
System and G

National Network

Nikolaou Kaklamanaki 32
Olympic Village, Athens, Acharnai

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the board: we have elections every 2 years for a president, general secretary, cashier and two board members. Currently the president is Argyris Choulias, general secretary - Diana Batraka, 1 cashier and 2 other board members. Partners: we have hosted in our 11 organized projects 42 different partner organizations from 19 different countries and as a sending organization participated in 25 projects in 15 different countries. Budget resources: as we are non profit organization, the only funds are coming from Youth in Action programs. Average per year its around 90 000 EUR. Till now we have approved and implemented 5 youth exchanges, 3 youth initiatives, 2 EVS, 1 Democracy Project. Main partners are NGOs from Spain, Latvia, Estonia, Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Malta, Croatia, Turkey, Belarus, Ukraine, Jordan, Israel, Kosovo, FYROM, Moldova, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, Slovenia, Iceland, Portugal, Hungary, Czech republic, Armenia, Azerbaijan.
Mission and Objectives

System and G all activities are mainly based on non-formal education methods. Creativity, culture, art, nature and environmental awareness, intercultural dialogue, joy, European awareness, research, democracy, active participation, tolerance, inclusion, information, informal education and voluntary - these are key words in System and G all activities. System and G belief is - the international experience, cultural interaction and exchange of experiences is one of the most important and most effective drivers for personal development, it significantly broadens the horizons of young people and opens up a wider view of their own, the state and the future.
System and G aims to activate its volunteers in the fields of active citizenship and environmental awareness by encourage youth participation in related processes, as well as equip them with information about various opportunities to participate in national and multicultural projects around Greece, Europe and the world.
To achieve its objectives, System and G is organizing and participating in various national and international events - seminars, camps, youth exchanges, in the presence of well motivated young people, thus contributing to the Greek mobility of young people to other cultures and getting to know a European consciousness.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth exchange 1.1. ”Educated Minds – Brighter Future” organized March 30 – April 7, 2011.
Youth exchange 1.1.”PHOTO TALK:One Icon – 1000 words” organized Juny 19 – Juny 29, 2011.
Youth exchange 1.1.”3D(imensions)” organized May 24 – May 31, 2011.
National Youth initiative 1.2.”Youth on the Move” organized Sepember – December, 2011.
Trans-National Youth initiative 1.2. „Green Village” organized September 2011 – February 2012.
EVS „Moving (in) Neighbourhoods” 2 months HO for 2 Turkish volunteers hosted December 1, 2011
– January 31, 2012 and EVS ”EVS brings Peace” 1 month HO for 2 Turkish Volunteers hosted February1 – March 1, 2012.
Youth Exchange 3.1. „Live YOUR City”, organized March 22 – March 29, 2012 with 12 partner organizations and 60 participants. Topic: Time Banking.
National Youth initiative 1.2.”Youth on the Move2” organized May – September, 2012.
Youth exchange 1.1.” Go Green For YOUR Planet” organized May 30 – June 6, 2012

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Definitely we are ready to be actively involved in all the activities, support the network and create a strong collaboration among other organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a Greek NGO located in Olympic Village, Athens, the place what was created for Olympic Games 2004.
Currently here lives 10000 people and community comes from different backgrounds. Already 2 years we have a youth centre here and we are focusing on youngsters with fewer opportunities trying to educate them through non formal activities and involving them in international projects.
We would like to broaden our horizons, bringing them in a wider world, to open new things as well as outside of Europe in order to understand other cultures, develop tolerance and respect.
On the other hand we would like to develop new collaboration and partnership as an organization across the Mediterranean countries since working with Youth in Action projects the countries where actions take a place are mostly Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Diana Batraka
Head of the organisation
Argyris Choulias


National Network

XANTHI, 67100

(+30) 25410 62622
Telephone (other)
(+30) 210 3390520
(+30) 25410 62622
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
(+30) 6937419599
Mobile Phone (other)
(+30) 6945 890781
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1. Not governmental organization – 8 full-time and 8 part-time employees/external collaborators 2. 250 000 € 3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Human Capital Resources, EU 4. Summer schools for culture, Greek language-culture seminars, Establishment of Networks for development and education 5. Border Region Delta – Rhodopi, Greek – American Union, International Network of Konstandinoupolis, Hellenic History On-Line, Council of Hellenes Abroad, Ergo Polititon (Social Voluntary Public Organization)
Mission and Objectives

