
Associazione Culturale Beyond Borders Corato

National Network

Via A. Volta 32B

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Our team consists of several youth workers and youth leaders with various profiles, all experienced in non formal, informal and lifelong learning. Elena Torelli and Rocco Di Corato, the two main coordinators of Beyond Borders, are Youth Workers and Facilitators. They have been developing and implementing international projects since 2014, working meanwhile for Beyond Borders and other organizations in Europe. The skills and expertise of the people involved in the organization are related to: - Intercultural learning - Human Rights - Intercultural and Linguistic Communication and Mediation - European Citizenship, European identity - Youth participation, skills development and entrepreneurship - Arts and Creativity - Community development - Conflict management - Social inclusion - Volunteer Management - NGO Management - Designing programmes All have also a broad experience with coordinating projects, facilitating and implementing trainings and youth exchanges, communication with partners, selection of participants, organising and managing resources, preparation of participants for taking part in the projects, travel arrangements, assisting in logistic support and carrying out visibility and dissemination activities.   Sources of funding and budget  resourches are coming from partners, European projects and members.
Mission and Objectives

Beyond Borders is a cultural association legally established in July 2014 in Puglia, Italy.
Since the beginning, Beyond Borders pursued its defined objectives, such as:
- youth work;
- mobility of young people;
- promoting non-formal and intercultural learning;
- active citizenship;
- empowerment of youth;
- respect of Human Rights;
- promoting European culture;
- promoting social inclusion, solidarity;
Our main activities are highly linked to our objectives and they focus on youth and including them in active project development on different levels. Our work takes place in Puglia, but mainly in the two cities of Corato and Orta Nova.
Our core activities are divided into 3 pillars:
- Erasmus+ actions and international projects;
- local workshops;
- organizing Campaigns and Infodays aiming to promote our organization’s objectives;
Our activities are based on non-formal methodologies, increasing competence of young people, activating young people in society, stimulating creativity and growth of young people.
Ever since we have been growing, we are constantly adding and innovating our work, activities and project types, both on local and international level. Our main goal is facilitating youth mobility and, through this, promoting non-formal education and intercultural learning, Human Rights, active citizenship.
Our main target group are young people living in our local area between 16 and 35 years old. In our activities we are providing opportunities and we are acting towards the empowerment and broadening perspectives of young people who can enrich their community by bringing back personal and professional development. We are focusing on enhancing their level of key competences and skills, especially for those with fewer opportunities. An important part of our Target Groups are young people facing obstacles and having to deal with fewer opportunities, coming from remote areas which are constantly facing geographical, educational, cultural and social obstacles, who have low chances of employability.
In 2016 Beyond Borders joined officially both the No Hate Speech Movement of the Council of Europe and the Coordinating Group of the No Hate Speech Italy, becoming active for the defence and respect of Human Rights online and offline.
In the same year, we joined the Hate Fighters Network which is working internationally on the topics of the No Hate Speech and is officially recognized by Council of Europe. The Network is focused on contributing to the development of the capacities of youth workers and young people in the combat against hate speech through methodology of creative methods (photography, videography, graphics, dance, music, creative writing). Beyond Borders has implemented several activities on the No Hate topc, such as workshops and flash-mobs, spreading awareness among youth in the local area of Apulia.
Since 2018 our organization has been cooperating fully with the Non-profit volunteering organization "Pro Loco" of Orta Nova, which is part of the UNPLI, Unione Nazionale Pro Loco d'Italia.
We started cooperating with the Pro Loco since we found that our needs and objectives are matching and aiming towards the same direction. We are sharing the goals of improving the quality of life in own local area, promoting the cultural, environmental and historical heritage. This cooperation has created a bridge which is allowing youth work and European culture to meet with the local values they are promoting, such as traditions, customs, products, and social and cultural issues.
Between 2015 and 2018 we have been partner with the University of Bari Aldo Moro. The agreement has provided academical traineeships for students during their Bachelor degree. Specifically, during this period we have hosted around 15 students enrolled in the class of Intercultural Mediation.

