
The Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society (MUCF)

National Network

Liedbergsgatan 4, 352 30 Växjö
35105 Växjö

0046(0)10-160 10 00 (växel)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information

The Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society (MUCF) is a government agency that works to ensure that young people have access to influence and welfare. We also support the government in issues relating to civil society policy. MUCF is the organisation coordinating and administrating Erasmus+ programme in Sweden.  Our target groups are: - decision-makers - civil servants - organisations (working with young people, women, LGBTQ people, ethnic minorities etc.). MUCF produces and disseminates knowledge in two principal areas: Youth policy and policy focused on civil society. Youth policy There are a total of 1.6 million children, youths and young adults aged between 13 and 25 in Sweden. We produce knowledge on their living conditions across a range of areas such as work, housing, education, health, leisure time and influence. MUCF also has the task of working to ensure that the youth perspective is developed in the work of other state agencies and to provide support for the municipalities in their youth policy work. Civil society policy Civil society is a concept that is used to describe all types of organisations and associations that are not constituted by the state, the market or by individual households. One could also speak of the voluntary sector, i.e. when people come together and organise themselves because they have a common goal, ideal or interest of some kind. MUCF has the task of disseminating knowledge on prevailing conditions and trends in civil society. One important objective is that of improving conditions for associations, organisations and other voluntary sector activities.

Mission and Objectives

We achieve our objectives by: - producing and communicating knowledge about young people’s living conditions - following up the objectives set for national youth policy by the Riksdag (the Swedish Parliament) and the Government and supporting municipalities in their youth policy work - distributing funds to civil society organisations, projects and international cooperation - collecting and disseminating knowledge about civil society, its working conditions, composition and development - forming networks with relevant governmental agencies and organisations.

Main Projects / Activities

The Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society (MUCF) is distributing funds to the civil society in the form of support for organisations, projects and international cooperation. All the support we distribute is given on behalf of the Swedish government. MUCF's main activities include:  • follow up indicators for the national youth policy in close cooperation with other central governmental authorities • carry out every year an in-depth analysis of young people’s living conditions within a specially chosen area. • work in close interactions with researchers. • cooperate with municipalities in their work to develop methods for increasing their knowledge about young people. • arrange conferences for the exchange of experiences between municipalities. • cooperate with and subsidise a number of “local resource centres” for youth issues. • distribute funds from the Swedish Inheritance Fund to projects that attempt to end young people’s exclusion from the labour market. • distribute funds to national youth organizations. • work towards and intercultural understanding through different international exchange programs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lotta Jarvenius Rössner
Job Title
Grants Officer
Head of the organisation

The Swedish Hospital-Teachers’ Association

National Network

Rabyvägen 18

+4640 332 488
Telephone (other)
+4613 224 218
+4640 337 008
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+46734 456 339
Mobile Phone (other)
+46734 343 343
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Swedish Hospital-Teachers’ Association is a non profit organisation for teachers who work in hospitals with children in somatic wards, psychiatric wards and treatment centres. Hospital teachers work in hospitals with children in somatic wards, psychiatric wards and treatment centres. Our aim/purpose is to represent and communicate the views and professional interests of teachers in hospitals. The association has the following objects: to work for educational contributions of the highest standard for children in hospitals and treatment centres, to be a link to organizations and authorities, to promote the professionalism of the members and to give information and service to members. We have 126 members of about 150 hospital teachers in Sweden.
Mission and Objectives

The Swedish Hospital-Teachers’ Association is a non profit association with the purpose to represent and communicate the views and professional interests of teachers in hospitals.
The association has the following objectives:

- to work for educational contributions of the highest standard for children in hospitals and treatment centres
- to be a link to organizations and authorities
- to promote the professionalism of the members
- to give information and service to members

Main Projects / Activities

Annual we arrange regional meetings in every area and twice a year we arrange a national meeting. Our mission is to increase our collaboration with HOPE, Hospital Organisation of Pedagogues in Europe www.hospitalteachers.eu to arrange and have meeting for hospital teachers in Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Klas Brunnander
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Karin Svensson

