

National Network

Via Sauro Babini 296
48010 Roncalceci (Ravenna)

0039 0544 535237
Telephone (other)
0039 0544 65489
0039 0544 535237
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
1.Andrea Bernabibi: president. STAFF: Angela Suprani, Soprani Remo, Roberto Bernabini, Elena Casadei, Alessandro Fogli, Emanuele Mingolini, Serena Bandoli, Daniele Casadio. 2. 20.000 Euro in a year. 3. Public and private contributions. 4. Festival “CorposaMente”, research and production of artistic events and performances, organization of conferences and exhibition. 5. Comune, Provincia Ravenna, Cultural association: Almagià, Dalla parte dei minori. 6. Promoting international exchange.
Mission and Objectives

Study, research and production in the artistic field like:
Video, Theatre, Dance, Music, Visual Art. Organization and realization of perfomances, conferences, and public relationship
for pedagogic goals. Development of its activities together with public cultural institutes coming from Italy and from abroad.
Organization of cultural and pedagogic actvities.
Networking of artists from all over the world.

Main Projects / Activities

-Festival of performances “corposaMENTE” every year since 1999
-Bienal exhibition of pictures and conferences on the theme of violence in the childhood: “Dalla parte dei minori”
-Productions of videoart, music events and dance pieces.
- Workshops.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elena Casadei
Head of the organisation
Andrea Bernabini
Contact (2) Full Name
Andrea Bernabini


National Network

Via Cola Montano,8
Milano 20159

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
- artistic director + one assistant + staff composed by: second assistant, graphic designer, translator, web master, video maker, others (trainees , students, ect…depending on the project). - Private and mainly public found raising. - Researches, artistic projects, video + film projections, debates, seminars, art exhibitions, publications, urban installations. -Main partners: Regione Emilia Romagna; Provincia di Modena; Comune di Formigine; DARC, Ministero Beni Culturali Roma; Fondazione A. Olivetti, Roma; Fondazione Pistoletto, Biella; Cultural Department Provincia di Milano. -Other collaborations (depending on the project):Ashkal Alwan Association, Beirut; Platform Garanti, Istanbul; Metropolis University, Barcelona; IUAV, Venezia; Festival Filosofia, Modena; Progress Wyspa Foundation, Gdansk; Art and Time Foundation, Warsaw; Artphoto association, Bucarest; Qattan Foundation, Ramallah/ London; City of Larissa, Culture Department; University of Volos, Faculty of Architecture,..
Mission and Objectives

aMAZElab is investigating the key points of territory and society, handling the great themes of changing realities from an artistic point of view. It sets out to create an anthropology of day to day life. It is not a defined space, a container of works, yet it is able to transform the territory into an ongoing workshop-cum-field of action. The city and its inhabitants are openly surveyed from a wide variety of observation points, following the movements of groups and peaking into the folds of urban living, opening up new spaces for discussion and art exhibitions

Main Projects / Activities

GOING PUBLIC is a mobile open platform, a network of production, reflection and cultural exchange, that establishes itself in peripheral areas. GOING PUBLIC invites artists to work on places of the city, such as railway stations, public libraries, schools, ect…. The project develops an attitude for intervention in social issues, together with local communities, in the fold of public policy, nomad’s, of today’s precarious and temporary settlements. The researches are addressed to contemporary subjects such as: mobility, borders, new geographies, new EU, Mediterranean and eastern cultures, micro-geographies, ect...

