
Stapelbädden [STPLN]

National Network

Malmöhusvägen 5
21118 Malmö

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Youth and education
General Information

The operation is run by the NGO Föreningen Stapelbädden. We offer space and structure to creative ideas.

We provide studios, workshops and event spaces and offer various local, national and international programs to develop and strengthen creative ideas and projects.

Among other things, an incubator – stpln:lab - for professional actors in the free cultural industries.

STPLN is part of the European Creative Hubs Network.

Mission and Objectives

To cultivate makers and creatives in a experimental, exploratory, participatory and norm-critical environment.

Main Projects / Activities

We offer:

  • resident projects
  • external collaborations
  • exhibitions and performances
  • training courses and seminars
  • exchange program
  • business incubator
Contact (1) Full Name
Bertil Björk
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Bertil Björk
Contact (2) Full Name
Farhia Nur
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Stiftelsen Tamasi Foundation

National Network

Skarmarbrinksvagen 3
12135 Stockholm

+46 735951599
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
General Information

Stiftelsen Tamasi Foundation (STF) was established in 2012 in Sweden to promote the role of arts & culture as central to a meaningful process of democracy & social change in the Arab region. STF works through partnerships and collaborations with national/local partners. We have 11 members in four focus countries: Egypt, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Jordan and Lebanon. Our output includes: Performances, productions, space rehabilitation projects as well as community development projects. STF supports one of the most comprehensive capacity building programs in the region. The program includes trainings, internships, one to one mentorships, residencies and fellowships. In addition, STF provides financial support to local community based artists and organisations through grants. STF has a board of 4 members from Sweden, Tunisia & Syria. It comprises 11 national members (5 in Egypt, 3 in OPT, 1 in Jordan & 2 in Lebanon). STF relies grants; Sida has been its main donor. We also received support from EED. Our per annum budget for the last strategy period (2016-2019) has been USD 900,000

Mission and Objectives

STF's mission is to provide spaces & opportunities for civil society & communities to experience freedom of expression through the arts and culture focusing specifically on the performing arts.
Our main objectives are: Empowerment of local communities especially the marginalised through providing & increasing access to the performing arts. Increase the capacity of the performing arts sector as a main civil society actor in the focus countries; increase the financial and economic viability of the performing arts sector through increased capacity, resources and supporting entrepreneurship in the arts; increase the strength of regional bodies working in the performing arts through supporting regional collaboration projects and platforms.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Increase access to public space and community engagement through the arts: On average pa, we reach 110,000 audiences in diverse communities through 550 artistic performances. We also manage 7 annual regional festivals across the four countries. We run and manage 9 artistic spaces that also act was community hubs.
2. Engaging the new generations in the arts: We collaborate with local schools reaching an average of 70,000 children per annum. We also provide workshops targeted at children to increase their interest in the arts.
3. Capacity building for the performing arts sector: We provide on average 1100 local artists with training opportunities in the form of training workshops, residencies, fellowship and on the job training opportunities. We also provide trainings on fundraising, project design & management as well as entrepreneurship in the arts.
4. Capacity building of local organisations: We provide on going capacity building programs to local organisations to effectively engage with local communities through the arts and culture.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

