
Escuela de estudios Árabes – CSIC

National Network

Cuesta del Chapiz, 22 – 18010, Granada - Spain

+34 958222290
Telephone (other)
+34 958224754
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Antonio Almagro Gorbea (Director)

Escuela de Traductores de Toledo - Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

National Network


0034 925 229 012
Telephone (other)
0034 925 223 729
0031 925 214 105
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. Research Centre (3 researchers and a librarian) 2. In 2005, the budgetary resources vary annually. With a minimun of 30.000 Euros. 3. The main sources are: ordinary budget, courses and seminars and subventions. 4. Translation and publishing programmes, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, concerts, film and video screenings. 5. Banco Santander Central Hispano, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Mission and Objectives

As a meeting and training space, its activities are centred on preparing translators of Arabic and Hebrew, imparting post-graduate education through different courses related to education, inmigration and language. In the area of research, the School organises and promotes various translation and research publications and cultural programmes, developed in collaboration with institutions and professionals from other universities ans centres.

Main Projects / Activities

Research projects related to cultural relations in the Meditrranean, translation, literature, education, inmigration, arts, international relations and media.
Postgraduate courses
Translations and publisihing programmes
Conferences and seminars

Contact (1) Full Name
Luis Miguel Perez
Head of the organisation



L’une des grandes valeurs du Réseau espagnol de la Fondation Anna Lindh (ReFAL) réside dans la diversité et la variété des profils de ses membres. À travers différentes disciplines, ces derniers souhaitent améliorer les perceptions, promouvoir la compréhension mutuelle et faciliter le dialogue interculturel. Le ReFAL est actuellement composé de plus de 157 organisations de la société civile qui s’efforcent de travailler sur des projets qui promeuvent la coexistence dans la diversité et contribuent à la création de sociétés plurielles et démocratiques.

Les principaux piliers de la plupart des actions du Réseau sont le soutien des jeunes qui s’engagent à construire des sociétés plus inclusives et résilientes et le rôle principal de l’éducation interculturelle comme outil pour créer une citoyenneté responsable et critique ancrée dans le respect pour la diversité culturelle, l’environnement et l’égalité des genres

Un Programme de Mobilité consolidé crée des espaces communs pour encourager la collaboration et les synergies, et faciliter l’échange d’expériences et de bonnes pratiques entre les membres du Réseau, enrichissant ainsi ces organisations.

Espiral Entitat de Serveis

National Network

Rutlla 20-22, 17002 Girona

0034 972 241 036
0034 972 241 036
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
0034 635 433 911
Mobile Phone (other)
0034 656 667 837
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
ESPIRAL ENTITAT DE SERVEIS is a private non-profit organization founded in 1992, who aims at promoting social actions and projects allowing people and communities to achieve their own global development and growth, avoiding exclusion and encouraging solidarity and transnational cooperation in a sustainable development world frame.
Mission and Objectives

Basic lines of action:
Promote life long learning. We participate in a number of European projects promoting life long learning, together with other entities in Europe.
European Mobility. We offer work practices and language learning abroad. We do, as well, welcome people willing to have a work experience in Girona.
Management and advising to local organization and administration about participation and development of EU projects.

Main Projects / Activities

- European projects: Fit4Work, Brave New Work, Learning Lab for Integration, Media Playing Communities, FAIRstart, Xploit!, Interreg, etc.
- Local/regional projects: Sodalis, Aula Europa, etc.
- European Mobility Office: Prometeus.

Contact (1) Full Name
Isabel Coll
Head of the organisation
Joaquim de Toca de Ciurana
Contact (2) Full Name
Imma Fuyà


National Network

Carrer Creueta 119, baixos esq.
08202 Sabadell Barcelona

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

We are a team of four professionals which gives impulse to the *estel cooperative. We have been working together since 2014 so to improve people’s lives in their habitat: the villages and cities of the territory. We cooperate with citizens and administrations in the improvement of their municipalities, contributing our knowledge and experience in the design, management, and planning of public spaces. In short, we collaborate in transforming squares, streets, parks, and neighbourhoods into places where everyone can enjoy the city on an equal basis, regardless of age, gender, origin or capacities.