The mission of “TAMIEION THRAKIS” is to develop trans-cultural, educational, and scientific cooperation between countries of West Europe, the Balkans, East Mediterranean, and the Middle East. The organization aims to design and support actions for establishing Trace as a link for cultural dialogue between the aforementioned countries. The main objectives are to promote and exploit the cultural and historical heritage of the local territory, to finance and support research programs in the fields of history, social anthropology, folklore characteristics, ethnology and related subjects, and to encourage transnational cultural, scientific and socio economic cooperation and friendship with neighbor countries.

Main Projects / Activities

• International summer school promoting the Greek language and culture taking place in Thrace and Aegean
• Teaching of Greek language by the means of arts and culture
• Creation of infrastructures at the International Educational Centre of Avdira, Thrace
• Establishing new potentially educational and cultural centers in Greece and abroad
• Education in the Balkans with the use of new technologies
• Greek culture networks in the Balkans and the Middle East
• Intercultural dissemination for minorities
• Support of young scientists, artists, and social groups with special needs

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

The Beehive Community

National Network

Zoodochou Pigis 31
10681 Athens

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

The Beehive Community is a social cooperative enterprise of 6 people and many more community members, based on Social Solidarity Economy values. We focus in education and we foster Culture of Care through workshops, seminars, retreats, European programs, conferences and festivals. We are supporting the well being and the empowerment of individuals, groups and communities actively with special focus on actors of change. Through enhancing their resilience we increase our positive impact. We collaborate with organisations and networks like DOCK, RIPESS, Nexes Interculturals, Kaléido'scop and Ninfea. We are members of the Association of Social and Solidarity Economy of Attica.

Mission and Objectives

Our goal is through personal and collective development, to enhance social change. Our vision for social change is directly related to the liberation of people from personal and social constraints, so that they can act to their full potential, freely, creatively and with a high level of awareness.
We create the conditions for all members of our community to be empowered and to contribute positively to the effort to move to a society based on respect, mutual support, equal opportunities & rights for all.

Main Projects / Activities

European Erasmus Plus projects
Workshops and seminars on:
Effective Communication, Active Listening, Effective Speaking
Empowering Activism
All about Social Solidarity Economy
Improvisation Theater
Authentic Connection
Dance for deaf and hearing people
Montessori education
Positive Psychology

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By offering ideas and services and participate in the organisation and dissemination of events.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To connect and collaborate with other European networks and organisations, exchange ideas and practices and increase our positive impact.

Contact (1) Full Name
Christina Papadopoulou
Job Title
Legal Representative
Head of the organisation
Christina Papadopoulou

The House of Europe in Rhodes

National Network

P.O. BOX RHODES 226, 85100

0030.22410.95 918
Telephone (other)
0030.22410.68 080
0030.22410.68 086
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0030 6946 667736
Mobile Phone (other)
0030 6946 686885
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Others
  9. Religion
  10. Youth and education
General Information
1. Non governmental non profitable. No staff employed, only volunteers 2. around 15.000 € per year 3. member fees and registration fees (200 members)- income from cultural and entertainment events- governmental grants-donations 4. information of our members and the public of Rhodes on mainly European issues by organizing conferences, lectures, conventions, cultural events (music recitals, excursions and visits with archaeological and historical interest), prizes and scholarships (expenses for young professional and students for further formation and participation in youth programs and conferences). 5. Municipality, Prefecture, Local Archaeological Services and Institutes, University of the Aegean, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Institute of International and European Relations (ELIAMEP), Greek Centre of European Studies (EKEM), Association Interregionale de Guidance et de Sante Belge (A.I.G.S.), Special Schools for Handicapped Children.
Mission and Objectives

1. Contribution to the expansion of the European Idea and information of our co-citizens on European political, economical and social issues within the E.U. in order to promote not only the Government aspect but also the citizens’ opinion.
2. Promotion and encouragement of the acquaintance of the European Populations by the means of communication and cultural expressions in order to promote and to consolidate their understanding and mutual respect.
3. Strengthening of the interest of our co-citizens for our own cultural heritage.

