
Fundación Dieta Mediterránea

National Network

Fundación Dieta Mediterránea
Johann Sebastian Bach, 8 entlo 2ª
08021 Barcelona


0034 93 414 31 58
Telephone (other)
0034 93 5171835
0034 93 209 94 07
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The FDM is a non-profit organisation that collaborates both with public institutions ad with civil society, other foundations and associations, research institutes ... Its staff is composed by 11 professionals from different areas of expertise. The FDM Scientific Secretariat is located in the Parc Científic of Barcelona, a scientific centre of excellence that houses different research groups and organizations, both independent and affiliated with the University of Barcelona. Its Scientific Committee consists of 23 recognised scientist from 12 different Mediterranean and not Mediterranean countries. FDM Board is comprised of 3 public institution s: Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Action of Generalitat of Catalonia, Barcelona City Hall, and by 8 companies of the agro-food domain. Its average budget per year is about 900.000 € (foundational projects). The activities of Mediterranean Diet Foundation (seminars, conferences, publications, workshops) are financed mainly by the mentioned public bodies.
Mission and Objectives

The Mediterranean Diet Foundation (FDM) is a non profit organization with a strictly scientific and cultural agenda, whose main objective is the safeguarding of the millennium old heritage shared by the populations of the Mediterranean basin, whose philosophy of life, food and culinary traditions have awakened the interest of eminent scientists from around the globe in the last few decades due to its role in the promotion of population well-being and environmental sustainability.
All FDM activities aim to promote Mediterranean sense of identity and cooperation among the countries of the basin.
In November 2008 FDM was recommended by the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage to provide advisory services to the Committee.

Main Projects / Activities

- Transnational Technical Coordinator of the Nomination Project for the inscription of the Mediterranean Diet on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity of the UNESCO, jointly presented by governments of Greece, Italy, Morocco and Spain.
- Dissemination of new research findings and updates regarding the Mediterranean diet through biennial International Conferences
- Workshops on intangible cultural heritage (mostly focused on food), health and sustainable development, addressed to children, students and consumers.
- Organisation of international meeting on intangible cultural heritage (last one was held on 17th and 18th September in Barcelona. For more details see the News Section www.candidaturadietamediterranea.org.
Publishing of books about the Mediterranean Diet, with volumes directed toward professionals as well as the general public.
- Local, national and European projects aimed to promote healthy diet and protect the continuity of Mediterranean Diet ant its practices.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Nuria Rossell
Head of the organisation
Lluis Serra Majem
Contact (2) Full Name
Carmen Clapés

Fundación Ecología y Desarrollo

National Network

Plaza San Bruno, 9, 1º Oficinas

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The Foundation operates through different kind of projects, within the several departments (demonstrative projects, technical assistance projects, analysis and research, development cooperation and communication). Although the number of employees may vary from year to year, the average for the last years has been 35 people. The sources of funding are diverse, from public subsidies to particular projects, to private companies paying for consulting and environmental services. The Foundation has a wide net of partners and allies not only in Spain but in Latin America and the Maghreb.
Mission and Objectives

Ecology and Development is a private, independent and global, our mission is to help those who want to act for sustainability: a growing minority of individuals, businesses, media, non-profits, and governments that want to practice or sustainability practice in Spain and Latin America.

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation works in a wide spectrum of fields, from environmental protection and development through specific awareness campaigns, organizations advisory projects, CO"2 emissions reduction projects, social intervention as mediator, etc., to corporate social responsibility actions with public administrations and private organizations in areas such as action plans, human rights protection, climate change commitment, etc. We are the representative in Spain for Carbon Disclosure Project and EIRIS, and belong to several environmental and CSR networks in Spain.

Contact (1) Full Name
Miguel Marco Fondevila
Head of the organisation
D. Víctor Viñuales Edo
Contact (2) Full Name
Charlie Castro Lampón

Fundacion el Compromiso

National Network

Calle Serrano, 85, 1º Derecha. 28006, Madrid

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization: President, Vice-president, Secretary and the Responsible of the Department of International Cooperation.volunteers Budgetary in a year: 150.000 euros Sources: Private Donations and public financing Modalities of action: projects.
Mission and Objectives

As stated in the Bylaws, the Foundation's main objective is the development and aim in international cooperation. The Foundation acts performing acts of philanthropy, welfare and training programs for persons in need.
The Foundation's Commitment is involved in creating a more adjustable world in which everyone has free access to regular and adequate nutrition, education, health, employment and housing.
All this in a context of full respect for human rights and the environment.

Main Projects / Activities

Constructing Primary schools
Constructing latrines and water wells
Homes rehabilitation for child soldiers
Constructing Kindergarten
Constructing Nursery schools
Constructing Drying floors
Help AIDS patients

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By exchanging and working with other organizations

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join Alf Network because we want to open our door for more opportunities

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria del Carmen Pérez Meléndez
Head of the organisation
José Herrero de Egaña
Contact (2) Full Name
Alicia Molina

Fundacion Escuela de Solidaridad

National Network

Avenida Moises 1
18330 Atarfe Granada

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Community hosting to supports people in situations of vulnerability and social exclusion.

