
Online Debate: Urgency, Voices, Visions: Impact and Strength of Women in the Face of Climate Change

Urgency, Voices and Visions Changemaker

Are you or your organisation working with the impact of climate change on women?
Yes? Then, this talk is for you!

The ALF Swedish network member, Changemaker is inviting you to take part in the online talk about: Urgency, Voices, Visions: Impact and Strength of Women in the Face of Climate Change

A discussion on the consequences of climate change on women and sharing stories, stories, experiences and practices.

29 November at 18 - 20 CET. Online. 

For more info and registration: https://cloud.comparative.space/index.php/apps/forms/s/DdxeJptHgiHNH2tyJmdbtA8M

This event is a part of the European Project “EU24 – engage for the planet”.

Open call for European Solidarity Corps at STPLN

open call stpln esc

Call for European Solidarity Corps volunteers

Our network member STPLN is looking for three aspiring, self-driven and creative ESC eligible participants who have an interest in both Communication and Community Impact in the creative fields and wish to pursue a career in these fields.

This program is dynamic and the ten months will be filled with a range of tasks: creative and crafty, hands-on workshops, strategic and brainy, and social and informal. At the end of the program you will be well equipped to develop a career in the Creative Industries, with an exciting new portfolio and an array of new skills, contacts and perspectives.

The internship takes place from 1 September 2024 until 30 June 2025 (10 months).

Where? Malmö, Sweden

STPLN is a space for creators, and an incubator for creative projects.

Applications are welcome until Wednesday, May 8th 2024 at 12:00 PM (CET)

For more information about us and on how to apply visit https://stpln.org/escopencall

Open call for participants: Do you know your democracy?

positive youth do you know democracy erasmus

The Swedish network member, Positive YOUth is looking for residents of Sweden (18+) to join the fully funded training course "Democracy, its importance and our local communities as democratic societies" and get a fresh view towards the meaning of democracy.

When: 14 - 24 June 2024

Where: Struga, North Macedonia

Info letter: https://t.ly/yQVdR

Application form: https://forms.gle/JrJWLQmPdKhw7LRf6


Open Call | Prosper with Purpose online workshop

cover photo event johanna.png
  • Do you work in the non-profit sector? 
  • Do you feel that you are constantly looking for funding and sometimes overlooking the purpose or long-term vision of your work? 
  • Do you question the purpose of what you are doing? 
  • Is it hard for you sometimes to synchronise your individual purpose with your organisational one?
  • Do you ask yourself “how do I put the purpose into action”? 
  • Do you think that the purpose of your project/career/organisation is blurry and needs clarity? 

In civil society organisations that work for development in areas of social or economic equality, environmental sustainability etc, purpose is always there. We know we work for something that is meaningful, a good cause. However, oftentimes this purpose is not clear, we seem to strive and never feel we have arrived. It is hard to communicate, maybe conflicting with other purposes and leaving us feeling depleted and worn out. 

In the non-profit sector, we rely on external funding. We are constantly fundraising for our projects and activities to keep our doors open and our staff in their positions. Sometimes we can lose sight from the purpose of our work because we focus too much on keeping the “cash flow”. Some of us are lucky enough to take a pause every once in a while and rethink the purpose of their activities. Sometimes we wonder about the sustainability of our projects and programmes. Usually, the answer is the purpose. What purpose does this project fulfill? What is my vision for the growth of the project which is integral to my professional and individual growth? 

Register now for our online workshop with Johanna Westbrandt from Waytogo (Sweden). In this workshop, we will address 

  • how to reach a clear idea on what your purpose really is,
  • how to formulate it so it can be used for what it is there for, 
  • what we can communicate to the world that helps them understand. 

This workshop will put Purpose in relation to Vision, Values and Mission and see how they work together. 

Participants profile

  • resident of the 42 Euro-Med countries
  • working in the non-profit sector
  • working with fundraising, project management or communication
  • preference to members of the Anna Lindh Foundation 


The workshop includes presentation of theory in addition to group discussions in break-out sessions and individual reflection


Wednesday 21 October 09.30 - 12.00

Thursday 22 October 09.30 - 12.00 

Participation is free of charge. Number of participants: 30. 

Register now at this link.

Deadline 12 October 2020. We will notify participants by 15 October at the latest. 

Language: English. 

