

National Network


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Others
General Information
Somos 20 trabajadores. El presupuesto del 2019 fue: 650.325,00. El 90% de recursos propios, 3% de cofinanciación de formación. El 5% subvenciones privadas y el 2% publicas Socios principales Caritas, Adsis, ACCEM, Casal Pou de la Figuera, muchas entidades Los proyectos principales son: 1) Inserción socio laboral (formación e inserción) para personas en situación de exclusión social, sobre todos los inmigrantes sin documentación y menores que migran solos. 2) Desarrollo comunitario y sensibilización: actividades que aportan a la cohesión social (talleres, espacios de encuentro intergeneracionales e interculturales, espacio de reflexión y conocimiento mutuo, etc.) Materiales de gran impacto para la sensibilización y material para la realización de actividades con institutos y diferentes colectivos 3) Actividades de economía social y solidaria, sostenibilidad del proyecto y herramienta de inserción sociolaboral. Todos los trabajadores son ex alumnos y alumnas
Mission and Objectives

La Fundació Ciutadania Multicultural (FCM) – Mescladis nace en el 2005 con el objetivo de aportar en la acomodación de inmigrantes y ciudadanos nativos a través de iniciativas educativas  que promueven la cohesión social e iniciativas de economía solidaria que facilitan la inserción socio laboral.
Es un proyecto social y sin fin de lucro con más de 15 años que trabaja por una ciudad inclusiva, diversa y solidaria. Desde Mescladís facilitamos la entrada al mundo laboral de vecinas y vecinos en exclusión y llevamos a la práctica acciones educativas, económicas y culturales que ponen en valor la diversidad, el derecho a migrar, el feminismo y la justicia social.
Mescladís es un proyecto con probado impacto social, capacidad de gestión y referente de emprendeduría social en Barcelona. Nuestro modelo favorece una economía sostenible, inclusiva y socialmente responsable.

