

National Network

907 31 Umeå

+46 76-8119134
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
multiculturac sportclub with 150 members and 4 employees. A budget around 1000 000bn skr /year Funders are local and national fundings and private sponsoring and projectmoney from differentfunds. We are working with children and youngster in multicultural evironments. we art working for integration and use sports and culture tho help people to be involved in society in positive ways. We have a lot of partners but our lasting cooperation with libraries makes us special. We hav been running a koncept: Boxing, books and values for years. In our club we have members from many ethnic backgrounds and we use to say that we not work with integration - we ARE integration.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to work against racism and segregation and help young people to find was to play an active and påositive role in the society. We also wat to show all the good posibilities with a multicultural society and with globalisation

Main Projects / Activities

Different sports specially boxing in our own club but also soccer and basket in schools. We have been running several reedeing and writing project together with ibraries and for now we have a big writing project connected to Umeå as capital of culture 2014. For that project we are building international partnershisps - specially in Alexandria.
Are starting up at the moment a bigger project aiming at de-radicalisation of youth in collaboration with sveral others actors in and around Umeå.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Because we are a organisation in real terms multicultural we can contribute in many ways. Intercultural dialog is what we are working with on a daily basis and we have a lot of experience. We ar not connected to any nationalorganisation but we think ALF i s a perfect network for us. And of course we will spread and make young people involved in ALF activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to participate in international projects and exchanges specially with the arabworld because we have so many youngsters with arabic background in our club. We want to help them to enter arenas where their special cultural competence can be visible and valuable for ther swedish friends.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tayeb Hargani
Head of the organisation
Tayeb Hargani
Contact (2) Full Name
Tayeb Hargani

Ung Teater i Täby (Young Theatre in Taby)

National Network

Attundafältet 12
183 34 TÄBY

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1. We are part of the township of Täby. We are six in the staff. We have 500 youth in groups. We have a branch in the town of Norrtälje. We are funded by the township. We have done a couple of exchanges with Denmark, Germany, Finland & Spain, since a few years we are involved with activities in Tunisia and are discussing a "Year of Intercultural Dialogue" project with Portugal
Mission and Objectives

Youth Culture.
Encouraging youth.
All other issues are incorporated into this - giving the youth in Taby a democratic, open-minded, outwardlooking push to become what they are capable of.

Main Projects / Activities

Teaching youth theatre in groups. Teaching in school.
Cultural projects. Exchanges.

Contact (1) Full Name
Linda Goncalves

Ungdom Mot Rasism (Youth against Racism)

National Network

Box 140 30
16873 Bromma

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Ungdom Mot Rasism (Youth against Racism), or UMR, is an anti-racist civil society organisation. It organises children and young people in the fight for a more anti-racist Sweden. They do this through political influence, local organisation, educational activities and grassroots activism.

UMR has been around since 1996. In 2018, the union reappeared in a new national organisation.

Mission and Objectives

Ungdom mot Rasism is a youth organisation for everyone up to 30 years who believe in equal rights and want to organise for an open society free of racism. We are an organisation by and for young people.

Ungdom Mot Rasism has no political affiliations. We work against racism and xenophobia and for democracy and diversity. We use peaceful methods such as dialogue and education. UMR aims for a society where everyone has the right and opportunity to define themselves such as they want to. A society that values democracy and equality, and where discriminatory and excluding structures are identified and challenged. A society that makes a stand for inclusion and openness and where intolerance and unequal power structures are not accepted.

Main Projects / Activities

UMR works with non-formal education as a method for educating members, school students, as well as other organizations and actors. We believe that the dissemination of knowledge about racism, its history and its current existence is a way for us to fight it. Organizing locally is key at UMR, and activists are located in different parts of Sweden. In a local group, study circles on racism or post-colonialism are common, but also external trainings and lectures, demonstrations or paying special attention to important days in the fight against racism.