Mission and Objectives

Our approach is based on the principles of urban ecology and social geography. We study human habitat in a holistic and experiential way, observing the daily life and the interrelations that it establishes the urban, rural or natural ecosystem. In the proposals for improvement or transformation, we incorporate the results from transdisciplinary, transparent and participative work processes.

Our approach to the projects always starts with the design of the work process, which is divided into two parts: collective diagnosis and proposals for improvement. At the beginning of each project, we use as orientation tools three maps which unfold the dynamics of the territory: administrative, social and territorial mapping. The work process itself will ultimately optimize and improve the mechanisms of the territory, administration, and social agents on the way they act on the field of study.

Our aim is, on the one hand, to reveal the capabilities of the environment so to respond to the detected needs; and on the other, to incorporate the perspectives and knowledge of the people of the administration and the citizenry, through their respective direct or indirect involvement in the work process.

With all this information, we elaborate a strategic intervention document, which includes executive actions in the short, medium and long term, so that both the study field improvement and the administration and citizenry expectations are produced in a continuous and progressive way.

Main Projects / Activities

-Rescuing the Rambles of Barcelona (http://www.plaestel.org/en/rescuing_the_rambles_of_barcelona/)
-From an abandoned football field to a new community park (http://www.plaestel.org/en/from-an-abandoned-football-field-to-a-new-co…)
-Restructuring the Plaça Joan Ragué i Camps (http://www.plaestel.org/en/restructuring-the-placa-joan-rague-i-camps/)
-Transforming the old factory SATI into a community hub (http://www.plaestel.org/en/transforming-the-old-factory-sati-into-a-com…)
-Confluence in Valencia’s Central Market (http://www.plaestel.org/en/confluence-in-valencias-central-arket/)
-¡Pónle Guinda! : Redesigning the neighborhood (http://www.plaestel.org/en/ponle-guinda-3/)
-Naves do Metrosidero : Youth Centre (http://www.plaestel.org/en/naves-do-metrosidero-2/)
-Gender-based urban planning handbook (http://www.plaestel.org/en/gender_based_urban_planning_handbook/)
-Joan Miró square (http://www.plaestel.org/en/joan-miro-square/)
-The Pine’s plaza (http://www.plaestel.org/en/the-pines-plaza/)
-Rethinking public space from a youth perspective ​(http://www.plaestel.org/en/rethinking-public-space-from-a-youth-perspec…)
-Plaza Maresme (http://www.plaestel.org/en/plaza-maresme/)

Contact (1) Full Name
Konstantina Chrysostomou
Job Title
Social Architect
Head of the organisation
Alba Domínguez


National Network

734 Bis, Gran Via Corts Catalanes (4-1)
08013 Barcelona

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Religion
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Euro-Arab is a non-profit organization and a researchers & professionals network, based in Barcelona, the Euro-Mediterranean capital. It aims to develop actions to facilitate the academic and professional integration of Arab and European students, professionals and researchers in Spain. It is an entity engaged with the Arab communities residing in Spain and Europe, and has the following main objectives: - Dissemination of the scientific, economic, social and cultural production. - Participation at the associative and political level in Spain. - Promotion of the Moroccan and Arabic culture. - Participation of young people at the academic and entrepreneurial level. Entity size: 30-50 people Partners/Funding: Barcelona's Council City, Youth Agency-Catalan Government, Private Institutions
Mission and Objectives

We intend to establish solid links between Europe and the Arab world from Barcelona: to create bridges of communication that allow building a plural society that is cohesive; boost the economic, social and human development of the Euro-Arab geographic region; and create a common space of participation of the individuals of the global society.
Our objectives are:
- Encourage debate and dissemination of scientific, social and cultural production.
- Support the professional, academic or associative development of people of European and/or Arab origin in Catalonia.
- Disseminate the Arab culture and the societies of the southern shore of the Mediterranean.
- Promote youth participation and develop their entrepreneurial spirit.
- Create a communication platform, known as Euro-Arab Channel, aimed primarily at Arab communities living in Spain and Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

