
Ass. Cult. The International Theatre

National Network

Via Gaetano Donizetti 4
00198 Rome RM

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

We operate in the field of theatre, education, we organize and produce an international festival, we host artists for residencies. Our organization has a base of three members who represent the board of directors. Depending on the projects we are working on, we call different professionals to collaborate with us. The Association finances projects if calls won or on direct external commission, it does not have its own personal budget to manage.

Mission and Objectives

We have collaborated with several European partners with whom we have developed Creative Europe projects or Erasmus plus projects. Our mission is to continue to work in collaboration with international partners to share culture and experiences maintaining cultural diversity.

Main Projects / Activities

We are managing in this last two years Onstage Festival, an American theatre festival born in Rome but in the second edition speed in Milan and Naples.
We have a strong collaboration with the Music Theatre International Association (already member of ALF) on different project as Cerealia festival.
We produce theatre shows

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The International Theatre born in 1994 has a strong network of national and international contact and expertise. We organize cultural event in the field of: performing art, education, urban values through culture, empowering suburbs, artistic residencies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We think that our vision and mission have many goals in common with ALF network.

معلومات إضافية
Contact (1) Full Name
Tomaso Thellung de Courtelary
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr. Tomaso Thellung de Courtelary

Assadakah Sardegna - Centro Italo Arabo del Mediterraneo

National Network

viale Bonaria, n. 98

+39 0705435166
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The structure of organization includes the Members’ Meeting, the Board of Directors, the President, the General Secretary, the Honors Committee and 2 employees. Except for the 2 employees, the mentioned posts are carried out for free. The budgetary resource available in a year is around 55.000 €. The main sources of funding are European, national and regional funds. The modalities of action are projects of international cooperation (concerning cultural activities, media, Mutual understanding, intercultural learning), workshops, conferences, scholarships, seminars and campaigns of raising awareness. Main partners are Lebanese, Syrian, Sudanese and Egyptian Embassy, the Centre du Tapis (Tunis), Sardinian Regional Authority; Sardinia Bank Foundation.
Mission and Objectives

Assadakah Sardegna is the Sardinian branch of the Assadakah Italian-Arab and Mediterranean Centre set up in Rome. It has been founded with the aim of promoting even in Sardinia the development cooperation, the peace and the stability in the Arab countries through cultural, political and economic exchanges among Sardinia and the Arab and Mediterranean countries.
The main Assadakah objective is to guarantee the social, civil and cultural solidarity and operate for improving the quality of life of people in trouble because of physical, psychic, economic, social or familiar situations. Assadakah works in several field such as social and medical assistance, promotion of culture and arts, education and training, environmental protection and development and protection of fundamental rights and freedom.

Main Projects / Activities

2009. Depistage Du Cancer du sein-Lebanon. The project promoted in collaboration with the Hospital of Carbonia (Sardinia) and the Di Zahle Gouvernamental Hospital (Lebanon) contributed to the breast cancer prevention in Lebanon, in the north region of Bekaa where the incidence of breast cancer is relevant.
2011. “Let’s dress up” was a bilateral Youth Exchange that saw the participation of 18 young people plus 4 youth leaders from Italy and Lebanon. It lasted 7 days and it was implemented in Sardinia. The project aimed to contribute to the intercultural learning seen as the first step towards the mutual understanding.
2012. Dialogue interculturel à traves l’art du tapis-DIART was promoted in partnership with the
Centre Technique de Création (Tunis), d’Innovation et d’Encadrement dans le Secteur du Tapis. The project had the aim to improve the intercultural dialogue between Sardinia and Tunisia through the mutual exchange of the traditional arts and craft.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We want to join the ALF Network Italy in order to contribute to the general mission of ALF by offering our skills and our experience in the field of international cooperation, in particular in the countries of the Southern Mediterranean. Furthermore, Assadakah has been working in projects that aim to support the integration of immigrants in the Italian community. And also, Assadakah works to support the intercultural exchange with Arab countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The reason why we want to join the ALF network is because we have been working in the field of the international cooperation for years. We would like to empower our networks in order to improve our experience and our skills through the mutual exchange with the ALF's members. Thus, we consider this platform an occasion to compare our approaches and our vision regarding the cooperation with the other members. At the same time, we want to offer our knowledge to the network in order to develop a global perspective of cooperation in the contemporary society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laura Casta