Main Projects / Activities

Our experience in with project has started and continued with the Erasmus+ Programme of the Euopean Unione. We started before the organization was been established, as our members and coordinator was already experienced in the field of International Youth Work.
We have hosted Trainings and Youth Exchanges since 2014 in Italy, and our staff members have been working as facilitators and trainers for other organizations in Europe, often participating to Trainings.
As follows, the projects that we have organized as Coordinators:
- 2015: Erasmus+ Seminar KA1 “BEYOND – Rethinking Intercultural Learning” (Corato, Italy) – Topic: Intercultural Learning.
- 2016: Erasmus+ Youth Exchange KA1 “Indoeuropean Language Tree” (Orta Nova, Italy) – Topic: Multilingualism in Europe.
- 2017: Erasmus+ Youth Exchange KA1 “E.U. & Us” (Orta Nova, Italy) – Topic: European Citizenship.
- 2018: Erasmus+ Youth Exchange KA1 “From E.U. to You” (Orta Nova, Italy) – Topic: European Citizenship.
- 2019: Erasmus+ Youth Exchange KA1 “Not Just Another Graffiti on the Wall” (Orta Nova, Italy) – Topic: No Hate Speech, Tolerance, Creativity.
- 2020: Erasmus+ Training Course KA1 “Breakout” (Orta Nova, Italy) – Topic: No Hate Speech, Creativity, New Methodologies, Educational Escape Rooms.
Meanwhile, we have been active partners in the following Erasmus+ KA2 projects:
- 2017: “Play for Inclusion” (organizing of local sport events for the creation of inclusion opportunities for young people);
- 2019-2020: “Hate Fighters in Action” (organizing of local workshops in order to equip young people to combat Hate Speech with creative methods and debate);
- 2019-2020: “Power to Change” (hosting international training course, organizing of local workshops in order to equip young people to combat Hate Speech with creative methods);
- 2019-2020: “Safenet” (organizing of local workshops in order to equip young people for their safety online and offline with creative methods, hosting international final conference);
- 2019-2021: “It’s Time” (organizing of local workshops in order to equip young people to combat in favour of gender equality with creative methods);
We have been partners in European Youth Foundation (Council of Europe) projects too:
- 2016: “Hate Fighters Network Work Plan 2016” (organizing of local workshops in order to equip young people to combat Hate Speech with creative methods);
- 2019: “Hate Fighters Network Work Plan 2019” (strengthen the role of young people in peace-building activities and combat against hate speech);
Moreover, we are actively working as sending organization since 2014. We have already been partnering in several projects, letting a large number of youngsters from Italy and especially from our local community to take part in delegations in Youth Exchanges and take the chance to join Erasmus+ programme. Our Team members and leaders have participated in Training Courses and have grown their skills on various thematics of specialization.
For the future, we are seeking more opportunities for the organization to grow in order to create more opportunities for young people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elena Torelli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Elena Torelli
Contact (2) Full Name
Rocco Di Corato
Job Title (2)
Project Manager


National Network

via Spagna, 3

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
BLITZ, Compagnie de recherche, formation et création théâtrale, fondée en novembre 2014, a choisi Palerme comme son lieu. L'Association Culturelle est dirigée par un organe directeur qui se réunit en mode Conseil, une assemblée des associés et des collaborateurs externes. L'Association BLITZ est une petite realité, douée d’une grande capacité d’innovation,  dont le financement principal provient des Fondations et de l'autofinancement des activités de spectacle. Au sein de BLITZ nait Diverse Visioni (Différentes Visions), un projet d'inclusion et de création, à travers le théâtre, dédié aux jeunes, migrants, réfugiés et demandeurs d'asile. Pour DV, l'accès à la vie culturelle est un droit inaliénable de l’ homme et une vision partagée (d'une performance, d'un film, d'un spectacle) permet la comparaison entre différentes cultures et différents modes de représentation, toujours dans une hypothèse de rencontre. De ce principe naissent toutes les actions du projet: ateliers de théâtre, formation, spectacles, actions de sensibilisation
Mission and Objectives