Mission and Objectives

The Mision it is contribute to the improvement of our society by welcoming, valuing and making visible people in situations of vulnerability, poverty and social exclusion.

In our self-managed community we receive mothers with children in emergency situations, young immigrants, people with special needs without family, teenagers in risk situations or other people in need of a home. Our aim is to create a sense of an extended family, life in solidarity and education in values and to give support for personal development and social (re)integration. The educational role falls to all members, since each one is a reference point for the others.

The Foundation acts in socio-cultural, sports, environmental, health, information and non-formal education sectors, directing its training activities to its members and the general public. The methodology applied is that of "learning by doing". We pay particular attention to initiatives with a European dimension and to the dissemination of good practices. The Foundation has created a large network of organizations and institutions - both at regional and European level - in order to be able to refer people to specialized facilities when needed, to exchange good practices and to work together on creating and promoting a common European strategy in working with vulnerable people. Furthermore, it has attracted the support of volunteers (Spanish and European) who have been committed for many years now to support initiatives in favour of the most disadvantaged people, thus formalising the work carried out by members of civil society and professionals from the most diverse sectors: education, medicine, agriculture, the environment, sport and art.

The Foundation is dedicated above all to the attention and social reinsertion of people without discrimination of gender, religion, origin or age, giving all the necessary instruments for real participation, especially to those who have less opportunities. To this end, we promotes initiatives to develop creativity and social cohesion through lifelong learning by stimulating the exchange and mobility of ideas and people, the participation of active (European) citizenship initiatives, cooperation between associations, citizens and institutions, in favour of the consolidation of European ideals.

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation houses in its facilities disadvantaged people from Spain and immigrants from Africa, Eastern Europe and South America of all genders and ages, in an attempt to support them in their personal and professional development. We look back at many years of experience in working with this target group.
In addition, we carry out training activities on methods and tools for social intervention and the dynamics of community life with associations and public institutions.
The concept of the Fundación de Solidaridad is supported by specific programs through which we intervene with the people living here, enabling them for their future (re)integration. Those programs are:

The Foundation welcomes mothers with their children, providing a warm and familiar environment, where they are not only provided with food, accommodation and all the basic needs, but also find the love and support they need to (re)gain their independence.
Most of the cases we are confronted with are single mothers who have immigrated to Spain and have no or only little support from their family back home. Our aim is to foster the well-being of the women as well as of the children by providing them with a stable, safe and supportive environment, relieving the women by helping taking care of the children collectively. We have a self-managed day care center, where the children have a place of recreation and care while the women have time to engage in other activities. There is no time restriction for the people living in our community - they are welcome to stay as long as they need it.

This program is aimed at the reintegration into the labour market. Most of the people living with us have great difficulties in entering the world of work (immigrants, adults with little training, people with special needs, single mothers etc.)

We have several occupational workshops such as hairdressing, candle and soap making, working with copper, wood, glass or ceramics, forging, sewing and dressmaking. These workshops are fundamental for the people to feel useful and to recover their self-esteem lost due to their circumstances. We also aim at providing the opportunity to try out and train different kinds of work which the people could exercise in the future for their social reinsertion. As we are committed to working as environmental sustainable as possible, all our workshops focus of reusing and recycling materials.

With this program the Foundation aimes above all at young people at risk and with a high level of school failure by giving them support classes. Also, we offer language classes to immigrants with little or no skills in Spanish.
These classes are not only given to people from the Foundation, but for some time now young people from Sierra Elvira, Atarfe and Pinos Puente have also been attending and have become part of our FES family. This has also had repercussions on our bond and integration with the neighbours of our village.The great support of our network of organizations and volunteers helps us to carry out this program. This way we could already offer various courses in English, French, Computing, Maternal Training, Work Orientation, Gender Equality and so on.

The Foundation makes sure that, once the people leave our community, we continue to stay in touch with them until they succeed in their social (re)integration. Our aim is that FES stays a place where they feel at home, a second home, and that their children can continue to participate in all the leisure and weekend activities organized by the Foundation.

This program is aimed at promoting healthy leisure activities in nature among young people. We organize trips and activities like hiking in the surrounding mountains, kayaking, biking and so on.
We want to motivate the young people to exercise, to give them the opportunity to let off some steam, to get in touch with nature and to bond over the joint activities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Fundación Escuela de Solidaridad (FES) is a project that develops different types of program open to its partners, volunteers, users and colleagues from other organizations at a regional and international level.

These programs are multiple and of different kinds:

- Local programs of occupational activities: in the community everyone can participate in our occupational activities to share experiences in different workshops that have free access with people who represent, today, 25 countries and a wide range of groups. The objective of the workshops is to generate learning, but also to offer services at low cost, pursuing a policy of environmental and social sustainability (wood, glass and metal carpentry workshops, ceramics, gathering, orchard, upholstery, sewing, crafts ...)

- Social entrepreneurship: in the FES we offer different services and learning to generate knowledge about social entrepreneurship: second-hand sales, hospitality and social accommodation, bicycle-world... in Sierra Elvira and Granada

- Courses: thanks to our participation in the Erasmus + program, our volunteers and collaborators can participate in international courses with scholarships offered by the FES in addition to being able to enter our international network of organizations that invite other professionals or students in other countries or ask to visit organizations in the Spanish territory.