Main Projects / Activities

Activities programmed for the year 2007:
1. Conference on the occasion of the 50 Years since the Rome Treaty in March
2. Partnership in the E.U. project “Waves of Democracy”= Youth Conference, by the end of September
3. Conference: “Migration and xenophobia” in November.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Charitou
Head of the organisation
Anna Charitou
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria-Eleni Sokianou

The Network of Youth Engagement - Katerini

National Network

Kountouriotou 12B
60100 Katerini

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Youth association consisted of 90 young volunteers age 18-30 Located in Katerini, Pieria, Greece Being operated by five board members and specific organizing committees Sources of funding: member fees, donations and public grants The projects are structured based on the following five thematic pillars Active citizenship Sustainable development Culture & Sports Education Phenomena of social pathogenesis  Based on those pillars we have designed and implemented the following projects:  City’s council simulation for the youth Public Consultation for the Greek National Youth Strategy 2017-2027 Youth City Council in Thessaloniki Participatory budgeting for the youth in Thessaloniki Public youth consultation for the city branding of Katerini Environmental actions including cleaning beaches and forests European Youth Mobility Projects  Partners:  Municipality of Katerini  Europe Goes Local  The informal network of youth local initiatives in Greece
Mission and Objectives

The main aim of our association is to create a safe environment for the youth of our community to interact and participate in the social and political reality of our city. In the direction of achieving this purpose, we design our projects based on the following guidelines: 
Objective n.1 : The research and development of proposals from Katerini’s young citizens regarding their needs and their ideas towards a more youth-friendly and sustainable city. Through this mechanism, we aim to create and publicize a youth agenda. 
Objective n.2: The active participation of the youth in the political scene of the city through projects and tools, which familiarize them with the concept of democracy and the decision-making process. This process is enhancing the opportunity of the youth to express their opinion and have an active role in reforming the society. 
Objective n.3: The promotion of a multicultural approach am the amplification of intercultural dialogue through European mobility projects, and international conferences and the exchange of good practises in an international level. 
Objective n.4: The creation of a safe environment which endeavours the design and implementation of ideas which are conceived by our members. At the same time through the process, we aim at developing the skills, competencies and theoretical background of our members in an approachable way.
Objective n.5: The promotion of the idea of a youth-friend, innovative, open-minded society.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Consultation on City Branding
The Youth Consultation on City Branding is an action to identify strategic development proposals for the city branding and it took place in Katerini on March 23, 2019.
The young people expressed their ideas and suggestions during the discussion in which there was the presence of members of a Scientific Committee who submitted their own thoughts on the following topics:
1. Marketing and Branding as a Tool for the Development of the Cities of Pieria (architecture, urban design, communication design, logo design)
2. Participatory Design in shaping the brand/image of a City
3. Wine - Gastronomic routes
4. Religious tourism in Pieria
5. Monuments, Branding and Cultural Heritage Sites as  Means of Promoting Local Identity
6. City Branding through Festivals: Cultural Heritage, Creativity and Cultural Entities as elements of the brand of the cities
7. The role of media in shaping an image for a destination
8. Digital Cultural Design - Smart Cities
9. The prospects of highlighting Katerini's refugee status
10. Social innovation, solidarity policies and volunteering as a means of promoting a city
11. Sport as a mean of promoting an area
Youth Public Consultation in the framework of the National Youth Strategy 17-27
Starting in March 2018, in cooperation with the General Secretariat for Youth, we conducted a Youth Public Consultation in the framework of the National Youth Strategy 17-27 in Katerini. The participants expressed their views and commented on the priorities of the plan for that time frame of the National Youth Strategy, which was then voted on and ratified by the Greek Parliament.
The Municipal Youth Council of Thessaloniki
The Municipal Youth Council of Thessaloniki gives the chance to 15-30-year-old residents of the Municipality of Thessaloniki to take initiatives and become active through a standardized process designed by the Network of Youth Engagement - Katerini in collaboration with the Community Enterprise of Thessaloniki Municipality. Participants are able to propose and discuss issues affecting the entire youth population of Thessaloniki. Following the discussion, the topics are submitted to the Community Enterprise of Thessaloniki Municipality and presented to the Municipal Council in a consultative manner so as to effectively organize youth-relative events and activities.
SYN-THESIS | Municipal Council Simulation 
SYN-THESIS | Municipal Council Simulation of Katerini is a conference aiming at bringing youth in touch with the institutional procedures of the Municipal Council. It has been taking place for three consecutive years in Katerini, aiming at young people, high school students and public or resident students of Katerini up to 23 years old. By familiarizing them with the ways that the municipality operates, participants get to know the decision-making process, while acquiring administrative roles giving them the opportunity to discuss and decide on a virtual level on various issues related to local governance.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We aim to contribute to the network through the following means: 
Cooperation with members of the Anna Lindh foundation in a direction of exchanging good practises and implementation of projects. 
Design and implementation relevant to the values of the foundation projects in local & national level based on the needs of each specific target group.
The familiarization of the youth of provincial urban areas with the vision of the foundation. 
The provision of our creative capital and human resources in the implementation of various projects of the foundation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our association aims at long-lasting partnerships with reliable members of social and civic society which work towards a more sustainable and fair tomorrow. The vision of the foundation, as well as the quality of the implemented projects, demonstrate an actual impact. Besides that, it is really important the exchange of good practices in multidimensional level. Last but not least, we aim at presenting a new perspective to the youth of our community and our participation in the foundation is enhancing and broadening the horizon of Katerini’s young citizens. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Georgios Papageorgiou
Job Title
President of the Board
Head of the organisation
Georgios Papageorgiou
Contact (2) Full Name
Sofia Melissourgou
Job Title (2)
Vice President of International Relationships

