


Proposals on inclusion and promotion of the human rights of migrants are often raised on the margins of those affected themselves and more so in the case of minors. For this reason, with the initiative of "Guide: a proposal of...

Hermandades del Trabajo, Centro de Madrid (HHTM)

National Network

Raimundo Lulio, 3
28010 Madrid Madrid

+34 914473000
Mobile Phone
34 646629944
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

Madrid Centre of Labour Brotherhoods (HHTM) is an association constituted by and for workers, with the ecclesial community and the Bishop of the Archdiocese of Madrid. Members incorporate themselves in their respective working brotherhoods. HHTM has public canonical legal personality and is non-profit. HHTM is registered at Registry of Religious Entities, Ministry of Justice, 011254. HHTM employs staff in charge of key operational tasks, and work directly with workers brotherhoods and volunteers. On March 29, 2023, the Economic Council approved the audited annual accounts for the financial year 2022, which states HHTM has a balanced income statement. Some current programs: Migrant workers and working families, focuses on creating actions to promote the dignity of people and in the promotion and comprehensive development of workers. Integral training: Hispanic language and culture, legal advice and social integration, through Spanish courses. HHTM partners are CEAR, Red Cross, Psychology Without Borders Foundation.

Mission and Objectives

The Pastoral and Social Innovation Plan of Brotherhoods of Labor-Central Madrid (2021-2025) was approved by the Diocesan Council on September 26, 2021. It is an instrument at the service of communion in the missionary task of the Church and the HHT that helps us discover what we want to achieve and establish the actions, resources and means necessary to achieve it. Its general objective is to renew and update the Brotherhoods of Labor so that they continue to be a valid and effective instrument for the comprehensive promotion and evangelization of the world of work in the XXI century. Vision and Mission of HHT has two essential components that must go together: the apostolic dimension (forming Christian workers) and the social (train and fully develop workers). 2022 Objectives: (i) Review and revitalize the HHT Christian community by updating the identity and mission of the militant, of the Apostolic Group and the Brotherhood. (ii) Create a Pastoral and Social Innovation Commission under the responsibility of a pastoral vice president who directs and makescomply with the Pastoral Plan and Social Innovation. (iii) Launch a pastoral programfor the Brotherhood. Initiate a pastoral program for both activities and HHT works and services. Includes the Spanish School for Foreigners,the pastoral program for Social Innovation of the Elderly, the Volunteer program and Artistic Activities program and Sports.

Main Projects / Activities

Migrant workers and working families, focuses on creating actions to promote the dignity of people and in the promotion and comprehensive development of workers. Integral training: Hispanic language and culture, legal advice and social integration, through Spanish courses for immigrants that are taught free of charge at our center. Activities: HHTM provides migrants and refugees with resources for their integration in the family, social, moral, cultural, training and work, promoting equality from diversity, pluralism and intercultural respect with specific programs according to members´needs and rights. The CSB Spanish School has a comprehensive training program for this group of migrants, where the teaching of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture is combined with legal advice free in matters of immigration and asylum. HHTM is becoming a pioneering entity in the social inclusion of people in vulnerable situations through continuous training. The intervention procedure with migrants and local workers and families is carried out through individualized insertion itineraries whose main lines are the following:
• Language learning, guidance, advice and information for employment.
• Business prospecting and labor intermediation.
• Training for access and promotion in employment.
• Complaint and awareness-raising actions against employment discrimination.
• Research and preparation of studies on the work reality of refugees and immigrants in vulnerable situations.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are keen to exchange good practices and experiences about innovative ways to work the social inclusion of people in vulnerable situations through continuous training, legal advice and employment opportunities. To offer the voices of migrants and local workers and families who through individualized insertion itineraries have been empowered and have achieved the following :
• Learn the Spanish language and culture getting an official certification given by Instituto Cervantes, making sure they will be ready to apply to their rights and duties as new members of the Spanish society., offering at the same time the richness and cultures of their home countries.
• Supporting migrants and local workers with their social entrepreneurship idea to cover their needs and to comply with their new duties as citizens.
• Tailored training programmes for accessing and promoting decent jobs.
• Awareness raising and what to do and report against any kind of discrimination.
• Being part of action-research and preparation of studies related to all factors that might affect the economic and labour engagement of refugees and immigrants, especially those in vulnerable situations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have seen the commitment of organizations who are part of the network within the field of migration and labour in which we operate too, that is, our unconditional work towards offering migrant and local citizens all types of services, whether legal, psychological, or linguistic. We believe that our inclusion in the network offers us a much more direct approach to the organizations that correspond to the countries of the people we mostly serve, Northern Africa, especially Morocco. We would like to work closely with organizations based on both shores towards a mutual and more than necessary intercultural dialogue as the situation evolves in the middle east. We are convinced our intercultural approach will be enhanced and enriched working closely with members from different fields, the academic and research, the practitioners and directly with people who benefit from our work. We are commited towards lifelong learning and the sustainable development goals and experiencing others journeys it will be a big asset to improve our current programmes described above.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fernando García Adrianzén
Job Title
General Administrator
Head of the organisation
José David Belén Medina

