
Recomate AB - Action Research Centre for a Resilient Society

National Network

Thorild Wulffsgatan 14
41319 Göteborg

+46 70-628 62 00
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Research
General Information
Recomate AB is a company dedicated to the creation of social innovation with a special focus on well-being, human rights, integration and sustainability- locally and internationally using action research as main driver. Recomate is based in Gothenburg, Sweden and has over 30 years of experience in driving change, development and innovation programs around the world. It recently launched the creation of an Action Research Centre for a Resilient Society as well as the Energy Lab and Program for Well-Being.
Mission and Objectives

We aim at enhancing awareness, relations, and creating conscious ways of working, learning and innovating to improve the resilience and cooperation of individuals, cross- generation relations, communities, organizations and eco/innovation systems. 
We use action research methodology with a diversity-sensitive and participative approach. 
Our work is interdisciplinary and builds on competence in gestalt and organizational psychology; well-being, human rights and integration; quality, change and technology management; teaching, leadership and policy for sustainability.

Main Projects / Activities

Recomate and its Action Research Centre for A Resilient Society have special competence in development of diversity-sensitive change and development tools, models, methods and instruments needed for assessing and developing: well-being at individual level, conscious ways of working, relationship building and social contracting, culture and platforms for collaboration.
Past and ongoing projects linked to Anna Lind Foundation’s mission are:
-       Inner to Outer integration program for long-term unemployed and long-term sick leave migrants in Sweden
-       EI WISH- Well-being, Human-Rights & Integration workshops and stakeholder collaboration in Sweden
-       EI WISH - Action research re: Aging as a migrant from a cross-cultural, generational, sectoral and religious perspective; collaboration with migrant, minority and religious associations from Afghanistan, Iraq, Eritrea, Iran, Somalia, Roma, Syria, Armenia, Woman Center in Sweden
-       'Roma Inclusion' program in Sweden, UK and Hungary
- Innovative Universities program in Central America, South America, Vietnam, India, Brazil, China, South Africa

Contact (1) Full Name
Sari Scheinberg
Job Title
Action researcher, innovator and activist
Head of the organisation
Sari Scheinberg

Regina Theatre

National Network

Trädgårdsgatan 6
753 75 Uppsala

+4618-727 13 78 (Maria)
Telephone (other)
+46 18-727 13 78
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information


Regina Theatre was founded in 2005 but the building dates to much earlier. We are a municipal receiving theatre in Uppsala, Sweden. Presenting local, national and international theatre, music, dance, performance and poetry. 3 year mutual exchange and joint theatre productions with Baxter Theater, Cape town SA. Annual International poetry festival. Poetry Africa Nordic Poetry Network, Sweden, Norway, Denmark possible EU poetry project with Poland, Hungry, Bulgaria, GB and Croatia. 

Artistic Policy
Regina offers a carefully selected repertoire of entertainment chosen from the best of Uppsala’s culture life, excellent shows from the rest of Sweden and exciting performances from the whole world. In this uniquely intimate theatre, you will find a rich mix of plays, musical shows, performance art, poetry and stand-up in our 2 venues: the main theatre with 230 seats and the intimate cafe stage. We host about 250 shows a year.

Mission and Objectives

Presenting local, national and international theatre, music, dance, performance and poetry.

Main Projects / Activities

Today the Regina Theatre produces about 250 performances per year in many different themes and genres. We are an open theatre for everyone.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Nilsson
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Katja Sliwinski, Theatre Chef


National Network

Krongatan 14

+46 16-7101859
+46 16 12 37 44
Mobile Phone
+46 70 167 22 13
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Rekarnegymnasiet is a big upper secondary school with 1440 students on both the academic and vocational programmes. Staff = 160 teachers… One person works 40% with international projects and different kinds of school partnership mostly in Europe so far. We have partner schools in Iceland, Greenland, Italy, Finland, Norway, Portugal.
Mission and Objectives

To give the students a possibility to get to know another at first hand European culture as we are all European citizens. When school classes come and visit us and when we travel to then the students always stay in host families to get to know the every day life better in the visited country. They attend each other’s classes at school and pay visits to difernet cultural places.