The Network of Youth Engagement - Katerini

National Network

Kountouriotou 12B
60133 Katerini

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Youth association consisted of 90 young volunteers age 18-30 Located in Katerini, Pieria, Greece Being operated by five board members and specific organizing committees Sources of funding: member fees, donations and public grants The projects are structured based on the following five thematic pillars: Active citizenship Sustainable development Culture & Sports Education Phenomena of social pathogenesis  Based on those pillars we have designed and implemented the following projects:  City’s council simulation for the youth Public Consultation for the Greek National Youth Strategy 2017-2027 Youth City Council in Thessaloniki Participatory budgeting for the youth in Thessaloniki Public youth consultation for the city branding of Katerini Environmental actions including cleaning beaches and forests European Youth Mobility Projects  Partners:  Municipality of Katerini  Europe Goes Local  The informal network of youth local initiatives in Greece
Mission and Objectives

The main aim of our association is to create a safe environment for the youth of our community to interact and participate in the social and political reality of our city. In the direction of achieving this purpose, we design our projects based on the following guidelines: 
Objective n.1 : The research and development of proposals from Katerini’s young citizens regarding their needs and their ideas towards a more youth-friendly and sustainable city. Through this mechanism, we aim to create and publicize a youth agenda. 
Objective n.2: The active participation of the youth in the political scene of the city through projects and tools, which familiarize them with the concept of democracy and the decision-making process. This process is enhancing the opportunity of the youth to express their opinion and have an active role in reforming the society. 
Objective n.3: The promotion of a multicultural approach am the amplification of intercultural dialogue through European mobility projects, and international conferences and the exchange of good practises in an international level. 
Objective n.4: The creation of a safe environment which endeavours the design and implementation of ideas which are conceived by our members. At the same time through the process, we aim at developing the skills, competencies and theoretical background of our members in an approachable way.
Objective n.5: The promotion of the idea of a youth-friend, innovative, open-minded society

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Consultation on City Branding
The Youth Consultation on City Branding is an action to identify strategic development proposals for the city branding and it took place in Katerini on March 23, 2019.