The Swedish Middle East & North African Group

National Network

Hantverkargatan 48,
c/o Go Interprise AB,


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The Swedish Middle East & North African Group (The MENA-group) focus on Swedish /EUs relation to Middle East and North Africa. We were funded in 2004 as an official NGO and are around 100 members and have 4 employees. We are active in the youth field within Swedish-European relation and it's relation towards the MENA-region. We are open for all young people from 18-30, and have local and international activities. Themes have been social inclusion, xenophobia, Exchange cultures. We aim to give interested youth and members, experiences in own and other cultures, development and culture cooperation within EU and the Mena-region, though different actors (e.g., EU-youth Program, Swedish Development Agency etc) as well as to develop individual and work in group skills. We cooperate
Mission and Objectives

Working for a greater understanding between Sweden, EU and the Arab World.
Working against racism, xenophobia, islamophobia and homophobia.
Create interest for the Arab Countries, Arab Culture and create cooperation based on mutual understanding and respect.
Promote and support Arab Cultural Activities and involve Arab Youth to take part in the organisation.
Promote interest among other ethnic minorities and Sweds for the Arab region
Promote and support Arab integration and mutual understanding in between Arabs.

Main Projects / Activities

Working with health and STI (Sexual Transmitted Infection)and HIV-prevention.
LGBT-rights, Gender equality, Fighting Racism and Xenophobia,International Involvement. etc.
Working with cultural activities and international involvement of Swedish Youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Senna
Head of the organisation
Ali Andolos Albasri
Contact (2) Full Name
Olov Lindblad

The Swedish Writers' Union (Sveriges Författarförbund)

National Network

PB. 3157SE
103 63 Stockholm

+46-8-545 132 00
Telephone (other)
+468545 132 23
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+4670-228 92 25
Mobile Phone (other)
+4670-550 98 03
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information

We are a union organization for writers or literary translators. We have been around since 1893 and have a long and solid experience in working with economic, legal and social issues related to the literary profession. 10 persons employed and 15 members of the board. Our main sources of funding include: member fees and grants Unesco, Sida, exchange projects in Vietnam, scholarships in Greece and in France.

Mission and Objectives

The Swedish Writers’ Union is the central professional organisation for writers and literary translators in Sweden. We safeguard the economic and moral interests of our members by defending freedom of expression and of the press, and keeping up to date with copyright stipulations and the laws regulating copyright. We promote the right of our members to a reasonable return on their work by safeguarding their moral rights, seeing to it that their works are not misrepresented or made public in ways not intended by them as authors, by entering into agreements which give our members financial gain and provide for their social security, and by protecting and aiding our members when, in the practice of their profession, they find themselves in conflict with employers, commissioning parties or the authorities.

Main Projects / Activities

WALTIC (Writers and Literary Translators' International Congress www.waltic.com http://www.forfattarforbundet.se/radgivning/ http://www.forfattarforbundet.se/stipendier/ http://www.forfattarforbundet.se/boende/

Contact (1) Full Name
Gunnar Adelius
Head of the organisation
Maria Andersson (Director)

The Young Republic

National Network

Falkenbergsgatan 9C
41265 Gothenburg

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information

The Young Republic is an award-winning youth organization, working to empower young refugees to foster their democratic participation, civic engagement and social inclusion in their new communities in Europe.

The Young Republic is registered in Sweden as a non- governmental organization since January 2015 and carried its activities in Sweden and 7 other European countries, working with young refugees, host communities, and decision-makers, and reaching more than 500 beneficiaries.

Our work is carried out by our members on a voluntary basis. We are thankful for the dedication and commitment of our members in Sweden, Germany, Belgium, France, Netherlands, Italy, the UK, and Portugal.

We have received the European Charlemagne Youth Prize in Sweden, and the jury special mention of the European Citizenship Award by the European Civic Forum.

Mission and Objectives


Young refugees are connected, empowered and active citizens, contributing to the development of their new communities, and advocating for their rights, democracy and inclusion.


- Promote the culture of democracy, human rights, gender equality and freedom of speech among young refugees in Europe and build their civic capacities.

- Foster youth participation, civic engagement and active citizenship of young refugees in their host communities and support their social inclusion.

- Enhance cultural exchange and cooperation between young refugees and their peers from the host communities.

- Build a strong base for youth integration and engagement that counters extremism, radicalization and hate.