Assocazione Pro-Pentedattilo-ONLUS

National Network

via Lanzaro - Pentedattilo
Melito Porto Salvo

+39 0965 595032
+39 0965 598925
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3356991657
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 3312068969
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
Staff: 10 founders - 25 free lancers - 6 consultants - 2 interns - 1350 volunteers (working camps - once a year) Budget (2008): 120 000 euro Sources of funding: Regional and Provincial Governments - Own Activities Modalities of action: field research, voluntary camps (action learning), cultural, artistic and social events organization, social tourism & hospitality Partners: Servizio Civile Internazionale, Agesci, Lunaria, Libera
Mission and Objectives

Pentedattilo (Five Fingers) is an old village, a "ghost town" nestled beneath a rock formation that eerily resembles the five fingers of an upraised hand, located in the Greek speaking area of Calabria (Southern Italy). The village was completely abandoned in the 60s by its inhabitants. The main scope of the organization is to protect and safeguard the architectural, environmental and cultural heritage of the village which is candidate for UNESCO recognition as World Heritage Site, and to run activities of social, environmental and cultural tourism (Pentedattilo Geopark).

Main Projects / Activities

Recent projects include:
- the organization of international working camps that see the participation of Italian and European volunteers involved in activities of architectural and environmental regeneration;
- the organization of cultural and artistic exhibitions & events (International Film Festival for instance); the setting up of handicraft workshops; the celebration of forgotten traditions and religious ceremonies;
- the regeneration of several buildings that will become part of the "Cultural and Educational Park of of Pentedattilo";
- the creation of cultural and environmental itineraries (Project " Riscoperta della Terra dei Greci - Dal Passato al Futuro")

Contact (1) Full Name
Pietro Polimeni
Head of the organisation
Giuseppe Toscano - Chairman
Contact (2) Full Name
Eric E. van Monckhoven


National Network

STRADa terra bianca 670 47025 Mercato saraceno 47025 Italie

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
association de promotion sociale qui a comme but principal celui de l'intégration des femmes et de leur famille immigrées en italie et originaires du Maghreb ( Algérie- Maroc et Tunisie)
Mission and Objectives

Organisation de cours de langue italienne pour Immigrés du maghreb- cours de langue et culture arabe pour les enfants de citoyens immigrès du maghreb en italie- Organisations de séminaires, congrès, activités culturelles dans le secteur de la comunication interculturelle

Main Projects / Activities

Cours de formation et d'orientation pour la création d'entreprises de groupes de femmes du Maghreb en Italie avec l'intention de projeter dans le futur, des actions de coopèration entre femmes du Maghreb et femmes immigrées en italie du Maghreb et leurs familles

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Associazione Accademia Musicale G. PAcini

National Network

Via Garibaldi n. 79

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The members of this Association are three women. The association is no profit and its activity is to organize concerts and events, particularly musical events: concerts, stages, conferences and other. From the beginning, its members have founded a school for young musicians and singers; the school is based on the fees of pupils and by the assistance granted by local authority. Its name is: Accademia Musicale Giovanni Pacini,a sicilian composer.
Mission and Objectives

to teach and to spread the love and the interest for music of all genres, from classical to modern, to the people of all ages, especially young people.

Main Projects / Activities

organizing concerts -conferences with other countries of the Anna Lindh Foundation

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute organizing events with an exchange of artists, teachers and lecturers of others members countries of ALF

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We think that it is more exciting and interesting entering a circuit that includes various artistic reality with which we and our young musicians can compare

Contact (1) Full Name
Antonia Sorbello
Contact (2) Full Name

Associazione "LEM-Italia"

National Network

1) via Sant'Ottavio 24, Turin (Italie) (siège social)
2) adresse conseillée pour l'envoi du courrier: via Emanuele Di Simone 10, 65125 - Pescara (Italie) (domicile du Président 2008-2010)