Contact (1) Full Name
Claudia Zanfi
Head of the organisation
Claudia Zanfi
Contact (2) Full Name
Gianmaria Conti / Sara Maestrello

Amici dei Bambini

National Network

via Marignano 18, Mezzano di San Giuliano Milanese - Milano - 20098

+39 02 98822365
+39 0298232611
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+32 0485066293
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Structure in Italy: Headquarters in Milan and 10 regional offices. Abroad: 33 Operational offices in Albania, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil , Bulgaria, Cambodia, Chile, China, Colombia, DRC, Ecuador, Honduras, Kenya, Republic of Kosovo, Morocco, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolian, Nepal, Perù, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Sri Lanka,Ukraine, USA. Staff: 60 workers at the Head Office - 22 Volunteers - 29 Local representatives Total budget: 7,791,947.67 of which public financing: 972,360.2 - from European sources: 491,459.9 - from national sources: 108,316.59 - from local/regional sources: 372,583.71 from other sources: 6,819,587.47 - donations: 4,457,601.16 - contributions from members: 2,203.29 - quote adozioni internazionali : 1,527,500.31 - funds use : 832,282.71 Amici dei Bambini will work where abandonment is present: in orphanages, in institutions, in assistance centres through activities aimed at preventing, suspending, overcoming and accompanyng abbandonment. Main Partners: local authorities, research centre and other Ngos
Mission and Objectives

Amici dei Bambini Association is a movement of families acting since 1986 in Italy and in several world sites to promote the family upbringing of abandoned children.
The association operates in Eastern Europe, in Latin America, in Africa and in Asia, where it pursues its overall goal to give a family to every abandoned child and guarantee his right to be a son/daughter: this is the mission animating Amici dei Bambini’s activities.

Main Projects / Activities

To prevent abandonment: activities diversified in favour of families in difficulty and children
in danger of abandonment.
To suspend abandonment: Foster care and Supported housing
To overcome abandonment: reintegration into family of origin, domestic adoption, Intercountry adoption
TO accompany abandonment: social inclusion activities in favour of young care leavers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lorenzo Marfisi
Head of the organisation
Marco Griffini
Contact (2) Full Name
Alessandro Negro


National Network

V. Libia 5
00199 Rome

06/8621 4184
06/8621 4184
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
338 7177238
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
  2. Research
General Information
The Association includes a President, 10 Commmissions, each of them has Coordinators and Members, spokesman and press office. The sources of founding are self- financing, for this reason budget is varIable according to The capabilities and the intents of the Members: Partners: "Uniti per Unire" International and Interprofessional Movement, Community of the Arab World in Italy (Co-mai) and Emergenza Sorrisi Onlus No profit Organization.   Modality of action: organizing Conferences concerning health, immigration, intercultural, interreligious dialogue and international cooperation in order to achive the integration of Foreign Doctors in Italy to give medical assistance to immigrants providing medical exchange between Italy and Foreign Countries. Circumcision of children performed in the Italian Hospitals, humanitarian aids to Baka and Tira (Palestine).
Mission and Objectives

To create a medical bridge between the Euromediterranean Countries, Doctors exchage, health globalization and telemedicine.

Main Projects / Activities

To build Medical Centres and Hospitals in Palestine and in the Middle East Area.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We hope to give the Ride our useful contribution throughout the work of Foreign Doctors in Italy and Doctors from the Native Countries.To increase the medical exchange between our Representatives Members acting all over the world.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To make health work as a bridge between the Euromediterranean Countries taking advantage of our medical experience and the significant one of the Ride in connecting different Members and partners to promote dialogue and culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Foad Aodi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Valentina Velocci
Job Title (2)

AMSI-CO-MAI (Uniti x Unire)

National Network

00199 ROME

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
The Community of the Arab World in Italy (Co-mai) represents a No Profit Organization which works to promote intercultural and interreligious dialogue between Italy and the Arab Countries. It represents 12 Departments related to instruction, immigration and health. Co-may is not only focussed on the Arab World infact its Members are Jewish, Catholic and Foreign Associations united to defend the value of the interreligious respect.  The Organization is self-financed and supported by the Arab League. Modalities of action: Organizing seminars in order to promote interreligious dialogue between people, to spread the knowledge of the Arab World in Italy, to propose practical solutions to the main Middle East Area unsolved conflicts. Main Partners: Uniti per Unire International Movement, Association of Foreign Doctors in Italy (AMSI).
Mission and Objectives