Main Projects / Activities

Programa “Cuinant Oportunitat”, formación de Camareros y Ayudantes de cocineros que fomenta la inserción socio-laboral a través de una formación teórico práctica. La formación se realiza en nuestro restaurante – escuela y en las instalaciones dedicadas exclusivamente para la formación. Se ofrece un espacio óptimo para adquirir las competencias necesarias en todos los ámbitos, tanto técnicos, como competencias transversales y el desarrollo de la formación en un espacio profesional. Finalizado el período de formación en nuestra escuela, los estudiantes realizan las prácticas en empresas del sector que suelen colaborar con el programa. Esto refuerza su aprendizaje a la vez que brinda la oportunidad de obtener un contrato de trabajo o conseguir la regularización en las situaciones que así lo requieran. Se trabaja la formación desde un punto de vista integral, no sólo se hace hincapié en la formación técnica, sino también en el desarrollo de sus competencias transversales, y en su relación y aporte a la comunidad. Se trabaja con una red de entidades del barrio y con una red de empresas del sector de la hostelería.
Este programa ha recibido a lo largo de los años el apoyo de Càritas, la Caixa, el Departament de Treball, Secretaria de Immigració i Fundació Caixa Catalunya.
Programa “Diàlegs migrants” i “la cuina solidaria”. “Diàlegs Migrants”, es un programa de arte comunitario basado en la fotografía a través del cual se promueve el dialogo intercultural, el objetivo es generar reflexión y debate sobre la política migratoria actual y los derechos humanos. Aborda la inmigración actual desde una perspectiva histórica, generando un espacio de encuentro entre la inmigración de los años cincuenta y sesenta y la actual, también genera a través de sus proyectos, espacios de reflexión entre personas autóctonas e inmigrantes. Innovadora forma de expresión y difusión, a través de la cual se logra llegar a mayor cantidad de público aumentando sus efectos. El programa “La cuina Solidària” está formado por un conjunto de talleres que se adaptan a las diferentes edades y colectivos, tiene como objetivo promover el encuentro y el enriquecimiento mutuo. Pretende reforzar el conocimiento y la confianza entre los diferentes colectivos de inmigrantes y la población autóctona ayudando a crear un clima integrador desde el respeto. Talleres infantiles “Cuinar és un Joc”; “Cuinar en familia”, Taller para adolescentes “Mirades Gastronòmiques”, Taller intergeneracional “Cuina de Yayas”, Taller para adultos “Gustos del Món” y Taller para Personas mayores “Cuinarte”. Estas actividades se realizan con el soporte de los alumnos y alumnas del programa Cuinat Oportunitat, quienes actúan como promotor de los talleres contribuyendo a su desarrollo personal y empoderamiento. Los talleres para niños y adultos en los mercados de Pagés de Barcelona se realizan en colaboración con la Xarxa Solidaria de Consum.
Este programa ha recibido el soporte de la Diputació de Barcelona y el ayuntamiento de Barcelona.
Talleres para Niños
Talleres para adultos . Gustos del Mon
Parrticipación y dinamización en el mercado de Pagés de Germanetes.
Desarrollo comunitarios participación en Federación para la gestion comunitaria del CAsal Pou de la Figuera, participacion en proyecto Donale la volta ala plaça, Participacion en Taula de la Salut, Participación en grupo Eixample Acull
Formaciones acerca de las migraciones y la diversidad realizadas a jóvenes, y adultos en Mescladis o fuera, Formación, presentaciones y jornadas de reflexión. Utilización de materiales generados con el programa Dialogos Migrantes, Novela Gráfica Un regalo para Khusbu
Área de Sostenibilidad. Entendiendo sostenibilidad desde un punto de vista holístico, sostenibilidad social, económica y ambiental. Luchamos por la sostenibilidad económica del proyecto a través de la explotación del Espai Mescladis (terraza – restaurante ubicada en Carders 35) y del restaurante Escuela Mescladis (ubicado en Borrell 122) generando a partir de ella la mayoría del presupuesto del proyecto, facilitando el desarrollo de las otras áreas. Además esta actividad económica nos permite completar el círculo de inserción laboral, puesto que casi la totalidad del equipo del Espai Mescladis está compuesto por ex alumnas del programa Cuinant Oportunitat y nos da la posibilidad de realizar procesos de regularización en los casos necesarios. Trabajamos, en la medida de lo posible, con productores de proximidad, productos artesanos, ecológicos y de comercio justo.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Creando sinergias con otras entidades y  fomentando, con nuestros trabajos,  el diálogo intercultural

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Porque Meslcadís tiene como misión contribuir en la acomodación de inmigrantes y ciudadanos nativos mediante iniciativas económicas, educativas y culturales que promueven la cohesión social, el derecho a migrar y la justicia social.
Mescladís lleva 15 años impulsando iniciativas sociales que promueven una ciudad inclusiva y solidaria. Hemos desarrollado materiales muy potentes trabajando con historias de vidas, fotógrafos, cineastas e ilustradores y creemos fundamental trabajar en red para maximizar el impacto social y educativo. 
Al unirnos a la red esperamos poder interacturar con las otras entidades que comparten valores y objetivos similares para buscar sinergias y potenciar el trabajo realizado. 

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Fundació Ersilia

National Network

Frederic Mompou, 2, baixos, 08005 Barcelona

(34) 93 225 0313
Telephone (other)
(34) 93 224 0128
(34) 93 225 5112
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
(34) 686 04 8386
Mobile Phone (other)
(34) 620 77 9515
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
ERSILIA Foundation, a private non-profit institution from Barcelona (Spain), was created by the consulting company MCRIT sl 2004 to promote interdisciplinary and more proactive education by incorporating information and communication technologies. With the experience gained in the framework of the activities of the company founder, the Foundation Ersilia enjoys a solid base to carry out its objectives. It has three employees, 1 partner (Mcrit Ltd) and 20 volunteers (among them teachers and education related professionals). We are part of a group of over 500 organizations that signed the Barcelona’s Commitment towards Sustainability which has among its objectives increase social cohesion and public awareness of sustainability through environmental education. Also we are part of the group ANECAME (National Association of Multimedia Content and Applications for Education). Our budget rests on two main sources of funding: grants and private funds, mainly coming from our main partner Mcrit Ltd.
Mission and Objectives

ERSILIA Foundation, a private non-profit institution from Barcelona (Spain), was created to foster innovation in the education system through the use of advanced information and communication technologies.
Since its beginning Ersilia Foundation has developed educational websites, virtual labs and other inquiry-based teaching resources. The promotion of teachers, professionals and students networks has been one of Ersilia Foundation’s main objectives as a way of sharing information, resources and expertise.