- EuroArab channel through Youtube to promote diversity in Barcelona.
- Promote political participation of young people from Arab and divers origen.
- Salam Shalom BCN iniciative to promote jews and muslims intercultural gatherings.
- Research of young entrepreneurs of Moroccan origin and their transnational dynamics.
- Awareness events and seminars related to Arab and Mediterranean countries.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through volunteers and young people from the Mediterranean region who would be interested in doing trainship in the organization.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Specially to have access to a network of entities and organizations that have similar objectives than our organization. This access can lead to further developing transnational iniciatives and exchanges, in order to grow as a new organization mainly made up by young people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zouhair El Hairan
Job Title
Researcher and Social Entrepreneur
Head of the organisation
Zouhair El Hairan
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Ahsissene
Job Title (2)
Advocate and Political Activist

Euro-Mediterranean University Insitute EMUI (EMUI_ EuroMed University)

National Network

EMUI_ EuroMed University-Monasterio degli Olivetani / Dipartamento di Storia, Società e Studi sull'Uomo-Università del Salento
EMUI_Universidad Complutense, San Bernardo 49, 28015, Madrid
00152 Roma

0034 670 056 584
Telephone (other)
0039 331 571 7674
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
General Information
The Euro-Mediterranean University Institute (EMUI) was founded in collaboration with the Complutense University of Madrid host to our Spain Campus, and an EU, Maghreb and Middle East University Consortium. Officially launched in Malta on October 16th 2007, the events were hosted at the Mediterranean Conference Centre (Valletta), with institutional support from the Government of the Republic and the Embassy of Spain. The Euro-Mediterranean University Institute (EMUI) arises in Spain as a Research University Institute of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). In cooperation with the homologue institutions in Malta and Fes (Morocco), the creation of the EMUI_UCM implies the consolidation of the Euro-Mediterranean Southern University. The Complutense Institute – EMUI was approved by the UCM Government Council on December the 16th, 2009. EMUI_  EuroMed University Headquarter: Monastero deggli Olivetani, Lecce (Italia)
Mission and Objectives

1.- To develop teaching and research quality programs focused on the European Union and its projection upon the Mediterranean Area.
2.- To form professionals in every area of punctual interest for European and Euro-Mediterranean institutions. These professionals will meet the standards of quality set by social, political and economic sectors involved.
3.- To offer programs of continuous education for updating knowledge and basic skills of the above referred professionals.
4.- To foster the spreading of results through specialized media. There will be also a presence in general media, according to the interests of their users.
5.- To draw up proposals of continuous education through courses, seminars or conferences that will be available to any citizen, with the purpose of guaranteeing accurate and critical information on the ongoing development of the EU, particularly in relation to Mediterranean issues.
6.- To advise public and private institutions on the aforementioned issues. Consultant panels will be set up to pursue this goal.
7.- To set up institutional teaching and research networks, with or without extra-communitarian partners, in order to improve the spreading of results. It will be also be a target to establish partnerships with other institutions in order to create local, regional or communitarian programs to be developed at the affected geopolitical areas.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Economy and Environment
2. History and Civilization
3. European Union and Mediterranean Law
4. Political and Social Sciences
5. International Relations and Cooperation
6. Arabic and Islamic Studies
7. EuroMed: Social Technology and Digital Citizenship
8. EuroMed: Equaliy and Gender Studies
Scientific Specialization
0. Social and Juridical Sciences