To encourage international cooperation, economical development and interreligios dialogue between Italy and Euromediterranean Countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Activities: To defend the human rights against social injustice, social and racial prejudice.
To promote legal Reforms on integration and immigration.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We hope to give the Ride a useful contribution thanks to the help of the Arab League which supports our activities to interact with the Arab Countries encouraging the dialogue between Foreign and Religious Associations, finding useful and common solutions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because our objectives reflect Ride main purpose: to promote dialogue between the two shores of the Mediterrenean.

Contact (1) Full Name
Foad Aodi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Valentina velocci
Job Title (2)

ANNASSÎM - Donne native e migranti delle due sponde del Mediterraneo

National Network

Via Fregoli, 10

+39 339 7521110
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
It's a volunteering asociation composed of about 100 women. We have a budget of about 10.000 eyros a year, found through donations or partnerships in project with Region, Municipalities, organizing seminars and catering, and so on.
Mission and Objectives

Siamo nate nel 2003 dalla consapevolezza che solo una associazione "mista" potesse dare alle donne del territorio la possibilità di scambio di saperi e culture, sostegno, condivisione, integrazione, aiuto sui temi vitali (famiglia, figli, violenza, salute) e l'aiuto con la lingua.
I temi che ci stanno a cuore sono: scolarità, relazione, sostegno, condivisione, valorizzazione delle culture e del tempo speso insieme, lotta all'esclusione sociale, tutto ciò cercato attraverso l'istituzione di corsi d'italiano, informatica, cucito, tessitura, cucina, ceramica, laboratori sulla lingua madre, indagando sempre sulle aspettative, sulla salute fisica e mentale, anche con intervento di specialisti; abbiamo un progetto di orto-terapia, facciamo scambio di vestiti e oggetti, catering, mostre, lettura di poesie in varie lingue, interventi a dibattiti pubblici e convegni. Tutto questo, per creare relazioni e stare insieme.

Main Projects / Activities

Exhibitions, caterings, social activities towards women and kids in need, teaching Italian, support people in difficulties, axchanging clothes, distributing foods, ....

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Alessandra LAZZARI


National Network

Via S. Tommaso D’Aquino 67

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Italy's leading press agency ANSA has launched ANSAmed, a new agency focused on the Mediterranean. ANSAmed's key goal is to create a forum for sharing information relating to the Mediterranean and to promote communication between countries in the area. ANSAmed offers the same qualities that have won ANSA its outstanding reputation in Italy and around the world: reliability, speed, breadth of coverage and pluralism. ANSA has been covering the Mediterranean for decades, which is why it has now decided to create an integrated communications network. ANSAmed acts as a central news pool, providing contact and encouraging dialogue between different political, economic, social and cultural entities that are geographically close but historically distant. ANSAmed produces around 210 news items and features a day in English,Italian and Arabic. Soon the service will be available in French as well.
Mission and Objectives

It offers in-depth social and cultural coverage of the region, reporting on initiatives that encourage development. A central news-desk in Naples edits, organizes and transmits the material, which is provided by an extensive network of ANSA offices throughout the Mediterranean, including branches in each of Italy's 20 regions.
ANSAmed works with the Mediterranean's largest national press agencies, gathering, selecting and sharing information that is vital to decision-makers operating in the area.

Main Projects / Activities

Having become a central channel for news about and for the Mediterranean, ANSAmed hopes to develop into a communications network for the financial, political, social and cultural communities in the area. ANSAmed and its partner agencies are already working on a major Mediterranean portal that will bring this about.
The ANSAmed portal in English, Italian and Arabic will form a meeting point for the Mediterranean, offering daily news coverage enhanced by special features and research, as well as additional services for the business community.
ANSA has always insisted that ANSAmed should not represent the particular viewpoint of any one Mediterranean country or institution. Instead, the new agency should serve as a communications platform for all the different areas providing the news. ANSAmed has in fact signed a number of cooperation accords with the region's leading press agencies and will shortly sign further agreements with other media outlets.