Main Projects / Activities

Our projects: 

  • Re-building the narrative around migration, from a critical decolonial perspective. 
  • Working on advocacy and self-representation of young migrants and refugees in Europe. 
  • Co-founded the VOICIFY Network: The European Forum for Youth with Lived Migration Experiences https://www.voicify-eu.org
Contact (1) Full Name
Mayssa Rekhis
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mayssa Rekhis

Think Tank Transbaltic

National Network

37191 Karlskrona

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
General Information
We are an informal group of representatives of various culture and academic institutions that has met in workshops and seminars and plan a joint EU-application in the Horizon 2020 program during 2017 to be able to run a long-term collaborative project and research. Each institution in the Think Tank Transbaltic network group has a separate budget. We have received grants from Nordic Culture Point and the Swedish Institute for the preparation. Involved in the project are Academies with specializations in spatial planning, architecture, migration and social science along with museums and art institutions. The first group of Think Tank Transbaltic was a partnership of more than twenty partners from harbour cities in all countries around the Baltic Sea. Since we are changing our project we are heading towards a partnership with institutions in countries situated by other Seas as well, the Mediterranean or the Atlantic coast.
Mission and Objectives

Think Tank Transbaltic (TTT) will establish an interdisciplinary collaboration to generate urban and regional development approaches by combining hard and soft professions, disciplines and cultural methods. The project will develop new methods for community development with artistic practices as a base through creative Think Tanks in cities e.g. joint international public productions of various sorts, experimental workshops and research. TTT will be focused on the inclusion of migrants’ experience and knowledge to a process of development of public space. It will be a research-driven project where participatory and interdisciplinary methods are used. Its driving force will be ideas of diversity as a resource. We prepare a new multiannual research project with interaction projects in public space.
TTT will compare experiences of the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) with those from other coastal regions, the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic coast.

Main Projects / Activities

Our joint project is under preparation.
Our process-blog http://thinktanktransbalticpilot.blogspot.se

The project will be based on an interdisciplinary collaboration of researchers, artists, architects, spatial planners, integration workers, educators etc. This is why it will assume research through practice. Its driving force will be ideas of diversity as a resource and non-normative/norm creative thinking. There will be various forms of practices used, e.g. site specific games, performance and theatre in the city space, exhibitions, creating films, interventions and installations in public space, workshops, working with non-human beings in public space, creating new experimental public space, group residencies etc. The research’s results will lead to creating new knowledge on the public space and the consequences of the re-creation – to redefining it.
Our earlier project: www.artline-southbaltic.eu
Catalogue www.artlinecatalogue.eu

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

All partners have their specific networks in different public spheres where their voices are heard and seen through lectures, public art projects, research, workshops etc.  Our joint collaboration will reach out with visible projects in public space, museums, art institutions and academies.
Our last project reached 200 000 people in various art projects in untraditional public space and had more than 250 ´online visitors. 
We are part of the Priority Area Culture group in the Baltic Sea Region Strategy and take part in their networking and information meetings where we also give presentations. Our project received a Flagship-status in the BSR by the European Commission. All Baltic partners benefit from this network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to find partners interested to work on European issues regarding city planning, participation and migration to share experience and expertise.

Contact (1) Full Name
Torun Ekstrand
Job Title
Project leader
Head of the organisation
Torun Ekstrand
Contact (2) Full Name
Pirjo Elovaara
Job Title (2)
Senior Lecturer / Associate Professor Blekinge Institute of Technology

Tikitut community-based tourism

National Network

Kabelgatan 16
41457 Gothenburg

+46 76 297 76 43
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Tikitut community-based tourism is run by the non-profit organisation FLU (FÖRENINGEN FÖR LOKAL UTVECKLING ), association for local development, Organisation number: 802432-5618.

Tikitut community-based tourism aims to promote greater diversity and an inclusive society. Through Tikitut, local areas can be developed and the residents themselves have the opportunity to create Sweden's most unique, multifaceted social experience together with visitors. At the local meeting place Tikitut, experiences are prepared together, life experiences are shared and both visitors and locals get a unique experience.

We want to develop and offer sustainable experiences for individuals, organisations and companies. Tikitut is a unique complement to conventional tourist and visitor attractions!

When you book an experience and participate in Tikitut's activities, you take an active stand for an inclusive society with diversity, while your visit directly leads to income for residents and those involved in local community development.

Mission and Objectives


We want to be a player that contributes to an ecologically, economically and socially sustainable society. Our solid set of values is based on the four core words: glocal meeting place, include, personal and sustainability. These words influence our daily activities and symbolise everything we do and communicate.

We do it with personality and it shows in what we do; whether it is a post on social media, a seminar at a university or a guided tour with our youth guides. The personal touch is reflected in our experience products. Through personal meetings, the guest and the host meet each other at the glocal meeting place, Tikitut.