- The FES, is an organization that leads international projects of various kinds, which does not simply have an administrative or research function, but pursues, through action research activity, a method of direct intervention with its users welcomed in the community that turn out to be 140 people.

The people we welcome represent all kinds of groups that can participate in other projects through research, participate in courses, collaborate according to the needs of the network partners.

Our experience is made available to the network unconditionally and constantly since it is by strengthening the network that we have been able to make our project grow by pursuing the methodology of self-management.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that our participation in the ALF network can be extremely enriching, from different points. On the one hand, our work towards civil society has the objective of raising awareness and creating alternative narratives to the paradigms through which vulnerable people in general are read, in such a way as to promote a community and a society with a more inclusive perspective and Empathetic towards difference. In this sense, ALF objectives and network is a perfect environment where to develop our knowledges and better our way to intervene with people we house in our community and that we support at local level.
Also we think it is very important to be part of ALF to make stronger our voices at National and International level, about how humanity organized in community, from a perspectiva based on self-mañana en can chanhe the world.

Through the network we can empower the impacts of the projects we create that propose exchanges with different organizations in Spain and Europe, in such a way as to mutually enrich each other. We believe that this network is a powerful platform for research and social intervention on issues that we consider relevant for the organizations that are also part of the network, such as gender equality, the inclusion of migrants and refugees, art as a tool of social transformation, intercultural mediation, self-management, experience the community. We believe that participation in the network can be enriching for other organizations in the intercultural area of the Mediterranean, as well as for us, given the possibility of creating a dialogue that empowers us and allows us to acquire new construction and work tools. The creation of new work networks is a constant objective for our organization, understanding it as a fundamental element for social work through which we can complement each other and learn about new experiences that keep our work methodologies updated and innovative in order to carry out a profound and effective intervention.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Dora Fanelli
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Ignacio Pereda Perez
Contact (2) Full Name
Ayelen Daniela Bursztyn
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Fundación Española para la Innovación de la Artesanía

National Network

C/ Lagasca 134 1º dcha.
28006 Madrid

+34 915 610 262
Telephone (other)
+34 915 901 075
+34 915 633 788
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Structure: 1 head of Organization, 1 technical secretary, 6 technicians for projects and 1 maintenance worker. Budgetary resources: between 800.000-900.000€ per year Sources of funding: public and private sources Modalities of action: promotion actions, concrete projects, national and international seminars, scholarships, training programs, ... Main Partners involved: local, regional ans state public administration, professional craftsman associations, universities, ...
Mission and Objectives

To work towards the promotion, professionalization and development of small craft businesses within the framework of the public policies established at state level for SMEs, via programmes orientated towards innovation in the sector’s different spheres of activity.
The Foundation, together with local governing bodies and craftsmen, collaborates in the process of adapting to new situations as required by the market, encouraging research and training.
a. To revitalize the Spanish craft sector, both within Spain and abroad:
» As a sector of the economy.
» As a fundamental part of the cultural heritage of Spain’s villages and peoples.
b. To provide a meeting place and a channel for technical cooperation and information transfer between professionals in the CRAFT sector, thus contributing to research and improvement in processes, marketing, design and business management.
c. To boost INNOVATION as the sector's principal development tool, innovation being defined as the introduction of improvements and new elements in any area of craft-related business which are capable of contributing towards its reinforcement.

Main Projects / Activities

Work Areas
1- Promotion of Spanish Crafts at both national and international level.
2- Support for the Craft sector.
3- Collaboration in the implementation of public policies of benefit to the craft sector.
4- Coordination between public institutions and the different players involved in the sector.
5- Support for Research and Studies into CRAFTS, fomenting the structuring of the sector, and the establishment of programmes for the same.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marta Klecker Alonso de Celada
Head of the organisation
Mercedes Valcárcel Dueñas

Fundación Euroárabe de Altos Estudios

National Network

San Jerónimo 27

(+34) 958 20 65 08
(+34) 958 20 83 54
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The Euro Arab Foundation for Higher Studies has its origins in the agreement reached by the European Parliament in 1984 for the creation of the Euro Arab University. On 10th October 1995 the Euro Arab Foundation was set up, an institution unique in the international arena due to its composition and its mission: create a space for dialogue and cooperation between the countries of the EU and those of the League of Arab States. The Foundation is governed by a Board of Trustees, presided over by the Spanish Secretary of State for Universities and Research (Spanish Ministry of Education and Science).
Mission and Objectives

• Encouraging teaching, research, information and technical assistance exchanges and collaborating with institutions from other geographical areas.
• Promoting postgraduate programmes in universities and research centres in Europe and the Arab world.
• Contributing to economic development and promoting cooperation between Arab and European countries through training programmes in human resources and executive management.
• Introducing into society the idea of respect for Science, and for the values of tolerance, objectivity, freedom, and good practice.
• Becoming a provider of useful, up-to-date and comprehensive information and resources through the creation of a network of institutional and social contributors.