Horizon for Syrians

National Network

Carretera de Sallent B-430- Mas Canet s/n
08271 Artés Barcelona

+34 688 985 854
Telephone (other)
+34 637 360 886
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

"Horitzon for Syrians", ONG qui promeut des actions en faveur des réfugiés, avec l'idée d'aider ces migrants a trouver un horizon décent pour leur vie et leur pays, compte 18 associés et plusieurs collaborateurs qui sont directement associés a nos événements. Nos ressources budgétaires varient selon les conférences, événements ou concerts qui permettent réaliser des collectes de fonds. On réalise des échanges, des séminaires, des bourses. Ex: deux concerts entre le Liban et la Catalogne, une médiation entre deux fractions dans la confrontation en Syrie, promotion du dialogue des Russes et des Ukrainiens. Nous collaborons avec d'autres entités comme Ass. Socorro libanes (http://www.splibanais.net/), Sss. Catalunya Líban ( https://www.ambelliban.cat/), Consell municipal d'Artés (https://www.artes.cat/search?like=joan+babeli&x=0&y=0) , Manresa, Acollida ASIC. Nous réalisons des concerts entre le Liban et la Catalogne. Notre devise est: "Jouons de la musique pour faire taire les armes". Nos activités englobe des conférences, des collectes d'instruments, des médiations entres parties en conflit entre différentes fractions en confrontation en Syrie. Notre attention se porte aussi aujourd'hui sur ces réfugiés dans le conflit Russie/ Ukraine. De nombreux musiciens participes a nos activités. Cesar Mateos ( Violoniste), Ralph Zurmühle (pianiste), Oyuna Baturova (chanteuse russe), Josep Moguera (guitariste), Albert Vinya. Betu clown, Hayaf Yassine (directeur, compositeur) par exemple.

Mission and Objectives

La finalité principal d'"Horitzon for Syria" est d'aider les victimes de la guerre en Syrie et d'autres pays, qui vivent en Syrie ou dans des pays voisins. L'on vise a atteindre ce but en créant, promotionnant, en divulguant et en coordonnant des actions et des événements qui permettent soutenir le développement culturel économique et matériel des migrants de façon a leur offrir un avenir serin et prometteur.

Main Projects / Activities

Élaboration de stratégies pour la prévention du fracas social dans la communauté des migrants en Catalogne. Notre attention se porte actuellement sur notre projet de "Caravane Musicale pour la Paix"

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En faisant en sorte que les réfugiés se sente comme a la maison et en sensibilisant les autochtones sur la possibilité de se retrouver dans une situation similaire. Nous œuvrons pour une inclusion social positive des migrants par le biais de l'art et la parole. Nous travaillons en permanence par le bais de collaborations avec d'autres entités.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

La Méditerranée a toujours été un moyen de communication et notre objectif est qu'il perdure plus que jamais avec la coexistence de ces deux rives riches en culture commune.