More information: rasha.shaaban(at)varldskulturmuseerna.se 

This event is organised with the support of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 


Johanna is the founder and chairman of the civil society organization Waytogo. She is an  entrepreneur with 20 years of experience in sales, business development and personal development. She has trained people for the most of her career and in later years she has coached leaders and entrepreneurs who are up to something big in the world. As a consultant she helps organisations to develop company core values, formulate purpose, vision, mission. In the organisation Waytogo she has developed expertise and written a book about matters of inclusion in society and has trained and coached youth (unaccompanied minors, newly arrived refugee youths and youth from socio economically challenged neighbourhoods) in leadership, self management, learning and mindset. 

OPEN CALL: Grow Your Skills workshop

Grow your skills workshop

Have you ever stopped in the beginning of a new project because you felt that you were lacking some knowledge or skills to implement your idea? Did you want to learn a new skill and did not know how or where to start? How can we fill in the knowledge gap? 

Join coach and trainer Johanna Westbrandt in an interactive workshop to find out how

The Anna Lindh Foundation Swedish network is hosting the online workshop Grow Your Skills on 16 and 17 April 2024 09.30 - 12.00 CET. (Note: obligatory to attend both days)

The workshop covers:

  • What does it mean to master a skill
  • The best conditions for learning and skills development
  • What stands in the way of learning
  • Introduction to models of learning and training
  • Crafting a personal plan for learning the skills you need


Participants will experience:

  • Understanding more of how learning happens and how a skill is developed
  • Real time experience of how fast humans learn anything
  • Interaction between participants in the workshop, discussions and reflecting together
  • Space for peer learning among each other
  • Possibility to ask questions from the facilitator who has several decades of experience in training, teaching and learning


Day 1: What is learning and how to develop any skill?

On the first day, participants will dig into what learning and skills development really are and what the perfect conditions are for learning new skills. Participants will get a first hand experience of how fast humans learn when conditions are right. Johanna will share some models of learning and how to set up a plan for different types of skills development.

Day 2: Creating the plan: What skills do I need to advance in my project or endeavor 

On the second day, the participants will create their own plan of developing the skills they need to advance in their own projects and find out how to support others when they need to develop their skills. Johanna will introduce us to the first steps needed and start the journey of acquiring the skills you want.

Language: English 

Participants profile: 

  • member or alumni of the Anna Lindh Foundation
  • want to increase your knowledge about and understanding of learning and skills development
  • want to listen to and share ideas about what is needed to advance your own and others’ projects and purposes


Sign up here by Wednesday 10 April. 

About our trainer: 

Johanna Westbrandt is the founder and chairman of the civil society organization Waytogo. She is an entrepreneur with 20 years of experience in sales, business development and personal development. She has trained people for most of her career and in later years she has coached leaders and entrepreneurs who are up to something big in the world. As a consultant she helps organizations to develop company core values, formulate purpose, vision, mission. In the organization Waytogo she has developed expertise and written a book about matters of inclusion in society and has trained and coached youth (unaccompanied minors, newly arrived refugee youths and youth from socio economically challenged neighborhoods) in leadership, self management, learning and mindset.

Questions: please contact the Swedish network coordinator, Rasha Shaaban.

This workshop is organised with the support of the Anna Lindh Foundation and the Swedish Ministry of Culture. 

Open Call: Intersectional Solidarity Network

PeaceWorks training


Apply Now!

Intersectional Solidarity Network Training Course

1-10 November 2023 | Österfärnebo, Sweden

Bringing international solidarity and intersectionality to practice: experience-based learning and creative methods. This training course invites participants to physically join the stage, broadening their role from spectators to spect-actors.

Are you a youth worker who is passionate about global justice and international solidarity? Do you want to develop your capacities in working towards social change in your daily work? This training course brings international solidarity and intersectional perspectives to practice through creative methods.

The Swedish network member, PeaceWorks Sweden, together with our partner organisations, is offering a training course on International Solidarity for youth workers. We often meet people in the youth sector who express concerns about the way in which global power structures are reproduced in local settings - as well as in their daily work with young persons. This training course addresses these issues through a systemic approach where international solidarity and intersectionality are brought to practice, through experience-based learning and creative methods. A particular focus is given to Theatre of the Oppressed which invites participants to join the stage, broadening their role from spectators to spect-actors. 

When and where?

The course consists of two course weeks. 

TC1: Sweden, 1-10 November 2023 (including two days for travelling). 

TC2: 28 February - 8 March 2024 (including two days for travelling). Location TBA. 