Main Projects / Activities

Through its activities, the Foundation aims to dedicate all its efforts to promoting Euro-Arab cooperation, supporting academic and cultural activities and disseminating new ideas and trends in Science and Humanities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francisco Jurado
Head of the organisation
Juan Montabes Pereira

Fundación Iberoamericana de Industrias Culturales y Creativas

National Network

Apartado de Correos 290 (C/ Hidalgo, 47)
13700 Tomelloso

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
FIBICC is a non- profit institution that promotes training, cooperation and specific research in the fields of culture, art and creativity, in Europe, Latin America, Africa and MENA countries. FIBICC’s team consists of  6 interdisciplinary staff members and of 10 volunteers who regulary contribute in the activities of FIBICC.Our budgetary ressources consists of 300.000 € per year. Our 60% of  sources of funding are obtained from own funds (activities of La Harinera Museum, trainings…). Our 40% of sources of funding are obtained from public and european funds ( Spanish Ministry of Culture and Education, Spanish Youth Institute, Erasmus + programme. Our modalities of action are mainly cooperation projects , exchanges of good practices and contributions to peers seminars, training and non-formal education. We work closely with international and european partners, particularly through international networks as for example ENCATC, Res Artis, Plataform for Intercultural Europe, Transibérica, TEH, EENC…
Mission and Objectives

Fibicc's mission is to contribute to the development of the social and economic development through the promotion of cultural entrepreneurship, creative community support schemes, the establishment of collaborative networks and through research of cultural policies and management models in field of creative industries.
- Supporting those who want to innovate in the field of culture and creativity worldwide, from entrepreneurs to managers, designers, programmers and researchers.
- Contributing to the development of top professionals in the industry through our educational programmes in collaboration with several universities and academic institutions.
- Encouraging the development of culture in Spain, Latin America, Africa, and MENA countries.
- Making regular research and divulgation work in order to help consolidate and improve practices within an industry with a long road ahead.

Main Projects / Activities

-Promotion of Spanish and Latin American culture, with a special focus on the use of new technologies.
-Promotion and encouragement of cultural and creative industries throughout the Spanish territory, with a special interest in supporting young cultural actors, and therefore entrepreneurship.
-Promotion of research and development of technological and digital media tools for cultural and creative entrepreneurs.
-Strengthening of vocational education and specialized training in the sector.
-Promotion and contribution to scientific research and dissemination in the field of cultural economy.
-Promotion of international development cooperation in the field of arts and culture.
-Transmission of the social economy's values.
-Cultural programation in our own Museum in La Harinera,
(exhibition, music hall, etc. ) and creation of a virtual Museum " La Fábrica de la Memoria" (recuperation of women history).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can share new skills, new perspectives in art, culture and creativity areas... by participating with the partners involved in the ALF national Network and exchanging of good practices. We can also participate to the activities proposed by the ALF national Network as for example seminars, papers... 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network in order to develop and strengthen new partnerships and consequently new projects with the MENA Countries, which are a priority in our strategic actions plan.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sophia Lamsiyah
Job Title
Head of Department - International Relations and Cooperation.
Head of the organisation
Santiago Arroyo Serrano

Fundación Ibn Battuta

National Network

Calle del Puerto del Milagro, número 6
Portal 8, planta L, Puerta 8
28018 Madrid Madrid

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

La Fundación Ibn Battuta es una entidad sin ánimo de lucro, destinada a la divulgación cultural y social entre los países árabes y Europa, así como a la promoción de las personas procedentes de la diversidad cultural.

Mission and Objectives

Las finalidades de interés general de la fundación son:

Proporcionar apoyo social, cultural, educativo y laboral a las personas procedentes de la inmigración, con el fin de que sean plenamente ciudadanos europeos, con especial referencia a las de origen marroquí.

Promocionar en la sociedad europea a los jóvenes y mujeres procedentes de la diversidad, sobre todo en el ámbito cultural, educativo, deportivo y laboral, evitando la discriminación y el racismo de forma que se sientan ciudadanos de pleno derecho.

Facilitar la comprensión y la cultura mediante el conocimiento mutuo, el respeto, la interacción, la participación y la convivencia.

Fomentar la relación y vecindad con Marruecos y los países árabes mediante proyectos de cooperación en formación e inserción laboral u otros. También mediante actividades y viajes culturales y educativos que realcen la figura del viajero Ibn Battuta.