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Association de promotion sociale (loi 383/2000), gérée par l’Assemblée des membres et dirigée par un Comité (Président, Vice-Président, Secrétaire, Trésorier et Conseiller). Ressources annuelles (2008-2009) par an : environ 40 000 €. Sources de financement : Bénévolat, cotisations, dons privés et subventions de la part de collectivités locales (Mairie de Faeto, Conseil Général de Foggia). Membre du réseau international Langues d’Europe et de la Méditerranée (LEM), géré par l’association « Forum des Langues de France », chargé notamment d’organiser un réseau sur les langues d’Italie. Organisation de colloques avec publication des Actes et d’autres événements. Publication d’une Collection d’études de linguistique. Partenaires principaux : Conseil de l’Europe, Forum des Langues de France, Département de Théories et Politiques du Développement Social de l’Université de Teramo, Fondazione Università di Teramo, Université de Turin, Université de Lecce, Université de L’Aquila, Maison d’édition Aracne de Rome, Institut Supérieur pour Interprètes et Traducteurs (I.S.I.T.) de Trente, Mairie de Faeto.
Mission and Objectives

L’Association a pour mission de promouvoir la diversité linguistique en Italie en s’associant au projet de portail internet Langues d’Europe et de la Méditerranée (LEM), projet impulsé par l’Association Forum des Langues de France. Dans cette perspective générale, l’Association LEM-Italia, à travers un réseau de partenaires nationaux et internationaux, a mis et continue de mettre en œuvre un nombre important d’actions qui visent non seulement la description à la fois rigoureuse et claire, c’est-à-dire accessible aux spécialistes aussi bien qu’au grand public, des différentes langues d’Italie ou la diffusion de produits culturels en langue régionale ou minoritaire, mais également le développement local et la qualité de la vie dans ces territoires allophones, normalement « marginaux ». Pour ce faire, l’Association implique et sollicite des spécialistes de plusieurs disciplines : linguistique, droit, sociologie, géographie, économie.

Main Projects / Activities

Participation au projet Langues d’Europe et de la Méditerranée (LEM), création d’un réseau national sur les langues d’Italie. Organisation de colloques internationaux annuels sur les droits linguistiques avec édition des Actes multimédia et en papier (http://portal-lem.com/fr/evenements/journees_droits_linguistiques.html) ; organisation d’un Festival sur les littératures minoritaires d’Europe et de la Méditerranée avec réalisation d’une Expositon itinérante sur les mêmes sujets et avec l’implication de plasticiens, de poètes et de musiciens (http://portal-lem.com/fr/evenements/festival_litteratures_minoritaires…) ; création de pages web concernant les différentes langues d’Italie, création et direction scientifique d’une Collection d’études sur les langues d’Europe et de la Méditerranée, à publier en ligne et en volume avec la maison d’édition Aracne de Rome. Création et direction d’un cycle de colloques en ligne (« Colloques virtuels », http://portal-lem.com/fr/evenements/colloques_virtuels.html). Organisation d’une grande exposition sur les « Langues de la Méditerranée », en préparation actuellement.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giovanni Agresti
Head of the organisation
Giovanni Agresti

Associazione "Peripli. Culture e Società Euromediterranee"

National Network

Piazza S. Francesco 5
06023 Gualdo TADINO

0039 075 9108215
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 3490974705
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Peripli is a non-profit cultural association. It is endowed with a President, a Board of Directors of 5 members, a Scientific Council and various partners. It has no employees. Its annual budgeting resources amount to around € 1,000 for current expenses. Members self-finance. Among its many modes of action: training courses in high schools, Café Philo, organization of events, conferences, round tables, international meetings, publications, etc. The main partners of Peripli in its actions are: Mediterranean Citizens' Assembly Foundation (FACM) - Valencia (Espagne), CNR, Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies - Naples, Italian Institute of Historical Studes - Naples, COPEAM / RAI / Rome, ARAPRESS / Rome, Turin University, LUISS University - Rome, Movimento Europeo - Italy, IRCM - Tunis, Ecole Normale Supérieure - Rabat, AGM - Rome, SESAMO - Italy, Fondazione Orestiadi of Gibellina and Dar Bash Hamba of Tunis, etc.
Mission and Objectives