STF works on the international, regional and national level. We have strong national and regional networks. Through our membership in the Anna Lindh foundation, we look forward to acting as a networking and facilitating platform for the Network in our countries. In the past few years, we have also seen an increased interest in and appreciation of the role the arts and culture can play in the area of socio-economic and political development in the Arabic speaking Middle East. We also look forward to partnerships and collaborations with sectors across the wider civil society and not only the arts and culture sector. We look forward to sharing our experience and models of work and developing multi-sectoral/disciplinary programs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1. We find a lot of intersections between Anna Lindh's vision and our theory of change. We believe in equitable, free and just societies in the Arabic speaking Middle East region. Democracy is a central component to this. We also believe that democracy does not start and end in the ballot boxes. For democracy to be meaningful and lead to sustainable change, changes must be made at the level of consciousness and awareness raising of the communities as well as at the level of policies. Our interventions, therefore, are in line with the concepts behind Anna Lindh's objectives of empowering young voices; influencing policies and policy makers and thereby creating a movement based on a new consciousness and legal and structural frameworks.
2. By joining the Anna Lindh networks, we will be able to collaborate with a wider network of partners. Engaging with the wider civil society has been a central component of our strategy since 2016. Our figures speak for themselves with an average of 200 collaborations with civil society organisations in the four focus countries.
3. The current funding situation and the challenges posed globally since the 2008 financial crisis, compounded exponentially by the recent COVID-19 situation means that as civil society sectors, we need to maximise our resources. the best way to do so is through collaborative projects where we can share our knowledge and human capital in innovative, more impactful ways.
4. Related to point 3, being part of the network will also increase our own capacities, exposure and opportunities to learn from others, therefore increasing prospects for our own sustainability.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amany Abouzeid
Job Title
Executive Manager
Head of the organisation
Ninni Rydsjo
Contact (2) Full Name
Ninni Rydsjo
Job Title (2)
Chair of the Board

Stockholms dramatiska högskola (StDH) - Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts (SADA)

National Network

P.O Box 27095
10251 Stockholm

+46 8 49 400 000
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Youth and education
General Information

1. Dramatiska Institutet is a University College of Film, Radio, Television and Theatre. 3 persons are working with Sida projects. 2. On behalf of Sida (Swedish international development agency) Dramatiska Institutet is supporting performing art in Middle East/North Africa. 3. Sources of funding: Sida. 4. Modalities of Action: support for productions, workshops, spaces, technical support, cultural exchanges. 5. Main partners Performing art (organisations and individuals) in Middle East/North Africa and Palestine. 

Mission and Objectives

The Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts provides development and training in narrative and portrayal for stage, screen and media. Its activities include all key components of the artistic process, maintaining a cutting-edge position to provide inspiration and motivation for professional, artistic and educational development. The Academy’s assignment is to contribute to quality and renewal in stage, screen and media arts. With the development goal to strengthen a democratic development in society based on freedom of expression and human rights, the aim of DI’s program for the Middle East North Africa is to contribute to a qualitative and quantitative development of performing art and their audiences. Prioritized target groups are theatre practitioners, women, youth and children. http://www.sada.se/about-sada/vision-and-overarching-objectives

Main Projects / Activities

The Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts (SADA) offers degree programs and courses in the fields of film, radio, theatre, television, acting and mime. SADA is divided into three departments: The Department of Performing Arts The Film and Media Department The Department for Acting http://www.sada.se/about-sada/international-projects

Contact (1) Full Name
Ulf Söderström
Job Title
International Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Pia Munchin, Vice-Chancellor


STPLN:LAB Open Workshop

STPLN:LAB Open Workshop • THE PITCH • PRESENTATIONSTEKNIK Friday 14 April at 09:00-12:00

You have 7 seconds to make a lasting impression at a meeting and about 15 to 50 seconds to catch people's attention with your presentation.

In this workshop/lecture, you will be guided through the most important steps of pitching and presenting your work – from rhetoric and body language to presentation material and more.

The workshop will be facilitated by JOA FALKE, who is an Innovation Advisor at Malmö University's Innovation Office with a background in fintech.

The methods that will be used during the workshop, are the same that are being used in similar workshops with researchers and students at Malmö University and are based on a format developed at the Stanford University Research Institute. The method is called Value Creation Forum and is part of a larger methodology called 5DOI - Five Disciplines of Innovation.

SIGN UP HEREhttps://simplesignup.se/event/202650

::::: The workshop will be held in English :::::



Celebrating Our Diversity Helsinki

 “When 'I' is replaced by 'we', even illness becomes wellness!Malcolm X


En Suède, le rôle de coordinateur du réseau de la Fondation Anna Lindh est endossé par les Musées nationaux de cultures du monde (Statens museer för världskultur). En mars 2022, le réseau suédois a élu trois membres du comité consultatif : 

  1. Bilal Almobarak, Support Group Network (Vänersborg)
  2. Denise L. Mellion, River of Light (Göteborg)
  3. Karin Bruce, LärOlika (Stockholm)


Le réseau suédois promeut le partenariat euro-méditerranéen au niveau national et international à travers des programmes de renforcement des capacités et l’organisation d’échanges entre les membres du réseau. Nous contribuons au développement des priorités et des programmes de la Fondation en participant aux consultations et aux réunions annuelles des coordinateurs de réseaux de la FAL. Toutes nos activités sont ouvertes aux membres de la FAL et aux citoyens de la région euro-méditerranéenne. 