Main Projects / Activities

Atención y Acogida:
Mediante este servicio pretendemos que el usuario que acude a la Fundación pueda ser informado de los servicios que necesita en función de su demanda. Exponemos los recursos que tiene a su disposición por parte de la fundación, otras ONG, y de la red de servicios públicos.
Atención Jurídica:
El servicio jurídico de la entidad nos permite resolver dudas y cuestiones legales y administrativas que requieren una atención específica por parte de profesionales.
Alfabetitzación y conocimiento del entorno:
Mediante este proyecto la entidad ofrece la posibilidad de realizar clases de alfabetización (catalán y español), así como de conocimiento del entorno para las personas recién llegadas a nuestra sociedad
Difusión Cultural:
La difusión cultural se articula a través de presentaciones y conferencias que organiza la Fundación en todo el país.
Programa Incorpora:
Incorpora se ha convertido en un referente para la integración sociolaboral de personas en situación o en riesgo de exclusión social, se por eso que desde la Fundación Ibn Battuta nos sentimos satisfechos de participar de este programa y ofrecer la posibilidad de ayudar en en el proceso de búsqueda de trabajo, así como de fomentar procesos de creación empresarial entre personas emprendedoras mediante itinerarios personalizados .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Consideramos necesaria la existencia de un foro de encuentro específico sobre interculturalidad. Por ello estamos muy interesados en participar activamente en la Red española de la Fundación Anna Lindh, conformada por profesionales y técnicos/as de entidades sociales que intervienen en el ámbito de la gestión de la diversidad cultural.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Compartir los recursos de la gestión de la diversidad cultural, tanto públicos como privados, y dar respuestas a las necesidades y demandas que se plantean, especialmente por personas migrantes, creando líneas de actuación compartidas.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdelaziz Allaouzi Abakkouy
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohammed Chaib Akhdim
Contact (2) Full Name
Zenib Laari Inoune
Job Title (2)
Mediadora intercultural

Fundación Ideaborn

National Network

Plaza Comercial, 2 entresuelo 2
08003 Barcelona

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Fundación ideaborn was created by ideaborn SL in Colombia in 2010. It is a Non-Profit Organization aimed at supporting the work of State and non-State actors in improving access to justice, good governance and democracy at local level. In 2014 the foundation creates a delegation in Barcelona city to pursuit the same goals in the Mediterranean region. Fundación ideaborn receives yearly one third of the net profit of ideaborn SL and matches this funding with other private and public funding sources. Currently the foundation is promoting three large initiatives: (i) a network of youth, arts and sports organizations helping cities in the Americas to strengthen the impact of sports and arts in the primary prevention of violence and crime; (ii) a program to promote the education of civil and political rights in the schools of the Mediterranean area, together with ideaborn SL; iii) a program to strengthen the rule of law through human rights, legislative development on human rights and international humanitarian law in African countries.  
Mission and Objectives

Fundación ideaborn, founded in 2010 in Medellín, Colombia, by the same consulting firm, Ideaborn SL, to complement its work to promote human rights at the state level, is a non-profit organization whose central mission is the promotion and dissemination of human rights.

The foundation works for the promotion and diffusion of human rights through:
- Support actions for local bodies.
- The study and direct advice.
- The conception and execution of training courses.
- The implementation of development cooperation projects.

Main Projects / Activities

Relevant activities of Fundación ideaborn
In addition to the FONDO RECUERDA initiative (www.fondorecuerda.com), Fundación ideaborn carries out other activities in the area of violence prevention, civic education, peacebuilding and supporting local democracy, generally speaking supporting the reinforcement of the rule of law around the world.
§ Forming Responsible citizens (FRC): Fundación ideaborn has been working for two years in the identification and formulation of an innovative initiative in the area of violence prevention in the Mediterranean region, thorough civic and equality education in schools.
Approved by the Union for the Mediterranean1 (UfM), it has a regional focus, however its implementation will start in 3 pilot countries where we have a relevant partner organization, Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt. Labeled in 2014, the implementation phase will start in 2015 with a meeting including education ministries form the three countries and implementers partners to draw a clear workplan and commitments from each part.
This project aims at reinforcing the role of schools as the main vehicle for the transmission of values of sustainable and inclusive development, freedom and gender equality values and to promote these values through the development of a renewed civic education curriculum. The project’s core activity is the joint analysis of the existing textbooks in Tunisian, Egyptian and Moroccan secondary-middle schools from the perspective of citizenship education and equality between men and women, and the production of a new, redesigned version of the present national curricula, followed by training of teachers in citizenship education and their networking on a national and regional level.
The total cost of the initiative is 632.000 Euro; up to now, the initiative should receive the contribution of Norwegian government via the Union for the Mediterranean up to a 60% of the budget; the Secretariat of UfM itself will cover around the 10% of the project costs.
§ Human Rights Legislative Development Initiative (HRLDIA): this initiative aims at reinforcing the capacity of African countries to adapt their internal law and effectively apply the treaties of international law on human rights and international humanitarian law that have already been ratified. The mission of the HRLDIA is to work for the African people, and especially for those persons who are most vulnerable to abuse so that they can see a progressive improvement in their access to fundamental human rights and freedoms (final beneficiaries). As such, we work with State and Non-State Actors in each African country, which invites us to intervene.
A working group has been set up to complement the work of the member organizations, Catalan Cooperation Agency for Development (ACCD), supporting the institutional relations with potential beneficiary countries; Catalan International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP), coordinating desk research activities; and ideaborn-foundation coordinating the initiative and providing international and regional experts together with relevant law schools. The 1st pilot initiative has been planed for Mozambique given its long-term commitment of ACCD with that country. The working group already received an invitation from the Mozambican Government to work on the Convention on the Right of the Child (CRC).
Each specific assignment has a cost of 90.000 Euro, for a 1 year duration.
§ Feasibility Study “Youth violence prevention in Kinshasa”: Fundación ideaborn will support consulting arm (ideaborn SL) in the implementation of this contract awarded by the German Economic Cooperation (KfW) providing its knowledge and expertise in the sector. In the framework of the Peace Consolidation Fund funded by the KfW in the Democratic Republic of Congo, ideaborn will undertake a study on the youth violence in Kinshasa, especially on the phenomenon of “Kuluna” and formulate a program for the prevention of violence among youth, thus fostering urban security in Kinshasa, which should include sport, culture and social activities alongside with relevant employability and urban planning measures for the selected neighborhoods.
Conceived into two phases, the 1st project phase is expected to start before the end of the year 2014 and it is entirely funded by the KfW (175.000 Euro).
§ Strengthening local governments capacities to assist the victims of Colombian internal conflict: Fundacion ideaborn conducts this imitative in an alliance with the Colombian ministries of interior and Law and Justice as well as with the Department of National Planning and the Government Victims’ Unit. With them it is providing continuous support to Colombian Sate governments (“departamentos”) of Bolivar, Santander, Putumayo and Cundinamarca. The support consist in strengthening the capacities of these local governments to assimilate, adapt to their needs and implement the tools created at
federal level to support access to justice, truth, reparation and develop guarantees to prevent repetition of the atrocities.
The initiative will be extended in function of the funds available for other departments.
§ Municipalities’ Strategic Plans: upon request of the municipal authorities of Cartagena and Medellin in Colombia, and Makati in the Philippines, Fundación ideaborn developed guidelines and plans to include a strategy for the primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of violence and juvenile crime.
Fundación ideaborn carried out these initiatives upon the request of the mentioned municipalities in the year 2012.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The overall objective of Fundación ideaborn is to the promote and disseminate human rights, developing initiatives to support local organizations; the promotion and dissemination of human rights through study and direct advice. Furthermore we are developing in the Mediterranean regions an iniciative to enhance gender equality and prevent youth violence.  
We work to create synergies between public institutions at the local level and civil society organizations, through actions to support the vulnerable population, governments and local bodies on issues related to access to justice, support to the population in the knowledge of their rights, the obligations of the State towards them and their obligations with the society; and the exercise of rights.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