Main Projects / Activities

Ersilia Foundation aims to promote innovation in education, by any non-profit activity, and especially the following:
• Development and maintenance of educational resources aimed at specific courses and training programs.
• Design and production of multimedia educational content.
• Development and maintenance of educational resources to foster citizen participation processes and public awareness of sustainability.
• Activities for the exchange of ideas and knowledge through meetings, talks, seminars or conferences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Teresa Guevara
Head of the organisation
Andreu Ulied
Contact (2) Full Name
Jaume Jorba

Fundació General de la Universitat de Valencia (General Foundation of the University of Valencia)

National Network

Amadeo de Saboya, 4 (46010) Valencia, Spain

+34 963 531 063
Telephone (other)
+34 963 983 6119
+36 963 531 090
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
FUNDACIO GENERAL DE LA UNIVERSITAT DE VALENCIA (FGUV) is a public body created by the University of Valencia in 1983, whose primordial aim is to cooperate in the accomplishment of the targets of the University of Valencia. Our staff is made up of ninety-three persons spread over different departments. Sources of funding: 70% public and 30% private. Our range of activities includes the promotion and development of different cultural activities, cooperation to development in different countries, the promotion of employment for undergraduates and postgraduates and support to disabled. FGUV is a member of different networks and associations at a local and European level, such as the Spanish Association of Foundations, ENCATC, Leo-net, European Network on Regional Labour Market Monitoring, Eumed, Elsir Mundus.
Mission and Objectives

Its main objectives are supporting education, research, cultural dissemination, and the overall human development of potential recipients through different action lines:
-Promotion and development of different cultural activities particularly in the field of painting, music creation and theatre
-Collaboration in organising conferences, courses, or academic and scientific seminars and promotion of the publishing of books
-Promotion and management of development cooperation projects at a local and International level
-Collaboration and support to student guidance programmes in the disabled and employment areas.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities of the FGUV are related to culture:
- ARTS: The University of Valencia’s exhibition hall welcomes in its many rooms, exhibitions in the field of painting, photography, drawing, throughout the year by great national and international artists.
- MUSICAL ACTIVITIES: the Philharmonic Orchestra of University of Valencia and the University Choir
- THEATRE: annual programs, permanent workshops, Theatre Group and Performances of “Erasmus Scene”.
Furthermore, the FGUV is an important cultural tool for the University of Valencia and fulfills its tasks through these centres:
- EUROPEAN DOCUMENTATION CENTRE: designed by the European Commission to collect and disseminate the European Union’s publications for the purposes of research and education.
- EMPLOYMENT: through the Observatory of job insertion and occupational guidance, whose main aim is to facilitate and promote the employment of all University students and graduates.
- DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION: the FGUV manages development co-operation projects, that promote sustainable economic growth and improvements in the living standards in emerging economies, promoting the dialogue,
- DISABLED: We provide aid for disabled students

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The FGUV is a university foundation which develops actions in different cultural fields, such as painting, photography, drawing, music, theatre and dance. One of our objectives is to encourage and disseminate the creative activity among University students.
The FGUV promotes respect for others and international cooperation among people, through activities to raise awareness of the importance of human rights (seminars, lectures and publications). Also, the FGUV manages the UNESCO Chair in Development Studies that promotes cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and a culture of peace.
Furthermore, the FGUV focuses on building co-operation with educational institutions in emerging economies (mainly in South America), working in development cooperation projects.
The FGUV works for people with disabilities to ensure the principle of equal opportunities. In the area of employment, we develop lines of work for the Promotion of Integration of disabled university students.
As a university foundation, the FGUV has set up a network of communication with different Universities and institutions from around the world who help us to develop projects to work towards achieving targets set by the University of Valencia.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

