
Positive YOUth

National Network

Doktor Dahlströms Gata 3
41326 Göteborg

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Staff of Positive YOUth are experienced coordinators and trainers who have been working with ERASMUS+ programme since it’s launch in 2014, and have been working with mindfulness since 2014 as trainers thus they are ready to combine ERASMUS+ and mindfulness and bring the benefits to Swedish community.

Our team members are united by passion for youth work and brings in their personal passions into the field, such as mindfulness, UX, photography medicine, wellbeing, research...

By working together we support each others passions and create the environment for dreams to come true. Mehdy Khayyami, UX designer, currently collaborating with SOS Villages and working with immigrant communities in Sweden to promote a healthy lifestyle through the app.

Ieva Ugne Ulianskaite, practitioner of mindfulness and meditation in youth work with lawyers education, working with mindfulness and ERASMUS+ projects since 2013. Herself, being an EVS volunteer, ERASMUS student, Erasmus young entrepreneur as well as participant and coordinator in numerous YiA and E+ projects.


Mission and Objectives

“If you want to learn something, read about it. If you want to understand something, write about it. If you want to master something, teach it.”– Yogi Bhajan

Positive YOUth is a non-profit organisation striving to bring more positivity through self-development opportunities for local communities. We are looking for diverse self-development tools to support the innovative non-formal education method of mindfulness and use it for transforming our often critical minds into positive, passionate and We do it by starting with one single individual in the mirror - YOU. Positive mind is a source of physical well-being, tranquility, happiness and success which describes the best of our philosophy - to become the best versions of ourselves in order to inspire the peers and build supportive communities for a better future, for ourselves and the ones around.

Our vision is to together grow a supportive community of people, committed to lifelong learning and self-development in order to live a little bit more meaningful, mindful, sustainable and positive lives. Therefore, besides empowering communities, our staff is constantly working on their own development in order to fulfill this vision.

Based on the passions of our team members, our activities focus on bringing self-development tools like mindfulness into youth work. We have a strong partnership with NGO World Peace Initiative providing self-development tools and certifications in meditation, mindfulness as well as coaching our team members to constantly increase the quality of mindfulness tools in youth work..

Our team members have been involved in ERASMUS+ since it's launching in 2014, as EVS volunteers, project coordinators and trainers. Besides, team members have a strong established network of NGOs in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America, which is supporting NGO in project development and bringing the most benefits for the local community.

Main Projects / Activities

Positive YOUth is a member of international partner consortiums which have successfully implemented projects on the topics of mindfulness, wellbeing, sustainability, sports, leadership, digitalization, integration and others. We are committed to the belief that any human can reach their best self if they are given the space and enough attention to understand their power and importance in this world. This is how we work - by watering one person after another until they become role models to pay it forward and water their communities. We bring a lot to the table but our experience is focused on: Educational trainings for youths and youth educators; ERASMUS+ KA2 (partners) Community workshops on self-development Mentoring/Coaching for youth NGOs.

Locally, we are working with diverse migrant groups (economic, social, geographical) introducing tools of mindfulness through regular support meetings, mentorships, online consultations and support. We are working with Öppet Hus and Folkuniversitetet SFI course groups in order to involve NEET migrants into activities, prevent exclusion and build a new generation of group leaders, besides we provide one on one mentorship online and via meetings and introduce E+ and project management to fresh youth organisations in Sweden.

We are proud of examples like Somali organisations HOPE. SSUF, ASOV, Mustaqbal Foundation, as well as migrant organisation Self-development center, which were formed by migrant groups coached by our youth workers and are beautiful examples of the meaning of our work.

Our Projects: https://positiveyouthngo.weebly.com/projects.html

E+ YE 2018 “Be Positive! Be Healthy” (applicant Positive YOUth)

E+ KA2 2018 “Youth resource centre for employability, entrepreneurship education and community development”

E+ KA2 2019 “Migration to Integration”

E+ KA2 2018 “GO Alive”

E+ YE 2019 “Throwback to Traditions, United through Sports”

E+ YE 2019 “Boosting Self-Confidence”

E+ TC 2019 “Transformations: Potentials to Reality”

E+ YE 2019 “Active Youth for Europe”

E+ YE 2019 “Sustainability 4 Positive Change”

E+ YE 2020 “Heal”

E+ TC 2020 “Mindful Erasmus+ Leaders”

E+ YE 2020 “Volunteering: Changing Lives, Changing Communities”

E+ KA2 2020 “Out with Burnout”

E+ YE 2020 “Green Go”

E+ TC 2021 "Guided by Nature"

E+ YE 2021 "Mindfulness for the Planet"

E+ YE 2021 "Resilient and Green Communities"

E+ KA2 "You(th) in the Moment"

Contact (1) Full Name
Mehdy Khayyami
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mehdy Khayyami
Contact (2) Full Name
Ieva Ugne Ulianskaite
Job Title (2)

Power Planning System AB

National Network

Vanadisvägen 9B
000 00 Stockholm

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Headquartered in Stockholm, PPS is one of the largest operators of private schools in Sweden, with more than 3,600 students enrolled. Founded in 2000, PPS operates nine schools, primarily located in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö - Sweden’s three largest cities. The company’s core business is upper secondary schools, but PPS also operates schools for children with special needs, as well as compulsory schools.