The overall organisation also has smaller projects across Sweden and arranges campaigns and seminars as well as working with advocacy and public debates. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Jorge María Londoño
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Jorge María Londoño (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Sona Rashid
Job Title (2)
Vice president

Ungdoms och samhällsarbete, Mölndal Stad (Youth & community Work - Mölndal City)

National Network

Gamla torget 43

0046704 67 78 14
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The unit of Community work lies under the Culture and Leisure department. We are a unit consisting of 10 people with different specialities.  We are nine people hired at the unit Community work; four working for community based developement, two working with public health, two with youth influence and one with international projects/Eurodesk.  We cooperate in a lot of different issues and projects and we think that our common experiences and knowledge strenthens our unit. Adding to the team is our manager with former head executive experience of the regional "Rädda Barnen" (Save the Children) foundation.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission and objectives - Youth and community work unit - Culture and leisure department, City of Mölndal.

Increased security and well-being in Mölndal

Increase youth's overall experience of influence in the city
To reach these objectives we work with sustainability, co-creation, inclusion and democracy-issues in all our acitivities. At our six youth centers we daily work to strengthen the youth to be independent and active in the community, through group activities, workshops and discussions.
Except for working within our own department we want to further our cooperation and work together with other departments in the city as well as associations and the civil society. We want to develop the international perspective in the city and find collaborations community overrun. 

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects and activities consists of: 

4 coordinators that work with Community based development acording to the area with projects like: Residential cultivation, women's empowerment, integration, young people giving tech and phone support to elderly, safety tours

Development and establishment of youth council where we work with democracy issues and development of the youth policy in the city.

HBTQ group for youth that works with tolerans and inclusion

Public health issues concerning dug and alchol prevention, mental health issues, integration, unvoluntary solitude and exclusion, parents support and human rights.

Eurodesk / International work- We work with EVS because we can offer informal and non-formal learning opportunities for the volunteers, which often lead to new or better jobs, along with personal and social development. We also believe that hosting volunteers in our organisation is a great enrichment to our activities on many levels. When volunteers are hosted in the youth centers we see that the youngsters grow in an intercultural aspect in the interaction with the volunteers. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Johanna Nygren
Job Title
International Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Mikael Olow
Contact (2) Full Name
Åsa Banic Pedersen
Job Title (2)
Head of community work


National Network

Övre Torekällgatan 30 b
15133 Södertälje

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Ungdomsfronten is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation that works on youth initiatives development and the realisation of innovative projects. We are based in Södertälje, Sweden. Ungdomsfronten have been established by a group of youth that realised their need to make a difference in society. Our main goal is to open the youth's eyes and show that together we can change and together we can build a better Europe. Our national activities are based on non-formal education. We are arranging workshops and some other activities for the local youth. We have expanded international cooperation within Europe and the world, especially through the Erasmus+ programme. Our staff are experts in the youth field and some of them have a long history in local and international work within the youth area, Our main mission is the promotion of the development of the people, including the development of their powers, involvement in civil society process and protection Of their rights and interests is to develop and support young people from minorities groups in Europe and beyond through involvement into active citizenship.
We are 7 board members. 4 of us work part-time with the NGO, During 2023 we plan to include one more college that works full time. and we have over 76 registered members in the NGO, But we believe that we have a bigger number than that, since a lot of times we don't require participants that join our activities to sign up for the NGO. We are open to everyone and our vision is to reach out to more youth.