The young people expressed their ideas and suggestions during the discussion in which there was the presence of members of a Scientific Committee who submitted their own thoughts on the following topics:
1. Marketing and Branding as a Tool for the Development of the Cities of Pieria (architecture, urban design, communication design, logo design)
2. Participatory Design in shaping the brand/image of a City
3. Wine - Gastronomic routes
4. Religious tourism in Pieria
5. Monuments, Branding and Cultural Heritage Sites as  Means of Promoting Local Identity
6. City Branding through Festivals: Cultural Heritage, Creativity and Cultural Entities as elements of the brand of the cities
7. The role of media in shaping an image for a destination
8. Digital Cultural Design - Smart Cities
9. The prospects of highlighting Katerini's refugee status
10. Social innovation, solidarity policies and volunteering as a means of promoting a city
11. Sport as a mean of promoting an area
Youth Public Consultation in the framework of the National Youth Strategy 17-27
Starting in March 2018, in cooperation with the General Secretariat for Youth, we conducted a Youth Public Consultation in the framework of the National Youth Strategy 17-27 in Katerini. The participants expressed their views and commented on the priorities of the plan for that time frame of the National Youth Strategy, which was then voted on and ratified by the Greek Parliament.
The Municipal Youth Council of Thessaloniki
The Municipal Youth Council of Thessaloniki gives the chance to 15-30-year-old residents of the Municipality of Thessaloniki to take initiatives and become active through a standardized process designed by the Network of Youth Engagement - Katerini in collaboration with the Community Enterprise of Thessaloniki Municipality. Participants are able to propose and discuss issues affecting the entire youth population of Thessaloniki. Following the discussion, the topics are submitted to the Community Enterprise of Thessaloniki Municipality and presented to the Municipal Council in a consultative manner so as to effectively organize youth-relative events and activities.
SYN-THESIS | Municipal Council Simulation 
SYN-THESIS | Municipal Council Simulation of Katerini is a conference aiming at bringing youth in touch with the institutional procedures of the Municipal Council. It has been taking place for three consecutive years in Katerini, aiming at young people, high school students and public or resident students of Katerini up to 23 years old. By familiarizing them with the ways that the municipality operates, participants get to know the decision-making process, while acquiring administrative roles giving them the opportunity to discuss and decide on a virtual level on various issues related to local governance.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Cooperation with members of the Anna Lindh foundation in a direction of exchanging good practises and implementation of projects. 
Design and implementation relevant to the values of the foundation projects in local & national level based on the needs of each specific target group.
The familiarization of the youth of provincial urban areas with the vision of the foundation.
The provision of our creative capital and human resources in the implementation of various projects of the foundation. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Our association aims at long-lasting partnerships with reliable members of social and civic society which work towards a more sustainable and fair tomorrow. The vision of the foundation, as well as the quality of the implemented projects, demonstrate an actual impact. Besides that, it is really important the exchange of good practices in multidimensional level. Last but not least, we aim at presenting a new perspective to the youth of our community and our participation in the foundation is enhancing and broadening the horizon of Katerini’s young citizens.

Contact (1) Full Name
Georgios Papageorgiou
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Georgios Papageorgiou
Contact (2) Full Name
Sofia Melissourgou
Job Title (2)
Vice President of International Relationships

The Secondary Technical and Vocational Education Office of DRAMA

National Network

Diikitirio Dramas

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
1. The office of Secondary Technical and Vocational Education in Drama Greece is the Administration of seven technical-vocational schools having 140 teachers and 950 students. 2. The office doesn’t manage any money at all. 3. It is mainly funded by the Ministry of Education and Religions. 4. We have involvements in the past in the projects Leonardo and Comenius, twinnings with German, Finnish and Lithuanian schools and finally scholarships by the Scholarship Institution of the Greek Government. Psychology of young people is the seminar which took place last year. 5. Main partners are the staff of the office, the teachers of our schools and the Institutions of our Region of Technological Educational.
Mission and Objectives

• The first aim of the office of the Technical and Vocational Education is to contribute to the development of the spirit, cooperation, as well as the motivation of the communication.
• Improvement of teaching without technologically illiterated teachers.
• Marriage of technology with the training teaching and cultivation of grouping.
• Co-ordination of operation of school units
• Follow-up of matter of courses
• Action of training of teachers with meetings and seminars • Visits of museums and archaeological places.

Main Projects / Activities

• Organized Seminars entitled «Psychology of young people» with participation of the teachers of the seven schools we supervise
• Meetings of briefing and training of teachers on specialized issues and training process.
• participation in European program Leonardo entitled «appropriate use of new technologies promotes communicative competence in the classroom».
• participation in European program Comenious in a twinning-student exchange with German, Finnish and Lithuanian schools
• visits.