There are many different definitions of what sustainable tourism is. Some argue that it can only be a small-scale form of tourism, while others instead focus on an approach that can be applied in businesses that operate both small-scale and large-scale tourism, and that it is instead about the way a company operates a business.

What is interesting in this context is that sustainable tourism as a form can make a difference and contribute to positive social development, creating jobs, fighting poverty and developing the local inhabitants and the place they live in. Areas and inhabitants grow, hopelessness and poverty are replaced by confidence and entrepreneurship.

Sustainable tourism is used as an instrument worldwide to create development that is economically, environmentally and socially sustainable. In concrete terms, this can mean contributing to unspoilt nature, better health, cultural exchange and, of course, your satisfaction as a visitor.

Main Projects / Activities

Global meeting place: 

Tikitut is a local meeting place that, with the help of locally produced sustainable experiences, creates meetings between the area's residents and visitors. The tourism industry is growing and is now one of the world's largest industries. Sweden's strategy for developing Sweden as a destination includes investing in sustainability. Through Tikitut, more areas can be developed. We, local residents and local actors have the opportunity to create one of Sweden's most inclusive social experiences together with visitors. A guest interested in nature is offered personal stories from glocal Tikitut guides. At the local meeting place Tikitut, life experiences are shared and both visitors and locals get a unique experience.


Our approach is to contribute to sustainability in creative and innovative ways. We have an ambition to participate in the sustainable development of society through Tikitut and do so through the continuous development of internal processes. We convey social values and we do it very well. Through our tourism products, the visitor gets a social experience while benefiting the local community.


In an open and curious way, Tikitut is the platform for a sustainable society. We strive to be an inclusive force that utilises the resources that a neighbourhood has to offer. We want to promote and highlight the diversity of our society as a valuable asset. Through our activities, we take social responsibility and also find other initiatives and companies that likewise take social responsibility for issues such as diversity in society. We change together and create social development through cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ulla Gawlik
Head of the organisation
Nadia Destici
Contact (2) Full Name

Tillsammans är vi starka | Together We Are Stronger

National Network

Selmedalsvägen 64
12937 Hägersten

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Tillsammans är vi starka is a public non-profit organization in Stockholm that helps the new comers and immigrants to integrate in the Swedish society. our staff is more than 40 volunteers and we have self funding from our members and no other funding sources. Our partners are ABF, Upplandsväsby community, Väsbyhem and Samhällsverkstan We have projects and activities in art, education, democracy, leadership for women and youth and even more...

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to help the new comers and immigrants to integrate in the Swedish society and together with locals make Stockholm a better city

Main Projects / Activities

Theater for youth and children, democracy projects, leadership for women, languages and math courses, IT basics for beginners, cultural meetings, free time activities (sports, local tours, picnics, etc..).  

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Nour Abdalsalam
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Head of the organisation
Nour Abdalsalam


National Network

TILLT AB, Packhusplatsen 2
41113 Gothenburg

+46 (0)31-60 82 10
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

TILLT is a social enterprise specialized in linking together the cultural/creative sector with other sectors of society, acting as an intermediary catalyst for sustainable growth, radical innovation, and mind-set change, working with artistic interventions as a method. TILLT is owned by association Skådebaban Västra Götaland, itself a chapter of the national association Riksskådebanan. TILLT employees 5 people full time: 1 director and 4 employees with different thematic responsibilities.

As possible to see on the yearly published activity and financial reports, TILLT has a yearly budget of around 500.000€, consisting of private income from independent customers, grants from regional and national authorities, and temporary projects financed by the EU or other international bodies. TILLT focus is almost exclusively on implementation of development projects, occasionally producing seminars as part of international cooperation projects, or as conclusion/public activities of implemented projects.

TILLT, through its parent association, also has a group of member organisations, comprised of companies, working places, non-profit organisations and cultural institutions from the whole region of Västra Götaland.    

Mission and Objectives

TILLT helps organizations/communities to explore creativity and innovation in several social arenas. This way, new ideas, a new approach to a particular issue or perhaps on the entire organization is created. TILLT gives artists the opportunity to work with their artistic approach and practices in other non-artistic sectors and new social contexts. Artists working in all art forms are trained and specialized in seeing things from a new perspective, twisting and turning questions to find new solutions. By developing and implementing projects in which art meets societal issues, TILLT moves the aesthethics and creativity of the arts into new social arenas and thereby develops both art and society.