Who can participate?

This is a project for youth workers who want to develop their capacities in working with social change through a systemic approach and creative methods. The requirements for participation are as follows:

  • You should be at least 18 years old
  • You should have been working with young persons for at least 6 months
  • Ideally, you should have experience working with youth from different social backgrounds.

Moreover, it is important that participants are willing to reflect upon local and global power structures, as well as their own role in reproducing them. Applications are welcome from youth workers in the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, The Republic of North Macedonia, Spain and Sweden.

How do I apply?

If you are interested in participating, please fill in the online application form. We treat all the information you provide with confidentiality. The application concerns both TC1 and TC2. If you are unable, or uncertain about whether you'll be able to participate in both TCs, we ask you to indicate so in the application form.


Participation fee

Participants are expected to contribute €50 for each TC.

Accommodation and food

Accomodation, food and training materials are provided at no extra cost.

Travel reimbursement

  • Czech Republic: €275
  • France: €275
  • Germany: €275
  • Ireland: €275
  • Italy: €275
  • North Macedonia: €360
  • Spain: €360
  • Sweden: €180

If you have any questions or concerns you are welcome to contact our Project Coordinator Lisa at lisa.borjel@peaceworks.se.

Application deadline is 31 August 2023. 


Open call: Swedish Institute Academy for Young Professionals (SAYP) Baltic Sea Region and Eastern partnership countries

SI Academy for young professionals

The Swedish Institute Academy for Young Professionals (SAYP) is a training programme developed to build awareness, capacity and resilience in the practice of governance. Are you a young professional in the selected regions and want to deepen your knowledge about modern sustainable governance? This is the programme for you.

Available for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Sweden and Ukraine.


The Swedish Institute Academy for Young Professionals (SAYP) is a training programme developed to build new networks, knowledge and practices for increased transparency, efficiency and resilience in public administration. The programme also aims to strengthen your individual capabilities to meet the requirements of a modern governance structure. As a SAYP participant, you will be able to expand your own contact networks and share ideas, experiences and challenges with other like-minded professionals.  

SAYP is a collaboration between the Swedish Institute (SI) and Swedish universities, responsible for developing and organising training modules. The modules rely on a mix of modern teaching methods with emphasis on interactivity, collaboration and problem-based learning. The training programme may include webinars, interactive lectures, small-group discussions, study visits and other learning activities allowing to deepen and practice your knowledge. 

For SAYP 2024 it is possible to apply for the following thematic modules within SAYP:   

  • Cooperation beyond Borders – Transnational Public Administration and Organizing (TPAO), Södertörn university
  • Migration and Integration: Challenges and Good Practices for the Development of Inclusive Societies,  Gothenburg university & Georgian Institute of Public Affairs
  • Perspectives on Multi-level Governance, Decentralisation & Human Rights, Lund university
  • Sustainable e-Government for Resilient and Innovative Democratic Public Administration (SeGRID), Linköping university
  • Green Transition for Low-Carbon and Resilient Societies, Lund University
  • Inclusive leadership and youth work in the Eastern Partnership, Stiftelsen Fryshuset
  • Policy Integration and Transparency Practices in a Digital Era, Halmstad University

Find out more and apply on the Swedish Institute website.


Open call: training course on antiracism in Sweden

peaceworks sweden österfärnebo

Anti-racism in Practice and as Practice

Training Course

23 October - 1 November 2024 | Färnebo Folkhögskola, Sweden

Bringing creative methods, project management and critical reflection together: This training course invites participants to increase their capacity in addressing youth participation and anti-racism from a holistic perspective for positive social change.

Are you a youth worker who is passionate about engaging youth in anti-racism and social justice? Do you want to develop your capacities in working towards counteracting racism and xenophobia in your daily work? This project contributes to increased capacity in addressing youth participation and anti-racism from a holistic perspective for positive social change. 

The Swedish network member, PeaceWorks, together with  partner organisations, are offering two training courses on anti-racism for youth workers. We see an increasing need for practical knowledge and strategies on how to tackle xenophobia and racism in contemporary Europe. We often meet people in the youth sector who express concern regarding the relationship between the rise of xenophobia and racism among young people and the decreasing youth participation in society. The training course addresses these issues by strengthening the capacities of youth workers to counteract racism and xenophobia in their daily work as well as their capacities to actively support anti-racist struggles and implement anti-racist projects.

When and Where?

The course consists of two course weeks. 

