes of society, complementary humanity development for spirit , mind and body. 

Highness the slandered of youth and working towards their develop spiritually, physically, and mentally.

Building a strong kids, strong families, strong communities.

Developing the human resource of employees at association and some other associations. 

Developing the spirit of belonging to country into youth through awareness and political sharing. 

 Caring of environment by presenting some projects, which work toward improving environment. 

ًWe caring about the health of mother and child by presenting the health care.

Main Projects / Activities

The Main Projects / Activities

Childhood Projects.

Youth's Projects.

Family and women's Projects

Health Projects.

Cultural and social Projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we can contribute to the Network in my country through the activities that we have, and we can make an group discussion to see what we got through that new activities we had learned

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To get a new experiences, and know a new ways of activities. also meet with new people, and learn new cultures.

Contact (1) Full Name
Adel Awny Ayad
Job Title
Youth manager
Head of the organisation
Michael Fared Falts

Young Bussinessmen Association for Community Development

National Network

1 Thabet street, Assuit

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Young Businessmen Association of Assiut (YBAA) is a non-profit organization. It was founded in 2002. YBAA has competent and well-qualified members in many fields of development issues. YBAA has efficient staff (7) working on: - Local Community Development. - Raising awareness on Constitutional, Social, and Legal Human Rights. The source of funding of the Association comes from the donations of members in the Association and from the membership subscriptions YBAA is considered as Information Center for European Union in Assiut Governorate. It provides commercial information, commercial skills, BRE Service in an effort to develop commercial cooperation, and provides internet to promote the Egyptian companies. YBAA has a strong relationship with many NGOs, national and international institutions, educational institutions, and governmental organizations: - European Union. - AMIDEAST Program. - Catholic Relief Services (CRS) - Assiut University - Ministry of Social Solidarity. - The Arab Council of Childhood and Development
Mission and Objectives

YBAA is seeking to achieve the following goals: - Implementing development projects in an effort to improve level of family economically, cultural, socially, and environmentally. - Organizing awareness programs. - Protecting environment. - Creating training programs for employees. - Providing job opportunities. - Providing skills, experience, and training programs. - Networking with governmental and Non-governmental NGOs and Donor Agencies. YBAA is targeting women, children, youth, family, farmers, and local community as a whole.

Main Projects / Activities

Project Name: Strategies of Import & Export – Phase I Donor: Egyptian Industry Modernization Program Project Achievements: Training 50 youth investors from Assiut University. Project Name: Strategies of Import & Export – Phase II Donor: European Union (Egyptian Industry Modernization Program) Project Achievements: Three training workshops for exporters in Assiut Governorate Project Name: Transparency in Action for Business in Egypt Donor: Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) Project Achievements: TOT programs designed and conducted for the (50) enterprises, CSOs and executive bodies to empower businesspeople to advocate against unequal treatment and corrupt practices. The training program followed by networking, consultancy, business management guidelines, and legal and technical support provided upon request to individuals and organizations

Contact (1) Full Name
ahmed mahmoud soliman
Job Title
head of organisation
Head of the organisation
ahmed mahmoud soliman
Contact (2) Full Name
ahmed mohamed abbas
Job Title (2)
executive director