Mission and Objectives

PPS goal is to develop basic and preparatory skills for further training, career and life. As an operator in education PPS strives to stimulate students thirst for essential, deeper and broader knowledge and provide them with high quality education.

Main Projects / Activities

An international perspective is important to view own reality in a global context and to create international solidarity and prepare for a society with frequent connections across cultural and national boundaries. The international perspective also means developing an understanding of the cultural diversity of the country. One of the PPS schools is the member of ALF Swedish Network and participated in 1001 Actions, Peace Day, Forums in Barcelona and Marseille.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

One of the schools is already a member of ALF Network and this spring invited one of the colleague schools in Malmö to contribute to Peace Day, which this year will be in Malmö. Intercultural dialogue and interaction across borders and apart from nationality is a living theme in the educational field.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

PPS schools promote international cooperation. Some of the schools have achieved very good results and inspire others to take action and contribute to an active intercultural dialogue on national and international level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Biljana Bibbi Corlija
Head of the organisation
Marlene Terkowsky

Praktiska Gymnasiet Göteborg

National Network

Gröna gatan 28
414 54 Gothenburg

070-350 55 91
Telephone (other)
076-789 61 00
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Göteborgs Praktiska Gymnasium (GPG) is an independent upper secondary vocational school with Baggium AB (Ltd) as the principal and Baggium has 23 schools in Sweden. The staff at GPG amount to 20 persons and the students are about 170. The budgetary resources at GPG is about 1 900 000 Euros a year and almost all of the sources of the funding is from the Swedish state based on the Swedish school system that every student has their own sum of money free to choose school. We have a Leonardo da Vinci project (27140 Euros) awarded to exchanges of vocational students with Turkey, collaboration with a vocational school in Gent, Belgium, contact with Culture Clinic, Gothenburg (two students to Ukraine). We have continuously seminars when our students return after a visit abroad. We have been awarded the title of model school from the National Agency of Education last year.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to give our students access to the labour market. They are connected to a workplace throughout the training period during, which 40-60% of the three-year education takes place with an instructor who follows the student’s work.
One of our objectives is to give the students possibility to employment at the company where they are trainees and approximately 75% of them is employed.
About the international part at GPG we have one objective to send as many students as possible to do a part of their practical training abroad, at the moment 10-15% of them do. That sum will increase ahead.

Main Projects / Activities

We have collaboration with three vocational schools in Turkey (Amasya, Ankara and Antalya) and we are sending students from the Vehicle- and the Textile programme for one month of practical training. This is a Leonardo da Vinci project and mostly of the economical support is from EU. We also have received students from Gent, Belgium as trainees (electricians) and we intent to send some of our students to them next year.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sandra Nyberg
Head of the organisation
Anders Hedman
Contact (2) Full Name
Annika Falmann

ProQvi - international association for women and youth

National Network

Parkgatan 12
26776 Ekeby

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Non-governmental non-profit organization ProQvi was established in 2010 and started as a forum for women with foreign background to meet and support each other’s ambitions, ideas and learning. Proqvi promotes women and youth empowerment, cultural meetings and active citizenship in segregated areas, primarily for women and young people. We are fully volunteer-driven, non-partisan organisation. Today the organisation has office in Helsingborg and a learning center /training location in Hästveda/Hässleholm, Sweden.

There are about 50 members in it and we work through personal coaching, opinion building, arranging events and projects to promote cross-sectoral collaboration, social entrepreneurship and intercultural dialogue.

Our specific focus is in raising awareness and doing case studies of issues connected to the local policies and conditions for personal development, limitations and problematic premises where needs of an individual or a group of people get underprioritized due to lack of research, attention, knowledge or because of a strong tradition that has an inhibiting effect on local development.

The social context that we operate in can be described as area with strong segregated values (e.i. conventional occupations, lack of interest for social innovations and entrepreneurship, a low value of education and career building, low trust in active citizenship position, high rate of inequality and hostile attitudes towards representatives of other ethnical groups) so we build our our resilience as we go.

Main operation areas in Sweden: Skåne, a local department in Stockholm and Halmstad. We implement projects with West Africa and Europe.