A.L.F. network is a landmark for Mediterranean Countries as a cross-cultural bridge, for this reason it is essential for us to join your network in order to develop our work and to reach a better cooperation in our area of interest.

Contact (1) Full Name
Toni López
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Jaume Guardans


National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
La Fundación Juanjo Torrejón en una entidad privada sin ánimo de lucro con sede en Aranjuez (Comunidad de Madrid) y de ámbito nacional, apartidista y aconfesional. Nuestras acciones se dirigen a ofrecer una respuesta integral al reto de la desigualdad y la injusticia para que todas las personas puedan ejercer sus derechos plenamente. Nos dirigimos principalmente a personas en situación de vulnerabilidad social aunque trabajamos desde un enfoque global, implicando a toda la sociedad en la construcción de un mundo más respetuoso, igualitario y tolerante. Desde el 2006 trabajamos por el desarrollo social y la integración, actuando en las siguientes áreas operativas: • Atención social directa: - Orientación, intermediación social y laboral; - Infancia, Adolescencia y Familia; - Igualdad y prevención de la violencia de género; - Desarrollo comunitario. • Voluntariado y Sensibilización • Formación, Consultoría social y Proyectos • Cooperación Internacional
Mission and Objectives

Nuestras actividades se centran en ofrecer una respuesta integral al reto de la desigualdad y la injusticia para que todas las personas puedan ejercer sus derechos plenamente. Nos dirigimos principalmente a personas en situación de vulnerabilidad social aunque trabajamos desde un enfoque global, implicando a toda la sociedad en la construcción de un mundo más respetuoso, igualitario y tolerante.