Main Projects / Activities

We would like to get in touch with other countries as well and focus more on historical events and also give the students a knowledge of the society itself.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kitt Johnson
Head of the organisation

RELEARN Suderbyn

National Network

Västerhejde Toftavägen 211
62199 Visby

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information

RELEARN Suderbyn is a non-profit NGO working locally and internationally with the promotion of and engagement in a more sustainable lifestyle. Our strong focuses are environmental resilience, social justice, education and international cooperation for sustainable development. We have experience in working with and leading various transnational projects: locally, within the Baltic region and internationally.

The NGO was founded in Suderbyn Permaculture Ecovillage on Gotland in 2007. Over the years the NGO shifted its focus from local promotion of ecological lifestyle to regional and international work with the focus on education and holistic models of social and environmental sustainability. ​If you want to visit us please check Information for visitors and fill in the Application Form. Thank you! www.suderbyn.se/contact-and-visit.html  

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to work for a sustainable society where innovative solutions are integrated with forgotten knowledge. Through experiential methods we work with holistic learning considering the society, nature, economy, culture and individuals as integrated parts of one complex system.

In order to help to bring a social change in the system we work with individuals, groups and international projects in various aspects of global, local and inner sustainability.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities areas are:

1. Non-formal education for youth and adults;

2. Action Research and outreach;

3. Cross-border cooperation: across national borders and across different sectors.


- Working actively with Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) — the cooperation between eco-villages around the world with connections in the Middle East, Latin America, Africa and Asia. ​

- Hosting 8 international workcamps and a number of working weekends through the organisation Service Civil International (SCI)

In Europe:

- Leading Erasmus+ educational project for youth workers with 6 other partners from the UK, Germany, Spain, Italy, Macedonia and Slovenia.

- Participation in EU's Youth In Action Programme with various Green Skills projects for European Voluntary Service (EVS) - Close collaboration with the Global Ecovillage Network for Europe (GEN-Europe)

- Cooperation with ECOLISE — Metanetwork of grass-root initiatives for Climate Change and Sustainability

In the Baltic Sea Region:

- Leading the projects Transnational Ecovillages for Societal Transition to Sustainability (TESTS and TESTS II) in cooperation with other BSR countries

- Leading the seed-project for strengthening cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region

- Initiating and hosting the headquarters of the Baltic Ecovillage Network (BEN)

- Partnership in the Baltic flagship project Ecovillages For Sustainable Rural Development Around Sweden:

- Collaboration with and hosting the national headquarters for International Arbetslag (IAL) which is the national branch of Civil Service International

- Active participation in the development of the Ekobyarnas Riksorganisation (ERO) — the Swedish Ecovillage Network

- Collaboration with Sweden's National Bicycle Association

On Gotland:

- Participation in educational through collaboration with the University of Gotland and  local schools

- Promotion of cycling on Gotland through collaboration with Cykelfrämjandet Gotland

- Working with unemployment schemes, Miljöverkstan and the local handicraft organisation Hemslöjden

- Participation in Transition Gotland activities and work towards wider societal changes for a more sustainable lifestyle In Suderbyn Permaculture Ecovillage

- Promoting sustainable lifestyle and regeneration of local ecosystems

- Organizing projects, courses, internships, volunteer placements and training at Suderbyn - Engaging in outreach activities to assist the ecovillage movement

Contact (1) Full Name
Robert Hall
Head of the organisation
Robert Hall
Contact (2) Full Name
Alisa Derevo
Climate policy report_Sweden.

Report of the Swedish Climate Policy Council (2023)

Rising levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have upset the balance of the Earth’s climate system, resulting in a rapidly rising global average temperature. Global warming is now just over 1.1 degrees Celsius compared with pre-industrial levels. In addition...

Riksföreningen Folkets Bio

National Network

Linnégatan 21
413 04 Göteborg

+46 31 12 10 90
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+46 707365651
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Folkets Bio is a non profit NGO with members and activities all over Sweden. Thirteen persons work in our different departments. Our anual turnover is close to 20 million SEK. The main part of the turn over is from our distribution and screening of films but also from our media education department, Filmpedagogerna. We work with media education on all levels, children, teachers and universities. We also produce educational materials, mainly for Swedish National Agencies. Through the use of free and easily accessible media we give lectures and workshops on how to work with issues such as media, democracy, human rights and gender. For two years we have worked with UNESCO on how to promote MILID- Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue in the world with focus on Africa. We have partners in Northern Africa who wich to start projects with us. They also want to include Tunisia and Libya in this project. UNESCO has just made us Partner organization.
Mission and Objectives

The mission and objective for our media education department is to educate the public, in all countries, on how to "read the media" in what ever form it comes. To build democratically and socially sustainable societies all citizens need to learn where to find information, how to read and interpret it and how to express yourself in what ever media form they may choose.