It is an opportunity to exchange ideas on approaches and best practices with other organizations, have the opportunity to develop joint projects, promote intercultural dialogue, diversity among different cultures from the Euro-Mediterranean region. Promoting a commitment to share values that transcend our social, religious and other cultural difference, such as peace, human rights, democracy

Contact (1) Full Name
Cristóbal Suria Luengo
Head of the organisation
Esteban Morcillo Sánchez- President and Rector of the University of Valencia
Contact (2) Full Name
Paula Iranzo Calpe

Fundació Institut Català de la Cuina

National Network

Muntaner, 179 Pral. 1ª


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
. Structure de l'organisation: 4 membres de l'équipe et le comité scientifique freelance. . Modalités d'action sont les projets concrets, principalement. . Partenaires principaux: le Gouvernement de la Catalogne, l'Université de Barcelone, l'Université Ouverte de Catalogne et des entreprises privées.
Mission and Objectives

. Enquêter, d'explorer et de diffuser le patrimoine catalan culinaires.
. Afin de promouvoir la relation entre les cultures par le biais des aliments et la alimentation.
. Offrir une tribune pour le débat et la participation collective de notre cuisine professionnelle.

Main Projects / Activities

Recherche, diffusion du patrimoine culturel, etc.
Projets européens: Medtaste (Mediterranean taste for languages), industries culturelles Valle del Cauca et Cauca, Taste for Peace, Résau Ibertur, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mònica Colomer
Head of the organisation
Pepa Aymamí
Contact (2) Full Name
Jordi Bages

Fundació Interarts

National Network

Carrer Mallorca 272, 9th floor
Barcelona 08037

(+34) 934 877 022
(+34) 934 872 644
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
The Interarts Foundation is a private centre based in Barcelona, with 12 members of staff. Its main sources of funding are local, regional and national authorities, international organisations and private organisations. Its range of activities includes research and consultancy projects, one-off seminars and regular conference programmes, training activities and information services. An interest in the converging areas between culture and development and an international spirit are the two main defining lines. Regular partners include the Barcelona City Council, the Barcelona Provincial Council (Diputació), the Government of Catalonia (Generalitat), the Government of Spain and the Organisation of Iberoamerican States (OEI).
Mission and Objectives

The Interarts Foundation aims to develop a better knowledge of the cultural sector, its public policy-making, its private and third sector initiatives, and its contribution to other areas of urban, regional and international development. Interarts aims to combine its research activity with international cooperation to foster cultural dialogue and the exchange of expertise, and to devise strategies for creative cities and cultural entrepreneurs.

Main Projects / Activities

Our areas of work include the following:
? Applied research, on areas including cultural policy, culture and local development, cultural rights, creative industries, international cultural cooperation, etc.
? Multilateral cooperation, through the organisation of or participation in international debates, conferences, networks and publications on cultural matters.
? Information services, including monthly e-newsletter Cyberkaris.
? Training activities
? Advice and consultancy to public and private organisations in the field of culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mercedes Giovinazzo, Director
Head of the organisation
Mercedes Giovinazzo, Director

Fundació Internacional Olof Palme

National Network

Carrer Veciana 38 08023 Barcelona

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Olof Palme International Foundation is organised around two areas: Academic Department, that organises encounters, conferences, courses and seminars, offering formation related to current international affairs and promoting the main objectives of the foundation. The second area is the International Cooperation and Human Aid Department, that gives a quick answer to emergency situations around the world and organises concrete campaigns to provide resources for those who need them. 2 employees are working in each area. The budget predicted for year 2009 is 164,474 euros. The sources of funding come from Public Institutions in terms of public funds, (70,38 %), private funds (21,4 %)and student registrations (8%). Our foundation develops international cooperation projects in third world countries. Educational and health issues, as long as access to drinking water, have a priority. Some of the countries where Olof Palme International Foundation is working are: Palestine, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Algeria, Peru, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, Cuba, Somalia, Equatorial Guinea, etc.
Mission and Objectives