Why? TILLT´s mission is to support the development of individuals, organizations and society. We want art and culture to have a bigger role in society and societal development, and thus create a better and more creative world.

How? TILLT curates projects in which artists and organisations meet to develop creative and innovative processes, around topics such as communication, innovation development, idea generation, leadership, values and diversity, many times focusing on sustainable development and societal issues, e.g. diversity and intercultural dialogue, gender equality and human rights, environmental action, etc.

What? Our projects can run from just a few hours to a year, or more. In our projects, we create individual, organisational, and artistic development. A process leader follows and supports the process.

Main Projects / Activities

TILLT's activities during the past few years have been focused on art and culture as tools in social development. TILLT implements TILLT 25-50 projects annually, where artists meet societal challenges of various kinds.

TILLT is responsible for initiating projects, finding the relevant challenges, the client/partners, the financing and matching of the right artist to the process. TILLT curates and leads the process, and oversees quality control of the implementation, also guiding the agreement on the action plan, monitoring and planning, documentation, and planning for future developments. TILLT also works internationally and has led or participated in a dozen EU or SI-funded projects.

TILLT today has an extensive international network and partners around the applications, development and implementation projects in several countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ola Wirtberg
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ola Wirtberg
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Mebius-Schröder
Job Title (2)
Project Leader

Trans Europe Halles - International Resource Office (IRO)

National Network

c/o Mejeriet, Stora Södergatan 64
222 23 Lund

(+46) 0730-556683
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The International Resource Office (IRO) is a regional initiative aiming to assist Skåne’s cultural actors with support, tips and tailor-made advice on international cultural cooperation and EU support. The office is run by Trans Europe Halles with financial support from Region Skåne.

Starting in October 2015, Region Skåne has allocated SEK 500,000 to a regional resource that will encourage cultural actors to participate more widely in EU-funded cooperation projects.

Trans Europe Halles was awarded the contribution for efforts such as skills development, project development, international networking and support in the writing of applications for EU-funding.

Trans Europe Halles is a Europe based network of cultural centres initiated by citizens and artists that has been at the forefront of re-purposing Europe’s industrial buildings for arts, culture and activism since 1983. Today the Trans Europe Halles network consists of 129 members and associated members from 36 countries around Europe.

Our members are key drivers of democratic development, active citizenship and participation in the arts. They also bring together artists, cultural and creative industries, social and educational organisations in open and creative spaces that spur innovation and development. With an entrepreneurial mindset they explore new business- and governance models and develop partnership with both the private and public sector.

Twice a year we meet to exchange knowledge, to start conversations and to connect with other cultural changemakers. Our meetings are a hotbed of new ideas and collaborations. They are always hosted by a different member – allowing us to get to know some of the challenges facing different regions. Our meetings reflect our diversity and explore topics that matter to us all.

We also collaborate regionally and thematically through our Hubs. We launch projects together and form partnerships based on common interests, goals and ideas. Throughout the year, we organise training workshops and seminars. We are specifically interested in business innovation and the organisational development of our member centres.


Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to facilitate the sustainable development of civil-society initiated cultural and creative organisations based in repurposed spaces, by connecting and supporting them. Our vision is that everyone thrives in an equal, free and inclusive society where culture, arts and creativity have a transformative power.

Our key objectives are:

1. To build a strong supporting structure of exchange and collaboration for member insitutions.

2. To advocate and promote the importance and value of cultural centres initiated by citizens and artists as open spaces for creation.

3. To establish Trans Europe Halles as a leading organisation for providing professional development and international exchange in the cultural sector.

4. To establish Trans Europe Halles as a vital reference for non-governmental cultural centres in the international cultural sector.


Main Projects / Activities

IRO was established to build the capacities of the arts & culture operators to grow and work internationally: we are committed to provide methodologies, guidance and advice to help you develop your projects. We organize training, one-to-one consultation and info sessions to equip you with tools and knowledge. 

Creative Lenses (CL) 2015-2019

Creative Lenses was a project co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union. Implemented from 2015 to 2019, it explored the issue of sustainability of European arts and cultural organisations. In particular, it aimed to address the question of how cultural organisations might become more financially sustainable without compromising their missions and values.