La Fundación Juanjo Torrejón basa su actividad en los siguientes principios:
Queremos conservar nuestra independencia moral  y económica, por ello, Fundación Juanjo Torrejón actúa en función de sus propios principios y nunca en función de los intereses de la política interna, externa o gubernamental.
No discriminación
Fundación Juanjo Torrejón  rechaza, en sus acciones, toda discriminación por motivos de etnia, sexo, religión, nacionalidad, opinión o clase social.
Fundación Juanjo Torrejón basa la creación, realización, gestión y evaluación de sus proyectos y actividades en la profesionalidad y la experiencia de sus recursos humanos, con el fin de optimizar la eficacia y correcta utilización de sus recursos.
Fundación Juanjo Torrejón se compromete, ante sus beneficiarios, colaboradores y donantes a respetar la transparencia e información sobre el destino y la gestión de los fondos recibidos, y a dotarse de todas las garantías para verificar su buena gestión.
Aceptamos y respetamos a cada persona como tal. Reconocemos que toda persona nace libre e igual en dignidad.
Libertad Religiosa
Entendemos que todo ser humano tiene derecho a la libertad de pensamiento, conciencia o religión.
Estamos obligados a rendir cuentas al Protectorado de Fundaciones, así como a responsabilizarnos por todas y cada una de nuestras acciones y decisiones.
Participación Ciudadana
Fomentamos el voluntariado y nos comprometemos con la participación y desarrollo de las capacidades de cada persona.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Programa de Orientación, intermediación social y laboral.
Objetivo general: Mejorar la empleabilidad e integración social de aquellas personas que, presentando una serie de características sociales y personales, requieren de una intervención social y laboral más a largo plazo y en profundidad y desarrollar un conjunto de actuaciones de manera coordinada para lograr la inserción social y laboral favoreciendo que las personas sean las protagonistas de su propio proceso de cambio.
Proyectos y acciones a desarrollar en 2014 dentro de este Programa:
- Proyecto “Formando personas, integrando culturas”. Se trata de un proyecto financiado en años anteriores por la Consejería Asuntos Sociales y la Dirección General de Inmigración de la Comunidad de Madrid. Sin embargo, durante el ejercicio 2014, seguiremos desarrollando este proyecto gestionado y financiado al cien por cien por FJT.
El proyecto integra, entre otras, las siguientes actividades: Alfabetización, Español I, Español II, Informática: “tecnologías para la vida diaria”, Aula “Intercambiando conocimientos y culturas para vivir mejor”.
- Proyecto de asesoramiento y apoyo al Empleo. Durante 2014 seguiremos con el servicio de asesoramiento y apoyo al empleo dirigido a la población desempleada en general. También es un proyecto auto financiado por FJT.
Desarrollaremos actividades como: Sesiones de orientación socio-laboral individuales y grupales, talleres de formación pre-laboral, asesoramiento sobre herramientas y recursos de empleo, información y acompañamiento socio-laboral en general.
- Proyecto de acogida y asesoramiento a personas inmigrantes. Se trata de un proyecto subvencionado por la Consejería de Asuntos Sociales de la Comunidad de Madrid cuyo objetivo es favorecer la convivencia y la cohesión social de la población en su conjunto y, en concreto, de la localizada en Aranjuez.
Las acciones que realizaremos en 2014 en el marco de este proyecto son: difundir y facilitar información sobre los derechos y deberes de las personas inmigrantes de Aranjuez, orientar y acompañar en la gestión de trámites, facilitar el acceso a servicios y recursos sociales y comunitarios en la Comunidad de Madrid y Aranjuez.
- Proyecto “Volver a empezar”. Apoyo al retorno voluntario de personas migrantes. En 2014 iniciamos este proyecto financiado por la Consejería de Asuntos Sociales de la CAM. El objetivo es facilitar el retorno a su país de origen a las personas inmigrantes que así lo deseen.
Desarrollaremos acciones de información sobre este programa promovido por la Administración Pública, apoyaremos a la gestión de la documentación, acompañamiento y derivación desde un enfoque positivo durante el proceso de retorno.
- Servicio de Asesoría Jurídica. Durante el 2014 seguimos ofreciendo un servicio auto-gestionado de asesoría jurídica, principalmente dirigido a población inmigrante.
2. Programa Infancia, Adolescencia y Familia
Objetivo general: Trabajamos en la prevención del abandono prematuro del sistema educativo de menores y jóvenes en situación de vulnerabilidad social. Desarrollamos actividades para evitar el fracaso escolar y la exclusión social. Además, trabajamos en la atención socioeducativa de las familias facilitando su desarrollo social e integración en la comunidad.