Objectif du projet est de construire des processus culturels participatifs en gré de soulever des questions critiques sur le thème « culture » et de générer un capital social de réseaux de relations informelles visant à créer des liens positifs entre la société et l'individu / la société et les nouvelles communautés et qui contrastent toutes les formes de discrimination. Le théâtre est l'outil pour la construction de langage, pour l'inclusion et pour l'engagement interculturel

Main Projects / Activities

Invitation au théâtre: L'INVITATION AU THÉÂTRE est le point de départ pratique et méthodologique de DIVERSE VISIONI. Né en 2017 au début de la ainsi-dite  «urgence- migrants », le projet,dédié aux jeunes migrants, réfugiés, demandeurs d'asile, devient une offre active de parcours de dialogue interculturel. La vision d'un spectacle est une opportunité de rencontrer l'autre de nous et un outil pour identifier et faire émerger des questions et des thèmes fondamentaux pour les conditions de vie des participants. Grâce à une série d'accords créés avec les espaces culturels de Palerme et en diffusant l'initiative dans des endroits cruciaux (centres d'accueil, écoles d'italien pour étrangers, lieux de rencontre), on rend possible pour les jeunes migrants de prendre partie à la vie culturelle de la ville. Chaque vision comprend une rencontre propédeutique et une rencontre de restitution. L'objectif de la nouvelle phase du projet est d'étendre l'invitation aux autres arts, au fin de créer un contexte commun dans lequel le processus de formation et d'autoformation soit de plus en plus démocratique.
PROCESSUS DE CRÉATION: activer des processus de création qui déterminent un nouvel espace culturel pour une pensée différente vers ce que on considère «mineur», faite de croissance, de potentiel, de talent et d'opportunité (cfr. M'APPELLE MOHAMED ALI/CHIAMAMI MOHAMED ALI)

FORMATION: des parcours de formation informelle (à travers des représentations théâtrales, représentations dans les écoles, des ateliers techniques et artistiques) destinées aux réfugiés, demandeurs d'asile, femmes, jeunes avec background migratoire et non, avec une attention particulière pour les catégories plus fragiles.

Espace de élaboration théorique: un espace d'élaboration théorique et d'analyse méthodologique au sein du projet qui permet, soit au niveau artistique qu'opérationnel, d'approfondir et de définir les formes d'intervention et leur impact 

ÉVÉNEMENTS CULTURELS / INITIATIVES DE SENSIBILISATION: tables rondes, diffusion de matériel d’information, réunions de présentation et diffusion d'initiatives, performances théâtrales

Les nombres de Diverse Visioni  (du 2018- jusqu'à aujourd'hui)
• 100 spectateurs de 20 pays différents (Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Guinée, Gambie, Sierra Leone, Tunisie, Chili, Érythrée, Vietnam, Chine, Nigéria, France, Espagne, Sénégal, Géorgie,  Italie, Pérou, Maurice, Ukraine, Bangladesh)
• 1 000 bénéficiaires indirects
• 23 spectacles vus
• 22 réalités territoriales directement ou indirectement impliquées dans le projet
• 20 articles, publications, informations TV / radio dédiées
• 8 ateliers technico-artistiques
• 6 espaces impliqués dans la ville de Palerme
• 2 participations à des festivals en tant que jury extraordinaire
• 2 tables rondes
• 1 spectacle créé

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

La contribution de Blitz et Diverse Visioni au réseau est celle d'une pratique artistique inclusive, en particulier de théâtre, comme instrument de rencontre et de dialogue interculturel, qui peut être partagée, multipliée et enrichie par la rencontre et le travail en network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

C’est une opportunité de participer et de développer des relations culturelles dans un cadre international, surtout pour une réalité particulière comme celle de Palerme, une ville de métissagges culturelles au sud de l'Europe et au centre de la Méditerranée

Contact (1) Full Name
margherita ortolani
Job Title
dramaturge -actrice
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Vito Bartucca
Job Title (2)

Associazione culturale Caffè del Conte

National Network

via Pavoncelli, 97
Cerignola (FG)

