
Service Civil International Hellas

National Network

Kiafas 9, 10678, Athens Greece

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The organisation is an association under Greek Law. there are 3 people employed, 1 full time and 2 part time. the annual budget is around 100.000 euros. Main sources of funding is the EU Youth Programme. SCI Hellas organises summer international workcamps, long term volunteer exchange programmes (EVS) and youth exchanges. Main partners are other NGOs, associations and municipalities (i.e. the Greek Red Cross, youth organisations, environmental NGOs, etc.)
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to promote peace and intercultural understanding through volunteering and international voluntary projects.

Main Projects / Activities

voluntary workcamps, long term voluntary projects, youth exchanges, informal education trainings/seminars, raise awareness campaigns on volunteering

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Yota Arvaniti
Head of the organisation
Dr. Antonios Sifakis

SocEntrep4NGOs Webinar "Elevate & Innovate: Unleashing the Power of Social Entrepreneurship"


Academy of Entrepreneurship is inviting you to the free webinar “Elevate & Innovate: Unleashing the Power of Social Entrepreneurship” which will take place online on Tuesday 21st of November!


The webinar is implemented in the context of the EU project “Social Entrepreneurship eLearning Programme for NGOs – SocEntrep4NGOs” which aims to improve the capacity of existing NGOs working within the third sector, current and future social entrepreneurs by providing them with a formal qualification directly related to Social Entrepreneurship.

The topics to be discussed will be the following:


  • “The experience of a social cooperative: why, how, with which local and international partners” by Attilio Orecchio, Co-founder and member of the Board at Glocal Factory
  • “Increasing resilience of social entrepreneurs” by Elena Romanini, Senior Project Manager at T-HAP
  • “Capacity Building in Social Entrepreneurship” by Stephen D'Alessandro, Executive Director of Advenio eAcademy and coordinator of the 'SocEntrep4NGOs' Erasmus+ project

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtceCuqTouHt2tNIaI46-oL04fvWm6I6Ki?fbclid=IwAR1qx0VLtWCXqmx01v3tFFPzXeqsM8quhvAD_QvIVWT7SJoKIYeuAuKt31s#/registration



Social & Cultural Organisation of Stavroupolis “IRIS”

National Network

Langada 221
Stavroupolis – Thessaloniki

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Under the supervision of “IRIS” is are the following schools: Professional & amateur school of dance, a music conservatory, a laboratory of youth theatre education, an art workshop and an audiovisual laboratory. In the social sector we have 3 kindergartens. The students are paying school fees, but we are also receiving a contribution from the Municipality and from the Ministry of Culture. We are participating in exchange programs like last year in Perugia – Italy, a campus from Amnesty International and this year in Budapest – Hungary. “IRIS” is a member of the bjcem organisation.
Mission and Objectives

We aim to give education to young people, involve them in cultural activities, aware them about our environment and give them the opportunity to explore the world thru culture education, seminars and exchange programs.

Main Projects / Activities

Professional & amateur school of dance,
Music conservatory,
Laboratory of youth theatre education,
Art workshop,
Audiovisual laboratory.
3 kindergartens
help at home (a program for disabled and elder people)

Contact (1) Full Name
Tina Sousourada
Head of the organisation
Ioannis Moshoulas
Contact (2) Full Name
Ioannis Moshoulas

Social Cooperative Activities for Vulnerable Groups EDRA

National Network

5 Eschilou str,
12134 Peristeri

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Youth and education
General Information

The social cooperative Social Cooperative Activities for Vulnerable Groups EDRA is a non-profit organization established since 2001 in Greece. Tha staff is up to 180 people (including employees, full or part time, freelance partners, volunteers). Our partners are national authorities (ministries, local authorities-municipalities, non-profit organizations, ecc).  resources available in a year: Sources of funding: national projects, european projects, private companies, sponsors, donators, ecc We run units for mental health rehabilitation, psychoeducational centers, network of services against poverty, we organize annual,international Art Festival, sport events, trainings, seminars, conferances, ecc Partners : Authorities (national, local), partner organizations,