PERIPLI (www.peripli.org) is a no-profit organization promoting the dialogue among Euro-Mediterranean cultures and societies through the creation of a permanent discussion board on social and cultural subjects. More specifically, PERIPLI operates in the field of training, education and scientific research by creating partnership with other institutions such as public and private institutions and associations at national and international level mainly in the following areas: cultural heritage and culture and citizenship. PERIPLI develops a dialogue among societies and cultures as a mean to assert fundamental rights (civic, political, economical, social and cultural rights; gender equality), democracy and justice by pursuing values based on mutual respect. PERIPLI operates also through a dynamic and flexible organizational model by establishing collaboration and high-level partnerships to prepare and implement programs and technical multidisciplinary teams to support: publishing and audio-visual products, events, meetings and workshops’ organization; communication activities.

Main Projects / Activities

Among his many activities (see www.peripli.org), in 2010, PERIPLI organized an international conference in Rome on "The Arab world and Europe between conflicts and peace". The Proceedings of the conference were published in 2014 for Ed. L’Harmattan, Paris; in 2013, in collaboration with the Advisory Council of the ACM and the Moroccan Embassy in Italy, PERIPLI organized an international conference on "Europe and the Arab World in the times of transition: what reforms?", whose Proceedings are in preparation. In January 2014 PERIPLI led a conference called “Training and work: a challenge for the Mediterranean area”, during which PERIPLI analysed the crisis of work civilization and consequent challenges of rethinking a “Mediterranean project”. In June 2015 (Naples) "Cultural diversity and citizenship" in collaboration with CNR, "Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Migrants Rights in the Mediterranean, University "l'Orientale" Naples, FACM.   Peripli organizes training courses at the Licei G. da Procida of Salerno, Liceo di Pagani, Liceo Casimiri of Gualdo Tadino on issues related to the cultural, social and political problems of the Mediterranean area and its relations with Europe in order to developing the awareness of a Euro-Mediterranean citizenship among the younger generations. The courses are organized in partnership with some national and international institutions and have an annual duration. Moreover Peripli promotes and organizes a Café Philo on current issues such as eg. that of migrations, its causes and its effects in the Mediterranean area. It have an annual duration. In the current year Peripli organizes in May a debate meeting on the topic citizens of the Web / the Web of citizens, in June an event on Islamic cultures, in October an international conference on the theme of tangible and intangible heritages of the Mediterranean.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The activities and objectives of Peripli are in harmony with those of the ALF and its network. They involve various institutional partners both of Italian civil society and of the Mediterranean area. Peripli is open to the collaboration of public and private organizations that share its objectives and values for the construction of joint projects in order to make the dialogue between representatives of various Mediterranean cultures more and more profitable. This dialogue seems to be increasingly urgent in an area where conflicts seem to prevail today. But this sensitization towards the construction of a Mediterranean area of peace requires ever more extensive synergies and increasingly effective partnerships. Peripli provides its experience and expertise to the its country's network, offering itself as a bridge between its partners.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The presence of Peripli in the ALF Network can help to expand its partnership. Peripli aims to collaborate with institutions from other Mediterranean countries to carry out joint projects at national and international level with an interdisciplinary and intercultural methodology. On the other hand, Peripli intends to make its own contribution to the contents and to the common activities by making available the already consolidated patrimony of partnership, in a perspective of inclusion and cultural growth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Donzelli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Prof. Maria Donzelli
Contact (2) Full Name
Rita Felerico
Job Title (2)

Associazione "QUOTE MERITO"

National Network


Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
General Information
The organs of the association are the Assembly, the Board of Directors, the President, the Vice President and the treasurer.
Mission and Objectives

The association deals with merit and legality in the fields of work and social life.

Main Projects / Activities

Its main activities are meetings with the public in meetings on the subject of legality and merit with the participation of prominent personalities as regards the address of the association itself. The same is in contact with several other associations that deal with the same theme.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Associazione Animamediatica

National Network
06 39727085
06 39727085 48
E-Mail (2)
Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Frigione