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Il Caffè del Conte sin dalla sua costituzione nel 1997 come società a responsabilità limitata e dal 2007 anche come associazione culturale si avvale dell'impegno dei 7 soci fondatori e collabora con associazioni ed istituzioni locali (ARCI, Università di Foggia)e nazionali (Caffè dell'Orologio di Modena). Le attività culturali sono sostenute da sponsorizzazioni.
Mission and Objectives

Il Caffè del Conte sin dagli inizi si propone di contribuire al dialogo all'interno della societá attraverso la realizzazione di progetti e attivitá socio-culturali e artistiche.
Promuove, pertanto, lo scambio di idee e la riflessione su questioni socio-culturali contemporanee e si impegna a:
# Sviluppare attivitá e progetti per stimolare la riflessione sul dialogo interculturale.
# Introdurre e divulgare nuove iniziative e sviluppare le interazioni tra i vari settori della societá.
# Dar vita, stimolare e diffondere collaborazioni.

Main Projects / Activities

Il Caffè del Conte sin dalla sua costituzione, avvenuta nel dicembre 1997, si occupa di arte e letteratura; promuove il territorio e le sue risorse umane, artistiche e culturali; la conoscenza della storia e della cultura di Capitanata, ivi compresa l’eno-gastronomia locale.
Il 31.12.1999 ha fondato la testata “Cult.” e dal 17 gennaio 2005 è iscritto all’Albo degli Editori e Stampatori.
In questi anni si è dedicato a realizzare rassegne musicali, mostre d’arte personali e collettive, presentazioni di libri, incontri con gli autori, incontri con esperti nei vari campi del diritto, della storia, della medicina, della filosofia.
Ricordiamo, in particolare:
- la mostra d’arte “Cultura contadina ed arte contemporanea” di Pietro Spadafina, inaugurata da Vittorio Sgarbi al Museo del Grano (anno 2000);
- la mostra fotografica dedicata al Premio Nobel Ernest Hemingway con la presenza del nipote John (anno 2005);
- per gli “incontri con l’autore” la giornalista RAI Mariù Safier ed il suo libro “Mafalda di Savoia – un ostaggio nelle mani di Hitler”, insieme ad una mostra fotografica (anno 2006).
Dal 2005 il Caffè del Conte è associato alla Federazione italiana Scacchi ed, oltre ad organizzare tornei ufficiali ed amatoriali, ha collaborato con l’Associazione Scacchi Dilettanti alla stesura del progetto “L’arte degli scacchi” per promuovere la diffusione degli scacchi nelle scuole e la partecipazione degli studenti ai Giochi Giovanili studenteschi del 2007.
Appuntamento tradizionale, giunto alla settima edizione, il “Triangolare di…vino” è l’incontro annuale dedicato alla cultura del vino, svolto in collaborazione con l’Istituto Agrario Pavoncelli e con le cantine di Puglia e Basilicata presenti nelle diverse edizioni.
Il 19.02.2007 il Caffè del Conte è entrato a far parte dell’Associazione I Presidi del Libro” di Bari. L’obiettivo di diffondere il “piacere della lettura” si accompagna alla volontà di restituire un valore centrale al lettore, inteso come protagonista del processo di lettura. Dallo stesso anno è anche libreria e si è dotato di una piccola biblioteca.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maggiolini Maria Antonietta
Head of the organisation
Spadafina Pietro
Contact (2) Full Name
Catalano Filomena

Associazione Culturale Circuito

National Network

via vincenzo pirozzi, 1
80038 Pomigliano d'Arco

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Research
  9. Youth and education
General Information
L'Associazione Culturale Circuito, non ha fini di lucro. Essa si propone di creare l'organizzazione di progetti e grandi eventi per attuare e perseguire progetti che abbiano esclusivamente le attività legate alla salvaguardia e alla valorizzazione dei valori antropologici, archeologici, architettonici, storici, musicali e tradizionali. 
Mission and Objectives

L'obbiettivo in particolare, attività internazionali nei settori di: teatro, musica, cinematografia, audiovisiva e radiovisiva e la promozione e valorizzazione delle aziende nel settore sopra indicate e delle aziende agricole. corsi di formazione professionale, ricerca scientifica.