Mission and Objectives

Social Cooperative Activities for Vulnerable Groups – EDRA is a Non Governmental / Non for Profit Organization established in Peristeri, in the western part of Attica / Athens, since 2001. The organization is operating in the field of Mental Health and provides services, in the community, to people with mental health problems.  EDRA has developed a variety of community programmes and structures aiming at supporting the quality of life and the rehabilitation / integration process of disadvantaged individuals being at risk of social exclusion as well as programmes for the prevention and the sensitization of the community around mental health problems and the promotion of mental health in general. Mission Our mission is the development of selected actions offered to our community (in terms of rehabilitation) with a double mandate: that of health and wellness as well as prevention and education regarding mental health.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Activities of EDRA: a) two rehabilitation houses (for 25 residents/mental health service users) b) 13 psycho-educational centres in different areas in Attica/Greece c) one Supported Living Home for young people with mental retardation, which hosts four (4) people facing moderate to heavy mental retardation and /or autism or syndrome Down. d)  two Supported apartments for independent living for 4 people with minor support of mental health professionals e) a network of services against poverty (time bank, soup kitchen, intermediation office, social market, social pharmacy) f) EU projects (Youth In Action / Erasmus Plus Projects, ecc)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EDRA is offering a vast range of activities/services to different groups of people that are risk of social exclusion (like mental health users, disabled, poor).  Networking has been one of our priorities since the beginning, as most of our activities are resulting from long-lasting trustful relationships with other organizations and bodies. In this Network we hope to be able to develop activities of common interest between peer organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

For the above mentioned reasons.

Contact (1) Full Name
Oikonomou Dimitris
Job Title
Project Manager
Head of the organisation
Maria Kerasoglou

Society for the Development and Creative Occupation of Children (EADAP)

National Network

13 Diogenous Laertiou Str.


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
EADAP is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation certified by the Ministry of Health (Register No. 0994) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NGO Special Register No. 384, Hellenic Aid). It was founded by a group of academic specialists. It currently (2013) employs two staff members and cooperates with a great number of external collaborators including certified trainers, educators, teachers in primary and secondary education, academics, researchers, school counsellors, social workers, psychologists, students from pedagogical departments, elected officials and administrative staff from educational institutions, parents, etc. For most of its history, EADAP has mainly been funded by Bernard van Leer Foundation. Other funding sources include the European Commission through projects, educational institutions' and individuals' donations, etc. Since its establishment, EADAP has been participating in European and international networks, engaging in academic research, implementing training programmes, specialising in continuous in-service training, organising innovative educational activities for young children, encouraging cooperation between parents, teachers and educational bodies, getting involved in programmes promoting respect for diversity, producing printed and audiovisual educational material, organising workshops, conferences, festivals and study trips and developing educational networks. The scope of EADAP's activities, requires close collaboration with the aforementioned individuals, preschool, primary, secondary and higher educational institutions, parents' associations, NGO's, Local Governmental Authorities, public and private organisations, associations, etc.
Mission and Objectives

EADAP's primary objective is the study, promotion and dissemination of educational innovations to develop the potential of all children from preschool age to their first years at school.
Our vision is to substantially and effectively contribute to the development and creative occupation of children, thus promoting their rights and contributing to the recognition and respect of their diversity, while also developing educational innovations and conducting academic research on those matters.
EADAP aims to design and implement training programmes, promote continuous in-service training, develop collaboration among parents, educators and educational bodies and involve them in reforming the educational institutions, advance and connect action research, training and innovations in preschool and school institutions, research and train in the field of intercultural education and create educational networks.

Main Projects / Activities

During EADAP's first years of operation (1992-1994), its academic members have researched the field of preschool education, collected scientific data and developed an in-service training methodology, which they called Synergy. Over the next three years (1995-1998), EADAP used this methodology to implement and evaluate pilot in-service training programmes at 12 day care centres.
Since 1966 EADAP has been involved in numerous European projects with partners from al around Europe.
Since 1999, we have been expanding and disseminating the Synergy methodology through implementing programmes at many day care centres in municipalities both in Attica Prefecture (Greece) and elsewhere. Furthermore, we have been involving executives from relevant bodies in the programmes, engaging certified educators-mediators to staff the programmes, publishing material (articles, booklets, etc.), presenting papers at conferences and workshops, conducting research in Greece and participating in research programmes abroad.
Moreover, since 1999 EADAP has been running educational programmes focusing on specific targets -as has been done with the Aesop intercultural education programme-,
specific themes -such as health education, environmental education, evaluation, etc.-, the educational needs not only of Athens but also of the rest of Greece, by providing distance learning courses and the needs of education executives (school counsellors, education officers, headmistresses and day care centres' managers).
Lastly, since 2005, EADAP has worked on seminars covering various topics and of varying durations, based on the Synergy methodology. Those seminars reflect the needs and interests of educators, parents, students, education executives and social partners of the day care centres.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

