
Dr. Nabil Al-Sharif

Nabil Al-Sharif

Tribute to our late Executive Director, Dr. Nabil Al-Sharif, who passed away on 6th of March 2021 H.E. Dr Nabil Al-Sharif, former Executive Director of the Anna Lindh Foundation for Dialogue between Cultures, former Senator, Ambassador, Minister and a strong...

Dr. Nabil Al-Sharif

Nabil Al-Sharif

S.E. Dr Nabil Al-Sharif est directeur exécutif de la Fondation Anna Lindh pour le dialogue entre les cultures, ancien sénateur, ambassadeur, ministre et ardent défenseur du dialogue interculturel. Nabil Al-Sharif possède une vaste expérience dans la fonction publique, qui comprend...

National Center For training and Development

National Network

43 Al Wakalat
amman 81000

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
We are non-governmental, non-profit   , civil society organization,   believes that investment in human capital through knowledge economy is the way towards sustainable development. Vision: Contribute in creating young  generation holed up with the knowledge and have the skills necessary to participate positively in achieving sustainable development of the individual and the local communities , through active and positive citizenship  nationally , regionally  and worldwide. Message: Investment and capacity development and strengthening of human resources and opportunities to invest and protect the resources available are the way forward.  
Mission and Objectives

1 – Promoting  the values of active and positive leadership and strengthen the democratic approach and good governance as a catalyst way for sustainable development.
2 -  dissemination and awareness  about  the principles of human  civil, political, social, economic and cultural rights.
3 – promote and empower  the values and opportunities of dialogue and acceptance of the other and create opportunities for the exchange of experience, values  and knowledge of humanity.
4 – Outreach the local communities  to encourage and support  them to  participate actively in public life and promoting the values of volunteerism and community service in local communities.

Main Projects / Activities

Mechanisms of action:
1 - Implementation of seminars, courses, workshops and conferences, information exchange, and dialogues.
2 - Implementation of researching, networking and creating partnerships to serve the interests of the local community.
3 - Provide humanitarian aid and legal knowledge and cooperation with local and international organizations.
4 - Establishment of productive and income-generating projects to sustain  achieving the goals of the center.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Networking, actively participating in network activates, cooperation with other members, Knowledge and experience exchange 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To get the opportunity to exchange our knowledge and experiences with other organizations
To professional develop our organization profile and performance
To create new opportunities for our target groups  to gain International and Global experience

Contact (1) Full Name
Hadeel Al Bataineh
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Hadeel Al Bataineh

National Music Conservatory

National Network

Ras Al-Ein, Ali Bin Abi Taleb Street, in front of Al Hussein Cultural Center
Amman 11110

+962 6 4767221
Telephone (other)
+962 6 4767222
+962 6 4737147
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The National Music Conservatory (NMC) is a not-for-profit, educational, and artistic institution and was established under the umbrella of King Hussein Foundation. Teachers: 28, Administration staff: 10 2. Budgetary resources: Income from tuition fees and activities JD 304,916 4. Modalities of action • Orchestra of the National Music Conservatory • Organization of concerts and other musical functions, featuring prominent local and international musicians • musical education from preparatory to college levels • Bachelor Degree programs in Performance, Composition and Conducting, Arab Music, Music Education and Music Therapy • Participation of advanced NMC students, graduates and faculty members in international competitions, seminars, workshops, festivals and master classes • Project "Youth String Ensemble for Palestinian Children in Refugee Camps of Amman" • Running the project "Middle East Institute for Music Therapy" 5. Main partners Music in ME (The Netherlands), French Conservatoire National de Region Boulogne Billiancourt (CNRBB), British Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM), Rotary International, Conservatory of Enschede (The Netherlands), European Association of Conservatories, Music Academies and Music Colleges

Mission and Objectives

Mission: The NMC is dedicated to the development and continued growth of professional and internationally competent musicians. It also seeks to promote music appreciation, awareness and education throughout Jordan. Objectives: • Provide opportunities to students, from preschool through college, to develop their musical skills • Develop curricula that prepare and accredit students in the following specializations: Performance, Composition and Conducting, Arab Music, Music Education, Music Therapy • encourage, recruit and develop musicians with exceptional talents • develop a broad base of general public concerts, seminars, academic forums, conferences, lectures, meetings, camps and fairs • Establish a variety of music ensembles and create means for their sustainability and development • Develop music in Jordan to the standard recognized in the most prominent cultural capitals around the world • Encourage and develop research of Arab music and Arab music education • Continually improve and expand a music information center housed at the NMC