The project’s vision was condensed in the tagline “stronger arts and cultural organisations for a greater social impact”. Also, its mission was to empower cultural organisations with knowledge, methods and tools to become more resilient so they can better create value for society. Some of the main tasks of Creative Lenses were, therefore, to research and explore business models in the cultural sector and whether the concept of the business model was a useful tool to drive organisational change and reflection.

Factories of Imagination (FOI) 2017-2021

The project, co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, aims to build internationally connected and resilient cultural centres and professionals that can meet both prevailing and future challenges together with their communities. The project is to contribute to a more competitive, skilled and strong cultural sector that can take on the challenge of re-building an open, creative and inclusive Europe.

Cultural and Creative Spaces and Cities (CCSC) 2018-2021

This is a policy project co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union. The project is managed by a consortium of ten non-profit and public organisations led by Trans Europe Halles, the European network of non-governmental cultural centres. At the core of this project, there are 7 Urban Labs based in seven European cities. Each one of them groups together non-governmental cultural organisations and local/regional authorities, as well as other relevant stakeholders. Their goal is to address local challenges together and find participatory and commoning solutions to them.

Shared Initiatives for Training (SHIFT) 2019-2021

Trans Europe Halles is part of a consortium of nine European organizations in the SHIFT project. The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union and the project leader is the European Music Council in Bonn (DE). The aim is to equip leaders in the cultural sector, primarily leaders of transnational cultural networks, in development work linked to the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development (SDGs).

Developing Inclusive and Sustainable Creative Economies (DISCE) 2018-2021

DISCE is a three-year project bringing together researchers from Finland, Italy, Latvia and the UK. Funded by the European Commission, via the Horizon 2020 programme, this research will make a major contribution to understanding creative economies across the EU. Combining ten regional case studies with EU-wide quantitative mapping, the project draws on the team’s highly interdisciplinary expertise. It will investigate the relationships between higher education, skills development and creative work; emerging business models; possibilities for improved quantitative mapping; new ways to understand what the ‘growth’ of creative economies consists of – and why such growth is valuable. At the heart of the project is the question of how the creative economies of the future can be both inclusive and sustainable.

Spaces of Transformation in Arts Education (SPOTing) 2020-2023

SPOTing is led by TEH and co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The project consists of a consortium with 8 TEH members from Sweden, Italy, Great Britain, Luxembourg, Slovakia, France and Austria + TEH. Many of TEH's members conduct cultural educational activities of various kinds, and the purpose of the project is to stimulate professional development and knowledge transfer between the cultural educators. The goal is to strengthen the participating of cultural educators in their profession and to critically reflect on methods and working methods for developing and strengthening cultural pedagogy as a field internationally.

European Urban REgenerators Knowledge Alliance/ (EUREKA) 2021-2023

Together with 10 other partners, TEH is part of EUREKA, a three-year project co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The project is led by the University of Venice (IUAV) and is based on the challenges that exist in cities around Europe to regenerate abandoned and dilapidated buildings. One profession that has a particularly significant role here is Urban Innovator (UI). There is a high demand for UIs in the labor market, but there is a lack of recognition at EU level in the form of a clear professional role and the opportunity for (further) education. During the project, a multidisciplinary curriculum will be developed to formalize and market the UI role for the private and public sector. TEH will conduct case studies with 10 of our members with experience of social innovation as a tool for urban regeneration and have a leading role for external and internal communication in the project and for the project's advocacy work.

International Resource Office (IRO) 2016-ongoing

The International Resource Office (IRO) is a regional initiative created to support cultural operators in the region of Skåne (SE) with practical support and counselling connected to international collaboration, including projects funded by the EU’s various support programmes. IRO offers a variety of services, such as strategic planning, networking and partnership creation, advice on administrative procedures and practical tools for successful EU applications and project management. The International Resource Office is funded by the Region of Skåne.

Cultural Accelerator 2020-2021

‘Cultural Accelerator’, funded by the Creative Force programme of the Swedish Institute, is a bottom-up democracy project initiated by TEH and Ta(r)dino 6 Art Platform (TAP) to mobilize and build capacity of artists and cultural workers in Azerbaijan in order to better advocate their needs to local governing bodies in the cultural field. Organised in two steps - online trainings and workshops and an actual three-day event in Baku by TEH network experts - ‘Cultural Accelerator’ aims at co-developing grassroots recommendations on cultural policies and strategies in Azerbaijan.


Contact (1) Full Name
Hanna Olsson (on maternity leave) - Marcus Lampe
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Tiffany Fukuma, Managing Director