Olof Palme International Foundation is an organization created in 1989 by a group of people, such as Lisbeth Palme, Felipe González, Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, Joan Raventòs and Anna Balletbò, in order to make known and spread the main thoughts and works of Swedish Primer Minister murdered: Peace, Disarmament, Human Rights and north-south solidarity.
The main goals of our institution are:
.Defending Human Rights
.Creation of an opinion favourable to the ideas of peace and development.
.Promoting solidarity between north and south to overcome conflicts based on social inequalities, by the adaptation of Economy in order to reach all the society.
.Denouncing all kinds of dictatorships and social and individual aggressions.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects currently being executed or waiting to be started are:
From the International Cooperation and Human Aid Department:
-Student exchange Program in Georgia:
-Enlargement of a building and academic cooperation with Hotel & Tourism School in Namibia
-Human Rights and social development seminars in Equatorial Guinea
-Construction of a Special Education School in Jericho
-University Spanish-Syrian Seminar
From the Academic Area:
-Set of activities, whose objectives are complementing university studies and promoting the values of solidarity in culture of every person interested in our activities. These courses are recognised with university credits by Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
-Meeting at Sant Jeroni de la Murtra
-Economy Meeting at S’Agaró

Contact (1) Full Name
Eduardo Fernández Rodríguez
Head of the organisation
Anna Balletbò i Puig
Contact (2) Full Name
Esther Bermejo Moure

Fundació Pau i Solidaritat CCOO de Catalunya

National Network

Via Laietana, núm. 16, 7a planta
Barcelona (08003)

00 34 934812912
00 34 934812857
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
The Fundació Privada Pau i Solidaritat is a foundation linked to CCOO de Catalunya, the main trade union of Catalonia, which accounts for 180.000 members. 0.7% of all trade union membership fees are destined to the budget funds of the foundation. Other than those, the foundation has 234 regular members whose membership fees provide a direct source of funding. The funds are destined to projects of trade union development cooperation in countries of the South and to labour rights campaigns in Catalonia. The staff is made-up of 3 employees and 3 trade union delegates. The partners involved are usually trade union organisations from countries of the South.
Mission and Objectives

The Fundació Privada Pau i Solidaritat, created by CCOO de Catalunya, is a NGO for the defence of Labour Human Rights across the world by means of incorporating the trade union dimension to the processes of development cooperation.
We work with trade union organizations from the South (Mediterranean Area, Latin America, Balkans Region) so as to strengthen them through projects of international development cooperation. We also implement awareness campaigns in Catalonia that revolve around the concept of decent work for everybody as well as the promotion of the culture of peace.
We take part, together with other actors of the international cooperation field, in the promotion of international solidarity policies and we also work for raising public awareness towards social change and justice.

Main Projects / Activities

Our projects in the Euro-Mediterranean region are the following:
- Support to trade union training for the promotion and strengthening of workers’ actions as democratic agents in Algeria.
- Support to the programme of assessment to unemployed Arab women of Israel in order for them to become employed in the agricultural sector.
- Programme for the strengthening and training of metalworkers’ trade unions in Bosnia-Herzegovina , Serbia, Kosovo and Macedonia.
- Awareness campaign for the respect of labour human rights of women workers in the countries of the South: Egypt, Colombia, Israel and Balkans Region.
- Programme for reciprocal visiting and training of teachers between the towns of Chefchaouen (Morocco) and Girona (Catalonia).
- Publishing of an audiovisual work related to the 15th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina).
Our main projects in Latin America are the following:
- Strengthening of trade union organizations from Central America for the accomplishment of the Strategic aims of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
- Strengthening of the organisation structure of the trade unions belonging to the cleaning sector in the Callao region of Peru, together with the promotion of a gender focus in those organisations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a foundation linked to a main trade union. Therefore our management has always focused in trade union development trough international cooperation projects. We can contribute to the Network by providing a trade union point of view, id est. the point of view of an important type of social partner in society.
Other than this, we can contribute to the Network by providing it with a 20-year-long expertise on social and economic development and, above all, on Labour Human Rights integrated in the so-called triple dimension of development: social, cultural and economic.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our organisation is now shifting its main target area from Latin America to the Euro-Mediterranean Region, where we already have been working over the last 10 years on projects in the Maghreb region, the Balkans Area and the Palestinian community of Israel.
In the framework of the Mediterranean Spring occurred over the last year and a half our organisation wants to be involved in the amelioration of the social conditions of the Southern Mediterranean inhabitants and the improvement of social dialogue in those states; the fact that the headquarters of the Union for the Mediterranean are in located in Barcelona and the Catalan tradition to look at the Mediterranean, acknowledged by the Barcelona Declaration of 1995, couples in an renowned interest for us in working with new partners in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michela Albarello (coordination)
Head of the organisation
Ricard Bellera i Kirchhoff (head); Mercè Campabadal i Calbó (direction)
Contact (2) Full Name
Josep-Maria Benito i Bassas (administration)