Contact (1) Full Name
Paloma Criado-Veira
Job Title
Head of the Precidency Cabinet
Head of the organisation
Román Reyes

euroafrica foundation

National Network

sant crist 6
07001 07001 Balears

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

The EuroAfrica Foundation serves as a vital bridge between Europe and Africa, fostering cooperation between the North and South in social, educational, and cultural realms. With a mission centered on social equality and environmental protection, the foundation initiates projects, hosts talks, conferences, and workshops to promote mutual understanding and collaboration. By facilitating dialogue and exchange between entities from both continents, it aims to address pressing global challenges while celebrating the rich diversity and heritage of both regions. Through its multifaceted approach, the EuroAfrica Foundation strives to create sustainable solutions, empower communities, and drive positive change. Whether through educational programs, cultural initiatives, or environmental projects, it remains committed to building a more equitable and environmentally sustainable future for all.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the EuroAfrica Foundation is to serve as a conduit for fostering collaboration and understanding between Europe and Africa. Its objectives encompass several key areas:

1. Promoting Cooperation: Facilitate partnerships and cooperation between European and African entities in social, educational, and cultural spheres.

2. Advancing Social Equality: Work towards achieving social equality by supporting initiatives that address inequalities and promote inclusive development across both continents.

3. Environmental Protection: Advocate for the protection of the environment through sustainable practices and projects aimed at preserving natural resources and biodiversity.

4. Education and Awareness: Promote educational initiatives that raise awareness about global issues, foster cross-cultural understanding, and empower individuals to enact positive change in their communities.

5. Cultural Exchange: Encourage cultural exchange and appreciation between Europe and Africa, celebrating the diverse heritage and traditions of both regions.

6. Capacity Building: Provide training, resources, and support to empower local communities and organizations to implement effective solutions to shared challenges.

By pursuing these objectives, the EuroAfrica Foundation aims to contribute to a more interconnected, equitable, and sustainable world where the strengths of both Europe and Africa are leveraged for mutual benefit.

Main Projects / Activities

The EuroAfrica Foundation implements a variety of project activities to fulfill its mission and objectives:

1. Cross-Continental Workshops: Organizing workshops that bring together stakeholders from Europe and Africa to discuss and collaborate on issues such as social equality, education, and environmental protection. Tangier 2021

2. Joint Research Initiatives: Supporting collaborative research projects between European and African institutions to address key challenges and find innovative solutions. UNED-PROGRAM 2022

3. Educational Exchange Programs: Facilitating student and teacher exchanges between Europe and Africa to promote cultural understanding and share knowledge and best practices in education. SUMMER COURSES

4. Environmental Conservation Projects: Initiating projects focused on environmental conservation and sustainability, such as reforestation efforts, waste management initiatives, and renewable energy programs. HAUZ 2023

5. Community Empowerment Programs: Implementing programs aimed at empowering marginalized communities in both Europe and Africa through skills training, capacity building, and access to resources. MARHABA PROGRAMME

6. Cultural Events : Hosting cultural events, and exhibitions that showcase the diverse heritage and traditions of Europe and Africa, fostering appreciation and cross-cultural dialogue.
7. Partnership Development: Establishing partnerships with governments, NGOs, academic institutions, and businesses to leverage resources and expertise for maximum impact.

Through these project activities, the EuroAfrica Foundation aims to build bridges between Europe and Africa, promote collaboration, and contribute to positive social, educational, and environmental outcomes in both regions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The EuroAfrica Foundation can help network for ALF in several ways:

EuroAfrica Foundation can introduce ALF to its network of partners, stakeholders, and contacts in both Europe and Africa. This can include government agencies, NGOs, academic institutions, businesses, and community organizations.

EuroAfrica Foundation can facilitate collaboration between ALF and its existing partners for joint projects, initiatives, or events. By leveraging its network, EuroAfrica can help ALF identify potential collaborators who share similar goals and objectives.

EuroAfrica Foundation can share its expertise, resources, and best practices with ALF. This can include providing guidance on program development, fundraising strategies, advocacy efforts, and capacity-building activities.
EuroAfrica Foundation can help raise awareness and visibility for the other foundation's work through its communication channels, including website, social media platforms, newsletters, and events. This can help ALF reach a wider audience and attract potential supporters, donors, and partners.
EuroAfrica Foundation can play a valuable role in helping ALF expand its network, resources, and impact by leveraging its own networks, expertise, and influence in Europe and Africa.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

joining ALF network can strengthen EuroAfrica's connections, resources, and impact, enabling it to better achieve its mission of fostering cooperation between Europe and Africa in social, educational, and cultural domains.