Mission and Objectives

Ungdomsfronten's main objectives and areas of work are:
- Development of civil society, democracy and democratic institutions;
- Promotion and protection of human rights, civic values and rights of vulnerable groups of citizens in society;
- Strengthening of interethnic and interreligious relations and contributing to equality and solidarity in society;
- Promotion of non-formal education among citizens, especially among young people;
- Support marginalized people and contribute to their social inclusion in society;
- Affirmation of youth in society and stimulating their participation in decision-making;
- Offering assistance to local and state institutions in the creation of responsible public policies;
- Encouraging and promoting the development and knowledge in the field of domestic, regional, European and international relations and cooperation;
- Promotion and development of creativity, innovation, sustainable development and entrepreneurship;
- Promotion of philanthropy, volunteerism and active participation of citizens in the social, political and economic life;
- Capacity building of civil society at the local and international level;
- Establishing cooperation with local and foreign NGOs, foundations, local municipalities, state institutions and other organisations whose objectives are compatible with the goals of Ungdomsfronten
The association fulfils its objectives and tasks through an established working program through the following activities: organising specific program activities; implementation of joint projects and cooperation with local and foreign NGOs, foundations, local municipalities, state institutions and other organisations; organising conferences, seminars, training, exchanges, discussions, public debates, creative workshops, study circles for newcomers and other public activities and forms of education; publishing manuals, promotional materials and publications; organising voluntary actions to raise awareness on matters of social and public interest, as well as activities encouraging active participation of citizens in decision-making.
As we start to expand our Network in Sweden, a new branch of Ungdomsfronten in Tranemo kommun Org. nr: 802527-1324 has been established during 2020

Main Projects / Activities

Among the activities of the organisation are:
- planning, organising and managing music, humanitarian and volunteer events
- planning, organising and managing art shows, movie nights, public hearings and similar events
- education of youth through creative workshops, study circles and online events
- cooperation with similar organisations in Europe and worldwide.

When it comes to international cooperation we have implemented many international youth exchanges and training courses for youth through the erasmus+ programme in Sweden, Italy, Greece, Ukraine and North Macedonia, we are also leading a strategic partnership project through the programme (DOCC - Debate on, Change Community) We have through the years sent over 400 Swedish youngsters to participate in different international events
Examples of activities that we organize:
1. We organise activities for newcomers to help with their integration process in Sweden. We organise panels where we invite local politicians for a panel where young people mostly newcomers have questions about Swedish politics, work and democracy. During covid 19, we implemented some online activities and we invited experts in different subjects such as mental health. We also use this activity to promote our activities, after always getting new applications from young people who want to join us.
2. We have a football team in Södertälje. The team includes children from ages 9 – 13 years old and most of the members are newcomers, especially from Syria. During Covid, we had to pause this activity but we restarted the activity during this summer
3. We have a mobility team that goes out to the streets on weekends, speaks to the youth face to face, and invites them to take part in our activities. (Nattvandring) We also use this strategy to recruit youth by reaching out to them in the neighbourhoods, .
4. We cooperate with ABF Botkyrka Salem, we use their facilities to organise some of our activities.
5. We have a corporation with a local NGO called Tillsammans är vi starka where we implement study circles about different issues, Music, driving theory courses, and Swedish for newcomers.
6. We have just completed seed funding projects through the Swedish institution ”SI" where we implemented a project in Palestine called LARP TO LEAD. The project's main aim is to strengthen democracy, freedom of expression and human rights and to exchange experiences with the Palestinian partner.
7. During 2015 and in cooperation with ”Refugees welcome” our members helped in welcoming the refugees and provided them with food and clothes.
8. Starting from June 2023. We will start to implement a long-term project called speak. SPEAK aims to foster social inclusion through digital methods where locals and newcomers can start language groups. This first help to newcomers to learn Swedish but also helps in their integration process, on the other hand, the project help to change stereotypes about newcomers,
9. We are even partners in a project called YES! Youth for European Solidarity! which Europe funds for citizens programme. YES!

Contact (1) Full Name
Alaa Muneer
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Alaa Muneer
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Kruswerska
Job Title (2)

United Equality / Förenad Jämlikhet

National Network

Lönebovägen 8
55631 Jönköping

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

Swedish non-profit and non-governmental organisation with the aim of an equal world. We are based in Jönköping, Sweden which is in the middle of the nordic country.

Mainly focused on gender equality in different aspects within the society and spreading awareness with different projects.