Main Projects / Activities

The NMC organizes and co-organizes numerous concerts, recitals, master classes, workshops and lectures, e.g. annually a concert in Jerash Festival; recently Mozart's Requiem in collaboration with the Choir of the Faculty of Music of the Holy Spirit University – Kaslik (Lebanon) and the Ballet d'Europe (France) and a lecture entitled "Music Therapy in Prisons" by Brigadier General Dr. Elias Francis, Chief of Music Bands of the Interior Security Forces, Lebanon. The NMC is also running the project "Youth String Ensemble for Palestinian Children in Refugee Camps of Amman", in cooperation with Music in ME and Rotary International. The main project of the NMC at the moment is starting the new Bachelor Degree Program of Music Therapy. Like the program, the institute will start in September 2006 and will function as a training center for music therapists and, in future, as a rehabilitation center.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Mohammed Uthman Sidiq
Head of the organisation
Mr. Mohammed Uthman Sidiq
Contact (2) Full Name
Rana Rizkallah
Job Title (2)
admin manager

National Youth Forum

National Network

Al- Bayader 140693, Ghalda, Amman 11814
Amman 11814

00962 2 72 77 612
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The NFYC is a member based organization, we have elected executive board of 9 members, we have projects based employees (2 – 4) and we have part-time volunteers (8-10), we partnership with many Jordanian NGOs since we work nationally and our members coming from different NGOs (Youth Network). We have many long term partners within the Euro-Med Youth Programme, our main budget are based on projects and membership fees paid by members, our annual budget varies from 50 thousand Euro up to 100 thousand, our main partners who support our projects financially are Konrad Adenauer Foundation and Freedom House. Our main projects are Youth Forums and Youth Campaigns, the forums are 3-days event with 120 participants (4 times a year) and the campaigns aims for youth mobility and advocacy for youth issues, we also organize trainings and support youth initiatives. Our projects internationally; working camps, exchanges, seminars and trainings.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: Increasing Jordanian youth participation in civil socity, governmental and non-governmental organizations through a network of active youth (18-32 years old) working for a better future for youth in Jordan The Forum aims at • Empowering youth and creating a sense of belonging and citizenship through encouraging active participation in social and political life • Increasing youth awareness regarding their rights and basic duties • Encouraging and developing voluntary work among youth • Building a coalition of organizations and individuals from civil society, governmental and private sectors to support, develop and employ youth • Taking care of youth needs and highlighting their positive role in social, political and economic development in Jordan • Increasing the public awareness of youth issues • Increasing youth capacity and organizational skills by establishing more youth-led youth organizations • Promoting youth abilities and youth organizations on the local, regional and international level.

Main Projects / Activities

+ Jordan Youth Forums (3-days Open Space for 100-140 youth): - Annual Jordan Youth Forum - Local and Regional Forums + Capacity Building for Youth (Trainings on Advocacy, Creativity …etc.) + Youth Campaigns (Creative campaigns which are lead by Youth aims to raise awareness between Youth on national or youth issues in creative ways; the NFYC organized several national campaigns on changing some laws regarding violence against women, empowering youth in the Parliament and Municipal elections, Water saving and many other issues where youth can make a change and should be involved. + PR and Media activities through partnering with Media such as newspapers and radio stations and TVs, we are supporting a national wide youth supplement in a daily and popular local newspaper and also a live popular radio show between youth. + An interactive website and e-group. + International Youth exchanges and Projects, bilateral and international.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ali Ababneh
Head of the organisation
Mr. Ali Ababneh

Nationwide Academic Cultural Center

National Network

10 Rawa Str.


+962 79 5555 480
Mobile Phone
+962 79 5555480
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
10 staff members 3000 JDS educational projects ministry of education
Mission and Objectives

Youth enlightment

Main Projects / Activities

Training Courses
Youth enlightment progrmas

Contact (1) Full Name
Mai Awwad
Head of the organisation
Ms. Mai Awwad

Nationwide Academic Cultural Center

National Network

Dahyet Alrasheed

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Nationwide Academic Cultural Center was established with a new supervision in 2003. The field of which the cultural center works on is the growth of development across the nation. Youth development, community development, women development and empowerment, culture, and education are missioned through training. The mission of the development work and process is to strengthen and expand capacities, knowledge and skills through culture, education and training to enable productive and contributing citizens for their local communities.
Mission and Objectives

Our projects are grouped into a Tool kit that provides education and training materials for teachers, technicians, instructors, trainers, parents, researchers, extensionists and others involved in formal and non formal education for people. It could also provide tools for self studies.
The Tool Kit draws on the experience, knowledge and skills of a wide range of experts involved in fields relevant to education for local people and these technical inputs have been acknowledged for schools and educational institutes.
The projects support the local and international cooperation by sharing training material prepared.

