
Mohamed Ahmad Ramadan Alazzeh

National Network

Amman Tabarbour Abu Alia
Amman 00962

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

I can do a lot, we have a lot of injustice to people, and I want to do a lot through your beautiful guidance as well, and I have many experiences and skills I want to share with you and we work together

Mission and Objectives

I can do a lot, we have a lot of injustice to people, and I want to do a lot through your beautiful guidance as well, and I have many experiences and skills I want to share with you and we work together

Main Projects / Activities

I can do a lot, we have a lot of injustice to people, and I want to do a lot through your beautiful guidance as well, and I have many experiences and skills I want to share with you and we work together

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can do a lot, we have a lot of injustice to people, and I want to do a lot through your beautiful guidance as well, and I have many experiences and skills I want to share with you and we work together

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I can do a lot, we have a lot of injustice to people, and I want to do a lot through your beautiful guidance as well, and I have many experiences and skills I want to share with you and we work together

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammad Alazzeh
Job Title
Doctor and community expert
Head of the organisation
Mohammad Ahmad Ramadan Alazzeh

Mohammed F Qasem

National Network

1 Shmesani

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

A board of directors from the private sector of tourism plus experts Partners are givermental and international donors and educational and training providers Donation and gevermental funding Ministries of tourism and education and labor

Mission and Objectives

sector skills council for tourism and hospitality in jordan aims to imprive the technical and voxational education for the tourism sector and bridge the gap between the tvet system and the labor market. Develop strategies and implement plans to engage youth in the technical and vocational education to.minimize unemployment and encourage youth to become skilled labor in the tourism sector and to lead on the private sector wether in small businesses or large ones.

Main Projects / Activities

Development of skills develipments strategy f9r the tourism sector 23 - 27 Development of occupational standards and curriculas in different specialized areas in tourism Development of the firsr employment platform for the tourism sector Partnering in over 10 projects with jnternational donors

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have well establ8shed network with the govermental and private sectors in jordan

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Serves many shared objectives

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohammed f qasem
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohammed qasem