Main Projects / Activities

La Nuova Europa Festival della Musica, Airbor felix, Viaggio Nella Cultura, La Campania in network.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

la creazione di una rete internazionale di aziende che operano nel nostro settore, per la progettazione europea, con la partecipazione di vari partner. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

per la ricerca di partner nel nostro settore.

Contact (1) Full Name
francesco leone
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Francesco Leone
Contact (2) Full Name
Francesco Leone
Job Title (2)

Associazione culturale Cortecciamotoria

National Network

Via dei Pellegrini 5

0039 0814203263
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00039 3384919880
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 3392410927
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Associazione CortecciaMotoria is a cultural association, set up in 2000, which has now about 20 associated persons. It hasn't employed people, but basically counts on its associated people to run out the activities and to assure the budgetary resources. The Associazione CortecciaMotoria acts disseminating and promoting contemporary arts by organizing workshops, exhibitions and performances realized by/for its associated people. Sometimes the Association organizes activities for other organizations receiving a contribute. The Association has links with different artistic galleries.
Mission and Objectives

The Association CortecciaMotoria has the mission of promoting and disseminating arts for everybody with a special attention for social art in contexts of marginalized people.
It promotes and organizes artistic workshops.
The Association also organizes performances, exhibitions, happenings, in its space in the center of the city .

Main Projects / Activities

The Association CortecciaMotoria has organized:
-artistic workshops on ceramics, sculpture, painting, batik;
-artistic workshops for low skilled teen agers at risk;
-artistic workshops for people in the psychiatric hospital;
-social art performances in artistic galleries;

Contact (1) Full Name
Sara De Angelis
Head of the organisation
Michele Ciardiello
Contact (2) Full Name
Michele Ciardiello

Associazione culturale Eufemia APS

National Network

Via Monginevro 159
Via Vigone 7b

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Eufemia is an association for social promotion established in 2010. 10 years later it has a staff of 50 people, among which 5 employees, 15 workers/collaborators and 30 volunteers on a weekly basis. The projects are related to non formal education and experiential learning, focusing on 5 areas: food and sustainability youth work serious games digital tools theater The work is organised according to the needs from the local groups and communities (mainly youth and disadvantaged families), distributed on different projects: we run an average of 40 projects per year, big and small. Some example of projects: youth exchanges; theatre workshops in schools and public performances; food collection and redistribution; educational escape room; European voluntary service; school for women for digital literacy. The average budget available in the last 3 years is 250.000€, increasing every year. The main source of fundings are: Italian National Agency for Youth (mainly Erasmus+ programme) Bank foundations Local and regional public amministration Fundraising and donations There are several partners involved, among them: the Municipality of Turin, its social services, schools (7 on regular basis), local NGOs (dozens), informal groups, shelters for homeless people (4).
Mission and Objectives

Mission: to contribute to the lifelong growth of each individual and their community.
to create meaningful educational experiences for youth;
to contribute to the European identity;
to build realtionship among the local communities;
to develop good practices in terms of sustainability and resilience;
to promote a culture of media, social media and arts.

Main Projects / Activities

According to the 5 areas:
food and sustainability: Food PRIDE (collect, redistribute, cook together food waste): www.foodpride.eu
youth work: youth exchanges and volunteering service in Europe and surroundings (Erasmus+ and ESC programmers)
serious games: educational escape rooms on sensitive eco-cultural topics: https://www.facebook.com/Escape4Change/
digital tools: #offline a project for kids, teachers and parents about media education: http://www.eufemia.eu/2018/11/13/offline/
theater: a theater for peace, school workshops about arts and peace education: https://www.facebook.com/Unteatroperlapace

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a strong expertise in project planning and networking, that might be useful for different partners and the network itself, especially in the Piedmont region and at the national level in the field of Youth.
We would like to share some good practices born and raised in 10 years of work with the local communities.
We can support young people and youth organizations in organizing and delivering meaningful learning experiences in formal and non formal environments.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

