
Mångkulturellt centrum (MKC) - The Multicultural Centre

National Network

Mångkulturellt centrum
14785 Tumba

08-120 259 00
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

The Multicultural centre - MKC, is a foundation, partly founded by the Botkyrka Municipality, Kulturrådet and Region Stockholm, partly by funds generated by join parnterships with other organisations, universities and colleges and research funds, as well as from revenue from selling trainings and workshops in our fields of expertise to organisations and revenues from our shop, restaurant and publications.

Currently the centre has 25 staff working in areas ranging from education, training and research, to exhibitions, curators and pedagogues. The staff also includes librarians, a communication team, fully serviced restaurant with chefs, janitors, administrative staff and our shop assistant.

We function as an open cultural house with public free spaces and specific events, 5-6 days a week, we regularly hold seminars and open lectures on topics pertaining to migration, racism, diversity and culture. We also put a lot of work in our different research projects and collaborations with other organizations.

Mission and Objectives

The multidisciplinary research profile with an emphasis on ethnography, makes The Centre a forum and a meeting place for research and artistic expressions focusing on migration as well as on social and cultural diversities for a sustainable society.

The desire is to actively promote a favorable social climate and to increase the knowledge about the new conditions for the Swedish society and Swedish institutions that follow in the wake of migration and globalization in the form of research, documentation and education.

We lead processes in inclusion and diversity initiatives, assisting private sector, public, and civil society in improving their organizations.

The Multicultural Centre is a municipal foundation engaged in research, education and cultural activities.

The ambitions and goals of the Centre is to study and promote a society where diversity is reflected in the Swedish national self-image and identity, where migration is a natural part of the Swedish cultural heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

- Research: Researchers stationed at the Multicultural Centre, and tied to main colleges and universities
- Education: Offering lectures, seminars, interactive workshops and consultations for organizations and companies who want to improve their work on diversity and inclusion, fight racism and offer an equal and equitable workspace and society.
- Exhibition: Shedding light on e.g. migration, on societal challenges and everyday racism.
- Library: Focusing especially on books pertaining to migration, cultural heritage, colonialization, racism, social sustainability, norms, diversity and inclusion.
- International and national collaborations, main part of unesco-lucs, ENAR, ICC etc.

Also: Art Workshop, Restaurant, Shop, organising conferences and meetings.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Marit Nygård
Job Title
Head of Communication, Public Programmes & Publishing
Head of the organisation
Monica Pourshahidi
Contact (2) Full Name
Mikael Morberg
Job Title (2)
Organisation Developer (verksamhetsutvecklare)


Digital facilitation workshop ALF Sweden

Digital meetings were before the pandemic an interesting opportunity but are now a necessary part of everyday working life. Initially, technical problems were accepted by many, but this has changed and the expectations on digital meetings are much higher nowadays. There are also growing expectations on meeting methods and facilitation adapted to the digital meeting format. We should not simply conduct a regular meeting through a screen, but to a greater extent use the potential that exists in the digital tools available to collaborate.

Even though digital meetings are here to stay, many still feel insecure in facilitating digital meetings and workshops. During two afternoons, there is now a chance to deeply delve into how to create good digital meetings with a high degree of participation and efficiency.

The workshop has a practical approach where you get hands on tips for planning, leading and evaluating digital meetings. At the same time, it is built around a theoretical foundation on meeting processes. As an added benefit, several of the techniques and approaches we go through can also be used for on-site meetings.

After the workshop, you will have received tips and learned insights about what is required for successful online meetings. You will also have learned and tested about ten digital tools suitable for digital meetings.

Target group:

The training is for persons who in their professional role plan and lead digital meetings and/or workshops, regardless of whether you use Teams, Zoom, Skype or any other digital platform. We expect that if you participate in the training you have a basic knowledge on working digitally. This is not a beginner’s course and we will fill the sessions with so much content that a certain amount of computer skills are required to get the most out of the training.

Course content:

  • Digital collaboration with a focus on group processes in a digital context.
  • Planning of digital meetings and components to use in order to make meetings engaging, inclusive and efficient.
  • Demonstration and testing of digital tools that facilitates online collaboration before, during and after a meeting.
  • Technical setup for running digital meetings – tips for how to lead professional digital meetings at home or from the office. 


Date and time: Monday 8 November and Thursday 11 November. Half days: 13:00-16:30 CET (14:00 - 17:30 Athens/Beirut time).

The training will be conducted via Zoom, but you will be able to use the knowledge and skills gained on other meeting platforms.

Language: English.

All participants will receive a digital certificate that can be viewed on their LinkedIn page. 

Application is open for Anna Lindh Foundation members and alumni until 25 October 2021. Only 20 places available. So, please fill in the application form thoroughly. 