EADAP would like to be an active member of the Greek Network. Our aim is to participate in joint actions and projects and help towards promoting and achieving common objectives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF Network will first and foremost give EADAP the opportunity to contact civil society actors sharing common interests, established in countries from both parts of the Mediterranean basin. Such a membership will promote and facilitate dialogue and exchange of opinions and practices. Finally, cooperation with peers will lead to furthering EADAP's goals and interests, as well as to enriching our areas of expertise.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Arvanitopoulou
Head of the organisation
Dr Anastasia Papaprokopiou

Solidarity Tracks

National Network

????V?LL? 12- 31100 Lefkas Greece

+30 2645022763
Telephone (other)
+30 210 441 50 75
+30 210 441 50 76
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+30 69 70 881 303
Mobile Phone (other)
+30 69 816 22 910
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Greek Solidarity Tracks is a civil non profit, non governmental organization, based in the island of Lefkas, founded on June 2007, and it consists a branch of the French association “ Pistes Solidaires” based in Frejus, France. The organization doesn’t have any salaried staff and all our members work as volunteers (20 members). Our budgetary resources come mainly from our members’ contributions and programmed manifestations. Until now the sources of funding are the European program “Youth in action” and the Municipality of Lefkas. The types of action in which we are active are the youth exchanges, the European voluntary service, seminars, educational excursions, informative meetings, campaigns of sensitization of citizens in modern social problems, programs against social exclusion. Our organization has a partnership with the Municipality of Lefkada and local cultural associations. On international level we have a network of different associations in euro med space.
Mission and Objectives

The objectives of the organization are developmental, cultural, educational, social, humanitarian, and in no case profit.
We aim to the conscious participation of citizens in a multicultural European community, at the promotion of values of justice and equality, in the sensitization in the problems of humanity, social, environmental etc and the comprehension of interdependence between the nations, the development of programs of international solidarity, intercultural exchanges and tourism, organisation of local and international volunteers’ services, the promotion of ecological products and in general the organization of activities that promotes the local cultural development, such as researches, studies, organisation of congresses, seminars, reports, festival, publication of cultural brochures etc.

Main Projects / Activities

In the year 2008 we have realized two environmental activities, tree planting in Lefkas on March and beach cleaning on April. On June 2008 we will organize a training course titled “Youth Entrepreneurship, potential for youth and community” participating youth workers from 12 euro-Mediterranean countries.
We also have participated in two euro-Mediterranean youth exchanges in Luxemburg and in Turkey, and in the seminar titled “Euro med EVS Odyssey” organized by SALTO Youth EuroMed Resources Center in Norway.
In the year 2008 we have realized two environmental activities, tree planting in Lefkas on March and beach cleaning on April. On June 2008 we will organize a training course titled “Youth Entrepreneurship, potential for youth and community” participating youth workers from 12 euro-Mediterranean countries.
Next summer, we will be partner in the artistic project in Luxembourg. We will organize a concert with musicians from 6 countries. We will organize also bouzouki training and Arab calligraphy.

Contact (1) Full Name
Konstantina VANDOROU
Head of the organisation
Konstantina VANDOROU
Contact (2) Full Name

Soma Hellinon Poskopon (Scouts of Greece)

National Network

Ptolemeon 1,Str., P.O.:116 35

+30 210 72 90 097
Telephone (other)
+30 210 72 44 437
+30 210 72 36 561
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+30 6936 117 147
Mobile Phone (other)
+30 6937 038 070
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Soma Hellinon Proskopon (Scouts of Greece) is an NGO, non profit organization that is being governed and supervised by the National Board elected every four years by the General Assembly representing Scouters from all the regions in Greece. It is being separated depending on the regions of the country (10 area scout committees and 400 scout groups). Our budgetary resources amount approximately to €1.000.000 per year which come from fundraising, membership fees, contribution at scout activities and our scout shop. We mainly modulate training programs and seminars, international scout events, programs involving voluntary services, growth, environment, society, democracy, youth, third age, racism, disabled people etc. Our main partners involved in our projects and activities are Private Companies, Public Authorities (General Secretariat of Youth, Hellenic Youth Council, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Agriculture etc), foundations and institutions.
Mission and Objectives