Our organisation has been established by a group of youth that wants to make an impact in the world.

The vision that we share is an equal world where we have decided to mainly focus on the gender aspect as Sweden is one of the most successful countries in the topic. Therefore we have a vision to partner up with other organizations around the globe which share our mission so we together can make a change and learn from each other.

Mission and Objectives

United Equality / Förenad Jämlikhet have a mission to collect information as well as educating others with the help of youths in non-formal education and thereafter provide it for societies to make a change towards a brighter future with more equal rights which as well is a part of the United Nations SDGs. We believe that we can be united together for an improvement.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects is within non-formal education and Erasmus+ projects mainly focused on youths around the world. We are currently planning several projects to implement and share more information about gender equality.

Contact (1) Full Name
Samuel Naumovski Vickius
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Samuel Naumovski Vickius
Contact (2) Full Name
Eman Khalif (Gothenburg-based)

Up-skilling Transnational Projects for Resilience

swideas coaching training

When? September 13th, 15th, 18th, 19th, 20th & 22nd, 10:00 - 12:00 CET

Where? Online

Offered by: SwIdeas (ALF member in Sweden)

This training is designed for all those who are willing to bring their transnational and/or intercultural projects to the next level. If you are looking for new ways to make your projects more resilient and adaptable to the fast-changing environments we live in, this is of your interest! Are you ready for an upgrade?

During this training, we will explore new methods to develop your projects and we will discover how to overcome some of the biggest challenges we are facing nowadays such as diversity management or digitalisation. Furthermore, we will work on risk management for resilience and dive into our own resilience capacities as individuals and team members. 

You will have the opportunity to work on your own project and apply all that we learn on the way, guaranteeing a full hands-on learning experience. And you won't do this alone! We will be continuously working in groups and interacting with each other, so you will be able to learn from others and expand your horizons. In this training, you are the protagonist. We promise a journey full of learning, engagement, fun and action!

Uppsala Konstnärsklubb, Uppsala Artist Association

National Network

C/O Regina Mucwicki Mabrouk
Himmelsvägen 34
S-743 35 Storvreta


Mobile Phone
+ 46(0) 736 52 68 17
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Association is for members only, consisting of professional artists living in Uppsala or close to the city. There are approximately 130 members today. The board consists of eight members + plus the two directors who are responsible for the galleries and a workshop the members share. The budgetary resources that was available for the year 2007: 259 000 SEK and for the year 2008: 308 00 SEK. Main funding is Uppsala Municipality and members fees. Main activities are exhibitions, the shared workshop, international exchange projects, arranging cultural events, seminars and being part of the cultural debate in Uppsala.
Mission and Objectives

It was created in 1955 mainly to create a meeting place for the local artists, but also the association wanted to increase the artists´ possibilities to support themselves as professional artists. For this a member’s gallery and a working place was necessary. Through the years the artists have become more nationally and internationally oriented. The association is now an important and creative part of the artistic activities in Uppsala Municipality.

Main Projects / Activities

Being a meeting place for artists, running an art gallery for its members – Galleri 1 (with approximately 16 exhibitions/ year) and “Annexet” for guest artist from other countries and other parts of Sweden as well as members. With public events as seminars, workshops and debates. The association also runs a workshop/studio with a fully equipped graphic studio. For artists exchanges there are possibilities for accommodations for two persons.
Locally oriented art projects are for instance collaboration with the Linné garden and with the University of Uppsala, the ARTEMIS project. There is an annual art exchange program with Visby, Gotland, Sweden and Wismar in Germany. Members and groups of members are or have recently been involved in international exchange projects. There has been collaboration with artists from Japan, China, Latin America and Russia creating different art projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Regina Mucwicki Mabrouk , secretary

Vardagens civilkurage (Everyday Civil Courage)