Main Projects / Activities

We work with cities and regions all over Sweden to promote Media and Information Literacy, giving lectures and work shops. For two years we have played an important role in promoting MIL, Media and Information Literacy on all levels in Sweden. This work has been done in cooperation with and on behal of the Swedish National Council for UNESCO, Göteborg Univresity, The Swedish National Agencie for Education, The Swedish Filminstitute and The Swedish media council.
For two years we have, in cooperation with and on behalf of UNESCO worked on building an interactive multi media tool for teachers on how to work with UNESCOs new Curriculum on MIL. UNAOC has also been included in this work.
Folkets Bio had a project on Media and Informatinn Literacy at Cairo University for about three years, supported by SI, The Swedish Institute. During that project we had more contact with other members. We also planned a project with the Universities in Cairo and Barcelona and other Swedish members, in cooperation with the Anna Lindh Foundation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have twenty years experience of working with youth and teacher education, especially through the use of moving images. We already have a quite extensive network in Sweden, The Nordic countries, Europe and in quite a few other countries and we are more than happy to share our experiences and contacts.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have partners in Universities in Northern Africa, espesially in Cairo, who work with Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue, MILID. They are very interested to start projects with us. The University of Cairo is on of the UNESCOs MILID partner Universities and they will host the international MILID week next year. They also want to include their colleagues at universities in Tunisia and Libya in projects with us. We believe that ALF is a great Network for us to work through and hopefully find more partners that are interested in these issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Johan Holmberg
Head of the organisation
Agneta Mogren

River of Light

National Network

Lindormsgatan 42
50644 Göteborg

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

River of Light is an NGO set up by 3 founding members in 2018 to provide an inclusive civic arts intervention which culminates on 20 February (UN's World Day of Social Justice), in a large scale event in the heart of Gothenburg city. The organization was created in the belief that creativity & working with artists can accelerate the process of integration especially amongst unaccompanied minors and their Swedish peers. There is a part-time coordinator & artists are employed on a project by project basis. The programme is supported by Göteborg Stad and VG Regionen & various trusts & foundations c 200, 000 sek per year/project. ROL works on artistic projects in partnership with institutions including the World Culture Museum , Gothenburg University, Röhsska Museum, community organisations Blå Stället, Frölunda Kulturhus, Support Group network & with formal and informal education providers, offering inclusive workshop experiences.

Mission and Objectives

River of Light (ROL) is a non-profit association.
ROL is an independent, non-political and non religiously affiliated association and its mission is to provide opportunities for innovative, creative and social engagement. The vision is for an inclusive society where there is respect for difference and everyone lives equally and free from discrimination. The project was created in the belief that creativity and working with artists can accelerate the process of integration especially amongst unaccompanied minors and their Swedish peers.
It is home to a diversity of people and ideas, ROL reflects a spirit of inclusiveness, a global perspective, and the cultivation of integrity, compassion, civility and ethical behavior as foundational to living well together.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities are workshop based (for example lantern -making) which serve as meeting points in the community for new arrivals and Swedish young people and families, and use art as a tool to break the boundaries of language, geography, cultural divisions and thereby bring people of all kinds of backgrounds together who would not normally meet. ROL works in partnership with arts institutions, in community settings and in informal and formal educational settings to introduce new and sustainable ways of working.

ROL also offers training days for students in higher education and teachers, and training and work opportunities for artists from a range of cultural backgrounds making them more visible to the arts and arts education sectors.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe we can contribute to the Network's aim of creating a culture of dialogue and exchange and have resources, skills and cultural capital to share with the other members in order to bring about much needed change. We have been working effectively in partnership with Rasha Shaaban and other colleagues at the World Culture Museum to make a positive impact in the city and region over the last couple of years and this more formal relationship would make our partnership more strategic and influential, especially now in response to Black Lives Matter. We could also contribute in practical ways by providing workshop experiences for members, by speaking at conferences or hosting networking events.
We recognise that there is a long way to go, and that we have a responsibility and desire to contribute to a larger network in order to bring about positive change more rapidly.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ROL shares the strategic vision and organisational values (empathy, inclusivity and creativity) of the foundation.