A good network makes a bigger and more long-term sustainable impact. We believe ALF is one of those.
In the last 3 years are increasingly working with Euro-Mediterranean countries (Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Morocco, Tunisia, Portugal, Spain, France, Slovenija, Croatia to nema the main ones) and we need to gain a more in depth knowledge and stronger connection with the civil society of those countries. We joined a network of NGOs active at the Euro-Mediterranean level, but so far it didn't bring much of added value to our work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Pasquale Lanni
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Pasquale Lanni


National Network

via Luosi 29

0039 022364412
Mobile Phone
0039 3491669710
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Our cultural association includes seven members who are students from the Civica School of Cinema of Milan. last year we manage 15000 euro which 70% has been given to us from "youth in action programme" (European Union) and 30% of private funds.
Mission and Objectives

our main purpose is to investigate on intercultural dialogues and social-anthropological fields using audiovisual products as a way to report true unordinary stories that nobody could notice from other media.
Most of our projects are documentary film that have been shown on festivals as the Filmmaker Festival in Milan.
We also cooperate with "i313" association to organize "cinema street festival" that take place in Torino every september.

Main Projects / Activities

The association produced 2 documentary films. the first one concerned with social matters.
"Non finisco qui" talks about the ordinary life of two transexuals, and "Ricordi a Canate" deals with the historical small town of Canate which is famous for being a partisan stronghold during the second world war.

Contact (1) Full Name
Gaia Formenti
Head of the organisation
Gaia Formenti
Contact (2) Full Name
Federico Cecconi

Associazione culturale i313

National Network

Via mazzini 34, 10123 Torino

+39 346 5872032
Telephone (other)
+39 340 6208937
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
General Information
Cultural Association "i313” is a non profit all female organization; staff is composed by 5 members, 10 volunteers that support the organization. There are 3 main field of work: cinema and audiovisual- socio cultural- human rights. Association works in collaboration with many organisation (associations, informal groups, institutional subjects, etc.)active in Turin and Piedmont area in a socio-cultural field, as: Videocommunity association, Me-Dia-Re Association, the Gate project, Friendship Italia-Cina Association, Vatra association, San Salvario Local Development Agency, Carpatina association, ASAI association, etc... Projects of the Associacion have been financed by local institutions and foundations. Projects consists mainly in local cinema festivals and videodocumentary productions, involving people living in local communities. Budgetary resources available in a year is about of 80.000 Euro par year.
Mission and Objectives

In the past years we specialized in conception and realization of transcultural projects meant to create occasion of encounter, acquaintance and exchange among indigenous and migrating inhabitants of a same territory. We join our goals through audiovisual instruments.
In particular association has realized outdoor free film festivals in high immigration districts in the town of Turin and in Piedmont Region.
Our initiatives are inspired by community cinema philosophy: they are motion picture paths that conjugate artistic and cultural experience with social, relational and community dimension.

Main Projects / Activities

CinemaINStrada is the most significant project carried out annually by i313 Association. CinemaINStrada is a set of free outdoor projections of Italian and international films, chosen together with the largest communities (Romanian, Italian, Moroccan, Chinese, Peruvian, etc.) among the foreign residents in the areas where the films are shown.
The festival takes place in Turin in different squares of areas with high migratory density and is one of the few cultural events that actively involves all these communities which generally prove hard to engage. Films are shown in the original language, with Italian subtitles.
The festival is preceded by a 5 months of research in the field, during which members of the association walk around the chosen areas with a camcorder, asking people on the streets which film they would like to watch.
It is an interesting experience because our interviews spontaneously widen into other themes and what comes over is a choral expression of these communities’ fluid vision and understanding of the world, each community gaining an appreciation of others.
The interviews recorded in this phase are edited and shown during the festival, before the film.
These short 5-minutes videos amplify the sensation of belonging to the community and the expectations of the festival. The impact on the local community is strong also thanks to the fact that people can recognize themselves and their neighbours on the screen.
The final result is a melting pot that joins “high” to “low”, north to south and east to west; a mixture of genders, cultures and languages. A cultural proposal in which the audience can really identify itself.
Other projects: realization of videodocumentaries in a transcultural field, realization of workshops and cultural events.