National Network

Möllevångsgatan 30b
214 20 Malmö

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The organisation consists of a national board and 5 member chapters with their own local boards. At the moment the organisation have 7 employees. 2 project managers, 3 local coordinators, 1 project coordinator and 1 member coordination. We are an organization conducting practical training in civil/moral courage and conflict transformation. Many organizations are focused on seminars and advocacy work. We are focusing on behavioural training through methods such as role play and dialogue techniques. A practical method in order to create more democratic, equal and just societies. We have open trainings to the public once a week in Malmö in various cities in Sweden; Gothenburg, Malmoe, Växjö, Uppsala and in Dalarna - and have exclusive trainings with groups and networks of youths. The main activity we arrange is practical training in civil courage. Each local chapter have their own place where training is held regularly. Besides from this we have arranged study circles, seminars/lectures and training for trainers. On a national level, the main partners of the organisation are Centralasiengrupperna and ABF. On a local level, we have different partners such as Frilagret in Gothenburg, Ungdomens hus in Uppsala and Orsa, Girl Tech in Växjö, Underverket in Malmö, Undgomstinget och Tamam in Lund.  
Mission and Objectives

Vardagens civilkurage is a youth organization that promotes active citizenship, democracy and equality. The purpose of the association is, through practical training, to promote skills and knowledge of civil courage for children and youths. Through our method children and youths learn to intervene in different life situations characterized by oppression, inequality, exclusionary norms, abuse of power, discrimination, injustice and violence.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activity within the organisation is our practical civil courage training, which we call a Dojo. By using a roleplay method we stage a situation where we see injustice or oppression of any kind. By doing this we create the opportunity to concrete and practical try out different techniques in order to make the situation more democratic or just.
Each training would focus on a different themes, such as racism, sexism or maybe different kinds of suppression techniques(härskartekniker). All of these oppression do exist in differents places, it could be on the street but also around the family dinner. We believe that civil courage training is something everyone could and also should take part in and therefor that is our main activity within the organisation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Frida Ekerlund
Job Title
Malmö group
Head of the organisation
Frida Ekerlund
Contact (2) Full Name
IdaLisa Wiik
Job Title (2)
Gothenburg gourp

Västra Götalandsregionen/ Culture office

National Network

Box 764
451 26 Uddevalla

+46-10 44 10 000 (Swichboard),
+46 522670805
Mobile Phone
+46 709504133
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
  3. Others
General Information

Political organistion at regional level with a lot of different responsibilities like health care, communications, business and culture and recreation. The budget for culture is roughly 780 milj skr 2006. Cultur for youth people has a high priority and the culture office have the commission to support and initiated a lot of projects and exchanges to force the development.   Västra Götalandsregionens verksamheter leds av regiondirektören. Regiondirektörens uppdrag är att genomföra de politiska besluten tillsammans med Västra Götalandsregionens 55 000 anställda. Verksamheterna är organiserade i förvaltningar och bolag som alla har en politisk styrelse. Exmpel på förvaltningar är sjukhusen, Närhälsan, Folktandvården, Västarvet och Koncernkontoret. Exempel på bolag är GöteborgsOperan och Västtrafik. Inom förvaltningarna och bolagen utförs olika typer av verksamheter. Den operativa verksamheten leds av en förvaltningschef (eller vd för bolagen), som arbetar utifrån de politiska beslut som fattats i respektive nämnd/styrelse. Utöver det operativa genomförandet har verksamhetens ledning också ansvar för att ta fram underlag till sin nämnd eller styrelse.  

Mission and Objectives

Kulturnämnden stöttar och utvecklar kulturen på flera olika sätt: genom långsiktiga uppdrag, kulturstrategiska utvecklingsstöd (treåriga) samt olika typer av sökbara stöd och stipendier. Målet är att kulturen i regionen ska hålla högsta tänkbara kvalitet, vara tillgänglig för alla och starkt bidra till att utveckla ett hållbart, demokratiskt samhälle där alla människor är delaktiga i utvecklingen.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Eira Högforsen
Head of the organisation
Katti Hoflin (Culture Director)