Contact (1) Full Name
Carlo Gambalonga
Head of the organisation
Giulio Anselmi

Antares 2000

National Network

Via Ettore Vulpiani n.6 00024 Castel Madama RM

+39 0774/448180
Telephone (other)
+39 0774/449539
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs. Paola Fabiani
Contact (2) Full Name
Marci Laughlin

Anton Stadler Cultural Association

National Network


+39 342.5805156
Telephone (other)
+39 349.5831504
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 347.5706169
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Anton Stadler Association is a professional company which works in musical, artistic and cultural field over Sulcis Iglesiente area (Sardinia). It was born in Iglesias in 1998 with the main purpose to spread and develope art of Music, according to its different kinds and genres. On the one hand these goals are carried out through concertistic activities, festival organization and education and training activities; on the other hand, thanks to the production and distribution of opus and works conceived by the Association. The structure of the organization includes stably 2 employees, 2 consultants, and some more employee if necessary. The budgetary resources available every year are about € 100.00,00 which includes funds from municipalities, Sardinia district, sell of Anton Stadler musical productions. The concertistic activity takes place thanks to exchanges between musician from every side of Italy and of Europe.
Mission and Objectives

The main purpose consists in spreading and developing art of Music, according to its different kinds and genres.
On the one hand these goals are carried out through concertistic activities, festival organization and education and training activities; on the other hand, thanks to the production and distribution of opus and works conceived by the Association.
Anton Stadler plans every year its own concert program, characterized by different and various artistic proposals.
Musical education and training activities mainly consist in planning high education international courses for different kind of musical instruments. 

Main Projects / Activities

Anton Stadler plans every year its own concert program, characterized by different and various artistic proposals. The most important appointments are the International Festival of Chamber Music, mainly dedicated to classical music, and ARTango&jazz Festival, which is totally focused on tango and jazz music.
During the year are also planned some other concerts and shows, centered around other kinds of music: kletzmer, ethnic, mediterranean, barocca, etc.
Production activity is essentially founded on the creation, every year, of opus and musical works, written for small ensambles, as Solo, Duo, Trio and Quartet, mainly connected with jazz and tango music. All music compositions produced by Anton Stadler go on stage during its annual concert program, but they are also staged and distributed in Italy and in many other European countries.

Musical education and training activities mainly consist in planning high education international courses for different kind of musical instruments. The latest project, in this regard, is the International Masterclass of bandoneon, which names, every year, the top artists and performers of this musical instrument, recently rediscovered and saved from oblivion.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Association, during its intense activity, has forged strong partnerships with public institutions, such as the Province of Carbonia Iglesias and the municipalities of the territory, as well as foundations and theaters, thus becoming an important strategic manifold between local entrepreneurs, non-profit organizations and other cultural organizations. Thanks to its strong partnerships forged over Sulcis Iglesiente area, it will be easier to involve other bodies, such as Public Institution, local organization and stakeholders, in order to create cultural events in this area. In this way the association can strongly contribute to the network.  Its experience in musical field and in production activity, makes of it the most reliable partner  for the success of any project that requires cooperation and collaboration between different bodies.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining ALF Network can offer many opportunities of cooperation between bodies in different countries. It would be a new way to spread the role of music as mean of socio-cultural-economic development for each territory and even as the instrument of intercultural dialogue and cooperation among Euro-Mediterranean people. Joining ALF Network would mean improve our qualities and build partnership with bodies far away from Italy, supporting the growth and developement of cultural initiatives concerning art and directed especially to youth and women, two categories that often need to be more involved in society and in social activies, in order to prevent discrimination and encourage social inclusion.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dario Furia
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)