Contact (1) Full Name
Cristina Rowinski
Head of the organisation
Cristina Rowinski
Contact (2) Full Name
Elena Scotti

Associazione Culturale Il Monastero

National Network

Via Germanico 66, 00192

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3291110550
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
- Structure of the organisation: * because of our role as coaches and mentors of future civil society organisations, we have one stable president, treasurer and events manager, the rest of the members come from local city or rural districts who spend some time with us (1,2 years) then slowly climb up the ladder of participation until they are ready to create their own organisation. - budgetary resources available in a year * 0 - 10.000,00€ - Sources of Funding: * EU based programmes: Youth in Action, EDIHR, Europe for Citizens, Comnenius, Leonardo, private donations. - Modalities of Action: * Youth Exchanges, Training Courses, Seminars and Conferences for the exchange of good practice in given fields, vocational training for socially excluded groups, fostering local networking and delivering local cultural and social events. - Main partners involved: * members of YEU Youth for Exchange and Understanding * members of YouthNET * fellow youth and civil society organisations from Euromed basin, South East Europe, East Europe and Caucasus and EU.
Mission and Objectives

To improve the level of participation and active citizenship among young people at a local level in Rome's districts, sub-urban and rural areas, fostering social inclusion and diversity, in particular among young people, with a European vision and dimension.
* to foster the active role of young people in participating in their local area and be protagonist of their own and their area's self improvement.
* to promote international co-operation as a tool of exchange of best practice and creation of a sense of European Citizenship among young people.
* to foster sustainable development as a mean for civil society organisations to play an active role in the imrpvoement of their lives and of those around them.
* to focus on cross-border co-operation with ENPI countries, creating networks of solidarity and mutual support with fellow organisations in the former USSR, in former Jugoslavia and in the Mediterranean Basin.
* to foster the self-sustainability of civil society organisations by obtaining visibility and fostering their economical independence through corporate social responsibility.
* to establish a training and research centre to seek out methods to improve education and social reach out and as a centre for dialogue and exchange between cultures.
* promoting through education and exchange the principles of democracy, participation and human rights among young people.

Main Projects / Activities

Local projects:
- Coaching and mentoring youth groups from sub-urban and rural areas into forming sustainable youth organisations with a European dimension.
- working on the development of active participation and citizenship in the 17th Municipality of Rome, networking with local organisations, promoting activities to foster intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and a participatory approach.
- working towards establish a centre for the promotion and spread of non formal education practices as a tool for personal and social development.
Youth exchanges, training courses, seminars aimed towards empowering civil society organisations and youth groups into improving their local impact and visibility and promoting partnerships between European organisation and fellow organisations from ENPI countries.
Members of the international youth network for co-operation with partner countries and the development of local youth and social policies. YouthNET.
Observer members of the international organisation Youth for Exchange and Understanding.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lorenzo Nava
Head of the organisation
Lorenzo Nava

Associazione Culturale le Antiche Torri

National Network

Piazza Perfetti 22

390733- 658662
Telephone (other)
39 0733 658662
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
39 0733 659273
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Religion
  10. Research
Mission and Objectives

The association organizes activities and research studies for the revaluation and promotion of the Italian Culture and language and in particular the great artistic, tradition and environmental heritage of Italy and of Marches in particular. The association organizes cultural exchanges and activities at all level to promote and increase intercultural dialogue and peace, encouraging people to cooperate and work together to create multicultural projects, favouring the equality of rights.

Main Projects / Activities

The association organizes training courses for young people, immigrants, women and people in difficulty.
Vocational courses, courses of Italian language and culture.
Cultural exchanges with European and Extra European Countries, Youth Programs and exchanges organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with European and Extra European Countries.
Proposes and organizes Courses at professional and pre- professional level with European Community Funds.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dea Pellegrini
Head of the organisation
Dea Pellegrini
Contact (2) Full Name
Pasqualina Luciani