

National Network

Roser 95
08002 Barcelona Barcelona

+34 935 53 58 40
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information

eco-union is a not-for-profit and independent multidisciplinary association which bring together change makers with a common interest of environment and sustainable development. We have funding from our members (1/3), public administration (1/3) and private organizations (1/3). 2010 budget: 150.000 euros (aprox.) Staff: 3 full time, 4 part time, 5-10 volunteers part-time. Min office in Barcelona, second office in Malaga, Spain

Mission and Objectives

eco-union worked for the promotion of environmental values, within all sectors of the society (Local Authorities; Businesses; Professionals; Associations & Foundations; Citizens), It´s aim to be an agent of change, supporting and educating citizens, enabling them to form constructive and critical opinions about environmental management and sustainable development.

Main Projects / Activities

- on-line courses for Sustainability - Global Eco Forum, an international event around sustainability in the Euro-Med region - eco-Consulting, enabling the transformation of organization towards sustainability. - Awareness campaign on environmental challenges such as climate change, eco-mobility and energy efficiency.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jeremie Fosse
Head of the organisation
Jeremie Fosse
Publication Illustration

Education et diversité religieuse en Méditerranée occidentale

Cet ouvrage propose aux spécialistes de l’éducation des pistes de réflexions sur le défi que représente dans les communautés plurielles la diversité des religions et convictionnelle. Quatre équipes de chercheurs, en provenance d’Algérie, d’Espagne, d’Italie et du Maroc, ont analysé...

EENC: Stormy Times - Nature and Humans

Stormy Times picture

In September, ahead  of the UNESCO World Conference on Cultural Policies and Sustainable Development – MONDIACULT 2022, the European Commission released the report Stormy Times. Nature and humans: cultural courage for change by the Working Group of Member States’ experts. The document, prepared in collaboration with Rolf Weiss, Expert of the European Expert Network on Culture (EENC), focuses on the role of culture as a driver towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The experts formulated 11 messages to rethink the relationship between humans and nature to fuel our cultural imagination for a liveable, sustainable future. Some of the recommendations addressed in the report are:

  • the need for artists and cultural organisations to be fully involved in the implementation of the European Green Deal to achieve the changes in ways of living and thinking it requires;
  • the call for not one but five Earth Overshoot Day(s) per year for the protection of the planet’s natural resources to raise awareness;
  • the value of culture as a powerful tool to better communicate scientific knowledge on issues such as social injustice, inequalities, loss of biodiversity, lack of food security, climate change and others, addressed in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The document is aimed at stakeholders and policymakers who have the power to implement these recommendations. As this Expert Group is overseen by the Council of the EU, most of the recommendations address issues at EU level.

You can download the full report below.

Piece of news from Interarts

El Caiman Producciones / The Cayman Productions

National Network

C/Reina Dona Maria 7-1

+34 96 333 15 82
+34 96 333 15 06
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+34 660 15 12 10
Mobile Phone (other)
+34 671032 278
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. El Caiman Producciones is a Cooperative society constituted in 2003. Nowadays is formed by 4 working associates. Besides, the staff is completed with an expert in management and cultural production. 2. The annual approximate budget of EL CAIMAN is 950.000€. 3. EL CAIMAN is budget in more than a 95% of own funds. 4. The main actions developed by EL CAIMAN are referring to programming of musical events and a festival that integrates musical proposes together with other artistic expressions, such as cinema and photography. EL CAIMAN orientates lot of its activities towards the intercultural promotion, the social incorporation, the peace, the tolerance and the respect of the Human Rights.
Mission and Objectives

Culture in general and music in particular gives experiences and emotions that will be shared easily with all the people.
Culture is a universal language that creates solidarity and incorporative contexts
EL CAIMAN Producciones is a Cooperative society orientated to the promotion and cultural management of projects with a strong social link and transformer in favor of a better World for everyone.

Main Projects / Activities

• Promotion of singular musical projects with a marked social commitment: Chambao, Nubla, Patriarcas de la Rumba and others.
Organization of the festivals and cultural events: “Port de les cultures” (Burriana), “Tarifa”, “Tánger”, “Mestizos” and others.

Contact (1) Full Name
Neus Fabregas Santana
Head of the organisation
Juan Merin Reig
Contact (2) Full Name
Lydia Borja Aznarez

El ojo cojo

National Network

c/Salitre 60 Bajo A 28012

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Somos un colectivo. La segunda semana de octubre de cada añño organizamos el Festival cinematográfico internacional El ojo cojo, primer festival de madrid dedicado a propmover el diálogo intercultural y la integración de grupos socialmente exlcuidos. El mismo se desarrolla en diferentes espacios culturales (Casa de América, Centro Hispano marroquí, Centro Cultural Conde Duque) espacios alñternativos y hacemos también funciones en la calle. Nos apoyan instituciones como el Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Comunidad de Madrid, Secretaría Genral Iberoamericana, AECI, Unión Latina.
Mission and Objectives

Nuestro colectivo está dedicado a promover, a través de las disciplinas artísticas el diálogo intercultural y la integración de grupos socialmente excluidos.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amparo Gea
Head of the organisation
Amparo Gea
EMYS Sustainability toolkit

EMYS - Engaging Marginalised Youth for Sustainability Toolkit

This Sustainability Toolkit includes advocacy and lobbying training activities, facilitation techniques for idea generation and design, non-formal education (NFE) techniques for increasing motivation and engagement, basic project management skills, event management and campaigning skills, fundraising and proposal writing. The toolkit...