Contact (1) Full Name
Joan Babeli i shawa
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Joan Babeli i Shawa
Contact (2) Full Name
Carles Llorens Estellés
Job Title (2)

IACE - Instituto de Asuntos Culturales España

National Network

Pico de Majalasna, 4-3m

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Multicultural Board of Directors (5) / 24 members The ONG has recently being re-activated, modifying its deeds according to the new Spanish Law 1/2002 and being accepted November 20th, 2008 Source of funding: Own- by giving facilitation services and delivering training on Facilitative Leadership and Participatory Methods (after being translated and adapted from English to Spanish) - Source: Institute of Cultural Affairs International (www.ica-international.org) Action: through non-formal and formal training in Spain and Latin American Countries, Development cooperation projects
Mission and Objectives

IACE: "Dedicados al crecimiento y desarrollo del factor humano, a través de la participación"
MISIÓN: “Promover una cultura de participación y procesos de calidad que conlleven un compromiso y empoderamiento del factor humano dentro y fuera de la sociedad española.
Promoting a participatory culture and intercultural /diversity quality processes for building peoples´s capacity for shared social commitment, empowerment, growth and development withinn Spanish-speaking communities.
“Formar y promover el desarrollo y crecimiento del factor humano dentro de las organizaciones y equipos de trabajo para fomentar una sociedad interactiva basada en el consenso, la capacidad dialógica y compromiso de sus integrantes.
Los ámbitos de actuación son aquellos donde el factor humano representa y es considerado pieza clave.”

Main Projects / Activities

International Cooperaton for Development (2009) Awaraness Campaign for preventing sexual abuse and violence towards children and teenageres, in 4 regions of Peru. Face to face and virtual training for central and local government authorities, staff, health and educational local authorities and staff and grass root organizations mostly based in rural areas of Apurimac, Cuzco, Arequipa, Cajamarca: Jaén and San Ignacio.
1st Technology of Participation Spanish Trainers training, which started on February and going on up to December.
Empowering and advising religious organizations worlwide to transform their current structure and culture management to a more participatory and horizontal one with the support of new technology. (Oblatas del Santísimo Redentor, IBVM - Irish Nuns, Hospital San Juan de Dios, Lima)
Delivering formal training through universities in Spain and Peru on Facilitation skills and Facilitative Leadership.

Contact (1) Full Name
Catalina Quiroz
Head of the organisation
Mark Abbott
Contact (2) Full Name
Fernando García

ideaborn SL

National Network

placa Comercial 2
08003 Barcelona

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Created in 1999, ideaborn is an organisation leading initiatives aimed at improving vulnerable populations’ access to and benefit from their civil, political and cultural rights. Working in collaboration with different actors of the society, from both the public and private sector, ideaborn provides the technical support necessary for the formulation, implementation and evaluation of bilateral, multilateral and nongovernmental international cooperation projects. Ideaborn headquarter is based in Barcelona, Spain, and it is responsible of the general coordination and the supervision of all the initiatives, as well as all the implementation of projects in Africa, Middle East and Europe; the delegation in Medellin, Colombia, is responsible for the management and implementation of the projects in the Latin American region; the delegation in Washington is responsible for research and investigation on specific issues as well as networking activities. ideaborn’s team is composed by a group of local and international professionals with years of international experience in the framework of cooperation for development, in private firms, international institutions as well as NGOs.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is the promotion and diffusion of Human Rights together with relevant actors
from both the public and private sector.
According to our vision,  our work allows us to contribute to the development of:
• A structured and efficient public sector, capable of guaranteeing universal access to fundamental
Human Rights through services of quality dealing with the necessities of the society.
• A civil society built on strong actors. Actors able on one hand, to promote Human Rights and to
facilitate the access to justice of vulnerable populations, and on the other hand, assess and
monitor the quality of such services provided by the public sector.

Main Projects / Activities

Institutional support. ideaborn is evaluating private and public institutions in its areas of intervention,
bringing technical support in the evaluation of policies , cooperation programs and/or projects. To do so,
we work both alone and in network with other companies, NGO, and education institutes. In this context,
we work with several multilateral organisms, such as the World Bank, regional development banks (IADB,
ADB, AfDB), bodies belonging to the United Nations’ system as well as with international cooperation
agencies like EuropeAid, EAR, IBRD, USaid, BTC, Sida among others.
v Research. ideaborn carries out analyses and investigation projects in its different specialization sectors.
Often these researches represent the starting point for new initiatives aiming at the institutional
v Support to consultants. ideaborn, thanks to its experimented team in the framework of international
cooperation for development, offers backstopping services to consultants aiming at supporting them during
technical assistance missions, whether being of short or long term. In particular ideaborn proposes tailormade
services according to the expert’s needs, including among others documentation research and text
revision (translation and editing); revision of the coherence and relevance of the work presented (reports
fulfilling the client's requirements as well as the beneficiaries' needs);assessment and advice on working
procedures and specific formats used by main funding agencies (EC, WB, IDB, UNDP, USAid, etc);
transmission of lessons-learned and compared analysis of past experiences ; logistics and mission support (including preparation and organization of meetings).
Besides that, ideaborn makes available to experts the use of its Virtual Platform in order to process, stock
and safely share information. This Platform, accessible from every single place in the world equipped with
an internet access, represents a simple way to facilitate long distance communication as well as
information management.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Ideaborn considers the promotion of human rights a basic pillar to the development' society. For this reason is involved in various project to foster the cooperation in the Mediterranean area, such as "Forming Responsible Citizens" in the field of gender equality and civic education in Tunisia and Morocco (promoted by Union For the Mediterranean) and Technical Assistance Mission for Supporting the National Centre for Human Rights in Jordan.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We consider A.L.F. network a really important "trait d'union" among Mediterranean Countries, it is essential, for us to join your network in order to develop our work and to reach a better cooperation in our area of interest.