Mission and Objectives

Main directions of work:

  • experiments on the edge of culture and social challenges,
  • gender issues
  • social entrepreneurship and local development,
  • identity search support and
  • recognition of deviant competences.
Main Projects / Activities

We have been working with matters of gender equality, inclusion and diversity in youth work for more than 10 years now and our particular focus lays in recognition of skills and competences and countering outsidership. Our projects usually target "shadow kids", young people whose premises are neither good nor bad enough to be clearly addressed, therefore they lack common ways of being involved in democratic participation. How would that happen... Often we end up in discussions around mental ill-health &co but also inclusive project design (activities rather done by than for the target groups) and systems of public administration of such initiatives. Quite a diversity for a topic right there. 

We constantly search for how to lift the least discussed questions by supporting our members’ initiatives. Whatever daring they might appear, there is a lot of learning in each experiment. We believe that the way to a strong and sustainable society lies through each and every person’s happiness, and happiness is when you are safe, surrounded by those who understand you, and doing what you love.

Through time, the activities within the organization have developed. From Saturday meetings when we were practising Swedish and training physically, we have moved on to the local society information support, swimming school for adult women and even widened our views to include youngsters’ and experimental events: culture festivals and exchanges.

Find out more www.proqvi.se/projekts/ - www.projectpocket.se  - www.outintic.life

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I am searching for more opportunities to connect to other organisations working for sustainble future, to learn from each other and to empower projects and initiatives together.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tatsiana Bauder
Job Title
Founder and Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Tania Bauder
Contact (2) Full Name
Eve Rodríguez Armas
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator (part-time)


Prosper with Networking  & Fundraising workshop affiche.png


In October 2020, the ALF Swedish network offered “Prosper with Purpose” workshop on how to define and communicate the purpose of our work. This year, we will continue our prospering journey with a focus on fundraising and networking.

Fundraising and applying for grants is often a concrete and frustrating reality in our non-profit organisations. We want to focus on the good work and new projects and find ourselves using weeks and months chasing after money when we could be focusing on implementing our vision and mission. However, finding the money and resources we need to develop the work we want to do is a necessity. 

Is it possible that the process of searching, applying and pitching for funds, actually could lead to development and progress? Could the new partnerships we form be injections of energy and knowledge into our projects or core operations? Could we find the resources we need in new places?

We will also look at how to develop skills in the areas of networking, pitching proposals and looking for sustainable partnerships and relations with donors (public and private sector). This could enable us to stand stronger and have better tools and be able to plan ahead with more ease and grace.

The 2-day online workshop offers you:

  • Guide to successful networking and the importance of intercultural awareness. 
  • How to successfully pitch your project idea and negotiate with potential partners or donors (public and private sectors).
  • Possibility to pitch your project idea and get feedback.


When: 4 - 5 October (13.00 - 15.30 CET/Cairo time -- 14.00 - 16.30 EET/Beirut time). 

Language: English



Johanna Westbrandt is the founder and chairman of the civil society organisation Waytogo. She is an entrepreneur with 20 years of experience in sales, business development and personal development. She has trained people for the most of her career and in later years she has coached leaders and entrepreneurs who are up to something big in the world. As a consultant she helps organisations to develop company core values, formulate purpose, vision, mission. In the organisation Waytogo, she has developed expertise and written a book about matters of inclusion in society and has trained and coached youth (unaccompanied minors, newly arrived refugee youths and youth from socio economically challenged neighbourhoods) in leadership, self management, learning and mindset. 


More information: rasha.shaaban(at)varldskulturmuseerna.se 

This event is organised with the support of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Anna Lindh Foundation network in Sweden. 

Rädda Barnen Göteborg - Save the Children Gothenburg

National Network

Lilla bommen 4B
41104 Gothenburg

00468-698 90 00
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Save the Children started in 1919 in Scotland. We have offices in Sweden and 119 other countries and are fighting for all children 's obvious right to survive, develop and grow up in safety. It is possible to change children's lives - if we help. Our motto is "Together we make the world a better place for the children". We are politically and religiously independent and have the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, as the basis of all our work.
Mission and Objectives

• We will work with the children who are most vulnerable.
• We are a homogenous organization and need to expand our own democratic areas to get more votes for the organization.
• We have devoted ourselves to work since 2008 in collaboration with other actors to strengthen children's rights.
• Examples of this are the Parental Forum, which is found in a variety of districts in the three big cities and spreads within Save the Children 's member movement as a way of working with parental issues. In order for meeting places / forums to be formed, leaders are needed.