  • TC1: 23rd of October to 1st of November 2024 (including two days for travelling). Location: Österfärnebo, Sweden. 
  • TC2: March 2025 Location: Österfärnebo, Sweden. 

Who can participate?

This is a project for youth workers who want to develop their capacities in anti-racist work through a systemic approach and creative methods. The requirements for participation are as follows:

  • You should be at least 18 years old
  • You should have been working with young persons for at least 6 months
  • Ideally, you should have experience with working with youth from different social backgrounds.

Moreover, it is important that participants are willing to reflect on their own position as youth workers, different power dynamics, norms and stereotypes as well as their own role in reproducing these. Applications are welcome from youth workers in the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, North Macedonia, Spain and Sweden.

How do I apply?

If you are interested in participating, please fill out this form. We treat all the information you provide us with confidentiality. If you have any questions or concerns you are welcome to contact our Project Coordinator Lisa at lisa.borjel@peaceworks.se. Applications are welcome until 18 August 2024.


Participation fee

Participants are expected to contribute €50 for each TC.

Accommodation and food

Accomodation, food and training materials are provided at no extra cost.

Travel reimbursement

  • Participants from the Czech Republic: €309
  • Participants from France €309
  • Participants from Germany: €309
  • Participants from Greece: €395
  • Participants from Ireland: €309
  • Participants from Italy: €309
  • Partipants from North Macedonia: €395
  • Participants from Spain: €395
  • Participants from Sweden: €211

Participants using green travel (train, bus, car-pooling) are eligible for an additional grant.

More information here.


Open Space Consulting AB

National Network

Pensévägen 4
43446 Kungsbacka

+46 709989781
Mobile Phone
+46709 989781
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Thomas Herrmann is the only person employed in the Company as it works with/in networks in Sweden and globally. Thomas is a co-owner of The Genuine Contact Program, together with 40 international collegues. The Company is funded by offering/selling services to mainly public organizations in the Nordic countries, occasionally in other parts of the World.
Mission and Objectives

Open Space Consulting AB works to release power in people, organizations and society

Main Projects / Activities

Open Space Consulting AB is a small company connected to global networks. We facilitate learning and transformation in people, organizations and society. For optimal performance we all have to be in health and balance. This goes for people as well as organizations. Not to forget – consultants. The blueprint for health and prosperity is already there so what we do is to open space for it to emerge.
When space is opened for creativity and inspirited interchange the results are stunning. Through true participation changes are initiated from within the organization whilst the whole potential is taken into account.
Open Space Consulting was the first company in Sweden to offer The Genuine Contact™ program. The purpose of the program is to develope skills within organizations to create and sustain health and balance. This means also tapping into the actual potential – performance is improved dramatically.
Thomas Herrmann is dedicated to contribute in the spreading of knowledge and skills around the program and the basis for its development – Open Space Technology, in Sweden and the world. He has been involved in several national and international conferences both as organizer, faclilitator and participant. Thomas is offering trainings on Open Space Technology and the other components of The Genuine Contact™ program on regular basis.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I am willing to contribute and share my knowledge regarding organizational development and all related areas on a local and/or global level

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The values we work from are a perfect match to the ones expressed by the ALF Network. The more organizations that work together to create a better world, the earlier we will succeed!
We have been participating in several of the actiities organized by ALF in Sweden and we are interested to deepen our involvement, to make a greater difference.

Contact (1) Full Name
Thomas Herrmann
Job Title
OD Consultant
Head of the organisation
Thomas Herrmann


National Network

c/o Malkki-Guignard
Tegelgårdsgatan 32
21133 Malmö

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Operafabriken is a free opera group and association based in Malmö. Our goal and purpose is to create opportunities for help all generations to experience opera, in an intimate and close format, with great music and high musical and scenic quality. We want opera to spread and convey our great passion for this art form that we know can appeal to everyone. Operafabriken produces and performs operaproductions and concerts in chamber format for tour in Sweden and Europe.  
Mission and Objectives

To reach out with the art form opera to more people and to preserve the cultural heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

We have produced and performed the following :
Don Giovanni by Mozart
Romeo and Juliet (I Capuleti e i Montecchi) by Bellini
Maria Stuarda  by Donizetti
Titus by Mozart
La Gioconda by Ponchielli
Otello by Verdi

Contact (1) Full Name
Leena Malkki
Job Title
Producer and board member
Head of the organisation
Leena Malkki