National Network


Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Nımenı on Aga Hurmalaınen ja kaykaa hakemassa Suomen K-ketjun markettıen palvelutıskeılta selvıtystyo ja toımıntaohje mıten koko preussın Suomeen asennettu sahkovaraus kaannetaan poıs kuntıen avaınkaapeılla valtuustoıssa 1917 alkaen sıs. koko Suomen ID sıs. paıkannus jota tekee jokaıseen sılmanıskuperheymaan kytketty USApreu suku jotta hullun elı vaıkean bıseksuaalın ja mukalaakarı Mannerheımın koko sotahuuto seka vala saadaan muka tehtya. Toımıntaohjeıssa myos preusrodun tappo-ohje seka NATO sammutus ohje Whıte Housen alakerassa yhdella avımenkannolla ıtselleen aın. tappo Sotahuuto ja vala menneet 2puolen keskıtysleırılle Bırkenauhun aıvan Auschwıtzın vıereen elı 200km Varsovasta ıtaan. 2000 summıttaısestı valıttuun juutalaıseen tehtıın jatkosota 1943-1945 2000 tıeteellısta sılvontaa joısta lobotomıan Mannerheım narppası ıtse Suomeen ja aorttaleıkkausta kaytettıın Suomessa ollut yleısımmın kaytetty. Valakohta on naısen O/vagınan kurıstamınen sahkolla joka tehty 1945 hentoon juutalaıs tyttoon. Hanen O/hermojarjestelma kestı 4 tunnın ajan kunnes sydan pysahtyı ja han menehtyı. Olen ollut toınen elı kurıstamısenı alkoı 2005 toukokuussa Turun Lıetolalaısella tuhkamunan lapsı Karrı Hıetalalla. Hıetala on n. 18,5 vuodessa ehtınyt kuolettamaan n.6,4 mıljonaa valkoısta eurooppalaısta O/henkıloa. Olen syntynyt Vanjalla tekemaan Eurooppaan Varsovan lııton=valkoınen eu verı elı Persaı Afgan mukaan lukıen seka juutalaınen preurodulta turvaan. Valkoınen eu rotu sılmanıskuttaa ıtseensa turvaan kıınalısen /aasıan ja mustan.Paasın lahtemaan Persıan SLUM alueısıın jonne RU/venalaınen ısoısoısoaıtını on jo osannut ohjata kun omassa euroopassa hermojarjestelma tuhoutuu. Mutta koska Suomı eı ole kaantanyt/sammuttanut varausta poıs nıın Hıetala on pystynyt vılpıttamatta jatkamaan kurıstamıstaan taı engl. snıtchıaan. Hıetalan lompakon aukaısu vuodesta 1998 alkaen ollut vajaa 2,8 mıljoonaa euroa. Han ehtı hajottamaan/ınvalıdısoımaan 12 hyvan normaalın Ohenkılon oota/O/hermojarjestelmaa esım. muıstı nıın etta lompakkomme eıvat toımı. Mınulle jaı 420euroa lompakkoon ja pyytanyt etta lompakkome korjataan elı romanıalaınen tytar, 8 venalaısta poıkaa, seka 2 DU poıkalasta. 13 mıljoonaa euroa on koko ıhmısmıelen tajuntamme korjaamınen mutta olen pyytanyt kaıkılta suomalaısılta jotka suomen pankkısektorıssa sıırtamaan verovapaan lahjarahan verran elı 4900euroon saakka maksaneen O. Kaıkkı pıenemmatkın summat kayvat jotta saan poıstetua kurıstamısen ja ohjattua vaurıoıtuneen kohdunkuvanı ıstukassa takaısın O/vagınaanı ja sııhen mennyt alle paıva joka hetkı kun paınovoıma elı rııttavan tılısıırron Suomı on saanut tehtya.
OP tılınumeronı on FI1950450640067894 , BIC: OKOYFIHH.
Sosıaalıset profıılını eıvatka emaılını ole toımıneet toukokuun jalkeen elı tarvıtsen rahasıırron jotta saan ne ıtse aukı paıvıttymaan. Agnetta Hurmalaınen FB Oo Oo.