SHP is a founder member of the World Organisation of the Scout Movement with 25.000 members, boys and girls making Soma Hellinon Proskopon the largest and oldest youth organisation in Greece.
It aims at providing an educational proposal to the young people of Greece - boys and girls - through a system of progressive self-education, the Scout Method, based upon a value system. Children and youngsters experience Scouting in Cub Packs, Scout Troops and Venture Scout Units. Volunteer trained Leaders offer the adventures of the Youth Programme, encouraging personal initiative and active participation of all members in the decision making of their units. The Scouts of Greece have always been present in the community with an outstanding record of service in cases of emergency such as earthquakes and forest fires.
SHP strongly believes that the future citizens of the world deserve a dynamic programme based on the Fundamentals and Method of Scouting, with a wide range of opportunities offered and a strong international dimension.

Main Projects / Activities

The Youth Program, relative to the age group it addresses, reflects momentum and enhances the development of the full potential of its members. It strengthens creativity, motivation, teamwork and provides opportunities for physical, intellectual, social and spiritual development. The above aims are reflected in the following areas: Spiritual Dimension, Outdoor Life, Physical Development, Skills and Community Involvement. The Youth Program offers a great variety of activities that take place mainly outdoors, in contact with nature, whether it is on land, sea or in the air. It offers the opportunity to obtain specialized skills in areas such as mountaineering, backwoodmanship, sailing, amateur radio, etc. Our projects and activities mainly involve principals such as Culture and Environment, Quality living in urban areas, Protection of animals threatened by extinction, Networking, Co-operation with national and international environmental organizations, Campaigns against smoking, drugs, abuse, alcoholism and AIDS, Active Participation, Social and cultural events, an emergency (earthquakes, forest fires etc), community development projects, projects against racism and discriminations etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Mr. Christos STATHOPOULOS, Chairman of the National Board
Contact (2) Full Name

South East European Research Centre (SEERC)

National Network

17, Mitropoleos street

+30 2310 253477
Telephone (other)
+30 2310 253478
+30 2310 234205
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
The SEERC was founded jointly by the University of Sheffield (UK) and CITY Liberal Studies (Greece), as a way of establishing a truly international research centre addressing the broad range of economic, political, social and cultural challenges facing an enlarged and enlarging Europe. Research at SEERC addresses four broad areas of societal concern: 1. Enterprise, Innovation and Development 2. Information and Communication Technologies 3. Governance, politics and society 4. Risk and well-being Within each of these areas, SEERC has developed multiple research groups, each focusing its expertise on a specific set of issues and questions. In line with the international vision established for the Centre, each research group is composed at its base of researchers from the University of Sheffield and from CITY Liberal Studies, and is open to additional members coming from universities, research centres, and think tanks throughout Europe.
Mission and Objectives

SEERC’s mission is to:
- Conduct applied and policy-relevant research that is useful to citizens, business people, researchers, and policy makers across Europe.
- Carry out research that brings a variety of Approaches and perspectives to its subjects.
key objectives:
- To develop and support international, multidisciplinary research groups that actively address issues of importance to the SEE region and Europe as a whole.
- To promote cutting-edge methodology both within existing disciplines and in the development of inter- and multidisciplinary perspectives through workshops and seminars.
-To promote active and targeted dissemination of findings to members of the scientific community, NGO and INGO leaders, policy-makers, and the general public through conferences, workshops, advising, publishing, web-based dissemination, and, where appropriate, through media-based sources.
- To increase the number of highly trained researchers in the region through the University of Sheffield – SEERC Doctoral programme.

Main Projects / Activities

- SEERC Research Projects
- J-WEB: in Western Balkans (funded by FP6-IST).
- Multi-level Governance in South East Europe(funded by the British Economics and Social Research Council - ESRC).
- QF Embodiment(funded by the Leonardo Da Vinci programme, DG Education and Training).
- FUSION: Business Process FUSION(funded by FP6-IST).
- MIRIAD: Managing and Infusing Research Investment and Development (funded by FP6-Regions of Knowledge programme).
- Infusing Knowledge into South East European SMEs(funded by the British Foreign Commonwealth Office – FCO).
- EPOS: e-Procurement Optimised System for the Healthcare Marketplace (funded by the eTen programme, DG Information Society and Media).
- Embedding ICT/Multimedia Standardisation Initiatives into European Vocational Training Development Strategies (funded by the Leonardo Da Vinci Programme, DG Education and Training).
- Ambient Learning: Ambient, multimodal and context-sensitive lifelong learning (funded by the eTen programme, DG Information Society and Media).
- SEERC/SHEFFIELD Doctoral Programme
- Networking and Publications