Fundació Plataforma Educativa

National Network

Garrotxa, 7-9 baixos, 17006 Girona

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Plataforma Educativa Foundation originated from Plataforma Educativa 3ESSES Association. We are a nonprofit organization dedicated to educational work since 1994. Our patrimony is affected to activities of public interest in the field of social action with respect to persons in situations or at risk of social exclusion and like-minded organizations with whom to develop joint projects. In 2002 the association became a foundation governed by a 12-member board of directors. It is registered in the Foundations Register of the Government of Catalonia, number 1790. As a Development NGO it is registered in the Spanish Register of International Cooperation and in the Catalan Agency of Cooperation and Development since 2006. In order to articulate effective responses to the needs of our beneficiaries and the emerging social needs of the community, in the last decade Plataforma Educativa has grown into a group of ten nonprofit organizations coordinated by Plataforma Educativa Foundation.
Mission and Objectives

To design, create, and develop programs and services which improve the quality of life of persons and groups in situations or at risk of social exclusion.
The will and ends of Plataforma Educativa constitute a rich tapestry of intentions, actions, methodologies, and alliances which help us define and develop projects and programs designed to answer historical and emerging needs of persons in vulnerable groups.

Main Projects / Activities

o Career counseling and job placement for people with disabilities or in other vulnerable groups
o Employment for people with intellectual disabilities or in other vulnerable groups
o Child, adolescent, and disabled residential care
o Foster care
o Preschool management
o CSR consulting
o Training
o International development
o International programs and projects with people and organizations in the public, business, and social sectors
o Volunteering

Contact (1) Full Name
Guillem Compte
Head of the organisation
Jordi Pascual

Fundació Privada Desenvolupament Comunitari (FDC)

National Network

Fàbrica del Sol (1a planta)
Pg. Salvat Papasseït,1


+34 93 2680477
+34 93 2680139
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
FDC is a private, non lucrative and social economy organisation, created in 1993 for innovation, production and knowledge management in the field of public policies. FDC has 29 workers and a "board" (Patronat), who decides the strategy, consisting of 12 members. The president, with the Executive Manager, implement the decisions after having discussed them with the Coordination Group (CG). The CG consists of 8 members who are respectively responsible for specific areas (see attached FDC organigramme). FDC develops its action directly with local partners and within national and international networks - networking is a "must" -. The activities in the field of mediation, participation, accessibility and cooperation consist in research, consulting, training, seminars and workshops, as well as publications. Our main resources are public and private fundings, at the local, regional, national and european levels – see attached last European projets -. FDC yearly budget is about 1.450.000€.
Mission and Objectives