Contact (1) Full Name
Masadis Christos
Head of the organisation
Tellidis Christos
Contact (2) Full Name
Tellidis Christos

the spiral, holistic education, human values, life long learning

National Network

48, Kyprou str.
15235 Vrilissia, Attica

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

The s p i r a l's two founding members and volunteers constitute the core of the organisation. Experts and members of staff collaborate with the organisation project-wise through the year. the s p i r a l's resources come mainly from projects' grants, individual donations, european partnerships in EU programmes, ad hoc collaborations, founding members' donations Modalities of action: educational and arts projects, art interventions in the community, solidarity festivals, youth exchanges, workshops for children and adults, screenings and public discussions, ubuntu expeditions the  s p i r a l collaborates with: NGOs in Greece and abroad, municipalities, local authorities, schools, Sustainability Centres, Environmental Education and Lifelong Learning educators’ societies, social bodies, the Association of Living Values Education International (ALIVE), european organisations for human rights/peace education/sustainable living/solidarity, foundations, associations, volunteers, autonomous adults’/youth’s groups, collective bodies for solidarity economy, eco-communities/eco-villages, international organisations which focus on global social transformation though personal development

Mission and Objectives

the  s p i r a l invites you to continuous evolution …It been born after the long and fruitful cooperation of its founding members on the topics of experiential learning to/for every age & general public’s activation via the creativity factor. Creative expression, holistic learning and solidarity enterprises ignite and summarise the main goals of the s p i r a l’s initiatives.the  s p i r a l  draws methodology and inspiration from: holistic education, experiential learning, Living Values in Education, Peace & Global Education, self-knowledge/empowerment studies and applications, Arts, solidarity and community living toolsthe  s p i r a l addresses: individuals and groups of every age, walk of life, religion, social statusthe  s p i r a l invites you all to: substantial work with the Self, creativity’s stimulation, collaborations’ cultivation, unity spirit, strengthening the volunteerism cells within us, projects and initiatives with substantial/beneficial social imprint for both the collective and individual good

Main Projects / Activities

promotion of holistic learning for every age educating schools’ teachers and group facilitators (holistic approaches, self-development)   human values in education   environment & sustainable consciousness   the partnership «art & environment»  contemporary visual arts initiatives (exhibitions, public interventions, land art, artists' books)   Peace Education, Human Rights Education   Global Education   lifelong learning workshops   creativity’s stimulation seminars   festivals, social acts, initiatives & collaborations upon current social issues (de-growth, solidarity, food sovereignty, unemployment, racism, bullying, discrimination, social violence)   community art & public art   reconciliation, non-violent communication handbooks' for facilitators, educators and social workers   solidarity movement, alternative models of economy   sustainable, self-sufficient communities   natural building, natural farming projects and seminars   «Peace Food Diet» global movement: nutrition as political stand and social responsibility

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Disseminate tools and methodologies Invite larger audiences Invigorate our national network of organisations towards deeper positive social changes Promote the UBUNTU experience and living through collaborations in our country  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Contribute to social transformations towards global peace and solidarity Support individual/personal development as the core for the collective shift Teach and learn innovative approaches and methodologies Meet people and share directly and honestly Support, support, support...the global family of people

Contact (1) Full Name
maria a.angeli
Head of the organisation
alexandros pfaff & maria a.angeli


National Network


+30 210 5246833
Telephone (other)
+30 210 5248251
+30 210 5246833
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
1)The Artistic Director, 2 partners, 2 administration staff and approximately 50 teachers (variable number). 2)Tuition fees. 3)None. 4)Acting, Voice, Movement seminars, Master class seminars for professionals. Festival of Acting Groups and International Festival of Making Theatre. Mini scholarship. 5None.
Mission and Objectives

The Theater of Changes gives the opportunity to actors and actresses that have studied in other drama schools, in the past, to continue with their training and keep themselves updated with new methods and techniques concerning their profession. Amongst its primary goals is the cooperation with other corresponding theater organizations abroad, contacts that bring the institution closer to new cultures and techniques.

Main Projects / Activities

The Theater of Changes provides a practical and multidimensional education concerning the performing arts.
Festival of Acting Groups: students make up a group, select a piece to work on, rehearse it and finally present the outcome of this work at the Acting Groups’ Festival which takes place at the Theatre of Changes every September.
International Festival of Making Theatre (In.F.o.Ma.T.): every July during a whole week of creative interaction, Theatre Makers from all over the world have the opportunity to share and get acquainted with new working methods and ideas, regarding the following three sectors: Acting, Movement and Voice.
Scholarships: students who have shown character, consistency and discipline are awarded with scholarships and participation in International festivals, as well as free attendance at seminars given by some of the most important theatre professionals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name