Contact (1) Full Name
abderrahim ouadrassi
Head of the organisation
ouadrassi abderrahim

Euromed Consulting Group

National Network

rafael campalans entlo 2a
08903 Hospitalet de Llobregat Barcelona

+34 647235426
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Private consultancy which operates in the field of EU Affairs, Communication, Strategic Advisory and Public Diplomacy. A team composed of 7 - 10 professionals and a network of companies and professionals across the Euro-Mediterranean region.
Annual budgetary resources vary between 200 - 400K. Sources of funding are our activities.
Modalities of action available: concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships, EU-funded projects

Mission and Objectives

Euromed Consulting Group (ECG) is a dynamic Business Group specialising in EU and International Affairs, Strategic Advisory, Corporate Communication, and Public Diplomacy. With a profound focus on transforming challenges into business opportunities, our mission resonates with generating new pathways for development across diverse sectors. Our commitment extends beyond services; it's about crafting innovative strategies that propel our clients towards success and impact. We specialise in amplifying the influence and reputation of our clients, crafting strategic solutions that transform challenges into #Opportunities4Development across various domains

Main Projects / Activities

Management of the sensibilization campaign for the 'European Mobility Week'.
Key experts in the water sector, working with relevant actors including 'Global Water Partnership' and 'Wareg'.
Environment experts, working with the European Commission (DG Environment) in the 'FORENV' project, with United Nations (World Meteorological Organization), and being our director a 'European Climate Pact Ambassador'
Energy sector experts, working with relevant actors, including 'MEDREG', 'Energy Cities' and 'Med-TSO'
EU-project experts. We organize training courses and meetings about EU projects and how to do business within the EU.
Democracy and social rights experts. We work with highly reputed organizations including International IDEA, IFES, UNDP, UCLG, Platforma, UN Women and Eurocities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will bring our expertise to our country network to raise awareness about EU and Mediterranean projects in the different sectors we work (environment, energy, water, social rights, democratic values).

We will collaborate to reinforce the 'Mediterranean citizenship', based on Human Rights and respect for our environment.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we want to collaborate with other organizations with whom we share values

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Ramon Vila
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ramon Vila

EuroMeSCo Launches the Survey “Towards more social justice and inclusiveness in the Mediterranean”

Survey Euromed - Euromesco IMAGE

The European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) within the framework of the project “EuroMeSCo Connecting the dots” is launching the survey “Towards more social justice and inclusiveness in the Mediterranean” to reflect on the social dimension of the New Agenda for the Mediterranean and on inclusiveness in Southern Mediterranean Countries (SMCs).

The survey targets respondents from the EU and Southern Mediterranean Countries, including policymakers, experts, and civil society representatives to put forward priorities related to the cooperation between the EU and SMCs on these social aspects, paving the way for an evidence-driven approach for an inclusive debate on the New Agenda for the Mediterranean and its different components. The Euromed Survey 2022 is open for participation until the 17th of October, 2022. 

Building fairer and more inclusive societies by fostering social and labour rights, reducing inequalities, and seizing the opportunities of green and digital transitions are seen as Euro-Mediterranean priorities, particularly in the context of recent crises, which have exacerbated social and economic vulnerabilities in the Mediterranean region.

The Euromed Survey invites you to reflect on the social dimension of Euro-Mediterranean relations and how inclusiveness can be promoted. Based on priority areas of action of the New Agenda for the Mediterranean, it explores the potential of the digital and green transitions in terms of inclusive socio-economic development. It looks into cooperation priorities for sustainable job creation and how the social economy can be strengthened. The survey analyses the obstacles for advancing women’s rights in Southern Mediterranean countries as well as youth’s active participation and examines priorities for good governance.

Have your say on how the EU should foster its partnership with Mediterranean countries to build fairer and more inclusive societies!

This online survey is open until 17 October. Participate now through this link!