National Network

Calle Canoa 41
28042 Madrid Madrid

+34 626002437
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Epojé is an association born from the result of a team of professionals from various areas who come together to develop educational and social intervention projects. We work mainly in 3 areas of intervention: literacy, arts and psychosocial support. We work with the community in general, but we focus on two specific directions: direct work with children and young people and work with youth workers, teachers and educators. We carry out training and mentoring courses, practical workshops both online and offline and artistic events

Mission and Objectives

- Achieve social equity by promoting the specific rights and interests of minorities and disadvantaged groups - Raise awareness among the population of the need to achieve said social equity for adequate coexistence in society. - Promote cultural diversity and fight for access to social and human rights that guarantee personal and social well-being. - Promote active citizenship by encouraging the population to carry out their personal projects, always defending the values of respect and tolerance. - Guide and connect people and entities that fight for human dignity through innovative methodologies and non-formal education, in order to unify efforts and enhance solidarity work.

Main Projects / Activities

Despite our short life, we can highlight some of our activities as more relevant to this candidacy: Organization of follow-up and multiplier activities of Erasmus projects: through our participation in training courses and exchanges, we have been implementing several sessions with young people and colleagues from the association to transmit the knowledge learned and put it into practice. Permanent literacy courses: we work in schools with difficult performance in which we teach reading and writing Accompaniment and mentoring both professionally and personally. We deal with issues such as professional route planning, management of emotions in adolescence, resolution of family conflicts, etc... Artistic workshops to master different painting techniques and the consequent use of the artistic results as educational, awareness and activism tool.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Epojé can contribute to the Anna Lindh Foundation's mission of promoting intercultural dialogue and cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean region in several ways. First, consider participating in the foundation's programs and collaborating on projects that align with our expertise in literacy, arts, and psychosocial support. Share our best practices, insights, and success stories with the foundation and its network, especially in the context of training youth workers, teachers, and educators. Additionally, actively engage with the foundation through events, advocacy efforts, and cultural exchange programs. Look for grant opportunities and funding calls to support our projects that promote social equity, cultural diversity, and active citizenship. Lastly, maintain a digital presence by participating in online discussions and forums related to intercultural dialogue. Our organization can make meaningful contributions to the Anna Lindh Foundation's goals and further the cause of fostering understanding and cooperation among diverse communities in the region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the Anna Lindh Foundation network offers several advantages for our organization, Epojé. Firstly, it provides access to a diverse and extensive community of organizations and experts in the Euro-Mediterranean region, fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and learning opportunities. This network can amplify the impact of our initiatives, reaching a broader audience and increasing our influence in promoting intercultural dialogue, social equity, and cultural diversity. Moreover, membership in the network facilitates resource sharing, including funding opportunities, research insights, and best practices, thereby enhancing our organization's capacity to implement effective educational and social intervention projects. It will also boost our organization's visibility and recognition, attracting potential partners and supporters who align with our mission. Additionally, being part of the network enables participation in advocacy efforts and policy discussions related to our field, giving us a platform to contribute to positive social change in the region. In essence, joining the Anna Lindh Foundation network opens doors to collaboration, resources, and a wider impact, aligning with our goals of promoting social well-being and active citizenship.

Contact (1) Full Name
Cecilia Dancourt
Job Title
Project coordinator and trainer
Head of the organisation
Pablo Velasco Bertolotto
Contact (2) Full Name
Pablo Velasco
Job Title (2)


National Network

c/ l'Escorxador, 19-21

08720 Vilafranca del Penedès

034 938923574
Telephone (other)
034 938923746
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Assotiation à but non-lucratif 50 membres Équipe de direction et gestion de 16 membres Budget annuel: 50.000 euros Financement: administrations locales et regionales, et ressources propres Action: projets internationaux, actions sensibilisation, échanges, seminaires. Partenaires: au Maroc, AFFA-Rif (Forum de Femmes), AZIR, SOURIF, Rif-Théâtre. En Espagne: Alkantara, Amnistia International, Cono Sur, CEAM.
Mission and Objectives

Pour l'Équité dans les rapports humains et entre les peuples, équité de genre, participation democratique.
Appuyer les organisations du Sud qui travailent pour le progrés social et economique des peuples
Promovoir des rapports de collaboration des assotiations du Sud et du Nord
Favoriser l'interaction positive et créative entre les communautés immigrée et autoctone
Avancer vers l'égalité entre hommes et femmes, au Nord et au Sud

Main Projects / Activities

Avec AFFA-Rif: projet d'éducation pour l'égalité et contre la violence dans 15 écoles du Rif
Création et exploitation de l'Exposition: Maroc, le voisin inconnu
Journées de connaissance-débat sur La Méditerranée en proces de changement
Échanges culturels dans la Mediterranée
Séjours solidaires dans le Maroc, en col·laboration avec nos partenaires au Sud
Travail en reseau en Catalogne pour sensibiliser à la solidarité et la justice dans les rapports internationaux
Élaboration de documents de sensibilisation et cooperation
Presence dans les médias locales (presse, TV, radio) pour sensibilisation

Contact (1) Full Name
Jordi Junyent Parera
Head of the organisation
Jordi Junyent Parera
Contact (2) Full Name
Josep Giménez Noguera