Sign up here


Mentor Me manual

Mentor Me manual

This manual on supporting refugees and migrants in Europe has been developed within the framework of Mentor Me project, managed by migration-miteinander and funded by the European Union. The aim of this manual is to offer mentors and youth workers...

Miljonkulturell Ungdom

National Network

Grindsgatan 33, 118 57 Stockholm - Sweden

+46 (0) 739728585
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Tina Vikor

Min Ort (My Hood)

National Network

Arvid Lindmans gatan 28 A
417 26 Gothenburg

‭076-244 04 46‬
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
"Min Ort" was founded in late December 2016 by project manager and producer Said William Legue. He has starred in; ("Bron", "Ettor & Nollor", "Kniven I hjärtat") Said grew up in one of the less fortunate suburbs of Gothenburg and know firsthand what it meant to him to be given a chance. His breakthrough as a young actor was "Kniven i hjärtat" aired on the prestigious channel Swedish Television. When Said worked on the world premiere of "The young Zlatan" the idea of bringing and doing something to integrate the youth of the suburbs was born. In collaboration with Gothenburg’s film festival, Bergsjöskolan, Zentropa Sweden, Gothenburg Film Studios and Familjebostäder it all came to life. Said contacted director and screenplay writer Johan Melin known from; ("Preludium", "Child 44", "Utvandrarna" and "Profetia") and he shared Said´s vision of letting the younger generation tell their story thru the eyes of a camera. Together with a handpicked team of both professional film makers and volunteers and after school programs managers they casted 40 youths from all over the city ranging ages 13-20 and together they created "Min Ort- A Love story". Though out the process it grew beyond just making of a film, it also lead to a big soccer tournament and performances with Swedish rapper Erik Lundin at a Radio Event against violence. A documentary of behind the scene of "Min Ort" created by the group became a big success and was shown at Gothenburg Film Festival and later in theater’s. The process is innovative - when through deep interviews we take the starting point of the youth stories, and develop characters and manuscripts in collaboration with the young. We want to integrate youth and improve their self-esteem. The aim is to try and strengthen the young people's own stories, and give them inspiration and drive to tell stories themselves. We believe in a participant culture, where the participants are co-workers. We have already been able to see the positive effects of the film, how the project bounces hope and courage to follow their dream. Many of the young have themselves started making movies and pursuing with their own acting career and film interests.
Mission and Objectives

We are working to break the barriers. We work with integration. Two of our most important goals now. Is to lift up the woman’s, and integrate new arrivals.
We also have profesional dance teacher, profesional musican, profesional director, profesional actor, and recreation leaders from different areas in Gothenburg.
So the youths can work with the things they like. Learn how to write script. Learn how to make a movie, and study and being with the director under the moviemaking. Dance, music and other creative and culture things.
We want to build bridges, by using culture and creative things as tools.
We are working against the thing that have exploited in Sweden - We against them. And that youths don’t travel to others areas. They just stay at their own “territory’s”. So we want them to come out. And let them be creative, as they can’t in their “home base”. Also that they will se that it’s so much culture to see and learn of, all over the town, and the world!
We are all the same, is the most important thing!

Main Projects / Activities

We use film as an tool. Our concept is by using the film making. We can build bridges between youngsters all over the city and the different suburbs. It doesn’t matter of class, gender, ethnicity or religion. We are all the same! We are all human people. We invite youngsters from every suburb and different areas in Gothenburg, on a casting. They are cast by our director Johan Melin, who is a professional. And after that process, we start shooting the movie. This process builds bridges for the youths. Remember they are from different areas. And is this processing. They learn to work with each other. It doesn’t matter wich area you’re from, or ethnicity, class, gender etc. They work together.
"Min Ort" is all about unite the young from different suburbs, and the success made it possible for the next movie. The actors and talents from East Gothenburg followed and met with the young from Hisingen in the feature film "Min Ort - This is Sweden". This snowball effect continues from movie to movie. The film was premiered at the "Hising´s Festival" and was a feature film, where once again youths from all walks of life gathered under great creativity, joy and love. "Min Ort" also performed a full-featured performance on the big stage at Gothenburg amusement park Liseberg with the artist Lani Mo, under the theme Stop the violence. Now, the "My Ort" project continues with two new films in 2018. A TV series is under development and the constant focus on uniting the resorts and releasing the creativity of the young.
Our first film documentary - Min Ort (My Hood) (2017)


Contact (1) Full Name
Michell Alfredsson
Job Title
Production Manager / First assistant director
Head of the organisation
Said William Legue
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Holmros
Job Title (2)
Marketing Manager

Mindpark Group AB

National Network

Rönnowsgatan 8 C
252 25 Helsingborg

042-424 04 32
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information

Mindpark is a group of creative coworking spaces in Sweden, with branches in Helsingborg, Malmö, Hyllie, Lund and Gothenburg and is home to numerous small and big companies, events and inspiring meetings.