Tous les ans, le réseau suédois reçoit un soutien du ministère suédois des Affaires étrangères en vue d’organiser des activités avec les membres du réseau et d’établir une collaboration transfrontalière afin de faciliter le partenariat pour la société civile suédoise. En outre, le réseau suédois est soutenu par la Fondation Anna Lindh dans le cadre du programme de soutien au réseau. 


Le réseau est ouvert aux institutions, organisations et à d’autres partenaires qui adhèrent aux principes et à la mission de la Fondation Anna Lindh et qui travaillent sur la base de valeurs démocratiques, pluralistes et multilatérales. 

L’adhésion au réseau suédois est ouverte aux ONG, aux institutions publiques, y compris les autorités locales et régionales, aux fondations publiques et privées sans but lucratif, ainsi qu’à d’autres partenaires à but lucratif promouvant des activités sans but lucratif et des politiques de responsabilité sociale des entreprises. Toutefois, le réseau n’est pas ouvert aux partis politiques, aux organisations et aux projets appartenant à des partis politiques, ni aux particuliers.

La majorité des membres de notre réseau viennent de Stockholm, Göteborg et Malmö. L’adhésion au réseau de la FAL est gratuite et sans engagement de durée. 

Le règlement intérieur de notre réseau est disponible ici.

Programme phare

Celebrating Our Diversity est une plateforme de mise en réseau pour la société civile et les artistes de la région euro-méditerranéenne. Le forum de la société civile que nous accueillons vise à promouvoir des villes inclusives, durables et interculturelles. Le festival interculturel entend mettre à l’honneur la diversité et les groupes minoritaires.

Support Group Network (SGN)

National Network

Kungsladugårdsväg 5
46254 Vänersborg

+46 841002722
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information

In August 2014, Support Group started and after two years in July 2016 it become officially licensed organization called Support Group Network (SGN).

Support Group Network (SGN), is a non-profit organization initiated by refugees and collaborates with local societies to improve integration and inclusion of asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants, for whom SGN provides psychosocial support through creating need-based activities and projects aiming to enhance their future in Europe or home countries if they go back.

SGN functions as an umbrella that gathers associations and individuals efforts aiming to help and support asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants to be included in the hosting countries through need-based activities and projects. 

Mission and Objectives

SGN mission is all about empower and encourage refugees and migrants' own initiatives and support them in all areas: (social, cultural, education, sports, health and psychological care).

- Make refugees actors and stakeholders for their own affairs.

- Gather advocacy for asylum seeker, refugee and migrant cases at all levels.

- Facilitate the academic inclusion of refugees who wish to complete their higher studies, bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree. Promote the understanding of society's norms to create a better integration and inclusion of children, young people, adults and families and give them the tools to become active members of society, with a main focus on: diversity, gender equality, women's and young people's empowerment and children's rights protection.

- Increase the employability of refugees and support them to start their own business.

- Support the graduates to validate their certificates to contribute their experiences to their new communities.

Main Projects / Activities
  • Refugee ed projectEffective methods in education, mental health and psychosocial support for the integration of refugee children.
  • Youth Center: A meeting place for children and young people for meaningful activity, learning and better everyday life.
  • NEETs for NEETs: 

Support Group Network participates in the Erasmus+ project NEETs for NEETs - Improving inclusive methods to empowering young adults together with partners in Norway, Sweden, Germany and Belgium.