ALF will provide ROL with new regional contacts and opportunities which will add to our own growing network

ALF will give ROL a more global perspective and reach and the potential to work internationally.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Behjat Omer Abdulla
Job Title
Artistic Director
Head of the organisation
Behjat Omer Abdulla/Denise L Mellion
Contact (2) Full Name
Denise L Mellion
Job Title (2)

River of Light

National Network

Hagtornsstigen 7
41321 Göteborg

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information

River of Light is an NGO set up by 3 founding members in 2018 to provide an inclusive civic arts intervention which culminates on 20 February (UN's World Day of Social Justice), in a large scale event in the heart of Gothenburg city.

The organization was created in the belief that creativity & working with artists can accelerate the process of integration especially amongst unaccompanied minors and their Swedish peers.

There is a part-time coordinator & artists are employed on a project by project basis. The programme is supported by Göteborg Stad and VG Regionen & various trusts & foundations (c. 200,000 sek per year/per project).

ROL works on artistic projects in partnership with institutions including the World Culture Museum , Gothenburg University, the Röhsska Museum, community organisations Blå Stället, Frölunda Kulturhus, Support Group network & with formal and informal education providers, offering inclusive workshop experiences.

Mission and Objectives

River of Light (ROL) is a non-profit association. ROL is an independent, non-political and non religiously affiliated association and its mission is to provide opportunities for innovative, creative and social engagement. The vision is for an inclusive society where there is respect for difference and everyone lives equally and free from discrimination.

The project was created in the belief that creativity and working with artists can accelerate the process of integration especially amongst unaccompanied minors and their Swedish peers. It is home to a diversity of people and ideas, ROL reflects a spirit of inclusiveness, a global perspective, and the cultivation of integrity, compassion, civility and ethical behavior as foundational to living well together.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities are workshop based (for example lantern -making) which serve as meeting points in the community for new arrivals and Swedish young people and families, and use art as a tool to break the boundaries of language, geography, cultural divisions and thereby bring people of all kinds of backgrounds together who would not normally meet.

ROL works in partnership with arts institutions, in community settings and in informal and formal educational settings to introduce new and sustainable ways of working. ROL also offers training days for students in higher education and teachers, and training and work opportunities for artists from a range of cultural backgrounds making them more visible to the arts and arts education sectors.

Contact (1) Full Name
Behjat Omer Abdulla
Job Title
Artistic Director
Head of the organisation
Behjat Omer Abdulla/Denise L Mellion
Contact (2) Full Name
Denise L Mellion
Job Title (2)

Rosengårds Folkets Hus

National Network

Persborgstorget 2, 213 61 Malmö (for visitors); Box 18073, 20032 Malmö (for mail)
213 68 Malmö

+46 07 07 28 25 03
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Rosengårds Folkets Hus (People´s House of Rosengård)is a NGO, registered as a non-profit association. We currently have 22 member associations and several individual shareholders. A directive board makes all the decisions, which are carried out by one employee so far. Year 2010: no budget, due to restructuring of the board. Previous funding (amounting to ~100 000 Euros/year) from the Department of Culture & Leisure in the city of Malmö, Sweden. We organize cultural events (such as a local festival, music classes, an international women´s choir, etc), seminars, film screenings (World Wide Cinema) and national exchanges.
Mission and Objectives

The main mission of Rosengårds Folkets Hus is to unite inhabitants in this multicultural neighbourhood where we function, and to provide a place for social gatherings to take place. Traditionally, we supply an arena where other associations can hold their meetings and festivities.
We also strive to supply music, dance and drama lessons, study groups, integration between ethnicities and leisure activities such as nature outings.

Main Projects / Activities

The main project 2011 will be "World Wide Cinema", wherein Rosengårds Folkets Hus will provide live streaming of concerts, opera, sports, perhaps religious events, etc. This project will be done in cooperation with Rinkeby Folkets Hus, which is a similar association situated in another multicultural neighbourhood in Stockholm, Sweden.
During year 2011, we also hope to re-lance the local festival called "Rosengårdsdagen", which is a one-day event that has taken place for over 10 years as a gathering of all local and ethnic associations.
Our main ambition at the moment is to find a new location for our "house" (People´s of Rosengård).

Contact (1) Full Name
Beata Alberg