Mindpark in Helsingborg has a community space called Open Space Mindpark, a creative meeting place for everyone who wants to test ideas, innovations and knowledge. The space physically located in Mindpark Helsingborg is funded by the municipality of Helsingborg, and the space is sponsored by Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB.

The space also houses the Mindpark reception, which caters to both Open Space Mindpark and the coworking space located on the first floor. 

Mission and Objectives

The main objective of Open Space Mindpark is to provide an opportunity those who want to test ideas - from students to newcomers to established entrepreneurs. Anyone who has an idea and would like a test space and a receptive audience is welcome to the space.

The space is given out for free, provided the host does not charge the audience any fee for events/workshops.

Main Projects / Activities

We see three kinds of activities taking place at Open Space Mindpark:

1. Recurring events - Events that take place at regular intervals such as Coder Dojo (coding for children every Tuesday evening), Pecha Kucha Nights (once a month), Open Sessions (coaching by experts on areas such as accounts, networking, sustainability etc., usually once a week)

2. Stand-alone events - Events that occur either on one day or during a period, but have an ending date. For example, in 2022-2023, we had someone organize workshops on sustainability over 4 months as part of a grant they had received. Another example is when volunteers collecting humanitarian aid for Ukraine organized an art market to raise funds.

3. Exhibitions - We also offer physical space to new artists who want to showcase their works to a test audience. The space can also be given out to any product prototype. An example of the events that took place in Q1 in 2023 can be seen in the report attached.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would be happy to give out space for events and workshops in Helsingborg if the idea and vision of the event align with ours. Our other co-working spaces in other cities do not have big event spaces, but if someone from the network has an idea for a talk/workshop that they would like to organize, we would love to explore the possibility of collaboration.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

There are several learning opportunities within the ALF network which can be very helpful and useful for our network. We would also love to explore how we can collaborate with other members and do more things in Helsingborg with those who do not reside here. We would also like to open up the space to different activities and provide opportunities to members who want to expand to Skåne.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abbas Sbeity
Job Title
Project Manager, Open Space Mindpark
Head of the organisation
Karsten Deppert

More Mosaic

National Network

Nynäsvägen 366
12234 Enskede

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information

More Mosaic is a non-governmental organization based in Stockholm, Sweden. Its aims are to promote academic, cultural and political exchange, to participate in the discussion about European citizenship and to serve as a platform for meaningful collaboration between Sweden, EU and other actors beyond former geopolitical borders.

Mission and Objectives

Updating without losing its origins, More Mosaic’s mission is the exchange of best practices with other countries’ civil society’s representatives, the spread of democratic principles and the involvement of youth workers in activities enhancing the European Union’s values.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2014 More Mosaic has implemented a number of projects in Sweden, Georgia, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia, Armenia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Morocco and Ukraine under Erasmus+ funding. It includes seminars, trainings, youth exchanges, job shadowing and EVS.

Since 2020 More Mosaic has been involved in a number of Strategic partnership projects within Erasmus+ and NordPlus.

Contact (1) Full Name
Julia Alexandersson
Job Title
Chairperson of the Board
Head of the organisation
Julia Alexandersson

More Than One Story

More than one story

"Stories matter. Many stories matter. Stories have been used to ... empower and to humanise." Chimamanda Adichie

Welcome to a unique intercultural dialogue opportunity using the oldest form of art: STORYTELLING.

The Anna Lindh Foundation Swedish network in collaboration with its member Simrishamn Municipality are inviting you to play More Than One Story online.

The founder of the project, Seth Selleck, is offering an online session to learn about how to best lead and play the game both in person and online.

Participation is open to individuals who reside in the 42 Euro-Med countries.

This time we will run the game in English.

About the game:

More Than One Story is an interactive card game that builds bridges between people of all ages, backgrounds and cultures. Created by the Department of Culture and Leisure in Simrishamn, Sweden, it is being used by schools, municipalities, and organizations in many countries and has been spread in over twenty languages by partner organisations around the world.

Sign up here to receive the Zoom link:

With the support of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Multimedia production

National Network

Vemdalsgatan 55
16274 Vällingby

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

Multimedia is a production company established in 2008 in Ramallah- Palestine and
has a branch in Stockholm-Sweden. The company was founded by Palestinian Swedish filmmaker Wafá Jamil Espvall who has 18 years of experience in film production. Espvall aimes to spreading the knowledge of cinema by training the Palestinian, Arabs and European youth to produce their first documentary films.