Contact (1) Full Name
Brunella Mariani
Job Title
Procurement Manager
Head of the organisation
Jaume Guardans
Contact (2) Full Name
Beatrice Gelsi
Job Title (2)
Community Manager

IDHUS - Institute for the Development of Human Societies

National Network

Ferran Junoy 10 Bajos 1
08030 Barcelona Barcelona

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Others
  6. Research
General Information

The IDHUS Institute is a think tank based in the city of Barcelona. We serve as a hub for analysis, research, and studies, exploring the fundamental forces that shape our world. Our mission is to shed light on the intricate interplay between demographic studies, human development, and world population dynamics.
Our organisation staff: https://idhus.org/about-us/who-we-are/
Budget resources: aprox 100.000 euros/year
Action plans: research, conferences, training courses, seminars, local groups networking

Mission and Objectives

At the IDHUS Institute, our mission is to advance the understanding of human development and world population dynamics through rigorous research, data-driven analysis, and evidence-based solutions. We are committed to addressing the critical challenges facing our global society, fostering equitable development, and promoting sustainable population growth. Our work is guided by a dedication to scholarship, collaboration, and the pursuit of knowledge for the betterment of humanity.

Main Projects / Activities

Conduct Cutting-Edge Research: Undertake multidisciplinary research initiatives to explore the intricate dynamics of human development and world population, generating new knowledge and insights that inform policy and practice.

Promote Evidence-Based Policymaking: Advocate for the implementation of evidence-based policies at all levels of governance, addressing demographic challenges and fostering equitable and sustainable development.

Disseminate Knowledge: Disseminate research findings, policy recommendations, and best practices through publications, reports, and educational programs to ensure that our insights reach a broad and diverse audience.

Foster Collaboration: Collaborate with academic institutions, research organizations, governments, and NGOs to facilitate interdisciplinary research and collective action in the pursuit of common goals.

Advocate for Human Rights: Champion the principles of human rights, gender equality, and social justice, advocating for policies that empower individuals and communities to reach their full potential.

Enhance Data Accessibility: Facilitate access to comprehensive and up-to-date demographic data, making it readily available to researchers, policymakers, and the public to support informed decision-making.

Engage in Global Dialogue: Engage in international dialogue and cooperation to address global demographic challenges, foster cultural understanding, and promote a sense of shared responsibility for the well-being of humanity.

Educate and Empower: Offer educational programs, seminars, and workshops to empower individuals with knowledge, skills, and tools to contribute to positive change in their communities and the world at large.

Lead by Example: Uphold the highest standards of academic integrity, ethics, and transparency in our research, advocacy, and organizational practices.

At the IDHUS Institute, we are dedicated to pursuing these objectives with unwavering commitment, guided by a passion for research excellence and a deep sense of responsibility to society. Together, we aim to shape a brighter, more equitable, and sustainable future for all.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We aspire to drive positive change by providing all network members, policymakers, researchers, and the public with valuable insights, innovative solutions, and a deeper appreciation of the complex interactions between demographics and human progress. Through our joint efforts at ALF, we envision a world where informed decisions, inclusive policies, and empowered communities lead to enhanced well-being and a sustainable future for all.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Human development is at the core of our collective aspirations and we believe we share this goal the the ALF network. We delve into the factors that enable individuals and communities to lead fulfilling lives, and we seek to unlock the potential of societies by addressing inequalities, enhancing well-being, and fostering sustainable growth.