Main Projects / Activities

På lika villkor - On equal terms
En satsning vars syfte är att etablera ett långsiktigt barnrättsarbete i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden. Centralt i satsningen är att utgå från boendes eget ägandeskap, delaktighet, engagemang och organisering för barns rättigheter. Fokusområden för att stärka hela kontexten kring barnet och familjen.
An initiative whose purpose is to establish long-term child rights work in socio-economically vulnerable areas. Central to the initiative is to base on the owners' own ownership, participation, commitment and organization for children's rights. Focus areas to strengthen the whole context around the child and the family.
Other activites in Gothenburg include: 
Tjej och killforum
Mötesplats Hjällbo
Stories from Angered
Praktikplatser för unga

Contact (1) Full Name
Samira Abutaleb Rosenlundh
Job Title
Programme Manager
Head of the organisation
Ola Mattsson (Sweden) and Sara Lidgren-Ntini (Region Väst)
Contact (2) Full Name
Hidaya El Harfaoui
Job Title (2)
Programme Manager

Ramcin Cultural Association

National Network

Grusåsgränd 10, Lgh 1102
12130 Enskededalen

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Ramcin's Cultural Association group has a purpose and that is to spread knowledge in different subjects and work with integration and cultural issues. A language that may be used is. Swedish, English, Assyrian and Arabic.

Mission and Objectives

Respect everyone’s privacy, No religious/political posts will be approved. Make sure everyone feels safe, degrading comments about things such as race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity will not be tolerated. Self-promotion, spam and irrelevant links aren’t allowed.

Main Projects / Activities

group has a purpose and that is to spread knowledge in different subjects and work with integration and cultural issues. A language that may be used is. Swedish, English, Assyrian and Arabic.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Very good

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I will do

Contact (1) Full Name
Emanuel Khoshaba
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Emanuel Khoshaba
Contact (2) Full Name
Arbeel Chamaky
Job Title (2)

Rasha Shaaban

National Network

Södra Vägen 54

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Rasha Shaaban
Head of the organisation
Rasha Shaaban

Reach Out

The aim of the REACH-OUT project is to improve competences of youth workers to specify unique needs, challenges and strengths of immigrant young migrants and refugees and provide necessary training for integration of them into society through NFE personal and...

RealStars Ideell Förening

National Network

Södra Larmgatan 6
41116 Gothenburg

+46 707 47 41 87
Mobile Phone
+46 707 47 41 87
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Youth and education
General Information

RealStars works for a better world free of trafficking. We work on a broad front to generate debate and to channel public opinion which is against sex trafficking. Our message is Fair Sex. It means that we think that sex should be on equal terms, without coercion or violence, in all situations and to all people around the world. Trafficking and prostitution are the opposite of Fair Sex and must be fought in every way.

Mission and Objectives

Our goal is to put an end to sex trafficking in Europe and promoting Fair Sex. It is important to be a positive force in society and to reach out to a the public. Therefore, we use the message Fair Sex, sex on equal terms, to inspire respect for human rights and to stop sexual abuse in all forms. Fair Sex, means to acknowledge sex as a positive force in people’s lives. The opposite of Fair Sex is prostitution, abuse and sex trafficking.We want to make Fair Sex a reality for all. This also means to reduce demand for commercial sex.

Main Projects / Activities

We work both in Sweden and in the EU through Fair Sex- campaigns based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Our work is developed on three levels in society: the EU-level; the corporate and on an individual level to involve the young generation and schools for discussions and engagement in Fair Sex and trafficking issues. On EU level: we believe that a successful prosecution of sex buyers reduces the demand and hence will shrink the market for the prostitution that drives sex trafficking.

Some countries, including Sweden, France, Norway, and Iceland have applied this legislation, often referred to as The Nordic Model or Equality model. 

The law is normative stating the need to address the responsibility of the sex buyer and not punishing the person involved in prostitution. There is interest for the model in several countries. We must also keep in mind that the money comes from the sexbuyer and that ”The Nordic Model” reduces demand as well as the profitability of the sex trade.

The message of Realstars is an eye-opener on this ”Fair Sex approach” and the legislation, although we know it is criticised by the pro-prostitution lobby – is critical to the lives of countless thousands. At the individual level, we work in schools, using, among other things, a web-game in an educational purpose. Fair Sex – is also  expressed both in design, art and fashion. The Fair Fucking Sex t-shirt artists take a stand in a digital campaign.

At the business level different sectors are themselves exposed to trafficking risks. We help companies to identify the challengers and to integrate trafficking issues in their Corporate Responsibility and Gender equality programs. For instance, sex trafficking in hotels is a well-known problem. We have launched Hotels Against Trafficking and RealStars provides hotels with effective tools to fight human trafficking.

Prevention activities and outreach also include efforts to work for a shut down of so called digital brothels and massage/thaimassage parlours with ongoing sexual exploitation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Which has been shown above, RealStars work on a broad scale with education, events, csr and so forth and therefore would be able to work together with a lot of different actors in not only Sweden but abroad, sharing our knowledge and our expectise in the field of trafficking for sexual purpose.

Contact (1) Full Name
Malin Roux Johansson
Job Title
Co-Founder and Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Malin Roux Johansson