The company produced several films which were widely received as the documentary film: Coffee for all nations (2015) won the first prize at the human rights film festival in Nobly & Alarad film festival in Sardinia. Furthermore the founder of the company Wafá Jamil produced: Hamas under Palestine. Abraham’s Children, Roots, The Lost home and was the unit film director for "Juda & Mohamad” channel 4 British.

Mission and Objectives

➢ Contribute in cultural development of Palestine and Arabs countries by building high-standard and modern local media outlets.
➢ Empower Palestinians and Arabs to produce their own information and images
by themselves.
➢ Addressing the women social issues by motivating the Palestinians & Arabs female professionals to produce their films.

Main Projects / Activities

The other Gaza, documentary film 70 minutes. Preproduction. Palestinian- Swedish production.

GROOM FROM UMEÅ feature film 90 minutes, Development stage. Palestinian- Swedish production.

Dec. 2015 Produced the documentary film, COFFEE FOR ALL NATIONS, 52 minutes. Funded by (Injaaz) Dubai international film festival & The Swedish arts grants committee.

 ➡First prize at the human rights film festival in Nobly,Italy 2017. 

➡First prize at Al Arad film festival in Sardinia Italy 2017. 

➡Festival special mention at Noida international film festival in India 2016. 

➡Honer at Arab film festival Amman 2016. 

➡Mohammed Rouda, a cinema critic, considered the film as one of the five important documentary films in the Arabs world.

HAMAS UNDER PALESTINE, 2008, Documentary film, Well received in Palestine, after the split between Hamas and Fateh and no one of the Palestinian artist, were able to discuss this issue.

Produced 350 TV episodes for Wattan TV, Palestine, 2008 - 2013.
Produced 12 short documentaries for different NGO’s in Palestine and world wide.
“Shaifeenkom”, “We’re watching you” Black comedy serial, 16 episodes 5-7 minutes. Writing & Directing. Wattan TV. 2009.

➢ Project lead & producer “My life is a film” 4 short films 3-5 minutes, in cooperation with the District administration of Hässelby - Vällingby, Stockholm city, June 2019.
➢ Produced 4 short documentary films with students from Gaza, under the theme: The daily obstacles for Palestinians. Gaza, 2016.
➢ Supervisor and instructor, documentary training course for media students. Produced 7 short films, focusing on the women role in the Palestinian society. Nablus, West Bank, 2009.

➢ Instructor, How to Produce TV series? Media Department, Pyalara NGO, Ramallah Palestine, 2008.

Contact (1) Full Name
Wafa' Espvall
Job Title
Director & producer
Head of the organisation
Wafa' Espvall


National Network

Skånegatan 18
412 51 Göteborg

0046 31 367 17 08
0046 31 367 17 01
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
General public upper secondary school funded by the community. Number of staff: 50 Number of students: 550 Involved in a European project about culture and minorities Budgetary resources: 30 million SEK    
Mission and Objectives

Munkebäcksgymnasiet in Göteborg; Sweden is an upper secondary school with a media profile. The school has around 550 students and 50 employees. The students can choose between three different branches: social science and media, estetics and media, estetics and music. The media students can furthermore choose between photo, film or digital design later on in their studies.
PREP is another program for students who are not eligible for national programs due to failure in grammar school. Instead of separating these students, they are integrated in the regular student group during their first year. Special action plans are set up for each individual in order to raise their level of attainment. There is also a large language introduction program for newly arrived immigrants in Sweden. About 20 percent of our students have an immigrant background. Some have arrived in Sweden with their parents as refugees, others were born in Sweden and their families have recently received permanent residence. Quite a few students have arrived without any parent at all.

Main Projects / Activities

The school is situated in the very centre of Göteborg and our students come from all districts of Göteborg. The average student´s socio-economical background is middle class, lower middle class or lower class. The average student also has a relatively low overall final grade from grammar school. Some of the students have special difficulties in learning, for instance dyslexia and dyscalculia. The school therefore has two special teachers dedicated to meet those students´ needs and make them reach course-related goals. In the first year students sometimes have to attend extracurricular lessons three times a week to catch up or improve their skills in different subjects. Our school also has a health care team of our own, including a nurse and a welfare officer and the main object of the school is to make as many students as possible pass their A-levels.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have great resources when it comes to music and media presentations, photography and film editing which we think may be useful to the network in our country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are very interested in bringing Europe and other parts of the world mor together so that we can have a feeling of belonging instead of separation. This network seems to fulfil this need and open doors to collaboration with other organisations with the same goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Susanne Kallanvaara
Job Title
Primus Magister
Head of the organisation
Bengt Broberg
Contact (2) Full Name
Emma Wallmark
Job Title (2)