Main Projects / Activities

All items are classified into categories with the intention of facilitating the use of the materials, which was a challenge to face in order to pass out demanded tools.
Cultural activities are carried out through programs and projects, with individuals on a national and international basis; and through programmed activities, the motivation is to better build the nature of making capacities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With a 70% youth comprised nation, compared to the other states of the region, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan usually hold an exceptional traditional background that calls for sustained cultural center-points working on projects and activities that are contemporaneously ready to be implemented within the contribution based on a better understanding of the national, regional, and global networks to be applied and used in the national tool to be a tool of use itself.
With International Internship Programs and community education development and training, it would intern lead enriching programs for children, youth, women and adults from those in need and other marginalized areas locally.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

By making a link of partners possible and raising funds, each project develop and implement their own creative, a period of time program, that acts as an important educational role model for over 1,000 community members and institutes, documents participants’ learning and development, and takes part in valuable intercultural cooperation.
Economical strife and restricted movement have led to lack of learning, particularly for the big number of youth, their parents, and women coming with a negative outcome. In offering children and youth positive and enriching alternatives in education designed to foster creativity, life skills and hope among the city’s most marginalized populations and those in need. For example, programs for mothers such as exercise, health, computer that promote their development as people and parents to multiply our impact through the entire family.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mai Mahmoud Awwad
Head of the organisation
Mai Awwad

Nationwide Academic Cultural Center

National Network

Dahyet Alrasheed

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
لدي ايمان مطلق من خلال رحلتي في هذه الحياة و معرفتي بكثير من الصعوبات التي تواجه المرأة في تحقيق ذاتها و طموحاتها في مجتمعاتنا العربية و انطلاقا من خبرتها خلال دراستها و عملها في التدريس أن كل سيدة لديها قدرات و مواهب و امكانيات عليها أن تسعى الى اظهارها و تنميتها و أن التصميم أساس النجاح، خاصة أن المجتمع الأردني في السنوات الأخيرة بدأ يغير نظرته للمرأة و يوفر لها الفرص لإبراز دورها و إشراكها في كثير من مواقع صنع القرار. "من وجهة نظري، هناك كثير من فرص العمل التي يمكن ان تتوفر للمرأة التي تحمل درجة البكالوريوس في سوق العمل ومعظمهم من الرجال لذلك يمكن ان تتوفر للمرأة فرص أفضل و أكثر تأثيرا في المجتمع إذا كانت المرأة تحمل درجات عليا بالإضافة الى فتح المجال أمام المرأة لدخول المجتمع البحثي من أوسع أبوابه. ومن أبرز ما أسعى اليه هو المساهمة في تطوير البحث العلمي ومشاريع تعليمية وثقافية يكلف بمهمة تطوير الشباب وتنميتهم في مجتمعهم والنهوض بالمرأة وتمكينها من خلال التدريب في البلاد و إدخال مجالات جديدة من الأبحاث. وخلال رحلتي اكتسبت خبرة واسعة و علما متميزا من أساتذة متميزين و باحثين ذوي خبرة واسعة و قد كانت من أجمل و أهم المراحل في حياتي حيث ساعدتني على بناء قاعدة علمية قوية و ثابتة أنافس فيها الطلاب في أرقى الجامعات العالمية. حيث و جدت نفسي على مستوى عال من المعرفة و التمكين في تخصصي مقارنة مع طلاب من مختلف دول العالم." نموذج مشرف للمرأة الاردنية الطموحة والتي تقول انها ستعمل جاهدة لتكون "مثالا لكثير من النساء و عامل تشجيع لهن للسفر و متابعة دراساتهن العليا و العودة لخدمة هذا البلد من أجل تحفيز المرأة الأردنية على تطوير ذاتها و إظهار تميزها في مختلف المجالات العلمية و الأدبية و الطبية و الثقافية. و لا أخفيكم أن هدفي الأسمى هو النهوض بالبلاد يدا بيد مع كل المتميزات فالمرأة أساس المجتمع فهي الأم و هي الأخت و هي الزوجة و الابنة ...و إني على يقين أن المرأة الأردنية إذا اتيحت لها الفرصة فلا حدود لإبداعها. أحلامها تخط حدود عالمها لتجل باحثة عن بوابة تدخلها الى مساحات الإبداع والاكتشاف والتميز في عالمها الكبير.
Mission and Objectives

The projects support the local and international cooperation by sharing training material prepared.
All items are classified into categories with the intention of facilitating the use of the materials, which was a challenge to face in order to pass out demanded tools.
Cultural activities are carried out through programs and projects, with individuals on a national and international basis; and through programmed activities, the motivation is to better build the nature of making capacities.