The project aims to prevent exclusion in order to get the target group into work or further education, in addition to increasing the teachers' competence. The project focuses on including NEETs and empowering them. The ReACT model has a central role in the project. The model was developed by refugees at Sweden's largest asylum reception, Restad Gård, in 2014. When the waiting time at the asylum reception was over a year, the refugees themselves took the initiative to share their knowledge and skills with other refugees so that they could create meaning in the long waiting time and build something for the future.

  • Next step Sweden:

The purpose of the project is to increase the self-sufficiency of the target group of asylum seekers and to improve the mental state. This means that the project must work with health-promoting activities as well as guide and supervise the target group, improve the conditions for employment/practice or that entrepreneurs are given the conditions to start and run sustainable businesses.

Support Group Network's relationship with asylum seekers and new arrivals together with the developed cooperation model provides unique conditions for asylum seekers, new arrivals and foreign-born to achieve increased self-sufficiency.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bilal Almobarak
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Adnan Adnan Abdul Ghani
Contact (2) Full Name
Eman Albohtori
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

Svenska ASSITEJ (ASSITEJ Sweden) - Svenska föreningen för barn- och ungdomsteater

National Network

Kaplansbacken 2
11224 Stockholm

+46 8 659 86 33
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Svenska ASSITEJ is a platform for anyone who works with or has interests in performing arts for children and young people in Sweden. ASSITEJ's members consist of actors, directors, scenographers and dramatists, as well as theater groups, organizations and institutions, reviewers and cultural writers, cultural secretaries, amateurs, organizers and associations. Svenska ASSITEJ works to spread knowledge about Swedish performing arts for children and uinga, as well as organizing exchanges, guest games and communicating contacts. As a member, you will have access to a global network of information about festivals, courses and seminars from all over the world. We work closely with ASSITEJ centers and organizations around the world with whom we conduct a range of collaborative projects such as the exchange of performances, visits to festivals, workshops and seminars. Over the past 15 years, we have been working closely with dozens of countries in southern and eastern Africa where we organized seminars, workshops and performance exchanges. By 2015, we have completed two major projects that included exchanges with Lebanon, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. The core actvities are finnaced by membership fees and a yearly grant from the National Arts Council (Kulturrådet). Other sources of funding is the Swedish Institue and Sida for specific projects.  
Mission and Objectives

Svenska ASSITEJ wants to:
- Work to maintain and strengthen Swedish performing arts' high status as well as work for increased quality awareness in the performing arts area for children and young people.
- Increase the interest and knowledge of performing arts for children and young people among theaters, educators, organizers, media, politicians and decision makers.
- Open opportunities for increased knowledge of international performing arts for children and young people as well as disseminate knowledge and information about Swedish performing arts to other countries.

Main Projects / Activities

We work by:
- influencing - media, decision makers, politicians, theater directors, etc. We share the Prix d'ASSITEJ annually - a prize for worthwhile efforts in Swedish performing arts for children and young people.
- Create networks - both in Sweden and abroad
- Stimulate - We organize member meetings, festivals, seminars, etc.
- Inform - We publish press releases, newsletters and informs on social media.
- Document - We make compilations of performances and other activities in the performing arts area for children and young people.
We organise several joint projects, exchanges of productions, festivals, workshops and seminars together with ASSITEJ centres in the other Nordic countries, the Baltic countries and internationally.

Contact (1) Full Name
Niclas Malmcrona
Job Title
Operational Manager
Head of the organisation
Marie Persson Hedenius (Chairperson)

Svenska Institutet | Swedish Institute

National Network

Virkesvägen 2
12030 Stockholm

+46-8-453 78 00
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information

The Swedish Institute is a public agency with a staff of approximately 140 employees, with offices in Stockholm, Visby and Paris. Our commitment is to gain knowledge and understanding of different cultures, their people, and to promote Sweden and Swedish issues globally. SI acts as a coherent representative of Sweden and of Swedish skills, values and experience in the world.

SI operates within the framework of public diplomacy – understanding, informing, influencing and developing relations with people in other countries – and works closely with Swedish and foreign partners as well as with Swedish embassies and consulates around the world.  