Algunas actividades a realizar en 2014 son:
• Clases de apoyo escolar para niños, niñas y jóvenes adolescentes.
• Clases de alfabetización y lengua española para jóvenes y adultos.
• Apoyo a la infancia "Escuelita del mundo al derecho". Espacio infantil donde los niños y niñas comparten y juegan mientras aprenden valores positivos para la convivencia, la tolerancia y el desarrollo humano.
3. Programa Igualdad y prevención de la violencia de género
Objetivo general: contribuir a eliminar las desigualdades y jerarquías de género desde la primera infancia y abordar la problemática de la violencia de género desde el ámbito socioeducativo. Por ello, en 2014 impulsaremos acciones de fomento de la igualdad y la prevención de la violencia de género, tales como:
• Talleres en centros educativos para alumnado y profesorado.
• Actividades de sensibilización y denuncia dirigidos a la población en general en días representativos: Día de la Mujer, Día de los Derechos Humanos, Día Internacional para la eliminación de la violencia de género, etc…
• Difusión de material divulgativo.
• Otras actividades socioeducativas y culturales que fomenten una cultura en igualdad y no violenta.
4. Programa Desarrollo Comunitario
Desde hace años venimos trabajando por la integración de personas jóvenes y adultas de procedencias y culturas distintas, haciéndoles partícipes del desarrollo de su comunidad.
Queremos favorecer espacios de encuentro que fomenten valores de convivencia y solidaridad con el objetivo de aprender a respetar y enriquecerse de las diferencias.
Algunas acciones y actividades son:
• Talleres de convivencia en centros educativos
• Milla urbana por la convivencia
• Proyecto de fomento de la lectura diversa y acceso a los libros "Libros Dados"
• Talleres de lectura y escritura intercultural e intergeneracional "Compartiendo vidas"
• Espacios de participación y debate para jóvenes
II. Área de Voluntariado y sensibilización
Siendo conscientes de la importancia de la acción voluntaria y de la necesidad de sensibilizar e implicar a la población, la Fundación tiene el objetivo de promover la participación social potenciando y ampliando la red de voluntariado existente, para ello, promoveremos este año 2014 acciones dirigidas a:
- incrementar la participación del voluntariado en las acciones de la Fundación.
- Facilitar formación y capacitación a las personas voluntarias en temas sociales, cultura de paz, participación y voluntariado.
- Mejorar la eficacia e implicación del voluntariado que trabaja en nuestra fundación.
- Generar espacios de de intercambio y reflexión acerca de la acción voluntaria.
Algunas de las actividades previstas para 2014 son:
• Mercadillos solidarios y tienda de comercio justo.
• Ferias y Stands de Voluntariado
• Proyecto de Escuela de paz y voluntariado. Durante el 2014 la Fundación impulsará un espacio por y para el voluntariado trabajando en alianza con otras organizaciones y entidades del municipio de Aranjuez y Comunidad de Madrid. El objetivo es desarrollar actividades dirigidas a la prevención y resolución de conflicto, formación en valores, formación de jóvenes líderes de paz y derechos humanos, etc...
III. Área de Formación, Consultoría social y Proyectos
La Fundación viene desarrollando proyectos sociales propios y subvencionados relacionados con la misión de la Fundación. Con el objetivo de caminar hacia la autogestión y abrir vías de auto financiación, queremos poner a disposición de otras organizaciones, empresas y administraciones públicas nuestra experiencia y capacidad profesional y humana. Por ello, durante el 2014 impulsaremos el área de Formación, Consultoría social y Proyectos. Desde una concepción solidaria, sostenible y transformadora de la realidad, el equipo de profesionales de la Fundación diseñará y desarrollará proyectos de consultoría y asistencia técnica integral en intervención socio comunitaria, desarrollo y formación.
Para ello, las acciones prioritarias para el 2014 serán:
• Establecer alianzas y estrategias de colaboración con otras entidades.
• Difundir nuestros servicios y proyectos de consultoría social y formación.
• Ofrecer acciones formativas y proyectos de consultoría social en diferentes áreas: desarrollo social, formación profesional y formación para el empleo, entre otras.
IV. Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo y Comercio Justo
Pensamos en la problemática de la desigualdad desde un enfoque global. La pobreza y las injusticias dependen crucialmente de las interconexiones políticas, económicas y sociales entre los países empobrecidos y los llamados desarrollados. Lo que pasa en “el Sur” no es ajeno a lo que pasa en “el Norte”, y viceversa. Por ello, desde la Fundación venimos apoyando proyectos de cooperación al desarrollo y en 2014 seguiremos impulsando acciones como:
• Impulso y mejora de nuestra tienda de comercio justo online, que contribuye al desarrollo de pequeños productores de países en desarrollo.
• Acciones formativas sobre educación para el desarrollo en centros educativos y nuestro centro.
• Apoyo a proyectos de cooperación en forma de partenariado o colaboración con otras organizaciones de cooperación internacional para el desarrollo.
• Impulso del área de cooperación internacional de FJT.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

La organización nació en el año 2006, por tanto después de casi 10 años, somos una entidad de referencia en la zona del municipio de Aranjuez y poblaciones aledañas.
Por tanto,  podríamos contribuir, por un lado, en el  intercambio de   experiencias puesto que en  todos estos años hemos prestado atención a las necesidades sociales de más de 10.000 personas a través de acciones de integración socio laboral, educativas y proyectos de desarrollo solidario y comunitario.
Y por otro lado, podríamos contribuir siendo el nexo de unión de iniciativas adheridas a la Fundación con otras entidades o instituciones que no pertenecen pero que realizan una labor muy importante a nivel comunitario en nuestra zona de actuación.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

La Fundación Juanjo Torrejón es una entidad sin  ánimo de lucro  cuyo  objetivo  es  la integración de personas en riesgo de exclusión social o situación de desigualdad de oportunidades, así como el desarrollo humano desde un enfoque de derechos.
Los fines de la entidad son:
   La atención, ayuda y acogida a personas en riesgo de exclusión social, fomentando su integración e inclusión social.
   El Fomento de la tolerancia.
   La cooperación internacional al desarrollo y la solidaridad entre los pueblos.
   La atención, ayuda e intervención integral con población en riesgo de exclusión social.
  La inclusión laboral.

Consideramos que nuestros fines son acordes con los objetivos que promueve la Fundación Ana Lindh, puesto que ambas fundaciones tienen perspectivas similares  basadas en el respeto y la convivencia en positivo de distintas culturas promoviendo la participación de la población en las actividades de la vida diaria.
Y en encajamos como entidad en las líneas de actuación de la Fundación Ana Lindh, sobre todo en lo que concierne a las áreas de educación y aprendizaje y ámbito de ciudadanía. 
Desde la Fundación Juanjo Torrejón creemos firmemente en el trabajo en red y coordinado con otras instituciones puesto que lo primordial es dar una respuesta integral a las necesidades y demandas de la población y ello solo es posible si existe una mejor coordinación y comunicación entre las distintas  entidades que tenemos objetivos similares.

Contact (1) Full Name
Luis Torrejón
Head of the organisation