Main Projects / Activities

By making a link of partners possible and raising funds, each project develop and implement their own creative, a period of time program, that acts as an important educational role model for over 1,000 community members and institutes, documents participants’ learning and development, and takes part in valuable intercultural cooperation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With a 70% youth comprised nation, compared to the other states of the region, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan usually hold an exceptional traditional background that calls for sustained cultural center-points working on projects and activities that are contemporaneously ready to be implemented within the contribution based on a better understanding of the national, regional, and global networks to be applied and used in the national tool to be a tool of use itself.
With International Internship Programs and community education development and training, it would intern lead enriching programs for children, youth, women and adults from those in need and other marginalized areas locally.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Economical strife and restricted movement have led to lack of learning, particularly for the big number of youth, their parents, and women coming with a negative outcome. In offering children and youth positive and enriching alternatives in education designed to foster creativity, life skills and hope among the city’s most marginalized populations and those in need. For example, programs for mothers such as exercise, health, computer that promote their development as people and parents to multiply our impact through the entire family.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mai Awwad
Head of the organisation
Mai Awwad

NAYA for Training and Community Development

National Network

Zarqa 13115

+962 788621640
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Naya has 5 employees and many partners our fund come from our partner the main strategic partner ActionAid-ARI we work in different programs like the fellowship program, interactive theater, reproductive health, protection, dialog,youth and women program...ECT)

Mission and Objectives

NAYA is a non-profit organization educational entity based at Jordan-Zarqa governorate. The main idea behind initiating this center was to ensure the social change in local communities to a whole new way of thinking about democracy through creating awareness, positive attitudes and ethics that lead to independent thinking, leadership, social cohesion, and social protection; through interactive tools. NAYA aims at increasing the knowledge and abilities of the local community (especially youth, women and young women). and surrounding society to meet current and future development challenges through the promotion of attitudes and ethics conducive to independent thinking, open debate, participation in decision-making, gender awareness, non-violent conflict management, leadership and community service.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities The center constantly conducts research to establish baseline data on many social and political issues, such as management of change, youth employment, family protection, elections, gender awareness, etc., This helps defining the various developmental challenges facing Jordanian and refugees through interactive tools (theater, art,.. etc) Training workshops (on- and off-NAYA center), invited speakers, field studies and visits, and recruiting volunteers are NAYA's major activities. Training materials are culturally relevant to be suitable to participants. NAYA progresses through active participation and effective relationships with national and international organizations have the same approach. 1. To equip the community constituencies with the various interpersonal and inter communicative skills and tools required to meet current and future developmental challenges by: • Assessing training needs ; • Developing appropriate and culturally relevant training materials; • Conducting training by means of facilitated workshops, invited speakers, field studies, and work placements; and • Promoting higher levels of gender awareness, social tolerance, and non-violent conflict management through art. 2. To define the various developmental challenges facing Jordanian civil society in light of the ongoing democratization process, with an initial emphasis, by: • Researching issues of political representation, voting patterns, gender analysis, youth employment, management of change, religious diversity, and family protection; and • Conducting research to establish baseline data. 3. To contribute to the social empowerment and development of local communities by: • Analyzing and understanding the context of social empowerment as being beneficial to all members of the university community and the local communities; • Encouraging active engagement with the local community with the aim of promoting the character and development of both Center participants and their communities; and • Developing targeted exercises for various communities in order to build skills and raise awareness. 4. To establish and strengthen ties with local, national, and international organizations and bodies that share the Center's mission by: • Identifying possible future partners at the local level (e.g., women's and youth groups, NGO's, and local authorities); national level (government bodies, ministries, Parliament, independent foundations, and Jordanian universities); and international level (NGO's, bilateral development agencies, multilateral and UN organizations, independent institutes and foundations, and foreign universities); and • Creating and maintaining work partnerships, participant exchanges, and knowledge sharing through research, training, and dissemination activities. 5. To advocate and disseminate continuously the Center's mission, the local community, and the country at large by: • Designing, implementing, and maintaining an appropriate communication strategy; • Investing in the participants as positive agents of change within their own communities (e.g., by the training of trainers). • Working in partnership with the media.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through our center as Naya's center is a safe space for youth and we using the art as tools to spared our massages to the community Empowering the youth especially the young women through training and culture activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we have the same approach so we can work together to ensuring the social change in our community

Contact (1) Full Name
Rafat Badran
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rafat Bdran
Contact (2) Full Name
Ayat Alshawesh
Job Title (2)
Programs coordinator
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Nedal Almasri

Senior Research Executive at Ipsos Jordan. Almasri has designed and managed local and regional research endeavors for government, non-profit, and private sector organizations across MENA. Being part of a leading global market research and opinion polling organization has provided him...