Mission and Objectives

SI seeks to establish cooperation and lasting relations with other countries through strategic communication and exchange in different fields.

Our work with Sweden’s image abroad and our activities in international development cooperation go hand in hand.

The overarching goal is to create mutual relationships with other countries around the world. Our support of Swedish language instruction at foreign universities also fits into this common agenda.

Main Projects / Activities

The Swedish Institute follows certain focus areas: innovation, environment and sustainability, creativity and culture and society.

The Swedish Institute annually initiates a great number of events and projects in order to spread knowledge about Sweden and promote cooperation with other countries.


The events are primarily arranged internationally but sometimes also in Sweden. SI is also an active partner in several events and projects by external organisers.



Contact (1) Full Name
Irina Ovchinnikova
Job Title
Creative Force Programme Manager
Head of the organisation
Madeleine Sjöstedt (General Director)

Svenska Kyrkans Unga Göteborgs distrikt

National Network

Lilla Bommen 1
41104 Göteborg

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information

Svenska Kyrkans Unga Göteborgs distrikt is part of Svenska Kyrkans Unga (Church of Sweden youth), which is an open community of young people who want to discover and share christian faith. Though free-standing, the bonds to Church of Sweden are strong. The whole organisation is based on the levels; lokalavdelningar (local groups often corresponding to parishes), distrikt (districts corresponding to the Church of Sweden episcopates), and förbund (national). All members (to this date about 14 000) belong to lokalavdelningar with their own activities and operations. Membership is free of charge and non-denominational Svenska Kyrkans Unga Göteborgs distrikt geographically covers the swedish west coast with base in Gothenburg.

Mission and Objectives

Svenska Kyrkans Unga is an open community of young people who want to discover and share christian faith

Main Projects / Activities

Svenska Kyrkans Unga Göteborgs distrikt arranges e.g. youth camps, trips, study circles, leadership training, and support local groups - all towards our members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Linda Andreasson
Head of the organisation
Linda Andreasson

Svenska Muslimer för Fred och Rättvisa

National Network

Dalslandsgatan 2
118 58 Stockholm

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Religion
General Information

The Organization has 6 local branches and are developing new ones. Also have one in Paris. We have four half time employees. The organization is lead by the executive president and his working committee in cooperation with the board of local presidents. Larger long term decisions for the federation is made with the board of directors. The organization is grassroot driven and has very limited resources in form of money. The organization is dependent on trust and a good reputation to enlist support and gain resources in form of volunteers, venues, materials etc. The organization has gained funding for limited projects from Allmänna Arvsfonden and Ungdomsstyrelsen. The peacemovement has alot of grass roots activities as well as high profile meetings. It has a strong national emphasis on its work as well as international with a "glocal" focus. Main partners in the peacemovements activities are the christian peacemovement, the swedish peacemovement, the swedish scouts, Sensus, kista folkhögskola, different government departments, the police, local youth NGOs, mosques etc. 

Mission and Objectives

Svenska Muslimer för Fred och Rättvisa arbetar för att bli en av de främsta organisationerna i Sverige och Europa inom freds- och säkerhetsfrämjande på global basis, grundad på rättvisa, islamiska principer och mänskliga rättigheter samt att islam ska fortsätta vara en naturlig del av Europas kulturarv. Svenska muslimer för Fred och Rättvisa ska utifrån islamiska och demokratiska värdegrunder, i enlighet med Koranen och Profeten Muhammads budskap, verka för fred och rättvisa. Målet är en bestående rättvis fred inom och mellan länder. Vi strävar mot en fred som är grundad på mänskliga rättigheter, rättvis handel, rättvis ekonomi, social jämlikhet, frihet samt personligt och globalt ansvarstagande.

Main Projects / Activities

National activities, urban peacemaking, leadership training, development of civil society, civic participation, education, policy, lectures, seminars, cooperation International activities, cooperation, support, development of civilsociety, building relations, exchanges, leadership training, education, advocacy. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Yasri Khan
Job Title
Secretary General
Head of the organisation
Yasri Khan
Contact (2) Full Name
Albin Jonsson
Job Title (2)