Promotion and facilitation of social dialogue – in close cooperation with the social stakeholders -, in order people and groups to live together in good relation. Each project incorporates the following values, in accordance with the realities of the regions where the projects take place:
- citizen participation, through listening and ensuring the involvement of social actors in the territory, at both levels of thoughts and action;
- promotion of peaceful coexistence, through the management of the intercultural diversity and the mutual - respect for divergent views and opinions;
- equality of opportunities for all citizens, through the principles of “Universal Accessibility” and “Design for All” which take into account the diversity of necessities, from the very concept to the final product.
- Gender policies and work with women, as a transverse axis of all the projects.
- Social creativity which enables innovative and dynamic approaches to changing environments.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities are in the fields of:
- Participation and local development
- Mediation and Community Action
- Accessibility and Equal Opportunities
- Social inclusion: community plans, social creativity, sport, gender issues and evaluation
For each activity, FDC offers:
Research work
Services and Projects Management
Innovation and pilot projects
FDC has an International Area which promotes projects in these different fields at the European, Mediterranean, African and Latinamerican levels. Actually, FDC international activities is the continuity of the work done in Catalunya, so that the exchange of good practices in the field of Community Development contribute to build a more coherent, more democratic and more just society at both local, regional, national and international levels.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gianni Orsini
Head of the organisation
Carles Riera Albert
Contact (2) Full Name
Josep Maria Navarro

Fundació Somiadors Solidaris

National Network

Ricard Ankerman 35 a bajos
07006 Palma

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Fundació Somiadors Solidaris is a small Balearic nonprofit Foundation independent and non-discriminatory of race, origin, gender and / or religion. We aspire to be a bridge between companies, government and private initiative to fulfill the wishes, dreams and illusions of the most disadvantaged groups, through the creation of businesses and projects solidarity, both internationally and in the Balearic Islands for cooperation, training and personal development, awareness and culture. Our dream is to be a reference and promoter of citizen participation, providing training, awareness, personal development, culture and international cooperation. Therefore, we participate in projects of citizen participation, with the time bank, helping young entrepreneurs in their business plans, we advise them and we collaborate to put them in contact with the social agencies for food aid economic helps and career. And we perform activities of education, training and integration of groups at risk of social exclusion. Somiadors Solidaris was incorporated by public deed on 14 February 2011. It was registered in the National Register of Foundations of the Balearic Islands with the number 100000000296 (BOIB 92 of 21/06/2011.) And the Register of Institutions of Social Services of the Balearic Islands with the number 1000. Fundació Somiadors Solidaris was created with multidisciplinary, multicultural, secular and nonpartisan vocation,promoting social cohesion and peace, tolerance, solidarity, dialogue, gender equality, sustainable social development, environmental and recycling. Its operation should be governed by the principles of efficiency, agility, transparency, non-discrimination, participation, promotion, solidarity, non-party and non-denominational. Our Areas of action are: 1-International cooperation, development cooperation, co-development and eco-development. 2- Training and education. 3- Awareness. 4- Culture  
Mission and Objectives

To be a bridge between business, government and private initiative and to help for the wishes, dreams and illusions of the most disadvantaged groups through culture, art,training, awareness, personal and business development and national and nternational cooperation.
To get a better distribution of resources and promote the comprehensive personal development of individuals.Implement a culture of solidarity based on participation, efficiency and transparency and networking.

Main Projects / Activities

On July 2015, we won the XII Blas Infante Solidarity Prize 2015 with our "dream project" multi-cultural civic center.

To optimize the prize and raise funds for the civic center, we decided to organize three to five educational solidarity days through lectures, workshops on social, health and personal development, ecology-feeding and other activities (such as social relational art, music and cuisine from around the world) on weekends throughout 2016.
This series of specific activities in a day would replicate the model of the civic center and would finance the final project, a Multicultural Civic Center.
We want to promote interrcultural exchange through arts and creative process, personal development and education for immigrants, youth and  people on risk of social exclusion.
At the same time, we participate with the Time Bank Network of Palma and Adventreks Eco-Society and Welfare Association in India.It focuses on humanitarian projects in India for the integration and development of children, oppressed communities and impoverished families.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We want to promote development education , personal development, social participation and social change agents and be a bridge between enterprises, administration and citizens.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that Anna Lindh foundation is a very active , interesting internactional network. We are following  you long time ago and read whatever you do. In addition Irenia Jocs de Pau , is in contact with us.
However, all the people who work in our organization are voluntary and we did not want to assume obligations that we could not fulfill. Now we have a more stable team and now we can assume the challenge to participate in your network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Angela Pazos Arciniega
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Angela Pazos Arciniega