We believe that in an increasingly interconnected world, understanding global population trends is essential. We want to explore the challenges and opportunities presented by shifts in population size, composition, and distribution with other organisations and members of our community.

Contact (1) Full Name
David Gonzalez
Job Title
Head of the organisation
David Gonzalez
Contact (2) Full Name
Camelia Cosma
Job Title (2)
Head of Administration


National Network

Passeig Anselm Clavé, 19, baixos
08262 Callús

34 936930013
34 938361994
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Non-profit organization with 64 members registered. There is a coordination team, elected by the assembly and renewed each 4 years. We employ a secretary half time. Annual budget is 25.000€ Main sources of funding are Department of Education (Generalitat de Catalunya) contribution and members contributions. Modalities of action: collaborative projects and teacher training. More than 350 schools –from Catalonia and around the world– are involved in our projects.
Mission and Objectives

The main goal of iEARN-Pangea is improve learning through Internet-based activities (collaborative projects) which are designed to promote the knowledge of other cultures and the education of values like peace and solidarity.

Main Projects / Activities

Collaborative international projects, usign ICT, for primary and secondary schools (“Public Art Project”, “Bitantart, un viatge virtual a l’Antàrtida”, “Atles de la diversitat”, “El món dels llibres”) and many local projects as “Un passeig pel Bages”, “Un vol pel Vallès”, “Sàlix I els sentits”, “Valors en joc”, “Gegants i bestiari del Penedès”…
Teacher training: online courses.

Contact (1) Full Name
Toni Casserras
Head of the organisation
Jaume Illa

IEMed - European Institute of the Mediterranean

National Network

C/ Girona 20, 5ème étage
08010 - Barcelona

+34 932 449 850
+34 932470165
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Religion
  10. Research
General Information
Structure: IEMed is a public consortium directed by: * A Board of management in which the Government of Catalonia takes part, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs for the Co-operation of the Spanish Government and the Town hall of Barcelona. * A High Committee formed by companies, universities and organizations of the civil company. * A Orientation Council formed by Mediterranean personalities of prestige.
Mission and Objectives

* To support knowledge, through research and study
* To bring a successful conclusion in activities of formation and disclosure
* To encourage the participation of the civil company according to the Process of Barcelona
* To contribute the Mediterranean projection of the Catalan and Spanish institutions
* To take part in projects of development cooperation
* To work for the Mediterranean networks
* To organize exposures and cultural activities
* To publish books and periodic publications
* Act as an observer of Mediterranean reality

Main Projects / Activities

Actor of Civil Society:
- Civil Euromed Forum
- Spanish network of the Anna Lindh Foundation
- Observatory of Women in the Mediterranean
- North Africa Business and Development Forum
- Euro-region Centre of ressources and services
- Conferences, seminars and congresses
- Analyzing and Delphi investigations
- Stock Exchanges for the publication of research tasks
- Master in mediterranean studies
- Spreading the mediterranean cultures
- Collaboration in projects of cooperation
- Mediterranean tribune
- Books and documentation
- Library. event-rooms and media library
- Observation of the mediterranean policies (MedObs)
- Road Shows
- Support for mediterranean projects
- Trainings
- Sharing conerence room - diffusion, communication, participation:
- Directory of the Mediterranean
- Review ideas
- Quaderns revue of the Mediterranean
- collection of mediterranean monographies
Cultural Centre:
- historical exposures
- Exposures of contemporary art
- Cultural weeks
- Cultural cooperations and exchanges
Think Tank
- Barcelona Process
- Dialogue between the Cultures and Civilizations
- The Maghreb and his relationship with the EU
- The Spanish foreign policy and the radiation of Catalonia in the Mediterranean

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Angels Roque
Head of the organisation
Senén Florensa
Contact (2) Full Name
Carina Soriano


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
IES POMPEU FABRA is a high school. We have pupils from 12 to 18 years old. We have Baccalaureate (Arts, humanities and Sciences). we have and project PECE-MED with a Amman Baccalaureate school from Amman (Jordan) about Landscape and Natural and cultural heritage. We have had an students exchange .
Mission and Objectives

Promoting the intercultural relations between different south mediterranean countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Exchanges and educational projects with Jordan and Syria.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name