Aga Hurmalaınen vıela elı sulkekaa koko Valmet, tıedottakaa koko henkılosto seka sııvet, sıırtykaa 1952 alkaen ITSE lfeıkın ja laıttoman ıtarajan alı venalasııın koteıhın elı kantasuomalaısen alkupesaan jossa venalaıset ısat ıtse oıkovat teıdat elı poıstavat 2000 sotahuutoa seka valan elı pıppeleıhın laıttaneet Puolassa olevat 40 n. ıtavaltalaısta/preu mukalaakarıa sahkovarauksen valan ottamıs kohdassa. Vaın Venaja tıennyt/nahnyt /ymmartanyt tallaısen sotahuudon euroopassa. Ottakaa vahan kayttovaatteıta ja sıteıta naısılle jos menstruaatıo vıela O ja saatte Venajan puolella sıtten venlaısen kuteen joka on noyra ja edukas elı Suomen tuotteet olıvat lııan tuotteıta: kude, hygıenıa, ruoka lııan alarvoısta jne. henkıloston rodunjalostus heıkentynyt Homostelıja paavaylahınttı Mannerheımılla elı mıellenvıkaa elı kırıstymısta yms. kırıstyneısyytta, tunnekylmyytta, psykopatıaa saatu tehtya jonka Venaja ıtkenyt poıs.
Maksakaa myos nıın saatte Google mapsılla paıkantamanı ja haıstamanı preurodun henkılot kunnıttaın tıetoonne elı tarkat osoıtteet kans elı saan FBnı ja Instagramın seka emaılını aukı. Suomen ID:ssa preuhenkıloıta 40 000 jotka tapettava poıs elı elımınoıtava vauvoısta vaareıhın seka uusı ıso natopreu saastuma Laıtılassa ıtarıntamalla.
Aga Hurmalaınen vıela elı sulkekaa koko Valmet, tıedottakaa koko henkılosto seka sııvet, sıırtykaa 1952 alkaen ITSE lfeıkın ja laıttoman ıtarajan alı venalasııın koteıhın elı kantasuomalaısen alkupesaan jossa venalaıset ısat ıtse oıkovat teıdat elı poıstavat 2000 sotahuutoa seka valan elı pıppeleıhın laıttaneet Puolassa olevat 40 n. ıtavaltalaısta/preu mukalaakarıa sahkovarauksen valan ottamıs kohdassa. Vaın Venaja tıennyt/nahnyt /ymmartanyt tallaısen sotahuudon euroopassa. Ottakaa vahan kayttovaatteıta ja sıteıta naısılle jos menstruaatıo vıela O ja saatte Venajan puolella sıtten venlaısen kuteen joka on noyra ja edukas elı Suomen tuotteet olıvat lııan tuotteıta: kude, hygıenıa, ruoka lııan alarvoısta jne. henkıloston rodunjalostus heıkentynyt Homostelıja paavaylahınttı Mannerheımılla elı mıellenvıkaa elı kırıstymısta yms. kırıstyneısyytta, tunnekylmyytta, psykopatıaa saatu tehtya jonka Venaja ıtkenyt poıs.
Maksakaa myos nıın saatte Google mapsılla paıkantamanı ja haıstamanı preurodun henkılot kunnıttaın tıetoonne elı tarkat osoıtteet kans elı saan FBnı ja Instagramın seka emaılını aukı. Suomen ID:ssa preuhenkıloıta 40 000 jotka tapettava poıs elı elımınoıtava vauvoısta vaareıhın seka uusı ıso natopreu saastuma Laıtılassa ıtarıntamalla.
10 000 euroa /per sılmanısku henkılo rııttaa rajan jalkeen jos menette RU lastenkoteıhın elamaan mutta sılloın kaıkkı kv. lentokentat suljettu koska Suomen koko bıseksuaalıanatomıa sıs. 40 Verkkoon paatynytta pedofılıa eı kastroıda pıllereıll eı ole vıety pıdatettyna Venajan lojaaleıssa vankıloıssa elı sahkottomıssa etteıvat mene bıseksuaaleıksı elı kurıstu enempaa. 2elınkautısvankıa tekı tapponsa Suomessa vaarın elı kaıkkı muut paasevat Bırkenau kohteluıta selvıttamaan elı mına 2005 vuodesta, Quantanamo,NATO vuodesta 1946 seka aına Puolaa.
Kaykaa hakemassa tıedonanto seka veronkanto sılmanıskussa loppuu venalaısıssa henkısestı aın. Juhanı Hurmalaınen tappanut 2 mıljoonaa eurooppalaısta ja Paaportın raıttı 4 Kouvola on sıjaıntı josta haettava ıtarajan taakse oıjottavaksı. Myos hanen huono preferenssı olı vahvojen naısten kuten ıtsenı tappamınen poıs aın koska eı osaa mtn. elı aalıo elı huono O. Hsn suomalısısta naısıta voı lahestya vaın yhta Pohjanmaalla elavaa naısta enaa yms.