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Athanasia HALATZOUKA
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Sporos Regeneration Institute

National Network

Milies Village
Plomari Lesvos
81200 Lesvos

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information

- Sporos Regeneration Institute is a non profit entity and employs 3 permanent members of staff, part time, on a voluntary basis
- Budgetary resources available in the year can fluctuate according to donations. On average: €7,000
- Sources of funding: we don't have permanent sponsors or donors. We do crowdfunding (Global Giving), apply for grants and funds based on project needs. We also have income from educational workshops.
- Forest School Sessions, Permaculture training, Permaculture apprenticeships
- One Happy Family Community Center, Home For All

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is the regeneration of the environment, of culture and of human relations. Through our plethora of educational tools we aim to teach people of all backgrounds and ages how to live more sustainable, healthier lives while caring for each other and mother nature.

Main Projects / Activities

Environmental Education
Community development
Refugee Integration

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with skills and experience related to land regeneration, environmental protection and community development. We feel we can join forces with other organisations and exchange skills.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To widen our network of collaborators

Contact (1) Full Name
Konstantinos Tsiompanos
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Konstantinos Tsiompanos
Contact (2) Full Name
Polly Flourentzou
Job Title (2)
Operations and Development Manager


National Network

11741 ATHENS

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information

The organisation consists of the founder and director, the gallery manager and 2-3 interns and placement students that assist to day-to-day operations. We are all working part-time and voluntatrily, aka without pay.  We operate with a budget of 10.000 euros per year for operational costs and 10.000 to 20.000 euros per uear for each project (production costs). We are mainly receiving grants from institutional bodies of cultural foundations, or state funding bodies of other countries, depending on our projects.  Apart from bringing ground-breaking artists to the greek audience we provide free student consultation for art students and graduates on a weekly basis.  Main partners so far: Mondriaan Fonds, Prohelvetia, Institut Francais Athenes, British Council, Outset Britain, Outset Greece, Henry Moore Foundation, Israeli Embassy Athens, Artis Foundation, MoBY Museum of Bat Yam Tel Aviv, Are institute Prague etc.

Mission and Objectives

State of Concept is the first non-profit gallery in Greece. It was founded in 2013 by art critic and curator Iliana Fokianaki and is based in Athens. State of Concept is an independent platform operating as a gallery with a yearly programme, that aims to be a bridge between Athens and the international contemporary art scene. With its main aim being to introduce international artists that are not widely known and easily accessible to Greek audiences as well as to showcase one Greek artist through a solo exhibition, it hosts four exhibitions per year: one solo exhibition of a Greek artist, two solo exhibitions of international artists and one group exhibition curated by an international invited curator. Parallel to its exhibition programme, State of Concept organises a variety of events and projects including talks, screenings and workshops for children. Apart from its exhibitions and events, State of Concept is operating as a space for free artist consultation, where young students and graduates of Greek art schools can receive feedback, guidance and help in order to further their work, enhance their portfolio and CV, and decide their next artistic steps.

Main Projects / Activities

State of Concept since its inauguration in 2013 has organised exhibitions for free for the general public presenting artists with a highly acclaimed international career. Basim Magdy (2014) Deutche Bank artist of the year for 2016, with exhibitions in MOMA NY amongst others. Keren Cytter, with solo shows in the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art, Guggenheim New York, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Venice Biennial a.o. Laure Prouvost, winner of TATE's Turner Prize 2013,and Max Mara prize for women 2012, with solo shows in New Museum New York, Whitechapel Gallery London, amongst others.  Apart from our exhibitions that bring groundbreaking international artists to the greek audiences, we organise free educational seminars and tutorials for artists and art students, assisting so far more than 200 people since 2014. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our ground knowledge of contemporary art, together with our interest in interdisciplinary projects that involve education, collectivity, and social issues, will be a wonderful addition to the institutions that comprise the Greek component of the Anna Lindh foundation.   

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe it will be extremely beneficial for us to join the foundation since we will be able to broaden our dialogue with institutions throughout Europe, as well as strengthen links on our local scene. Furthermore, ALF will enable us to open up our horizons, give ideas on how to widen our activities and create opportunities for new projects and collaborations.

Contact (1) Full Name
iliana fokianaki
Job Title
Founder and Director
Head of the organisation