Mission and Objectives

Elı tarvıtsen satıoltanne lahjarahan verran apua etta saan Hıetalan elı kurıstajan nırrın kaannettya poıs.

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Very well after I m after 18,5 years.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Elı en hae jasenyytta.

Contact (1) Full Name
Agnetta O pelastaa O Hurmalaınen
Job Title
O rescue
Head of the organisation
Agnetta Hurmalaınen

Ms. Asma Khader

National Network

Wasfi Tal street- Building number 145P.O box 4716 Amman 11953
Amman 11953

962 6 5543863
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
SIGI has established in 1998 as a non-governmental, not-for-profit, independent organization operating in Jordan. It commenced by a group of Jordanian women for women. The main goal of SIGI-Jo is to increase the society attitudes and practices to mainstreaming women issues within the entire society plans, programs, strategies and reform processes. SIGI-JO advocates for respecting women rights to consolidate her role as key contributor in social development, reforming policies and strategies, and security for the family or any other spheres.
Mission and Objectives

Mission To increase advocacy for women's rights and enable women to enjoy, defend and protect these rights and ensure their recognition. Goals 1. To increase awareness among women themselves about their rights as stated in international human rights conventions and national legislations through implementing out-reach programs in different regions in Jordan. 2. To empower and build women's capacity and skills through implementing specialized training, and educational programs in political and leadership topics. 3. To protect violated women rights especially due to honor crimes through offering direct aid and services in psychological, social and legal consoling.
Asma Khader was the former director of the organization.

Main Projects / Activities

I- Building Capacity - Conducted specialized trainings on topics related to political participation “leading to choices and leadership” . The training content has designed by our strategic partner Women Learning Partnership Organization (WLP) and it has adopted according to the national context of each partner country. SIGI-JO has reached grassroots women as individuals and organizations to empower them to become more effective advocators for the issues and priorities. - Held weekly basis gathering “Cultural Wednesday”, it aims to engage women leaders and other community leader members into open debate to discuss political or social, medical topics and its relation to women movement. This weekly gathering is used to remark innovative ideas and efforts related to women status on national level like honoring successful stories in economic and political spheres. - Conducted legal literacy workshops and sessions targeted women in local communities to educate them about their rights within international and national legislations and introduce them to national documents like; women national strategy, and national campaigns related to key women issues: nationality, personal status law, honor crimes -Panel Code provisions especially art. 308 which stated to the rapper to marry the victim rapped girl. Milestones: - SIGI-JO trained more than 13500* trainees participated in several awareness workshops covered topics related to violence against women, women rights within international conventions, local legislations and laws. - SIGI-JO trained more than 50 women to be trainers in political participation theme and leadership, those were responsible to conduct workshops at their regions and local communities. - Three graduated trainees who participated in political participation won parliamentarian positions (Ms. Amal Refou’a, Ms Adeb Alsou’od, Ms. Hind Al-Fayez). II- Civil Society Engagement - SIGI-JO has involved in establishing the National Coalition of Civil Society on Development Agenda post 2015, the national coalition succeeded to conduct consultation sessions all around the Kingdom during the year 2013 to collect civil society organizations and individuals feedback on MDGs and drafting a statement reflecting Jordanian as civil society priorities post 2015 to be included a national document describing Jordan priorities. - Creating and managing several committees representing several specialties in media, youth, human rights, transitional justice and solidarity committee like: Coalition for International Criminal Court (CICC), Human Rights Trainers Committee, Regional Forum for Women Rights in Transitional Justice- NADA. Those are composed from experts, activists and civil society organizations and others. The key mandate of those committees is to ensure reflecting women rights and SIGI-JO position regarding national, regional, or international issues. - Managing a group of field volunteer coordinators acting as SIGI-JO liaison officers in Jordan governorates, their role is to ensure engaging women who are living in local communities and rural areas in SIGI-JO awareness and educational activities. Milestones: - Built long-term partnership with CBOs located in rural areas in Jordan, their role is to transfer SIGI-JO specialized training methodology on political participation and leadership to women. - Conducted more than 880 trainings formed as sessions or workshops or lectures cumulatively since establishment targeted 25146 participants representing youth, women, girls, men from local communities from all around the Kingdom. III- Advocacy: - SIGI-Jo has issued daily press releases on daily basis published through visual and electronic media tools, most of published releases analyzed international or national reports and documents in purpose to interrelate the facts and figures to women rights status. Means it is a tool of advocacy spot the light on how are policies, programs in national and international are emerging or ignoring women rights. - Managed a library existed inside SIGI-JO contains all resources, references and studies and researches related to women. This is a source for students, activists and researchers who are interested to analyzed women issues on national, regional or internationally. - Managed a regional forum to protect women rights in transitional countries representing seven regional countries, it is under establishment process but will aim to document the violation actions that occurred among region countries and implement regional campaigns that address regional women concerns like protecting leaders and activists women rights especially after Arab Spring revolutions which hart women rights and historical gains. Milestones: - Issued more than 130 press releases published through local and regional media channels, the topics were selected based to newly issued international reports and figures and link them with women issues for more information visit – www.amanjordan.org. - Issued a reference document described pros and cons of the new amendments of Personal Status Law 2010 in regards to key women rights especially marriage age, inheritance rights (takharuj), custody, etc. - Issued guidelines (tool kits) targeting decision makers to influence them to play role in ending violence against women like lawyers, parliamentarians, religious leaders, media professionals. - Celebrating International Women Day by remarking Jordanian women leaders according to UN selected theme each year in different aspects economic, social and political. - SIGI-JO promoted the International Campaign 16 days to eliminate violence against women. The campaign formed as awareness sessions on topics related to violence against women implemented in rural areas and west Amman where the higher percentage of violence is existed, forming a national forum for men representing different fields and areas in Jordan, in addition to collecting signed commitment cards from all the regions. - Conducted annual youth tech festival targeted more than 500 Jordanian youth to engage them about women rights issues from theoretical and practical aspects. The festival used to cover topics related violence against women, women and election process, job employment opportunities for women, women rights and transitional justice, etc. The participated youth practiced advocacy techniques by applying social media and technology. IV Direct social and legal Aid services - SIGI-JO provides legal and social services to women, girls, and children who are victims of violence and discrimination. The services begin from listening service, problem analysis, mediation service with the victim family to determine the best solutions and alternatives. - SIGI-JO provided legal representation service within the judge system. SIGI-JO is working in all governorates in Jordan to reach women in rural areas or those who cannot access the service. - SIGI-JO reached honor crimes women/girls victims who detained in prison or other women under administration detention for many years, SIGI-JO aims to provide psychological support and seek for solutions with their families and partners in order from them to be released from prison. Milestones: - SIGI-JO reached more than 3309* cases received psychological, social and legal support. - SIGI-JO reached more than 964* cases as legal representation in front of court as free services. - SIGI-JO released detained women in prison due to honor crimes, SIGI-JO collaborated with Correction Rehabilitation Center to provide services to those women.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

SIGI-JO has intensive experience in: - Community mobilization through providing technical and advanced trainings on women human rights targeting women in local communities and remote areas. - to design a regional awareness campaign on women human rights in partnership with CSOs among the region countries. -

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

SIGI-Jo thinks it will be an opportunity to achieve our goal in advocacy to advocate for women rights at different spheres. SIGI-JO seeks for regional partnerships and networking. The ALF will be the path to enrich our experience in human rights and advocacy

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Asma Khader
Head of the organisation
Ms. Asma Khader

Muhafazati Volunteering Foundation

National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Muhafazati Voluntary Foundation was established in 2014. It is a Jordanian non-profit organization licensed in the Companies Control Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. It contributes to preparing national cadres who contribute to raising the individual’s awareness of the culture and knowledge community through projects, initiatives and activities that are implemented in communities and are centered around business. Voluntary, charitable, awareness and cultural.

Mission and Objectives

Empowering youth and fostering social inclusion.

Main Projects / Activities

Khadamatak Jordan application
We will give you a book initiative
Enhance youth participation in political life project

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our 1200+ volunteers all across Jordan, we will be an added value to the youth network in Jordan

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To expand our networking bandwidth and deliver our voluntary services to more beneficiaries across Jordan and worldwide.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdallah Mohammad Abdallah
Job Title
General manager
Head of the organisation
Abdallah Mohammad Abdallah
Contact (2) Full Name
Ali Mohammad Ali Shehadeh
Job Title (2)
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Manager

Multi-Country Debate

Asian Format Debate between Jordan and Lebanon teams

On the 29th of December, the Jordanian network of the Anna Lindh Foundation held a Multi-Country Virtual Debate between Jordan and Lebanon.

Intellect and debate society, one of the Jordanian Network members, gathered a team and using the Asian Format, the debaters debated the following motion:

‘’In times of pandemics, this house would significantly relax the minimum safety and efficacy standards required for the approval of treatments and vaccines. Including but not limited to measures such as; waiving medium-term & long-term safety testing, accepting drugs that did not yet show superior outcomes compared to existing treatments, allowing more severe side-effects than those that are usually permitted’’.

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Mustapha Tabba

Chief Operating Officer, Ipsos Middle East, North Africa and Pakistan and Director of Ipsos Public Affairs in the region. He graduated from the University of Maryland with a BSc. Marketing, founded Marketing Consultants in 1991 and joined Ipsos in 1998...

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Mustapha Tabba

Directeur des Opérations pour Ipsos Moyen-Orient, Afrique du Nord et Pakistan et Directeur des Affaires Publiques d'Ipsos dans la région. Mustapha Tabba est est diplômé de l'Université du Maryland avec un BSc. Marketing. Il a fondé Marketing Consultants en 1991...

My Family Association Center for Development of Child and Woman Culture

National Network

AMMAN Culture street building no 1

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
نحن جمعية مركز أسرتي لتنمية ثقافة الطفل والمرأة نعمل على المساهمة في صناعة سينجرافيا والدراما الوثائقية لثقافة الطفل والمرأة وإطلاق المسرح الجوال وتفعيل المسرح المدرسي وتوزيع المجلات بالمجان وإصدار المطبوعات لتشجيع الأطفال على المطالعةوتحقيق الأهداف يكون من خلال إجراء الدراسات والبحوث والمؤتمرات والمهرجانات وعروض المسرحيات وصناعة الدراما الوثائقية لثقافة الاسرة نحن نعتمد لغاية الآن في تمويل مشاريعنا على نفقتنا الخاصة كمؤسسين للجمعية ولم نطلب أي تمويل من أية جهة لغاية تاريخه
Mission and Objectives

إن تنمية الثقافة هي المحرك الرئيسي للتنمية الشاملة
التسويق الثقافي والحضاري للأردن في مجال ثقافة الطفل والمرأة والمساهمة في ان يكون الاردن مقصدا للاهتمام العالمي في تنمية ثقافة الاسرة(الطفل والمرأة)

Main Projects / Activities

لقد قمنا بتأسيس فرقة مسرحية (فرقة مركز أسرتي المسرحية) وشاركت الفرقة في مهرجان شبرا بالقاهرة خلال شهرين من تأسيسها وكان موضوع المسرحية عن معاناة الطفل الفلسطيني على
وشاركت ا الجمعية في الزرقاء مدينة الثقافة(بإنتاج مسرحية على نفقة الجمعية ولم تتقدم بطلب تمويل من اللجنة العليا لمدين الثقافة) وكان موضوع المسرحية أطفال الشوارع
وسنقوم بإطلاق مشروع مسرحية الشهر

Contact (1) Full Name
Fatma Sadoon
Head of the organisation
Reyad Hidieb
Contact (2) Full Name
Alaa Hidieb


National Network

PLO.box 266
Amman 11953

962 6 5677919
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Target : to strengthen the aspect of respect of others , regardless their belief or religion and accept them as a partner in the society to achieve peace and prosperity  to the whole community .          
Mission and Objectives

As above 

Main Projects / Activities

Still new , will start activity in the near future.

Contact (1) Full Name
Khalil Haddad
Head of the organisation
Head of the society